changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Utils for IM modules.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "CAUtils.h"
    20 #include "CCAStorageManagerFactory.h"
    21 #include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
    22 #include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
    23 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    25 #include <EscapeUtils.h>
    26 #include <collate.h>
    28 // needed to skip prefixes in domain-neutral comparison (TUint version)
    29 const TUint KColonUInt( ':' );
    31 // needed to skip domains in domain-neutral comparison (TUint version)
    32 const TUint KAtUInt( '@' );
    33 // general colon needed in various places
    34 _LIT( KColon, ":" );
    36 // general slash needed in various places
    37 _LIT( KSlash, "/" );
    39 // needed to skip domains in domain-neutral comparison
    40 _LIT( KAt, "@" );
    42 // "test character identity and accents, ignore case"
    43 const TInt KCollationLevel = 1;
    45 // max number to store any values
    46 const TInt KMAX_NUMBER = 12;
    48 // max number to fit
    49 const TInt KMAX_LIMIT = 255;
    51 // max number base
    52 const TInt KMAX_NUMBERBASE = 10;
    54 // some character value constants
    55 //const TUint K7LSBMask       = 0x7f     // bitmask for 7 lsb bits
    56 const TUint K8BitMask       = 0xff;     // full bitmask
    57 //const TUint KCharCodeZero   = 0x30     // '0'
    58 //const TUint KCharCodeSmallZ = 0x7a     // 'z'
    59 //const TUint KCharCodeSpace  = 0x20     // ' '
    60 const TUint KCharToArea     = 0x030;
    62 // Unused areas (2) in ISO 8859-1 specification
    63 //const TUint KUnused8859start1 = 0x00
    64 const TUint KUnused8859end1 = 0x1F;
    65 const TUint KUnused8859start2 = 0x7F;
    66 const TUint KUnused8859end2 = 0x9F;
    68 // forbidden characters that cannot appear in Wireless Village Ids
    69 _LIT( KWVForbiddenCharacters, "/@+ \t:" );
    71 /**
    72  * Constants to use in validation.
    73  *
    74  */
    75 _LIT( KCUImpsId_WhiteSpace, " " );
    76 _LIT( KCUImpsId_At, "@" );
    77 _LIT( KCUImpsId_Dot, "." );
    78 _LIT( KCUImpsId_TwoDots, ".." );
    79 _LIT( KCUImpsId_Slash, "/" );
    80 _LIT( KCUImpsId_Plus, "+" );
    81 _LIT( KCUImpsId_Tabulator, "\t" );
    82 _LIT( KCUImpsId_WVPrefix, "wv:" );
    84 _LIT( KCUImpsId_AtEnc, "%40" );
    85 _LIT( KCUImpsId_SlashEnc, "%2F" );
    86 _LIT( KCUImpsId_PlusEnc, "%2B" );
    87 _LIT( KCUImpsId_TabulatorEnc, "%09" );
    88 _LIT( KCUImpsId_WhiteSpaceEnc, "%20" );
    90 // length of "wv:" prefix
    91 const TInt KCUImpsId_WVPrefixLength = 3;
    93 // maximum length of user id
    94 const TInt KServerWVUserIdMaxLength = 50;
    96 // defines how far we are going to search for the protocol part in user id
    97 const TInt KMaxLengthSearchProtPart = 4;
    99 // maximum numerical value to append to generated WVID.
