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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Store API to retrieve presence attribute models.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef __CPENGATTRIBUTESTORE2_H__
    20 #define __CPENGATTRIBUTESTORE2_H__
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <E32Base.h>
    27 class CPEngAttributeStore2Imp;
    28 class CPEngNWSessionSlotID2;
    29 class MPEngPresenceAttrModel2;
    34 /**
    35  * Store API to retrieve presence attribute models.
    36  *
    37  * With this API clients can access presence attributes
    38  * from two different category:
    39  *
    40  *   1. Cached presence attributes
    41  *      Cached presence attributes are subscribed or fetched
    42  *      presence attributes stored to presence cache.
    43  *      Clients can only read values from these attributes.
    44  *      Cached attribute objects are available to clients
    45  *      only when attribute data is in the storage.
    46  *      (Attribute is either subscribed or fetched from network.)
    47  *      Cached data is available only during active network session.
    48  *
    49  *
    50  *   2. User own presence attributes
    51  *      Own presence attributes present the user own presence status.
    52  *      Presence Engine has always user own attributes defined.
    53  *      On terminal hold user own attributes are initially in their
    54  *      default state. Each concrete attribute type defines
    55  *      its own default state.
    56  *
    57  *      To user own presence attributes clients can perform:
    58  *      - edit user own presence attributes
    59  *      - store edited user own attributes back to presence storage
    60  *      - publish user own presence attributes to network
    61  *
    62  *      User own attributes are stored to permanent presence storage.
    63  *      User own attribuets have empty Presence ID. See
    64  *      KPEngUserOwnPresenceId from PEngPresenceEngineConsts2.h
    65  *
    66  *
    67  * When loading attribute objects, ownership of created
    68  * attribute objects is returned to caller.
    69  *
    70  * NOTE!! Attribute objects can't be pushed directly with
    71  * CleanupStack::PushL() to CleanupStack. CleanupStack consideres
    72  * MPEngPresenceAttrModel2 objects as TAny pointers and frees their
    73  * memory directly without deleting properly such objects. Thus clients
    74  * need to use CleanupClosePushL( *presenceAttrModel2 ) to push
    75  * retrieved objects to CleanupStack.
    76  *
    77  * @lib PEngManager2.lib
    78  * @since 3.0
    79  */
    80 class CPEngAttributeStore2 : public CBase
    81     {
    82         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
    83     public: /* Construction */
    86         /**
    87          * Instantiates CPEngAttributeStore2 object.
    88          *
    89          * Instantiates CPEngAttributeStore2 object and connects it to
    90          * identified Presence Engine side NWSessionSlot. NWSessionSlot
    91          * must be a valid, existing slot.
    92          *
    93          * Errors:
    94          *  - Requested NWSessionSlot not found: KErrNotFound
    95          *  - Given NWSessionSlotID malformed: KErrArgument
    96          *
    97          * @param aNWSessionSlotID The session slot ID to identify the
    98          * session slot.
    99          * @param aPriority The priority for Presence Engine client side active
   100          * objects. These active objects are used when asynchronously delivering
   101          * events to observers or maintaining Presence Cache state.
   102          *
   103          * @return New CPEngAttributeStore2 instance.
   104          */
   105         IMPORT_C static CPEngAttributeStore2* NewL(
   106             const CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aNWSessionSlotID,
   107             TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   109         IMPORT_C static CPEngAttributeStore2* NewLC(
   110             const CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aNWSessionSlotID,
   111             TInt aPriority = CActive::EPriorityStandard );
   114         /**
   115          * Destructor.
   116          * Virtual by CBase.
   117          */
   118         ~CPEngAttributeStore2();
   122     private:
   124         CPEngAttributeStore2();
   129         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   130     public: /* Cached presence attributes */
   132         /**
   133          * Gets a cached presence attribute.
   134          * Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   135          *
   136          * @since 3.0
   137          * @param aPresenceID The user's presence id
   138          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known
   139          *        attribute types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   140          * @param aModel Returns retrieved attribute model. If retrieve
   141          *        fails with error, NULL pointer is returned.
