changeset 0 094583676ce7
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:094583676ce7
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Container class for messages.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include "CCAMessageContainer.h"
    20 #include "PublicEngineDefinitions.h"
    21 #include "CAUtils.h"
    22 #include "MCABufferMemoryHandler.h"
    23 #include "MCAMessageObserver.h"
    24 #include "MCAChatObserver.h"
    25 #include "CCAStorageManagerFactory.h"
    26 #include "MCAStoredGroups.h"
    27 #include "MCAStoredGroup.h"
    28 #include "MCALoggerWriteInterface.h"
    29 #include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
    30 #include "CCALoggerMessageHeader.h"
    31 #include "CALoggerManagerFactory.h"
    32 #include "MCAChatInterface.h"           // KSendBufferId
    33 #include "CCAMessageBase.h"
    34 #include "MCAStoredContact.h"
    35 #include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
    37 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    39 #include "ChatDebugAssert.h"
    41 #include <escapeutils.h>
    43 _LIT( KGroupIdPart, "/" );
    45 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    46 // CCAMessageContainer::CCAMessageContainer
    47 // ( Other items commented in header )
    48 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 CCAMessageContainer::CCAMessageContainer(
    50     MCABufferMemoryHandler& aMemoryHandler )
    51         : iMemoryHandler( aMemoryHandler ), iAddToContactAsked( EFalse )
    52     {
    53     }
    55 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    56 // CCAMessageContainer::~CCAMessageContainer
    57 // ( Other items commented in header )
    58 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    59 CCAMessageContainer::~CCAMessageContainer()
    60     {
    61     if ( iObserver )
    62         {
    63         iObserver->HandleMessageEvent( MCAMessageObserver::EChatDeleted );
    64         }
    66     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < iMessageContainer.Count(); ++a )
    67         {
    68         if ( iMessageContainer[ a ]->DecreaseOwnerCount() )
    69             {
    70             delete iMessageContainer[ a ];
    71             }
    72         }
    73     iMessageContainer.Reset();
    75     NotifyContactForPending();
    77     delete iLogger;
    78     delete iServerAddress;
    79     delete iUserId;
    80     delete iTargetId;
    81     delete iScreenName;
    82     delete iDecodedTargetId;
    83     }
    85 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CCAMessageContainer::NewL
    87 // ( Other items commented in header )
    88 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 CCAMessageContainer* CCAMessageContainer::NewL(
    90     const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    91     const TDesC& aUserId,
    92     const TDesC& aTargetId,
    93     MCABufferMemoryHandler& aMemoryHandler,
    94     TContainerType aType )
    95     {
    96     CCAMessageContainer* self = CCAMessageContainer::NewLC( aServerAddress,
    97                                                             aUserId,
    98                                                             aTargetId,
    99                                                             aMemoryHandler,
   100                                                             aType );
   101     CleanupStack::Pop( self );
   102     return self;
   103     }
   105 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   106 // CCAMessageContainer::NewLC
   107 // ( Other items commented in header )
   108 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   109 CCAMessageContainer* CCAMessageContainer::NewLC(
   110     const TDesC& aServerAddress,
   111     const TDesC& aUserId,
   112     const TDesC& aTargetId,
   113     MCABufferMemoryHandler& aMemoryHandler,
   114     TContainerType aType )
   115     {
   116     CCAMessageContainer* self =
   117         new ( ELeave ) CCAMessageContainer( aMemoryHandler );
   118     CleanupStack::PushL( self );
   119     self->ConstructL( aServerAddress, aUserId, aTargetId, aType );
   120     return self;
   121     }
   123 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   124 // CCAMessageContainer::ConstructL
   125 // ( Other items commented in header )
   126 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   127 void CCAMessageContainer::ConstructL( const TDesC& aServerAddress,
   128                                       const TDesC& aUserId,
   129                                       const TDesC& aTargetId,
   130                                       TContainerType aType )