   100 const TInt KMaxAppendNumber = 9999;
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CAUtils::NeutralCompare
   104 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 //
   106 TInt CAUtils::NeutralCompare( const TDesC& aId1,
   107                               const TDesC& aId2, TBool aDomainNeutral )
   108     {
   109     // points to user part of id
   110     TPtrC ptrId1( aId1 );
   111     TPtrC ptrId2( aId2 );
   113     // Reduce looking for protocol part only to beginning of the WVID and
   114     // skip protocol part ("anything:") in the beginning of the WVID
   115     TInt colonPos1 = aId1.Left( KMaxLengthSearchProtPart ).Locate( KColonUInt );
   117     // first id
   118     if ( ( KErrNotFound != colonPos1 ) && ( aId1.Length() - 1 != colonPos1 ) )
   119         {
   120         // contains ":", and it is not the last char
   121         ptrId1.Set( aId1.Mid( colonPos1 + 1 ) );
   122         }
   124     TInt colonPos2 = aId2.Left( KMaxLengthSearchProtPart ).Locate( KColonUInt );
   126     // second id
   127     if ( ( KErrNotFound != colonPos2 ) && ( aId2.Length() - 1 != colonPos2 ) )
   128         {
   129         // contains ":", and it is not the last char
   130         ptrId2.Set( aId2.Mid( colonPos2 + 1 ) );
   131         }
   133     // find out if we have domains in the ids
   134     TInt domainPos1( ptrId1.Locate( KAtUInt ) );
   135     TInt domainPos2( ptrId2.Locate( KAtUInt ) );
   137     TBool domainIn1( KErrNotFound != domainPos1 );
   138     TBool domainIn2( KErrNotFound != domainPos2 );
   140     // points to domains in the neutral id
   141     TPtrC ptrDom1( KNullDesC );
   142     TPtrC ptrDom2( KNullDesC );
   144     // points to user parts in the neutral id
   145     TPtrC ptrUid1( ptrId1 );
   146     TPtrC ptrUid2( ptrId2 );
   148     // separate user id parts and domain parts
   149     if ( domainIn1 )
   150         {
   151         ptrDom1.Set( ptrId1.Mid( domainPos1 + 1 ) );
   152         ptrUid1.Set( ptrId1.Mid( 0, domainPos1 ) );
   153         }
   155     if ( domainIn2 )
   156         {
   157         ptrDom2.Set( ptrId2.Mid( domainPos2 + 1 ) );
   158         ptrUid2.Set( ptrId2.Mid( 0, domainPos2 ) );
   159         }
   161     // Create custom collation method to ignore punctuations
   162     // index 0 gets the default method
   163     TCollationMethod collation =
   164         *Mem::CollationMethodByIndex( 0 );
   165     collation.iFlags |= TCollationMethod::EIgnoreNone;
   167     // domains are compared only when it is really needed
   168     // check if userid part is the same in both ids
   169     TInt idResult = ptrUid1.CompareC( ptrUid2, KCollationLevel, &collation );
   171     if ( idResult != 0 )
   172         {
   173         return idResult;
   174         }
   176     // id part is same, we have to compare domain
   178     // If domain comparison is neutral and one id is without domain
   179     // -> Domains are same. Other situation domainResult stays valid.
   180     if ( aDomainNeutral && ( domainIn1 ^ domainIn2 ) )
   181         {
   182         return 0;
   183         }
   184     else
   185         {
   186         return ptrDom1.CompareC( ptrDom2, KCollationLevel, &collation );
   187         }
   188     }
   190 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   191 // CAUtils::DisplayId
   192 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 //
   194 TPtrC CAUtils::DisplayId( const TDesC& aId, TBool aListHiding )
   195     {
   196     TPtrC ret( aId );
   198     MCAStoredContacts* contacts = NULL;
   199     TRAPD( err, contacts = CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL() );
   200     if ( err != KErrNone || !contacts )
   201         {
   202         // some error, don't modify
   203         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "DisplayId", "Got some error, not hiding" );
   204         return ret;
   205         }
   207     // if we've branded the feature out, don't modify anything
   208     // UI CR : 101-39728:  Check for prefix hiding or Wv hiding.
   209     if ( contacts->WVHiding() || contacts->WVHidingPrefixOnly() )
   210         {
   211         // locate ":" for userid, groupid.
   212         // locate "/" for list id.