   142          *        Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   143          *        Object can be destroyed either with normal delete operator
   144          *        or MPEngPresenceAttrModel2::Close() method. If CleanupStack
   145          *        is used, object must be pushed with CleanupClosePushL().
   146          *
   147          * @return Status code from attribute loading:
   148          *        - KErrNone if loading succeeds.
   149          *        - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   150          *        - KErrNotFound if attribute isn't found from presence cache.
   151          *        - Else one of system wide error codes.
   152          */
   153         IMPORT_C TInt GetCachedAttribute(
   154             const TDesC& aPresenceID,
   155             TUint32 aType,
   156             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2*& aModel ) const;
   159         /**
   160          * Gets a cached presence attribute for editing.
   161          * Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   162          *
   163          * Loaded model can be read, edited and stored back to cache.
   164          *
   165          * Loading tries to gain exclusive write lock for attribute.
   166          * If some other client already has a exclusive write lock
   167          * for the attribute, the attribute model loading fails with
   168          * KErrLocked. Once write locked attribute stays locked until
   169          * the attribute model instance owning the lock is destroyed.
   170          *
   171          * @since 3.0
   172          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known
   173          *        attribute types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   174          * @param aModel Returns retrieved attribute model. If retrieve
   175          *        fails with error, NULL pointer is returned.
   176          *        Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   177          *        Object can be destroyed either with normal delete operator
   178          *        or MPEngPresenceAttrModel2::Close() method. If CleanupStack
   179          *        is used, object must be pushed with CleanupClosePushL().
   180          *
   181          * @return Status code from attribute loading:
   182          *        - KErrNone if loading succeeds.
   183          *        - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   184          *        - KErrLocked if attribute model is already locked.
   185          *        - Else one of system wide error codes.
   186          */
   187         IMPORT_C TInt GetAndLockCachedAttribute(
   188             const TDesC& aPresenceID,
   189             TUint32 aType,
   190             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2*& aModel );
   193         /**
   194          * Stores editable cached presence attribute to presence
   195          * storage. Ownership of model stays on the caller.
   196          * The attribute model edit lock is kept or released
   197          * depending the aReleaseEditLock parameter.
   198          *
   199          * @since 3.0
   200          * @param aModel The attribute model to store.
   201          * @param aKeepLocked If ETrue, attribute model
   202          * edit lock is released if storing succeeds. If EFalse,
   203          * attribute model is kept edit locked in all cases.
   204          * @return Status code from attribute storing:
   205          *         - KErrNone if storing succeeds.
   206          *         - KErrArgument if attribute is either loaded from another
   207          *           NWSessionSlot or it isn't locked for edit.
   208          *         - Else one of system wide error codes.
   209          */
   210         IMPORT_C TInt StoreCachedAttribute(
   211             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aModel,
   212             TBool aReleaseEditLock = ETrue );
   216         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   217     public: /* User own presence attributes  */
   219         /**
   220          * Gets a user own presence attribute for reading.
   221          * Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   222          *
   223          * Loaded model can be only read. If attribute value is tried
   224          * to edit or save to storage, those operations will fail with
   225          * error.
   226          *
   227          * @since 3.0
   228          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known
   229          *        attribute types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   230          * @param aModel Returns retrieved attribute model. If retrieve
   231          *        fails with error, NULL pointer is returned.
   232          *        Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   233          *        Object can be destroyed either with normal delete operator
   234          *        or MPEngPresenceAttrModel2::Close() method. If CleanupStack
   235          *        is used, object must be pushed with CleanupClosePushL().
   236          *
   237          * @return Status code from attribute loading:
   238          *        - KErrNone if loading succeeds.
   239          *        - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   240          *        - Else one of system wide error codes.
   241          */
   242         IMPORT_C TInt GetOwnAttribute(
   243             TUint32 aType,
   244             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2*& aModel ) const;
   248         /**
   249          * Gets a user own presence attribute for editing.
   250          * Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   251          *
   252          * Loaded model can be read or edited or published to network.
   253          *
   254          * Loading tries to gain exclusive write lock for attribute.
