changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Blocking manager handles the blocking and granting
    15  *
    16 */
    19 // INCLUDES
    21 #include "CCABlockingManager.h"
    22 #include "CCARequest.h"
    23 #include "CCARequestMapper.h"
    24 #include "PrivateEngineDefinitions.h"
    25 #include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
    26 #include "CCAStorageManagerFactory.h"
    27 #include "MCASettings.h"
    28 #include "MCAStoredContact.h"
    29 #include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
    30 #include "MCAImpsFactory.h"
    32 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    34 #include "TStorageManagerGlobals.h"
    35 #include "CAUtils.h"
    37 #include "MCAPresence.h"
    38 #include "MCAContactLists.h"
    39 #include "CAPresenceManager.h"
    41 #include "ccasyncchecker.h"
    42 #include "mcacontactlist.h"
    44 #include <badesca.h>
    46 const TInt KBlockingMgrListGranularity = 10;
    49 // ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
    51 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    52 // might leave.
    53 //
    55 CCABlockingManager::CCABlockingManager(
    56     MCAImpsFactory* aIMPSFactory,
    57     CCARequestMapper* aRequestMapper,
    58     MCASettings* aSettingsManager )
    59         :   iImpsFactory( aIMPSFactory ),
    60         iRequestMapper( aRequestMapper ),
    61         iSettingsManager( aSettingsManager ),
    62         iStrategy( MCASettings::EAll ),
    63         iMgrState( EStateNormal )
    64     {
    65     }
    67 // Destructor
    68 EXPORT_C CCABlockingManager::~CCABlockingManager()
    69     {
    70     if ( iBlockedList )
    71         {
    72         iBlockedList->Reset();
    73         delete iBlockedList;
    74         }
    76     if ( iGrantedList )
    77         {
    78         iGrantedList->Reset();
    79         delete iGrantedList;
    80         }
    81     }
    83 // Two-phased constructor.
    84 EXPORT_C CCABlockingManager* CCABlockingManager::NewL(
    85     MCAImpsFactory* aIMPSFactory,
    86     CCARequestMapper* aRequestMapper,
    87     MCASettings* aSettingsManager )
    88     {
    89     CCABlockingManager* self = new ( ELeave ) CCABlockingManager(
    90         aIMPSFactory,
    91         aRequestMapper,
    92         aSettingsManager );
    93     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    94     self->ConstructL();
    95     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    96     return self;
    97     }
   101 // Symbian OS default constructor can leave.
   102 void CCABlockingManager::ConstructL()
   103     {
   104     iStoredContacts = CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL();
   106     iBlockedList = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KBlockingMgrListGranularity );
   107     iGrantedList = new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KBlockingMgrListGranularity );
   109     // after this the strategy gets updated via observing mechanism
   110     iStrategy = ( MCASettings::TCASettingValues )
   111                 iSettingsManager->Value( MCASettings::EReceiveIMessages );
   112     }
   114 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   115 // CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListRequestL()
   116 // GetBlocked list
   117 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   118 //
   119 TInt CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListFromServerL()
   120     {
   121     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListFromServerL...starts" );
   123     iGetBlockedListOpId =  iImpsFactory->CreateImClientL()->GetBlockedListRequestL();
   125     // owned by request mapper
   126     CCARequest* request = iRequestMapper->CreateRequestL( iGetBlockedListOpId );    // CSI: 35 # Ownership is not transferred to caller.
   128     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL", "Going to HandleRequest" );
   129     iRequestMapper->HandleRequest( iGetBlockedListOpId, KErrNone );
   131     // set to 0 so we know that there is no request hanging.
   132     iGetBlockedListOpId = 0;
   134     TInt errorCode( request->ErrorCode() );
   135     iRequestMapper->RemoveRequest( request );
   137     if ( iMgrState == EStateNormal )
   138         {
   139         if ( iStrategy != MCASettings::EAll && iCanUseGrant )
   140             {
   141             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   142                              "Copying grantlist" );
   143             switch ( iStrategy )
   144                 {
   145                 case MCASettings::EFriends:
   146                     {
   148                     if( iAppUiExit )
   149                     	{
   150                     	return errorCode;
   151                     	}
   152                     // Can't grant friends if contact list
   153                     // sync is not done, wait for it if needed
   154                     if ( !CCASyncChecker::CheckSyncStateL() )
   155                         {
   156                         User::Leave( KErrNotReady );
   157                         }
   159                     CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *iGrantedList );
   160                     GrantFriendsL();
   161                     // Check new ids to be granted
   162                     CDesCArray* diff = CreateNeutralDiffLC( *iGrantedList,
   163                                                             *clone );
   164                     // Check if clone contains more ids than we have friends
   165                     CDesCArray* diff2 = CreateNeutralDiffLC( *clone,
   166                                                              *iGrantedList );
   167                     iGrantedList->Reset();
   168                     // Remove grant from excess ids
   169                     RemoveL( NULL, diff2, ETrue );
   170                     // Add grant for new ids
   171                     InsertL( NULL, diff, ETrue );
   172                     GrantFriendsL(); // reset situation
   173                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, clone ); // clone, diff, diff2
   174                     break;
   175                     }
   176                 case MCASettings::ENobody:
   177                     {
   178                     CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *iGrantedList );
   179                     RemoveL( NULL, clone, ETrue );
   180                     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clone );
   181                     break;
   182                     }
   183                 default:
   184                     {
   185                     break;
   186                     }
   187                 }
   188             }
   189         else if ( !iCanUseGrant )
   190             // This is done to get rid of grant list usage.
