changeset 34 5456b4e8b3a8
parent 4 4d54b72983ae
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/taskswitcher/contextengine/trace/tslogging.h	Wed Sep 01 12:32:46 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Defines all available logging macros.
+ * @file
+ * 
+ * 
+ * This step is needed to do once per component.
+ * 
+ * For each component that uses these common logging macros should specify
+ * their own logging configuration file, which includes this file. In that
+ * configuration file, following constants and macros must be defined.
+ *  For example:
+ * @code
+ * 
+ * _LIT( KTsLogFile, "text_file_for_logging.txt" );
+ * _LIT( KTsLogPath, "folder_for_text_file" );
+ * #define _TSLOG_LOG_COMPONENT_ID <some unique number here>
+ * 
+ * #include "tslogging.h"
+ * 
+ * @/code
+ * 
+ * KTsLogFile   : This is the name of the file, where all the logs for
+ *                this components are being written.
+ * 
+ * KTsLogPath   : This is the folder name under c:\logs, where the file
+ *                is to be stored. For example, if KTsLogPath is "test",
+ *                log file is created into folder c:\logs\test.
+ * 
+ * _TSLOG_LOG_COMPONENT_ID  : Unique number id of the component. This is 
+ *                            for filtering purposes.
+ * 
+ * _TSLOG_RDEBUG    : When defined tracing instead of file logging. 
+ *                    Default is for file logging.
+ * 
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * 
+ * 
+ * Basically the use is simple, register function use with TSLOG_CONTEXT, 
+ * then log function enter by any TSLOG_IN -macro, then possibly use TSLOG
+ * -macros for function logging and finally TSLOG_OUT -macros for returning
+ * from the function.
+ * 
+ * @code
+ * TInt CGood::Example( TInt aSomething )
+ *     {
+ *     // Create log context class, which is maintained for lifetime of the 
+ *     // method. 
+ *     TSLOG_CONTEXT( Example, TSLOG_LOCAL );
+ * 
+ *     // Indicate we are entering the function. 
+ *     TSLOG_IN1( "aSomething contains value %d", aSomething );
+ * 
+ *     // Your buggy code...
+ * 
+ *     // Before leaving, indicate function execution has ended.
+ *     TSLOG_OUT();
+ * 
+ *     return 0;
+ *     }
+ * @/code
+ */
+#include <e32def.h>
+#include <e32std.h>
+#include "tslogutils.h"
+#define TSLOG_API 0
+#define TSLOG_LOCAL 1
+#define TSLOG_INFO 0
+#define TSLOG_WARNING 1
+#define TSLOG_ERROR 2
+#define TSLOG_ASSERT(_assertion)  __TSLOG_ASSERT_DBG(_assertion) 
+#define TSLOG_TRACE_ASSERT(_assertion) __ASSERT_DEBUG((_assertion), User::Invariant() )
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+    /** 
+     * Context initialization 
+     * NOTE: TSLOG_STATIC_CONTEXT is meant for static methods.
+     * 
+     * @param _fn   Name of the function.
+     * @param _vis  Visibility for the client, use values TSLOG_API or TSLOG_LOCAL
+     * @param _thdId For static functions, thread id can be given here.
+     */
+    #define TSLOG_CONTEXT(_fn, _vis ) _TTsLogContext _dc((TText*)L ## #_fn, _TSLOG_LOG_COMPONENT_ID, _vis, (TUint)this, RProcess().SecureId().iId )
+    #define TSLOG_STATIC_CONTEXT(_fn, _vis, _thdId) _TTsLogContext _dc((TText*)L ## #_fn, _TSLOG_LOG_COMPONENT_ID, _vis, _thdId, RProcess().SecureId().iId )
+    /** 
+     * Entering function 
+     * 
+     * @param string    Custom text. Example: TSLOG_IN0( "Yeah!!!" );
+     * @param p1 - p5   For multiple variables in same string.