   213         TInt pos = aId.FindC( aListHiding ? KSlash : KColon );
   215         if ( ( pos != KErrNotFound ) && ( pos != aId.Length() - 1 ) )
   216             {
   217             // contains the special character, and it is not the last char
   218             // remove everything before the special char (including the char)
   219             ret.Set( aId.Mid( pos + 1 ) );
   220             }
   221         if ( contacts->WVHiding() || aListHiding )
   222             {
   223             // remove also the domain part
   224             TInt domainPos = ret.FindC( KAt );
   225             if ( ( domainPos != KErrNotFound ) && ( domainPos != 0 ) )
   226                 {
   227                 ret.Set( ret.Mid( 0, domainPos ) );
   228                 }
   230             }
   231         }
   233     return ret;
   234     }
   235 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 // CAUtils::GenerateIdLC
   237 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   238 //
   239 HBufC* CAUtils::GenerateIdLC( const TDesC& aId, TInt aNum )
   240     {
   241     // copy ID
   242     HBufC* result = HBufC::NewLC( KServerWVUserIdMaxLength );
   243     TPtr resultPtr( result->Des() );
   244     resultPtr.Copy( aId );
   246     TInt len( resultPtr.Length() );
   248     // Start from end of data
   249     for ( TInt i( len - 1 ); i >= 0; --i )
   250         {
   251         // Do quick and dirty UNICODE to ISO-8859-1 conversion
   252         // and modify all non-ISO-8859-1 characters
   253         // to be in valid ranges
   254         const TInt& currentChar = resultPtr[ i ];
   255         TUint ch = currentChar & K8BitMask;
   257         // is ch in first unused area
   258         if ( ch <= KUnused8859end1 )
   259             {
   260             ch += KUnused8859end1 + 1;
   261             }
   263         // is ch in second unused area
   264         if ( ch >= KUnused8859start2 && ch <= KUnused8859end2 )
   265             {
   266             TInt difference = ch - KUnused8859start2;
   267             ch = KUnused8859end2 + difference + 1;
   268             }
   270         TChar isoFixedChar = TChar( ch );
   271         // put it into the string
   272         HBufC* isoFixed = HBufC::NewLC( 1 );
   273         isoFixed->Des().Append( isoFixedChar );
   275         resultPtr.Replace( i, 1, *isoFixed );
   276         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( isoFixed );
   278         // now all the specials get removed
   279         TPtrC c = resultPtr.Mid( i, 1 );  // next character
   280         TInt position = KWVForbiddenCharacters().FindF( c );
   282         if ( position != KErrNotFound )
   283             {
   284             // the current character is a FORBIDDEN CHARACTER,
   285             // remove it
   286             resultPtr.Delete( i, 1 );
   287             }
   288         }
   290     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CAUtils::GenerateIdLC conversion '%S' -> '%S'" ), &aId, &resultPtr );
   292     // "Append" number
   293     if ( aNum > 0 && aNum <= KMaxAppendNumber )
   294         {
   295         TBuf<KMAX_NUMBER> number; // 12, enough space to store a very large number
   296         number.AppendNum( aNum );
   298         TInt numLength = number.Length();
   299         TInt resultLength = resultPtr.Length();
   300         if ( numLength + resultLength > KServerWVUserIdMaxLength )
   301             {
   302             // can't append directly because we would exceed the space.
   303             // use replace instead
   304             TInt usableSpace = KServerWVUserIdMaxLength - resultLength;
   305             TInt startPos = resultLength - numLength + usableSpace;
   306             TInt replaceAmount = numLength - usableSpace;
   308             resultPtr.Replace( startPos, replaceAmount, number );
   309             }
   310         else
   311             {
   312             // enough space in the end, just append
   313             resultPtr.AppendNum( aNum );
   314             }
   315         }
   317     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CAUtils::GenerateIdLC returning '%S'" ), &resultPtr );
   318     return result;
   319     }
   321 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 //  CAUtils::ExternalizeBufferToStreamL
   323 //  Helper method for externalize the buffer
   324 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   325 //
   326 void CAUtils::ExternalizeBufferToStreamL( const TDesC& aBuffer, RWriteStream& aStream )
   327     {
   328     aStream.WriteInt32L( aBuffer.Length() );
   329     aStream.WriteL( aBuffer );
   330     }
   332 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   333 //  CAUtils::ExternalizeBufferToStreamL
   334 //  Helper method for externalize the buffer
   335 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   336 //
