changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Search view's resource file
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <avkon.loc>
    22 //----------------------------------------------------
    23 //
    24 //    r_chatclient_search_view
    25 //    View-resource definition for search view
    26 //
    27 //----------------------------------------------------
    28 //
    29 RESOURCE AVKON_VIEW r_chatclient_search_view
    30     {
    31     hotkeys=r_chatclient_hotkeys;
    32     menubar=r_chatclient_menubar_search_view;
    33     cba = r_chat_softkeys_options_back__contextoptions;
    34     }
    36 //----------------------------------------------------
    37 //
    38 //    r_chatclient_menubar_search_view
    39 //    Menubar definition for search view
    40 //
    41 //----------------------------------------------------
    42 //
    43 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_chatclient_menubar_search_view
    44 {
    45     titles=
    46     {
    47         MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_general_menu; },
    48         MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_search_view_menu; }
    49     };
    50 }
    52 //----------------------------------------------------
    53 //
    54 //    r_chatclient_search_view_menu
    55 //    Items for menupane in search view
    56 //
    57 //----------------------------------------------------
    58 //
    59 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_chatclient_search_view_menu
    60 {
    61     items=
    62     {
    64         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchMore;
    65                     txt = qtn_chat_search_om_more;
    66                   },
    67         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchPrev;
    68                     txt = qtn_chat_search_om_prev;
    69                   },
    71         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchAddFriends;
    72                     txt = qtn_chat_om_addfriends;
    73                   },
    74         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchStartConversation;
    75                     txt = qtn_chat_friend_om_sendi;
    76                   },          
    77         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchInvite;
    78                     txt = qtn_chat_om_invite;
    79                   },
    81         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchBlockOpt;
    82                     cascade = r_chatclient_search_block_submenu;
    83                     txt = qtn_chat_friend_om_imsg_set;
    84                   },
    86         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchJoin;
    87                     txt = qtn_chat_om_join;
    88                   },
    90         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchFavor;
    91                     txt = qtn_chat_om_save_favor;
    92                   },
    94         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchNew;
    95                     txt = qtn_chat_search_om_new;
    96                   }
    99     };
   100 }
   102 //----------------------------------------------------
   103 //
   104 //    r_chatclient_search_view_context_menu
   105 //    Items for context menupane in search view
   106 //
   107 //----------------------------------------------------
   108 //
   109 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_chatclient_search_view_context_menu
   110 {
   111     items=
   112     {
   115         // Contact search specific options
   116         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchAddFriends;          txt = qtn_chat_om_addfriends; },
   117         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchStartConversation;   txt = qtn_chat_friend_om_sendi; },
   118         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchInvite;              txt = qtn_chat_om_invite; },
   119         // Group search specific options
   120         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchJoin;                txt = qtn_chat_om_join; },
   121         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchFavor;               txt = qtn_chat_om_save_favor; },
   123         MENU_ITEM { command = EChatClientSearchNew;                 txt = qtn_chat_search_om_new; }
   124     };
   125 }
   126 RESOURCE MENU_PANE r_chatclient_search_block_submenu
   127 {
   128     items=
   129     {
   130         MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientSearchBlock; txt = qtn_chat_friend_om_block;},
   131         MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientSearchBlockEnter; txt = qtn_chat_friend_block_enter; },
   132         MENU_ITEM { command=EChatClientSearchBlockShow; txt = qtn_chat_friend_block_showl; }
   133     };
   134 }
   136 RESOURCE MENU_BAR r_search_view_popup_menu_bar
   137 {
   138     titles=
   139     {
   140         MENU_TITLE { menu_pane=r_chatclient_search_view_context_menu; }
   142     };
   143 }
   145 RESOURCE AVKON_LIST_QUERY r_chatclient_search_criteria
   146     {
   147     items =
   148     {
   150         {
   151         control = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_CONTROL
   152         {
   153         listtype = EAknCtSinglePopupMenuListBox;
   154         listbox = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_LIST;
   155         heading = " ";
   156         };
   157         }
   158     };
   159     }
   161 RESOURCE TBUF r_chatclient_search_criteria_user_heading { buf = qtn_chat_search_criteria_prtx; }
   163 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_string_query
   164     {
   165     flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
   166     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   167     items=
   168         {
   169         DLG_LINE
   170             {