   131     {
   132     iServerAddress = aServerAddress.AllocL();
   133     iUserId = aUserId.AllocL();
   134     iTargetId = aTargetId.AllocL();
   135     iDecodedTargetId = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *iTargetId );
   136     iScreenName = KNullDesC().AllocL();
   138     ResolveType( aType );
   140     iLogger = CALoggerManagerFactory::WriteInstanceL();
   141     }
   143 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   144 // CCAMessageContainer::UnreadCount
   145 // ( Other items commented in header )
   146 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 TInt CCAMessageContainer::UnreadCount(
   148     MCAMessagesReadInterface::TUnreadFilter aUnreadFilter ) const
   149     {
   150     TInt countOfAll = iMessageContainer.Count();
   151     TInt unreadCount = countOfAll - iUnreadOffset;
   152     if ( aUnreadFilter != EUnreadAll )
   153         {
   154         for ( TInt a = countOfAll - 1; a >= iUnreadOffset; --a )
   155             {
   156             if ( iMessageContainer[ a ]->MessagerType() == MCAMessage::EMessageSent )
   157                 {
   158                 unreadCount--;
   159                 }
   160             }
   161         }
   162     return unreadCount;
   163     }
   165 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // CCAMessageContainer::MessageCount
   167 // ( Other items commented in header )
   168 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   169 TInt CCAMessageContainer::MessageCount() const
   170     {
   171     // Offset is index to first unread message. It is exatly same as count of
   172     // read messages.
   173     return iUnreadOffset;
   174     }
   176 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   177 // CCAMessageContainer::Read
   178 // ( Other items commented in header )
   179 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 void CCAMessageContainer::Read( TReadType aReadType, TInt aAmount /* = 0 */ )
   181     {
   182     TInt messageCount( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   183     TInt originalUnreadCount = UnreadCount( );
   185     switch ( aReadType )
   186         {
   187         case EReadAll:
   188             iUnreadOffset = messageCount;
   189             break;
   190         case EReadAmount:
   191             iUnreadOffset += aAmount;
   192             break;
   193         case EReadOne:
   194             ++iUnreadOffset;
   195             break;
   196         default:
   197             __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse );
   198             return;
   199         }
   201     // Cannot be more than messageCount
   202     if ( iUnreadOffset > messageCount )
   203         {
   204         iUnreadOffset = messageCount;
   205         }
   207     // Inform observers only if unreadcount is changed.
   208     if ( originalUnreadCount != UnreadCount() )
   209         {
   210         if ( iChatObserver )
   211             {
   212             iChatObserver->HandleChatEvent(
   213                 MCAChatObserver::EUnreadCountChanged );
   214             }
   215         }
   217     NotifyContactForPending();
   218     }
   220 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 // CCAMessageContainer::Message
   222 // ( Other items commented in header )
   223 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   224 MCAMessage& CCAMessageContainer::Message( TInt aIndex ) const
   225     {
   226     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < MessageCount() );
   227     return *iMessageContainer[ aIndex ];
   228     }
   230 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   231 // CCAMessageContainer::ReadNextUnread
   232 // ( Other items commented in header )
   233 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 MCAMessage& CCAMessageContainer::ReadNextUnread()
   235     {
   236     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( UnreadCount() != 0 );
   237     Read( EReadOne );
   238     return *iMessageContainer[ MessageCount() - 1 ];
   239     }
   241 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   242 // CCAMessageContainer::ReadUnreadFromIndex
   243 // ( Other items commented in header )
   244 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 MCAMessage& CCAMessageContainer::ReadUnreadFromIndex( TInt aIndex )
   246     {
   247     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( UnreadCount() != 0 );
   248     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < iMessageContainer.Count() );
   249     Read( EReadOne );
   250     return *iMessageContainer[aIndex];