   191             {
   192             //if iGrantedList is empty, nothing to clean
   193             if ( iGrantedList && iGrantedList->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   194                 {
   195                 CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *iGrantedList );
   196                 RemoveL( NULL, clone, ETrue );
   197                 CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clone );
   198                 }
   199             }
   200         else if ( iCanUseGrant && iStrategy == MCASettings::EAll )
   201             {
   202             if( iAppUiExit )
   203             	{
   204             	return errorCode;
   205             	}
   206             InsertL( iBlockedList, NULL, ETrue );
   207             }
   208         }
   210     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListFromServerL...over" );
   212     return errorCode;
   213     }
   215 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   216 // CCABlockingManager::BlockedList()
   217 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   218 //
   219 const CDesCArray* CCABlockingManager::BlockedList()
   220     {
   221     return iBlockedList;
   222     }
   224 // check if grant list in use according to the
   225 // currently chosen strategy
   226 TBool CCABlockingManager::GrantListInUse()
   227     {
   228     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "GrantListInUse" );
   230     // grant list is always in use if we're not
   231     // accepting IMessages from all
   232     TBool retval( ETrue );
   234     if ( iStrategy == MCASettings::EAll || !iCanUseGrant )
   235         {
   236         // grant list not in use, everyone is accepted (except
   237         // that the blocking list overrides)
   238         retval = EFalse;
   239         CHAT_DP_TXT( "Grant list not in use!" );
   240         }
   242     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "GrantListInUse" );
   244     return retval;
   245     }
   247 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   248 // CCABlockingManager::InsertL()
   249 // Insert users to block or grant lists at server
   250 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   251 //
   252 TInt CCABlockingManager::InsertL(
   253     const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
   254     const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
   255     TBool aForceUpdate /* = EFalse */ )
   256     {
   257     if ( aGrantList )
   258         {
   259         CDesCArray* diff = CreateNeutralDiffLC( *aGrantList, *iGrantedList );
   261         TInt err( KErrNone );
   262         if ( NeedUpdate( aBlockList, diff, aForceUpdate ) && !iUpdateInProgress )
   263             {
   264             err = DoBlockRequestL( aBlockList, NULL, diff, NULL, aBlockList,
   265                                    EBlockRequest );
   266             if ( err == KErrNone )
   267                 {
   268                 AddToGrantedListL( *aGrantList );
   269                 }
   270             }
   271         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( diff );
   273         return err;
   274         }
   275     else if ( NeedUpdate( aBlockList, aGrantList, aForceUpdate ) )
   276         {
   277         return DoBlockRequestL( aBlockList, NULL, aGrantList, NULL, aBlockList,
   278                                 EBlockRequest );
   279         }
   281     return KErrNone;
   282     }
   284 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   285 // CCABlockingManager::RemoveL()
   286 // Remove users from block or grant lists at server
   287 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   288 //
   289 TInt CCABlockingManager::RemoveL(
   290     const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
   291     const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
   292     TBool aForceUpdate /* = EFalse */ )
   293     {
   294     if ( aGrantList )
   295         {
   296         CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *aGrantList );
   297         RemoveFromGrantedList( *clone );
   298         TInt err( KErrNone );
   299         if ( NeedUpdate( aBlockList, clone, aForceUpdate )
   300              && !iUpdateInProgress )
   301             {
   302             err = DoBlockRequestL( NULL, aBlockList, NULL, clone, aBlockList,
   303                                    EUnBlockRequest );
   304             }
   305         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clone );
   306         return err;
   307         }
   309     if ( NeedUpdate( aBlockList, aGrantList, aForceUpdate ) )
   310         {
   311         return DoBlockRequestL( NULL, aBlockList, NULL, aGrantList, aBlockList,
   312                                 EUnBlockRequest );
   313         }
   315     return KErrNone;
   316     }
   318 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   319 // CCABlockingManager::NeedUpdate
   320 // If update is needed, return True
   321 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   322 //
   323 TBool CCABlockingManager::NeedUpdate( const CDesCArray* aBlockList,
   324                                       const CDesCArray* aGrantList,
   325                                       TBool aForceUpdate )
   326     {
   327     if ( !aForceUpdate )
   328         {
   329         if ( aGrantList )
   330             {
   331             if ( aGrantList->MdcaCount() == 0 )
   332                 {
   333                 return EFalse;
   334                 }
   335             }
   336         else if ( aBlockList )
   337             {
   338             if ( aBlockList->MdcaCount() == 0 )
   339                 {
   340                 return EFalse;
   341                 }
   342             }
   343         }
   344     return ETrue;
   345     }
   347 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   348 // CCABlockingManager::GrantFriendsL()
   349 // Insert friends to grant lists at server
   350 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   351 //
   352 void CCABlockingManager::GrantFriendsL(
   353     CDesCArray* aDoNotIncludeList /*= NULL*/ )
   354     {
   355     if( iAppUiExit )
   356     	{
   357     	return ;
   358     	}
   359     // add all friends to Grant list
   360     // the blocked list overrides this list anyway
   361     iGrantedList->Reset();
   363     // fetch the contacts from all lists in server
   364     CPtrCArray* wvids = new( ELeave )CPtrCArray( KArrayGranularity );
   365     CleanupStack::PushL( wvids );
   367     MCAPresence* presence = CAPresenceManager::InstanceL();
   368     MCAContactLists* listInterface = presence->ContactLists();
   369     TContactListsWrapper contactListIds;
   371     if ( listInterface )
   372         {
   373         contactListIds = listInterface->FetchServerContactListsL();
   374         }
   375     TInt count( contactListIds.MdcaCount() );
   376     TInt i;
   377     for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   378         {
   379         listInterface->FetchServerContactsL( contactListIds.MdcaPoint( i ),
   380                                              *wvids );
   381         }
   382     count = wvids->MdcaCount();
   383     TBool doNotIncludeFlag( EFalse );
   384     for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i )
   385         {
   386         TPtrC id( wvids->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   387         if ( aDoNotIncludeList )
   388             {
   389             TInt count2( aDoNotIncludeList->MdcaCount() );
   390             for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < count2 && !doNotIncludeFlag; ++j )
   391                 {
   392                 if ( CAUtils::NeutralCompare( id,
   393                                               aDoNotIncludeList->MdcaPoint( j ) ) == 0 )
   394                     {
   395                     doNotIncludeFlag = ETrue;
   396                     aDoNotIncludeList->Delete( j );
   397                     }
   398                 }
   399             }
   400         if ( !doNotIncludeFlag )
   401             {
   402             iGrantedList->AppendL( wvids->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   403             }
   404         else
   405             {
   406             doNotIncludeFlag = EFalse;
   407             }
   408         }
   410     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wvids ); // wvids
   411     }
   413 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   414 // CCABlockingManager::DoBlockRequestL()
   415 // Execute block entity request with given arguments.
