author jake
Fri, 26 Mar 2010 14:58:48 +0200
changeset 15 040e93e348f6
parent 9 f966699dea19
child 26 1b758917cafc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix for bug GCC-E compilation error in homescreen (1379) by Leo Zhengyh

* Copyright (c) 2005-2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  MAiContentObserver implementation for XML UI controller


// System includes
#include <e32base.h>
#include <e32hashtab.h>

// User includes
#include "xnnewsticker.h"
#include "aicontentobserver.h"
#include "xnproperty.h"

// Forward declarations
class TXnUiEngineAppIf;
class CXnNodeAppIf;
class CGulIcon;
class MAiFwEventHandler;
class CHsContentPublisher;
class THsPublisherInfo;

namespace AiUtility
    class CContentPriorityMap;

namespace AiXmlUiController
    class CActiveTransactionStack;
    class CTransactionFactoryImpl;
    class MTransactionElement;
    class MTransaction;
    class CAppUi;
    class CXmlNodeIdGenerator;
    class CNewstickerCallbackHandler;
    class CCssPropertyMap;
    class CPolicyEvaluator;
    class TAiPolicyElement;

namespace AiXmlUiController

*  @ingroup group_xmluicontroller
*  CContentRenderer renders the content of the content publisher plug-ins
*  @lib AiXmlUiMain
class CContentRenderer : public CBase,
    public MAiContentObserver,
    public XnNewstickerInterface::MXnNewstickerCallbackInterface
    // Constructors and destructor
    static CContentRenderer* NewL( CAppUi& aAppUi );

    // New functions
     * Sets event handler.
     * @param aFwEventHandler the event handler to use.
    void SetEventHandler( MAiFwEventHandler& aFwEventHandler );

     * Cleans all content items published by aPlugin.
    void CleanPluginFromUi( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin );

    // from MAiContentObserver

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt StartTransaction( TInt aTxId );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Commit( TInt aTxId );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt CancelTransaction( TInt aTxId );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TBool CanPublish( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
          TInt aContent, TInt aIndex );
     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Publish( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, TInt aResource, TInt aIndex );
     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Publish( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, const TDesC16& aText, TInt aIndex );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Publish( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aIndex );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Publish( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, RFile& aFile, TInt aIndex );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt Clean( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin, 
        TInt aContent, TInt aIndex );

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TAny* Extension( TUid aUid );
     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TBool RequiresSubscription( 
        const THsPublisherInfo& aPublisherInfo ) const;

     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt SetProperty( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        const TDesC8& aElementId, const TDesC8& aPropertyName,           
        const TDesC8& aPropertyValue );
     * @see MAiContentObserver 
    TInt SetProperty( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        const TDesC8& aElementId, const TDesC8& aPropertyName,        
        const TDesC8& aPropertyValue, 
        MAiContentObserver::TValueType aValueType );  
    // Constructors
     * C++ default constructor
    CContentRenderer( CAppUi& aAppUi );
     * 2nd phase constructor
    void ConstructL();
    // New functions

    void DoStartTransactionL( TInt aTxId );

    TInt CanPublishL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, TInt aIndex );
    TInt DoPublishL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, TInt aResource, TInt aIndex );
    TInt DoPublishL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, const TDesC16& aText, TInt aIndex );
    TInt DoPublishL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, const TDesC8& aBuf, TInt aIndex );

    TInt DoPublishL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, RFile& aFile, TInt aIndex );

    TInt DoCleanL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        TInt aContent, TInt aIndex );
    void SetImmediateMode( TBool aImmediateMode );
    TBool IsImmediateMode() const;
    void ProcessTransactionElementL( 
        MTransactionElement* aElement );

    CXnNodeAppIf* FindNodeByClassL( 
        const TDesC& aCid, TInt aIndex, const TDesC8& aNs );

    CXnNodeAppIf* FindNodeByIdL( 
        const TDesC& aCid, const TDesC& aNs = KNullDesC );

    CXnNodeAppIf* FindNodeByIdL( 
        const TDesC8& aCid, const TDesC8& aNs = KNullDesC8 );
    TInt PublishIconL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        const TDesC& aCid, CGulIcon* aIcon, TInt aIndex, 
        CXnNodeAppIf* aResource = NULL );
    TInt PublishDataL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
        const TDesC& aCid, const TDesC8& aData,
        const TDesC8& aContentType, TInt aIndex,
        CXnNodeAppIf* aResource = NULL );
    TBool AllowPublishByPriority( 
        CXnNodeAppIf& aUiElement, TInt aNewPriority ) const;
    void StartContentRefresh();
    TInt RefreshContentL( HBufC* aUiElementId, TInt aOldPriority ); 
    static TInt RefreshContentCallback( TAny* aContentRenderer );
    void SendRefreshContentEventL();
    TBool IsParentNewsticker( CXnNodeAppIf& aTarget );
    void RegisterNewstickerCallbackInterfaceL( CXnNodeAppIf& aTarget );

    void ProcessContentChangesL( MTransaction& aTr );
    void ProcessContentChangeL( TAiPolicyElement& aElement );         
    TInt SetPropertyL( CHsContentPublisher& aPlugin,
       const TDesC8& aElementId, const TDesC8& aPropertyName,               
       const TDesC8& aPropertyValue, MAiContentObserver::TValueType aValueType );  
    CXnDomPropertyValue::TPrimitiveValueType DomPropertyValueType( 
        MAiContentObserver::TValueType aValueType ); 
    // From XnNewstickerInterface::MXnNewstickerCallbackInterface    

    void TitleScrolled(TInt aTitleIndex);
    void TitleToScroll(TInt aTitleIndex);
    // data
    /** Transaction stack, Owned. */
    CActiveTransactionStack* iStack;    
    /** Factory for transacations, Owned. */
    CTransactionFactoryImpl* iFactory;    
    /** Immediate mode flag, Owned. */
    TBool iImmediateMode;    
    /** AppUI, Not owned. */
    CAppUi& iAppUi;    
    /** Node lookup id generator, Owned. */
    CXmlNodeIdGenerator* iNodeIdGenerator;    
    /** Content priority map, Owned. */
    AiUtility::CContentPriorityMap* iContentPriorityMap;    
    /** Map of refreshable ui elements. */
    RPtrHashMap< TDesC, TInt > iRefreshableUiElements;    
    /** Timer for asynchronous content refreshing, Owned. */
    CPeriodic* iTimer;    
    /** Fw event handler, Not owned. */
    MAiFwEventHandler* iFwEventHandler;
    /** Newsticker callback handler, Owned */
    CNewstickerCallbackHandler* iCallbackHandler;    
    /** Pointer descriptor to newsticker plugin name */
    TPtrC iNTPublisher;    
    /** Newsticker element property class, Owned */
    HBufC* iNTClass;    
    /** CSS property map, Owned. */
    CCssPropertyMap* iPropertyMap;    
    /** Publishing policy evaluator, Owned. */
    CPolicyEvaluator* iPolicyEvaluator;

} // namespace AiXmlUiController

#endif      // C_CONTENTRENDERER_H  
//  End of File