   337 void CAUtils::ExternalizeBufferToStreamL( const TDesC8& aBuffer, RWriteStream& aStream )
   338     {
   339     aStream.WriteInt32L( aBuffer.Length() );
   340     aStream.WriteL( aBuffer );
   341     }
   343 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   344 // CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamL
   345 // Helper method for internalize the buffer
   346 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   347 //
   348 HBufC* CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamLC( RReadStream& aStream )
   349     {
   350     HBufC* buffer = NULL;
   352     TInt length = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   354     if ( length == 0 )
   355         {
   356         buffer = KNullDesC().AllocLC();
   357         }
   358     else
   359         {
   360         buffer = HBufC::NewLC( length );
   361         TPtr ptr( buffer->Des() );
   362         aStream.ReadL( ptr, length );
   363         }
   365     return buffer;
   366     }
   368 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 // CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamL
   370 // Helper method for internalize the buffer
   371 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372 //
   373 HBufC8* CAUtils::InternalizeBuffer8FromStreamLC( RReadStream& aStream )
   374     {
   375     HBufC8* buffer = NULL;
   377     TInt length = aStream.ReadInt32L();
   379     if ( length == 0 )
   380         {
   381         buffer = KNullDesC8().AllocLC();
   382         }
   383     else
   384         {
   385         buffer = HBufC8::NewLC( length );
   386         TPtr8 ptr( buffer->Des() );
   387         aStream.ReadL( ptr, length );
   388         }
   390     return buffer;
   391     }
   393 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   394 // CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamL
   395 // Helper method for internalize the buffer
   396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 //
   398 HBufC* CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamL( RReadStream& aStream )
   399     {
   400     HBufC* buffer = InternalizeBufferFromStreamLC( aStream );
   401     CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
   402     return buffer;
   403     }
   405 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   406 // CAUtils::InternalizeBufferFromStreamL
   407 // Helper method for internalize the buffer
   408 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   409 //
   410 HBufC8* CAUtils::InternalizeBuffer8FromStreamL( RReadStream& aStream )
   411     {
   412     HBufC8* buffer = InternalizeBuffer8FromStreamLC( aStream );
   413     CleanupStack::Pop( buffer );
   414     return buffer;
   415     }
   417 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   418 // CAUtils::ValidLoginIdL()
   419 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 //
   421 TBool CAUtils::ValidLoginIdL( const TDesC& aPresenceId )
   422     {
   423     TBool incorrectDomain ( EFalse );
   424     TBool forbiddenChars ( EFalse );
   425     TBool incorrectUserPart ( EFalse );
   427     HBufC* wvId = aPresenceId.AllocLC();
   428     TPtr wvIdPtr = wvId->Des();
   430     TInt maxLength ( KServerWVUserIdMaxLength );
   432     // let's take out the "wv:" from beginning of user id
   433     TInt position( KErrNotFound );
   434     if ( KCUImpsId_WVPrefix().CompareF( wvId->Left( KCUImpsId_WVPrefix().Length() ) ) == 0 )
   435         {
   436         wvIdPtr.Delete( 0, KCUImpsId_WVPrefix().Length() );
   437         position = KErrNotFound;
   438         // we just took out 3 characters from the id, we have to adjust the max length
   439         maxLength = maxLength - KCUImpsId_WVPrefixLength;
   440         }
   442     // where is "@" ?
   443     TInt atIndex( wvId->Find( KCUImpsId_At ) );
   444     // we want the domain part without the '@'
   445     TPtrC domainPart( wvId->Mid( atIndex + 1 ) );
   447     if ( atIndex > 0 )
   448         {
   449         // check if the domain part is empty
   450         if ( domainPart.Length() == 0 )
   451             {
   452             incorrectDomain = ETrue;
   453             }
   454         }
   455     else if ( atIndex == 0 )
   456         {
   457         // the '@' is the first character
   458         incorrectUserPart = ETrue;
   459         }
   461     TInt returnValue = domainPart.Find( KCUImpsId_At() );
   462     // check the correctness of the domain part
   463     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   464         {
   465         // extra @-mark found in the domain part
   466         incorrectDomain = ETrue;
   467         }
   469     returnValue = domainPart.Find( KCUImpsId_Dot() );
   470     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   471         {
   472         // the part after the '.'
   473         TPtrC partAfterDot ( domainPart.Mid( returnValue + 1 ) );
   474         // the part before the '.'