   416 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   417 //
   418 TInt CCABlockingManager::DoBlockRequestL( const CDesCArray* aInsertBlockList,
   419                                           const CDesCArray* aRemoveBlockList,
   420                                           const CDesCArray* aInsertGrantList,
   421                                           const CDesCArray* aRemoveGrantList,
   422                                           const CDesCArray* aAdditionalData,
   423                                           TOperationRequests aRequest )
   424     {
   425     // check argument validity
   426     if ( aRequest != EBlockRequest && aRequest != EUnBlockRequest )
   427         {
   428         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   429         }
   431     TBool grantUsed = GrantListInUse();
   433     // Create the request but do not start the synchronous wait yet ( EFalse )
   434     CCARequest* request = iRequestMapper->CreateRequestL(
   435                               iImpsFactory->CreateImClientL()->BlockEntityRequestL(
   436                                   aInsertBlockList,
   437                                   aRemoveBlockList,
   438                                   ETrue,
   439                                   aInsertGrantList,
   440                                   aRemoveGrantList,
   441                                   grantUsed ),
   442                               EFalse );
   444     request->SetRequestType( aRequest );
   446     // empty array, so granularity of one
   447     CDesCArrayFlat* emptyArray = new( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( 1 );
   448     CleanupStack::PushL( emptyArray );
   450     // set correct array based on request to additional data
   451     const CDesCArray *tempArrayPtr = NULL;
   452     tempArrayPtr = emptyArray;
   454     if ( aAdditionalData )
   455         {
   456         tempArrayPtr = aAdditionalData;
   457         }
   459     request->SetAdditionalData( *tempArrayPtr );
   461     // Now when the request type and additional data is set we can
   462     // activate the synchronous wait
   463     request->StartWait();
   465     // Execution continues from here
   466     TInt errorCode( request->ErrorCode() );
   468     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "   Error code in DoBlockRequestL is %d" ), errorCode );
   470     iRequestMapper->RemoveRequest( request );
   471     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( emptyArray );
   473     return errorCode;
   475     }
   477 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   478 // CCABlockingManager::IsContactBlocked
   479 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   480 //
   481 TBool CCABlockingManager::IsContactBlocked(
   482     const TDesC& aContact,
   483     TBool aUseGrant /*= EFalse*/ ) const
   484     {
   485     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "IsContactBlocked" );
   486     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT(
   487                  "CCABlockingManager::IsContactBlocked - Checking contact %S" ),
   488              &aContact );
   490     MCAStoredContact* contact = iStoredContacts->FindAnyContact( aContact );
   492     // default to allowing the contact if it gets through
   493     // the switch-case
   494     TBool retVal( EFalse );
   496     MCASettings::TCASettingValues strategy =
   497         iCanUseGrant ? iStrategy : MCASettings::EAll;
   498     switch ( strategy )
   499         {
   500         case MCASettings::EAll:
   501             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Strategy is Grant all" );
   502                 {
   503                 // grant list not in use, allow all
   504                 // but note the blocklist
   505                 if ( !contact )
   506                     {
   507                     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Contact is not a friend" );
   508                     retVal = InternallyBlocked( aContact );
   509                     }
   510                 else
   511                     {
   512                     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Contact is a friend" );
   513                     retVal = contact->IsBlocked();
   514                     }
   515                 break;
   516                 }
   518         case MCASettings::EFriends:
   519             {
   520             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Strategy is Grant friends" );
   521             // friends are granted according to block status
   522             if ( contact )
   523                 {
   524                 CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Contact is a friend" );
   525                 retVal = contact->IsBlocked();
   526                 }
   527             else
   528                 {
   529                 if ( aUseGrant )
   530                     {
   531                     // Check grantlist, because there might be some
   532                     // contacts in grant list.
   533                     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked",
   534                                      "Contact is not friend but might in grant list" );
   535                     // Other than friends could be in grant list
   536                     // because temporary grant.
