changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: Session for IMPS.
    15 *
    16 *
    17 */
    21 #include    <e32base.h>
    22 #include    <e32math.h>
    23 #include    "impsserver.h"
    24 #include    "impssession.h"
    25 #include    "impssubsession.h"
    26 #include    "impscspsession.h"
    27 #include    "impsfields.h"
    28 #include    "impsutils.h"
    29 #include    "impserrors.h"
    30 #include    "impstimer.h"
    31 #include    "impssendreceive.h"
    32 #include    "impsservices.h"
    33 #include    "impscommonenums.h"
    34 #include    "impssdatautils.h"
    35 #include    "impsmessageinterpreterapi.h"
    36 #include    "impsdataaccessor.h"
    37 #include    "impsdigestbytes.h"
    38 #include    "impsvariant.h"
    39 #include    "impsalivemanager.h"
    40 #include    "impsactivecirmonitor.h"
    41 #include    "ImpsVariantAPI.h"
    42 #include    "impstidqueue.h"
    43 #include    "impsactivecirmonitor.h"
    45 #ifdef LOCAL_IMPS
    46 #ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
    47 #define _FAKE_RESPONSE
    48 #endif
    49 #endif
    51 #ifdef _FAKE_RESPONSE
    52 #include    "impssrvtestutils.h"
    53 #endif
    55 // MACROS
    56 #ifndef _DEBUG
    57 #define _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
    58 #endif
    60 // CONSTANTS
    61 // Adative polling policy time increment
    62 const TInt KImpsPollIncrement = 10;
    64 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    66 CImpsCSPSession::CImpsCSPSession( CImpsServer& aServer,
    67                                   TImpsSrvSettings& aSettings,
    68                                   RFs& aFs,
    69                                   CImpsVariant& aVariant,
    70                                   TImpsCspVersion aVer ):
    71         iServer( aServer ),
    72         iCSPVersion( aVer ),
    73         iFs( aFs ),
    74         iVariant( aVariant ),
    75         iTransactionList( _FOFF( CTransaction, iLink ) ), //lint !e413
    76         iRequestList( _FOFF( CReq, iLink ) ), //lint !e413
    77         iCSPState( EImpsCSPIdle ),
    78         iPendingLogout( EFalse ),
    79         iAliveMgr( NULL ),
    80         iPollTime( KImpsPollTime ),
    81         iPollWasRequested( EFalse ),
    82         iUserId( NULL ),
    83         iIntStatus ( EInternal_NOT_LOGGED ),
    84         iMultiTrans( KImpsMultiTrans ),
    85         iNegoExpiry( ),
    86         iCirManager( NULL ),
    87         iLogoutTID( KNullDesC ),
    88         iConAllowed( ETrue ),
    89         iPendingAlive( EFalse ),
    90         iSAP( NULL ),
    91         iIAP( 0 ),
    92         iPollState( EImpsPollNone ),
    93         iPollInResume( 0 ),
    94         iPendingPDP( EImpsPDPPendNone ),    // PDP:
    95         iPendPDPLogout ( EFalse ), // PDP:
    96         iTidSapHistory( NULL ),
    97         iTidCliHistory( NULL ),
    98         iTcpCIRError( EFalse ),
    99         iCancelLogin ( EFalse )
   100     {
   101     iCSPSessionId = KNullDesC;
   102     iLogCID = KNullDesC;
   103     iTempTid = KNullDesC;
   104     iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
   105     iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
   106     iLoginPhase = 1;
   107     iKey1 = NULL;
   108     iKey2 = NULL;
   109     iSettings = aSettings;
   110     }
   112 // Create and start a new server.
   114 CImpsCSPSession* CImpsCSPSession::NewL( CImpsServer& aServer,
   115                                         TImpsSrvSettings& aSettings,
   116                                         RFs& aFs,
   117                                         CImpsVariant& aVariant,
   118                                         TImpsCspVersion aVer )
   119     {
   120 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   121     if ( aVer == EImpsCspVersion11 )
   122         {
   123         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewL rel200542.2+ WV 1.1" ) );
   124         }
   125     else
   126         {
   127         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewL rel200542.2+ WV 1.2" ) );
   128         }
   129 #endif
   131     CImpsCSPSession* self = new ( ELeave ) CImpsCSPSession( aServer,
   132                                                             aSettings, aFs, aVariant, aVer );
   133     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   134     self->ConstructL();
   135     CleanupStack::Pop();
   136     return self;
   137     }
   139 CImpsCSPSession::~CImpsCSPSession()
   140     {
   141 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   142     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DESTRUCTOR csp=%d **" ), ( TInt )this );
   143 #endif
   144     // deallocate all memory
   145     DeleteTransactions();
   146     DeleteRequests();
   148     delete iTransportOut;
   150     delete iCirManager;
   151     delete iReceiver2;
   152     delete iAllMessages;
   153     delete iRcv;
   154     delete iSnd;
   156     delete iIdleTimer;
   157     delete iAliveMgr;
   159     delete iSendQ;
   161     delete iTCPAddr;
   162     delete iLogPwd;
   163     delete iLogTid;
   164     delete iKey1;
   165     delete iKey2;
   166     delete iUserId;
   168     delete iSAP;
   170     if ( iDecoder )
   171         {
   172         iDecoder->Destroy();
   173         }
   174     if ( iEncoder )
   175         {
   176         iEncoder->Destroy();
   177         }
   179     delete iPDPIdleTimer;
   180     delete iPDPOpenTimer;
   181     delete iTidSapHistory;
   182     delete iTidCliHistory;
   183     }
   185 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   186 // CImpsCSPSession::Destroy()
   187 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   188 void CImpsCSPSession::Destroy()
   189     {
   190 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   191     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Destroy csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
   192 #endif
   193     // You MUST delete ip-cir entity before conn-manager entity.
   194     // refer to ImpsIpCirWatcherApi.h.
   195     delete iCirManager;
   196     iCirManager = NULL;
   197     iReceiver2->Destroy();
   198     delete iReceiver2;
   199     iReceiver2 = NULL;
   200     }
   202 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   203 // CImpsCSPSession::ConstructL()
   204 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 void CImpsCSPSession::ConstructL()
   206     {
   207 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   208     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ConstructL begins csp=%d **" ), ( TInt )this );
   209 #endif
   211     iTransportOut = CBufFlat::NewL( KImpsStreamSize / 2 );
   212     iTransportOut->ResizeL( KImpsStreamSize );
   214     iDecoder = NewDecoderL( this );
   215     iEncoder = NewEncoderL();
   217     iTidSapHistory = CImpsTidQueue::NewL();
   218     iTidCliHistory = CImpsTidQueue::NewL();
   220     iSnd = CImpsFields::NewL();
   221     iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
   222     iIdleTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsIdleTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   223     iPDPIdleTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsPDPIdleTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   224     iPDPOpenTimer = new ( ELeave ) CImpsPDPOpenTimer( *this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   225     iAliveMgr = CImpsAliveManager::NewL( *this );
   227     iSendQ = new ( ELeave ) CImpsSendQueued( * this, CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   229     // Just initialize undefined address
   230     iTCPAddr = HBufC::NewL( 1 );
   231     *iTCPAddr = KNullDesC;
   233     TPtrC8 myMime = iEncoder->MimeType();
   234     iReceiver2 = CImpsSendReceive2::NewL(
   235                      iFs, *this, *iTransportOut, myMime );
   237 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   238     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession:ConstructL ends" ) );
   239 #endif
   240     }
   242 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   243 // CImpsCSPSession::CloseAll()
   244 // CImpsServer::CloseEngine calls this. TransportStatus handles the callback.
   245 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   246 void CImpsCSPSession::CloseAll( )
   247     {
   248 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   249     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CloseAll %d csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
   250 #endif
   252     NewState( EImpsCSPShuttingDown );
   254     if ( iIdleTimer )
   255         {
   256         iIdleTimer->Stop( );
   257         }
   258     iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
   259 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   260     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
   261 #endif
   263     if ( iAliveMgr )
   264         {
   265         iAliveMgr->StopTimer( );
   266         }
   268     if ( iSendQ )
   269         {
   270         iSendQ->Cancel( );
   271         }
   273     if ( iCirManager )
   274         {
   275         iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
   276         delete iCirManager;
   277         iCirManager = NULL;
   278         }
   280     // Close the transport
   281     if ( iReceiver2 )
   282         {
   283         iReceiver2->CloseTr( );
   284         }
   285     // TransportStatus handles rest of shut down activities
   286     }
   289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   290 // CImpsCSPSession::ClosePDP
   291 // called by - CImpsPDPIdleTimer
   292 // ClosePDP method needed to close PDP-context.
   293 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   294 void CImpsCSPSession::ClosePDP()
   295     {
   296 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   297     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP" ) );
   298 #endif
   300     if ( iPollState != EImpsPollCIR )
   301         {
   302 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   303         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP IGNORED iPollState = %d****" ),
   304                                 iPollState );
   305 #endif
   306         return;
   307         }
   308     if ( IsPDPIdle() )
   309         {
   310 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   311         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP PDP already IDLE ****" ) );
   312 #endif
   313         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd )
   314             {
   315 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   316             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ClosePDP -> EImpsPDPPendClose" ) );
   317 #endif
   318             // set pending close request if PDP is opening
   319             iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendClose;
   320             }
   321         return;
   322         }
   324     NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart );
   326     // This does not close WAP-SMS-CIR
   327     if ( iCirManager )
   328         {
   329         iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
   330         delete iCirManager;
   331         iCirManager = NULL;
   332         }
   334     // Close the transport
   335     if ( iReceiver2 )
   336         {
   337         iReceiver2->ClosePDP( );
   338         }
   339     // TransportStatus handles rest of shut down activities
   340     }
   343 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   344 // CImpsCSPSession::OpenPDP
   345 // Called by LogoutL, SendAliveL, SendDataL, TransportStatus, SendAllQueued
   346 // Called by CIRMessageL directly and by the CImpsPDPTimer class too.
   347 // OpenPDP method needed to re-open PDP-context
   348 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   349 TInt CImpsCSPSession::OpenPDP()
   350     {
   351 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   352     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP" ) );
   353 #endif
   354     if ( !IsPDPIdle() )
   355         {
   356         // Nothing to do
   357 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   358         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP IGNORED - not idle" ) );
   359 #endif
   360         return KErrAlreadyExists;
   361         }
   362     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd )
   363         {
   364         // already opening
   365 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   366         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP IGNORED - EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd" ) );
   367 #endif
   368         return KErrNotReady;
   369         }
   370     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
   371         {
   372 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   373         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: OpenPDP -> EImpsPDPPendOpen" ) );
   374 #endif
   375         iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
   376         return KErrNone;
   377         }
   379     NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd );
   380     TRAPD( errx, iReceiver2->OpenPDPL( SAP(), iIAP ) );
   381     if ( errx )
   382         {
   383         NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
   384         // Does not matter which error code is returned. Used in Logout only
   385         // to start internal logout routines.
   386 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   387         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: openpdp E1 ****" ) );
   388 #endif
   389         return KErrGeneral;
   390         }
   391     return KErrNone;
   392     // TransportStatus/transportError handles rest of open activities
   393     }
   395 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   396 // CImpsCSPSession::LoginL
   397 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   398 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::LoginL(
   399     const TDesC& aUser,
   400     const TDesC& aPassword,
   401     const TDesC& aClientId,
   402     const TDesC& aSAP,
   403     TUint32 aAP,
   404     const TDesC& aKey1,
   405     const TDesC& aKey2,
   406     TTime aLoginExpiry,
   407     TBool aReactive )
   408     {
   409 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   410     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LoginL state=%d csp=%d" ), iCSPState, ( TInt )this );
   411 #endif
   413     // AOL Login
   414     if ( aKey1.Length() && aKey2.Length() )
   415         {
   416         // this should be the case anyway
   417         iSettings.iFourWayLogin = ETrue;
   418         delete iKey1;
   419         iKey1 = NULL;
   420         iKey1 = aKey1.AllocL();
   421         delete iKey2;
   422         iKey2 = NULL;
   423         iKey2 = aKey2.AllocL();
   424         }
   425     TPtrC tid ( KNullDesC );
   427     delete iSAP;
   428     iSAP = NULL;
   429     iSAP = aSAP.AllocL();
   430     iIAP = aAP;
   432     iPendingAlive = EFalse;
   433 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   434     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
   435 #endif
   437     if ( iCSPState >= EImpsCSPLogged )
   438         {
   439 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   440         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when logged ***" ) );
   441 #endif
   442         User::Leave( KImpsErrorAlreadyLogged );
   443         }
   444     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
   445         {
   446 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   447         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when CSP logging out ***" ) );
   448 #endif
   449         User::Leave(  KErrNotReady );
   450         }
   451     // Check that no active CSP session exists
   452     // This should not happen before login
   453     else if ( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending ||
   454               iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging )
   455         {
   456 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   457         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login when busy ***" ) );
   458 #endif
   459         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   460         }
   461     // Close old connections if any in re-login case (wrong psw first time e.g.)
   462     // The pending logout response is handled above, not here.
