changeset 0 f72a12da539e
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:f72a12da539e
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:   
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <f32file.h>
    20 #include "hnmdlocalizationelement.h"
    21 #include "hnglobals.h"
    22 #include "hnconvutils.h"
    23 #include "hnutils.h"
    25 const TText8 KSPChar = ' ';
    26 const TText8 KNLChar = '\n';
    27 const TInt KWholeFileReadLimit = 1024;
    29 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    31 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 // 
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 //
    35 TUint32 HBufC8Hash( HBufC8* const &  aBuf )
    36     {
    37     return DefaultHash::Des8(*aBuf);
    38     }
    39 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    40 //
    41 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 TBool HBufC8Ident( HBufC8* const & aL, HBufC8* const & aR )
    44     {
    45     return DefaultIdentity::Des8(*aL, *aR);
    46     }
    48 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // 
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 //
    52 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::ConstructL( const TDesC& aNamespace, 
    53                                            const TDesC& aSource )
    54     {
    55     iNamespace.CreateL( aNamespace );
    56     iSource.CreateL( aSource );
    57     iSource.LowerCase();
    58     LocateLanguageFileL();
    59     }
    61 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    62 // 
    63 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 //
    65 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::ConstructL( TXmlEngElement aElement )
    66     {
    67     ASSERT( aElement.HasAttributeL( KNameSpaceAttrName8 ) );
    69     SetNamespaceL( aElement.AttributeNodeL( KNameSpaceAttrName8 ) );
    70     SetSourceL( aElement.AttributeNodeL( KSourceAttrName8 ) );
    71     }
    73 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // 
    75 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    76 //
    77 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::SetNamespaceL( TXmlEngAttr aNamespace )
    78     {
    79     HBufC* namespac = HnConvUtils::Str8ToStrLC( aNamespace.Value() );
    81     iNamespace.Close();
    82     iNamespace.CreateL( *namespac );
    84     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( namespac );
    85     }
    87 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    88 // 
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 //
    91 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::SetSourceL( TXmlEngAttr aSource )
    92     {
    93     HBufC* source = HnConvUtils::Str8ToStrLC( aSource.Value() );
    94     iSource.Close();
    95     iSource.CreateL( *source );
    96     iSource.LowerCase();
    97     LocateLanguageFileL();
    98     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( source );
    99     }
   101 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   102 // 
   103 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 //
   105 CHnMdLocalizationElement* CHnMdLocalizationElement::NewL(
   106         TXmlEngElement aElement )
   107     {
   108     CHnMdLocalizationElement* self = new( ELeave ) CHnMdLocalizationElement;
   109     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   110     self->ConstructL( aElement );
   111     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   112     return self;
   113     }
   115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   116 // 
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 CHnMdLocalizationElement* CHnMdLocalizationElement::NewL(const TDesC& aNamespace, 
   120                                                          const TDesC& aSource)
   121     {
   122     CHnMdLocalizationElement* self = new( ELeave ) CHnMdLocalizationElement;
   123     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   124     self->ConstructL( aNamespace, aSource );
   125     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   126     return self;
   127     }
   129 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   130 // 
   131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 CHnMdLocalizationElement::CHnMdLocalizationElement():
   134     iResourceIDs( &HBufC8Hash, &HBufC8Ident )
   135     {
   136     }
   138 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   139 // 
   140 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   141 //
   142 CHnMdLocalizationElement::~CHnMdLocalizationElement()
   143     {
   144     iNamespace.Close();
   145     iSource.Close();
   146     delete iSourcePath;
   147     THashMapIter<HBufC8*, TInt> iter( iResourceIDs );
   148     while ( HBufC8* const * ptr = iter.NextKey() )
   149         {       
   150         delete *ptr;
   151         }    
   152     iResourceIDs.Close();
   153     }
   155 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // 
   157 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 const TDesC& CHnMdLocalizationElement::Namespace() const
   160     {
   161     return iNamespace;
   162     }
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   165 // 
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   167 //
   168 const TDesC& CHnMdLocalizationElement::Source() const
   169     {
   170     return iSource;
   171     }
   173 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   174 // 
   175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 //
   177 HBufC* CHnMdLocalizationElement::SourcePath() const
   178     {
   179     return iSourcePath;
   180     }
   181 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   182 // 
   183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   184 //
   185 TBool CHnMdLocalizationElement::SourceExists() const
   186     {
   187     if ( iSourcePath )
   188     	{
   189         return iSourcePath->Compare(KNullDesC) != 0;
   190     	}
   191     else
   192     	{