   537                     retVal = !IsContactGranted( aContact );
   538                     }
   539                 else
   540                     {
   541                     retVal = InternallyBlocked( aContact );
   542                     }
   543                 }
   544             break;
   545             }
   546         case MCASettings::ENobody:
   547             {
   548             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked", "Strategy is Grant none, but \
   549                          someone could be in grant list." );
   550             // Some one could be in grant list because temporary grant.
   551             if ( aUseGrant )
   552                 {
   553                 retVal = !IsContactGranted( aContact );
   554                 }
   555             else
   556                 {
   557                 retVal = InternallyBlocked( aContact );
   558                 }
   559             break;
   560             }
   562         default:
   563             {
   564             // bogus value!
   565             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "IsContactBlocked",
   566                              "Bogus grant strategy, defaulting to allow all" );
   567             retVal = EFalse;
   568             break;
   569             }
   570         }
   572     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "IsContactBlocked" );
   573     return retVal;
   574     }
   576 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   577 // CCABlockingManager::ContactListChangedL
   578 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   579 //
   580 void CCABlockingManager::ContactListChangeL( TBool aUpdateInProgress )
   581     {
   582     iUpdateInProgress = aUpdateInProgress;
   584     if ( iUpdateInProgress )
   585         {
   586         return;
   587         }
   589     TInt count( iBlockedList->MdcaCount() );
   590     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   591         {
   592         iStoredContacts->SetBlocked( iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( a ), ETrue );
   593         }
   594     }
   596 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   597 // CCABlockingManager::HandleCompleteL
   598 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   599 //
   600 void CCABlockingManager::HandleCompleteL(
   601     TInt aOperationId,
   602     TImpsCspIdentifier& /* aCspId */ )
   603     {
   604     TInt status( KErrNone );
   606     TRAPD( err, DoHandleCompleteL( aOperationId, status ) );
   607     if ( err != KErrNone )
   608         {
   609         status = err;
   610         }
   611     iRequestMapper->HandleRequest( aOperationId, status );
   613     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   614     }
   616 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   617 // CCABlockingManager::DoHandleCompleteL
   618 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   619 //
   620 void CCABlockingManager::DoHandleCompleteL(
   621     TInt aOperationId,
   622     TInt aStatus )
   623     {
   624     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleCompleteL...starts" );
   625     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "   aStatus is %d" ), aStatus );
   627     // Find the request
   628     const CCARequest* request = iRequestMapper->FindRequest( aOperationId );
   630     if ( request )
   631         {
   632         // check if this was block request or unblock request
   633         TBool blockRequest = ETrue;
   634         if ( request->RequestType() == EUnBlockRequest )
   635             {
   636             blockRequest = EFalse;
   637             }
   638         // set requested contacts as blocked
   639         TInt itemInArray( request->AdditionalData()->MdcaCount() );
   641         for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < itemInArray; i++ )
   642             {
   643             TPtrC userId =
   644                 TPtrC( request->AdditionalData()->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   646             // block and save state in persistent storage
   647             iStoredContacts->SetBlocked( userId, blockRequest );
   649             if ( blockRequest )
   650                 {
   651                 AddToBlockListL( userId );
   652                 }
   653             else
   654                 {
   655                 RemoveFromBlockList( userId );
   656                 }
   657             }
   658         }
   660     CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleCompleteL...over" );
   661     }
   665 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   666 // CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListResponseL
   667 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   668 //
   669 void CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListResponseL(
   670     const MDesCArray* aBlockedList,
   671     TBool aBlockedListInUse,
   672     const MDesCArray* aGrantedList,
   673     TBool aGrantedListInUse,
   674     TImpsCspIdentifier& /* aCspId */ )
   675     {
   676     TRAPD( err, DoGetBlockedListResponseL( aBlockedList, aBlockedListInUse,
   677                                            aGrantedList, aGrantedListInUse ) );
   679     if ( iGetBlockedListOpId != 0 )
   680         {
   681         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL", "Going to HandleRequest" ) ;
   682         iRequestMapper->HandleRequest( iGetBlockedListOpId, err );
   683         iGetBlockedListOpId = 0;
   684         }
   686     User::LeaveIfError( err );
   687     }
   689 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   690 // CCABlockingManager::DoGetBlockedListResponseL
   691 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   692 //
   693 void CCABlockingManager::DoGetBlockedListResponseL(
   694     const MDesCArray* aBlockedList,
   695     TBool /* aBlockedListInUse */,
   696     const MDesCArray* aGrantedList,
   697     TBool /* aGrantedListInUse */ )
   698     {
   699     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "GetBlockedListResponseL" );
   701     switch ( iMgrState )
   702         {
   703         case EStateNormal :
   704             {
   705             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL", "EStateNormal" );
   707             if ( aBlockedList )
   708                 {
   709                 // nuke the internal list
   710                 iBlockedList->Reset();
   711                 if ( aBlockedList->MdcaCount() > 0 )
   712                     {
   713                     // now block the selected contacts, if there are any
   714                     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   715                                      "Updating blocking status" );
   717                     TInt count( aBlockedList->MdcaCount() );
   718                     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT(
   719                                  "CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListResponseL \
   720                     - Blocked count %d" ), count );
   723                     TBool needToObserve = EFalse;
   724                     TBool syncReady = EFalse;
   725 #endif // IMPS_CONTACT_FETCH_BACKGROUND                    
   726                     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
   727                         {
   728                         TPtrC userId = TPtrC( aBlockedList->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   730                         CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT(
   731                                      "CCABlockingManager::GetBlockedListResponseL \
   732                         - Contact %S" ), &userId );
   734                         // it's blocked, so remember it
   735                         AddToBlockListL( userId );
   738                         iStoredContacts->SetBlocked( userId, ETrue );
   739 #else
   740                         // Contact list sync state must be checked.