   463     else if ( iReceiver2->isConnected() )
   464         {
   465         // These are for re-login without logout after an error response
   466         NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
   467         iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
   468 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   469         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
   470         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: transport was connected ***" ) );
   471 #endif
   472         iAliveMgr->StopTimer();
   473         iSendQ->Cancel();
   474         iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
   475         iReceiver2->CloseTr();
   476         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   477         }
   479     // aPassword cannot be NULL
   480     delete iLogPwd;
   481     iLogPwd = NULL;
   482     delete iUserId;
   483     iUserId = NULL;
   484     iLogPwd = aPassword.AllocL();
   485     iUserId = aUser.AllocL();
   486     iLogCID = aClientId;
   487     iLogoutTID = KNullDesC;
   488     iNegoExpiry = aLoginExpiry;
   489     iReactive = aReactive;
   490     TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices( iServices, iReactive );
   492     // Make a login request
   493     iSnd->Reset();
   494     tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
   495     iSnd->SetTidL( tid );
   496     iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsLoginReq );
   497     // Session type is OUTBAND
   498     iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsOutband );
   500     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iSnd );
   501     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();    // <<< myKey
   503     iAliveTime = iSettings.iAliveTime;
   505     if ( iSettings.iFourWayLogin == EFalse )
   506         {
   507         TImpsSDataUtils::CreateLoginReqL(
   508             myKey,
   509             &myAccess,
   510             aUser,
   511             iLogCID,
   512             LogPwd(),
   513             GenerateCookie(),
   514             iAliveTime );
   515         // set this, that response goes to the right place
   516         iLoginPhase = 2;
   517         }
   518     else
   519         {
   520         TImpsDigestSchema aSchema = EImpsMD5;
   521         TImpsSDataUtils::CreateLoginReqPhaseOneL(
   522             myKey,
   523             &myAccess,
   524             aUser,
   525             iLogCID,
   526             aSchema,
   527             GenerateCookie(),
   528             iAliveTime );
   529         // just to be sure
   530         iLoginPhase = 1;
   531         }
   533     // Add TImpsTransactionMode now
   534     myKey->Reset();
   535     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
   536         myKey,
   537         KTransModeElements,
   538         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
   539         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
   540     myAccess.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
   541     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> myKey
   543     // Save login id for error handling purposes
   544     iTempTid2 = tid;
   546     // Set WV version
   547     iSnd->SetCspVersion( iCSPVersion );
   549     // Encode login request
   550     iEncoder->EncodeMessageL( myAccess, *iTransportOut );
   551     iLastSent = EImpsLoginReq;
   553     delete iLogTid;
   554     iLogTid = NULL;
   555     iLogTid = tid.AllocL();
   557     // This does not leave immediately if network is not available
   558     NewState( EImpsCSPLogging );
   559     TRAPD( errx, iReceiver2->OpenL( tid, iSettings.iXmlLog, aSAP, aAP ) );
   560     if ( errx )
   561         {
   562         // In rare situations the previous call may leave
   563         NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
   564         User::Leave( errx );
   565         }
   567     // iReceiver callback handles the rest of the login method.
   568     // This handles interrupted logout request as well as shut down interrupt
   570     iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
   572     return tid;
   573     }
   575 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 // CImpsCSPSession::LogoutL
   577 // Notice that subsession class prevents calling this in certain
   578 // situations, if not iLogged or not pending login operation.
   579 // Therefore shut down situation is not handled here.
   580 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   581 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::LogoutL( TBool aCancel )
   582     {
   583 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   584     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LogoutL state=%d cancel=%d csp=%d" ), iCSPState,
   585                             aCancel, ( TInt )this );
   586 #endif
   588     if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPIdle )
   589         {
   590 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   591         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LogoutL LEAVES KImpsErrorNotLogged" ) );
   592 #endif
   593         iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
   594         iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
   595         User::Leave( KImpsErrorNotLogged );
   596         }
   598     if ( iCancelLogin && aCancel )
   599         {
   600         // cancel login already requested!
   601         return TPtrC();
   602         }
   604     // Make a logout request (encode)
   605     TPtrC tid;
   606     tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
   607     iLogoutTID = tid;
   608     // Use iLogoutTID when loggin out later after PDP-open
   609     // Check if PDP is closed and start to re-open it here (Logout)
   610     if ( IsPDPIdle() )
   611         {
   612         // check this flag when PDP has been re-opened
   613         iPendPDPLogout = ETrue;
   614         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
   615             {
   616             // E1: error handling; return boolean to speed up error handling
   617             // E2: fix:
   618             if ( OpenPDP() )
   619                 {
   620 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   621                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Ex2 OpenPDP FAILS ****" ) );
   622 #endif
   623                 DoLogout();
   624                 }
   625             return tid;
   626             }
   627         }
   629     if ( iCSPState != EImpsCSPLogging )
   630         {
   631         // Clear buffers from old stuff
   632         DeleteRequests();
   633         DeleteTransactions();
   634         // Send Logout primitive and set state to EImpsCSPDisconnecting.
   635         TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( tid ) );
   636         if ( errx )
   637             {
   638 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   639             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL error %d ***" ), errx );
   640 #endif
   641             // Do logout routines immediately if transport gives an error
   642             DoLogout();
   643             // The following error code is handled in a special way in
   644             // client session classes.
   645             User::Leave( KImpsErrorTerminalOffLine );
   646             }
   647         }
   648     else // LoggingIn
   649         {
   650         if ( !aCancel )
   651             {
   652             iPendingLogout = ETrue;
   653 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   654             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingLogout->TRUE ***" ) );
   655 #endif
   656             }
   657         else
   658             {
   659             iCancelLogin = ETrue;
   660 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   661             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iCancelLogin->TRUE ***" ) );
   662 #endif
   663             }
   664         // Logout must not ever fail so this must not leave.
   665         StartLoginCancel( );
   666         }
   668     return tid;
   669     }
   671 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   672 // CImpsCSPSession::CirMessageL
   673 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   674 void CImpsCSPSession::CirMessageL(
   675     const TDesC8& aCookie )
   676     {
   677 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   678     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessageL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
   679 #endif
   681     // if CIR is not negotiated then ignore
   682     if ( ( iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR != 2 && iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR != 2 &&
   683            iSettings.iTCPSCIR != 2 && iSettings.iUDPSCIR != 2 ) ||
   684          !IsNegotiated() )
   685         {
   686 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   687         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage IGNORED" ) );
   688 #endif
   689         return;
   690         }
   692     // check session cookie but not CSP-version.
   693     // CIR syntax: WVCI <CSP-version> <Session-cookie>
   695     TPtrC8 cookie = aCookie.Left( 4 );
   696     if ( cookie.CompareF( _L8( "WVCI" ) ) )
   697         {
   698 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   699         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage SYNTAX ERROR" ) );
   700 #endif
   701         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   702         }
   704     cookie.Set( aCookie );
   705     // Find if the cookie exists in this push body
   706     if ( cookie.Find( iCookie8 ) == KErrNotFound )
   707         {
   708 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   709         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirMessage COOKIE ERROR" ) );
   710 #endif
   711         User::Leave( KImpsErrorUnauthorized );
   712         }
   714     // reset PDP idle timer when CIR received
   715     iPDPIdleTimer->Reset();
   717     // If PDP-context is idle or shutting down then set pending open request.
   718     if ( IsPDPIdle() )
   719         {
   720         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle ||
   721              iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
   722             {
   723             iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
   724             }
   725         if ( !iPollInResume )
   726             {
   727             iPollInResume = 1;
   728 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   729             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ),
   730                                     iPollInResume );
   731 #endif
   732             }
   733         // This is a fix for cases when GPRS bearer event has not been received
   734 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   735         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CIR -> openPDP ****" ) );
   736 #endif
   737         OpenPDP();
   738         iPDPOpenTimer->Start( KImpsPDPRetryOpenTime );
   739         }
   741     // Send the actual Poll message
   742     else if ( iIntStatus == EInternal_ON_LINE )  // && !PDPIdle
   743         {
   744         TRAPD( errPoll, SendPollL() );
   745         if ( errPoll && !iPollInResume )
   746             {
   747             iPollInResume = 1;
   748 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   749             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
   750 #endif
   751             }
   752         }
   753     else  // NOT ON_LINE && !PDPIdle
   754         {
   755         // WAP SMS CIR causes OFF-LINE and therefore has to wait ON-LINE
   756         iPollState = EImpsPollPending;
   757 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   758         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
   759 #endif
   760         }
   761     }
   763 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   764 // CImpsCSPSession::SendDataL
   765 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   766 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SendDataL(
   767     CImpsFields* aFields, TInt aExpiry, TBool& aOwnerCh )
   768     {
   770 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   771     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendDataL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
   772 #endif
   774     // reset PDP idle timer
   775     iPDPIdleTimer->Reset();
   777     aOwnerCh = EFalse;
   779     // generate TID
   780     CImpsFields* fields = aFields;
   781     TPtrC tid;
   782     tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
   783     fields->SetTidL( tid );
   784     // Insert CSP Session-id
   785     fields->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
   786     // Session-type
   787     fields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
   789     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( fields );
   790     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();    // <<< myKey
   792     // Add TImpsTransactionMode now
   793     myKey->Reset();
   794     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
   795         myKey,
   796         KTransModeElements,
   797         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
   798         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
   799     myAccess.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
   801     // API supports deliver method and thus do not overwrite it here anymore
   803     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> myKey
   805     // We have to check if queued messages exist
   806     TBool queuedMsg = EFalse;
   807     queuedMsg = RequestExist();
   809     // if PDP-idle then queue request + start to open PDP
   810     TInt nbrPend = iReceiver2->NbrOfPending();
   811     if ( nbrPend >= KImpsMaxPending ||
   812          iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE ||
   813          iTr >= iMultiTrans ||
   814          queuedMsg ||
   815          IsPDPIdle() )
   816         {
   817         // Transport adapter is busy so queue the request
   818         QueueClientRequestL( fields, aExpiry );
   819         aOwnerCh = ETrue;
   820         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
   821             {
   822             // Try to open PDP only once, don't start open PDP timer.
   823             // The request will expiry if this fails anyway and it's
   824             // a task of application to retry sending of this message.
   825             OpenPDP( );
   826             }
   827         else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart ||
   828                   iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
   829             {
   830             iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
   832             /* Notice:
   833              Thus CImpsConnManager DLL
   834              does not give bearer event for GPRS resume in all situations
   835              it is better to try to open the connection always.
   836             */
   837             OpenPDP();
   838             }
   840         else if ( queuedMsg )
   841             {
   842             // This must not leave because of the error is not message specific
   843             SendAllQueued();
   844             }
   845         }
   846     else
   847         {
   848         // Message sending should be possible without PDP open
   849         DoSendSingleL(
   850             &myAccess, tid, ( TImpsMessageType ) fields->MessageType() );
   851         }
   853 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   854     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendData ends" ) );
   855 #endif
   857     return tid;
   858     }
   860 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   861 // CImpsCSPSession::TransportResponseL
   862 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   863 void CImpsCSPSession::TransportResponseL( HBufC8** aDataPtr )
   864     {
   865 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   866     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponseL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
   867 #endif
   869     HBufC8* rawData = *aDataPtr;
   871     // reset PDP idle timer
   872     iPDPIdleTimer->Reset();
   874     SendAllQueued();
   876     TInt myError = KErrNone;
   877     // Handle pending logout here
   878     if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
   879         {
   880         DoPendingLogout();
   881         return;
   882         }
   884     if ( rawData == NULL || rawData->Des().Length() == 0 )
   885         {
   886         // SAP did not send anything in the response
   887         iLastReceived = 0;
   888         // Increase adaptive polling time if necessary
   889         if ( iLastSent == EImpsPolling )
   890             {
   891             IncreasePollTime();
   892             }
   893         return;
   894         }
   896     if ( iLastSent != EImpsKeepAliveReq )
   897         {
   898         // Reset poll timer
   899         ResetPollTime();
   900         }
   902     if ( iRcv )
   903         {
   904         iRcv->Reset();
   905         }
   906     else
   907         {
   908         // QueueTidL may have leaved and this is NULL
   909         iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
   910         }
   912     CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iRcv ); // <<<
   914     TInt retCode = KErrNone;
   916 // ----------- NORMAL CASE -------------------------
   917 #ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
   919 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   920     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Gonna to call Decode" ) );
   921 #endif
   922     // Decode to iRcv
   923     iDecoder->DecodeMessageL( *myAccess, aDataPtr );
   924     retCode = iRcv->ResponseStatusL();
   925     // Decode errors cancel this method and error are
   926     // reported to client by expiry timers.
   928 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   929     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Decoded status = %d" ), iRcv->Status() );
   930     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Decoded ResponseStatus = %d" ),
   931                             retCode );
   932 #endif
   934 // ----------- NORMAL CASE ENDS -------------------------
   936 // ----------- TEST CASE -------------------------
   937 #endif  // ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
   939 #ifdef _FAKE_RESPONSE
   940     TImpsSrvTestUtils tests( *this, iFs );
   941     tests.MakeFakeResponseL( myAccess, aDataPtr );
   942 #endif
   943 // ----------- TEST CASE ENDS -------------------------
   945     // Message successfully received from SAP
   946     // Session-id check
   947     if ( iRcv->SessionTypeL() == EImpsInband )
   948         {
   949         TPtrC sesId = iRcv->SessionIdL();
   950         // This is case sensitive
   951         if ( sesId.Length( ) > 0 && sesId.Compare( iCSPSessionId ) )
   952             {
   953             // Invalid session id
   954             User::Leave( KImpsErrorSID );
   955             }
   956         }
   958     // KeepAlive handling
   959     iAliveMgr->CheckResp( retCode );
   961     // ---------------------------------
   962     // check if multiTrans messages
   963     // ---------------------------------
   964     TInt trs = myAccess->NbrOfTransactionsL( );
   965     if ( trs < 1 )
   966         {
   967         // If no transaction content then it is handled as encode error
   968         myError = KImpsErrorDecode;
   969         }
   970     else if ( trs == 1 )
   971         {
   972         // regular case, one transaction content in a transport messages
   973         // Update internal data structure (CImpsFields)
   974 #ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
   975         if ( !( myAccess->GetTransactionL( 0, NULL ) ) )
   976             {
   977             // internal error
   978             myError = KErrCorrupt;
   979             }
   980 #endif
   981         }
   983     // ----------------------------------
   984     // checking multiTrans messages ends
   985     // ----------------------------------
   987     // If error then stop further progress of transport response
   988     if ( myError )
   989         {
   990         User::Leave( myError );
   991         }
   993     // Check if PollRequest was requested in incoming transport message
   994     if ( iRcv->PollL() )
   995         {
   996         iPollWasRequested = ETrue;
   997 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
   998         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->T in msg" ) );
   999 #endif
  1000         }
  1001     else
  1002         {
  1003         iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
  1004 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1005         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->F in msg" ) );
  1006 #endif
  1007         }
  1009     if ( trs > 1 )
  1010         {
  1011         delete iAllMessages;
  1012         iAllMessages = iRcv;
  1013         iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
  1014         }
  1015     else
  1016         {
  1017         // paranoid about memory leaks
  1018         delete iAllMessages;
  1019         iAllMessages = NULL;
  1020         }
  1022     // ---------------------------------
  1023     // Send each new message to sessions
  1024     // ---------------------------------
  1025     for ( TInt i = 0; i < trs; i ++ )
  1026         {
  1028         if ( trs == 1 )
  1029             {
  1030             // No need for split
  1031             }
  1032         else
  1033             {
  1034             // Data accessor points to the original iRcv (allMessages)
  1035             iRcv->Reset();
  1036 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1037             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MULTI-TRANS nbr=%d" ), i );
  1038 #endif
  1039             if ( !( myAccess->GetTransactionL( i, iRcv ) ) )
  1040                 {
  1041 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1042                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Error with MultiTrans" ) );
  1043 #endif
  1044                 // error, continue
  1045                 continue;
  1046                 }
  1047             }
  1049         iLastReceived = iRcv->MessageType();
  1051 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1052         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponse msg = 0x%x" ),
  1053                                 iLastReceived );
  1054 #endif
  1056         // Check if csp Session startup routines needed
  1057         // TID is case sensitive
  1058         if ( ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging || iCSPState == EImpsCSPNegotiation ) &&
  1059              ( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes ||
  1060                iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsClientCapabilityRes ||
  1061                iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes ||
  1062                ( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsStatus &&
  1063                  !iRcv->TidL().Compare( iTempTid2 ) ) ) )
  1064             {
  1065             SessionStartupL( iRcv );
  1066             }
  1067         // Sent events to all sub-sessions interested in this type of event
  1068         // This also handles login-resposes and removes the login-req from
  1069         // queues.
