changeset 0 1f04cf54edd8
child 5 d06b1526f62c
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:1f04cf54edd8
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  CCSXHRuntimeIndexing class definition
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <pathinfo.h>
    20 #include <utf.h>
    21 #include <bautils.h>
    22 #include <eikenv.h>
    23 #include <aknnotedialog.h> // for CAknNoteDialog
    24 #include <aknnotewrappers.h>
    25 #include <SenXmlUtils.h>
    26 #include <SenXmlConstants.h>
    28 #include "CSXHRuntimeIndexing.h"
    29 #include "CSXHHtmlTOC1.h"
    30 #include "csxhconstants.h"
    32 // buffer length of Drive information in index file
    33 //
    34 const TInt KMaxDriveInfo = 100;
    36 CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::CCSXHRuntimeIndexing()
    37     {
    38     iCoeEnv = CCoeEnv::Static();
    39     }
    41 CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::~CCSXHRuntimeIndexing()
    42     {
    43     delete iFullDirName;
    44     iFile.Close();
    45     }
    47 CCSXHRuntimeIndexing* CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::NewL()
    48     {
    49     CCSXHRuntimeIndexing* self = new ( ELeave ) CCSXHRuntimeIndexing();
    50     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    51     self->ConstructL();
    52     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    53     return self;
    54     }
    56 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::ConstructL()
    57     {
    58     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
    59     iFullDirName = HBufC::NewL( KMaxFileName );
    61     TFileName fullDirName;
    63     GetPrivatePath( fullDirName );
    64     if ( !BaflUtils::PathExists( fileSession, fullDirName ) )
    65         {
    66         fileSession.CreatePrivatePath( EDriveC );
    67         }
    69     TInt len = fullDirName.Length();
    70     TDriveList dirList; 
    71     if( fileSession.DriveList( dirList ) == KErrNone )
    72         {
    73         TDriveInfo info;
    74         TInt driveListLen = dirList.Length();
    76         for ( TInt i = 0; i < driveListLen; i++ )
    77             {
    78             // make separate folder for C/D/E/... drive
    79             // e.g. C:\\private\\10005234\\C\\
    81             TInt err = fileSession.Drive( info, i );
    82             if ( err == KErrNone &&
    83                     info.iType != EMediaNotPresent )
    84                 {
    85                 TChar driveChar;
    86                 RFs::DriveToChar( i, driveChar );
    87                 fullDirName.Append( driveChar );
    88                 fullDirName.Append( KFwdSlash );
    89                 fileSession.MkDir( fullDirName );
    90                 fullDirName.Delete( len, 3 );
    91                 }
    92             }
    94         }
    95     }
    97 TBool CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::IndexFileExists()
    98     {
    99     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   100     TBuf<KMaxFileName> fileName;
   101     GetPrivatePath( fileName );
   102     fileName.Append( _L("Z\\") );
   103     AppendLocale( fileName );
   104     fileName.Append( KMasterMetaFile );
   106     // Now the dirName is C:\\private\\<app-uid>\\Z\\index.xml
   107     // check if it exists, if yes, runtime indexing must be launched before
   108     // since Z based Help content must be delivered with cell phone
   109     //
   110     return BaflUtils::FileExists( fileSession, fileName );
   112     }
   114 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::BeginIndexFile( const TChar& aDrive )
   115     {
   116     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   117     TPtr des = iFullDirName->Des();
   118     iDriveLetter = aDrive;
   119     des.Zero();
   120     GetPrivatePath( des );
   121     des.Append( aDrive );
   122     des.Append( KFwdSlash );
   123     AppendLocale( des );
   124     if ( !BaflUtils::PathExists( fileSession, des ) )
   125         {
   126         // generate C:\\private\\<help-uid>\\<aDrive>\\ folder
   127         //
   128         fileSession.MkDir( des );
   129         }
   131     // for temporary usage, once it's finished successfully,
   132     // rename to index.xml. otherwise, the old index file still exists.
