* Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Xuikon control adapter source file
// System includes
#include <utf.h>
#include <SVGEngineInterfaceImpl.h>
#include <s32file.h>
#include <mifconvdefs.h>
//skinning support
#include <AknsFrameBackgroundControlContext.h>
#include <AknsDrawUtils.h>
#include <aknconsts.h>
#include <AknUtils.h>
#include <AknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext.h>
#include <gulicon.h>
#include <touchfeedback.h>
// User includes
#include "xnappuiadapter.h"
#include "xnviewadapter.h"
#include "xnviewmanager.h"
#include "xncontroladapterimpl.h"
#include "xncontroladapter.h"
#include "xnmenuadapter.h"
#include "xncomponentnodeimpl.h"
#include "xntype.h"
#include "xnnodepluginif.h"
#include "xnuiengine.h"
#include "xnviewnodeimpl.h"
#include "c_xnutils.h"
#include "xndomdocument.h"
#include "xndomattribute.h"
#include "xndomnode.h"
#include "xnproperty.h"
#include "xndomlist.h"
#include "xnodt.h"
#include "xnresource.h"
#include "xnhittest.h"
#include "xnplugindata.h"
#include "xnnode.h"
#include "xnpanic.h"
#include "xnviewdata.h"
#include "xnscrollablecontroladapter.h"
#include "xnfocuscontrol.h"
#include "xneditmode.h"
#include "xnbgcontrol.h"
_LIT8(KScrollableBoxNodeName, "scrollablebox");
using namespace XnGestureHelper;
#include "xngesture.h"
// Constants
const TInt KSkinGfxInnerRectShrink = 5;
const TInt KFocusGrowValue = 3;
static TRgb ConvertHslToRgb( TInt aHue, TInt aSaturation, TInt aLightness );
static void ConvertRgbToHsl( TRgb aRGB, TUint& aHue, TUint& aSaturation,
TUint& aLightness );
static void LoadFbsBitmapL(
CXnResource& aResource, CFbsBitmap*& aTarget, RFs& aFsSession );
static void LoadMbmBitmapL( CXnResource& aResource,
TInt aBitmapIndex, CFbsBitmap*& aTarget, RFs& aFsSession );
static void LoadSVGBitmapL( CXnResource& aResource,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmapMask,
TRect aRect, RFs& aFsSession );
static TBool GetBitmapL( CXnUiEngine& aEngine, CXnNode& aNode,
const TDesC& aResourceFileName, TInt& aBitmapIndex,
CFbsBitmap*& aTarget, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmapMask,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider,
TRect aRect, RFs& aFsSession );
static void LimitRectToPaddingRect( CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect );
static void DrawSpaceBackgroundY( CWindowGc& aGc, TInt aYRepeatCount,
CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TRect aBitmapRect,
TRect aImageRect, TInt& aYOffset );
static void DrawRepeatBackgroundY( CWindowGc& aGc, TInt aYRepeatCount,
CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TRect aBitmapRect,
TRect aImageRect, TInt& aYOffset );
static void StripQuotes( HBufC*& aString );
static void DrawBackgroundColorL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void GetBackroundRepeatValuesL( CXnNode& aNode, TBool& aRepeatX,
TBool& aRepeatY, TBool& aSpaceX, TBool& aSpaceY );
static void DrawRepeatedBackgroundImage( CWindowGc& aGc, CXnNode& aNode,
TRect& aRect, TRect aImageRect, TRect aBitmapRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TBool aRepeatX, TBool aRepeatY, TBool aSpaceX,
TBool aSpaceY, TInt aXRepeatCount, TInt aYRepeatCount );
static TBool GetBackgroundPositionFromPropertyL(
CXnNode& aNode, TBool aScaleImage, TRect& aRect,
TRect aImageRect, CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TBool& aHeightSet );
static TBool GetBackgroundSizeFromPropertyL( TRect& aRect, CXnNode& aNode,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TBool& aScaleImage );
static TRgb LighterColor( const TRgb& aRgb );
static TRgb DarkerColor( const TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawSolidTopBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void SplitTopBorderPolygonL( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aUpperPart, CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLowerPart );
static void DrawRidgeTopBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawGrooveTopBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawInsetTopBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawOutsetTopBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static TBool GetBorderColorL(
const TDesC8& aPropertyName, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawTopBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void DrawBottomBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void DrawSolidBottomBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void SplitBottomBorderPolygonL( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aUpperPart, CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLowerPart );
static void DrawRidgeBottomBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawGrooveBottomBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawInsetBottomBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawOutsetBottomBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawSolidLeftBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void SplitLeftBorderPolygonL( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLeftPart, CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aRightPart );
static void DrawRidgeLeftBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawGrooveLeftBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawInsetLeftBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawOutsetLeftBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawLeftBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void DrawRightBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void DrawSolidRightBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void SplitRightBorderPolygonL( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLeftPart, CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aRightPart );
static void DrawRidgeRightBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawGrooveRightBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawInsetRightBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawOutsetRightBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb );
static void DrawBorderImagesL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TInt aBorderBitmapDividerTop,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerRight,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerBottom, TInt aBorderBitmapDividerLeft );
static TBool IsPropertyNone( CXnProperty& aProperty );
static void DrawBordersL( const TRect& aRect, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static void SwapChildArrays( RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& originalArray,
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& sortedArray );
static CXnProperty* GetZIndexL( CXnControlAdapter* aAdapter );
static void InsertChildToSortedArrayL(
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& aTargetArray,
CXnControlAdapter* aChild );
static void InitializeBackgroundBitmapL( CXnUiEngine& aEngine, CXnNode& aNode,
TInt& aBitmapIndex, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aMask,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider, RFs& aFsSession );
static HBufC* GetBackgroundImagePathLC( CXnNode& aNode );
static CFbsBitmap* InitializeBorderBitmapL(
CXnUiEngine& aEngine, CXnNode& aNode,
TInt& aBitmapIndex, TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerTop,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerRight, TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerBottom,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerLeft,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider, RFs& aFsSession );
static void DrawDottedBorder(
TRect aBorderRect, CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb, TBool aHorizontal );
static HBufC* GetBackgroundImageMaskPathLC( CXnNode& aNode );
static CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapFromColorL( TSize aSize, TRgb aColor );
static TBool CreateGestureHelperL( CXnNode& aNode );
static TInt AccessResourceFileL(
CXnResource& aResource, RFile& aFile, RFs& aFsSession );
static void DrawFocusAppearance( CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc );
static CXnDomNode* HasHoldTrigger( CXnDomNode* aNode );
static void CancelFocusRefusalL( CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine );
// ============================= LOCAL FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnScrollableControlAdapter* IsChildOfScrollableControl( CXnNode& aNode )
CXnNode* parent = aNode.Parent();
while( parent )
if( parent->Type()->Type() == KScrollableBoxNodeName )
CXnScrollableControlAdapter* ret = static_cast<CXnScrollableControlAdapter*>(parent->Control());
return ret;
parent = parent->Parent();
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SetControlContext
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SetControlContext(CXnControlAdapter& aChild, CXnNode& aNode)
CXnScrollableControlAdapter* scrollableControl = IsChildOfScrollableControl( aNode );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AccessResourceFileL
// Opens a resource file for accessing. The caller must close the file.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TInt AccessResourceFileL(
CXnResource& aResource,
RFile& aFile,
RFs& aFsSession )
TInt err = KErrNone;
// parse file name and extension
const TDesC& fileName = aResource.FileName();
TParsePtrC fileParser( fileName );
TPtrC filepath = fileParser.DriveAndPath();
// open resource file
aFsSession.SetSessionPath( filepath );
err = aFile.Open( aFsSession, fileName, EFileShareReadersOnly );
if ( err != KErrNone )
return err;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadFbsBitmapL
// Loads a bitmap file from the theme server and creates a CFbsBitmap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LoadFbsBitmapL(
CXnResource& aResource,
CFbsBitmap*& aTarget,
RFs& aFsSession )
RFile file;
TInt ret = AccessResourceFileL( aResource, file, aFsSession );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( file );
aTarget = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
if ( !aTarget )
RFileReadStream readStream( file );
CleanupClosePushL( readStream );
aTarget->InternalizeL( readStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &readStream );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( &file );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadMifBitmapL
// Loads a bitmap file from the theme server and creates a CFbsBitmap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LoadMifBitmapL(
CXnResource& aResource,
TInt aBitmapIndex,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aMask,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider,
RFs& aFsSession,
const TRect& aRect )
RFile file;
TInt ret = AccessResourceFileL( aResource, file, aFsSession );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
aIconProvider = new ( ELeave ) CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider( file );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
// Mask is next after bitmap
AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( aBitmap, aMask, *aIconProvider,
aBitmapIndex + KMifIdFirst, aBitmapIndex + KMifIdFirst + 1 );
AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap, aRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadMbmBitmapL
// Loads a bitmap file from the theme server and creates a CFbsBitmap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LoadMbmBitmapL(
CXnResource& aResource,
TInt aBitmapIndex,
CFbsBitmap*& aTarget,
RFs& aFsSession )
RFile file;
TInt ret = AccessResourceFileL( aResource, file, aFsSession );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( file );
aTarget = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
aTarget->Load( file, aBitmapIndex );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadSVGBitmapL
// Loads an SVG file from the theme server and creates a CFbsBitmap.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LoadSVGBitmapL(
CXnResource& aResource,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmapMask,
TRect /*aRect*/,
RFs& aFsSession )
RFile file;
TInt ret = AccessResourceFileL( aResource, file, aFsSession );
if ( ret == KErrNone )
CleanupClosePushL( file );
CFbsBitmap* frameBuffer = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( frameBuffer );
frameBuffer->Create( TSize( 0, 0 ), EColor16M );
TFontSpec fontSpec;
CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl* svgEngine =
CSvgEngineInterfaceImpl::NewL( frameBuffer, NULL, fontSpec );
CleanupStack::PushL( svgEngine );
svgEngine->Load( file );
TSize contentSize = svgEngine->ContentDimensions();
TInt domHandle;
svgEngine->PrepareDom( file, domHandle );
contentSize.iWidth, contentSize.iHeight );
CFbsBitmap* target = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
target->Create( contentSize, EColor16M );
svgEngine->RenderDom( domHandle, target );
aBitmap = target;
CFbsBitmap* mask = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
mask->Create( contentSize, EGray256 );
svgEngine->GenerateMask( mask );
aBitmapMask = mask;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, &file ); // frameBuffer, svgEngine, file
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ResolveMifIDL
// Resolves a mif id from a given string.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool ResolveMifIDL(
const TDesC& aMifId,
TInt& aMifID )
HBufC* str = aMifId.AllocL();
TPtr ptrMif = str->Des();
TInt pos( ptrMif.FindF( KMif ) );
if ( KErrNotFound != pos )
pos += KMif().Length();
TPtr ptr = ptrMif.MidTPtr( pos, ( ptrMif.Length() - pos ) );
TInt offset( ptr.Locate( KRightParenthesis ) );
if ( KErrNotFound != offset )
TLex lex( ptr.Left( offset ) );
lex.Val( aMifID );
delete str;
return ETrue;
delete str;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LoadSkinBitmapL
// Loads a skin bitmap and creates a CFbsBitmap from it.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool LoadSkinBitmapL(
const TDesC& aSkinId,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmapMask,
TRect aRect )
TAknsItemID itemID;
MAknsSkinInstance* skin( AknsUtils::SkinInstance() );
TInt mifId( 0 );
TInt mifFound( ResolveMifIDL( aSkinId, mifId ) );
TInt colorIndex( KErrNotFound );
if ( skin && CXnUtils::ResolveSkinItemIDL( aSkinId, itemID, colorIndex ) )
if ( itemID.iMajor == EAknsMajorAppIcon ) // Check if appl. icon request
TUid applUid;
applUid = TUid::Uid( itemID.iMinor );
skin, applUid, EAknsAppIconTypeList, aBitmap, aBitmapMask );
aBitmap, aRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
CleanupStack::Pop( 2 ); //aBitmap, aBitmapMask
return ETrue;
TInt error( KErrNone );
// if we have a color index, then we create a colored icon
if ( colorIndex != KErrNotFound )
TRgb defaultColor( 0, 0, 0 );
TRAP( error, AknsUtils::CreateColorIconL(
skin, itemID, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors,
colorIndex, aBitmap, aBitmapMask,
KNullDesC, mifId, mifId + 1, defaultColor ) );
TRAP( error, AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
skin, itemID, aBitmap, aBitmapMask, KNullDesC,
mifId, mifId + 1 ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
error = KErrNone;
TRAP( error, AknsUtils::CreateIconL(
skin, itemID, aBitmap, KNullDesC, mifId ) );
if ( error == KErrNone )
aBitmap, aRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
return ETrue;
if ( mifFound )
aBitmap, aBitmapMask, KAvkonBitmapFile, mifId, mifId + 1 );
aBitmap, aRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBitmap
// Fetches a bitmap
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool GetBitmapL(
CXnUiEngine& aEngine,
CXnNode& /*aNode*/,
const TDesC& aResourceFileName,
TInt& aBitmapIndex,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmapMask,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider,
TRect aRect,
RFs& aFsSession )
if ( LoadSkinBitmapL( aResourceFileName, aBitmap, aBitmapMask, aRect ) )
return ETrue;
CXnResource* resource( CXnUtils::FindResource(
aEngine.Resources(), aResourceFileName, aBitmapIndex ) );
if ( resource )
if ( resource->ResourceType() == EResourceSVG )
LoadSVGBitmapL( *resource, aBitmap, aBitmapMask, aRect, aFsSession );
return ETrue;
else if ( resource->ResourceType() == EResourceMIF )
LoadMifBitmapL( *resource, aBitmapIndex, aBitmap,
aBitmapMask, aIconProvider, aFsSession, aRect );
return ETrue;
else if ( resource->ResourceType() == EResourceMBM )
LoadMbmBitmapL( *resource, aBitmapIndex, aBitmap, aFsSession );
return ETrue;
else if ( resource->ResourceType() == EResourceFBS )
LoadFbsBitmapL( *resource, aBitmap, aFsSession );
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawBackgroundColorL
// Draws background color to the padding rect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawBackgroundColorL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
CXnProperty* colorProperty( aNode.BackgroundColorL() );
if ( colorProperty )
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
CXnDomPropertyValue* value =
static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
colorProperty->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::ERgbColor )
TRgb rgb( value->RgbColorValueL() );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawRect( paddingRect );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// StripQuotes
// Strips enclosing quotes from a string
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void StripQuotes( HBufC*& aString )
TInt pos1 = aString->Locate( '\"' );
TInt pos2 = aString->Locate( '\'' );
// check, if the first character is " or '
if ( pos1 == 0 || pos2 == 0 )
TInt len = aString->Length() - 2;
TPtr ptr = aString->Des();
TPtrC16 newString( aString->Mid( 1, len ).Ptr(), len );
ptr = newString;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRepeatBackgroundY
// Draws repeated background in the vertical direction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRepeatBackgroundY(
CWindowGc& aGc, TInt aYRepeatCount, CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TRect aBitmapRect,
TRect aImageRect, TInt& aYOffset )
for (TInt i = 0; i <= aYRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iY < aNode.PaddingRect().iBr.iY;)
TRect newRect;
newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( newRect, aBitmap, aBitmapRect );
aRect.Move( 0, newRect.Height() );
aYOffset += newRect.Height();
if ( ++i == aYRepeatCount || aYRepeatCount == 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawSpaceBackgroundY
// Draws spaced background in the vertical direction
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawSpaceBackgroundY(
CWindowGc& aGc, TInt aYRepeatCount, CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap, TRect aBitmapRect,
TRect aImageRect, TInt& aYOffset )
for (TInt j = 0; j <= aYRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iY < aNode.PaddingRect().iBr.iY;)
TRect newRect = aRect;
newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( newRect, aBitmap, aBitmapRect );
aRect.Move( 0, newRect.Height() );
aYOffset += newRect.Height();
if ( ++j == aYRepeatCount || aYRepeatCount == 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LimitRectToPaddingRect
// Limits a rect so that it does not exceed padding rect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void LimitRectToPaddingRect( CXnNode& aNode, TRect& aRect )
TRect tmpRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
if ( aRect.iTl.iX < tmpRect.iTl.iX )
aRect.SetRect( tmpRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY );
if ( aRect.iTl.iY < tmpRect.iTl.iY )
aRect.SetRect( aRect.iTl.iX, tmpRect.iTl.iY, aRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY );
if ( aRect.iBr.iX > tmpRect.iBr.iX )
aRect.SetRect( aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, tmpRect.iBr.iX, aRect.iBr.iY );
if ( aRect.iBr.iY > tmpRect.iBr.iY )
aRect.SetRect( aRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY, aRect.iBr.iX, tmpRect.iBr.iY );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBackroundRepeatValuesL
// Gets background repeat information from node properties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void GetBackroundRepeatValuesL(
CXnNode& aNode,
TBool& aRepeatX,
TBool& aRepeatY,
TBool& aSpaceX,
TBool& aSpaceY )
CXnProperty* backgroundRepeatProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBackGroundRepeat );
if ( backgroundRepeatProperty )
CXnDomList& propertyValueList =
