Example applications for various Homescreen APIs.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include "xncontroladapter.h"
#include <eikmobs.h>
#include <eikmenup.h>
#include "xnmenu.h"
class TXnUiEnginePluginIf;
class CXnNodePluginIf;
_LIT8(KXnMenuBar, "menubar");
_LIT8(KXnMenuItem, "menuitem");
_LIT8(KXnDynMenuItem, "dynmenuitem");
_LIT8(KXnWidgetMenuItem, "widgetmenuitem");
_LIT8(KXnWidgetSoftkey, "widgetsoftkey");
_LIT8(KXnMenu, "menu");
_LIT8(KXnLabel, "label");
_LIT8(KXnImage, "image");
_LIT8(KXnImagePath, "path");
_LIT8(KXnMenuExtension, "menuextension");
_LIT8(KXnMenuItemSettings, "hs_widget_menuitem_settings");
_LIT8(KXnSource, "source");
_LIT8(KXnTarget, "target");
class TXnMenuItem
public :
CXnNodePluginIf* iNode;
TBool iAutomaticSP;
TInt iParentIndex;
CEikMenuPaneItem::SData iData;
TBool iIsCascade;
class CXnSoftkeyItem;
* @ingroup group_xnmenufactory
* @lib xn3menufactory.dll
* @since S60 3.1
class CXnMenuAdapter : public CXnControlAdapter, public MEikMenuObserver
public: // Constructors and destructor
* Two-phased constructor.
static CXnMenuAdapter* NewL( CXnControlAdapter* aParent, CXnNodePluginIf& aNode );
* Destructor.
virtual ~CXnMenuAdapter();
public: // new functions
virtual void SetContainerL(CEikButtonGroupContainer& aContainer);
virtual TBool IsMenuFocused();
* Closes the menu, if it is open.
* @since Series 60 3.2
virtual void StopDisplayingMenu();
* Sets soft key image. If there was no leave, menu takes
* bitmap and mask ownership.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aBitmap Bitmap to draw
* @param aMask Mask to use
* @param aPos Softkey position
* @param aPreserveAspectRatio ETrue if image's aspect ratio is preserved
* @param aInvertMask ETrue if white mask is used, EFalse if black mask is used
* @param aTransferOwnership ETrue if bitmap and mask ownerhsip is transferred to menuadapter
void SetSoftKeyImageL(
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap* aMask,
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
CXnNodeAppIf* aNode,
TBool aPreserveAspectRatio, TBool aInvertMask,TBool aTransferOwnership);
* Sets soft key image.
* @param aId icon bitmap IID
* @param aBmpFile file path.
* @param aBmp Bitmap ID.
* @param aBmpM Bitmap mask ID.
* @param aPos Softkey position.
* @param aEnable ETrue for set icon, EFalse for use default icon.
void SetSoftKeyImageL( const TAknsItemID& aId,
const TDesC& aBmpFile,
const TInt32 aBmp,
const TInt32 aBmpM,
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos,
TBool aEnable );
* Sets softkey text.
* @since Series 60 3.2
* @param aText Text to draw
* @param aPos Softkey position
void SetSoftKeyTextL( const TDesC& aText,
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );
* Sets softkey.
* @param aNode Softey node.
* @param aPos Softkey position.
void SetSoftKeyL( CXnNodePluginIf* aSoftkeyNode,
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );
* Gets currently visible softkey.
* @param aPos Softkey position.
* @return Softey node.
CXnNodePluginIf* SoftKeyL( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition aPos );
* Returns softkey node, which should handle key event.
* @return softkey node which should handle key event, NULL if not available.
CXnNodePluginIf* KeyEventNode();
* Finds softkey node by given position
* @since Series 60 5.0
virtual TBool FindSoftKeyNodeByPosition( const TPoint& aPosition, CXnNodePluginIf*& aNode );
* Tries to display menubar
* @since Series 60 5.2
* @param aMenuNodeId the menu node id
* @param aContextMenu ETrue if context menu should be displayed, EFalse otherwise
void TryDisplayingMenuL( const TDesC& aMenuNodeId, TBool aContextMenu );
public: // from CCoeControl
* See CCoeControl documentation
TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,TEventCode aType);
* See CCoeControl documentation
virtual void HandlePointerEventL(const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent);
* See CCoeControl documentation
virtual void HandleResourceChange(TInt aType);
* From CCoeAppUiBase. Informs the components about the screen layout switch.
virtual void HandleScreenDeviceChangedL();
public: // from MEikMenuObserver
* Will panic if we don't override it, because we don't have any resource for it.