   255          * If some other client already has a exclusive write lock
   256          * for the attribute, the attribute model loading fails with
   257          * KErrLocked. Once write locked attribute stays locked until
   258          *  - the attribute model instance owning the lock is destroyed
   259          *  - the lock is freed with CPEngAttributeStore2::UnLockOwnAttribute()
   260          *  - the attribute model is published to network with
   261          *    CPEngAttributeTransaction2::PublishAndUnLockOwnAttribute()
   262          *
   263          * @since 3.0
   264          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known
   265          *        attribute types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   266          * @param aModel Returns retrieved attribute model. If retrieve
   267          *        fails with error, NULL pointer is returned.
   268          *        Ownership of created model is transferred to caller.
   269          *        Object can be destroyed either with normal delete operator
   270          *        or MPEngPresenceAttrModel2::Close() method. If CleanupStack
   271          *        is used, object must be pushed with CleanupClosePushL().
   272          *
   273          * @return Status code from attribute loading:
   274          *        - KErrNone if loading succeeds.
   275          *        - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   276          *        - KErrLocked if attribute model is already locked.
   277          *        - Else one of system wide error codes.
   278          */
   279         IMPORT_C TInt GetAndLockOwnAttribute(
   280             TUint32 aType,
   281             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2*& aModel );
   284         /**
   285          * Stores editable user own presence attribute to presence
   286          * storage. Ownership of model stays on the caller.
   287          * The attribute model edit lock is kept or released
   288          * depending the aReleaseEditLock parameter.
   289          *
   290          * @since 3.0
   291          * @param aModel The attribute model to store.
   292          * @param aKeepLocked If ETrue, attribute model
   293          * edit lock is released if storing succeeds. If EFalse,
   294          * attribute model is kept edit locked in all cases.
   295          * @return Status code from attribute storing:
   296          *         - KErrNone if storing succeeds.
   297          *         - KErrArgument if attribute is either loaded from another
   298          *           NWSessionSlot or it isn't locked for edit.
   299          *         - Else one of system wide error codes.
   300          */
   301         IMPORT_C TInt StoreOwnAttribute(
   302             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aModel,
   303             TBool aReleaseEditLock = ETrue );
   306         /**
   307          * Frees the write lock owned by the model.
   308          * Ownership of model stays on the caller.
   309          *
   310          * @since 3.0
   311          * @param aModel The attribute model which write lock to free.
   312          * @return Status code from attribute storing:
   313          *         - KErrNone if unlocking succeeds.
   314          *         - KErrArgument if attribute is either loaded from another
   315          *           NWSessionSlot or it isn't locked for edit. (In this case
   316          *           the lock isn't freed.)
   317          */
   318         IMPORT_C TInt UnLockOwnAttribute(
   319             MPEngPresenceAttrModel2& aModel );
   324         /**
   325          * Checks is the given user owned attribute
   326          * write locked or not.
   327          *
   328          * @since 3.0
   329          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known attribute
   330          *        types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   331          * @return Status code from lock checking:
   332          *         - KErrNone if not locked.
   333          *         - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   334          *         - KErrLocked if attribute model is locked.
   335          *         - Else one of system wide error codes.
   336          */
   337         IMPORT_C TInt OwnAttributeAvailable(
   338             TUint32 aType ) const;
   343         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   344     public: /* Common utilities */
   346         /**
   347          * Checks is the given attribute type supported or not.
   348          *
   349          * Attribute types that Presence Engine knows are listed
   350          * in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h. Support for some of
   351          * attribute types is variated with CenRep local variation
   352          * keys or depends from currently used WV CSP protocol version.
   353          *
   354          * This method can be used to check is certain attribute type
   355          * supported currently or not.
   356          *
   357          * @since 3.0
   358          * @param aType The attribute type. Presence Engine known attribute
   359          *        types are listed in PEngWVPresenceAttributes2.h.
   360          * @return Status code from lock checking:
   361          *         - KErrNone if attribute type is supported.
   362          *         - KErrNotSupported if attribute type isn't supported.
   363          */
   364         IMPORT_C TInt AttributeTypeSupported( TUint32 aType ) const;
   368         //-----------------------------------------------------------------------
   369     private: /* Data */
   372         //OWN: Implementation
   373         CPEngAttributeStore2Imp*     iImp;
   375     };
   379 #endif      //  __CPENGATTRIBUTESTORE2_H__