  1070         if ( iRcv->MessageType() != 0 &&
  1071              iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsClientCapabilityRes &&
  1072              iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsServiceRes &&
  1073              iLoginPhase != 2 )
  1074             {
  1075             RouteMessageL();
  1076             }
  1077         }  // for
  1079     // CIR-error-flag check in WV 1.2.
  1080     // WV 1.1 messages returns always EFalse.
  1081     // Check this flag only if TCP/IP CIR channel is negotiated.
  1082     if ( !iTcpCIRError && iSettings.TCPSCIR() == 2 && IsLogged() )
  1083         {
  1084         // Close and re-open TCP/IP CIR if CIR flag is on.
  1085         TInt erx = KErrNone;
  1086         TRAP( erx, iTcpCIRError = TImpsSDataUtils::GetCIRL( myAccess ) );
  1087         // iTcpCIRError is reset in CirChOpened()
  1088         if ( iTcpCIRError )
  1089             {
  1090             if ( iCirManager )
  1091                 {
  1092                 iCirManager->CloseCh( KImpsCirTcp );
  1093                 }
  1094             TRAP( erx, DoStartIpCIRL() );
  1095             }
  1096         }
  1098     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> myAccess
  1100     delete iAllMessages;
  1101     iAllMessages = NULL;
  1103     SendAllQueued();
  1105 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1106     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportResponse ends" ) );
  1107 #endif
  1109     }
  1111 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1112 // CImpsCSPSession::TransportErrorL
  1113 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1114 void CImpsCSPSession::TransportErrorL(
  1115     const TDesC& aTID,
  1116     TInt aError )
  1117     {
  1118 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1119     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportError err=%d tid=%S csp=%d" ), aError, &aTID, ( TInt )this );
  1120 #endif
  1122     TImpsCSPState origCSP = iCSPState;
  1123     // reset PDP idle timer
  1124     iPDPIdleTimer->Reset();
  1126     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1129     // Handle pending logout here
  1130     // CSP destroyer is started finally
  1131     if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
  1132         {
  1133         NewState( EImpsCSPDisconnecting );
  1134         DoPendingLogout();
  1135         return;
  1136         }
  1138     // Do not let the PDP start up again if it has just shut down.
  1139     if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleEnd && aTID.Length() == 0 &&
  1140          aError == KImpsErrorNoIAP )
  1141         {
  1142 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1143         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DON'T START UP PDP AGAIN ****" ) );
  1144 #endif
  1145         if ( iPollState > EImpsPollAdaptive )
  1146             {
  1147             iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
  1148 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1149             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  1150 #endif
  1151             }
  1152         ResetPollTime();
  1153         iPendingAlive = EFalse;
  1154 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1155         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
  1156 #endif
  1157         NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
  1159         // KeepAlive handling
  1160         iAliveMgr->CheckError( aTID );
  1162         // Discard all the current requests
  1163         // We change the error code for UI.
  1164         // First we have to check if there is Logout request so that
  1165         // it is completed with OK status!
  1166         if ( LogoutTID().Length() )
  1167             {
  1168 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1169             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Err: Discard logout ****" ) );
  1170 #endif
  1171             // This is for normal logout response error, i.e. no pending logout nor login-cancel.
  1172             iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
  1173             DoLogout();
  1174             }
  1175         iServer.DiscardRequests( EImpsEventAll, KImpsErrorBearerSuspended, csp, this );
  1176         return;
  1177         }
  1179     // Let's call this to be sure that new messages are sent
  1180     SendAllQueued();
  1182     // Reset poll timer to resume from error case
  1183     ResetPollTime();
  1185     TInt myErr = KErrNone;
  1187     if ( iRcv )
  1188         {
  1189         iRcv->Reset();
  1190         }
  1191     else
  1192         {
  1193         // QueueTidL may have leaved and this is NULL
  1194         iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
  1195         }
  1197     // This ensures that login gets a response in 4-way login later phase
  1198     if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPLogging && !LogTid().CompareF( aTID ) )
  1199         {
  1200 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1201         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Special LogTid ****" ) );
  1202 #endif
  1203         // Route response to a requestion client and later below do logout.
  1204         iRcv->SetTidL( LogTid() );
  1205         }
  1206     else
  1207         {
  1208         iRcv->SetTidL( aTID );
  1209         }
  1210     iRcv->SetMessageType( EImpsStatus );
  1211     iRcv->SetStatus( aError );
  1212     TRAP( myErr, RouteMessageL( ) );
  1214     // KeepAlive handling
  1215     iAliveMgr->CheckError( aTID );
  1217     if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPLogging )
  1218         {
  1219 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1220         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Ex ****" ) );
  1221 #endif
  1222         DoLogout();
  1223         }
  1224     // If RouteMessage has not done internal logout then let's do it here
  1225     else if ( origCSP == EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
  1226         {
  1227 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1228         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: E6 ****" ) );
  1229 #endif
  1230         // Message type is used in subsession to prevent sending logout event twice
  1231         iServer.DiscardLogout( iLogoutTID, csp );
  1232         DoLogout();
  1233         }
  1235     return;
  1236     }
  1238 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1239 // CImpsCSPSession::RouteMessageL
  1240 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1241 void CImpsCSPSession::RouteMessageL(  )
  1242     {
  1243 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1244     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  1245 #endif
  1247     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1249     // *****************************************************
  1250     // First check keep alive reponses
  1251     // *****************************************************
  1253     TInt32 resstatus = iRcv->ResponseStatusL();
  1255     // KeepAlive time may be reset on fly
  1256     if ( iRcv->MessageType() == EImpsKeepAliveRes )
  1257         {
  1258         if ( resstatus != KImpsStatusOk )
  1259             {
  1260 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1261             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 1" ) );
  1262 #endif
  1263             return;
  1264             }
  1265         // get new KeepAlive time if any
  1266         TInt newTime = 0;
  1267         TImpsDataAccessor myAc( iRcv );
  1268         if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
  1269             {
  1270             iAliveTime = newTime;
  1271             iAliveMgr->StartTimer( iAliveTime );
  1272 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1273             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: new AliveTime %d" ), iAliveTime );
  1274 #endif
  1275             }
  1276         // Keep alive response does not cause events to clients
  1277 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1278         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 2" ) );
  1279 #endif
  1280         return;
  1281         }
  1283     // *************************************************************
  1284     // Ignore informational messages from server status code 100-199
  1285     // *************************************************************
  1286     if ( resstatus >= 100 && resstatus < 200 )
  1287         {
  1288         iTr--;
  1289 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1290         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: 100-200 iTr = %d" ), iTr );
  1291         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 3" ) );
  1292 #endif
  1293         return;
  1294         }
  1296     // *************************************************************
  1297     // Harmonize WV 1.1 and WV 1.2 logout responses
  1298     // *************************************************************
  1299     TImpsLogoutTrans logoutRsp = IsLogoutResp( iRcv );
  1301     // *****************************************************
  1302     // Handle regular request
  1303     // *****************************************************
  1305     // Check requests
  1306     TBool someFound = EFalse;
  1307     TBool notOrphan = EFalse;
  1308     TInt error = 0;
  1309     // The following sends logout reponse to a requesting client
  1310     TRAP( error, iServer.CheckRequestsL ( iRcv, someFound, csp ) );
  1312     if ( someFound )
  1313         {
  1314         // Message was response to our request, login phase has not
  1315         // increased this counter, that's why if statement here
  1316         TrMinus();
  1317         }
  1318     else if ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsDisconnect )
  1319         {
  1320         // Check that SAP initiated TID is not sent to clients already.
  1321         if ( ValidateTid( ETrue ) )
  1322             {
  1323             // Notifications check.
  1324             notOrphan = iServer.CheckNotifications( iRcv, csp );
  1325             }
  1326         }
  1328     // Check error that means cancelled CSP session
  1329     // notice: fullfill the list of serious erros
  1330     if ( logoutRsp != EImpsLogoutNone  ||
  1331          resstatus == 600 || resstatus == 601 || resstatus == 604 )
  1332         {
  1333         TInt myOpId = 0;
  1334         if ( logoutRsp == EImpsLogoutSAP )
  1335             {
  1336             // Detect SAP initiated logout. disconnect primitive and
  1337             // TID not matching to our own logout TID.
  1338             myOpId = KImpsNullId;
  1339             }
  1340         // Both logout callback events and Status change events
  1341         // are sent here in logout.
  1342         DoLogoutNow( myOpId );
  1343 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1344         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 4" ) );
  1345 #endif
  1346         return;
  1347         }
  1349     // No reason to do this:
  1350     // if ( someFound ) notOrphan = ETrue;
  1352     // If the message was not a response to our TID then it was SAP originated
  1353     // Update pending transaction queue
  1354     if ( ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsDisconnect ) &&
  1355          ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsMessageNone ) &&
  1356          ( iRcv->MessageType() != EImpsStatus ) &&
  1357          ( !someFound )
  1358        )
  1359         {
  1360         // Make SAP response to wait actions
  1361         QueueTidL( !notOrphan );
  1362         }
  1364 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1365     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: RouteMessageL ends 5" ) );
  1366 #endif
  1367     }
  1369 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1370 // CImpsCSPSession::GetNextMessageL
  1371 // Called by SendReceive2
  1372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1373 void CImpsCSPSession::GetNextMessageL( )
  1374     {
  1376 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1377     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: GetNextMessageL begins" ) );
  1378 #endif
  1380     // Use this to generate response for SAP intiated transactions
  1381     iSnd->Reset();
  1383     // Rejected, nothing to send
  1384     if ( !IsLogged() )
  1385         {
  1386         return;
  1387         }
  1389     // Send next buffered user request if any
  1390     // search. Not immediately, but via active object scheduler
  1391     SendAllQueued();
  1393     iLastSent = 0;
  1394     return;
  1395     }
  1397 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1398 // CImpsCSPSession::CheckExpiry
  1399 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1400 void CImpsCSPSession::CheckExpiry(
  1401     TImpsEventType aType, const TTime aExpiry  )
  1402     {
  1403 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1404     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CheckExpiry begins" ) );
  1405 #endif
  1407     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1409     // Login negotiation phase is a special case.
  1410     // Access timer handles that.
  1411     // Because of there may be messages not initiated by
  1412     // API methods, server must check special time-out variable iNegoExpiry.
  1413     // Internal iRequestList cannot be used for that purpose
  1414     // because of requests are deleted after transport has
  1415     // got them succesfully, but we are not satisfied until get response.
  1417     if ( IsLogged() && !IsNegotiated() && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
  1418         {
  1419         // Expired negotiation in session startup negotiation
  1420         TInt errorCode = KErrTimedOut;
  1421         switch ( iMsg )
  1422             {
  1423             case EImpsClientCapabilityReq:
  1424                 errorCode = KImpsErrorCapabilities;
  1425                 break;
  1426             case EImpsServiceReq:
  1427                 errorCode = KImpsErrorServices;
  1428                 break;
  1429             default:
  1430                 break;
  1431             }
  1432         iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, errorCode, 0, csp );
  1433         // goto to NOT_LOGGED
  1434         DoLogout();
  1435         }
  1436     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
  1437         {
  1438         if ( iCancelLogin || iPendingLogout )
  1439             {
  1440             DoPendingLogout();
  1441             }
  1442         else
  1443             {
  1444             iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
  1445             // goto to NOT_LOGGED
  1446             DoLogout();
  1447             }
  1448         }
  1449     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging && iNegoExpiry < aExpiry )
  1450         {
  1451 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1452         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CheckExpiry in EImpsCSPLogging ***" ) );
  1453 #endif
  1454         iServer.DiscardRequests( aType, aExpiry, csp, this );
  1455         DoLogout();
  1456         }
  1457     else
  1458         {
  1459         // Regular mode.
  1460         // Go through all sessions (each having an own request list)
  1461         // The following ends up calling CancelTrans and there
  1462         // we can check if login or logout is expired and change the
  1463         // iCSPState.
