* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)..
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* WidgetManager configuration class
#include <centralrepository.h>
#include <StringLoader.h>
#include <AknsConstants.h>
#include <widgetregistryclient.h> // widget reqistry
#include <widgetmanagerview.rsg>
#include <widgetmanager.mbg>
#include "wmconfiguration.h"
#include "wmresourceloader.h"
#include "wmcrkeys.h"
// some constants regarging the central repository localised section.
// these will ensure CR localisation section compatibility even if
// new strings are added
const TInt KLangOffsetOperatorUrl = KOperatorButtonUrl0 - KLangId0;
const TInt KLangOffsetOperatorText = KOperatorButtonText0 - KLangId0;
const TInt KLangGroupSize = KLangId1 - KLangId0;
const TUint32 KLastLangId = KLangId9;
_LIT( KOpAppTypeS60, "s60" );
_LIT( KOpAppTypeCwrt, "cwrt" );
_LIT( KOpAppTypeWrt, "wrt" );
_LIT( KOpAppTypeJava, "java" );
_LIT( KOpAppTypeQt, "qt" );
_LIT( KSeparator, ":" );
_LIT( KOperatorIcon, "uid(%d)");
_LIT( KHexPrefix, "0x" );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::NewL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWmConfiguration* CWmConfiguration::NewL(
CWmResourceLoader& aResourceLoader )
CWmConfiguration* self = new (ELeave) CWmConfiguration( aResourceLoader );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
CleanupStack::Pop( self );
return self;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::CWmConfiguration()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWmResourceLoader& aResourceLoader )
: iResourceLoader( aResourceLoader )
// ovi
iOviStoreUid = KNullUid;
// operator
iOperatorAppIdUid = KNullUid;
iOperatorAppType = EUnknown;
iOperatorButtonEnabled = EFalse;
iButtonsMirrored = EFalse;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::~CWmConfiguration()
// ---------------------------------------------------------
delete iRepository;
// ovi
delete iOviStoreClientParam;
delete iOviButtonTitle;
delete iOviButtonIcon;
// operator
delete iOperatorButtonTitle;
delete iOperatorButtonIcon;
delete iOperatorButtonUrl;
delete iOperatorParam;
delete iOperatorAppIdStr;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ConstructL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::ConstructL()
// localised ovistore button text
iOviButtonTitle = StringLoader::LoadL( R_QTN_WM_GO_TO_OVI_STORE );
// ovistore icon descriptor. It will look something like this:
// skin( 0x101f86e3 0x23f6 ):mif( z:\resource\apps\widgetmanager.mif 16388 16389 )
_LIT( KSkinMifIconFormat, "skin( 0x%x 0x%x ):mif( %S %d %d )");
const TInt KMaxIconDescriptorLength = 256;
TBuf<KMaxIconDescriptorLength> buf;
buf.Format( KSkinMifIconFormat(),
EAknsMajorGeneric, EAknsMinorGenericQgnMenuOviStore,
EMbmWidgetmanagerQgn_menu_ovistore_mask );
iOviButtonIcon = buf.AllocL();
// read data from repository
TRAP_IGNORE( LoadConfigurationL(); );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::LoadConfigurationL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::LoadConfigurationL()
iRepository = CRepository::NewL(
TUid::Uid( KCrWidgetManagerm ) );
// read Ovi parameters
ReadInt32Parameter( KOviStoreUid, iOviStoreUid.iUid );
iOviStoreClientParam = ReadDescParameterL( KOviStoreClientParam );
// read operator parameters if operator button enabled
ReadIntParameter( KOperatorButtonEnabled, iOperatorButtonEnabled );
if ( iOperatorButtonEnabled )
// determine language and read localised parameters
iLanguageIndex = FindCorrectLanguageId();
iOperatorButtonTitle = ReadLocalisedParameterL( KLangOffsetOperatorText );
iOperatorButtonUrl = ReadLocalisedParameterL( KLangOffsetOperatorUrl );
// read non-localised parameters
iOperatorButtonIcon = ReadDescParameterL( KOperatorButtonIcon );
iOperatorParam = ReadDescParameterL( KOperatorParam );
ReadIntParameter( KOperatorButtonHigherPriority, iButtonsMirrored );
delete iRepository;
iRepository = NULL;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::FindCorrectLanguageId
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWmConfiguration::FindCorrectLanguageId()