   741                         // If list sync is not finished mark blocked ids
   742                         // while sync progresses.
   743                         if ( !needToObserve )
   744                             {
   745                             MCAContactLists* listInterface =
   746                                 CAPresenceManager::InstanceL()->ContactLists();
   747                             TBool syncDone = EFalse;
   748                             if ( listInterface )
   749                                 {
   750                                 syncDone = listInterface->IsSyncDone();
   751                                 }
   752                             TBool ignoreFailed = ETrue;
   753                             if ( !iStoredContacts->IsAllSynchronised( ignoreFailed )
   754                                  || !syncDone )
   755                                 {
   756                                 // Sync not done, observe it through stored
   757                                 // contacts interface
   758                                 needToObserve = ETrue;
   759                                 }
   760                             else
   761                                 {
   762                                 // Sync done
   763                                 syncReady = ETrue;
   764                                 }
   765                             }
   766                         if ( syncReady )
   767                             {
   768                             // Sync done, ids can be blocked directly
   769                             iStoredContacts->SetBlocked( userId, ETrue );
   770                             }
   772                         }
   775                     if ( needToObserve )
   776                         {
   777                         // Observe fetching.
   778                         // Blocked ids are marked in HandleChange method.
   779                         iStoredContacts->AddObserverL( this );
   780                         }
   781 #endif // IMPS_CONTACT_FETCH_BACKGROUND                    
   782                     }
   783                 }
   784             iGrantedList->Reset();
   785             if ( aGrantedList )
   786                 {
   787                 // copy the granted list
   788                 CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   789                                  "Copying grantlist" );
   790                 const TInt count( aGrantedList->MdcaCount() );
   791                 for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   792                     {
   793                     iGrantedList->AppendL( aGrantedList->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   794                     }
   795                 }
   796             break;
   797             }
   799         case EStateDeletingGrantList :
   800             {
   801             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   802                              "EStateDeletingGrantList" );
   803             // copy the returned grant list into an internal structure
   804             iGrantedList->Reset();
   805             if ( aGrantedList )
   806                 {
   807                 // copy the granted list
   808                 CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   809                                  "Copying grantlist" );
   810                 const TInt count( aGrantedList->MdcaCount() );
   811                 for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; i++ )
   812                     {
   813                     iGrantedList->AppendL( aGrantedList->MdcaPoint( i ) );
   814                     }
   815                 }
   816             else
   817                 {
   818                 // we should have gotten it
   819                 CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL",
   820                                  "Grantlist was NULL, assuming it's empty" );
   821                 }
   822             break;
   823             }
   825         default:
   826             {
   827             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "GetBlockedListResponseL", "Invalid state" );
   828             break;
   829             }
   830         }
   832     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "GetBlockedListResponseL" );
   833     }
   835 // clear the grant list
   836 void CCABlockingManager::ClearGrantListL( TBool aForceUpdate /* = EFalse */ )
   837     {
   838     // fetch the lists
   839     iMgrState = EStateDeletingGrantList;
   840     GetBlockedListFromServerL();
   842     // ungrant all of the returned grant list people,
   843     // effectively clearing the grant list
   844     CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *iGrantedList );
   845     iGrantedList->Reset();
   846     RemoveL( NULL, clone, aForceUpdate );
   847     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( clone );
   849     // RemoveL return value ignored, because if remove fails
   850     // engine gets callback HandleErrorL, if removeL is succeed
   851     // CCABlockingManager gets callback HandleCompleteL
   853     // that's it grant list is cleared
   854     iMgrState = EStateNormal;
   855     }
   857 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   858 // CCABlockingManager::HandleSettingsChangeL
   859 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   860 //
   861 void CCABlockingManager::HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum )
   862     {
   863     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleSettingsChangeL" );
   865     if ( aChangedSettingEnum != MCASettings::EReceiveIMessages )
   866         {
   867         // it's not for us
   868         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "HandleSettingsChangeL",
   869                          "Got event but it was not for me" );
   870         return;
   871         }
   873     MCASettings::TCASettingValues newValue = ( MCASettings::TCASettingValues )
   874                                              iSettingsManager->Value( MCASettings::EReceiveIMessages );
   876     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleSettingsChangeL - \
   877                         Current %d, new %d" ), iStrategy, newValue );   // CSI: 62 # Not valid, new inside debug print.
   879     if ( newValue == iStrategy )
   880         {
   881         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "HandleSettingsChangeL",
   882                          "Unchanged setting state for grantlist strategy" );
   883         return;
   884         }
   886     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleSettingsChangeL - \
   887                         BackGroundTaskReady %d" ), iBackgroundTaskReady );
   888     if ( !iBackgroundTaskReady ) // haven't runned the backgroundtask yet.
   889         {
   890         return;
   891         }
   893     iStrategy = newValue;
   894     if ( !iLoggedIn )
   895         {
   896         // not logged in -> return
   897         return;
   898         }
   900     // the changed settings effects us
   901     MCASettings::TCASettingValues strategy =
   902         iCanUseGrant ? newValue : MCASettings::EAll;
   904     switch ( strategy )
   905         {
   906         case MCASettings::EAll :
   907             {
   908             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "HandleSettingsChangeL", "Blocklist only" );
   909             // only blocklist active. it should be up-to-date.