TInt valueCount = propertyValueList.Length();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < valueCount; ++i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EString ||
value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EIdent )
switch ( i )
case 0:
if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KRepeat )
aRepeatX = ETrue;
aRepeatY = ETrue;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KSpace )
aSpaceX = ETrue;
aSpaceY = ETrue;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KRepeatX )
aRepeatX = ETrue;
aRepeatY = EFalse;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KRepeatY )
aRepeatX = EFalse;
aRepeatY = ETrue;
case 1:
if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KRepeat )
aRepeatY = ETrue;
aSpaceY = EFalse;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KSpace )
aRepeatY = EFalse;
aSpaceY = ETrue;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundrepeat::KNoRepeat )
aRepeatY = EFalse;
aSpaceY = EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRepeatedBackgroundImage
// Draws a repeated background image
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRepeatedBackgroundImage(
CWindowGc& aGc,
CXnNode& aNode,
TRect& aRect,
TRect aImageRect,
TRect aBitmapRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
TBool aRepeatX,
TBool aRepeatY,
TBool aSpaceX,
TBool aSpaceY,
TInt aXRepeatCount,
TInt aYRepeatCount )
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
if ( aRepeatX && !aRepeatY && !aSpaceX && !aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY ), aRect.Size() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( newRect, aBitmap, aBitmapRect );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
else if ( !aRepeatX && !aRepeatY && aSpaceX && !aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, aRect.iTl.iY ), aRect.Size() );
if ( aImageRect.Width() < paddingRect.Width() && aXRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Width() - aImageRect.Width() * aXRepeatCount ) / 2,
0 );
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( newRect, aBitmap, aBitmapRect );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
else if ( !aRepeatX && aRepeatY && !aSpaceX && !aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( TPoint( aRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ), aRect.Size() );
TInt yOffset = 0;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
else if ( !aRepeatX && !aRepeatY && !aSpaceX && aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( TPoint( aRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ), aRect.Size() );
if ( aImageRect.Height() < paddingRect.Height() && aYRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Height() - aImageRect.Height() * aYRepeatCount ) / 2 );
TInt yOffset = 0;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
else if ( aRepeatX && aRepeatY && !aSpaceX && !aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( paddingRect.iTl, aRect.Size() );
TInt yOffset = 0;
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
aRect.Move( 0, -yOffset );
yOffset = 0;
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aRect = newRect;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
else if ( !aRepeatX && !aRepeatY && aSpaceX && aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( paddingRect.iTl, aRect.Size() );
if ( aImageRect.Width() < paddingRect.Width() && aXRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Width() - aImageRect.Width() * aXRepeatCount ) / 2,
0 );
if ( aImageRect.Height() < paddingRect.Height() && aYRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Height() - aImageRect.Height() * aYRepeatCount ) / 2 );
TInt yOffset = 0;
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
aRect.Move( 0, -yOffset );
yOffset = 0;
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aRect = newRect;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
else if ( aRepeatX && !aRepeatY && !aSpaceX && aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( paddingRect.iTl, aRect.Size() );
if ( aImageRect.Height() < paddingRect.Height() && aYRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Height() - aImageRect.Height() * aYRepeatCount ) / 2 );
TInt yOffset = 0;
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
aRect.Move( 0, -yOffset );
yOffset = 0;
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aRect = newRect;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
else if ( !aRepeatX && aRepeatY && aSpaceX && !aSpaceY )
aRect.SetRect( paddingRect.iTl, aRect.Size() );
TInt yOffset = 0;
if ( aImageRect.Width() < paddingRect.Width() && aXRepeatCount > 0 )
( paddingRect.Width() - aImageRect.Width() * aXRepeatCount ) / 2,
-yOffset );
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= aXRepeatCount && aRect.iTl.iX < paddingRect.iBr.iX; )
aRect.Move( 0, -yOffset );
yOffset = 0;
TRect newRect = TRect(
aRect.iTl.iX + aImageRect.Width(),
aRect.iTl.iY + aImageRect.Height() ) );
aRect = newRect;
aGc, aYRepeatCount, aNode, aRect,
aBitmap, aBitmapRect,
aImageRect, yOffset );
aRect.Move( newRect.Width(), 0 );
if ( ++i == aXRepeatCount || aXRepeatCount == 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBackgroundPositionFromPropertyL
// Gets background position information from node properties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool GetBackgroundPositionFromPropertyL(
CXnNode& aNode,
TBool aScaleImage,
TRect& aRect,
TRect aImageRect,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
TBool& aHeightSet )
CXnProperty* backgroundPositionProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBackGroundPosition );
TBool centerHorizontal = ETrue;
if ( backgroundPositionProperty )
CXnDomList& propertyValueList =
TSize size;
for ( TInt i = propertyValueList.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EString ||
value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EIdent )
if ( aScaleImage )
size = aImageRect.Size();
size = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
switch ( i )
case 0:
// StringValueL will not leave, we check the type first
if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KRight )
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
aRect.Move( aRect.Width(), 0 );
aRect.Move( -size.iWidth, 0 );
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KLeft )
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KBottom )
aHeightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Move( 0, aRect.Height() );
aRect.Move( 0, -size.iHeight );
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KTop )
aHeightSet = ETrue;
case 1:
// StringValueL will not leave, we check the type first
if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KRight )
aRect.Move( aRect.Width(), 0 );
aRect.Move( -size.iWidth, 0 );
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KLeft )
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KBottom )
aHeightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Move( 0, aRect.Height() );
aRect.Move( 0, -size.iHeight );
else if ( value->StringValueL() ==
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::backgroundposition::KTop )
aHeightSet = ETrue;
else if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EPercentage )
// FloatValueL will not leave, we check the type first
TReal percentage = value->FloatValueL();
if ( percentage > 100 )
percentage = 100;
TSize size = aImageRect.Size();
switch ( i )
case 0:
TInt rectOffset = ( percentage / 100.0 ) * aRect.Width();
TInt bitmapOffset = ( percentage / 100.0 ) * size.iWidth;
aRect.Move( rectOffset, 0 );
aRect.Move( -bitmapOffset, 0 );
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
case 1:
aHeightSet = ETrue;
TInt rectOffset = ( percentage / 100.0 ) * aRect.Height();
TInt bitmapOffset = ( percentage / 100.0 ) * size.iHeight;
aRect.Move( 0, rectOffset );
aRect.Move( 0, -bitmapOffset );
CXnDomPropertyValue* tmpValue = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tmpValue = value->CloneL(); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
CXnProperty* tmpProperty = NULL;
TRAP( error, tmpProperty = CXnProperty::NewL(
*aNode.UiEngine()->ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete tmpValue;
return EFalse;
switch ( i )
case 0:
TInt intValue = 0;
TRAP( error,
intValue = aNode.UiEngine()->HorizontalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, 0 ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete tmpProperty;
return EFalse;
aRect.Move( intValue, 0 );
centerHorizontal = EFalse;
case 1:
aHeightSet = ETrue;
TInt intValue = 0;
TRAP( error,
intValue = aNode.UiEngine()->VerticalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, 0 ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete tmpProperty;
return EFalse;
aRect.Move( 0, intValue );
delete tmpProperty;
if ( centerHorizontal )
aRect.Move( aRect.Width() / 2, 0 );
aRect.Move( -size.iWidth / 2, 0 );
aHeightSet = ETrue;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBackgroundSizeFromPropertyL
// Gets background size information from node properties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool GetBackgroundSizeFromPropertyL(
TRect& aRect,
CXnNode& aNode,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
TBool& aScaleImage )
CXnProperty* backgroundSizeProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBackGroundSize );
TBool widthAuto = ETrue;
TBool heightAuto = ETrue;
TBool heightSet = EFalse;
TSize size = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
if ( backgroundSizeProperty )
widthAuto = EFalse;
heightAuto = EFalse;
CXnDomList& propertyValueList =
for ( TInt i = propertyValueList.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->IsAutoIdent() )
switch ( i )
case 0:
widthAuto = ETrue;
case 1:
heightAuto = ETrue;
for ( TInt i = propertyValueList.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->IsAutoIdent() )
else if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EPercentage )
// FloatValueL will not leave, we check the type first
TReal percentage = 100;
TRAP_IGNORE( percentage = value->FloatValueL() );
if ( percentage > 100 )
percentage = 100;
switch ( i )
case 0:
TInt widthOffset = ( 1 - ( percentage / 100.0 ) ) * aRect.Width();
if ( heightAuto )
TReal aspectRatio =
static_cast< TReal >( size.iHeight ) /
static_cast< TReal >( size.iWidth );
aRect.Resize( -widthOffset, 0 );
static_cast< TInt >(
static_cast< TReal >(
aRect.Width() ) * aspectRatio + 0.5 ) );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Resize( -widthOffset, 0 );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
if ( !heightSet )
TInt heightOffset = ( 1 - ( percentage / 100.0 ) ) * aRect.Height();
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
case 1:
TInt heightOffset = ( 1 - ( percentage / 100.0 ) ) * aRect.Height();
if ( widthAuto )
TReal aspectRatio =
static_cast< TReal >( size.iHeight ) /
static_cast< TReal >( size.iWidth );
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
static_cast< TInt >(
static_cast< TReal >(
aRect.Height() ) / aspectRatio + 0.5 ) );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
CXnDomPropertyValue* tmpValue = NULL;
TRAPD( error, tmpValue = value->CloneL(); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
CXnProperty* tmpProperty = NULL;
TRAP( error, tmpProperty = CXnProperty::NewL(
KNullDesC8, tmpValue,
*aNode.UiEngine()->ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete tmpValue;
return EFalse;
switch ( i )
case 0:
TInt intValue = 0;
TRAP( error,
intValue = aNode.UiEngine()->HorizontalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, 0 ); );
TInt widthOffset = aRect.Width() - intValue;
if ( heightAuto )
TReal aspectRatio =
static_cast< TReal >( size.iHeight ) /
static_cast< TReal >( size.iWidth );
aRect.Resize( -widthOffset, 0 );
static_cast< TInt >(
static_cast< TReal >(
aRect.Width() ) * aspectRatio + 0.5 ) );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Resize( -widthOffset, 0 );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
if ( !heightSet )
TInt heightOffset = aRect.Height() - intValue;
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
case 1:
TInt intValue = 0;
TRAP( error,
intValue = aNode.UiEngine()->VerticalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, 0 ); );
TInt heightOffset = aRect.Height() - intValue;
if ( widthAuto )
TReal aspectRatio =
static_cast< TReal >( size.iHeight ) /
static_cast< TReal >( size.iWidth );
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
static_cast< TInt >(
static_cast< TReal >(
aRect.Height() ) / aspectRatio + 0.5 ) );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
aRect.Resize( 0, -heightOffset );
aScaleImage = ETrue;
heightSet = ETrue;
delete tmpProperty;
if ( widthAuto && heightAuto )
if ( size.iHeight < aRect.Height() )
aRect.SetHeight( size.iHeight );
if ( size.iWidth < aRect.Width() )
aRect.SetWidth( size.iWidth );
aScaleImage = EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// LighterColor
// Gets a color that has more HSL lightness (used for border effects)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TRgb LighterColor( const TRgb& aRgb )
TUint hue;
TUint saturation;
TUint lightness;
ConvertRgbToHsl( aRgb, hue, saturation, lightness );
if ( ( static_cast< TInt >( lightness ) + 10 ) <= 100 )
lightness += 10;
lightness = 100;
return ConvertHslToRgb( hue, saturation, lightness );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DarkerColor
// Gets a color that has less HSL lightness (used for border effects)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TRgb DarkerColor( const TRgb& aRgb )
TUint hue;
TUint saturation;
TUint lightness;
ConvertRgbToHsl( aRgb, hue, saturation, lightness );
if ( ( static_cast< TInt >( lightness ) - 10 ) >= 0 )
lightness -= 10;
lightness = 0;
return ConvertHslToRgb( hue, saturation, lightness );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawSolidTopBorder
// Draw a top border with solid style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawSolidTopBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc )
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitTopBorderPolygonL
// Split top border to two parts for border effect drawing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SplitTopBorderPolygonL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aUpperPart,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLowerPart )
TPoint leftHalf =
( *aArray )[0].iX + ( ( *aArray )[3].iX - ( *aArray )[0].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[0].iY + ( ( *aArray )[3].iY - ( *aArray )[0].iY ) / 2);
TPoint rightHalf =
( *aArray )[2].iX + ( ( *aArray )[1].iX - ( *aArray )[2].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[1].iY + ( ( *aArray )[2].iY - ( *aArray )[1].iY ) / 2);
aUpperPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[0] );
aUpperPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[1] );
aUpperPart->AppendL( rightHalf );
aUpperPart->AppendL( leftHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( leftHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( rightHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[2] );
aLowerPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[3] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRidgeTopBorderL
// Draw top border with ridge style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRidgeTopBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* upperPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( upperPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* lowerPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lowerPart );
SplitTopBorderPolygonL( aArray, upperPart, lowerPart );
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( upperPart );
rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( upperPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawGrooveTopBorderL
// Draw top border with groove style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawGrooveTopBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* upperPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( upperPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* lowerPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lowerPart );
SplitTopBorderPolygonL( aArray, upperPart, lowerPart );
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( upperPart );
rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( upperPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawInsetTopBorder
// Draw top border with inset style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawInsetTopBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawOutsetTopBorder
// Draw top border with outset style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawOutsetTopBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc, TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBorderColorL
// Get border color from properties
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool GetBorderColorL(
const TDesC8& aPropertyName,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CXnProperty* colorProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL( aPropertyName );
CXnProperty* currentColorProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KColor );
CXnProperty* borderColorProperty = aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBorderColor );
if ( colorProperty )
CXnDomProperty* domProperty = colorProperty->Property();
CXnDomPropertyValue* propertyValue = NULL;
propertyValue = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
domProperty->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( propertyValue->IsAutoIdent() )
MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG4 );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
TRAPD( error, aRgb = propertyValue->RgbColorValueL(); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
aGc.SetPenColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( aRgb );
else if ( borderColorProperty )
CXnDomProperty* domProperty = borderColorProperty->Property();
CXnDomPropertyValue* propertyValue = NULL;
propertyValue = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
domProperty->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( propertyValue->IsAutoIdent() )
MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG4 );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
TRAPD( error, aRgb = propertyValue->RgbColorValueL(); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
aGc.SetPenColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( aRgb );
else if ( currentColorProperty )
CXnDomProperty* domProperty = currentColorProperty->Property();
CXnDomPropertyValue* propertyValue = NULL;
propertyValue = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
domProperty->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( propertyValue->IsAutoIdent() )
MAknsSkinInstance* skinInstance = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
TInt error = AknsUtils::GetCachedColor(
EAknsCIQsnLineColorsCG4 );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
TRAPD( error, aRgb = propertyValue->RgbColorValueL(); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
return EFalse;
aGc.SetPenColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( aRgb );
return EFalse;
return ETrue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawTopBorderL
// Draw top border
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawTopBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
TRect borderRect = aNode.BorderRect();
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TRgb rgb;
if ( !GetBorderColorL( XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBorderTopColor, aNode, aGc, rgb ) )
TPoint tl = borderRect.iTl;
TPoint bl = paddingRect.iTl;
bl.iY -= 1;
bl.iX -= 1;
TPoint tr = borderRect.iTl;
tr.iX += borderRect.Width()-1;
TPoint br = paddingRect.iTl;
br.iX += paddingRect.Width();
br.iY -= 1;
CArrayFix< TPoint >* array = NULL;
array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
TRAPD( error,
array->AppendL( tl );
array->AppendL( tr );
array->AppendL( br );
array->AppendL( bl ) );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete array;
CXnProperty* borderTopStyle = aNode.BorderTopStyleL();
CXnProperty* borderStyle = aNode.BorderStyleL();
const TDesC8& borderStyleString = ( borderTopStyle ) ?