TInt languageIndex = KErrNotFound; // the correct language
TInt englishIndex = KErrNotFound; // english
TInt anyIndex = KErrNotFound; // backup - any existing
TLanguage sysLang = User::Language();
//read language id's from cenrep, find a match
for( TUint32 i=KLangId0; i<=KLastLangId && languageIndex<0; i+=KLangGroupSize )
TInt crLang = 0;
if ( iRepository->Get( i, crLang ) == KErrNone )
if ( crLang == sysLang && languageIndex < 0 )
{ languageIndex = i; }
if ( crLang == ELangEnglish && englishIndex < 0 )
{ englishIndex = i; }
if ( crLang > 0 && anyIndex < 0 )
{ anyIndex = i; }
// if correct language was not found, use english
if ( languageIndex < 0 ) languageIndex = englishIndex;
// if english was not found, use any configured language
if ( languageIndex < 0 ) languageIndex = anyIndex;
// if there are no languages configured, we're in trouble...
if ( languageIndex < 0 ) languageIndex = 0;
return languageIndex;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ReadDescParameterL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CWmConfiguration::ReadDescParameterL( TInt aKey )
TBuf<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxUnicodeStringLength> buf;
TInt err = iRepository->Get( aKey, buf );
HBufC* heapBuffer = NULL;
if ( err == KErrNone )
heapBuffer = HBufC::NewL( buf.Length() );
heapBuffer->Des().Copy( buf );
return heapBuffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ReadInt32ParameterIntL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::ReadInt32Parameter( TInt aKey, TInt32& aValue )
TInt value = 0;
if ( iRepository->Get( aKey, value ) == KErrNone )
aValue = value;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ReadIntParameterIntL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::ReadIntParameter( TInt aKey, TInt& aValue )
aValue = 0;
iRepository->Get( aKey, aValue );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ReadLocalisedParameterL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
HBufC* CWmConfiguration::ReadLocalisedParameterL(
TInt aOffset )
TBuf<NCentralRepositoryConstants::KMaxUnicodeStringLength> buf;
TInt err = KErrNone;
err = iRepository->Get( iLanguageIndex + aOffset, buf );
if ( err != KErrNone || buf.Length() == 0 )
// This language is empty. Try default language (index 0)
err = iRepository->Get( KLangId0 + aOffset, buf );
// construct string in heap
HBufC* heapBuffer = NULL;
if ( err == KErrNone )
heapBuffer = buf.AllocL();
return heapBuffer;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::ReadOperatorApplicationInfoL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::ReadOperatorApplicationInfoL()
HBufC* applicationInfo = ReadDescParameterL( KOperatorAppTypeAndId );
if ( applicationInfo && applicationInfo->Des().Length() > 0 )
CleanupStack::PushL( applicationInfo );
// parse
TInt separator = applicationInfo->Des().Find( KSeparator );
if ( separator != KErrNotFound )
TPtrC type = applicationInfo->Des().Left( separator );
TPtrC appId = applicationInfo->Des().Mid(
separator + KSeparator().Length() );
if ( !type.Compare( KOpAppTypeS60 ) )
iOperatorAppType = ES60;
iOperatorAppIdUid = StringToUid( appId );
SetOperatorIconL( iOperatorAppIdUid );
else if ( !type.Compare( KOpAppTypeCwrt ) )
iOperatorAppType = ECwrt;
iOperatorAppIdUid = FetchWidgetUidFromRegistryL( appId );
SetOperatorIconL( iOperatorAppIdUid );
else if ( !type.Compare( KOpAppTypeWrt ) )
iOperatorAppType = EWrt;
iOperatorAppIdUid = FetchWidgetUidFromRegistryL( appId );
SetOperatorIconL( iOperatorAppIdUid );
else if ( !type.Compare( KOpAppTypeJava ) )
//TODO: java support is not fully implemented
User::Leave( KErrGeneral );
iOperatorAppType = EJava;
iOperatorAppIdStr = appId.AllocL();
else if ( !type.Compare( KOpAppTypeQt ) )
iOperatorAppType = EQt;
iOperatorAppIdUid = StringToUid( appId );
SetOperatorIconL( iOperatorAppIdUid );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( applicationInfo );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::SetOperatorIcon
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::SetOperatorIconL( TUid aUid )
if ( iOperatorButtonIcon &&