   910             InsertL( iBlockedList, NULL, ETrue );
   911             break;
   912             }
   914         case MCASettings::EFriends :
   915             {
   916             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "HandleSettingsChangeL",
   917                              "Blocklist with grantlist" );
   918             // blocklist with grantlist
   919             CDesCArray* clone = CloneArrayLC( *iGrantedList );
   920             GrantFriendsL();
   921             // Check new ids to be granted
   922             CDesCArray* diff = CreateNeutralDiffLC( *iGrantedList,
   923                                                     *clone );
   924             // Check if clone contains more ids than we have friends
   925             CDesCArray* diff2 = CreateNeutralDiffLC( *clone,
   926                                                      *iGrantedList );
   927             iGrantedList->Reset();
   928             // Remove grant from excess ids
   929             RemoveL( NULL, diff2, ETrue );
   930             // Add grant for new ids
   931             InsertL( NULL, diff, ETrue );
   932             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 3, clone ); // clone, diff, diff2
   933             break;
   934             }
   936         case MCASettings::ENobody :
   937             {
   938             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "HandleSettingsChangeL", "Granting nobody" );
   939             // grantlist empty == decline all messages
   941             // empty the grant list
   942             ClearGrantListL( ETrue );
   943             break;
   944             }
   946         default :
   947             {
   948             // bogus
   949             break;
   950             }
   951         }
   953     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleSettingsChangeL" );
   954     }
   956 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   957 // CCABlockingManager::AddToBlockListL
   958 // add to internal blocking list
   959 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   960 //
   961 void CCABlockingManager::AddToBlockListL( const TDesC& aId )
   962     {
   963     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "AddToBlockListL" );
   965     TInt position( KErrNotFound );
   966     if ( iBlockedList->Find( aId, position, ECmpCollated ) == 0 )
   967         {
   968         // found it, don't add a duplicate
   969         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "AddToBlockListL", "Contact already in blocked list" );
   970         return;
   971         }
   973     // didn't find it, so add it
   974     iBlockedList->AppendL( aId );
   976     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "AddToBlockListL" );
   977     }
   980 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   981 // CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromBlockList
   982 // remove from internal blocking list
   983 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   984 //
   985 void CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromBlockList( const TDesC& aId )
   986     {
   987     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "RemoveFromBlockListL" );
   989 #ifdef _DEBUG
   990     TPtrC myDebug( aId );
   991     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromBlockListL\
   992 	                      looking for %S" ), &myDebug );
   993 #endif
   995     TInt count( iBlockedList->MdcaCount() );
   996     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   997         {
   998 #ifdef _DEBUG
   999         myDebug.Set( iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( a ) );
  1000         CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromBlockListL \
  1001 		                     we have %S" ), &myDebug );
  1002 #endif
  1003         if ( 0 == CAUtils::NeutralCompare( iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( a ), aId ) )
  1004             {
  1005             // found it, remove it
  1006             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DP( "RemoveFromBlockListL",
  1007                              "Found internally blocked contact" );
  1008             iBlockedList->Delete( a );
  1009             iBlockedList->Compress();
  1010             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "RemoveFromBlockListL" );
  1011             return;
  1012             }
  1013         }
  1014     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "RemoveFromBlockListL" );
  1015     }
  1018 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1019 // CCABlockingManager::InternallyBlocked
  1020 // see if contact is internally blocked or not
  1021 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1022 //
  1023 TBool CCABlockingManager::InternallyBlocked( const TDesC& aId ) const
  1024     {
  1025     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "InternallyBlocked" );
  1027 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1028     TPtrC myDebug( aId );
  1029     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::InternallyBlocked \
  1030 	                      looking for %S" ), &myDebug );
  1031 #endif
  1033     TInt count( iBlockedList->MdcaCount() );
  1034     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
  1035         {
  1036 #ifdef _DEBUG
  1037         myDebug.Set( iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( a ) );
  1038         CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::InternallyBlocked we have %S" ),
  1039                  &myDebug );
  1040 #endif
  1041         if ( 0 == CAUtils::NeutralCompare( iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( a ), aId ) )
  1042             {
  1043             CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "InternallyBlocked" );
  1044             return ETrue;
  1045             }
  1046         }
  1048     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "InternallyBlocked" );
  1049     return EFalse;
  1050     }
  1053 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1054 // CCABlockingManager::HandleNetworkStateChange
  1055 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1056 //
  1057 void CCABlockingManager::HandleNetworkStateChange( TNetworkState aState,
  1058                                                    TBool aCanUseGrant )
  1059     {
  1060     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleNetworkState" );
  1061     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "New state is: %d" ), aState );
  1063     iCanUseGrant = aCanUseGrant;
  1065     if ( aState == ELoggedIn )
  1066         {
  1067         iLoggedIn = ETrue;
  1068         //just make sure its not started yet
  1069         if ( iRequestMapper->BackgroundTaskStatus(
  1070                  MCABackgroundInterface::EBlockGrantListFetch ) &
  1071              ( MCABackgroundInterface::EUnknown |
  1072                MCABackgroundInterface::ECompleted |
  1073                MCABackgroundInterface::ECancelled |
  1074                MCABackgroundInterface::EFailed
  1075              ) )
  1076             {
  1077             CHAT_DP_TXT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleNetworkStateChange \
  1078 			              registering block list fetch" );
  1081             // Make sure we have the correct settings value.
  1082             // With settings facelift enabled it is possible to
  1083             // edit settings of any server. If user edits settings
  1084             // for some other server than the default server, notification
  1085             // is not observed here -> getting value here is needed.