  1464         iServer.DiscardRequests( aType, aExpiry, csp, this );
  1465         }
  1466     }
  1468 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1469 // CImpsCSPSession::SessionStartupL
  1470 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1471 void CImpsCSPSession::SessionStartupL( CImpsFields* aFields )
  1472     {
  1473 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1474     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  1475 #endif
  1477     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1478     TInt errx = KErrNone;
  1479     TrMinus();
  1481     // check if error for 2-way login
  1482     if ( ( !IsLogged() ) &&
  1483          (
  1484              aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes ||
  1485              aFields->MessageType() == EImpsStatus ) &&
  1486          aFields->ResponseStatusL() != KImpsStatusOk &&
  1487          !iSettings.iFourWayLogin
  1488        )
  1489         {
  1490         // RouteMessageL handles errors if iLoginPhase != 2
  1491         // iLoginPhase starts from 2 in 2-way login
  1492         // See LoginL method
  1493         NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  1494         iReceiver2->CloseTr();
  1495         return;
  1496         }
  1498     // Login response, 4-way login phase one
  1499     // *************************************
  1500     if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes &&
  1501          aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
  1502          ( aFields->ResponseStatusL() == KImpsStatusOk ||
  1503            aFields->ResponseStatusL() == 401 ) &&
  1504          iLoginPhase == 1 )
  1505         {
  1506 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1507         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL 4-login phase one" ) );
  1508 #endif
  1509         iLoginPhase++;
  1510         TRAP( errx, HandleLoginResponseL( aFields ) );
  1511         if ( errx )
  1512             {
  1513             iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, errx, csp );
  1514             NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  1515             }
  1516         return;
  1517         }   // LOGIN RESPONSE1
  1519     // Login response, 4-way login phase two or 2-way login
  1520     // ****************************************************
  1521     // save session id if received
  1522     if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsLoginRes &&
  1523          aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
  1524          aFields->ResponseStatusL() == KImpsStatusOk &&
  1525          iLoginPhase == 2 )
  1526         {
  1527         iLoginPhase++;
  1528 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1529         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL 4-login phase two" ) );
  1530 #endif
  1531         TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
  1533         TPtrC newId;
  1534         TImpsSDataUtils::GetLoginSessionIDL( &myAc, newId );
  1535         // protect us against illegal data from SAP
  1536         if ( newId.Length() > KImpsMaxSID )
  1537             {
  1538             User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
  1539             }
  1540         iCSPSessionId = newId;
  1542         // get TimeToLive
  1543         TInt newTime( 0 );
  1544         if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
  1545             {
  1546             iAliveTime = newTime;
  1547             }
  1549         NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
  1550         // This is next message to be sent
  1551         iMsg = EImpsClientCapabilityReq;
  1553         // KeepAlive timer started when logged in
  1554         iAliveMgr->StartTimer( iAliveTime );
  1555         // Start polling timer with a static value to be sure that
  1556         // something is received if SAP happened to send an empty response.
  1557         // After capability negotiation a proper value is set for polling timer.
  1558         iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
  1559         iIdleTimer->Start( iSettings.iMaxPollTime );
  1560 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1561         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  1562         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime %d" ), iSettings.iMaxPollTime );
  1563         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: AliveTime %d" ), iAliveTime );
  1564 #endif
  1566         // Let's send Client Capability request
  1567         TRAP( errx, DoSendClientCapabilityReqL() );
  1568         if ( errx )
  1569             {
  1570             TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1571             iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin,
  1572                                     KImpsErrorCapabilities, 0, csp );
  1573             }
  1574         return;
  1575         }   // LOGIN RESPONSE
  1578     // Client capability response
  1579     // ***************************
  1580     if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsClientCapabilityRes &&
  1581          aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
  1582          IsLogged() )
  1583         {
  1584 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1585         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ClientCapabality" ) );
  1586 #endif
  1587         TRAP( errx, HandleClientCapabilityResL ( aFields ) );
  1588         if ( errx )
  1589             {
  1590             TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1591             iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorCapabilities, 0, csp );
  1592             NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
  1593             }
  1594         // Let's send Service Negotiation request
  1595         TRAP( errx, DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL () );
  1596         if ( errx )
  1597             {
  1598             TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1599             iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorServices, 0, csp );
  1600             NewState( EImpsCSPLogged );
  1601             }
  1602         return;
  1603         }
  1605     // Service Negotiation response
  1606     // ****************************
  1607     if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes &&
  1608          aFields->Status() == KErrNone &&
  1609          IsLogged() )
  1610         {
  1612 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1613         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ServiceRes" ) );
  1614 #endif
  1615         iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
  1617         if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsServiceRes )
  1618             {
  1619             TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
  1620             // Calculate agreed features and functions
  1621             TImpsSrvUtils::DiscardServicesL(
  1622                 &myAccess,
  1623                 &iServices );
  1624             }
  1626         // WV engine state in ON_LINE now
  1627         iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
  1628         NewState( EImpsCSPOnLine );
  1629         iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
  1631 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1632         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
  1633 #endif
  1634         // Send events to clients
  1635         iServer.TransportStatus( EInternal_ON_LINE, this );
  1637         // Start PDP idle time if WAP-SMS-CIR is negotiated as only CIR channel.
  1638         if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 ||
  1639              iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR == 2 ||
  1640              iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 ||
  1641              iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
  1642             {
  1643             // goto CIR-polling-mode
  1644             iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
  1645             iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
  1646             iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  1647 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1648             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  1649             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
  1650 #endif
  1651             }
  1652         if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 )
  1653             {
  1654             // PDP Idle timer closes PDP-context
  1655             iPDPIdleTimer->Start( iSettings.PDPExpiryTime() );
  1656             }
  1658         TInt errxy = KErrNone;
  1659         TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
  1660         }
  1662     // Error handling in negotiation phase AND FOR 4-WAY-LOGIN
  1663     // ********************************************************
  1664     if ( ( aFields->Status() != KErrNone ) ||
  1665          ( aFields->ResponseStatusL() != KImpsStatusOk &&
  1666            aFields->ResponseStatusL() != 0 ) )
  1667         {
  1668         TInt errorCode = KErrNone;
  1669 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1670         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL Error handling %d" ), iMsg );
  1671 #endif
  1672         switch ( iMsg )
  1673             {
  1674             case EImpsClientCapabilityReq:
  1675                 errorCode = KImpsErrorCapabilities;
  1676                 break;
  1677             case EImpsServiceReq:
  1678                 errorCode = KImpsErrorServices;
  1679                 break;
  1680             default:
  1681                 break;
  1682             }
  1683         if ( errorCode )
  1684             {
  1685             TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  1686             iServer.SendErrorEvent( EImpsEventServerLogin, errorCode, 0, csp );
  1687             // We assume that an application will call logout in this case
  1688             // and thus we do not close PDP here.
  1689             }
  1690         else
  1691             {
  1692             // RouteMessageL handles errors if iLoginPhase != 2
  1693             NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  1694             // routeMessaegL does not close PDP context so let't do it now
  1695             iReceiver2->CloseTr();
  1696             }
  1697         }
  1698 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1699     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SessionStartupL ends" ) );
  1700 #endif
  1701     }
  1703 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1704 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendClientCapabilityReqL
  1705 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1706 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendClientCapabilityReqL ()
  1707     {
  1708     CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
  1709     CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields );  // <<< tempFields
  1710     tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsClientCapabilityReq );
  1711     tempFields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  1712     iTempTid2 = GenerateTid();
  1713     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( tempFields );
  1715     iMultiTrans = iSettings.iMultiTrans;
  1716     iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
  1718 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1719     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MaxParserSize=%d" ), iSettings.MaximumParserSize() );
  1720     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MaxMessageSize=%d" ), iSettings.MaximumMessageSize() );
  1721 #endif
  1723     TImpsSDataUtils::CreateClientCapabilityReqL(
  1724         &myAccess,
  1725         iCSPSessionId,
  1726         iTempTid2,
  1727         iLogCID,
  1728         iMultiTrans,
  1729         iPollTime,
  1730         iSettings );
  1731     // Put Client Capability request into queue to wait sending
  1732     // Do not copy but add this instance.
  1733     // Negotiation phase expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so does not
  1734     // matter what we set here.
  1735     iMsg = EImpsClientCapabilityReq;
  1736     QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
  1737     SendAllQueued();
  1738     CleanupStack::Pop( 1 ); // tempFields  >>>
  1739     iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
  1740     NewState( EImpsCSPNegotiation );
  1741     }
  1743 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1744 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL
  1745 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1746 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendServiceNegotiationReqL()
  1747     {
  1748     iMsg = EImpsServiceReq;
  1749     CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
  1750     CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields );      // <<< tempfields
  1751     tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsServiceReq );
  1752     tempFields->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  1753     iTempTid2 = GenerateTid();
  1754     TImpsDataAccessor myAcc( tempFields );
  1756     // Initialize the iServices again (in case of re-login)
  1757     TImpsSrvUtils::InitializeServices( iServices, iReactive );
  1758     TImpsSDataUtils::CreateServiceRequestL(
  1759         &myAcc,
  1760         iServices,
  1761         iCSPSessionId,
  1762         iTempTid2,
  1763         iLogCID,
  1764         iReactive );
  1766     // Put Service Negotiation request into queue to wait sending.
  1767     // Negotiation phase expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so does not
  1768     // matter what we set here.
  1769     QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
  1770     SendAllQueued();
  1771     CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );         // >>> tempFields
  1772     iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
  1773     NewState( EImpsCSPNegotiation );
  1774     }
  1776 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1777 // CImpsCSPSession::HandleLoginResponseL
  1778 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1779 void CImpsCSPSession::HandleLoginResponseL ( CImpsFields* aFields )
  1780     {
  1781     // protect us against illegal data from SAP
  1782     TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
  1784     TPtrC newId;
  1785     TImpsSDataUtils::GetLoginSessionIDL( &myAc, newId );
  1786     if ( newId.Length() > KImpsMaxSID )
  1787         {
  1788         User::Leave( KErrCorrupt );
  1789         }
  1790     iCSPSessionId = newId;
  1792     TDesC8* nonce = NULL;
  1793     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();
  1794     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeySession );
  1795     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyTransaction );
  1796     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyTransactionContent );
  1797     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyLogin_Response );
  1798     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyDigestSchema );
  1799     TInt schema;
  1800     TBool sendPwd = myAc.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, schema );
  1801     if ( sendPwd )
  1802         {
  1803         if ( schema == EImpsPWD )
  1804             {
  1805             // Now we have to send the PWD
  1806             sendPwd = ETrue;
  1807             }
  1808         else
  1809             sendPwd = EFalse;
  1810         }
  1811     myKey->PopL();
  1812     myKey->AddL( EImpsKeyNonce );
  1813     ( void )myAc.RestoreDesc8L( myKey, nonce );
  1814     TInt newTime( 0 );
  1815     if ( TImpsSDataUtils::GetKeepAliveL( &myAc, newTime ) )
  1816         {
  1817         iAliveTime = newTime;
  1818         }
  1820     TImpsSDataUtils::SetResultStatusL( myKey, &myAc, KImpsStatusOk );
  1822     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );
  1823     CImpsFields* tempFields = CImpsFields::NewL();
  1824     CleanupStack::PushL( tempFields );
  1825     tempFields->SetMessageType( EImpsLoginReq );
  1826     iTempTid2 = LogTid();
  1828     TImpsDataAccessor myAcc( tempFields );
  1830     TImpsSDataUtils::CreateLoginReqPhaseTwoL(
  1831         sendPwd,
  1832         &myAcc,
  1833         iCSPSessionId,
  1834         LogTid(),
  1835         UserId(),
  1836         iLogCID,
  1837         LogPwd(),
  1838         nonce,
  1839         iCookie,
  1840         iAliveTime,
  1841         iKey1,
  1842         iKey2 );
  1844     iMsg = EImpsMessageNone;
  1846     // Send 2nd login phase request
  1847     // Login expiry time is saved in iNegoExpiry so no need to calculate it here.
  1848     QueueClientRequestL( tempFields, 0, EFalse );
  1849     SendAllQueued();
  1851     CleanupStack::Pop( 1 );
  1852     delete iKey1; // not needed anymore
  1853     iKey1 = NULL;
  1854     delete iKey2; // not needed anymore
  1855     iKey2 = NULL;
  1856     }
  1858 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1859 // CImpsCSPSession::HandleClientCapabilityResL
  1860 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1861 void CImpsCSPSession::HandleClientCapabilityResL ( CImpsFields* aFields )
  1862     {
  1863     iTempTid2 = KNullDesC;
  1865     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
  1866     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();   // <<< myKey
  1868     const TImpsContent* myContent = KClientCapabilityResElements;
  1869     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  1870         myKey,
  1871         myContent,
  1872         sizeof( KClientCapabilityResElements ) /
  1873         sizeof( KClientCapabilityResElements[0] ) );
  1876     // WV CSP versions are not fully compatible
  1877     if ( iCSPVersion == EImpsCspVersion11 )
  1878         {
  1879         // WV 1.1 code
  1880         // CapabilityList element
  1881         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyCapabilityList, 0 ) );
  1883         // We are interested in supported CIR methods, TCP/IP CIR addresses
  1884         // and polltime.
  1885         // SupportedBearer is ignored because of we support HTTP only.´
  1886         // WV 1.1 specific ClientID is ignored too.
  1887         // AcceptedContentType not in a response based on
  1888         // Corrigenda Catalog for WV ver 1.1
  1889         }
  1890     else
  1891         {
  1892         // WV 1.2 code
  1893         // AgreedCapabilityList element
  1894         myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyAgreedCapabilityList, 0 ) );
  1896         // We are interested in supported CIR methods, TCP/IP CIR addresses
  1897         // and polltime.
  1898         // SupportedBearer is ignored because of we support HTTP only.
  1899         // CIRURL is ignored too because of it is for HTTP CIR binding only
  1900         // that is not supported by this sw.