   251     }
   253 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   254 // CCAMessageContainer::SetObserver
   255 // ( Other items commented in header )
   256 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   257 void CCAMessageContainer::SetObserver( MCAMessageObserver* aObserver )
   258     {
   259     iObserver = aObserver;
   260     }
   262 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 // CCAMessageContainer::SetObserver
   264 // ( Other items commented in header )
   265 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 TPtrC CCAMessageContainer::Name() const
   267     {
   268     // Resolve name
   269     switch ( iContainerType )
   270         {
   271         case EChatContainer:
   272             {
   273             return CAUtils::DisplayId( *iTargetId );
   274             }
   275         case EGroupContainer:
   276             {
   277             MCAStoredGroup* group = NULL;
   278             TRAPD( err, group =
   279                        CCAStorageManagerFactory::GroupListInterfaceL()->FindGroup(
   280                            *iTargetId ) );
   281             if ( err != KErrNone )
   282                 {
   283                 CActiveScheduler::Current()->Error( err );
   284                 }
   285             if ( group )
   286                 {
   287                 return group->GroupName();
   288                 }
   289             return *iTargetId;
   290             }
   291         default:
   292             {
   293             __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse );
   294             return KNullDesC();
   295             }
   296         }
   297     }
   299 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   300 // CCAMessageContainer::DeleteMessage
   301 // ( Other items commented in header )
   302 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 void CCAMessageContainer::DeleteMessage( TInt aIndex )
   304     {
   305     MCAMessage* target = &Message( aIndex );
   306     iMessageContainer.Remove( aIndex );
   307     iContainerSizeInBytes -= target->SizeInBytes();
   308     --iUnreadOffset;
   310     if ( iObserver )
   311         {
   312         iObserver->HandleMessageEvent( MCAMessageObserver::EMessageDeleted,
   313                                        aIndex );
   314         }
   316     if ( target->DecreaseOwnerCount() )
   317         {
   318         delete target;
   319         }
   320     }
   322 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   323 // CCAMessageContainer::AppendL
   324 // ( Other items commented in header )
   325 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 void CCAMessageContainer::AppendL( MCAMessage* aMessage, TBool aSharedOwnership )
   327     {
   328     if ( !aMessage )
   329         {
   330         User::Leave( KErrArgument );
   331         }
   333     if ( !aSharedOwnership )
   334         {
   335         CleanupDeletePushL( aMessage );
   336         }
   338     // Check memory status
   339     // if failes, leave with KErrNoMemory
   340     if ( !iMemoryHandlingLocked )
   341         {
   342         if ( !iMemoryHandler.FreeMemoryIfNeededL( aMessage->SizeInBytes() ) )
   343             {
   344             User::Leave( KErrNoMemory );
   345             }
   346         }
   348     iMessageContainer.AppendL( aMessage );
   349     iContainerSizeInBytes += aMessage->SizeInBytes();
   351     if ( !aSharedOwnership )
   352         {
   353         CleanupStack::Pop( aMessage );
   354         }
   356     aMessage->IncreaseOwnerCount();
   358     aMessage->SetContainerInfo( this );
   360     // Record message if logging is on
   361     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   362         {
   363         iLogger->MakeLogL( aMessage->LoggerMessage() );
   364         }
   366     CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "Address: %s, UserId: %s, Sender %s, Recipient %s" ),
   367              &aMessage->ServerAddress(),
   368              &aMessage->UserId(),
   369              &aMessage->Sender(),
   370              &aMessage->Recipient() );
   372     CCAMessageBase* messageBase = static_cast< CCAMessageBase* >( aMessage );
   373     messageBase->SetContentProcessObserver( this );
   375     if ( iObserver )
   376         {
   377         iObserver->HandleMessageEvent( MCAMessageObserver::ENewMessage );
   378         }
   380     if ( iChatObserver )
   381         {
   382         iChatObserver->HandleChatEvent( MCAChatObserver::EUnreadCountChanged,
   383                                         aMessage );
   384         }
   386     NotifyContactForPending();