   193     	return EFalse;
   194     	}
   195     }
   197 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   198 // 
   199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 //
   201 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::LocateLanguageFileL()
   202 	{
   203 	delete iSourcePath;
   204     iSourcePath = NULL;
   205     iSourcePath = HnUtils::LocateNearestLanguageFileLC( iSource );
   206     CleanupStack::Pop( iSourcePath );
   207 	}
   209 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 // 
   211 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   212 //
   213 const TInt& CHnMdLocalizationElement::FindResourceIdL( HBufC8* aResourceName )
   214     {
   215     if ( iState&EInitialized )
   216         {
   217         // check if we have it in cache
   218         TInt* result = iResourceIDs.Find(aResourceName);
   219         if (result)
   220             {
   221             return *result;
   222             }
   223         else if (iState&EWholeFileCached) // all should be in cache
   224             {
   225             User::Leave(KErrNotFound);
   226             }
   227         }
   229     if (!(iState&EInitialized) || iState&EUsedItemsCached )
   230         {
   231         // set initialized here, as we could have problem with file read
   232         // i.e. file is missing, but we dont want to go here next time
   233         iState |= EInitialized;
   234         HBufC8* rsgContent = ReadRsgContentLC( );
   235 		if (rsgContent->Length() < KWholeFileReadLimit)
   236 			{
   237 			iState |= EWholeFileCached;
   238 			ParseRsgContentL(*rsgContent);
   239 			}
   240 		else
   241 			{
   242 			iState |= EUsedItemsCached;
   243 			ParseRsgContentL(*rsgContent, *aResourceName);
   244 			}          
   245         //cleanup
   246         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rsgContent);   
   247         }
   249     return iResourceIDs.FindL(aResourceName);
   250     }
   252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   253 // 
   254 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   255 //
   256 HBufC8* CHnMdLocalizationElement::ReadRsgContentLC( )
   257     {
   258     HBufC8* result(NULL);
   259     if ( iSourcePath->Compare( KNullDesC ) )
   260     	{
   261     	HBufC* fPath = iSourcePath->AllocLC();
   262 		// change extension to rsg        
   263 		TInt extPos = fPath->LocateReverse(KExtDelimiter);
   264 		fPath->Des().Replace(extPos, fPath->Length() - extPos, KRsg);
   265 		result = HnUtils::ReadFileLC(*fPath);
   266 		CleanupStack::Pop(result);
   267 		CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(fPath);
   268 		CleanupStack::PushL(result);
   269     	}
   270     else
   271     	{
   272         result = KNullDesC8().AllocLC();   
   273     	}
   274     return result;
   275     }
   277 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   278 // 
   279 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 //
   281 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::ParseRsgContentL( const TDesC8& aContent )
   282     {
   283     TPtrC8 content(aContent);
   284     TInt posEoL(-1);
   285     // iterate over each line
   286     while ((posEoL = content.Locate(KNLChar)) > 0)
   287         {
   288         TPtrC8 line = content.Left( posEoL - 1 );        
   289         TInt firstSpace  = line.Locate(KSPChar);
   290         TInt lastSpace  = line.LocateReverse(KSPChar);
   291         // resource name
   292         TPtrC8 rname =  line.Mid(firstSpace, lastSpace - firstSpace);
   293         // resource id
   294         TPtrC8 rid =  line.Right( line.Length() - lastSpace - 1 );
   295         // trim resource name
   296         HBufC8* rnameTrimmed = rname.AllocLC();
   297         rnameTrimmed->Des().Trim();                
   298         // parse numer and insert to map
   299         TInt id(0);
   300         User::LeaveIfError( HnConvUtils::Str8ToInt(rid, id) );        
   301         User::LeaveIfError( iResourceIDs.Insert(rnameTrimmed->AllocL(), id) );        
   302         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(rnameTrimmed);
   303         // start search from next line
   304         content.Set(content.Mid( posEoL + 1 ));
   305         }    
   306     }
   308 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   309 // 
   310 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   311 //
   312 void CHnMdLocalizationElement::ParseRsgContentL( const TDesC8& aContent, 
   313                                                  const TDesC8& aResourceName )
   314     {
   315     TPtrC8 content(aContent);
   317     HBufC8* resourceName = HBufC8::NewLC( aResourceName.Length() 
   318                                           + 2 /* extra spaces */  );
   319     // add extra space to make sure that we find the right one    
   320     resourceName->Des().Append(KSPChar);
   321     resourceName->Des().Append(aResourceName);
   322     resourceName->Des().Append(KSPChar);    
   324     TInt position = content.Find(*resourceName);
   325     User::LeaveIfError(position); // we can not find resource
   326     TPtrC8 contentAfterMid = content.Mid( position + 
   327                                           resourceName->Length());
   329     TInt posResId = contentAfterMid.Locate(KNLChar);
   330     User::LeaveIfError(posResId); // we can not find resource
   331     TPtrC8 rid = contentAfterMid.Left(posResId - 1);    
   333     HBufC8* ridTrimmed = rid.AllocLC();
   334     ridTrimmed->Des().Trim();
   335     // trim also resource name
   336     resourceName->Des().Trim();
   338     TInt id(0);
   339     User::LeaveIfError( HnConvUtils::Str8ToInt( *ridTrimmed, id) );      
   340     User::LeaveIfError( iResourceIDs.Insert( resourceName->AllocL(), id) );
   341     // clean up
   342     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(ridTrimmed);
   343     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resourceName);        
   344     }