  1901         // <!ELEMENT AgreedCapabilityList
  1902         //   (SupportedBearer*, SupportedCIRMethod*, TCPAddress?, TCPPort?,
  1903         //   ServerPollMin?, CIRURL?)>
  1904         }
  1906     // ServerPollMin
  1907     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyServerPollMin, 0 ) );
  1908     TInt myInt;
  1909     if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
  1910         {
  1911         if ( myInt > iPollTime )
  1912             {
  1913             iPollTime = myInt;
  1914             }
  1915         }
  1916     // Save new minimum polling time value in settings
  1917     iSettings.iPollTime = iPollTime;
  1919     // Reset polling timer, ServerPollMin is optional, but if we do not get
  1920     // new value then we start to us our own suggestion
  1921     iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
  1922 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1923     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
  1924     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  1925 #endif
  1926     iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  1928     // MultiTrans response
  1929     myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMultiTrans, 0 ) );
  1930     if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
  1931         {
  1932         iMultiTrans = myInt;
  1933 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1934         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: new iMultiTrans %d" ), iMultiTrans );
  1935 #endif
  1936         }
  1938     myKey->PopL();
  1940     // SupportedCIRMethod update
  1941     iSettings.SetCirBindingsL( &myAccess, myKey );
  1943     // TCPAddress
  1944     TDesC* myPtr;
  1945     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTCPAddress, 0 ) );
  1946     if ( myAccess.RestoreDescL( myKey, myPtr ) )
  1947         {
  1948         HBufC* newAttrib = myPtr->AllocL();
  1949         delete iTCPAddr;
  1950         iTCPAddr = newAttrib;
  1951         }
  1953     // TCPPort
  1954     myKey->ReplaceLastL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTCPPort, 0 ) );
  1955     if ( myAccess.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, myInt ) )
  1956         {
  1957         iTCPPort = ( TUint )myInt;
  1958         }
  1960     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> mKey
  1961     }
  1963 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1964 // CImpsCSPSession::SendPollL
  1965 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1966 void CImpsCSPSession::SendPollL()
  1967     {
  1968 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1969     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendPollL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  1970 #endif
  1972     TInt orig = iPollInResume;
  1973     iPollInResume = 0;
  1975     if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE || IsPDPIdle() )
  1976         {
  1977 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  1978         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendPollL IGNORED" ) );
  1979 #endif
  1980         iPollInResume = 2;
  1981         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
  1982         }
  1984     // Create Poll request
  1985     iSnd->Reset();
  1986     iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  1987     iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsPolling );
  1988     iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
  1989     CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iSnd ); // <<<
  1990     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC(); // <<<
  1991     // Add TImpsTransactionMode now
  1992     myKey->Reset();
  1993     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  1994         myKey,
  1995         KTransModeElements,
  1996         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
  1997         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
  1998     myAccess->StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
  1999     myKey->Reset();
  2000     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  2001         myKey,
  2002         KTransContentElements,
  2003         sizeof( KTransContentElements ) /
  2004         sizeof( KTransContentElements[0] ) );
  2005     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyPolling_Request, 0 ) );
  2006     myAccess->StoreEmptyL( myKey );
  2008     // Send
  2009     iTempTid = KNullDesC;
  2010     iSnd->SetTidL( iTempTid );
  2012     iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
  2013 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2014     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->F in SendPollL" ) );
  2015 #endif
  2017     if ( orig >= 1 )
  2018         {
  2019         iPollInResume = 2;
  2020         }
  2021     DoSendSingleL( myAccess, iTempTid, EImpsPolling, KImpsPollTO );
  2022     iPollInResume = 0;
  2024     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );   // >> myKey, myAccess
  2025     }
  2028 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2029 // CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveL
  2030 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2031 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveL( )
  2032     {
  2033     return DoSendAliveL();
  2034     }
  2036 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2037 // CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveInResume
  2038 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2039 void CImpsCSPSession::SendAliveInResume( )
  2040     {
  2041 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2042     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SendAliveInResume iPendingAlive->T" ) );
  2043 #endif
  2044     iPendingAlive = ETrue;
  2045     }
  2047 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2048 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAliveL
  2049 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2050 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAliveL( )
  2051     {
  2052 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2053     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  2054 #endif
  2056     // send poll request. Do not update Transaction queue
  2057     iSnd->Reset();
  2058     iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  2059     iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsKeepAliveReq );
  2060     iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
  2062     // Set TID
  2063     TPtrC tid;
  2064     tid.Set( GenerateTid() );
  2065     iSnd->SetTidL( tid );
  2067     // Add KeepAlive
  2068     CImpsDataAccessor* myAc = CImpsDataAccessor::NewLC( iSnd ); // <<< myAc
  2069     CImpsKey* myk = CImpsKey::NewLC();    // <<< myk
  2070     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  2071         myk,
  2072         KKeepAliveReq,
  2073         sizeof( KKeepAliveReq ) /
  2074         sizeof( KKeepAliveReq[0] ) );
  2075     myAc->StoreEmptyL( myk );
  2076     // Add Transaction mode
  2077     myk->Reset();
  2078     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  2079         myk,
  2080         KTransModeElements,
  2081         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
  2082         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
  2083     myAc->StoreIntegerL( myk, EImpsRequest );
  2085     if ( IsPDPIdle() )  // PDP idle-> start to open
  2086         {
  2087         iPendingAlive = ETrue;
  2088 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2089         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->T" ) );
  2090 #endif
  2091         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
  2092             {
  2093             OpenPDP();
  2094             }
  2095         else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdleStart )
  2096             {
  2097             iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendOpen;
  2098             }
  2099 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2100         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL POSTPONED ***" ) );
  2101 #endif
  2102         }
  2103     else if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE )
  2104         {
  2105 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2106         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAliveL IGNORED" ) );
  2107 #endif
  2108         iSnd->Reset();
  2109         User::Leave( KImpsGeneralError );
  2110         }
  2111     else
  2112         {
  2113         DoSendSingleL( myAc, iTempTid, EImpsKeepAliveReq, KImpsKeepATO );
  2114         iPendingAlive = EFalse;
  2115 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2116         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
  2117 #endif
  2118         }
  2120     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 2 );   // >>> myk myAc
  2122     return iTempTid;
  2123     }
  2126 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2127 // CImpsCSPSession::SendAllQueued
  2128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2129 void CImpsCSPSession::SendAllQueued()
  2130     {
  2131     // Actually this does not send all messages at once but one by one.
  2132     // iSendQ calls DoSendAllQueued that calls (in most cases)
  2133     // this again and so on until no more valid messages found!
  2134     // DoSendAllQueued handles SAP initiated requests in same way.
  2135     if ( RequestExist() || SapReqExist() || iPendingAlive ||
  2136          iPollState == EImpsPollExtWait || iPollInResume == 1 ||
  2137          iPollWasRequested )
  2138         {
  2139         if ( !IsPDPIdle() )
  2140             {
  2141             iSendQ->Send();
  2142             }
  2143         else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPOnLineIdle )
  2144             {
  2145             iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
  2146 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2147             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  2148 #endif
  2149             }
  2150         }
  2151     }
  2153 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2154 // CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse
  2155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2156 TImpsSAPResStatus CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse()
  2157     {
  2158 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2159     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse begins csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  2160 #endif
  2162     TImpsSAPResStatus ret( EImpsSAPNone );
  2163     TInt err = KErrNone;
  2164     // Check if pending SAP initiated CSP transactions exists
  2165     TDblQueIter<CTransaction> iter2 ( iTransactionList );
  2166     iter2.SetToFirst();
  2167     if ( iter2 )
  2168         {
  2169         ret = EImpsSAPMore;
  2170         CTransaction* trans = iter2;
  2171         // Get first
  2172         iter2++;
  2173         CImpsFields* fields = trans->iFields;
  2174         TInt messageType = fields->MessageType();
  2176         // Try to get actual message type
  2177         if ( messageType == EImpsPureData )
  2178             {
  2179             TRAP( err, TImpsDataAccessor temp ( fields );
  2180                   messageType = TImpsSDataUtils::GetPureMessageTypeL( &temp ) );
  2181             }
  2183 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2184         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse messageType=%x" ), messageType );
  2185 #endif
  2186         // Here we have a list of supported push messages, i.e.
  2187         // SAP initiated transactions.
  2188         // Other pushed messages are not supported!
  2189         // Notice: add new methods as needed
  2190         // Disconnect is a special case handled before this method call
  2191         if ( messageType == EImpsNewMessage ||
  2192              messageType == EImpsLeaveGroupRes ||
  2193              messageType == EImpsInviteUserReq ||
  2194              messageType == EImpsInviteRes ||
  2195              messageType == EImpsCancelInviteUserReq ||
  2196              messageType == EImpsPresenceNotification ||
  2197              messageType == EImpsGroupChangeNotice ||
  2198              messageType == EImpsPresenceAuthReq ||
  2199              messageType == EImpsDeliveryReportReq
  2200            )
  2201             {
  2202             // This also tries to send a SAP initiated transaction response once immediately
  2203             TRAP( err, DoMakeSapResponseL( trans ) );
  2204             if ( !err )
  2205                 {
  2206                 iPollInResume = 0;
  2207                 }
  2208             // Last request handled.
  2209             if ( !iter2 )
  2210                 {
  2211                 ret = EImpsSAPLast;
  2212                 iPollInResume = 0;
  2214                 // All the WV servers do not work according to WV specs and they seems to need
  2215                 // to get a Poll request instead for SAP initiated transactions, therefore the
  2216                 // extra polling is needed.
  2217                 err = KErrNone;
  2218                 TBool polli ( EFalse );
  2219                 TRAP( err, polli = fields->PollL() )
  2220                 if ( polli )
  2221                     {
  2222                     iPollWasRequested = ETrue;
  2223 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2224                     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollWasRequested->T in CreateSapResponse" ) );
  2225 #endif
  2226                     }
  2227                 }
  2229 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2230             if ( err )
  2231                 {
  2232                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoMakeSapResponseL ERROR %d" ), err );
  2233                 }
  2235 #endif
  2236             }
  2238         // Transaction is deleted. If the response has failed the WV server should send
  2239         // the transaction again. Timer limit is not implemented in terminal side here.
  2240         trans->Destroy();
  2242         } // if (iter2)
  2243 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2244     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CreateSapResponse returns %d" ), ret );
  2245 #endif
  2246     return ret;
  2247     }
  2249 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2250 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAllQueuedL
  2251 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2252 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendAllQueuedL()
  2253     {
  2255     TInt errx = KErrNone;
  2257     // Handle login phase specials first
  2258     // ---------------------------------
  2259     if ( iLoginPhase != 2 )
  2260         {
  2261         if ( !IsLogged() || !iReceiver2->isConnected() ||
  2262              ( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending ) ||
  2263              IsPDPIdle() ) // no reason to try if PDP is not open
  2264             {
  2265 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2266             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendAllQueuedL IGNORED" ) );
  2267 #endif
  2268             return;
  2269             }
  2270         }
  2272     // Pending Alive messages and pending Poll messages
  2273     // -------------------------------------------------
  2274     if ( iPendingAlive )
  2275         {
  2276         // Pending Alive overrides pending Poll
  2277         iPendingAlive = EFalse;
  2278 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2279         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingAlive->F" ) );
  2280 #endif
  2281         iPollInResume = 0;
  2282         iAliveMgr->SendKeepAlive( EFalse );
  2283         SendAllQueued();
  2284         return;
  2285         }
  2286     else if ( iPollState == EImpsPollExtWait )
  2287         {
  2288         iPollState = EImpsPollCIR;
  2289         iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
  2290         iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  2291 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2292         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  2293         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
  2294 #endif
  2295         errx = KErrNone;
  2296         TRAP( errx, SendPollL() );
  2297         // If Polling fails then try again
  2298         if ( errx && !iPollInResume )
  2299             {
  2300             iPollInResume = 1;
  2301 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2302             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
  2303 #endif
  2304             }
  2306         SendAllQueued();
  2307         return;
  2308         }
  2310     // Reqular cases
  2311     // --------------------------
  2312     CReq* request = NULL;
  2314     if ( iTr < iMultiTrans )
  2315         {
  2316         // Try to send terminal initiated request
  2317         request = GiveNextRequestL();
  2319         // Block messages in negotiation phase
  2320         if ( request && request->iFields )
  2321             {
  2322             TInt msgType = request->iFields->MessageType();
  2323             if ( iIntStatus != EInternal_ON_LINE &&
  2324                  ( msgType != EImpsKeepAliveReq &&
  2325                    msgType != EImpsClientCapabilityReq &&
  2326                    msgType != EImpsServiceReq &&
  2327                    msgType != EImpsLoginReq &&
  2328                    msgType != EImpsLogoutReq ) )
  2330                 {
  2331                 request = NULL;
  2332                 }
  2333             }
  2335         if ( request )
  2336             {
  2337             iPollInResume = 0;
  2338             // Send next buffered user request if any
  2339             // search. Not immediately, but via active object scheduler
  2340             SendAllQueued();
  2342             CImpsFields* fields = request->iFields;
  2343             errx = KErrNone;
  2344             TRAP( errx, DoSendNextBufferedL( fields ) );
  2345             // Delete the client request
  2346             request->Destroy();
  2347             } // if request
  2348         }
  2350     if ( !request )
  2351         {
  2352         // Check if SAP initiated message instead of terminal initiated one.
  2353         // This sends data and calls SendAllQueued if needed.
  2354         // comment: SAP responses should not exists in PDP-idle state
  2356         // CreateSapResponse not only create the response but also tries to send it..
  2357         TImpsSAPResStatus sapr = CreateSapResponse();
  2358         if ( ( sapr != EImpsSAPMore ) &&
  2359              ( iPollWasRequested || iPollInResume == 1 ) &&
  2360              ( IsLogged() ) )
  2361             {
  2362             errx = KErrNone;
  2363             // If Poll fails then re-try polling when GPRS resumes
  2364             TRAP( errx, SendPollL() );
  2365             if ( errx && !iPollInResume )
  2366                 {
  2367                 iPollInResume = 1;
  2368 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2369                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: iPollInResume %d" ), iPollInResume );
  2370 #endif
  2371                 }
  2372             }
  2373         else if ( sapr == EImpsSAPMore )
  2374             {
  2375             SendAllQueued();
  2376             }
  2377         }
  2378     }
  2380 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2381 // CImpsCSPSession::CancelTrans
  2382 // client subsession calls this when request expires
  2383 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2384 void CImpsCSPSession::CancelTrans( const TDesC& aTID )
  2385     {
  2386     DeleteRequest( aTID );
  2387     // CancelTrans does not cause callback.