   387     }
   389 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   390 // CCAMessageContainer::SetScreenNameL
   391 // ( Other items commented in header )
   392 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   393 void CCAMessageContainer::SetScreenNameL( const TDesC& aScreenName )
   394     {
   395     HBufC* newSn = aScreenName.AllocL();
   396     delete iScreenName;
   397     iScreenName = newSn;
   398     }
   400 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   401 // CCAMessageContainer::OwnScreenName
   402 // ( Other items commented in header )
   403 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   404 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::OwnScreenName() const
   405     {
   406     return ScreenName();
   407     }
   409 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   410 // CCAMessageContainer::LockBufferMemoryHandling
   411 // ( Other items commented in header )
   412 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 //
   414 void CCAMessageContainer::LockBufferMemoryHandling( TBool aLocked )
   415     {
   416     iMemoryHandlingLocked = aLocked;
   417     }
   419 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   420 // CCAMessageContainer::ServerAddress
   421 // ( Other items commented in header )
   422 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   423 //
   424 TTime CCAMessageContainer::Time()
   425     {
   426     TTime time = Time::NullTTime();
   427     TInt count = iMessageContainer.Count();
   428     if ( count == 0 )
   429         {
   430         // no messages, return null
   431         return time;
   432         }
   433     return iMessageContainer[count - 1]->TimeStamp();
   434     }
   436 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 // CCAMessageContainer::ServerAddress
   438 // ( Other items commented in header )
   439 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   440 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::ServerAddress() const
   441     {
   442     if ( !iServerAddress )
   443         {
   444         return KNullDesC;
   445         }
   446     return *iServerAddress;
   447     }
   449 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   450 // CCAMessageContainer::UserId
   451 // ( Other items commented in header )
   452 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   453 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::UserId() const
   454     {
   455     if ( !iUserId )
   456         {
   457         return KNullDesC;
   458         }
   459     return *iUserId;
   460     }
   462 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   463 // CCAMessageContainer::Target
   464 // ( Other items commented in header )
   465 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   466 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::Target() const
   467     {
   468     if ( !iTargetId )
   469         {
   470         return KNullDesC;
   471         }
   472     return *iTargetId;
   473     }
   475 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   476 // CCAMessageContainer::ScreenName
   477 // ( Other items commented in header )
   478 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::ScreenName() const
   480     {
   481     if ( iScreenName )
   482         {
   483         return *iScreenName;
   484         }
   485     return KNullDesC;
   486     }
   488 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   489 // CCAMessageContainer::SetAddToContactAsked
   490 // ( Other items commented in header )
   491 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   492 void CCAMessageContainer::SetAddToContactAsked( TBool aIsAsked )
   493     {
   494     iAddToContactAsked = aIsAsked;
   495     }
   497 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 // CCAMessageContainer::IsAddToContactAsked
   499 // ( Other items commented in header )
   500 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   501 TBool CCAMessageContainer::IsAddToContactAsked() const
   502     {
   503     return iAddToContactAsked;
   504     }
   506 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   507 // CCAMessageContainer::Target
   508 // ( Other items commented in header )
   509 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   510 void CCAMessageContainer::HandleProcessingComplete(
   511     MCAContentProcessor& /* aProcessor */,
   512     MCAMessage& aMessage, TInt /* aStatus */ )
   513     {
   514     TInt count( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   515     if ( !iObserver ) // No observer. No need of informing anything.