   133     //
   134     des.Append( KMasterMetaTmpFile );
   135     iFile.Replace( fileSession, des, EFileWrite );
   137     HBufC8* driveInfo = HBufC8::NewLC( KMaxDriveInfo );
   138     TPtr8 ptr = driveInfo->Des();
   139     ptr.Append( KIndexXMLVesion );
   140     ptr.Append( _L( "<collections drive=\"" ) );
   141     ptr.Append( aDrive);
   142     ptr.Append( _L( "\">\r\n" ) );
   143     iFile.Write( *driveInfo );
   144     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( driveInfo );
   145     }
   147 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::FinishAndCloseIndexFileL()
   148     {
   149     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   150     iFile.Write( KIndexCollectEnd );
   151     iFile.Close();  
   153     TTime time;
   154     // Replace the index.xml with temporary file, in case it fails, will have no impact
   155     // the original index.xml, it's a backup solution
   156     //
   157     TBuf<KMaxFileName> newName;
   158     TInt err = KErrNone;
   159     newName.Copy( *iFullDirName );
   160     TInt pos = newName.LocateReverse( TChar('\\') );
   161     newName.Delete( pos + 1, newName.Length() - pos - 1 ); // remove the temp name
   162     newName.Append( KMasterMetaFile ); //  and append index.xml
   164     err = fileSession.Replace( *iFullDirName, newName );
   166     if ( err == KErrNone )
   167         {
   168         // set the modified date of master index.xml
   169         // to be the same with related help content folder
   170         // e.g. C:\\resource\\xhtml\\01\\ modified time is 2009.3.1
   171         // C:\\private\\10005234\\C\\01\\index.xml will be 2009.3.1
   172         // this will make sure once help content folder changed, index.xml can be
   173         // determined to change.
   174         TBuf<KMaxFileName> helpDir;
   175         helpDir.Append( iDriveLetter );  
   176         helpDir.Append( KInstallPath );
   177         // append locale information
   178         AppendLocale( helpDir );
   180         fileSession.Modified( helpDir, time );
   181         err = fileSession.SetModified( newName, time );
   183         }
   185     }
   187 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::RuntimeGenerateIndexL( const CCSXHHtmlTOC1& aToc1, const TDesC& aFeature )
   188     {
   189     // Form into an entry, like
   190     // <collection FeatureID="-1" id="0x10005951" navtitle="Bluetooth"></collection>
   191     HBufC8* appName = CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8L( aToc1.GetName() );
   192     CleanupStack::PushL(appName);
   193     TRAPD( err, SenXmlUtils::LeaveOnXmlEscapesL( *appName ) );
   194     TInt length = KMaxIndexEntryExclude;
   195     TBuf8<KMaxUidLength> buffUid;
   197     buffUid.Append( KHexPrefix );
   198     buffUid.AppendNumFixedWidth( aToc1.GetAppUid().iUid, EHex, 8 );
   199     length += appName->Length();
   200     length += aFeature.Length();
   201     HBufC8* entry = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
   202     TPtr8 des = entry->Des();
   203     // Append entry tag
   204     des.Append( KIndexXMLEntryBegin );
   205     // Append feature id attribute "FeatureID"
   206     des.Append( KAppFeatureIDTag );
   207     des.Append( KIndexQuoteBegin );
   208     // Append feature id
   209     des.Append( aFeature );
   210     des.Append( KIndexQuoteEnd );
   211     // Append app id attribute "id"
   212     des.Append( KMasterCollection_idTag );
   213     des.Append( KIndexQuoteBegin );
   214     // Append app id
   215     des.Append( buffUid );
   216     des.Append( KIndexQuoteEnd );
   217     // Append app name attribut "navtitle"
   218     des.Append( KTOC2NameTag );
   219     des.Append( KIndexQuoteBegin );
   220     if ( err == KErrSenInvalidCharacters )
   221         {
   222         // special handling to the XML-Escaped char
   223         HBufC8* newElement = SenXmlUtils::EncodeHttpCharactersLC( *appName );
   224         des.Append( *newElement );
   225         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( newElement );
   226         }
   227     else
