* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* ==============================================================================
* Name : contentpublisher.h
* Part of :
* Interface : Implemetation of CContentPublisher
* Description :
* Version :
#include <e32base.h>
#include <liwcommon.h>
class CLiwGenericParamList;
class CLiwServiceHandler;
class MLiwInterface;
class CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery;
namespace AiXmlUiController
class CXmlUiController;
class CGlobalQueryHandler;
* @ingroup group_xmluicontroller
* Interface to publish data to Content Publishing Service
* @since S60 5.1
class CContentPublisher : public CBase, public MLiwNotifyCallback
* Two-phased constructor.
static CContentPublisher* NewL(CXmlUiController& aUiController);
* Destructor.
virtual ~CContentPublisher();
CContentPublisher(CXmlUiController& aUiController);
void ConstructL();
public: //from MLiwNotifyCallbackc
* Handles notifications caused by an asynchronous Execute*CmdL call
* or an event.
* @param aCmdId The service command associated to the event.
* @param aEventId occurred event, see LiwCommon.hrh.
* @param aEventParamList Event parameters, if any, as defined per
* each event.
* @param aInParamList Input parameters, if any, given in the
* related HandleCommmandL.
* @return Error code for the call back.
virtual TInt HandleNotifyL(
TInt aCmdId,
TInt /*aEventId*/,
CLiwGenericParamList& aEventParamList,
const CLiwGenericParamList& /*aInParamList*/);
public: // New functions
* Sets given values to Content Publisher Service.
* @since Series 60 5.1
* @param aElementName The name of the element, which values are set.
* @param aWidth Width of the element
* @param aHeight Height of the element
void PublishSizeL( const TDesC& aElementName,
TInt aWidth, TInt aHeight );
void InitCpsInterfaceL();
void AddDataL( const TDesC& aPublisherId,
const TDesC& aContentType, const TDesC& aContentId,
const TInt aData1, const TDesC8& aDataKey1,
const TInt aData2, const TDesC8& aDataKey2 );
void GetDataL( const TDesC& aPublisherId, const TDesC& aContentType,
const TDesC& aContentId, CLiwDefaultMap* aOutDataMap);
void HandlePublisherInfoL( const TDesC& aPubInfo);
void RegisterListenerL();
void UnRegisterListenerL();
* Displayes global query for 'go online' or 'go offline' confirmations
* @param aResourceId resource id for the text string
* @param aSetOnline if ETrue then set widgets online if confirmation accepted,
* if EFalse then set widgets offline if confirmation accepted
void ShowGlobalQueryL( TInt aResourceId, TBool aSetOnline );
MLiwInterface* iCpsInterface;
CLiwServiceHandler* iServiceHandler;
* Reference to XML ui controller.
CXmlUiController& iUiController;
CGlobalQueryHandler* iGlobalQueryHandler;
CAknGlobalConfirmationQuery* iGlobalConfirmationQuery;
}// namespace AiXmlUiController