   516         {
   517         return;
   518         }
   519     for ( TInt index( count - 1 ); index >= 0; --index )
   520         {
   521         if ( iMessageContainer[ index ] == &aMessage )
   522             {
   523             iObserver->HandleMessageEvent( MCAMessageObserver::EMessageChanged,
   524                                            index );
   525             return;
   526             }
   527         }
   528     }
   530 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   531 // CCAMessageContainer::OrderUid
   532 // ( Other items commented in header )
   533 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 TInt CCAMessageContainer::OrderUid( const CCAMessageContainer& aSourceA,
   535                                     const CCAMessageContainer& aSourceB )
   536     {
   537     // First Server
   538     // Then UserId
   539     // Last Target
   542     /*	TInt res = CAUtils::NeutralCompare( aSourceA.ServerAddress(),
   543                                             aSourceB.ServerAddress() );
   544     	if( res != 0 )
   545     	    {
   546     	    return res;
   547     	    }
   548     	res = CAUtils::NeutralCompare( aSourceA.UserId(), aSourceB.UserId() );
   549     	if( res != 0 )
   550     	    {
   551     	    return res;
   552     	    }*/
   554     return CAUtils::NeutralCompare( aSourceA.ComparableTarget(),
   555                                     aSourceB.ComparableTarget() );
   556     }
   558 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   559 // CCAMessageContainer::ContainerType
   560 // ( Other items commented in header )
   561 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   562 MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType CCAMessageContainer::ContainerType() const
   563     {
   564     return iContainerType;
   565     }
   567 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   568 // CCAMessageContainer::ResolveType
   569 // ( Other items commented in header )
   570 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   571 void CCAMessageContainer::ChangeIdL( const TDesC& aServerAddress,
   572                                      const TDesC& aUserId,
   573                                      const TDesC& aTargetId,
   574                                      TContainerType aType )
   575     {
   576     HBufC* newServer = aServerAddress.AllocLC();
   577     HBufC* newUser = aUserId.AllocLC();
   578     HBufC* newTarget = aTargetId.AllocLC();
   579     HBufC* newDecoded = EscapeUtils::EscapeDecodeL( *newTarget );
   580     CleanupStack::Pop( 3, newServer );
   582     delete iServerAddress;
   583     delete iUserId;
   584     delete iTargetId;
   585     delete iDecodedTargetId;
   587     iServerAddress = newServer;
   588     iUserId = newUser;
   589     iTargetId = newTarget;
   590     iDecodedTargetId = newDecoded;
   592     ResolveType( aType );
   593     }
   595 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   596 // CCAMessageContainer::ResolveType
   597 // ( Other items commented in header )
   598 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   599 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::MessageRecipient( TInt aOperationCode,
   600                                                     TInt& aStatus ) const
   601     {
   602     TInt index = FindIndex( aOperationCode );
   603     if ( index >= 0 )
   604         {
   605         aStatus = KErrNone;
   606         return iMessageContainer[ index ]->Recipient();
   607         }
   608     aStatus = index;
   609     return KNullDesC;
   610     }
   612 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   613 // CCAMessageContainer::ResolveType
   614 // ( Other items commented in header )
   615 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   616 void CCAMessageContainer::SetChatObserver( MCAChatObserver* aObserver )
   617     {
   618     iChatObserver = aObserver;
   619     }
   621 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   622 // CCAMessageContainer::ResolveType
   623 // ( Other items commented in header )
   624 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   625 void CCAMessageContainer::ResolveType( TContainerType aType )
   626     {
   627     if ( aType != ENoneContainer )
   628         {
   629         iContainerType = aType;
   630         }
   631     else if ( iTargetId->Compare( KSendBufferId ) == 0
   632               || iTargetId->Compare( KLoggerBufferId ) == 0 )
   633         {
   634         iContainerType = ESendContainer;
   635         }
   636     else if ( iTargetId->FindC( KGroupIdPart ) == KErrNotFound )
   637         {
   638         iContainerType = EChatContainer;
   639         }
   640     else
   641         {
   642         iContainerType = EGroupContainer;
   643         }
   644     }
   646 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   647 // CCAMessageContainer::StartLoggingL
   648 // ( Other items commented in header )
   649 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   650 void CCAMessageContainer::StartLoggingL( const TDesC& aLogFilename )
   651     {
   652     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "StartLoggingL" );
   653     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( iLogger );
   655     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   656         {
   657         User::Leave( KErrInUse );
   658         }
   660     TChatType type = ( iContainerType == EGroupContainer )
   661                      ? EGroupChat : EPTOPChat;
   662     //Create new headermessage for history file.
   663     CCALoggerMessageHeader* file =
   664         CCALoggerMessageHeader::NewL(	aLogFilename,
   665                                       Name(),
   666                                       type );
   667     //Start logging. The ownership of the file is transferred
   668     iLogger->StartLoggingL( file );
   670     // Flush already got messages to logfile.