  1086             iStrategy = ( MCASettings::TCASettingValues )
  1087                         iSettingsManager->Value( MCASettings::EReceiveIMessages );
  1088 #endif
  1090             iRequestMapper->RegisterBackgroundTask(
  1091                 this, MCABackgroundInterface::EBlockGrantListFetch );
  1092             iBackgroundTaskReady = EFalse;
  1093             }
  1094         }
  1095     if ( aState == ELoggedOut )
  1096         {
  1097         iLoggedIn = EFalse;
  1098         }
  1099     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleNetworkState" );
  1100     }
  1103 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1104 // CCABlockingManager::HandleBackgroundTaskL
  1105 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1106 //
  1107 void CCABlockingManager::HandleBackgroundTaskL( TInt aSubTask )
  1108     {
  1109     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "HandleBackgroundTaskL" );
  1110     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCABlockingManager::HandleBackgroundTaskL \
  1111 	                      Subtask is: %d" ), aSubTask );
  1114     TInt error = GetBlockedListFromServerL();
  1116     iBackgroundTaskReady = ETrue;
  1118     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "HandleBackgroundTaskL" );
  1120     if ( error )
  1121         {
  1122         User::Leave( error );
  1123         }
  1125     }
  1126 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1127 // CCABlockingManager::HandleContactDelete
  1128 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1129 //
  1130 void CCABlockingManager::HandleContactDelete( const TDesC& /*aContactId*/ )
  1131     {
  1132     // Not used
  1133     }
  1135 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1136 // CCABlockingManager::HandleAddition
  1137 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1138 //
  1139 void CCABlockingManager::HandleAddition( MCAContactList& /*aList*/,
  1140                                          MCAStoredContact& /*aContact*/ )
  1141     {
  1142     // Not used
  1143     }
  1145 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1146 // CCABlockingManager::HandleChange
  1147 // ---------------------------------------------------------
  1148 //
  1149 void CCABlockingManager::HandleChange(
  1150     MCAContactList* /*aList*/,
  1151     MCAStoredContact* /*aContact*/,
  1152     TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType,
  1153     TBool /*aUserIdChanged*/ )
  1154     {
  1155     if ( !iLoggedIn )
  1156         {
  1157         // Logout event received, stop observing
  1158         iStoredContacts->RemoveObserver( this );
  1159         return;
  1160         }
  1162     // Mark contacts blocked as they are fetched
  1163     if ( aEventType == TStorageManagerGlobals::EStorageEventMultipleChanges )
  1164         {
  1165         MCAContactList* currentList = NULL;
  1166         TRAPD( err, currentList = &iStoredContacts->ListInSyncProcessL() );
  1167         if ( err == KErrNone && currentList )
  1168             {
  1169             // Sync not yet ready means that contact adding is going on
  1170             // -> check list for blocked ids
  1171             if ( currentList->Synchronised() == MCAContactList::ESynchroniseNotDone )
  1172                 {
  1173                 TInt blockCount = iBlockedList->Count();
  1174                 for ( TInt i = 0; i < blockCount; i++ )
  1175                     {
  1176                     TPtrC userId = iBlockedList->MdcaPoint( i );
  1177                     TPtrC listId = currentList->ListId();
  1178                     iStoredContacts->SetBlocked( userId, listId, ETrue );
  1179                     }
  1180                 }
  1181             }
  1182         }
  1184     // Check if sync has ended
  1185     TBool failed = EFalse;
  1186     TBool syncDone = EFalse;
  1188     TRAP_IGNORE(
  1189         MCAContactLists* listInterface =
  1190             CAPresenceManager::InstanceL()->ContactLists();
  1191         syncDone = listInterface->IsSyncDone();
  1192     );  // TRAP_IGNORE
  1194     if ( iStoredContacts->IsAllSynchronised( failed ) &&
  1195          syncDone )
  1196         {
  1197         if ( !failed )
  1198             {
  1199             // Sync done and no failed lists, no need to observe anymore
  1200             iStoredContacts->RemoveObserver( this );
  1201             }
  1202         // If there were failed lists keep on observing for
  1203         // the possible re-fetching of the failed lists.
  1204         }
  1205     }
  1207 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1208 // CCABlockingManager::SetTemporaryGrantL
  1209 // Temporary grant, permanent unblock.
  1210 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1211 //
  1212 TInt CCABlockingManager::SetTemporaryGrantL( const TDesC& aContact, TBool aOn )
  1213     {
  1214     //Creating list of unblocked users
  1215     CDesCArrayFlat* unBlockList =
  1216         new ( ELeave ) CDesCArrayFlat( KArrayGranularity );
  1217     CleanupStack::PushL( unBlockList );
  1219     // unBlockList is those persons who are going to be unblocked
  1220     unBlockList->AppendL( aContact );
  1222     TInt errorCode( KErrNone );
  1223     if ( aOn )
  1224         {
  1225         if ( GrantListInUse() )
  1226             {
  1227             errorCode = InsertL( NULL, unBlockList );
  1228             }
  1229         TInt temp( RemoveL( unBlockList, NULL ) );
  1230         if ( temp != KErrNone && errorCode == KErrNone )
  1231             {
  1232             errorCode = temp;
  1233             }
  1234         }
  1235     else
  1236         {
  1237         MCAStoredContact* contact = iStoredContacts->FindAnyContact( aContact );
  1238         if ( !( contact && iStrategy == MCASettings::EFriends ) )
  1239             {
  1240             errorCode = RemoveL( NULL, unBlockList );
  1241             }
  1242         }
  1244     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( unBlockList );
  1246     return errorCode;
  1247     }
  1250 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1251 // CCABlockingManager::IsContactGranted
  1252 // Check if contact is granted or not.
