changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Group handling utilities
    15 *
    16 */
    20 #ifndef CCAGROUPUTILS_H
    21 #define CCAGROUPUTILS_H
    23 //  INCLUDES
    24 #include "MCAInviteConflictResolver.h"
    25 #include "TEnumsPC.h"
    27 #include <e32base.h>
    28 #include <badesca.h>
    31 class MCAViewSwitcher;
    32 class CCAAppUi;
    33 class MCAConversationMessage;
    34 class MCAServerContactsArrayPC;
    35 class MCAGroupPC;
    36 class MCAGroupUtilsPC;
    39 /**
    40 *  Group properties editing and displaying utilities
    41 *
    42 *  @lib chatng.app
    43 */
    44 class CCAGroupUtils : public CBase,
    45             public MCAInviteConflictResolver
    46     {
    47     public:  // constructor
    49         /**
    50         * Static constructor.
    51         * @param aEngine Handle to application engine
    52         * @param aViewSwitcher General interface for switching chat-client views
    53         * @return Instance of this class
    54         */
    55         static CCAGroupUtils* NewLC( MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher );
    57         /**
    58         * Destructor
    59         */
    60         ~CCAGroupUtils();
    62     public:
    64         // simple group generation ("SGC") FSM states
    65         enum TSGCState
    66             {
    67             ESGCInviteContacts = 0, // choose contacts to invite (Begin state)
    68             ESGCGroupName,          // select group name
    69             ESGCInviteMessage,      // invite message query
    70             ESGCScreenName,         // screenname query or alias usage
    71             ESGCCreateGroup,        // create the group
    72             ESGCDoSendInvite,       // send the invitations, if any
    73             ESGCDoJoin,             // actually join the group
    74             ESGCError,              // error state
    75             ESGCQueryCancel,        // ask for cancelling
    76             ESGCNone                // no state
    77             };
    79         // Chat group join mode
    80         enum TJoinMode
    81             {
    82             EStoredId = 0,  // Group id received from some store
    83             EManualId       // Group id entered manually by user
    84             };
    86     public: //from MCAInviteConflictResolver
    88         /**
    89          * @see MCAInviteConflictResolver for details
    90          */
    91         void ResolveInviteConflictL( const TDesC& aGroup,
    92                                      CDesCArray& aArray );
    94     public:  // new methods
    96         /**
    97          * This method checks if user is admin of the group
    98          * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose admin status has to be checked
    99          * @return ETrue if favourite else EFalse
   100          */
   101         TBool IsAdmin( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   103         /**
   104          * Get the User Ids of participants of the group (joined users)
   105          * Makes copies of the descriptors.
   106          * @param aParticipantList - list of all the participants in a group
   107          * @param aGroupID - groupid for which participantlist is required
   108          */
   109         void GetParticipantsL( CDesCArray& aParticipantList,
   110                                const TDesC& aGroupID ) const ;
   112         /**
   113          * Leave the given group.
   114          * @param aGroupId The group to leave
   115          * @return IMPS error code from LeaveL
   116          */
   117         TInt LeaveGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   119         /**
   120          * This method displays pop-up list containing joined members
   121          * @param aGroupId The group whose members have to be displayed
   122          */
   123         void DisplayJoinedMembersL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   125         /**
   126          * Delete the given group
   127          * @param aGroupId The group id of the group to delete
   128          * @return The errorcode
   129          */
   130         TInt DeleteGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   132         /**
   133         * Find the group name of group with given group id
   134         * @Param aGroupId: group id
   135         * @return : name of the group
   136         */
   137         TPtrC GetGroupName( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   139         /**
   140          * Find a group from the store
   141          * @param aGroupId the ID of the group to find
   142          * @return true if group has been found else return false
   143          */
   144         TBool FindGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   146         /**
   147          * Saves the focused general chat group as favourite
   148          * @param aGroupId: id of the group which has to be saved
   149          */
   150         void SaveAsFavouriteL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   152         /**
   153          * This method checks if group is favourite
   154          * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose favorite status has to be checked
   155          * @return ETrue if favourite else EFalse
   156          */
   157         TBool IsFavouriteChatGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   159         /**
   160          * This method checks if the user has joined to the group
   161          * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose joined status has to be checked
   162          * @return ETrue if joined else EFalse
   163          */
   164         TBool IsJoinedToGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   166         /**
   167          * This method checks if group owned(created) by the user
   168          * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose owner status has to be checked
   169          * @return ETrue if owned else EFalse
   170          */
   171         TBool IsOwnGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   173         /**
   174          * Launch chat group properties editor
   175          * @param aGroupId GroupID for target group
   176          */
   177         TInt EditChatGroupPropertiesL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   179         /**
   180         * Launch chat group properties editor and create new chat
   181         * @param aResourceId Resource id for title text
   182         * @param aViewId ViewId of current view
   183         * @param aContactListID - invitation should be sent to all
   184         * online contacts of this list. aContactListID should be null
   185         * if focus was not on a contact list in singlelist view
   186         * @return WVID of newly created group or NULL if not successful
   187         *         The ownership is passed to calling function!
   188         */
   189         HBufC* CreateNewChatL(  TInt aResourceId, const TUid aViewId,
   190                                 TBool aContactFound,
   191                                 TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelType = TEnumsPC::EMultiSelect,
   192                                 TInt aSelectedListIndex = 0 );
   194         /**
   195         * Joins the specified chat group and switches the view
   196         * @param aGroupId GroupID
   197         * @param aScreenName Default screenname for query
   198         * @param aFwdMessage Forwarded message.
   199         * @param aJoinMode Is group id entered manually by user
   200         *                  or received from some storage.