borderTopStyle->StringValue() :
( borderStyle ) ? borderStyle->StringValue() : KNullDesC8;
if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KSolid )
DrawSolidTopBorder( array, aGc );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KInset )
DrawInsetTopBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KOutset )
DrawOutsetTopBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KRidge )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawRidgeTopBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KGroove )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawGrooveTopBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KDotted )
TPoint end( borderRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY );
TRect rect( borderRect.iTl, end );
DrawDottedBorder( rect, aGc, rgb, ETrue );
delete array;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawSolidBottomBorder
// Draw bottom border with solid style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawSolidBottomBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc )
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitBottomBorderPolygonL
// Split bottom border to two parts for border effect drawing
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SplitBottomBorderPolygonL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aUpperPart,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLowerPart )
TPoint leftHalf =
( *aArray )[3].iX + ( ( *aArray )[0].iX - ( *aArray )[3].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[3].iY + ( ( *aArray )[0].iY - ( *aArray )[3].iY ) / 2);
TPoint rightHalf =
( *aArray )[1].iX + ( ( *aArray )[2].iX - ( *aArray )[1].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[2].iY + ( ( *aArray )[1].iY - ( *aArray )[2].iY ) / 2);
aUpperPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[0] );
aUpperPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[1] );
aUpperPart->AppendL( rightHalf );
aUpperPart->AppendL( leftHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( leftHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( rightHalf );
aLowerPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[2] );
aLowerPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[3] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRidgeBottomBorderL
// Draw bottom border with ridge style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRidgeBottomBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* upperPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( upperPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* lowerPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lowerPart );
SplitBottomBorderPolygonL( aArray, upperPart, lowerPart );
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( upperPart );
rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( upperPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawGrooveBottomBorderL
// Draw bottom border with groove style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawGrooveBottomBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* upperPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( upperPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* lowerPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( lowerPart );
SplitBottomBorderPolygonL( aArray, upperPart, lowerPart );
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( upperPart );
rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lowerPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( upperPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawInsetBottomBorder
// Draw bottom border with inset style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawInsetBottomBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawOutsetBottomBorder
// Draw bottom border with outset style
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawOutsetBottomBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawDottedBorder
// Draw dotted border
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawDottedBorder(
TRect aBorderRect,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb,
TBool aHorizontal )
TInt height( aBorderRect.Height() );
TInt width( aBorderRect.Width() );
TInt squareSide( Min( height, width ) );
if ( !squareSide )
// Square size 1, 2 and 3 can be drawn with pen patterns
if ( squareSide < 4 )
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
aGc.SetPenColor( aRgb );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < squareSide; i++ )
TPoint start;
TPoint end;
if ( aHorizontal )
start = TPoint( aBorderRect.iTl.iX, aBorderRect.iTl.iY + i );
end = TPoint(
aBorderRect.iTl.iX + aBorderRect.Width(),
aBorderRect.iTl.iY + i );
start = TPoint( aBorderRect.iTl.iX + i, aBorderRect.iTl.iY );
end = TPoint(
aBorderRect.iTl.iX + i,
aBorderRect.iTl.iY + aBorderRect.Height() );
if ( squareSide == 3 )
// dashed pen pattern 111000...
aGc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::EDashedPen );
aGc.DrawLine( start, end );
// dotted pen pattern 1000...
aGc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::EDottedPen );
aGc.DrawLine( start, end );
if ( aHorizontal )
start.iX += ( squareSide == 1 ) ? 2 : 1;
start.iY += ( squareSide == 1 ) ? 2 : 1;
aGc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::EDottedPen );
aGc.DrawLine( start, end );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetPenStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullPen );
aGc.SetBrushColor( aRgb );
TInt divideCount( 0 );
if ( aHorizontal )
divideCount = width / squareSide;
divideCount = height / squareSide;
TRect drawingRect( aBorderRect.iTl, TSize( squareSide, squareSide ) );
// every other is drawn
TInt count( divideCount / 2 );
for ( TInt i = 0; i <= count; i++ )
aGc.DrawRect( drawingRect );
if ( aHorizontal )
drawingRect.Move( squareSide * 2, 0 );
drawingRect.Move( 0, squareSide * 2 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawBottomBorder
// Draw bottom border
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawBottomBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
TRect borderRect = aNode.BorderRect();
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TRgb rgb;
if ( !GetBorderColorL( XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBorderBottomColor, aNode, aGc, rgb ) )
TPoint tl = paddingRect.iBr;
tl.iX -= paddingRect.Width() + 1;
TPoint bl = borderRect.iBr;
bl.iX -= borderRect.Width();
bl.iY-= 1;
TPoint tr = paddingRect.iBr;
TPoint br = borderRect.iBr;
br.iY -= 1;
br.iX -= 1;
CArrayFix< TPoint >* array = NULL;
array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
TRAPD( error,
array->AppendL( tl );
array->AppendL( tr );
array->AppendL( br );
array->AppendL( bl ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete array;
CXnProperty* borderBottomStyle = aNode.BorderBottomStyleL();
CXnProperty* borderStyle = aNode.BorderStyleL();
const TDesC8& borderStyleString = ( borderBottomStyle ) ?
borderBottomStyle->StringValue() :
( borderStyle ) ? borderStyle->StringValue() : KNullDesC8;
if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KSolid )
DrawSolidBottomBorder( array, aGc );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KInset )
DrawInsetBottomBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KOutset )
DrawOutsetBottomBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KRidge )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawRidgeBottomBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KGroove )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawGrooveBottomBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KDotted )
TPoint origo( borderRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY );
TRect rect( origo, borderRect.iBr );
DrawDottedBorder( rect, aGc, rgb, ETrue );
delete array;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawSolidLeftBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawSolidLeftBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc )
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitLeftBorderPolygonL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SplitLeftBorderPolygonL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLeftPart,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aRightPart )
TPoint upHalf =
( *aArray )[0].iX + ( ( *aArray )[1].iX - ( *aArray )[0].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[0].iY + ( ( *aArray )[1].iY - ( *aArray )[0].iY ) / 2);
TPoint downHalf =
( *aArray )[3].iX + ( ( *aArray )[2].iX - ( *aArray )[3].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[2].iY + ( ( *aArray )[3].iY - ( *aArray )[2].iY ) / 2);
aLeftPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[0] );
aLeftPart->AppendL( upHalf );
aLeftPart->AppendL( downHalf );
aLeftPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[3] );
aRightPart->AppendL( upHalf );
aRightPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[1] );
aRightPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[2]) ;
aRightPart->AppendL( downHalf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRidgeLeftBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRidgeLeftBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* leftPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( leftPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* rightPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( rightPart );
SplitLeftBorderPolygonL( aArray, leftPart, rightPart );
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( leftPart );
rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( leftPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawGrooveLeftBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawGrooveLeftBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* leftPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( leftPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* rightPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( rightPart );
SplitLeftBorderPolygonL( aArray, leftPart, rightPart );
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( leftPart );
rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( leftPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawInsetLeftBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawInsetLeftBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawOutsetLeftBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawOutsetLeftBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawLeftBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawLeftBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
TRect borderRect = aNode.BorderRect();
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TRgb rgb;
if ( !GetBorderColorL( XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBorderLeftColor, aNode, aGc, rgb ) )
TPoint tl = borderRect.iTl;
TPoint bl = borderRect.iBr;
bl.iX -= borderRect.Width();
TPoint tr = paddingRect.iTl;
tr.iX -= 1;
tr.iY -= 1;
TPoint br = paddingRect.iBr;
br.iX -= paddingRect.Width() + 1;
CArrayFix< TPoint >* array = NULL;
array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
TRAPD( error,
array->AppendL( tl );
array->AppendL( tr );
array->AppendL( br );
array->AppendL( bl ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete array;
CXnProperty* borderLeftStyle = aNode.BorderLeftStyleL();
CXnProperty* borderStyle = aNode.BorderStyleL();
const TDesC8& borderStyleString = ( borderLeftStyle ) ?
borderLeftStyle->StringValue() :
( borderStyle ) ? borderStyle->StringValue() : KNullDesC8;
if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KSolid )
DrawSolidLeftBorder( array, aGc );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KInset )
DrawInsetLeftBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KOutset )
DrawOutsetLeftBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KRidge )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawRidgeLeftBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KGroove )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawGrooveLeftBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KDotted )
TPoint origo( borderRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY );
TPoint end( paddingRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY );
TRect rect( origo, end );
DrawDottedBorder( rect, aGc, rgb, EFalse );
delete array;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawSolidRightBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawSolidRightBorder( CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray, CWindowGc& aGc )
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SplitRightBorderPolygonL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SplitRightBorderPolygonL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aLeftPart,
CArrayFix< TPoint >*& aRightPart )
TPoint upHalf =
( *aArray )[0].iX + ( ( *aArray )[1].iX - ( *aArray )[0].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[1].iY + ( ( *aArray )[0].iY - ( *aArray )[1].iY ) / 2);
TPoint downHalf =
( *aArray )[3].iX + ( ( *aArray )[2].iX - ( *aArray )[3].iX ) / 2,
( *aArray )[3].iY + ( ( *aArray )[2].iY - ( *aArray )[3].iY ) / 2);
aLeftPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[0] );
aLeftPart->AppendL( upHalf );
aLeftPart->AppendL( downHalf );
aLeftPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[3] );
aRightPart->AppendL( upHalf );
aRightPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[1] );
aRightPart->AppendL( ( *aArray )[2]) ;
aRightPart->AppendL( downHalf );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRidgeRightBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRidgeRightBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* leftPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( leftPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* rightPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( rightPart );
SplitRightBorderPolygonL( aArray, leftPart, rightPart );
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( leftPart );
rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( leftPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawGrooveRightBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawGrooveRightBorderL(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
CArrayFix< TPoint >* leftPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( leftPart );
CArrayFix< TPoint >* rightPart = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
CleanupStack::PushL( rightPart );
SplitRightBorderPolygonL( aArray, leftPart, rightPart );
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( leftPart );
rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( rightPart );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( leftPart );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawInsetRightBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawInsetRightBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = LighterColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawOutsetRightBorder
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawOutsetRightBorder(
CArrayFix< TPoint >* aArray,
CWindowGc& aGc,
TRgb& aRgb )
TRgb rgb = DarkerColor( aRgb );
aGc.SetPenColor( rgb );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ESolidBrush );
aGc.SetBrushColor( rgb );
aGc.DrawPolygon( aArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawRightBorderL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawRightBorderL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
TRect borderRect = aNode.BorderRect();
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TRgb rgb;
if ( !GetBorderColorL( XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBorderRightColor, aNode, aGc, rgb ) )
TPoint tl = paddingRect.iTl;
tl.iX += paddingRect.Width();
TPoint bl = paddingRect.iBr;
TPoint tr = borderRect.iTl;
tr.iX += borderRect.Width()-1;
TPoint br = borderRect.iBr;
br.iX -= 1;
br.iY -= 1;
CArrayFix< TPoint >* array = NULL;
array = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat< TPoint >( 3 );
TRAPD( error,
array->AppendL( tl );
array->AppendL( tr );
array->AppendL( br );
array->AppendL( bl ); );
if ( error != KErrNone )
delete array;
CXnProperty* borderRightStyle = aNode.BorderRightStyleL();
CXnProperty* borderStyle = aNode.BorderStyleL();
const TDesC8& borderStyleString = ( borderRightStyle ) ?