  2388     iReceiver2->CancelTrans( aTID );
  2389     TrMinus();
  2390     // Check if login-req expires and change CSP state
  2391     if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging && !aTID.Compare( LogTid() ) )
  2392         {
  2393         NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  2394         CancelData();
  2395         }
  2397     SendAllQueued();
  2398     }
  2400 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2401 // CImpsCSPSession::GenerateTid
  2402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2403 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::GenerateTid( )
  2404     {
  2405     // iCounter++;
  2406     // TInt tidNbr = iCounter;
  2407     TInt tidNbr = iServer.TidSeed();
  2408     iTempTid = KNullDesC;
  2409     iTempTid = _L( "nok" );
  2410     iTempTid.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), tidNbr  );
  2411     return iTempTid;
  2412     }
  2414 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2415 // CImpsCSPSession::GenerateCookie
  2416 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2417 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::GenerateCookie( )
  2418     {
  2419     TTime myTime;
  2420     myTime.HomeTime();
  2421     const TInt64& seed = myTime.Int64();
  2422     TUint low = I64LOW( seed );
  2423     TUint high = I64HIGH( seed );
  2424     TInt64 seed2 MAKE_TINT64( high, low );
  2425     iCookie = KNullDesC;
  2426     iCookie = _L( "wv:nokia." );
  2427 #ifndef _FAKE_RESPONSE
  2428     TInt tidNbr = Math::Rand( seed2 );
  2429     iCookie.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), tidNbr  );
  2430 #else
  2431     iCookie.AppendFormat( _L( "%d" ), 12345  );
  2432 #endif
  2433     // copy to 8-bit buffer for CIR
  2434     iCookie8.Copy( iCookie );
  2435     return iCookie;
  2436     }
  2438 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2439 // CImpsCSPSession::DoLogout
  2440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2441 void CImpsCSPSession::DoLogout( )
  2442     {
  2444 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2445     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoLogout" ) );
  2446 #endif
  2447     DoLogoutNow( 0 );
  2448     }
  2450 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2451 // CImpsCSPSession::DoLogoutNow
  2452 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2453 void CImpsCSPSession::DoLogoutNow( TInt aOpId )
  2454     {
  2455 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2456     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoLogoutNow opid=%d, log=%d csp=%d" ),
  2457                             aOpId, IsLogged(), ( TInt )this );
  2458 #endif
  2460     // save old status for this method
  2461     TBool oldLogged = IsLogged();
  2462     TImpsCSPState oldState = iCSPState;
  2463     NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  2465     iAliveMgr->StopTimer();
  2466     iIdleTimer->Stop();
  2467     // stop PDP idle timer in logout routines
  2468     iPDPIdleTimer->Stop( );
  2469     iPDPOpenTimer->Stop( );
  2470     iPollState = EImpsPollNone;
  2471     iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
  2472     iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
  2473     iPollWasRequested = EFalse;
  2474 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2475     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d  iPollWasRequested->F in logout" ), iPollState );
  2476 #endif
  2478     // Reset settings for further logins
  2479     ResetSession();
  2481     iSendQ->Cancel();
  2483     // Reset local variables
  2484     iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
  2486 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2487     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status NOT_LOGGED" ) );
  2488 #endif
  2490     // Clean own queues
  2491     DeleteRequests();
  2492     DeleteTransactions();
  2493     iTidSapHistory->DeleteAll();
  2494     iTidCliHistory->DeleteAll();
  2496     // Close ip cir
  2497 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2498     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CLOSE IP-CIR CHANNEL" ) );
  2499 #endif
  2500     if ( iCirManager )
  2501         {
  2502         // Close all cir bindings
  2503         iCirManager->CloseCh( 0xF );
  2504         }
  2506     // Cancel the HTTP transport in logout
  2507 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2508     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CANCEL TRANSPORT IN DOLOGOUT" ) );
  2509 #endif
  2510     CancelData();
  2512     // Clean server core and send logout and status events there.
  2513     // We first detect if this is really CSP disconnect situation.
  2514     TBool cspDisconnect = ( oldLogged || oldState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting ) ?
  2515                           ETrue : EFalse ;
  2516     iServer.DoLogoutSrv( aOpId, cspDisconnect, this );
  2518     delete iSAP;
  2519     iSAP = NULL;
  2520     iIAP = 0;
  2522 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2523     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CLOSE TRANSPORT SOON..." ) );
  2524 #endif
  2525     if ( iReceiver2->Close2() == KErrCancel )
  2526         {
  2527         // Start to delete this session asynchronously
  2528         // if there is nothing to close.
  2529         iServer.TransportStatus(  EInternal_NO_IAP, this );
  2530         }
  2531     }
  2533 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2534 // CImpsCSPSession::CancelData
  2535 // server CloseSession calls this
  2536 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2537 void CImpsCSPSession::CancelData( )
  2538     {
  2540 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2541     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CancelData csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  2542 #endif
  2543     // Cancel the HTTP transport now, no callback
  2544     iReceiver2->Cancel();
  2545     // Must reset variables because if new Login request mey be
  2546     // received before WV Engine is shut down and CloseEngine() called.
  2547     }
  2549 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2550 // CImpsCSPSession::QueueClientRequestL
  2551 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2552 void CImpsCSPSession::QueueClientRequestL(
  2553     CImpsFields* aFields,
  2554     TInt aExpiry,
  2555     TBool aLast )
  2556     {
  2557     // Check if subsession specific expiry time needed
  2558     CReq* req = new ( ELeave ) CReq( aFields );
  2559     if ( !aExpiry )
  2560         {
  2561         req->iExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( ( TImpsMessageType ) aFields->MessageType() );
  2562         }
  2563     else
  2564         {
  2565         req->iExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( aExpiry );
  2566         }
  2568     // Put request into queue in a right place,
  2569     if ( aLast )
  2570         {
  2571         iRequestList.AddLast( *req );
  2572         }
  2573     else
  2574         {
  2575         iRequestList.AddFirst( *req );
  2576         }
  2577     }
  2579 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2580 // CImpsCSPSession::QueueTidL
  2581 // This resets iRcv!
  2582 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2583 void CImpsCSPSession::QueueTidL( TBool aOrphan )
  2584     {
  2586     if ( !ValidateTid( EFalse ) )
  2587         {
  2588         // TID is already responded to SAP
  2589         return;
  2590         }
  2592     TPtrC tid;
  2593     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iRcv );
  2594     TImpsDataUtils::GetTransactionIDL( &myAccess, tid );
  2596     if ( tid.Length() > 0 )
  2597         {
  2599         // Add new Sap initiated transaction to queue
  2600         CTransaction* trans = new ( ELeave ) CTransaction(
  2601             aOrphan,
  2602             tid,                    // tid
  2603             iRcv->SessionIdL(),     // session-id
  2604             ( TImpsMessageType ) iRcv->MessageType(),
  2605             iRcv );
  2607 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2608         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: QUEUE SAP TID=%S csp=%d" ),
  2609                                 &( trans->iTID ), ( TInt )this ); //lint !e525
  2610 #endif
  2612         iTransactionList.AddLast( *trans );
  2613         iRcv = NULL;
  2614         iRcv = CImpsFields::NewL();
  2615         iRcv->Reset();
  2616         }
  2617     }
  2619 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2620 // CImpsCSPSession::ValidateTid
  2621 // Validate SAP initiated TID
  2622 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2623 TBool CImpsCSPSession::ValidateTid( TBool aClientHistory )
  2624     {
  2626     // The requesting entity may resend the request message using the same
  2627     // transaction identifier. The responding entity should
  2628     // guarantee that the requested operation or data is carried out only once,
  2629     // even if multiple request messages with the same transaction identifier
  2630     // are received.
  2632     // Check that TID has not already sent to clients or has not responded to SAP.
  2634     TPtrC tid;
  2635     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( iRcv );
  2636     TInt errx = KErrNone;
  2637     TRAP( errx, TImpsDataUtils::GetTransactionIDL( &myAccess, tid ) );
  2639     if ( tid.Length() > 0 )
  2640         {
  2641         if ( aClientHistory && iTidCliHistory->TidFound( tid ) )
  2642             {
  2643             // TID has sent to clients
  2644 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2645             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: already received TID=%S ***" ), &tid );
  2646 #endif
  2647             return EFalse;
  2648             }
  2649         else if ( aClientHistory /* && !iTidCliHistory->TidFound( tid )*/ )
  2650             {
  2651             // Save TId into client history
  2652             iTidCliHistory->Add( tid );
  2653             }
  2654         else if ( !aClientHistory && iTidSapHistory->TidFound( tid ) )
  2655             {
  2656             // TID has already responded to SAP
  2657             // TID-SAP-history has been updated when the transport response is sent
  2658             // successfully to SAP (i.e. no transport error)
  2659 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2660             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: already responded TID=%S ***" ), &tid );
  2661 #endif
  2662             return EFalse;
  2663             }
  2664         }
  2665     return ETrue;
  2666     }
  2668 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2669 // CImpsCSPSession::DiscardTid
  2670 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2671 void CImpsCSPSession::DiscardTid( const TDesC& aTid )
  2672     {
  2673     // Delete buffered transaction
  2674     TDblQueIter<CTransaction> rIter( iTransactionList );
  2675     rIter.SetToFirst();
  2676     while ( rIter )
  2677         {
  2678         CTransaction* trans = rIter;
  2679         rIter++;
  2680         if ( !trans->iTID.Compare( aTid ) )
  2681             {
  2682 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2683             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DiscardTid deletes a request " ) );
  2684 #endif
  2685             trans->Destroy();
  2686             return;
  2687             }
  2688         }
  2689     }
  2691 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2692 // CImpsCSPSession::DeleteTransactions
  2693 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2694 void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteTransactions()
  2695     {
  2696     // Delete all buffered transactions
  2697     TDblQueIter<CTransaction> rIter( iTransactionList );
  2699     rIter.SetToFirst();
  2701     while ( rIter )
  2702         {
  2703         CTransaction* trans = rIter;
  2704         rIter++;
  2705         trans->Destroy();
  2706         }
  2707     }
  2709 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2710 // CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequests
  2711 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2712 void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequests()
  2713     {
  2714 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2715     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequests csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  2716 #endif
  2717     // Delete all buffered transaction requests
  2718     TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
  2719     rIter.SetToFirst();
  2721     while ( rIter )
  2722         {
  2723         CReq* req = rIter;
  2724         rIter++;
  2725         req->Destroy();
  2726         }
  2727     }
  2729 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2730 // CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequest
  2731 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2732 void CImpsCSPSession::DeleteRequest( const TDesC& aTID )
  2733     {
  2734 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2735     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequest tid=%S csp=%d" ), &aTID, ( TInt )this );
  2736 #endif
  2737     // Delete buffered transaction request
  2738     TInt errx = KErrNone;
  2739     TPtrC p( KNullDesC );
  2741     TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
  2742     rIter.SetToFirst();
  2744     while ( rIter )
  2745         {
  2746         CReq* req = rIter;
  2747         rIter++;
  2748         TRAP( errx, p.Set( req->iFields->TidL() ) );
  2749         if ( !p.Compare( aTID ) )
  2750             {
  2751 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2752             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DeleteRequest MATCH tid=%S csp=%d" ), &aTID, ( TInt )this );
  2753 #endif
  2754             req->Destroy();
  2756             }
  2757         }
  2758     }
  2760 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2761 // CImpsCSPSession::RequestExist
  2762 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2763 TBool CImpsCSPSession::RequestExist()
  2764     {
  2765     // Check buffered transactions
  2766     TDblQueIter<CReq> rIter( iRequestList );
  2768     rIter.SetToFirst();
  2770     if ( rIter )
  2771         {
  2772         return ETrue;
  2773         }
  2774     return EFalse;
  2775     }
  2777 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2778 // CImpsCSPSession::SapReqExist
  2779 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2780 TBool CImpsCSPSession::SapReqExist()
  2781     {
  2782     TDblQueIter<CTransaction> iter2 ( iTransactionList );
  2783     iter2.SetToFirst();
  2784     if ( iter2 )
  2785         {
  2786         return ETrue;
  2787         }
  2788     return EFalse;
  2789     }
  2791 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2792 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendNextBufferedL
  2793 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2794 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendNextBufferedL( CImpsFields* aFields )
  2795     {
  2796     TImpsDataAccessor myAccess( aFields );
  2797     TRAPD( err, DoSendSingleL( &myAccess, aFields->TidL(),
  2798                                ( TImpsMessageType )aFields->MessageType() ) );
  2799     if ( err )
  2800         {
  2801         //  send an error event
  2802 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2803         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingleL ERROR=%d csp=%d" ), err, ( TInt )this );
  2804 #endif
  2805         iSnd->Reset();
  2806         iSnd->SetStatus( err );
  2807         iSnd->SetTidL( aFields->TidL() );
  2808         TBool someFound;
  2809         // This sends error event to the right client session
  2810         TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  2811         iServer.CheckRequestsL( iSnd, someFound, csp );
  2812         }
  2813     }
  2815 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2816 // CImpsCSPSession::TransportStatus
  2817 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2818 //
  2819 void CImpsCSPSession::TransportStatus(
  2820     EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState )
  2821     {
  2823 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2824     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportStatus=%d old=%d state=%d csp=%d" ),
  2825                             ( TInt ) aConnectionState, iIntStatus, iCSPState, ( TInt )this );
  2826 #endif
  2828     TInt errx = KErrNone;
  2829     TRAP( errx, DoTransportStatusL ( aConnectionState ) );
  2831 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2832     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: TransportStatus ends" ) );
  2833 #endif
  2835     }
  2837 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2838 // CImpsCSPSession::DoTransportStatusL
  2839 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  2840 //
  2841 void CImpsCSPSession::DoTransportStatusL(
  2842     EImpsInternalStatus aConnectionState )
  2843     {
  2844     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  2845     EImpsInternalStatus oldStatus = iIntStatus;
  2847     // If there is pending logout request then the login is cancelled and
  2848     // logout performed immediately.
  2849     if ( iPendingLogout || iCancelLogin )
  2850         {
  2851 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2852         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: ex3 iPendingLogout->F *****" ) );
  2853 #endif
  2854         iPendingLogout = EFalse;
  2855         if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging )
  2856             {
  2857             // This sends first a login response
  2858             iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrCancel, csp );
  2859             // Special case where login is cancelled
  2860             if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
  2861                 {
  2862                 iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
  2863                 // below rest of activities are done
  2864                 }
  2865             }
  2866         }
  2868     // *********************************************
  2869     // PDP idle situations handled first
  2870     if ( IsPDPIdle() )
  2871         {
  2872         if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
  2873             {
  2874             NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
  2875             // In a rare situation there is pending PDP open request
  2876             // received when PDP is closing down.
  2877             if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendOpen )
  2878                 {
  2879 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2880                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPendingLogout->F in NO_IAP ***" ) );
  2881 #endif
  2882                 iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
  2883                 OpenPDP();
  2884                 }
  2885             return;
  2886             }
  2887         else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_IAP_OPEN )
  2888             {
  2889             // PDP re-open completes here.