  1253 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1254 //
  1255 TBool CCABlockingManager::IsContactGranted( const TDesC& aContact ) const
  1256     {
  1257     TInt count( iGrantedList->MdcaCount() );
  1258     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
  1259         {
  1260         if ( 0 == CAUtils::NeutralCompare( iGrantedList->MdcaPoint( a ),
  1261                                            aContact ) )
  1262             {
  1263             return ETrue;
  1264             }
  1265         }
  1266     return EFalse;
  1267     }
  1269 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1270 // CCABlockingManager::CloneArrayLC
  1271 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1273 //
  1274 CDesCArray* CCABlockingManager::CloneArrayLC( const MDesCArray& aSource )
  1275     {
  1276     TInt count( aSource.MdcaCount() );
  1277     CDesCArray* array = new( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( count == 0 ? 1 : count );
  1278     CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  1279     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
  1280         {
  1281         TPtrC text( aSource.MdcaPoint( i ) );
  1282         CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( " CloneArrayLC [%d] %S" ), i, &text );
  1283         array->AppendL( text );
  1284         }
  1285     CHAT_DP_TXT( "----------------------[endClone]----------------------" );
  1286     return array;
  1287     }
  1289 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1290 // CCABlockingManager::CreateNeutralDiffLC
  1291 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1292 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1293 //
  1294 CDesCArray* CCABlockingManager::CreateNeutralDiffLC(
  1295     const MDesCArray& aArrayDiff,
  1296     const MDesCArray& aArrayTest )
  1297     {
  1298     CDesCArray* array = new( ELeave )CDesCArrayFlat( KArrayGranularity );
  1299     CleanupStack::PushL( array );
  1300     TInt count( aArrayDiff.MdcaCount() );
  1301     for ( TInt i( 0 ); i < count; ++i )
  1302         {
  1303         TPtrC id( aArrayDiff.MdcaPoint( i ) );
  1304         TInt count2( aArrayTest.MdcaCount() );
  1305         TInt flag( EFalse );
  1307         for ( TInt j( 0 ); j < count2 && !flag; ++j )
  1308             {
  1309             if ( CAUtils::NeutralCompare( id, aArrayTest.MdcaPoint( j ) ) == 0 )
  1310                 {
  1311                 flag = ETrue;
  1312                 }
  1313             }
  1314         if ( !flag )
  1315             {
  1316             // item that is in aArrayDiff, but not in aArrayTest
  1317             // add to resulting array if it does not exist in resulting array
  1318             TInt count3( array->MdcaCount() );
  1319             for ( TInt k( 0 ); k < count3 && !flag; ++k )
  1320                 {
  1321                 if ( CAUtils::NeutralCompare( id, array->MdcaPoint( k ) ) == 0 )
  1322                     {
  1323                     flag = ETrue;
  1324                     }
  1325                 }
  1327             if ( !flag )
  1328                 {
  1329                 CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( " CreateDiffLC [%d] %S" ), i, &id );
  1330                 array->AppendL( id );
  1331                 }
  1332             }
  1333         }
  1334     CHAT_DP_TXT( "-----------------------[endDiff]----------------------" );
  1335     return array;
  1336     }
  1338 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1339 // CCABlockingManager::AddToGrantedListL
  1340 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1341 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1342 //
  1343 void CCABlockingManager::AddToGrantedListL( const MDesCArray& aInsertArray )
  1344     {
  1345     TInt count( aInsertArray.MdcaCount() );
  1346     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count && !iUpdateInProgress; ++a )
  1347         {
  1348         iGrantedList->AppendL( aInsertArray.MdcaPoint( a ) );
  1349         }
  1350     }
  1352 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1353 // CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromGrantedListL
  1354 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1355 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1356 //
  1357 void CCABlockingManager::RemoveFromGrantedList( CDesCArray& aRemoveArray )
  1358     {
  1359     TInt count( aRemoveArray.MdcaCount() );
  1360     for ( TInt a( --count ); a >= 0 && !iUpdateInProgress; --a )
  1361         {
  1362         TInt grantedCount( iGrantedList->MdcaCount() );
  1363         TBool foundFlag( EFalse );
  1364         TBool foundOther( EFalse );
  1365         TPtrC id( aRemoveArray.MdcaPoint( a ) );
  1367         for ( TInt b( --grantedCount ); b >= 0 && !foundOther; --b )
  1368             {
  1369             TPtrC id2( iGrantedList->MdcaPoint( b ) );
  1370             if ( CAUtils::NeutralCompare( id, id2 ) == 0 )
  1371                 {
  1372                 if ( !foundFlag )
  1373                     {
  1374                     // Delete current position
  1375                     iGrantedList->Delete( b );
  1376                     foundFlag = ETrue;
  1377                     }
  1378                 else
  1379                     {
  1380                     foundOther = ETrue;
  1381                     }
  1382                 }
  1383             }
  1384         if ( foundOther )
  1385             {
  1386             aRemoveArray.Delete( a );
  1387             }
  1388         }
  1389     }
  1390 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1391 // CCABlockingManager::SetAppUiExitFlag
  1392 // (other items were commented in a header).
  1393 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1394 //
  1395 void CCABlockingManager::SetAppUiExitFlag( TBool aFlag )
  1396 	{
  1397 	iAppUiExit = aFlag;
  1398 	}
  1399 // end of file