   475         TPtrC partBeforeDot ( domainPart.Left( returnValue ) );
   476         // if the '.' is the last character or the first character after the '@'
   477         // the domain part is wrong
   478         if ( ( 0 == partAfterDot.Length() ) || ( 0 == partBeforeDot.Length() ) )
   479             {
   480             // the '.' is the last character
   481             incorrectDomain = ETrue;
   482             }
   483         }
   485     returnValue = domainPart.Find( KCUImpsId_TwoDots() );
   486     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   487         {
   488         // there are two sequential dots in the domain part
   489         incorrectDomain = ETrue;
   490         }
   493     // check the wvid for forbidden chars
   495     // first we must delete one '@' char if existing
   496     position = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_At );
   497     if ( position != KErrNotFound )
   498         {
   499         wvIdPtr.Delete( position, KCUImpsId_At().Length() );
   500         }
   502     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_WhiteSpace() );
   503     // no empty chars allowed in the user part
   504     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   505         {
   506         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   507         }
   508     // no encoded empty chars allowed in the user part
   509     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_WhiteSpaceEnc() );
   510     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   511         {
   512         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   513         }
   515     // no '+' allowed in the user part
   516     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_Plus() );
   517     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   518         {
   519         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   520         }
   521     // no encoded '+' allowed in the user part
   522     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_PlusEnc() );
   523     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   524         {
   525         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   526         }
   529     // no '\t' allowed in the user part
   530     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_Tabulator() );
   531     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   532         {
   533         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   534         }
   535     // no encoded tabulator allowed in the user part
   536     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_TabulatorEnc() );
   537     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   538         {
   539         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   540         }
   542     // no '/' allowed in the user part
   543     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_Slash() );
   544     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   545         {
   546         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   547         }
   548     // no encoded '/' allowed in the user part
   549     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_SlashEnc() );
   550     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   551         {
   552         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   553         }
   555     // no encoded '@' chars allowed in the user part
   556     returnValue = wvIdPtr.Find( KCUImpsId_AtEnc() );
   557     if ( returnValue != KErrNotFound )
   558         {
   559         forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   560         }
   562     TPtr userId = wvId->Des();
   564     // no 16bit Unicode chars characters allowed in the user part
   565     for ( TInt index = 0; index < wvIdPtr.Length(); index++ )
   566         {
   567         TUint value = userId[index];
   568         // if the character does not fit into 8 bits, it's forbidden 255
   569         if ( value > KMAX_LIMIT )
   570             {
   571             forbiddenChars = ETrue;
   572             }
   573         }
   575     TBool tooLongId ( EFalse );
   577     // check if the user id is too long when encoded, but only if there are no forbidden chars
   578     if ( !forbiddenChars )
   579         {
   580         HBufC* encodedUserId = EscapeUtils::EscapeEncodeL( *wvId, EscapeUtils::EEscapeUrlEncoded );
   582         if ( atIndex != KErrNotFound )
   583             {
   584             // @-character was removed from the ID, since it should not be encoded
   585             // so the maxlength has to be decreased by it's length
   586             maxLength = maxLength - KCUImpsId_At().Length();
   587             }
   589         if ( encodedUserId->Length() > maxLength )
   590             {
   591             tooLongId = ETrue;
   592             }
   593         delete encodedUserId;
   594         }
   596     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wvId );
   598     if ( forbiddenChars )
   599         {
   600         return EFalse;
   601         }
   602     else if ( incorrectDomain )
   603         {
   604         return EFalse;
   605         }
   606     else if ( tooLongId )
   607         {
   608         return EFalse;
   609         }
   610     else if ( incorrectUserPart )
   611         {
   612         return EFalse;
   613         }
   615     return ETrue;
   616     }
   619 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   620 // CAUtils::ReconstructIdL
   621 // (other items were commented in a header).