borderRightStyle->StringValue() :
( borderStyle ) ? borderStyle->StringValue() : KNullDesC8;
if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KSolid )
DrawSolidRightBorder( array, aGc );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KInset )
DrawInsetRightBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KOutset )
DrawOutsetRightBorder( array, aGc, rgb );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KRidge )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawRidgeRightBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KGroove )
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawGrooveRightBorderL( array, aGc, rgb ) );
else if ( borderStyleString == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderstyle::KDotted )
TPoint origo( paddingRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY );
TPoint end( borderRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY );
TRect rect( origo, end );
DrawDottedBorder( rect, aGc, rgb, EFalse );
delete array;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawBorderImagesL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawBorderImagesL(
const TRect& /*aRect*/,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerTop,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerRight,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerBottom,
TInt aBorderBitmapDividerLeft )
CXnProperty* pathProperty = aNode.BorderImageL();
if ( !pathProperty )
TRect borderRect = aNode.BorderRect();
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TRect topLeft = TRect( borderRect.iTl, paddingRect.iTl );
TRect topLeftSource = TRect(
TPoint( 0, 0 ),
TPoint( aBorderBitmapDividerLeft, aBorderBitmapDividerTop ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( topLeft, aBitmap, topLeftSource );
TRect bottomLeft = TRect(
TPoint( borderRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY + paddingRect.Height() ),
TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, borderRect.iTl.iY + borderRect.Height() ) );
TSize imageSize = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
TRect bottomLeftSource = TRect(
TPoint( 0, imageSize.iHeight - aBorderBitmapDividerBottom ),
TPoint( aBorderBitmapDividerLeft, imageSize.iHeight ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottomLeft, aBitmap, bottomLeftSource );
TRect topRight = TRect(
TPoint( paddingRect.iBr.iX, borderRect.iTl.iY ),
TPoint( borderRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ) );
TRect topRightSource = TRect(
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth - aBorderBitmapDividerRight, 0 ),
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth, aBorderBitmapDividerTop ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( topRight, aBitmap, topRightSource );
TRect bottomRight = TRect( paddingRect.iBr, borderRect.iBr );
TRect bottomRightSource = TRect(
imageSize.iWidth - aBorderBitmapDividerRight,
imageSize.iHeight - aBorderBitmapDividerBottom ),
imageSize.iHeight ) );
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottomRight, aBitmap, bottomRightSource );
TBool xStretch = ETrue;
TBool xRepeat = EFalse;
TBool xRound = EFalse;
TBool yStretch = ETrue;
TBool yRepeat = EFalse;
TBool yRound = EFalse;
if ( pathProperty )
CXnDomList& propertyValueList = pathProperty->Property()->PropertyValueList();
TBool xHandled = EFalse;
TInt count = propertyValueList.Length();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EString ||
value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EIdent )
const TDesC8& stringValue = value->StringValueL();
if ( !xHandled )
xHandled = ETrue;
if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KStretch )
xStretch = ETrue;
yStretch = ETrue;
else if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KRepeat )
xStretch = EFalse;
yStretch = EFalse;
xRepeat = ETrue;
yRepeat = ETrue;
else if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KRound )
xStretch = EFalse;
yStretch = EFalse;
xRound = ETrue;
yRound = ETrue;
if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KStretch )
yStretch = ETrue;
yRepeat = EFalse;
yRound = EFalse;
else if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KRepeat )
yStretch = EFalse;
yRepeat = ETrue;
yRound = EFalse;
else if ( stringValue == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::borderimage::KRound )
yStretch = EFalse;
yRepeat = EFalse;
yRound = ETrue;
TRect top = TRect(
TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, borderRect.iTl.iY ),
TPoint( paddingRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ) );
TRect topSource = TRect(
TPoint( aBorderBitmapDividerLeft, 0 ),
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth - aBorderBitmapDividerRight, aBorderBitmapDividerTop ) );
if ( xStretch )
aGc.DrawBitmap( top, aBitmap, topSource );
else if ( xRepeat && topSource.Width() )
TInt count = top.Width() / topSource.Width();
TInt topWidth = top.Width();
top.SetWidth( topSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( top, aBitmap, topSource );
top.Move( topSource.Width(), 0 );
top.SetWidth( topWidth - count * topSource.Width() );
aGc.DrawBitmap( top, aBitmap, topSource );
else if ( xRound && topSource.Width() )
TInt count = top.Width() / topSource.Width();
TInt topWidth = top.Width();
//top.Move((topWidth - count * topSource.Width()) / 2, 0);
if ( ( count * topSource.Width() ) < topWidth )
top.SetWidth( topWidth / count );
top.SetWidth( topSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( top, aBitmap, topSource );
top.Move( top.Width(), 0 );
TRect right = TRect(
TPoint( paddingRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ),
TPoint( borderRect.iBr.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY ) );
TRect rightSource = TRect(
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth - aBorderBitmapDividerRight, aBorderBitmapDividerTop ),
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth, imageSize.iHeight - aBorderBitmapDividerBottom ) );
if ( yStretch )
aGc.DrawBitmap( right, aBitmap, rightSource );
else if ( yRepeat && rightSource.Height() )
TInt count = right.Height() / rightSource.Height();
TInt rightHeight = right.Height();
right.SetHeight( rightSource.Height() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( right, aBitmap, rightSource );
right.Move( 0, rightSource.Height() );
right.SetHeight( rightHeight - count * rightSource.Height() );
aGc.DrawBitmap( right, aBitmap, rightSource );
else if ( yRound && rightSource.Height() )
TInt count = right.Height() / rightSource.Height();
TInt rightHeight = right.Height();
if ( ( count * rightSource.Height() ) < rightHeight )
right.SetHeight( rightHeight / count );
right.SetHeight( rightSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( right, aBitmap, rightSource );
right.Move( 0, right.Height() );
TRect bottom = TRect(
TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY ),
TPoint( paddingRect.iBr.iX, borderRect.iBr.iY ) );
TRect bottomSource = TRect(
TPoint( aBorderBitmapDividerLeft, imageSize.iHeight - aBorderBitmapDividerBottom ),
TPoint( imageSize.iWidth - aBorderBitmapDividerRight, imageSize.iHeight ) );
if ( xStretch )
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottom, aBitmap, bottomSource );
else if ( xRepeat && bottomSource.Width() )
TInt count = bottom.Width() / bottomSource.Width();
TInt bottomWidth = bottom.Width();
bottom.SetWidth( bottomSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottom, aBitmap, bottomSource );
bottom.Move( bottomSource.Width(), 0 );
bottom.SetWidth( bottomWidth - count * bottomSource.Width() );
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottom, aBitmap, bottomSource );
else if ( xRound && bottomSource.Width() )
TInt count = bottom.Width() / bottomSource.Width();
TInt bottomWidth = bottom.Width();
if ( ( count * bottomSource.Width() ) < bottomWidth )
bottom.SetWidth( bottomWidth / count );
bottom.SetWidth( bottomSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( bottom, aBitmap, bottomSource );
bottom.Move( bottom.Width(), 0 );
TRect left = TRect(
TPoint( borderRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iTl.iY ),
TPoint( paddingRect.iTl.iX, paddingRect.iBr.iY ) );
TRect leftSource = TRect(
TPoint( 0, aBorderBitmapDividerTop ),
TPoint( aBorderBitmapDividerLeft, imageSize.iHeight - aBorderBitmapDividerBottom ) );
if ( yStretch )
aGc.DrawBitmap( left, aBitmap, leftSource );
else if ( yRepeat && leftSource.Height() )
TInt count = left.Height() / leftSource.Height();
TInt leftHeight = left.Height();
left.SetHeight( leftSource.Height() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( left, aBitmap, leftSource );
left.Move( 0, leftSource.Height() );
left.SetHeight( leftHeight - count * leftSource.Height() );
aGc.DrawBitmap( left, aBitmap, leftSource );
else if ( yRound && leftSource.Height() )
TInt count = left.Height() / leftSource.Height();
TInt leftHeight = left.Height();
if ( ( count * leftSource.Height() ) < leftHeight )
left.SetHeight( leftHeight / count );
left.SetHeight( leftSource.Width() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
aGc.DrawBitmap( left, aBitmap, leftSource );
left.Move( 0, left.Height() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsPropertyNone
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool IsPropertyNone( CXnProperty& aProperty )
if ( &aProperty )
TInt index = 0;
CXnDomProperty* domProperty = aProperty.Property();
CXnDomPropertyValue* domPropertyValue =
static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
domProperty->PropertyValueList().Item( index ) );
return domPropertyValue->IsNoneIdent();
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawBordersL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawBordersL( const TRect& aRect, CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc )
TRect borderRect( aNode.BorderRect() );
if( aNode.PaddingRect() == borderRect )
CXnProperty* commonBorderStyle( aNode.BorderStyleL() );
CXnProperty* borderStyle( aNode.BorderTopStyleL() );
if ( ( borderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *borderStyle ) ) ||
( commonBorderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *commonBorderStyle ) ) )
DrawTopBorderL( aRect, aNode, aGc );
borderStyle = aNode.BorderLeftStyleL();
if ( ( borderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *borderStyle ) ) ||
( commonBorderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *commonBorderStyle ) ) )
DrawLeftBorderL( aRect, aNode, aGc );
borderStyle = aNode.BorderRightStyleL();
if ( ( borderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *borderStyle ) ) ||
( commonBorderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *commonBorderStyle ) ) )
DrawRightBorderL( aRect, aNode, aGc );
borderStyle = aNode.BorderBottomStyleL();
if ( ( borderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *borderStyle ) ) ||
( commonBorderStyle && !IsPropertyNone( *commonBorderStyle ) ) )
DrawBottomBorderL( aRect, aNode, aGc );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SwapChildArrays
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SwapChildArrays(
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& originalArray,
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& sortedArray )
TInt count = sortedArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
originalArray.Append( sortedArray[i] );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// IsChildZIndexLowerThanCandidateZIndexL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool IsChildZIndexLowerThanCandidateZIndexL(
CXnProperty* aChildZIndex,
CXnDomPropertyValue* aChildZIndexValue,
CXnProperty* aCandidateZIndex )
if ( !aChildZIndex && !aCandidateZIndex )
return ETrue;
if ( !aChildZIndex )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
aCandidateZIndex->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( value->IsAutoIdent() )
return ETrue;
TReal num = value->FloatValueL();
if ( num > 0 )
return ETrue;
else if ( !aCandidateZIndex )
if ( aChildZIndexValue->IsAutoIdent() )
return ETrue;
TReal num = aChildZIndexValue->FloatValueL();
if ( num < 0 )
return ETrue;
CXnDomPropertyValue* candidateValue =
static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
aCandidateZIndex->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( aChildZIndexValue->IsAutoIdent() && candidateValue->IsAutoIdent() )
return ETrue;
else if ( aChildZIndexValue->IsAutoIdent() && !candidateValue->IsAutoIdent() )
return ETrue;
else if ( !aChildZIndexValue->IsAutoIdent() && candidateValue->IsAutoIdent() )
return EFalse;
TReal childNum = aChildZIndexValue->FloatValueL();
TReal candidateNum = candidateValue->FloatValueL();
if ( childNum <= candidateNum )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetZIndex
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnProperty* GetZIndexL( CXnControlAdapter* aAdapter )
CXnComponent* component = aAdapter->Component();
if ( !component )
return NULL;
CXnNode& node = component->Node()->Node();
return node.ZIndexL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InsertChildToSortedArrayL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void InsertChildToSortedArrayL(
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& aTargetArray,
CXnControlAdapter* aChild )
CXnProperty* childZIndex = GetZIndexL( aChild );
CXnDomPropertyValue* childValue = NULL;
if ( childZIndex )
childValue = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
childZIndex->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
TInt count = aTargetArray.Count();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CXnControlAdapter* candidate = aTargetArray[i];
if ( IsChildZIndexLowerThanCandidateZIndexL(
childZIndex, childValue, GetZIndexL( candidate ) ) )
aTargetArray.Insert( aChild, i );
aTargetArray.Append( aChild );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InitializeBackgroundBitmapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void InitializeBackgroundBitmapL( CXnUiEngine& aEngine, CXnNode& aNode,
TInt& aBitmapIndex, CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap, CFbsBitmap*& aMask,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider, RFs& aFsSession )
HBufC* bgPath( GetBackgroundImagePathLC( aNode ) );
TPtr ptr( bgPath->Des() );
GetBitmapL( aEngine, aNode, ptr, aBitmapIndex,
aBitmap, aMask, aIconProvider, aNode.PaddingRect(), aFsSession );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bgPath );
if ( !aMask )
HBufC* bgMaskPath( GetBackgroundImageMaskPathLC( aNode ) );
TPtr ptr( bgMaskPath->Des() );
if ( ptr != KNullDesC )
CFbsBitmap* tmpMask( NULL );
TRAP_IGNORE( GetBitmapL( aEngine, aNode, ptr, aBitmapIndex, aMask,
tmpMask, aIconProvider, aNode.PaddingRect(), aFsSession ) );
delete tmpMask;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bgMaskPath );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBackgroundImagePathLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static HBufC* GetBackgroundImagePathLC( CXnNode& aNode )
CXnProperty* pathProperty( aNode.BackgroundImageL() );
if ( pathProperty && pathProperty->StringValue() != KNullDesC8 )