   171             type=EAknCtQuery;
   172             id=EGeneralQuery;
   173             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   174                 {
   175                     layout = EDataLayout;
   176                     label = qtn_chat_search_data_prtx;
   177                     control=EDWIN
   178                         {
   179                         flags= EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable;
   180                         maxlength=50;
   181                         width=16;
   182                         lines=1;
   183                         default_case = EAknEditorLowerCase;
   184                         };
   185                 };
   186             }
   187         };
   188     }
   190 // searching for entries which must be text-directionality neutral
   191 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_string_query_ah_neutral
   192     {
   193     flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
   194     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   195     items=
   196         {
   197         DLG_LINE
   198             {
   199             type=EAknCtQuery;
   200             id=EGeneralQuery;
   201             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   202                 {
   203                 layout = EDataLayout;
   204                 label = qtn_chat_search_data_prtx;
   205                 control=EDWIN
   206                     {
   207                     flags= EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable;
   208                     maxlength=50;
   209                     width=16;
   210                     lines=1;
   211                     default_case = EAknEditorLowerCase;
   212                     avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagLatinInputModesOnly;
   213                     };
   214                 };
   215             }
   216         };
   217     }
   219 // Searching for WVID, also text-directionality neutral.
   220 // In IM 2.1 has to be the same as r_chatclient_search_string_query_ah_neutral
   221 // to avoid branching the container file.
   222 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_wvid_query
   223     {
   224     flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
   225     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   226     items=
   227         {
   228         DLG_LINE
   229             {
   230             type=EAknCtQuery;
   231             id=EGeneralQuery;
   232             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   233                 {
   234                 layout = EDataLayout;
   235                 label = qtn_im_prtx_write_recip;
   236                 control=EDWIN
   237                     {
   238                     flags= EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable;
   239                     maxlength=50;
   240                     width=16;
   241                     lines=1;
   242                     default_case = EAknEditorLowerCase;
   243                     avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagLatinInputModesOnly;
   244                     };
   245                 };
   246             }
   247         };
   248     }
   250 // numeric input mode r_chatclient_search_wvid_query
   251 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_wvid_query2
   252     {
   253     flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
   254     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   255     items=
   256         {
   257         DLG_LINE
   258             {
   259             type=EAknCtQuery;
   260             id=EGeneralQuery;
   261             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   262                 {
   263                 layout = EDataLayout;
   264                 label = qtn_im_prtx_write_recip;
   265                 control=EDWIN
   266                     {
   267                     flags= EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable;
   268                     maxlength=50;
   269                     width=16;
   270                     lines=1;
   271                     default_case = EAknEditorLowerCase;
   272                     avkon_flags = EAknEditorFlagLatinInputModesOnly;
   273                     default_input_mode = EAknEditorNumericInputMode;
   274                     };
   275                 };
   276             }
   277         };
   278     }
   280 //This resource defines searching for mobilephonenumbers
   281 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_mobnmb_query
   282     {
   283     flags = EGeneralQueryFlags;
   284     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   285     items=
   286         {
   287         DLG_LINE
   288             {
   289             type=EAknCtQuery;
   290             id=EGeneralQuery;
   291             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   292                 {
   293                     layout =EPhoneLayout;
   294                     label = qtn_chat_search_data_prtx;
   295                     control=EDWIN
   296                         {
   297                         flags= EEikEdwinNoHorizScrolling | EEikEdwinResizable;
   298                         maxlength=50;
   299                         width=16;
   300                         lines=1;
   301                         numeric_keymap = EAknEditorFixedDiallingNumberModeKeymap;
   302                         };
   303                 };
   304             }
   305         };
   306     }
   308 RESOURCE DIALOG r_chatclient_search_name_query
   309     {
   310     flags=EGeneralQueryFlags;
   311     buttons=R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL__OK;
   312     items=
   313         { 
   314         // Change the order of first name and last name for Chinese(PRC,HK,TW) and Japanese product.