  2890             NewState( EImpsCSPOnLine );
  2891             if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendOpen )
  2892                 {
  2893                 iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
  2894                 }
  2895             // pending logout if PDP-context has been opened for Logout msg
  2896             if ( iPendPDPLogout )
  2897                 {
  2898                 iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
  2899                 iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
  2900                 TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() ) );
  2901                 if ( errx )
  2902                     {
  2903                     // E5: Typically Bearer Suspended error with bad luck
  2904 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2905                     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: E5 ****" ) );
  2906 #endif
  2907                     DoLogout();
  2908                     }
  2909                 }
  2910             else
  2911                 {
  2912                 // Send all queued reqular requests to transport
  2913 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2914                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Normal PDP open ***" ) );
  2915 #endif
  2916                 iPollInResume = 1;
  2917                 // *********************************************************
  2918                 // Notice: we assume that GPRS is resumed in this case even
  2919                 // if ConnManager DLL cannot provide us such an information
  2920                 // in all cases.
  2921                 iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
  2922 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2923                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
  2924 #endif
  2925                 // start ip-cir-channels if not running
  2926                 TInt errxy = KErrNone;
  2927                 TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
  2928                 }
  2929             // Send all queued requests to transport
  2930             SendAllQueued();
  2931             }
  2932         }
  2934     // *********************************************
  2936     else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_ON_LINE && IsNegotiated() )
  2937         {
  2938         iIntStatus = EInternal_ON_LINE;
  2939         // we assume that old messages are in a bit heaven
  2940         iTr = 0;
  2941 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2942         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status ON_LINE" ) );
  2943 #endif
  2944         if ( iPollState == EImpsPollPending )
  2945             {
  2946             iPollState = EImpsPollExtWait;
  2947 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2948             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  2949 #endif
  2950             }
  2952         // This makes poll to be sent if no other requests
  2953         iPollInResume = 1;
  2955         // pending logout if PDP-context has been opened for Logout msg
  2956         if ( iPendPDPLogout )
  2957             {
  2958             iPendPDPLogout = EFalse;
  2959             DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() );
  2960             }
  2961         else
  2962             {
  2963             SendAllQueued();
  2964             // start ip-cir-channels if not running
  2965             TInt errxy = KErrNone;
  2966             TRAP( errxy, DoStartIpCIRL() );
  2967             }
  2968         }
  2969     else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_ON_LINE && !IsNegotiated() )
  2970         {
  2971         iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
  2972 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2973         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status NOT_LOGGED" ) );
  2974 #endif
  2975         if ( IsLogged() )
  2976             {
  2977             // Rare situation where GPRS resume is taken place in negotiation phase.
  2978             // iAliveMgr->SendKeepAlive( EFalse );
  2979             SendAllQueued();
  2980             }
  2981         }
  2982     else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_OFF_LINE &&
  2983               oldStatus == EInternal_ON_LINE )
  2984         {
  2985         iIntStatus = EInternal_OFF_LINE;
  2986 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2987         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: status OFF_LINE" ) );
  2988 #endif
  2989         }
  2990     else if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging &&
  2991               ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP ||
  2992                 aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP_AUTH ) )
  2993         {
  2994         // Discard request immediately in this case
  2995         // This sends first a login response
  2996 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  2997         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: Login cancelled" ) );
  2998 #endif
  2999         TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  3000         iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KImpsErrorBearerSuspended, csp );
  3001         DoLogout();
  3002         }
  3003     else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP )
  3004         {
  3005         if ( IsNegotiated() )
  3006             {
  3007             // Check if no WAP SMS CIR negotiated then do logout.
  3008             // Otherwise close PDP connection only
  3009             if ( iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR == 2 )   // WAP CIR
  3010                 {
  3011 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3012                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST SMS-CIR ***" ) );
  3013 #endif
  3014                 NewState( EImpsCSPOnLineIdle );
  3015                 if ( iPendingPDP == EImpsPDPPendClose )
  3016                     {
  3017                     iPendingPDP = EImpsPDPPendNone;
  3018                     ClosePDP();
  3019                     }
  3020                 return;
  3021                 }
  3022             else  // no WAP CIR
  3023                 {
  3024 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3025                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST NO-SMS-CIR ***" ) );
  3026 #endif
  3027                 DoLogout();
  3028                 }
  3029             }
  3030         else
  3031             {
  3032 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3033             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: err: PDP LOST NOT-NEGOTIATED ***" ) );
  3034 #endif
  3035             if ( !IsLogged() )
  3036                 {
  3037                 iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
  3038                 // This causes DoLogout call from CImpsServer.
  3039                 iServer.TransportStatus( EInternal_NO_IAP, this );
  3040                 NewState( EImpsCSPIdle );
  3041                 return;
  3042                 }
  3043             else
  3044                 // PDP can be lost in negotiation phase. Then we do internal
  3045                 // logout.
  3046                 {
  3047 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3048                 CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: LOGGED BUT NOT-NEGOTIATED -> Logout ***" ) );
  3049 #endif
  3050                 DoLogout();
  3051                 }
  3052             }
  3053         }
  3054     else if ( aConnectionState == EInternal_NO_IAP_AUTH )
  3055         {
  3056         // Handle authorative bearer-lost situation here and
  3057         // make CSP logout
  3058 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3059         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NO_IAP_AUTH ***" ) );
  3060 #endif
  3061         iIntStatus = EInternal_NOT_LOGGED;
  3062         DoLogout();
  3063         }
  3065     // Call server's TransportStatus only if this is a state change from
  3066     // LOGGED->NOT_LOGGED.
  3067     // NOT_LOGGED event clears the client session CSP identification data and
  3068     // thus it must not be called in vain..
  3069     if ( iIntStatus == EInternal_NOT_LOGGED && oldStatus != EInternal_NOT_LOGGED )
  3070         {
  3071         iServer.TransportStatus( iIntStatus, this );
  3072         }
  3073     }
  3075 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3076 // CImpsCSPSession::CirChOpened
  3077 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3078 //
  3079 void CImpsCSPSession::CirChOpened( )
  3080     {
  3081 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3082     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirChOpened" ) );
  3083 #endif
  3084     iTcpCIRError = EFalse;
  3085     }
  3087 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3088 // CImpsCSPSession::CirChError
  3089 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3090 //
  3091 void CImpsCSPSession::CirChError( )
  3092     {
  3093 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3094     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: CirChError csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  3095 #endif
  3096     delete iCirManager;
  3097     iCirManager = NULL;
  3098     // start poll mode again
  3099     if ( IsLogged() )
  3100         {
  3101         iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
  3102         iPollState = EImpsPollAdaptive;
  3103         iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  3104         iPDPIdleTimer->Stop();
  3105 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3106         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollState %d" ), iPollState );
  3107         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iPollTime %d" ), iPollTime );
  3108 #endif
  3109         }
  3110     }
  3112 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3113 // CImpsCSPSession::SetConnAllowed
  3114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3115 //
  3116 void CImpsCSPSession::SetConnAllowed( TBool aParam )
  3117     {
  3118 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3119     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: SetConnAllowed %d" ), aParam );
  3120 #endif
  3121     iConAllowed = aParam;
  3122     // Logout CSP session on behalf of user if terminal connection is not allowed.
  3123     if ( !aParam )
  3124         {
  3125         // It's important that data channel is started to close first and after
  3126         // that internal CSP disconnect is done.
  3127         iReceiver2->CloseTr( );
  3128         DoLogout( );
  3129         }
  3130     }
  3132 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3133 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendSingleL
  3134 // aAc connot be null
  3135 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  3136 //
  3137 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendSingleL(
  3138     MImpsDataAccessor* aAc,
  3139     const TDesC& aTID,
  3140     TImpsMessageType aMsgType,
  3141     TInt aExpiryTime )
  3142     {
  3143 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3144     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle messagetype = 0x%x csp=%d" ),
  3145                             aMsgType, ( TInt )this );
  3146 #endif
  3148     // Set the WV 1.2 version if needed, WV 1.1 is the default
  3149     if ( iCSPVersion == EImpsCspVersion12 )
  3150         {
  3151         CImpsFields* f = aAc->GetImpsFields();
  3152         f->SetCspVersion( EImpsCspVersion12 );
  3153         }
  3155     // Encode the message
  3156     iEncoder->EncodeMessageL( *aAc, *iTransportOut );
  3158     // Send to the transport module
  3159 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3160     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle message encoded = 0x%x" ), aMsgType );
  3161 #endif
  3163     // reset PDP idle timer
  3164     iPDPIdleTimer->Reset();
  3166     iReceiver2->SendAndWaitL( aTID, aExpiryTime );
  3167     iLastSent = aMsgType;
  3169     // Notice: Maintain this list of non terminal originated
  3170     // transactions, send by terminal to SAP.
  3171     if ( !( aMsgType == EImpsPolling || aMsgType == EImpsKeepAliveReq ||
  3172             aMsgType == EImpsStatus  || aMsgType == EImpsMessageDelivered ) )
  3173         {
  3174         iTr++;
  3175 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3176         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendSingle iTr = %d" ), iTr );
  3177 #endif
  3178         }
  3179     // Anything except Poll and KeepAlive request resets Poll Timer.
  3180     if ( !( aMsgType == EImpsPolling || aMsgType == EImpsKeepAliveReq ) )
  3181         {
  3182         ResetPollTime( );
  3183         }
  3185 #ifdef _FAKE_RESPONSE
  3186     iTestMsgTid = aTID;
  3187 #endif
  3188     }
  3189 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3190 // CImpsCSPSession::DoSendLogoutL
  3191 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3192 void CImpsCSPSession::DoSendLogoutL( const TDesC& aTID )
  3193     {
  3194 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3195     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  3196 #endif
  3198     // Check if the transport is halted
  3199     if ( iReceiver2->NbrOfPending() >= KImpsMaxPending )
  3200         {
  3201         User::Leave( KErrInUse );
  3202         }
  3204     NewState( EImpsCSPDisconnecting );
  3205     // Set expiry time for logout.
  3206     // In case of Login-csncel expiry time is not overwritten, but it
  3207     // is the original login expiry time.
  3208     // Otherwise clint session would expire first and the user client would get
  3209     // normal time-out error, but we want that the user gets OK response.
  3210     if ( !iCancelLogin )
  3211         {
  3212         iNegoExpiry = iServer.ExpiryTime( EImpsEventServerLogin );
  3213         }
  3215     // Make a logout request (encode)
  3216     iSnd->Reset();
  3218     // Insert CSP Session-id
  3219     iSnd->SetSessionIdL( iCSPSessionId );
  3220     iSnd->SetTidL( aTID );
  3221     iSnd->SetMessageType( EImpsLogoutReq );
  3223     // Session type is inband
  3224     iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  3226     TImpsDataAccessor myAc( iSnd );
  3227     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();    // <<< myKey
  3229     // Add TImpsTransactionMode
  3230     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  3231         myKey,
  3232         KTransModeElements,
  3233         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
  3234         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
  3235     myAc.StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsRequest );
  3236     myKey->Reset();
  3237     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  3238         myKey,
  3239         KTransContentElements,
  3240         sizeof( KTransContentElements ) /
  3241         sizeof( KTransContentElements[0] ) );
  3242     myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyLogout_Request, 0 ) );
  3243     myAc.StoreEmptyL( myKey );
  3245     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> myKey
  3247     DoSendSingleL( &myAc, aTID, EImpsLogoutReq );
  3248     }
  3250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3251 // CImpsCSPSession::DoMakeSapResponseL
  3252 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3253 //
  3254 void CImpsCSPSession::DoMakeSapResponseL( CTransaction* aTrans )
  3255     {
  3256     TPtrC tid;
  3257     CImpsFields* fields = aTrans->iFields;
  3258     tid.Set( aTrans->iTID );
  3259     TInt messageType = fields->MessageType();
  3261     TInt responseType = EImpsStatus;
  3262     // Copy values from the new message to a response
  3263     iSnd->Reset();
  3264     iSnd->SetSessionIdL( fields->SessionIdL() );
  3265     iSnd->SetTidL( fields->TidL() );
  3266     iSnd->SetSessionTypeL( EImpsInband );
  3268 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3269     TPtrC tid2;
  3270     tid2.Set( fields->TidL() );
  3271     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: MakeSAPresp SAP TID=%S" ), &( tid2 ) );//lint !e525
  3272 #endif
  3274     CImpsDataAccessor* myAccess = CImpsDataAccessor::NewL( iSnd );
  3275     CleanupStack::PushL( myAccess );    // << myAccess
  3276     CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();  // <<< myKey
  3278     CImpsDataAccessor* myAcRcv = CImpsDataAccessor::NewL( fields );
  3279     CleanupStack::PushL( myAcRcv );    // << myAcRcv
  3281     TPtrC myId;
  3283     switch ( messageType )
  3284         {
  3285         case EImpsNewMessage:
  3286             responseType = EImpsMessageDelivered;
  3287             iSnd->SetMessageType( responseType );
  3288             // Get messageId from received message
  3289             TImpsSDataUtils::GetNewMessageIdL( myKey, myAcRcv, myId );
  3290             // ... and copy data to outgoing response
  3291             TImpsSDataUtils::SetMessageDeliveredIdL(
  3292                 myKey, myAccess, myId );
  3293             break;
  3294         default:
  3295             iSnd->SetMessageType( responseType );
  3296             TImpsSDataUtils::SetResultStatusL( myKey, myAccess, KImpsStatusOk );
  3297             break;
  3298         }
  3300     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >> myAcRcv
  3302     // Add TImpsTransactionMode now
  3303     myKey->Reset();
  3304     TImpsSDataUtils::AddValuesFromArrayL(
  3305         myKey,
  3306         KTransModeElements,
  3307         sizeof( KTransModeElements ) /
  3308         sizeof( KTransModeElements[0] ) );
  3309     myAccess->StoreIntegerL( myKey, EImpsResponse );
  3310     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >>> myKey
  3312     // -------------------------------------------
  3313     // Handle orphan message
  3314     if ( aTrans->iOrphan )
  3315         {
  3316         TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  3317         TRAPD( errx, iServer.HandleOrphanL( aTrans->iFields, csp ) );
  3318         if ( !errx )
  3319             {
  3320             // ownership of the msg is in CImpsServer now
  3321             aTrans->iFields = NULL;
  3322             }
  3323         }
  3324     // -------------------------------------------
  3326     // DoSendSingleL leaves if GPRS suspended,
  3327     // so don't delete entry too early
  3328     DoSendSingleL( myAccess, tid, ( TImpsMessageType )responseType );
  3331     // Save TID into tid-sap-history so that we so not send the response twicw
  3332     // even if SAP would send the transaction multiple times.
