changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Message containing picture.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "CCAContentMessage.h"
    20 #include "PublicEngineDefinitions.h"
    22 #include <fbs.h>
    24 /// Constants
    25 _LIT8( KMimeJpeg, "image/jpeg" );
    26 _LIT8( KMimeGif, "Image/gif" );
    28 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    29 // CCAContentMessage::CCAContentMessage
    30 // ( Other items commented in header )
    31 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 CCAContentMessage::CCAContentMessage()
    33     {
    34     iThumbnailSize.SetSize( 10, 10 );
    35     }
    37 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    38 // CCAContentMessage::~CCAContentMessage
    39 // ( Other items commented in header )
    40 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    41 CCAContentMessage::~CCAContentMessage()
    42     {
    43     __ASSERT_DEBUG( iOwnerCount == 0, User::Panic( KCAEnginePanicCategory ,
    44                                                    KErrInUse ) );
    45     delete iThumbnail;
    46     }
    48 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CCAContentMessage::NewL
    50 // ( Other items commented in header )
    51 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 CCAContentMessage* CCAContentMessage::NewL( TInt aOpCode,
    53                                             const TDesC& aSender,
    54                                             const TDesC& aRecipient,
    55                                             const MDesCArray* aRecipients,
    56                                             const MDesCArray* aScreenNames,
    57                                             const TDesC8& aContentType,
    58                                             const TDesC8& aContentData,
    59                                             const TDesC& aContentAddress )
    60     {
    61     CCAContentMessage* self = CCAContentMessage::NewLC( aOpCode,
    62                                                         aSender,
    63                                                         aRecipient,
    64                                                         aRecipients,
    65                                                         aScreenNames,
    66                                                         aContentType,
    67                                                         aContentData,
    68                                                         aContentAddress );
    69     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
    70     return self;
    71     }
    73 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    74 // CCAContentMessage::NewL
    75 // ( Other items commented in header )
    76 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    77 CCAContentMessage* CCAContentMessage::NewL()
    78     {
    79     return CCAContentMessage::NewL( 0, KNullDesC, KNullDesC, NULL, NULL,
    80                                     KNullDesC8, KNullDesC8, KNullDesC );
    81     }
    83 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    84 // CCAContentMessage::NewLC
    85 // ( Other items commented in header )
    86 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    87 CCAContentMessage* CCAContentMessage::NewLC( TInt aOpCode,
    88                                              const TDesC& aSender,
    89                                              const TDesC& aRecipient,
    90                                              const MDesCArray* aRecipients,
    91                                              const MDesCArray* aScreenNames,
    92                                              const TDesC8& aContentType,
    93                                              const TDesC8& aContentData,
    94                                              const TDesC& aContentAddress )
    95     {
    96     CCAContentMessage* self = new ( ELeave ) CCAContentMessage();
    97     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
    98     self->ConstructL( aContentType, aContentData, aContentAddress );
    99     self->CCAMessageBase::ConstructL( aOpCode, aSender, aRecipient, aRecipients,
   100                                       aScreenNames );
   101     return self;
   102     }
   104 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   105 // CCAContentMessage::ConstructL
   106 // ( Other items commented in header )
   107 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 void CCAContentMessage::ConstructL( const TDesC8& aContentType,
   109                                     const TDesC8& aContentData,
   110                                     const TDesC& aContentAddress )
   111     {
   112     iMimeType = aContentType.AllocL();
   113     iContentData = aContentData.AllocL();
   114     iText = aContentAddress.AllocL();
   116     if ( !( aContentType.CompareF( KMimeGif ) == 0 ||
   117             aContentType.CompareF( KMimeJpeg ) == 0 ) )
   118         {
   119         iContentType = EContentOther;
   120         }
   121     else
   122         {
   123         iContentType = EContentPicture;
   124         }
   126     if ( iContentType == EContentOther )
   127         {
   128         SetProcessState( EContentNotSupported );
   129         }
   130     }
   132 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 // CCAContentMessage::SizeInBytes
   134 // ( Other items commented in header )
   135 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   136 TInt CCAContentMessage::SizeInBytes() const
   137     {
   138     return  CCAMessageBase::SizeInBytes() +
   139             iMimeType->Size() +
   140             iContentData->Size() +
   141             sizeof( *this );
   142     }
   144 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   145 // CCAContentMessage::ContentType
   146 // ( Other items commented in header )
   147 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   148 MCAMessage::TContentType CCAContentMessage::ContentType() const
   149     {
   150     return iContentType;
   151     }
   153 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   154 // CCAContentMessage::ContentType
   155 // ( Other items commented in header )
   156 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   157 void CCAContentMessage::ReleaseTemporaryContentData()
   158     {
   159     SetProcessState( EContentReady );
   160     delete iThumbnail;
   161     iThumbnail = NULL;
   162     }
   164 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   165 // CCAContentMessage::InternalizeL()
   166 // ---------------------------------------------------------
   167 //
   168 void CCAContentMessage::InternalizeL( RReadStream& aStream )
   169     {
   170     CCAMessageBase::InternalizeL( aStream );
   172     if ( !( iMimeType->CompareF( KMimeGif ) == 0 ||
   173             iMimeType->CompareF( KMimeJpeg ) == 0 ) )
   174         {
   175         iContentType = EContentOther;
   176         }
   177     else
   178         {
   179         iContentType = EContentPicture;
   180         }
   182     if ( iContentType == EContentOther )
   183         {
   184         SetProcessState( EContentNotSupported );
   185         }
   186     else
   187         {
   188         SetProcessState( EContentReady );
   189         }
   190     }
   192 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 // CCAContentMessage::ThumbnailSize
   194 // ( Other items commented in header )
   195 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 TSize CCAContentMessage::ThumbnailSize() const
   197     {
   198     return iThumbnailSize;
   199     }
   201 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   202 // CCAContentMessage::SetThumbnailSize
   203 // ( Other items commented in header )
   204 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 EXPORT_C void CCAContentMessage::SetThumbnailSize( TSize aSize )
   206     {
   207     iThumbnailSize = aSize;
   208     }
   210 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   211 // CCAContentMessage::SetThumbnail
   212 // ( Other items commented in header )
   213 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   214 void CCAContentMessage::SetThumbnail( CFbsBitmap* aThumbnail )
   215     {
   216     delete iThumbnail;
   217     iThumbnail = aThumbnail;
   218     }
   220 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // CCAContentMessage::Thumbnail
   222 // ( Other items commented in header )
   223 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 EXPORT_C CFbsBitmap* CCAContentMessage::Thumbnail() const
   225     {
   226     return iThumbnail;
   227     }
   229 // end of file