   315         #if( defined( __CHINESE ) || defined( __JAPANESE ) )
   316         DLG_LINE
   317             {
   318             type=EAknCtMultilineQuery;
   319             id=EMultilineFirstLine;
   320             control = AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   321                 {
   322                     layout = EMultiDataFirstEdwin;
   323                     label = qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt2;
   324                     control = EDWIN
   325                         {
   326                         flags=0;
   327                         width=5;
   328                         lines=1;
   329                         maxlength=50;
   330                         };
   331                 };
   332             },
   333         DLG_LINE
   334             {
   335             type=EAknCtMultilineQuery;
   336             id=EMultilineSecondLine;
   337             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   338                 {
   339                     layout = EMultiDataSecondEdwin;
   340                     label = qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt1;
   341                     control=EDWIN
   342                         {
   343                         flags=0;
   344                         width=5;
   345                         lines=1;
   346                         maxlength=50;
   347                         };
   348                 };
   349             }
   350         #else
   351         DLG_LINE
   352             {
   353             type=EAknCtMultilineQuery;
   354             id=EMultilineFirstLine;
   355             control = AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   356                 {
   357                     layout = EMultiDataFirstEdwin;
   358                     label = qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt1;
   359                     control = EDWIN
   360                         {
   361                         flags=0;
   362                         width=5;
   363                         lines=1;
   364                         maxlength=50;
   365                         };
   366                 };
   367             },
   368         DLG_LINE
   369             {
   370             type=EAknCtMultilineQuery;
   371             id=EMultilineSecondLine;
   372             control= AVKON_DATA_QUERY
   373                 {
   374                     layout = EMultiDataSecondEdwin;
   375                     label = qtn_chat_dq_search_name_prt2;
   376                     control=EDWIN
   377                         {
   378                         flags=0;
   379                         width=5;
   380                         lines=1;
   381                         maxlength=50;
   382                         };
   383                 };
   384             }
   385         #endif       
   386         };
   387     }
   390 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_wnote_searching { buf = qtn_chat_wnote_searching; }
   393 RESOURCE TBUF r_searchview_user_online { buf = qtn_chat_search_user_online; }
   394 RESOURCE TBUF r_searchview_user_offline { buf = qtn_chat_search_user_offline; }
   395 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_not_supported { buf = qtn_chat_search_not_supported; }
   397 RESOURCE AVKON_LIST_QUERY r_searchview_select_invite_group_dlg
   398     {
   399     items =
   400     {
   402         {
   403         control = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_CONTROL
   404         {
   405         listtype = EAknCtSinglePopupMenuListBox;
   406         listbox = AVKON_LIST_QUERY_LIST
   407             {
   409             };
   410         heading = qtn_chat_search_invite_heading;
   411         };
   412         }
   413     };
   414     }
   416 // avkon loc string
   417 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_searchview_processing { buf = qtn_gen_note_processing; }
   419 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_empty_search { buf = qtn_chat_empty_search; }
   421 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_name { buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_name; }
   422 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_topic{ buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_topic; }
   423 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_user{ buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_grp_user; }
   425 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_user_name { buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_user_name; }
   426 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_user_wv { buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_user_wv; }
   427 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_user_puh { buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_user_puh; }
   428 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_search_criter_user_email { buf = qtn_chat_search_criter_user_email; }
   430 RESOURCE TBUF r_qtn_chat_empty_search_primary { buf = qtn_chat_empty_search_primary; }
   433 // End of file