+     */
+    #define TSLOG_IN() do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s "), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG0_IN(string) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG1_IN(string, p1) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG2_IN(string, p1, p2) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG3_IN(string, p1, p2, p3) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG4_IN(string, p1, p2, p3, p4) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG5_IN(string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) do { _CHK_MULTIIN(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]>%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); _MARK_ENTRY(); } while(0)
+    /** Leaving function */
+    #define TSLOG_OUT() do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s "), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG0_OUT(string) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG1_OUT(string, p1) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG2_OUT(string, p1, p2) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG3_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG4_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3, p4) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG5_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0)
+    /** Leaving function with return value */
+    #define TSLOG0_RET(val, fmtstr) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG1_RET(val, fmtstr, p1) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val, p1); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG2_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val, p1, p2); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG3_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val, p1, p2, p3); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG4_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3, p4) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val, p1, p2, p3, p4); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG5_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) do { do { _DOINCHK(); _CHK_MULTIOUT(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s " L ## fmtstr), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, val, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); _MARK_EXIT(); } while(0); return val;} while(0)
+    /** 
+     * General log lines 
+     * 
+     * @param level     This can be used as internal information 
+     *                  field, such as info, error, warning etc.
+     * @param string    Custom string
+     * @param p1 - p5   For multiple variables in same string.
+     */
+    #define TSLOG0(level, string) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG1(level, string, p1) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG2(level, string, p1, p2) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG3(level, string, p1, p2, p3) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG4(level, string, p1, p2, p3, p4) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4); } while(0)
+    #define TSLOG5(level, string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) do { _DOINCHK(); _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]%s " L ## string), _dc.iVis, level, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5); } while(0)
+    /** Error logging */
+    #define __TSLOG_ASSERT_DBG( _assertion ) do { if( _assertion ) { break; } TFileName file; file.Copy( _L8( __FILE__ ) );   _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s Assert:%S:%d:" L ## #_assertion) , _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, &file, __LINE__ ); User::Invariant(); } while( 0 )
+    #define __TSLOG_TRACE_ASSERT_DBG(_assertion, _textToPrint, _panicCode)  do { if (_assertion) { break; } _TSLOGPRINTER(_IT(L ## "%s%d[%x:%x:%x]<%s ASSERTION FAILED!!! %s file: %s, line: %s"), _dc.iVis, _dc.iCategory, _dc.iId, _dc.iThdId, _dc.iAddr, _dc.iFn, _textToPrint, __FILE__, __LINE__); User::Panic(_L("AssertionFailed"), _panicCode} while(0)
+    #define TSLOG_TRAPHANDLER() _TTsLogTrapHandler _traceTrapHandler; _traceTrapHandler.oldHandler = User::SetTrapHandler(&_traceTrapHandler)
+#else // _DEBUG
+    #define TSLOG_CONTEXT(_fn, _vis )
+    #define TSLOG_STATIC_CONTEXT(_fn, _vis, _thdId)
+    #define TSLOG_IN()
+    #define TSLOG0_IN(string)
+    #define TSLOG1_IN(string, p1)
+    #define TSLOG2_IN(string, p1, p2)
+    #define TSLOG3_IN(string, p1, p2, p3)
+    #define TSLOG4_IN(string, p1, p2, p3, p4)
+    #define TSLOG5_IN(string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
+    #define TSLOG_OUT()
+    #define TSLOG0_OUT(string)
+    #define TSLOG1_OUT(string, p1)
+    #define TSLOG2_OUT(string, p1, p2)
+    #define TSLOG3_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3)
+    #define TSLOG4_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3, p4)
+    #define TSLOG5_OUT(string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
+    #define TSLOG0_RET(val, fmtstr) return val
+    #define TSLOG1_RET(val, fmtstr, p1) return val
+    #define TSLOG2_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2) return val
+    #define TSLOG3_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3) return val
+    #define TSLOG4_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3, p4) return val
+    #define TSLOG5_RET(val, fmtstr, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) return val
+    #define TSLOG0(level, string)
+    #define TSLOG1(level, string, p1)
+    #define TSLOG2(level, string, p1, p2)
+    #define TSLOG3(level, string, p1, p2, p3)
+    #define TSLOG4(level, string, p1, p2, p3, p4)
+    #define TSLOG5(level, string, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5)
+    #define TRACE_DECL() TInt _iTraceThreadId
+    #define TRACE_FAST_CREATE(_thdId) _thdId++;
+    #define TRACE_CREATE()
+    #define __TSLOG_ASSERT_DBG(_assertion)
+    #define __TRACE_ASSERT_DBG(_assertion, _message, _panicCode )
+#endif // _DEBUG
+#endif      // TSLOGLOGUTILS_H
+// End of File