   201         * @return Return value of real join-request
   202         */
   203         TInt JoinGroupL( const TBool aFromFwd,
   204                          const TDesC& aGroupId,
   205                          const TDesC& aScreenName = KNullDesC,
   206                          const MCAConversationMessage* aFwdMessage = NULL,
   207                          TJoinMode aJoinMode = EStoredId );
   209         /**
   210         * Switches to joined group
   211         * @param aGroupID GroupID
   212         * @param aFwdMessage forwarded message
   213         * @param aInviteQuery If ETrue, launch the invite query
   214         */
   215         void SwitchToJoinedGroupL( const TBool aFromFwd,
   216                                    const TDesC& aGroupID,
   217                                    const MCAConversationMessage* aFwdMessage = NULL,
   218                                    TBool aInviteQuery = EFalse );
   220         /**
   221         * Displays a delete query of user created chat rooms
   222         */
   223         TInt DisplayCreatedChatRoomsListL();
   225         /**
   226         * Displays chat room info dialog
   227         * @param aGroupId GroupID
   228         */
   229         void DisplayChatInfoL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   231         /**
   232          * Do the asynchronous joining process via CAsyncCallBack.
   233          * Uses iErr, iAsync* variables.
   234          */
   235         TInt DoAsyncJoin();
   237         /**
   238          * Helper method for querying the screen name or alias.
   239          * Uses variation to determine the default value.
   240          * @param aScreenName Pointer to the screen name buffer
   241          */
   242         TInt ScreenNameQueryL( TDes& aScreenName );
   244         /**
   245          * Helper method for switching back to the view again
   246          * @param aGroupID
   247          * @param aPrevView View where to switch when pressing back
   248          * @param aNextView View which is switched to next
   249          */
   250         void PrepareToSwitchBackL( const TDesC& aGroupID,
   251                                    TUid aPrevView,
   252                                    TUid aNextView );
   253        TPtrC GetJoinGroupID();
   255     private: // new methods
   257         /**
   258          * Helper Asks screen name
   259          * @param aScreenName Reference to a descriptor where
   260          *        screen name will be stored.
   261          * @return EAknSoftkey enumeration
   262          */
   263         TInt AskScreenNameL( TDes& aScreenName );
   265         /**
   266          * Launch chat group properties editor and create new chat,
   267          * the normal style (with access and editor lists, etc.)
   268          * @param aResourceId Resource id for title text
   269          * @param aViewId ViewId of current view
   270          * @return WVID of newly created group or NULL if not successful
   271          *         The ownership is passed to calling function!
   272          */
   273         HBufC* CreateNewChatNormalL( TInt aResourceId, const TUid aViewId );
   275         /**
   276          * Launch chat group properties editor and create new chat,
   277          * simplified version.
   278          * @param aResourceId Resource id for title text
   279          * @param aViewId ViewId of current view
   280          * @param aContactListID listid for which the list of online contacts is required
   281          * for sending invitations
   282          * @return WVID of newly created group or NULL if not successful
   283          *         The ownership is passed to calling function!
   284          */
   285         HBufC* CreateNewChatSimpleL( TInt aResourceId, const TUid aViewId,
   286                                      TBool aContactFound,
   287                                      TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelType,
   288                                      /*MCAServerContactsArrayPC*  aOnlineContacts = NULL*/
   289                                      TInt aSelectedListIndex = 0  );
   291         /**
   292          * FSM state change logic wrapper.
   293          * @param aAknResult The result from user query (Avkon enum),
   294          *                   to handle Cancels
   295          * @param aErrorCode The network error code from previous operation, if
   296          * any. Use KErrNone to force skipping of error state transition.
   297          * @param aNewState The new state to change to when successful
   298          */
   299         void StateChange( TInt aAknResult, TInt aErrorCode,
   300                           TSGCState aNewState );
   302     private: // constructors and destructors
   304         /**
   305         * constructor
   306         */
   307         void ConstructL();
   309         /**
   310          * Default constructor
   311          * @param aEngine Handle to engine
   312          * @param aViewSwitcher Handle to view switcher
   313          */
   314         CCAGroupUtils( MCAViewSwitcher& aViewSwitcher );
   316     private:    // Data
   318         // Doesn't own. Handle to appui
   319         CCAAppUi* iAppUi;
   321         // Handle to view switcher
   322         MCAViewSwitcher& iViewSwitcher;
   324         // Owns. Used temporarily in CreateNewChatL.
   325         HBufC* iGroupId;
   326         HBufC* iJoinGroupId;
   327         // error for asynchronous group joining
   328         TInt iErr;
   330         // leave error for asynchronous group joining
   331         TInt iAsyncLeave;
   333         // parameters used with asynchronous group joining: group id and group name
   334         HBufC* iAsyncGroupId;
   335         HBufC* iAsyncScreenName;
   337         // Not owned. ref to forwarded message.
   338         const MCAConversationMessage* iAsyncFwdMessage;
   340         // Members are required for asynchronous call call backs
   341         CAsyncCallBack* iAsyncCb;
   342         CActiveSchedulerWait iWait;
   344         // simplified group creation FSM stuff
   345         TSGCState iCurrState;       // current state for FSM
   346         TSGCState iPrevState;       // previous state for FSM
   347         TInt iNwError;              // error from network
   349         // Screen name
   350         TPtr iScreenNamePtr;
   352         //Doesnt own. Pointer to group process component.
   353         MCAGroupPC* iGroupPC;
   355         //Doesnt Own. Pointer to group utils process component
   356         MCAGroupUtilsPC* iGroupUtilsPC;
   357     };
   359 #endif      // CCAGROUPUTILS_H
   361 // End of File