   228         {
   229         des.Append( *appName );
   230         }
   232     des.Append( KIndexXMLEntryEnd );
   233     iFile.Write( *entry );
   235     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( entry );
   236     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( appName );
   238     }
   240 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::GetPrivatePath( TDes& aName )
   241     {
   242     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   243     TBuf<KMaxFileName> privatePath;
   244     TChar drive;
   245     RFs::DriveToChar( EDriveC, drive );
   247     fileSession.PrivatePath( privatePath );
   248     aName.Append( drive );
   249     aName.Append( TChar(':') ); 
   250     aName.Append( privatePath );
   251     }
   253 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::AppendLocale( TDes& aDir )
   254     {
   255     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   256     RArray<TLanguage> langs;
   257     BaflUtils::GetDowngradePathL( fileSession, User::Language(), langs );
   258     TInt len = aDir.Length();
   260     if ( len > 0 )
   261         {
   262         TLanguage lang = langs[0];
   263         if(lang < 10)
   264             {
   265             aDir.AppendNumFixedWidth( lang, EDecimal,2 );
   266             }
   267         else
   268             {
   269             aDir.AppendNum( lang );
   270             }
   271         }
   272     else
   273         {
   274         // rarely case, if no current language, use English
   275         aDir.Append( _L("01") );
   276         }
   278     aDir.Append( KFwdSlash );
   279     langs.Reset();
   280     }
   282 void CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::DeleteIndexFile( const TChar& aDrive )
   283     {
   284     RFs& fileSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   285     TBuf<KMaxFileName> des;
   286     GetPrivatePath( des );
   287     des.Append( aDrive );
   288     des.Append( KFwdSlash );
   289     AppendLocale( des );
   290     // C:\\private\\<app-uid>\\<drive letter>\\<language-id>\\index.xml
   291     des.Append( KMasterMetaFile );
   293     if ( BaflUtils::FileExists( fileSession, des ) )
   294         {
   295         fileSession.Delete( des );
   296         }
   298     }
   300 TInt CCSXHRuntimeIndexing::CheckDirChange( const TChar& aDrive )
   301     {
   302     RFs& fsSession = iCoeEnv->FsSession();
   304     // Begin to search help content folder to see if there are date modify
   305     // meanwhile, compare to the related folder in private directory
   306     TFileName dirName;
   307     dirName.Append( aDrive );
   308     dirName.Append( KInstallPath );
   310     // Begin to append locale, note this will append current locale,
   311     // thru which, app can determine if it's caused by user changed locales
   312     AppendLocale( dirName );
   314     TTime dirModified(0);
   315     TTime fileModified(0);
   317     if ( BaflUtils::PathExists( fsSession, dirName ) )
   318         {
   319         // here is modified time of help content folder
   320         fsSession.Modified( dirName, dirModified );
   321         }
   322     else
   323         {
   324         // fast return, no need to go on checking
   325         return KNoDirExist;
   326         }
   328     TFileName filename;
   329     GetPrivatePath( filename );
   330     filename.Append( aDrive );
   331     filename.Append( KFwdSlash );
   332     AppendLocale( filename );
   333     filename.Append( KMasterMetaFile );
   335     if ( BaflUtils::FileExists( fsSession, filename ) )
   336         {
   337         // here is modified time of index.xml
   338         //
   339         fsSession.Modified( filename, fileModified );
   340         }
   341     else
   342         {
   343         return KNoIndexExist;
   344         }
   346     if ( fileModified != dirModified )
   347         {
   348         // folder changed, return it
   349         TInt ret = KErrNotFound;
   350         RFs::CharToDrive( aDrive, ret );
   351         return ret;
   352         }
   354     return KNoChange;
   355     }