author jake
Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:58:48 +0200
changeset 15 040e93e348f6
parent 1 5315654608de
child 18 d05a55b217df
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug GCC-E compilation error in homescreen (1379) by Leo Zhengyh

* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Xuikon Menu Plugin

#ifndef _XNMENU_H
#define _XNMENU_H

#include "xncomponent.h"
#include "mxncomponentinterface.h"

class TAknsItemID;

namespace XnMenuInterface
_LIT8(KType, "menu");

class MXnMenuObserver
     * Called when options menu is about to open. Observer can add 
     * its own menu item to the aMenuItems array.
     * @param aMenuItem menu item
     * @param aPlugin plugin node
     * @return ETrue if the item should be shown, EFalse otherwise
    virtual TBool DynInitMenuItemL( CXnNodeAppIf& aMenuItem, CXnNodeAppIf* aPlugin = NULL ) = 0;

*  @ingroup group_xnmenufactory
*  @lib xn3menufactory.dll
*  @since S60 3.1
class MXnMenuInterface : public XnComponentInterface::MXnComponentInterface
    * Soft key position enum
    * These are same as in CEikButtonGroupContainer::TCommandPosition
    enum TSoftKeyPosition
        ELeft = 0,
        ERight = 2,    
        ECenter = 3  /* Not supported when setting icon */

    static inline const TDesC8& Type()
        return KType;
public: // New functions

    * Sets softkey image. If there was no leave, menu takes  
    * bitmap and mask ownership.
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aBitmap Bitmap to draw
    * @param aMask Mask to use
    * @param aPos Softkey position
    * @param aPreserveAspectRatio ETrue if image's aspect ratio is preserved
    * @param aInvertMask ETrue if white mask is used, EFalse if black mask is used
    * @param aTransferOwnership ETrue if bitmap and mask ownerhsip is transferred to menuadapter
    virtual void SetSoftKeyImageL( 
        CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, 
        CFbsBitmap* aMask, 
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
        TBool aPreserveAspectRatio = EFalse, TBool aInvertMask = EFalse,
        TBool aTransferOwnership = ETrue ) = 0;   

    virtual void SetSoftKeyImageL( 
        CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, 
        CFbsBitmap* aMask, 
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
        CXnNodeAppIf* aNode,
        TBool aPreserveAspectRatio = EFalse, TBool aInvertMask = EFalse,
        TBool aTransferOwnership = ETrue ) = 0;   

    * Sets soft key image.
    * @param aId icon bitmap IID 
    * @param aBmpFile file path.
    * @param aBmp Bitmap ID.
    * @param aBmpM Bitmap mask ID.
    * @param aPos Softkey position.
    * @param aEnable ETrue for set icon, EFalse for use default icon.
    virtual void SetSoftKeyImageL( const TAknsItemID& aId,
                                   const TDesC& aBmpFile,
                                   const TInt32 aBmp,
                                   const TInt32 aBmpM,
                                   XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos, 
                                   TBool aEnable ) = 0;

    * Sets softkey text. 
    * @since Series 60 3.2
    * @param aText Text to draw    
    * @param aPos Softkey position
    virtual void SetSoftKeyTextL( const TDesC& aText,
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos ) = 0;           

    * Sets softkey. 
    * @param aNode Softey node. 
    * @param aPos Softkey position.
    virtual void SetSoftKeyL( CXnNodePluginIf* aSoftkeyNode,
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos ) = 0;

    * Returns currently visible softkey node. 
    * @param aPos Softkey position.
    * @return Currently visible softkey. 
    virtual CXnNodePluginIf* SoftKeyL( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos ) = 0;

    * Sets MXnMenuObserver observer
    * @since S60 5.1
    * @param aObserver observer to set
    virtual void SetObserver( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuObserver& aObserver ) = 0;

    * Removes the observer
    * @since S60 5.1    
    virtual void RemoveObserver() = 0;        

    * Tries to display menubar
    * @since S60 5.1    
    * @param aMenuNodeId the menu node id
    virtual void TryDisplayingMenuBarL( const TDesC& aMenuNodeId ) = 0;
class CXnMenu : public CXnComponent, public XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface
    public:  // Constructors and destructor
        * Two-phased constructor.
        static CXnMenu* NewL();
        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CXnMenu();
    protected: // New functions

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SetSoftKeyImage
       void SetSoftKeyImageL(
        CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
        CFbsBitmap* aMask,
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
        TBool aPreserveAspectRatio, TBool aInvertMask,
        TBool aTransferOwnership = ETrue );
       void SetSoftKeyImageL( 
        CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, 
        CFbsBitmap* aMask, 
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
        CXnNodeAppIf* aNode,
        TBool aPreserveAspectRatio, TBool aInvertMask,
        TBool aTransferOwnership = ETrue );

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SetSoftKeyImage
       void SetSoftKeyImageL( const TAknsItemID& aId,
                              const TDesC& aBmpFile,
                              const TInt32 aBmp,
                              const TInt32 aBmpM,
                              XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos, 
                              TBool aEnable );

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SetSoftkeyTextL
       void SetSoftKeyTextL( const TDesC& aText,
        XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );           

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SetSoftKeyL
        void SetSoftKeyL( CXnNodePluginIf* aSoftkeyNode,
            XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SoftKeyL
        CXnNodePluginIf* SoftKeyL( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::SetObserver
       void SetObserver( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuObserver& aObserver );

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::RemoveObserver
       void RemoveObserver();

        * @see MXnMenuInterface::TryDisplayingMenuBarL
       void TryDisplayingMenuBarL( const TDesC& aMenuNodeId );
       * @see MXnComponentInterface::MakeInterfaceL
      XnComponentInterface::MXnComponentInterface* MakeInterfaceL( const TDesC8& aType );   
        * C++ default constructor.

        * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();

#endif      // _XNMENU_H 
// End of File