   622 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   623 //
   624 HBufC* CAUtils::ReconstructIdL( const TDesC& aOrigId, const TDesC& aUserId )
   625     {
   626     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "** ReconstructIdL, the original  id: %S" ), &aOrigId );
   627     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "** ReconstructIdL, user entered  id: %S" ), &aUserId );
   629     // we got user id, add the removed parts ("wv:" and "@something" )
   630     TInt colonPos( aOrigId.Locate( KColonUInt ) );
   631     TInt domainPos( aOrigId.Locate( KAtUInt ) );
   632     TInt userColonPos( aUserId.Locate( KColonUInt ) );
   633     TInt userDomainPos( aUserId.Locate( KAtUInt ) );
   635     // calculate the new length and determine what additions are needed
   636     TInt newLength( aUserId.Length() );
   637     TBool addPrefix( EFalse );
   638     TBool addDomain( EFalse );
   640     if ( colonPos != KErrNotFound &&
   641          ( colonPos + 1 ) != aOrigId.Length() &&
   642          userColonPos == KErrNotFound )
   643         {
   644         // the original id had ":" (not last character) and the current one doesn't
   645         // => we'll be adding "wv:"
   646         newLength += colonPos + 1;
   647         addPrefix = ETrue;
   648         }
   650     if ( domainPos != KErrNotFound && userDomainPos == KErrNotFound )
   651         {
   652         // the original id had domain and the current one doesn't
   653         // => we'll be adding "@something"
   654         newLength += aOrigId.Length() - domainPos;
   655         addDomain = ETrue;
   656         }
   658     HBufC* newId = HBufC::NewL( newLength );
   661     TPtr newIdPtr( newId->Des() );
   662     newIdPtr.Zero();
   664     if ( addPrefix )
   665         {
   666         // add removed "wv:" prefix
   667         newIdPtr.Append( aOrigId.Left( colonPos + 1 ) );
   668         }
   669     newIdPtr.Append( aUserId );
   670     if ( addDomain )
   671         {
   672         // add removed domain part
   673         newIdPtr.Append( aOrigId.Right( aOrigId.Length() - domainPos ) );
   674         }
   676     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "** ReconstructIdL, reconstructed id: %S" ), &newIdPtr );
   677     return newId;
   678     }
   680 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   681 // CAUtils::NeutralFind
   682 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   683 //
   684 TInt CAUtils::NeutralFind( const MDesCArray& aUserList, const TDesC& aUserId )
   685     {
   686     TInt count( aUserList.MdcaCount() );
   687     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   688         {
   689         if ( CAUtils::NeutralCompare( aUserList.MdcaPoint( i ),
   690                                       aUserId ) == 0 )
   691             {
   692             return i;
   693             }
   694         }
   695     return KErrNotFound;
   696     }
   698 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   699 // Static helper method used in
   700 // LanguageSpecificNumberConversion.
   701 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   702 //
   703 static TChar NumberToBase( TChar ch )
   704     {
   705     TDigitType d[] = { EDigitTypeWestern,
   706                        EDigitTypeArabicIndic,
   707                        EDigitTypeEasternArabicIndic,
   708                        EDigitTypeDevanagari,
   709                        EDigitTypeThai
   710                      };
   711     TInt i = 0;
   712     TInt num = sizeof( d ) / sizeof( d[0] );
   713     // code scanner warning can be ignored
   714     while ( i < num )
   715         {
   716         if ( ch > TChar( d[i] ) && ch < TChar( d[i] + KMAX_NUMBERBASE ) )
   717             {
   718             return d[i];
   719             }
   720         i++;
   721         }
   723     return ch;
   724     }
   726 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   727 // CAUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion
   728 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   729 //
   730 void CAUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion( TDes& aDes )
   731     {
   732     // Get current locale and digit type
   733     TLocale locale;
   734     locale.Refresh();
   735     TDigitType digitType = locale.DigitType();
   737     // Check if conversion is needed
   738     TBool conversion = ( digitType == EDigitTypeArabicIndic )
   739                        || ( digitType == EDigitTypeEasternArabicIndic )
   740                        || ( digitType == EDigitTypeDevanagari );
   742     if ( !conversion )
   743         {
   744         // Don't do anything
   745         return;
   746         }
   748     // Do conversion, logic for this conversion
   749     // comes from AknTextUtils::LanguageSpecificNumberConversion.
   750     // Logic is copied here to avoid using Avkon in engine side.