HBufC* path( pathProperty->StringValueL() );
CleanupStack::PushL( path );
CXnUtils::StripQuotes( path );
return path;
return KNullDesC().AllocLC();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GetBackgroundImageMaskPathLC
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static HBufC* GetBackgroundImageMaskPathLC( CXnNode& aNode )
CXnProperty* pathProperty( aNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::common::KBackgroundMask ) );
if ( pathProperty && pathProperty->StringValue() != KNullDesC8 )
HBufC* path( pathProperty->StringValueL() );
CleanupStack::PushL( path );
CXnUtils::StripQuotes( path );
return path;
return KNullDesC().AllocLC();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// InitializeBorderBitmapL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CFbsBitmap* InitializeBorderBitmapL(
CXnUiEngine& aEngine,
CXnNode& aNode,
TInt& aBitmapIndex,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerTop,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerRight,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerBottom,
TInt& aBorderBitmapDividerLeft,
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider*& aIconProvider,
RFs& aFsSession )
CXnProperty* pathProperty = aNode.BorderImageL();
CFbsBitmap* returnValue = NULL;
CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask = NULL;
if ( !pathProperty )
return NULL;
CXnDomList& propertyValueList = pathProperty->Property()->PropertyValueList();
TInt count = propertyValueList.Length();
for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
CXnDomPropertyValue* value = static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
propertyValueList.Item( i ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EUri )
const TDesC8& path = value->StringValueL();
HBufC* utfPath = HBufC::NewL( path.Length() );
TPtr16 ptr = utfPath->Des();
CnvUtfConverter::ConvertToUnicodeFromUtf8( ptr, path );
CleanupStack::PushL( utfPath );
StripQuotes( utfPath );
GetBitmapL( aEngine, aNode, *utfPath, aBitmapIndex, returnValue,
bitmapMask, aIconProvider, aNode.BorderRect(), aFsSession );
delete bitmapMask;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( utfPath );
else if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EPercentage )
if ( returnValue )
CXnDomPropertyValue* tmpValue = NULL;
tmpValue = value->CloneL();
CXnProperty* tmpProperty = NULL;
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpValue );
tmpProperty = CXnProperty::NewL(
*aNode.UiEngine()->ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::Pop( tmpValue );
TSize imageSize = returnValue->SizeInPixels();
CleanupStack::PushL( tmpProperty );
TInt intValue = static_cast< TInt >( value->FloatValueL() );
TInt dividerValue = 0;
switch ( i )
case 1:
dividerValue = aNode.UiEngine()->VerticalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, imageSize.iHeight );
aBorderBitmapDividerTop = dividerValue;
case 2:
dividerValue = aNode.UiEngine()->HorizontalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, imageSize.iWidth );
aBorderBitmapDividerRight = dividerValue;
case 3:
dividerValue = aNode.UiEngine()->VerticalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, imageSize.iHeight );
aBorderBitmapDividerBottom = dividerValue;
case 4:
dividerValue = aNode.UiEngine()->HorizontalPixelValueL(
tmpProperty, imageSize.iWidth );
aBorderBitmapDividerLeft = dividerValue;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tmpProperty );
else if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EString ||
value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::EIdent )
TInt intValue = static_cast< TInt >( value->FloatValueL() );
switch ( i )
case 1:
aBorderBitmapDividerTop = intValue;
case 2:
aBorderBitmapDividerRight = intValue;
case 3:
aBorderBitmapDividerBottom = intValue;
case 4:
aBorderBitmapDividerLeft = intValue;
return returnValue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildTriggerTypeNodeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnNode* BuildTriggerTypeNodeL( const TDesC8& aName,
const TDesC8& aValue, CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine )
CXnNode* node = CXnNode::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( node );
CXnType* type = CXnType::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KProperty );
CleanupStack::PushL( type );
CXnNodeImpl* impl = CXnNodeImpl::NewL( type );
CleanupStack::Pop( type );
node->SetImpl( impl );
node->SetUiEngine( aUiEngine );
CXnDomPropertyValue* nameValue = CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL(
aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::PushL( nameValue );
nameValue->SetStringValueL( CXnDomPropertyValue::EString, aName );
CXnProperty* name = CXnProperty::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KName,
nameValue, *aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::Pop( nameValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
node->SetPropertyL( name );
CleanupStack::Pop( name );
CXnDomPropertyValue* valueValue = CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL(
aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::PushL( valueValue );
valueValue->SetStringValueL( CXnDomPropertyValue::EString, aValue );
CXnProperty* value = CXnProperty::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KValue,
valueValue, *aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::Pop( valueValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( value );
node->SetPropertyL( value );
CleanupStack::Pop( value );
CleanupStack::Pop( node );
return node;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildTriggerNodeL
// Builds a trigger node
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnNode* BuildTriggerNodeL(
CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine,
const TDesC8& aTriggerName,
const TDesC8& aTriggerValueName,
const TDesC8& aTriggerValue )
CXnNode* node = CXnNode::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( node );
CXnType* type = CXnType::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KTrigger );
CleanupStack::PushL( type );
CXnNodeImpl* impl = CXnNodeImpl::NewL( type );
CleanupStack::Pop( type );
node->SetImpl( impl );
node->SetUiEngine( aUiEngine );
CXnDomPropertyValue* nameValue =
CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL( aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::PushL( nameValue );
nameValue->SetStringValueL( CXnDomPropertyValue::EString, aTriggerName );
CXnProperty* name = CXnProperty::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::KName,
nameValue, *aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::Pop( nameValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
node->SetPropertyL( name );
CleanupStack::Pop( name );
CXnNode* triggerType = BuildTriggerTypeNodeL( aTriggerValueName,
aTriggerValue, aUiEngine );
CleanupStack::PushL( triggerType );
node->AddChildL( triggerType );
CleanupStack::Pop( triggerType );
CleanupStack::Pop( node );
return node;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildTriggerNodeL
// Builds a trigger node
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnNode* BuildTriggerNodeL(
CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine,
const TDesC8& aTriggerName )
CXnNode* node = CXnNode::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( node );
CXnType* type = CXnType::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KTrigger );
CleanupStack::PushL( type );
CXnNodeImpl* impl = CXnNodeImpl::NewL( type );
CleanupStack::Pop( type );
node->SetImpl( impl );
node->SetUiEngine( aUiEngine );
CXnDomPropertyValue* nameValue =
CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL( aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::PushL( nameValue );
nameValue->SetStringValueL( CXnDomPropertyValue::EString, aTriggerName );
CXnProperty* name = CXnProperty::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::KName,
nameValue, *aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CleanupStack::Pop( nameValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
node->SetPropertyL( name );
CleanupStack::Pop( name );
CleanupStack::Pop( node );
return node;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create scaled bitmap from source bitmap.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CreateScaledBitmapL(
const TRect& aRect,
CFbsBitmap*& aTrgBitmap,
CFbsBitmap* aSrcBitmap,
TBool aPreserveAspectRatio,
TBool aForceFallBack )
TRect destRect = aRect;
if ( aPreserveAspectRatio )
// Calculate the bitmap image dimensions so that it uses maximum space
// of the given rectangle and maintains aspect ratio.
TInt srcHeight = aSrcBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight;
TInt srcWidth = aSrcBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth;
TReal scaleRatio( 1 ); //no scale as defaul
//If any dimension is 0, then we do not bother to scale
if ( aRect.Width() > 0 && aRect.Height() > 0 )
TReal xRatio = ( ( TReal )srcWidth / ( TReal )aRect.Width() );
TReal yRatio = ( ( TReal )srcHeight / ( TReal )aRect.Height() );
//Find out appropriate scaling factor
xRatio > yRatio ? ( scaleRatio = xRatio ) : ( scaleRatio = yRatio );
//Scale the size for target bitmap
destRect.SetHeight( srcHeight / scaleRatio );
destRect.SetWidth( srcWidth / scaleRatio );
// see if there's a need to scale. If source and destination size are the same,
// then we don't need to duplicate the bitmap. aTrgBitmap will be null.
TSize srcSize = aSrcBitmap->SizeInPixels();
TSize destSize = destRect.Size();
if ( srcSize == destSize )
aTrgBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( aTrgBitmap );
//It is allowed to create zero height or width bitmap.
TInt err( aTrgBitmap->Create( destRect.Size(), aSrcBitmap->DisplayMode() ) );
if ( err == KErrNone )
CXnUtils::ScaleBitmapExtL( destRect, aTrgBitmap, aSrcBitmap, aForceFallBack );
//we do not own the bitmap so just Pop.
CleanupStack::Pop( aTrgBitmap );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SoftkeyNode
// Gets the node of softkey according to index
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnNode* SoftkeyNodeL( CXnNode* aMenuBarNode, const TDesC8& aSoftkey )
if ( aMenuBarNode )
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface* menuIf( NULL );
XnComponentInterface::MakeInterfaceL( menuIf, aMenuBarNode->AppIfL() );
CXnNodePluginIf* skNode( NULL );
if ( menuIf )
if ( aSoftkey == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KLeft )
skNode = menuIf->SoftKeyL(
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ELeft );
else if ( aSoftkey == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KMiddle )
skNode = menuIf->SoftKeyL(
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ECenter );
else if ( aSoftkey == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KRight )
skNode = menuIf->SoftKeyL(
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ERight );
if ( skNode )
return &skNode->Node();
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SoftkeyNode
// Gets the node of softkey according to pointer location
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnNode* SoftkeyNode( CXnNode* aMenuBarNode, const TPoint aPosition )
if ( aMenuBarNode )
CXnMenuAdapter* adapter = static_cast< CXnMenuAdapter* >(
aMenuBarNode->ComponentNodeImpl()->Component()->ControlAdapter() );
CXnNodePluginIf* node( NULL );
if ( adapter->FindSoftKeyNodeByPosition( aPosition, node ) )
return &node->Node();
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawFocusAppearance
// Draws focus appearance
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void DrawFocusAppearance( CXnNode& aNode, CWindowGc& aGc )
TBool grow( EFalse );
const TDesC8& name( aNode.DomNode()->Name() );
if( name == XnPropertyNames::KPlugin )
grow = ETrue;
TRect marginRect( aNode.MarginRect() );
CXnNode* parent( aNode.Parent() );
for( ; parent; parent = parent->Parent() )
if( parent->DomNode()->Name() == XnPropertyNames::KPlugin )
if( parent->Rect() == marginRect )
grow = ETrue;
TRect rect( aNode.PaddingRect() );
if( grow )
rect.Grow( KFocusGrowValue, KFocusGrowValue );
CXnAppUiAdapter* appui(
static_cast< CXnAppUiAdapter* >( iAvkonAppUi ) );
appui->ViewAdapter().FocusControl().Draw( rect, aGc );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HasHoldTrigger
// Queries whether this node has a hold trigger defined
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CXnDomNode* HasHoldTrigger( CXnDomNode* aNode )
if ( !aNode )
return NULL;
if ( aNode->Name() == XnPropertyNames::action::KTrigger )
CXnDomList& list( aNode->AttributeList() );
CXnDomAttribute* name( NULL );
name = static_cast< CXnDomAttribute* >(
list.FindByName( XnPropertyNames::action::KName ) );
if ( name && name->Value() == XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::KHold )
return aNode;
CXnDomList& list( aNode->ChildNodes() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < list.Length(); i++ )
CXnDomNode* retval( HasHoldTrigger(
static_cast< CXnDomNode* >( list.Item( i ) ) ) );
if ( retval )
return retval;
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CancelFocusRefusalL
// Cancels focus refusal
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void CancelFocusRefusalL( CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine )
CXnNode* focused( aUiEngine.FocusedNode() );
if ( focused )
CXnControlAdapter* control( focused->Control() );
if ( control && control->RefusesFocusLoss() )
// It is now time to give up holding focus
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KFocus );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BuildSwipeTriggerNodeLC
// Build trigger node for swipe event
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnNode* CXnControlAdapterImpl::BuildSwipeTriggerNodeLC(
CXnUiEngine& aUiEngine,
const TDesC8& aDirection )
CXnDomStringPool* sp( aUiEngine.ODT()->DomDocument().StringPool() );
CXnNode* node = CXnNode::NewL();
CleanupStack::PushL( node );
CXnType* type = CXnType::NewL( XnPropertyNames::action::KTrigger );
CleanupStack::PushL( type );
CXnNodeImpl* impl = CXnNodeImpl::NewL( type );
CleanupStack::Pop( type );
node->SetImpl( impl );
node->SetUiEngine( aUiEngine );
CXnDomPropertyValue* nameValue = CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL( sp );
CleanupStack::PushL( nameValue );
XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::KSwipe );
CXnProperty* name = CXnProperty::NewL(
nameValue, *sp );
CleanupStack::Pop( nameValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( name );
node->SetPropertyL( name );
CleanupStack::Pop( name );
CXnDomPropertyValue* reasonValue = CXnDomPropertyValue::NewL( sp );
CleanupStack::PushL( reasonValue );
reasonValue->SetStringValueL( CXnDomPropertyValue::EString, aDirection );
CXnProperty* reason = CXnProperty::NewL(
reasonValue, *sp );
CleanupStack::Pop( reasonValue );
CleanupStack::PushL( reason );
node->SetPropertyL( reason );
CleanupStack::Pop( reason );
return node;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateGestureHelperL
// Checks whether gesture is needed to be detected for this node