* Default implementation will read resources
virtual void RestoreMenuL(CCoeControl* aMenuControl,TInt aResourceId,TMenuType aType);
* Initialize menu pane dynamically
virtual void DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt aResourceId,CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane);
* See CCoeControl documentation
virtual void SetEmphasis(CCoeControl* aMenuControl,TBool aEmphasis);
* See CCoeControl documentation
virtual void ProcessCommandL(TInt aCommandId);
* This is done when application goes to background.
void DoEnterPowerSaveModeL(TModeEvent aEvent);
* This is done when application goes to foreground.
void DoExitPowerSaveModeL(TModeEvent aEvent);
* Handles menu property change
virtual void HandleMenuPropertyChangeL(CXnNodePluginIf* aNode, CXnProperty* aProperty);
* Sets a dynamic menuitem initialisation observer
void SetObserver( XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuObserver& aObserver );
* Removes the dynamic menuitem initialisation observer
void RemoveObserver();
* C++ default constructor.
* By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
void ConstructL( CXnControlAdapter* aParent, CXnNodePluginIf& aNode );
* Populate menu from nodes
void PopulateMenuL();
* Create menu items. Recursive function
TInt AddMenuItemL( TInt aParentIndex, CXnNodePluginIf* aNode,
RPointerArray< const TDesC8 >& aGroups );
* Finds softkey item by position
CXnNodePluginIf* FindSoftkeyItemByPosition( const TPoint& aPosition );
* Prepare image for softkey
CEikImage* PrepareSoftkeyImageL( const CXnSoftkeyItem& aItem, const TSize& aSize );
* Sets appearance to softkey, either text or image
void SetSoftkeyAppearanceL( CXnSoftkeyItem& aItem );
* Initializes softkey items array
void InitSoftkeyItemsL();
* Initializes single softkey item image
void InitSoftkeyItemImageL( CXnSoftkeyItem& aItem );
* Check wheter msk is available in this layout
TBool IsMskAvailable();
* Resolves the softkey node which is in this pointer event location
CXnNodePluginIf* ResolvePointerEventReceiver( const TPoint aPosition );
* Tries to display menubar
void TryDisplayingMenuL();
* Get cba button rect from laf
TRect ButtonTouchableRectByPosition( TInt aPosition );
* Finds softkey from node tree
CXnNodePluginIf* FindSoftkeyNodeL(const TDesC8& aNodeType);
* Creates menu bar
void CreateMenuBarL();
* Updates softkeys if their "need update" state is on
void UpdateSoftkeyAppearancesL();
* Creates image with right size and set it to left or right softkey
void ChangeSoftkeyImageL(const CXnSoftkeyItem& aSoftkey);
* Inserts menu items to menu pane
void AddItemsToMenuPaneL(CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane, TInt aResourceId);
* Creates and initialized softkey item (TXnSoftkeyItem holds data for softkey)
* if not created yet and appends it to the array
CXnSoftkeyItem* AppendSoftkeyItemL(CXnNodePluginIf* aNode);
* Dig type attribute from softkey node.
* Return KNullDesC if not found
const TDesC8& SoftkeyPlaceL(CXnNodePluginIf& aNode);
* Finds softkey item by position.
CXnNodePluginIf* DoFindSoftkeyItemByPositionL( const TPoint& aPosition );
* Get visible softkey item based on position.
CXnSoftkeyItem* SoftkeyItemL(TInt aPosition);
* Get softkey item based on given node
CXnSoftkeyItem* SoftkeyItemL(CXnNodePluginIf* aNode);
* Get softkey item based on given node
CXnSoftkeyItem* SoftkeyItemL(CXnNodeAppIf* aNode);
* Set member flag true based on item.
void SetUpdateAppearanceL(CXnSoftkeyItem* aItem);
* Finds menu item from focused widget.
CXnNodePluginIf* FindWidgetMenuItemL( CXnNodePluginIf* aNode );
* Finds a <widgetsoftkey> node from view which 'source' arrtibure matches with the 'target' attribute
* of given node and returns its label.
HBufC* FindSoftkeyLabelL( CXnNodePluginIf* aNode );
private: // Data
TXnUiEnginePluginIf* iUiEngine;
CXnNodePluginIf* iRootNode;
CXnNodePluginIf* iMenuBarNode;
CXnNodePluginIf* iPointerEventNode;
CXnNodePluginIf* iKeyEventNode;
CArrayFixFlat< TXnMenuItem > iMenuItems;
TInt iIdCounter;
CEikButtonGroupContainer* iContainer;
CEikMenuBar* iMenuBar;
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuObserver* iObserver;
TBool iMenuShown;
RPointerArray<CXnSoftkeyItem> iSoftkeyItems;
TInt iPreviousMenuPaneId;
TBool iUpdateLskAppearance;
TBool iUpdateMskAppearance;
TBool iUpdateRskAppearance;
TBool iContextMenu;
CXnSoftkeyItem* iVisibleLSK;
CXnSoftkeyItem* iVisibleRSK;
CXnSoftkeyItem* iVisibleMSK;
// End of File