   751     TChar toArea = KCharToArea;
   753     switch ( digitType )
   754         {
   755         case EDigitTypeWestern:
   756         case EDigitTypeArabicIndic:
   757         case EDigitTypeEasternArabicIndic:
   758         case EDigitTypeDevanagari:
   759         case EDigitTypeThai:    // Flowthrough
   760             {
   761             toArea = digitType;
   762             break;
   763             }
   764         case EDigitTypeUnknown:
   765         case EDigitTypeAllTypes:
   766         default:    // Flowthrough
   767             {
   768             return;
   769             }
   770         }
   772     TInt length = aDes.Length();
   774     for ( TInt i = 0; i < length; i++ )
   775         {
   776         TChar ch = aDes[i];
   777         TChar fromArea = NumberToBase( ch );
   778         TChar::TBdCategory cat = ch.GetBdCategory();
   779         switch ( cat )
   780             {
   781             case TChar::EArabicNumber:
   782             case TChar::EEuropeanNumber:    // Flowthrough
   783                 {
   784                 ch += toArea;
   785                 ch -= fromArea;
   786                 aDes[i] = TUint16( ch );
   787                 break;
   788                 }
   789             default:
   790                 {
   791                 break;
   792                 }
   793             }
   794         }
   795     }
   796 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   797 // CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL : UI CR :  101-39727
   798 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   799 //
   800 HBufC* CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL( const TDesC& aListname )
   801     {
   802     MCAStoredContacts* contacts = NULL;
   803     TRAPD( err, contacts = CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL() );
   805     if ( err == KErrNone && contacts
   806          && contacts->CapitalizingEnabled()
   807          && ( aListname.Length() ) )
   808         {
   809         HBufC* capitalPartBuf = HBufC::NewL( KServerWVUserIdMaxLength );
   810         TPtr capitalPartptr( capitalPartBuf->Des() );
   812         if ( aListname.Length() == 1 )
   813             {
   814             capitalPartptr.CopyUC( aListname );
   815             return capitalPartBuf;
   816             }
   817         capitalPartptr.CopyUC( aListname.Left( 1 ) );// copy and capitalize first letter
   818         capitalPartptr.Append( aListname.Right( ( aListname.Length() - 1 ) ) );// append the remaining
   819         return capitalPartBuf;
   820         }
   822     // some error, don't modify
   823     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "CapitalizeListNameL", "Got some error, not Capitalizing" );
   824     HBufC* capitalPartBuf = aListname.AllocL();
   825     return capitalPartBuf;
   826     }
   829 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   830 // CAUtils::CapitalizingEnabled   UI CR : 101-39727
   831 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   832 //
   833 TBool CAUtils::CapitalizingEnabled()
   834     {
   835     MCAStoredContacts* contacts = NULL;
   836     TRAPD( err, contacts = CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL() );
   837     if ( err != KErrNone || !contacts )
   838         {
   839         // some error, return Efalse
   840         return EFalse;
   841         }
   842     return ( contacts->CapitalizingEnabled() );
   843     }
   846 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   847 // CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL   UI CR : 101-39727
   848 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   849 //
   851 HBufC* CAUtils::CapitalizeListIdL( const TDesC& aId )
   852     {
   853     TPtrC ret( aId );
   854     TBool slashfound( EFalse );
   855     TBool domainfound( EFalse );
   856     // locate "/" for list id.
   857     TInt pos = aId.FindC( KSlash  );
   859     if ( ( pos != KErrNotFound ) && ( pos != aId.Length() - 1 ) )
   860         {
   861         // make it true if slash found and it should not be at the last position
   862         slashfound = ETrue;
   863         }
   865     // locate for the domain part
   867     TInt domainPos = ret.FindC( KAt );
   868     if ( ( domainPos != KErrNotFound ) && ( domainPos != 0 ) )
   869         {
   870         // make it true if domain part is found and itshould not be at the first position
   871         domainfound = ETrue;
   872         }
   874     MCAStoredContacts* contacts = NULL;
   875     TRAPD( err, contacts = CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL() );
   877     if ( err == KErrNone && contacts                      // extrachecking here bcoz
   878          && contacts->CapitalizingEnabled()// it has to return NULL
   879          && aId.Length() )                 // (not the list id)
   880         {                                                   // if error occurs
   881         if ( slashfound && !domainfound )
   882             {
   883             //remove upto  '/' and capitalize
   884             return  CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL( aId.Right( ( aId.Length() - ( pos + 1 ) ) ) );
   885             }
   886         else  if ( slashfound && domainfound )
   887             {
   888             // remove upto  '/' and after domain part and capitalize
   889             return CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL( aId.Mid( pos + 1, ( domainPos - pos - 1 ) ) );
   890             }
   891         else
   892             {
   893             // if only domain part found or both part not found just capitalize listId
   894             return CAUtils::CapitalizeListNameL( aId );
   895             }
   897         }
   899     // some error,return null
   900     return NULL;
   901     }
   903 // End of file