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TBool CreateGestureHelperL( CXnNode& aNode )
if ( AknLayoutUtils::PenEnabled() )
CXnProperty* prop( aNode.GetPropertyL( XnPropertyNames::common::KSwipe ) );
if ( prop && prop->StringValue() == XnPropertyNames::KTrue )
return ETrue;
return EFalse;
// ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::NewL
// Two-phased constructor. Can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnControlAdapterImpl* CXnControlAdapterImpl::NewL(
CXnNodePluginIf& aNode,
CXnControlAdapter& aAdapter,
CWindowGc& aGc )
CXnControlAdapterImpl* self = new ( ELeave ) CXnControlAdapterImpl( aNode );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aNode, aAdapter, aGc );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::~CXnControlAdapterImpl
// Destructor.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iBackgroundBitmap;
delete iBackgroundMask;
delete iBorderBitmap;
delete iContentBitmap;
delete iContentMask;
delete iScaledContentBitmap;
delete iScaledContentMask;
delete iScaledTransparentColor;
delete iScaledBackgroundSkin;
delete iScaledBackgroundImage;
if ( iAnimation )
delete iAnimation;
if ( iGestureHelper )
delete iGestureHelper;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::CXnControlAdapterImpl
// C++ default constructor. Must not leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnControlAdapterImpl::CXnControlAdapterImpl( CXnNodePluginIf& aNode )
: iNode( aNode )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetComponent
// Sets component object to adapter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetComponent( CXnComponent* aComponent )
iComponent = aComponent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::Component
// Gets component object from adapter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnComponent* CXnControlAdapterImpl::Component()
return iComponent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::Component
// Gets component object from adapter.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnComponent* CXnControlAdapterImpl::Component() const
return iComponent;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::OfferKeyEventL
// Handles key events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TKeyResponse CXnControlAdapterImpl::OfferKeyEventL(
const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
TEventCode aType )
CXnNode* node( &iNode.Node() );
// Need to get softkey nodes
CXnUiEngine* engine( node->UiEngine() );
CXnNode* menuBar( engine->MenuBarNode() );
CXnNode* temp( node );
for ( ; temp; temp = temp->Parent() )
if ( temp == menuBar )
// This is softkey node
const TDesC8* pos( NULL );
node = NULL;
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 )
pos = &XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KLeft;
else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice1 )
pos = &XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KRight;
else if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 )
pos = &XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KMiddle;
if ( pos )
node = SoftkeyNodeL( menuBar, *pos );
if ( !node )
return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice0 || // RSK
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice1 || // LSK
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 ) // MSK
if ( aType == EEventKeyDown )
iLongtap = EFalse;
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter )
if ( node->IsStateSet( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KFocus ) )
// Set "pressed down"
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KPressedDown );
_LIT8( KDown, "3" ); // EEventKeyDown == 3
CXnNode* keydown( BuildTriggerNodeL( *engine,
XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::keyevent::KEventType, KDown ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( keydown );
node->ReportXuikonEventL( *keydown );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keydown );
else if( aType == EEventKey )
if ( aKeyEvent.iRepeats == 0 )
if ( !HasHoldTrigger( node->DomNode() ) )
// If node doesn't define hold trigger, then report activate
// immediately. Otherwise activate is triggered with keyup event
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KActive );
CXnNode* hold( BuildTriggerNodeL( *engine,
XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::KHold ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( hold );
node->ReportXuikonEventL( *hold );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hold );
iLongtap = ETrue;
else if ( aType == EEventKeyUp )
if ( !iLongtap )
if ( HasHoldTrigger( node->DomNode() ) )
// Hold trigger defined, report activate event here
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KActive );
_LIT8( KUp, "2" ); // EEventKeyUp == 2
CXnNode* keyup( BuildTriggerNodeL( *engine,
XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::keyevent::KEventType, KUp ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( keyup );
node->ReportXuikonEventL( *keyup );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( keyup );
if ( aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyDevice3 ||
aKeyEvent.iScanCode == EStdKeyEnter )
// Reset "pressed down"
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KPressedDown );
iLongtap = EFalse;
// Other than softkey node
node->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
CXnNode* viewNode( engine->ActiveView() );
if ( viewNode && node != viewNode )
viewNode->OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
return EKeyWasConsumed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandleLongTapEventL
// Handles the long tap events.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandleLongTapEventL(
const TPoint& /*aPenEventLocation*/, const TPoint& aPenEventScreenLocation )
CXnNode* node( &iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node->UiEngine() );
TBool menuBar( node == engine->MenuBarNode() );
if ( menuBar )
// Need to update node to match to the real softkey node
node = SoftkeyNode( engine->MenuBarNode(), aPenEventScreenLocation );
if ( node )
CXnProperty* prop( node->GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::common::KLongTap ) );
if ( prop && prop->StringValue() == XnPropertyNames::KTrue )
CXnUiEngine* engine( node->UiEngine() );
CXnAppUiAdapter& appui( engine->AppUiAdapter() );
CancelFocusRefusalL( *engine );
CCoeControl& bg( appui.ViewAdapter().BgControl() );
// Ignore events
// Indicate long tap has taken plave
iLongtap = ETrue;
CXnNode* hold = BuildTriggerNodeL( *engine,
XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::KHold );
CleanupStack::PushL( hold );
node->ReportXuikonEventL( *hold );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( hold );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandlePointerEventL
// Handle pointer events
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandlePointerEventL(
const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
const TPointerEvent& event( aPointerEvent );
CXnNode* node( &iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node->UiEngine() );
// Forward event to gesture helper
if( PassEventToGestureHelperL( aPointerEvent ) )
CXnAppUiAdapter& appui( engine->AppUiAdapter() );
CCoeControl& bg( appui.ViewAdapter().BgControl() );
// Swipe took place, consume this event
return ETrue;
TBool menuBar( node == engine->MenuBarNode() );
if ( menuBar )
// Need to update node to match to the real softkey node
node = SoftkeyNode( engine->MenuBarNode(), event.iParentPosition );
if ( !node )
// No softkey node found, consume event
return ETrue;
CAknLongTapDetector* detector( iAdapter->LongTapDetector() );
if ( detector )
if ( menuBar )
// CXnMenuAdapter owns the longtap detector, but only
// softkey nodes can have longtap functionality, so
// need to check whether this softkey node has a longtap
// property defined
CXnProperty* prop(
node->GetPropertyL( XnPropertyNames::common::KLongTap ) );
if ( prop && prop->StringValue() == XnPropertyNames::KTrue )
detector->PointerEventL( event );
detector->PointerEventL( event );
CXnProperty* focusable(
node->GetPropertyL( XnPropertyNames::common::KFocusable ) );
if ( !menuBar && ( !focusable ||
focusable->StringValue() == XnPropertyNames::KFalse ) )
iLongtap = EFalse;
return EFalse;
if ( event.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
iLongtap = EFalse;
if ( !menuBar )
CancelFocusRefusalL( *engine );
if ( !menuBar && !engine->FocusedNode() )
// Require focus to be shown
MTouchFeedback* feedback( MTouchFeedback::Instance() );
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic );
XnEventSource::EStylus );
XnPropertyNames::style::common::KPressedDown );
else if ( event.iType == TPointerEvent::EDrag )
if ( node->IsStateSet( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KFocus ) )
if ( !node->MarginRect().Contains( event.iPosition ) )
// Remove pressed down
node->UnsetStateL( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KPressedDown );
else if ( event.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Up )
if ( !iLongtap )
if ( menuBar )
node->SetStateL( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KActive );
else if ( ( node->MarginRect().Contains( event.iPosition ) &&
node->IsStateSet( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KFocus ) &&
node->IsStateSet( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KPressedDown ) ) )
MTouchFeedback* feedback( MTouchFeedback::Instance() );
if ( feedback )
feedback->InstantFeedback( ETouchFeedbackBasic );
node->SetStateL( XnPropertyNames::style::common::KActive );
// Remove focus
return EFalse;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DoDrawL
// Leaving draw function.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DoDrawL( const TRect& aRect, CWindowGc& aGc ) const
CXnNode& node = iComponent->Node()->Node();
DrawBordersL( aRect, node, aGc );
const_cast< CXnControlAdapterImpl* >( this )->DrawBackgroundDataL( aRect, node, aGc );
if ( iAdapter->IsFocused() )
DrawFocusAppearance( node, aGc );
if ( iAnimation )
TRect rect = iComponent->Node()->Rect();
iAnimation->Render( aGc, rect );
if ( iBorderBitmap )
aRect, node, aGc, iBorderBitmap,
iBorderBitmapDividerTop, iBorderBitmapDividerRight,
iBorderBitmapDividerBottom, iBorderBitmapDividerLeft );
DrawContentImageL( aGc );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundDataL
// Draws the background (color and image)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundDataL(
const TRect& aRect,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
// For widgets and plugins, drawing is handled differently in edit mode
const TDesC8& widgetType = aNode.DomNode()->Name();
if( ( widgetType == XnPropertyNames::KWidget ||
widgetType == XnPropertyNames::KPlugin ) &&
aNode.UiEngine()->EditMode()->EditState() )
DrawEditModeBgData( aNode, aGc );
if ( !iBackgroundBitmap && iBackgroundMask )
// mask, but no bitmap: draw masked color (if available)
DrawTransparentColorL( aNode, aGc, iBackgroundMask );
else if ( !iBackgroundBitmap || !iBackgroundMask )
// no mask or no bitmap: draw color (if available)
DrawBackgroundColorL( aRect, aNode, aGc );
CXnProperty* colorProperty( aNode.BackgroundColorL() );
DrawBackgroundSkinL( aNode, iBackgroundMask, aGc, colorProperty );
if ( !iBackgroundBitmap )
CXnProperty* pathProperty( aNode.BackgroundImageL() );
if ( pathProperty && pathProperty->StringValue() != KNullDesC8 )
if ( iBackgroundMask )
// draw transparent background image
DrawBackgroundImageL( aRect, aNode, aGc, iBackgroundBitmap, iBackgroundMask );
// draw background image without mask
DrawBackgroundImageL( aRect, aNode, aGc, iBackgroundBitmap, NULL );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawEditModeBgDataL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawEditModeBgData(
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc )
// Draw rastered background for plugins
const TDesC8& widgetType = aNode.DomNode()->Name();
if( widgetType == XnPropertyNames::KPlugin )
TRect rect = aNode.PaddingRect();
DrawBackgroundSkin( KAknsIIDQgnHomeEditBgWidget, aGc, rect );
CXnPluginData& data( aNode.UiEngine()->ViewManager()->ActiveViewData().Plugin( &aNode ) );
if( !data.Occupied() ) // Empty widget
// Draw + -icon
// Make rect as 50% of the widget's height.
// It needs to be square in order to keep aspect ratio.
TInt w = rect.Width();
TInt h = rect.Height();
rect.Shrink( ( w - h * 0.5 ) * 0.5, h * 0.25 );
DrawBackgroundSkin( KAknsIIDQgnHomeAdd, aGc, rect );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawTransparentColorL
// Draws masked background by RGB color.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawTransparentColorL(
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc,
CFbsBitmap* aMask )
CXnProperty* colorProperty( aNode.BackgroundColorL() );
if ( colorProperty )
// check value type
CXnDomPropertyValue* value =
static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
colorProperty->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
if ( value->PrimitiveValueType() == CXnDomPropertyValue::ERgbColor )
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
aMask->SetDisplayMode( EGray256 );
aGc.SetBrushColor( NULL );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
if ( !iScaledTransparentColor )
CFbsBitmap* bitmap( NULL );
CFbsBitmap* mask( NULL );
mask = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
mask->Create( paddingRect.Size(), EGray256 );
TRect( 0, 0, paddingRect.Width(), paddingRect.Height() ),
mask, aMask );
CXnDomPropertyValue* value =
static_cast< CXnDomPropertyValue* >(
colorProperty->Property()->PropertyValueList().Item( 0 ) );
TRgb rgb( value->RgbColorValueL() );
bitmap = CreateBitmapFromColorL( paddingRect.Size(), rgb );
CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
iScaledTransparentColor = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );
aGc.DrawBitmapMasked( paddingRect,
TRect( TPoint( 0, 0 ), paddingRect.Size() ),
EFalse );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundSkinL
// Draws a skin item to the given rect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundSkin(const TAknsItemID& aSkinId,
CWindowGc& aGc, TRect aRect)
TRect shrunkRect = aRect;
KSkinGfxInnerRectShrink );
AknsDrawUtils::DrawFrame( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(), aGc,
aRect, shrunkRect, aSkinId, KAknsIIDDefault );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundSkinL
// Draws a skin item to the padding rect
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundSkinL(CXnNode& aNode,
CFbsBitmap* aMask, CWindowGc& aGc, CXnProperty* aBgColor,
TRect aRect)
if( aRect == TRect::EUninitialized )
aRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
//CXnProperty* colorProperty( aNode.BackgroundColorL() );
CXnProperty* colorProperty( aBgColor );
if ( colorProperty )
HBufC* skinID = colorProperty->StringValueL();
CleanupStack::PushL( skinID );
if ( skinID->Length() != 0 )
TAknsItemID itemID;
StripQuotes( skinID );
if ( CXnUtils::ResolveSkinItemIDL( *skinID, itemID ) )
if ( aMask ) // If there is a mask, draw masked.