  3333     iTidSapHistory->Add( tid );
  3335     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 );   // >> myAccess
  3336     }
  3338 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3339 // CImpsCSPSession::DoStartIpCIRL
  3340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3341 //
  3342 void CImpsCSPSession::DoStartIpCIRL()
  3343     {
  3344     // Start ip-cir-watcher
  3345     if ( iVariant.IsFeatureSupportedL( EIpCirStandalone ) &&
  3346          iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 || iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
  3347         {
  3348         // Check which CIR bindings are negotiated for CSP session
  3349         TUint ipChannels = 0;
  3350         if ( iSettings.iTCPSCIR == 2 )
  3351             {
  3352             ipChannels = KImpsCirTcp;
  3353             }
  3354         if ( iSettings.iUDPSCIR == 2 )
  3355             {
  3356             ipChannels = ipChannels | KImpsCirUdp;
  3357             }
  3358 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3359         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: Starting ip-cir-watcher %d" ),
  3360                                 ipChannels );
  3361 #endif
  3362         iCSPSessionId8.Copy( iCSPSessionId );
  3363         if ( !iCirManager )
  3364             {
  3365             iCirManager = CImpsCirManager::NewL( *this,
  3366                                                  CActive::EPriorityStandard );
  3367             }
  3368         iCirManager->OpenChL( ipChannels, iReceiver2->ConnManagerHandleL(),
  3369                               iTCPPort, *iTCPAddr, iCSPSessionId8 );
  3370         }
  3371     }
  3373 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3374 // CImpsCSPSession::IncreasePollTime
  3375 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3376 //
  3377 void CImpsCSPSession::IncreasePollTime()
  3378     {
  3379     // Increase poll timer. Two modes; CIR Mode and other modes.
  3380     if ( iPollState == EImpsPollCIR )
  3381         {
  3382         ResetPollTime();
  3383         }
  3384     else if ( iPollTime < iSettings.iMaxPollTime && iIdleTimer->IsActive() )
  3385         {
  3386         iPollTime += KImpsPollIncrement;
  3387         iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  3388 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3389         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime increased to %d" ), iPollTime );
  3390 #endif
  3391         }
  3392     }
  3394 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3395 // CImpsCSPSession::ResetPollTime
  3396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3397 //
  3398 void CImpsCSPSession::ResetPollTime()
  3399     {
  3400     // Reset poll timer. Two modes; CIR Mode and other modes.
  3401     if ( iPollState == EImpsPollCIR )
  3402         {
  3403         if ( iPollTime != iSettings.CIRModePollTime() )
  3404             {
  3405             iPollTime = iSettings.CIRModePollTime();
  3406             iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  3407 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3408             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime reset %d" ), iPollTime );
  3409 #endif
  3410             }
  3411         }
  3412     else if ( iPollTime > iSettings.iPollTime && iIdleTimer->IsActive() )
  3413         {
  3414         iPollTime = iSettings.iPollTime;
  3415         iIdleTimer->Start( iPollTime );
  3416 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3417         CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: PollTime reset %d" ), iPollTime );
  3418 #endif
  3419         }
  3420     }
  3422 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3423 // CImpsCSPSession::IsLogged
  3424 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3425 //
  3426 TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsLogged(  )
  3427     {
  3428     return DoIsLogged();
  3429     }
  3431 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3432 // CImpsCSPSession::IsPendingLogin
  3433 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3434 //
  3435 TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsPendingLogin()
  3436     {
  3437     return iCSPState == EImpsCSPLogging ? ETrue : EFalse;
  3438     }
  3440 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3441 // CImpsCSPSession::IsNegotiated
  3442 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3443 //
  3444 TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsNegotiated(  )
  3445     {
  3446     return DoIsNegotiated();
  3447     }
  3449 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3450 // CImpsCSPSession::Servicses
  3451 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3452 //
  3453 TImpsServices* CImpsCSPSession::Services(  )
  3454     {
  3455     return &iServices;  //lint !e1536 this pointer must be used with care
  3456     }
  3458 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3459 // CImpsCSPSession::IsShuttingDown
  3460 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3461 //
  3462 TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsShuttingDown(  )
  3463     {
  3464     return DoIsShuttingDown();
  3465     }
  3467 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3468 // CImpsCSPSession::IsLogging
  3469 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3470 //
  3471 TBool CImpsCSPSession::IsLogging(  )
  3472     {
  3473     return DoIsLogging();
  3474     }
  3476 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3477 // CImpsCSPSession::UserId
  3478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3479 //
  3480 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::UserId(  )
  3481     {
  3482     return DoUserId();
  3483     }
  3485 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3486 // CImpsCSPSession::SAP
  3487 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3488 //
  3489 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SAP(  )
  3490     {
  3491     return DoSAP();
  3492     }
  3494 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3495 // CImpsCSPSession::SID
  3496 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3497 //
  3498 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::SID(  )
  3499     {
  3500     return iCSPSessionId;
  3501     }
  3503 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3504 // CImpsCSPSession::Password
  3505 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3506 //
  3507 TPtrC CImpsCSPSession::Password(  )
  3508     {
  3509     return LogPwd();
  3510     }
  3512 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3513 // CImpsCSPSession::GiveNextRequestL
  3514 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3515 CReq* CImpsCSPSession::GiveNextRequestL()
  3516     {
  3518 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3519     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: GiveNextRequestL begins" ) );
  3520 #endif
  3521     // If logginOff then this should be logout request
  3522     TDblQueIter<CReq> iter ( iRequestList );
  3523     iter.SetToFirst();
  3525     while ( iter )
  3526         {
  3527         CReq* request = iter;
  3528         // Get first and check if it is expired
  3529         iter++;
  3531         TTime myTime;
  3532         myTime.HomeTime();
  3533         if ( request->iExpiry < myTime )
  3534             {
  3535             // session is asked to discard request from its structures
  3536             // Check TID match
  3537 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3538             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "Server: EXPIRED entry to be removed" ) );
  3539 #endif
  3540             TImpsMessageType msgType = ( TImpsMessageType ) request->iFields->MessageType();
  3541             TImpsEventType myType = impsService( &iVariant, msgType );
  3542             // expired request is destroyed in client sessions too.
  3543             TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  3544             iServer.DiscardRequest( request->iFields->TidL(), myType, KErrTimedOut, csp );
  3546             // expired entry is deleted
  3547             request->Destroy();
  3548             TrMinus();
  3550             // We want to push new messages from queued
  3551             SendAllQueued();
  3553             }  // expired
  3554         else
  3555             {
  3556             return request;
  3557             }
  3558         }
  3560     return ( CReq* )NULL;
  3561     }
  3564 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3565 // CImpsCSPSession::NewState
  3566 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3567 void CImpsCSPSession::NewState( TImpsCSPState aNew )
  3568     {
  3569 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3570     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: NewState old=%d new=%d csp=%d" ),
  3571                             iCSPState, aNew, ( TInt )this );
  3572 #endif
  3573     // In  EImpsCSPDisconnecting iLogTid is still needed fore cancel-login
  3574     if ( iCSPState >= EImpsCSPLogging && aNew < EImpsCSPDisconnecting )
  3575         {
  3576         delete iLogTid;
  3577         iLogTid = NULL;
  3578         }
  3579     if ( aNew == EImpsCSPIdle )
  3580         {
  3581         iTr = 0;
  3582         iCookie = KNullDesC;
  3583         iCookie8 = KNullDesC8;
  3584         iCSPSessionId = KNullDesC;
  3585         iCSPSessionId8 = KNullDesC8;
  3586         iLoginPhase = 1;
  3587         }
  3588     else if ( aNew <= EImpsCSPOnLine )
  3589         {
  3590         // PDP is opened sucessfully or CSP login not done or logging out.
  3591         iPDPOpenTimer->Stop();
  3592         }
  3593     iCSPState = aNew;
  3594     }
  3597 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3598 // CImpsCSPSession::TrMinus
  3599 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3600 void CImpsCSPSession::TrMinus()
  3601     {
  3602     if ( iTr > 0 )
  3603         {
  3604         iTr--;
  3605         }
  3606 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3607     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: iTr=%d csp=%d" ), iTr, ( TInt )this );
  3608 #endif
  3609     }
  3612 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3613 // CImpsCSPSession::ResetSession
  3614 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3615 void CImpsCSPSession::ResetSession()
  3616     {
  3617 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3618     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: ResetSession csp=%d" ), ( TInt )this );
  3619 #endif
  3620     // This is not needed since CSP session entity is not re-cycled?
  3621     iSettings.iUDPWAPCIR = 1;
  3622     iSettings.iSMSWAPCIR = 1;
  3623     iSettings.iTCPSCIR = 1;
  3624     iSettings.iUDPSCIR = 1;
  3625     iSettings.iPollTime = KImpsPollTime;
  3626     }
  3629 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3630 // CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize
  3631 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3632 TInt CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize()
  3633     {
  3634     return iServer.Settings()->MaximumParserSize();
  3635     }
  3637 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3638 // CImpsCSPSession::MaxParserSize
  3639 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3640 TInt CImpsCSPSession::MaxMessageSize()
  3641     {
  3642     return iServer.Settings()->MaximumMessageSize();
  3643     }
  3645 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3646 // CTransaction::CTransaction
  3647 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3649 CTransaction::CTransaction(
  3650     TBool aOrphan,
  3651     const TDesC& aTID,
  3652     const TDesC& aSessionId,
  3653     TImpsMessageType aMessageType,
  3654     CImpsFields* aFields ) :
  3655         iMessageType( aMessageType ),
  3656         iFields ( aFields ),
  3657         iOrphan ( aOrphan )
  3658     {
  3659     iTID = aTID;
  3660     iSessionId = aSessionId;
  3661     }
  3663 CTransaction::~CTransaction()
  3664     {
  3666     } //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
  3668 void CTransaction::Destroy()
  3669     {
  3670     iLink.Deque();
  3671     delete iFields;
  3672     iFields = NULL;
  3673     delete this;
  3674     }
  3677 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3678 // CReq::CReq
  3679 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3681 CReq::CReq( CImpsFields* aFields ) :
  3682         iFields( aFields )
  3683     {}
  3685 CReq::~CReq()
  3686     {
  3688     }   //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
  3690 void CReq::Destroy()
  3691     {
  3692     delete iFields;
  3693     iFields = NULL;
  3694     iLink.Deque();
  3695     delete this;
  3696     }
  3698 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3699 // CImpsCSPSession::IsLogoutResp()
  3700 // aFields must not be NULL
  3701 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3702 TImpsLogoutTrans CImpsCSPSession::IsLogoutResp( CImpsFields* aFields )
  3703     {
  3704     TImpsLogoutTrans ret = EImpsLogoutNone;
  3706     // set pointers to received TID and to current pending Logout-request TID
  3707     TPtrC recId;
  3708     TPtrC logoutTid;
  3709     logoutTid.Set( LogoutTID() );
  3710     TRAPD( errxy, recId.Set( aFields->TidL() ) );
  3711     if ( errxy )
  3712         {
  3713         return ret;
  3714         }
  3716     // Check if current logout transaction TID matches with received message.
  3717     if ( iCSPState == EImpsCSPDisconnecting &&
  3718          !logoutTid.Length() || ( logoutTid.Length() && !recId.Compare( logoutTid  ) ) )  // NOTE
  3719         {
  3720         if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsDisconnect )
  3721             {
  3722             // WV 1.1 logout response
  3723             ret = EImpsLogoutTerminal;
  3724             }
  3725         else if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsStatus )
  3726             {
  3727             // WV 1.2 logout response
  3728             ret = EImpsLogoutTerminal;
  3729             }
  3730         }
  3731     else if ( aFields->MessageType() == EImpsDisconnect )
  3732         {
  3733         // SAP initiated CSP disconnect
  3734         ret = EImpsLogoutSAP;
  3735         }
  3736 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3737     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: IsLogoutResp returns %d csp=%d" ),
  3738                             ret, ( TInt )this );
  3739 #endif
  3740     return ret;
  3741     }
  3743 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3744 // CImpsCSPSession::StartLoginCancel()
  3745 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3746 void CImpsCSPSession::StartLoginCancel( )
  3747     {
  3748     // Cancel login transaction, either login+logout or login+cancelLogin.
  3749     // DoPendingLogout() is called later to complete the client requests.
  3750     if ( iReceiver2->CancelLoginTrans( LogTid() ) )
  3751         {
  3752         // Generate CSP Logout transaction
  3753         // Clear buffers from old stuff
  3754         DeleteRequests();
  3755         DeleteTransactions();
  3756         // Send Logout primitive and set state to EImpsCSPDisconnecting.
  3757         TRAPD( errx, DoSendLogoutL( LogoutTID() ) );
  3758         if ( errx )
  3759             {
  3760 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3761             CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoSendLogoutL 2 error %d ***" ), errx );
  3762 #endif
  3763             }
  3764         else
  3765             {
  3766             // If CSP Logout transaction is sent then we wait TransportResponseL or
  3767             // TransportErrorL callback methods to be called later.
  3768             return;
  3769             }
  3770         }
  3771     // Start to send events to clients if CSP Disconnect transaction is not sent.
  3772     DoPendingLogout();
  3773     }
  3775 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3776 // CImpsCSPSession::DoPendingLogout()
  3777 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3778 void CImpsCSPSession::DoPendingLogout( )
  3779     {
  3780 #ifndef _NO_IMPS_LOGGING_
  3781     CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CSPSession: DoPendingLogout ***" ) );
  3782 #endif
  3783     // Send critical response events to client sessions and start to logout
  3784     // internally this CSP session entity.
  3785     TImpsSessIdent csp( iCSPSessionId, DoSAP(), DoUserId() );
  3786     if ( iPendingLogout )
  3787         {
  3788         // Send login response for pending request first
  3789         iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrCancel, csp );
  3790         // Send logout response, that is always successful
  3791         iServer.DiscardLogout( LogoutTID(), csp );
  3792         }
  3794     if ( iCancelLogin  )
  3795         {
  3796         // Send cancel-login response to client
  3797         iServer.DiscardRequest( LogTid(), EImpsEventServerLogin, KErrNone, csp );
  3798         }
  3800     iPendingLogout = EFalse;
  3801     iCancelLogin = EFalse;
  3802     DoLogout();
  3803     }
  3805 //  End of File