!iOperatorButtonIcon->Des().Length() )
delete iOperatorButtonIcon;
iOperatorButtonIcon = NULL;
iOperatorButtonIcon = HBufC::NewL(
KMaxUidName + KOperatorIcon().Length() );
KOperatorIcon(), aUid );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::FetchWidgetUidFromRegistryL
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUid CWmConfiguration::FetchWidgetUidFromRegistryL(
const TDesC& aBundleId )
RWidgetRegistryClientSession clientSession;
User::LeaveIfError( clientSession.Connect() );
CleanupClosePushL( clientSession );
TInt ret = clientSession.GetWidgetUidL( aBundleId );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &clientSession );
return TUid::Uid( ret );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonCount
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TInt CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonCount()
return ( iOperatorButtonEnabled ? 2 : 1 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonText
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonText( TInt aIndex )
if ( aIndex == 0 && iOviButtonTitle )
return *iOviButtonTitle;
if ( aIndex == 1 && iOperatorButtonTitle && iOperatorButtonEnabled )
return *iOperatorButtonTitle;
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonIcon
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonIcon( TInt aIndex )
if ( aIndex == 0 && iOviButtonIcon )
return *iOviButtonIcon;
if ( aIndex == 1 && iOperatorButtonIcon && iOperatorButtonEnabled )
return *iOperatorButtonIcon;
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonBrowserUrl
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonBrowserUrl( TInt aIndex )
// No support for ovi here
if ( aIndex == 1 && iOperatorButtonUrl && iOperatorButtonEnabled )
return *iOperatorButtonUrl;
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonClientUid
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUid CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonClientUid( TInt aIndex )
if ( aIndex == 0 )
return iOviStoreUid;
// operator not supported. Get operator data using
// PortalButtonApplicationInfoL
return KNullUid;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonClientParam
// ---------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonClientParam( TInt aIndex )
if ( aIndex == 0 && iOviStoreClientParam )
return *iOviStoreClientParam;
if ( aIndex == 1 && iOperatorParam && iOperatorButtonEnabled )
return *iOperatorParam;
return KNullDesC;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonsMirrored
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TBool CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonsMirrored()
return iButtonsMirrored;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationType
// ---------------------------------------------------------
CWmConfiguration::TOpAppType CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationType(
TInt aIndex )
if ( aIndex == 1 )
return iOperatorAppType;
// no support for ovi
return EUnknown;
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationId
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationId(
TInt aIndex, TDes& aOperatorAppId )
if ( aIndex == 1 )
aOperatorAppId.Copy( *iOperatorAppIdStr );
// no support for ovi
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationId
// ---------------------------------------------------------
void CWmConfiguration::PortalButtonApplicationId(
TInt aIndex, TUid& aOperatorAppId )
if ( aIndex == 1 )
aOperatorAppId = iOperatorAppIdUid;
// no support for ovi
// ---------------------------------------------------------
// CWmConfiguration::StringToUid
// ---------------------------------------------------------
TUid CWmConfiguration::StringToUid( const TDesC& aStr )
if ( aStr.Length() > 0 && aStr.Find( KHexPrefix ) == 0 )
// hex value 0x12345678
TLex lex( aStr.Mid( KHexPrefix().Length() ) );
TUint id = 0;
if ( lex.Val( id, EHex ) == KErrNone )
return TUid::Uid( (TInt)id );
else if ( aStr.Length() > 0 )
TLex lex( aStr );
TUint id( 0 );
if ( KErrNone == lex.Val( id ) )
return TUid::Uid( (TInt)id );
return KNullUid;
// End of File