TRect paddingRect = aRect;
TRect outerRect = TRect( paddingRect.Size() );
TRect innerRect = outerRect;
KSkinGfxInnerRectShrink );
if ( !iScaledBackgroundSkin )
CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( bitmap );
CFbsBitmap* mask = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
bitmap->Create( outerRect.Size(), aGc.Device()->DisplayMode() );
CFbsBitmapDevice* device = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( bitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( device );
CBitmapContext* bc( NULL );
User::LeaveIfError( device->CreateBitmapContext( bc ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( bc );
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* frameContext =
itemID, outerRect, innerRect, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PushL( frameContext );
AknsDrawUtils::Background( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
frameContext, NULL,
static_cast< CWindowGc& >( *bc ),
outerRect, KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
aMask->SetDisplayMode( EGray256 );
aGc.SetBrushColor( NULL );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
mask->Create( paddingRect.Size(), EGray256 );
CXnUtils::ScaleBitmapL( outerRect, mask, aMask );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3 );
iScaledBackgroundSkin = CGulIcon::NewL( bitmap, mask );
CleanupStack::Pop( 2 );
CFbsBitmap* bitmap( iScaledBackgroundSkin->Bitmap() );
CFbsBitmap* mask( iScaledBackgroundSkin->Mask() );
aGc.BitBltMasked( paddingRect.iTl, bitmap, outerRect, mask, ETrue );
else // draw background skin graphics without mask
TRect paddingRect = aRect;
TRect shrunkRect = paddingRect;
KSkinGfxInnerRectShrink );
CAknsFrameBackgroundControlContext* frameContext =
itemID, paddingRect, shrunkRect, EFalse );
CleanupStack::PushL( frameContext );
AknsDrawUtils::Background( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
KAknsDrawParamNoClearUnderImage );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( frameContext );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( skinID );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// DrawBackgroundImageL
// Draws the background image
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawBackgroundImageL(
const TRect& aRect,
CXnNode& aNode,
CWindowGc& aGc,
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap* aMask )
if ( !aBitmap )
TRect rect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TBool scaleImage = EFalse;
if (!GetBackgroundSizeFromPropertyL( rect, aNode, aBitmap, scaleImage ) )
if ( AknIconUtils::IsMifIcon( aBitmap ) )
if ( scaleImage )
AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap, rect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
AknIconUtils::SetSize( aBitmap, rect.Size(), EAspectRatioPreserved );
TRect imageRect = rect;
rect = aNode.PaddingRect();
TBool heightSet = EFalse;
TBool backgroundPosFound = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( backgroundPosFound = GetBackgroundPositionFromPropertyL(
aNode, scaleImage, rect, imageRect, aBitmap, heightSet ); );
if ( !backgroundPosFound )
if ( !heightSet )
rect.Move( 0, rect.Height() / 2 );
if ( scaleImage )
rect.Move( 0, -imageRect.Height() / 2 );
rect.Move( 0, -aBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight / 2 );
TRect tmpRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
LimitRectToPaddingRect( aNode, rect );
TBool repeatX = EFalse;
TBool repeatY = EFalse;
TBool spaceX = EFalse;
TBool spaceY = EFalse;
TRAP_IGNORE( GetBackroundRepeatValuesL( aNode, repeatX, repeatY, spaceX, spaceY ) );
TRect bitmapRect = TRect(
TPoint( 0, 0 ),
TPoint( aBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth, aBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight ) );
TInt xRepeatCount = 0;
TInt yRepeatCount = 0;
TRect paddingRect = aNode.PaddingRect();
if ( scaleImage )
if ( imageRect.Width() && imageRect.Height() )
xRepeatCount = paddingRect.Width() / imageRect.Width();
yRepeatCount = paddingRect.Height() / imageRect.Height();
TSize size = aBitmap->SizeInPixels();
if ( size.iWidth == 0 || size.iHeight == 0 )
xRepeatCount = paddingRect.Width() / size.iWidth;
yRepeatCount = paddingRect.Height() / size.iHeight;
if ( xRepeatCount == 0 && yRepeatCount == 0 ||
!repeatX && !repeatY && !spaceX && !spaceY )
TRect newRect = TRect(
rect.iTl.iX + imageRect.Width(),
rect.iTl.iY + imageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
if ( aMask )
aMask->SetDisplayMode( EGray256 );
aGc.SetBrushColor( NULL );
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
if ( !iScaledBackgroundImage )
CFbsBitmap* mask( NULL );
mask = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
CleanupStack::PushL( mask );
mask->Create( bitmapRect.Size(), EGray256 );
bitmapRect.Height() ),
aMask );
iScaledBackgroundImage = mask;
CleanupStack::Pop( mask );
aGc.DrawBitmapMasked( newRect, aBitmap, bitmapRect,
iScaledBackgroundImage, EFalse );
TRect newRect = TRect(
rect.iTl.iX + imageRect.Width(),
rect.iTl.iY + imageRect.Height() ) );
aGc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
aGc.DrawBitmap( newRect, aBitmap, bitmapRect );
yRepeatCount );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::Draw
// Draws the control
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::Draw( const TRect& aRect ) const
if ( iBlank )
CWindowGc& gc = iAdapter->SystemGc();
#ifdef _XN_DEBUG_
CXnComponent* comp = Component();
CXnNode& node = comp->Node()->Node();
TRect contentRect = node.Rect();
TRect marginRect = node.MarginRect();
TRect paddingRect = node.PaddingRect();
gc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
gc.SetPenColor( KRgbBlue );
gc.DrawRect( marginRect );
gc.SetPenColor( KRgbGray );
gc.DrawRect( paddingRect );
gc.SetPenColor( KRgbRed );
gc.DrawRect( contentRect );
TRAP_IGNORE( DoDrawL( aRect, gc ));
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter > sortedArray;
TBool needsSorting = EFalse;
for ( TInt count = iChildren.Count() - 1; count >= 0; --count )
needsSorting = ETrue;
CXnControlAdapter* child = iChildren[count];
TRAP_IGNORE( InsertChildToSortedArrayL( sortedArray, child ) );
if ( !needsSorting )
SwapChildArrays( iChildren, sortedArray );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::Draw
// Draws the control
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::Draw( const TRect& aRect, CWindowGc& aGc ) const
if ( iBlank )
aGc.SetClippingRect( aRect );
#ifdef _XN_DEBUG_
CXnComponent* comp = Component();
CXnNode& node = comp->Node()->Node();
TRect contentRect = node.Rect();
TRect marginRect = node.MarginRect();
TRect paddingRect = node.PaddingRect();
aGc.SetBrushStyle( CGraphicsContext::ENullBrush );
aGc.SetPenColor( KRgbBlue );
aGc.DrawRect( marginRect );
aGc.SetPenColor( KRgbGray );
aGc.DrawRect( paddingRect );
aGc.SetPenColor( KRgbRed );
aGc.DrawRect( contentRect );
TRAP_IGNORE( DoDrawL( aRect, aGc ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::ComponentControl
// Return a child control by index
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CCoeControl* CXnControlAdapterImpl::ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const
return iChildren[aIndex];
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::CountComponentControls
// Return count of children
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TInt CXnControlAdapterImpl::CountComponentControls() const
return iChildren.Count();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::AppendChildL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::AppendChildL(CXnControlAdapter& aChild, CXnNode& aNode)
if( !aChild.OwnsWindow() )
SetControlContext( aChild, aNode );
if( iChildren.Append( &aChild ) != KErrNone )
User::Leave( KXnErrAppendingChildToControlAdapterFailed );
aChild.SetContainerWindowL( *iAdapter );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConvertHslToRgb
// Converts a HSL color to RGB color
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TRgb ConvertHslToRgb(
TInt aHue, TInt aSaturation, TInt aLightness )
TRgb rgb( 0, 0, 0 );
TReal h( aHue );
h /= 360;
TReal s( aSaturation );
s /= 100;
TReal l( aLightness );
l /= 100;
if ( 0 == aSaturation )
rgb.SetRed( TInt( l * 255 ) );
rgb.SetGreen( TInt( l * 255 ) );
rgb.SetBlue( TInt( l * 255 ) );
TReal m1( 0 );
TReal m2( 0 );
// l<=0.5: PUT l*(s+1) IN m2
if ( aLightness < 0.5 )
m2 = l * ( s + 1.0 );
// PUT l+s-l*s IN m2
m2 = l + s - ( l * s );
// PUT l*2-m2 IN m1
m1 = l * 2.0 - m2;
TReal helperH( h );
TReal helperM1( m1 );
TReal helperM2( m2 );
// calculate Red
helperH = h + ( 1.0 / 3.0 );
// IF h<0: PUT h+1 IN h
if ( helperH < 0 )
helperH += 1.0;
// IF h>1: PUT h-1 IN h
else if ( helperH > 1 )
helperH -= 1.0;
TReal val( 0 );
// IF h*6<1: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*h*6
if ( ( helperH * 6 ) < 1 )
val = ( 255 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) * helperH * 6.0 ) );
// IF h*2<1: RETURN m2 )
else if ( ( helperH * 2.0 ) < 1.0 )
val = ( 255.0 * helperM2 );
// IF h*3<2: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*(2/3-h)*6
else if ( ( helperH * 3.0 ) < 2.0 )
val = ( 255.0 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) *
( 2.0 / 3.0 - helperH ) * 6.0 ) );
val = 255.0 * helperM1;
TInt tmpVal = TInt( val + 0.5 );
rgb.SetRed( ( tmpVal >= 0) ? tmpVal : -tmpVal );
// calculate Green
// PUT hue.to.rgb(m1, m2, h ) IN g
helperH = h;
helperM1 = m1;
helperM2 = m2;
// IF h<0: PUT h+1 IN h
if ( helperH < 0 )
helperH += 1.0;
// IF h>1: PUT h-1 IN h
else if ( helperH > 1 )
helperH -= 1.0;
// IF h*6<1: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*h*6
if ( ( helperH * 6 ) < 1 )
val = ( 255.0 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) * helperH * 6.0 ) );
// IF h*2<1: RETURN m2
else if ( ( helperH * 2 ) < 1 )
val = ( 255.0 * helperM2 );
// IF h*3<2: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*(2/3-h)*6
else if ( ( helperH * 3 ) < 2 )
val = ( 255.0 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) *
( 2.0 / 3.0 - helperH ) * 6.0 ) );
val = 255.0 * helperM1;
tmpVal = TInt( val + 0.5 );
rgb.SetGreen( ( tmpVal >= 0) ? tmpVal : tmpVal );
// calculate Blue
// PUT hue.to.rgb(m1, m2, h-1/3) IN b
helperH = h - ( 1.0 / 3.0 );
helperM1 = m1;
helperM2 = m2;
// IF h<0: PUT h+1 IN h
if ( helperH < 0 )
helperH += 1.0;
// IF h>1: PUT h-1 IN h
else if ( helperH > 1 )
helperH -= 1.0;
// IF h*6<1: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*h*6
if ( ( helperH * 6 ) < 1 )
val = ( 255.0 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) * helperH * 6.0 ) );
// IF h*2<1: RETURN m2
else if ( ( helperH * 2 ) < 1 )
val = ( 255.0 * helperM2 );
// IF h*3<2: RETURN m1+(m2-m1)*(2/3-h)*6
else if ( ( helperH * 3 ) < 2 )
val = ( 255.0 * ( helperM1 + ( helperM2 - helperM1 ) *
( 2.0 / 3.0 - helperH ) * 6.0 ) );
val = 255.0 * helperM1;
tmpVal = TInt( val + 0.5 );
rgb.SetBlue( ( tmpVal >= 0) ? tmpVal : -tmpVal );
return rgb;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ConvertRgbToHsl
// Converts a RGB color to HSL color
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void ConvertRgbToHsl(
TRgb aRGB,
TUint& aHue,
TUint& aSaturation,
TUint& aLightness )
TReal red = static_cast< TReal >( aRGB.Red() ) / 255.0;
TReal green = static_cast< TReal >( aRGB.Green() ) / 255.0;
TReal blue = static_cast< TReal >( aRGB.Blue() ) / 255.0;
TReal maxColor = ( red > green && red > blue ) ?
red : ( green > red && green > blue ) ? green : blue;
TReal minColor = ( red <= green && red <= blue ) ?
red : ( green <= red && green <= blue ) ? green : blue;
TReal lightness = ( maxColor + minColor ) / 2.0;
if ( maxColor == minColor )
aSaturation = 0;
aHue = 0;
aLightness = static_cast< TInt >( 100.0 * lightness + 0.5 );
if ( lightness < 0.5 )
TReal saturation = ( maxColor - minColor ) / ( maxColor + minColor );
aSaturation = static_cast< TInt >( 100.0 * saturation + 0.5 );
TReal saturation = ( maxColor - minColor ) / ( 2.0 - maxColor - minColor );
aSaturation = static_cast< TInt >( 100.0 * saturation + 0.5 );
if ( red == maxColor )
TReal hue = ( green - blue ) / ( maxColor - minColor );
TInt tmp = static_cast< TInt >( 60.0 * hue + 0.5 );
aHue = ( tmp >= 0 ) ? tmp : tmp + 360;
else if ( green == maxColor )
TReal hue = 2.0 + ( ( blue - red ) / ( maxColor - minColor ) );
TInt tmp = static_cast< TInt >( 60.0 * hue + 0.5 );
aHue = ( tmp >= 0 ) ? tmp : tmp + 360;
TReal hue = 4.0 + ( ( red - green ) / ( maxColor - minColor ) );
TInt tmp = static_cast< TInt >( 60.0 * hue + 0.5 );
aHue = ( tmp >= 0 ) ? tmp : tmp + 360;
aLightness = static_cast< TInt >( 100.0 * lightness + 0.5 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::IsDrawingAllowed
// Checks whether drawing is allowed
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CXnControlAdapterImpl::IsDrawingAllowed() const
TBool retVal = EFalse;
CXnNode& node = Component()->Node()->Node();
CXnProperty* propVisibility = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( propVisibility = node.VisibilityL() );
if ( propVisibility )
const TDesC8& visibility = propVisibility->StringValue();
if ( visibility != KNullDesC8 )
if ( visibility == XnPropertyNames::style::common::visibility::KHidden )
return EFalse;
retVal = ETrue;
// default value for visibility
retVal = ETrue;
CXnProperty* propDisplay = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( propDisplay = node.DisplayL() );
if ( propDisplay )
const TDesC8& display = propDisplay->StringValue();
if ( display != KNullDesC8 )
if ( display == XnPropertyNames::style::common::display::KNone )
return EFalse;
retVal = ETrue;
if ( node.IsDropped() )
return EFalse;
retVal = ETrue;
return retVal;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::ContentBitmaps
// Gets content bitmaps
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::ContentBitmaps(
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aMask )
aBitmap = iContentBitmap;
aMask = iContentMask;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetContentBitmaps
// Sets content bitmaps
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetContentBitmaps(
CFbsBitmap* aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap* aMask )
delete iContentBitmap;
iContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iContentMask;
iContentMask = NULL;
delete iScaledContentBitmap;
iScaledContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iScaledContentMask;
iScaledContentMask = NULL;
iContentBitmap = aBitmap;
iContentMask = aMask;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetContentBitmapsL
// Sets content bitmaps
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetContentBitmapsL( const TDesC& aBitmapUrl,
const TDesC& aMaskUrl )
delete iContentBitmap;
iContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iContentMask;
iContentMask = NULL;
delete iScaledContentBitmap;
iScaledContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iScaledContentMask;
iScaledContentMask = NULL;
CXnNode& node( iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node.UiEngine() );
TRect rect( node.Rect() );
GetBitmapL( *engine, node, aBitmapUrl, iContentBitmapIndex,
iContentBitmap, iContentMask, iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() );
if ( !iContentBitmap )
CXnProperty* prop( node.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KFallBackImage ) );
if ( prop )
HBufC* fallBackImage( prop->StringValueL( ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( fallBackImage );
if ( *fallBackImage != KNullDesC )
StripQuotes( fallBackImage );
GetBitmapL( *engine, node, *fallBackImage, iContentBitmapIndex,
iContentBitmap, iContentMask, iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( fallBackImage );
if ( !iContentMask )
if ( aMaskUrl != KNullDesC )
CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask( NULL );
GetBitmapL( *engine, node, aMaskUrl, iContentMaskIndex,
iContentMask, bitmapMask, iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() );
delete bitmapMask;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawContentImage
// Draws content image
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawContentImage() const
TRAP_IGNORE( DrawContentImageL( *iGc ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawContentImage
// Draws content image
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DrawContentImageL( CWindowGc& aGc ) const
if ( !iContentBitmap )
TRect rect = iComponent->Node()->Node().Rect();
// Check if the node has a property "preserve image aspect ratio".
TBool preserveAspectRatio = EFalse;
CXnNode& currentNode = iComponent->Node()->Node();
CXnProperty* aspectProperty = currentNode.GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::image::KS60AspectRatio );
if ( aspectProperty )
const TDesC8& value = aspectProperty->StringValue();
if ( value.CompareF( XnPropertyNames::image::KPreserve ) == 0 )
preserveAspectRatio = ETrue;
TRect bitmapRect = rect;
bitmapRect.Move( -rect.iTl.iX, -rect.iTl.iY );
if ( AknIconUtils::IsMifIcon( iContentBitmap ) )
if ( preserveAspectRatio )
iContentBitmap, bitmapRect.Size(), EAspectRatioPreserved );
iContentBitmap, bitmapRect.Size(), EAspectRatioNotPreserved );
//Calculate new point to start draw in order to center bitmap to drawing area
rect.iTl.iY +=
( rect.Height() - iContentBitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight ) / 2;
rect.iTl.iX +=
( rect.Width() - iContentBitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth ) / 2;
if ( iContentMask )
// Based on the avkon's assumtion that mask is always inverted, the
// value of aInvertMask parameter is set to 'ETrue'
aGc.BitBltMasked( rect.iTl, iContentBitmap, bitmapRect, iContentMask,
ETrue );
aGc.BitBlt( rect.iTl, iContentBitmap, bitmapRect );
if ( !iScaledContentBitmap )
TBool forceFallBack = CXnUtils::DoesScaleBitmapUseFallBack(
iContentBitmap );
TRAPD( err, CreateScaledBitmapL( bitmapRect,
forceFallBack ) );
if ( err )
// return if CreateScaledBitmapL() leaves. This prevents the
// drawing of the original content bitmap which is wrong size.
if ( iContentMask && !iScaledContentMask )
TBool forceFallBack = CXnUtils::DoesScaleBitmapUseFallBack(
iContentMask );
TRAPD( err, CreateScaledBitmapL( bitmapRect,
forceFallBack ) );
if ( err )
// return if CreateScaledBitmapL() leaves. This prevents the
// drawing of the original content mask which is wrong size
// (and may distort the image).
CFbsBitmap* bitmap( 0 );
CFbsBitmap* mask( 0 );
if ( iScaledContentBitmap )
bitmap = iScaledContentBitmap;
bitmap = iContentBitmap;
if ( iScaledContentMask )
mask = iScaledContentMask;
mask = iContentMask;
if ( bitmap && mask )
//Calculate new point to start draw in order to center bitmap to
// drawing area
rect.iTl.iY +=
( rect.Height() - bitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight ) / 2;
rect.iTl.iX +=
( rect.Width() - bitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth ) / 2;
// Based on the avkon's assumtion that mask is always inverted, the
// value of aInvertMask parameter is set to 'ETrue'
aGc.BitBltMasked( rect.iTl, bitmap, bitmapRect, mask, ETrue );
else if ( bitmap )
//Calculate new point to start draw in order to center bitmap to
// drawing area
rect.iTl.iY +=
( rect.Height() - bitmap->SizeInPixels().iHeight ) / 2;
rect.iTl.iX +=
( rect.Width() - bitmap->SizeInPixels().iWidth ) / 2;
aGc.BitBlt( rect.iTl, bitmap );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SizeChanged
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SizeChanged()
delete iScaledContentBitmap;
iScaledContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iScaledContentMask;
iScaledContentMask = NULL;
delete iScaledTransparentColor;
iScaledTransparentColor = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundSkin;
iScaledBackgroundSkin = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundImage;
iScaledBackgroundImage = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( InitializeBackgroundAndBorderBitmapsL() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SkinChanged
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SkinChanged()
delete iScaledContentBitmap;
iScaledContentBitmap = NULL;
delete iScaledContentMask;
iScaledContentMask = NULL;
delete iScaledTransparentColor;
iScaledTransparentColor = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundSkin;
iScaledBackgroundSkin = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundImage;
iScaledBackgroundImage = NULL;
TRAP_IGNORE( InitializeBackgroundAndBorderBitmapsL() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::FocusChangedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::FocusChangedL( TBool aFocused )
CXnNode& node( iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node.UiEngine() );
CXnNode* menubar( engine->MenuBarNode() );
if ( engine->IsEditMode() || !node.IsLayoutCapable() || !menubar )
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface* menuIf( NULL );
XnComponentInterface::MakeInterfaceL( menuIf, menubar->AppIfL() );
if ( !menuIf )
CXnViewManager* manager( engine->ViewManager() );
const TDesC8& ns( node.Namespace() );
CXnPluginData* data( manager->ActiveViewData().Plugin( ns ) );
if ( !data )
CXnNode* plugin( data->Node()->LayoutNode() );
CXnNode* extension( NULL );
if ( plugin == engine->ActiveView() )
// Pretend that this node is extension
extension = &node;
RPointerArray< CXnNode >& children( plugin->Children() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < children.Count(); i++ )
CXnNode* child( children[i] );
const TDesC8& type( child->Type()->Type() );
if ( type == XnPropertyNames::menu::KMenuExtension )
extension = child;
if ( !extension )
// No extension available
// Find proper softkey from extension
RPointerArray< CXnNode >& children( extension->Children() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < children.Count(); i++ )
CXnNode* child( children[i] );
const TDesC8& type( child->Type()->Type() );
if ( type == XnPropertyNames::softkey::KNodeName )
CXnProperty* prop( child->GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::softkey::KTypeAttribute ) );
if ( prop )
const TDesC8& type( prop->StringValue() );
XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::TSoftKeyPosition pos;
if ( type == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KLeft )
pos = XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ELeft;
else if ( type == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KMiddle )
pos = XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ECenter;
else if ( type == XnPropertyNames::softkey::type::KRight )
pos = XnMenuInterface::MXnMenuInterface::ERight;
// Declaration error
__ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse, Panic( EXnInvalidState ) );
if ( aFocused )
// Set softkey
menuIf->SetSoftKeyL( &child->PluginIfL(), pos );
// Remove softkey
menuIf->SetSoftKeyL( NULL, pos );
// This is not a correct way to do dirty setting,
// but here in case of menubar it is acceptable
engine->AddDirtyNodeL( menubar, XnDirtyLevel::ERender );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::InitializeBackgroundandBorderBitmapsL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::InitializeBackgroundAndBorderBitmapsL()
CXnNode& node( iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node.UiEngine() );
CXnProperty* backgroundImageProperty( node.BackgroundImageL() );
if ( backgroundImageProperty )
delete iBackgroundBitmap;
iBackgroundBitmap = NULL;
delete iBackgroundMask;
iBackgroundMask = NULL;
delete iScaledTransparentColor;
iScaledTransparentColor = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundSkin;
iScaledBackgroundSkin = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundImage;
iScaledBackgroundImage = NULL;
InitializeBackgroundBitmapL( *engine, node, iBackgroundBitmapIndex,
iBackgroundBitmap, iBackgroundMask, iIconProvider, FsSession() );
HBufC* bgPath( GetBackgroundImagePathLC( node ) );
if ( *bgPath != KNullDesC )
iAnimIDResolved = CXnUtils::ResolveSkinItemIDL( *bgPath, iAnimIID );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bgPath );
CXnProperty* borderImageProperty( node.BorderImageL() );
if ( borderImageProperty )
delete iBorderBitmap;
iBorderBitmap = NULL;
iBorderBitmap = InitializeBorderBitmapL(
*engine, node,
iBorderBitmapIndex, iBorderBitmapDividerTop,
iBorderBitmapDividerBottom, iBorderBitmapDividerLeft,
iIconProvider, FsSession() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::ConstructL
// 2nd phase constructor. Can leave.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::ConstructL(
CXnNodePluginIf& aNode,
CXnControlAdapter& aAdapter,
CWindowGc& aGc )
iGc = &aGc;
iAdapter = &aAdapter;
if ( CreateGestureHelperL( aNode.Node() ) )
iGestureHelper = CXnGestureHelper::NewL( aNode.Node() );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::LoadBitmap
// Load a bitmap from the server. Ownership is transferred.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CFbsBitmap* CXnControlAdapterImpl::LoadBitmap( const TDesC& aBitmapUrl )
CXnNode& node( iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node.UiEngine() );
CFbsBitmap* bitmap( NULL );
CFbsBitmap* mask( NULL );
TRect rect( node.Rect() );
TInt index( 0 );
*engine, node,
aBitmapUrl, index,
bitmap, mask,
iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() ) );
delete mask;
return bitmap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::GetBitmapAndMask
// Load a bitmap and mask from the server. Ownership is transferred.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::GetBitmapAndMask(
const TDesC& aBitmapUrl,
const TDesC& aMaskUrl,
CFbsBitmap*& aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap*& aMask )
CXnNode& node( iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node.UiEngine() );
TRect rect( node.Rect() );
TInt index( 0 );
*engine, node,
aBitmapUrl, index,
aBitmap, aMask,
iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() ) );
if ( !aMask )
if ( aMaskUrl != KNullDesC )
CFbsBitmap* bitmapMask( NULL );
*engine, node,
aMaskUrl, index,
aMask, bitmapMask,
iIconProvider, rect, FsSession() ) );
delete bitmapMask;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::AnimFrameReady
// Callback of the animated skin background.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::AnimFrameReady( TInt aError, TInt /* aAnimId */ )
if ( !aError )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::CreateAnimationL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::CreateAnimationL( /* TDesC& aPath */ )
if ( iAnimation )
delete iAnimation;
iAnimation = NULL;
iAnimation = CAknsEffectAnim::NewL( this );
TBool ok = iAnimation->ConstructFromSkinL( iAnimIID );
if ( !ok )
delete iAnimation;
iAnimation = NULL;
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
CXnNode& node = iComponent->Node()->Node();
if ( !node.IsLaidOut() )
// Animation is created before layout of nodes has been calculated
node.UiEngine()->LayoutUIL( &node );
TRect rect( node.Rect() );
iAnimation->BeginConfigInputLayersL( rect.Size(), ETrue );
if ( iAnimation->InputRgbGc() )
TRect mainPane;
AknLayoutUtils::LayoutMetricsRect( AknLayoutUtils::EMainPane, mainPane );
TRect mainPaneRect( mainPane.Size() );
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
MAknsControlContext* cc = NULL;
const TAknsItemID* id = &KAknsIIDNone;
if ( AknsUtils::AvkonSkinEnabled() )
cc = CAknsListBoxBackgroundControlContext::NewL(
mainPaneRect );
AknsDrawUtils::DrawBackground( AknsUtils::SkinInstance(),
KAknsDrawParamBottomLevelRGBOnly );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::StartHighlightAnimation()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::StartHighlightAnimation( TBool aAnimRestart )
TBool focused = EFalse;
// No need to start animation again if already running
if ( iAnimation )
if ( iAnimation->State() == EAknsAnimStateRunning && !aAnimRestart )
// Check control's focus
if ( iComponent )
CXnNodePluginIf* pluginIf = iComponent->Node();
if ( pluginIf )
focused = pluginIf->IsFocusedState();
// If the node is not focused or no Anim ID, return.
if ( !focused || !iAnimIDResolved )
// Restart animation
if ( aAnimRestart )
if ( iAnimation )
delete iAnimation;
iAnimation = NULL;
TRAPD( error, CreateAnimationL() );
if ( !error )
// Node is focused. Try to start animation.
if ( iAnimation )
TRAPD( error, CreateAnimationL() );
if ( !error )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::StopHighlightAnimation()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::StopHighlightAnimation()
if ( iAnimation )
// Stop animation and delete.
delete iAnimation;
iAnimation = NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::MeasureAdaptiveContentL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TSize CXnControlAdapterImpl::MeasureAdaptiveContentL(
const TSize& /* aAvailableSize */ )
// By default the size is 0
return TSize( 0, 0 );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetBlank
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::SetBlank( TBool aBlank )
iBlank = aBlank;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::DoHandlePropertyChangeL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::DoHandlePropertyChangeL( CXnProperty* /*aProperty*/ )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::UpdateBackgroundImageL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TPropertyChangeResponse CXnControlAdapterImpl::UpdateBackgroundImageL(
CXnProperty* aProperty )
if ( aProperty )
const TDesC8& name( aProperty->Property()->Name() );
if ( name == XnPropertyNames::appearance::common::KBackGroundImage )
delete iBackgroundBitmap;
iBackgroundBitmap = NULL;
delete iBackgroundMask;
iBackgroundMask = NULL;
delete iScaledTransparentColor;
iScaledTransparentColor = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundSkin;
iScaledBackgroundSkin = NULL;
delete iScaledBackgroundImage;
iScaledBackgroundImage = NULL;
InitializeBackgroundBitmapL( *( iNode.Node().UiEngine() ), iNode.Node(),
iBackgroundBitmapIndex, iBackgroundBitmap, iBackgroundMask,
iIconProvider, FsSession());
return EPropertyChangeConsumed;
return EPropertyChangeNotConsumed;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::HandleScreenDeviceChangedL()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CreateBitmapFromColorL
// Creates a bitmap object with the given size and fill color
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
static CFbsBitmap* CreateBitmapFromColorL( TSize aSize, TRgb aColor )
CFbsBitmap* newBitmap = new ( ELeave ) CFbsBitmap;
newBitmap->Create( aSize, EColor16M );
CleanupStack::PushL( newBitmap );
CFbsBitmapDevice* bitmapDev = CFbsBitmapDevice::NewL( newBitmap );
CleanupStack::PushL( bitmapDev );
CFbsBitGc* bc = NULL;
User::LeaveIfError( bitmapDev->CreateContext( bc ) );
CleanupStack::PushL( bc );
bc->SetBrushColor( aColor );
bc->Clear(); // area is filled with the brush color
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bc );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( bitmapDev );
CleanupStack::Pop( newBitmap );
return newBitmap;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PassEventToGestureHelperL
// Forwards event to gesturehelper
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TBool CXnControlAdapterImpl::PassEventToGestureHelperL(
const TPointerEvent& aPointerEvent )
TBool ret( EFalse );
CXnNode* node( &iNode.Node() );
CXnUiEngine* engine( node->UiEngine() );
if ( iGestureHelper && iGestureHelper->Owner() == node )
if ( aPointerEvent.iType == TPointerEvent::EButton1Down )
// Set default destination
iGestureHelper->SetDestination( iGestureHelper->Owner() );
RPointerArray< CXnPluginData >& plugins(
engine->ViewManager()->ActiveViewData().PluginData() );
for ( TInt i = 0; i < plugins.Count(); i++ )
CXnPluginData* plugin( plugins[i] );
if ( plugin->Occupied() )
CXnNode* widget( plugin->Node()->LayoutNode() );
if ( widget->MarginRect().Contains( aPointerEvent.iPosition ) )
// Resolve swipe destination
CXnProperty* prop( widget->GetPropertyL(
XnPropertyNames::common::KSwipeDestination ) );
if ( prop )
const TDesC8& value( prop->StringValue() );
if( value == XnPropertyNames::KWidget )
// Set widget as destination
iGestureHelper->SetDestination( widget );
else if( value == XnPropertyNames::KNone )
// Set no destination
iGestureHelper->SetDestination( NULL );
TSwipeResult result( iGestureHelper->HandlePointerEventL( aPointerEvent ) );
const TDesC8* swipe( NULL );
if ( result == ESwipeLeft )
swipe = &XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::swipe::direction::KLeft;
else if ( result == ESwipeRight )
swipe = &XnPropertyNames::action::trigger::name::swipe::direction::KRight;
if ( swipe )
CXnNode* destination( iGestureHelper->Destination() );
if ( destination )
if ( destination == iGestureHelper->Owner() )
CancelFocusRefusalL( *engine );
// Remove focus
CXnNode* trigger( BuildSwipeTriggerNodeLC( *engine, *swipe ) );
destination->ReportXuikonEventL( *trigger );
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( trigger );
// If needed we can call here for example HandleSwipeL()
// Consume this event
ret = ETrue;
return ret;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::RemoveChildAdapters()
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RPointerArray< CXnControlAdapter >& CXnControlAdapterImpl::ChildAdapters()
return iChildren;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
RFs& CXnControlAdapterImpl::FsSession()
return iAdapter->ControlEnv()->FsSession();
// ============================= TIconProvider ===============================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider::TIconProvider( RFile& aFile ) :
iFile( aFile )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retreive Icon handle
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider::RetrieveIconFileHandleL(
RFile& aFile, const TIconFileType /*aType*/)
aFile.Duplicate( iFile );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finish
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CXnControlAdapterImpl::TIconProvider::Finished()
delete this;