   671     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   672         {
   673         // Write the contents of message buffer to log
   674         TInt count( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   675         for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   676             {
   677             iLogger->MakeLogL( iMessageContainer[ a ]->LoggerMessage() );
   678             }
   679         }
   680     }
   682 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   683 // CCAMessageContainer::EndLoggingL
   684 // ( Other items commented in header )
   685 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   686 void CCAMessageContainer::EndLoggingL()
   687     {
   688     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "EndLoggingL" );
   690     //If logging is not on. we do not call endlogging.
   691     //Endlogging will leave with KErrNotReady if we call it without
   692     //logging on.
   693     if ( !iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   694         {
   695         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "EndLoggingL" );
   696         return;
   697         }
   699     //End logging.
   700     iLogger->EndLoggingL();
   701     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "EndLoggingL" );
   702     }
   704 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   705 // CCAMessageContainer::IsLoggingL
   706 // ( Other items commented in header )
   707 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   708 TBool CCAMessageContainer::IsLoggingOn() const
   709     {
   710     return iLogger->IsLoggingOn();
   711     }
   713 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   714 // CCAMessageContainer::FindIndex
   715 // ( Other items commented in header )
   716 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   717 TInt CCAMessageContainer::FindIndex( TInt aOperationCode ) const
   718     {
   719     // Use count of all messages when finding with operationcode.
   720     TInt count( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   721     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   722         {
   723         if ( iMessageContainer[ a ]->OperationCode() == aOperationCode )
   724             {
   725             return a;
   726             }
   727         }
   728     return KErrNotFound;
   729     }
   731 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   732 // CCAMessageContainer::FindIndex
   733 // ( Other items commented in header )
   734 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   735 TInt CCAMessageContainer::FindIndex( MCAMessage& aMessage ) const
   736     {
   737     // Use count of all messages when finding with operationcode.
   738     TInt count( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   739     for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   740         {
   741         if ( iMessageContainer[ a ] == &aMessage )
   742             {
   743             return a;
   744             }
   745         }
   746     return KErrNotFound;
   747     }
   749 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   750 // CCAMessageContainer::TargetId
   751 // ( Other items commented in header )
   752 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   753 //
   754 MCAMessageContainerInfo& CCAMessageContainer::TargetId()
   755     {
   756     return *this;
   757     }
   761 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   762 // CCAMessageContainer::Lock
   763 // locks messagecontainer if needed.
   764 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   765 //
   766 void CCAMessageContainer::Lock( TBool aLocked )
   767     {
   768     iLocked = aLocked;
   769     }
   771 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   772 // CCAMessageContainer::MakeLogL
   773 // Tries to make log if possible.
   774 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   775 //
   776 void CCAMessageContainer::MakeLogL( MCALoggerMessage& aMessage )
   777     {
   778     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "MakeLogL" );
   779     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   780         {
   781         TRAPD( ret, iLogger->MakeLogL( aMessage ) )
   782         if ( ret != KErrNone )
   783             {
   784             TInt ignore;
   785             TRAP( ignore, iLogger->EndLoggingL() )
   786             CActiveScheduler::Current()->Error( ret );
   787             }
   788         }
   789     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "MakeLogL" );
   790     }
   792 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   793 // CCAMessageContainer::NotifyContactForPending
   794 // ( Other items commented in header )
   795 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   796 //
   797 void CCAMessageContainer::NotifyContactForPending() const
   798     {
   799     TInt ignore;
   800     TRAP( ignore,
   801           CCAStorageManagerFactory::ContactListInterfaceL()->
   802           SetPendingMessages( *iTargetId, UnreadCount(
   803                                   MCAMessagesReadInterface::EUnreadReceived ) ) );
   804     }
   806 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   807 // CCAMessageContainer::ComparableTarget
   808 // ( Other items commented in header )
   809 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   810 //
   811 const TDesC& CCAMessageContainer::ComparableTarget() const
   812     {
   813     if ( !iDecodedTargetId )
   814         {
   815         return KNullDesC;
   816         }
   817     return *iDecodedTargetId;
   818     }
   820 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   821 // CCAMessageContainer::AllMessagesCount
   822 // ( Other items commented in header )
   823 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   824 //
   825 TInt CCAMessageContainer::AllMessagesCount() const
   826     {
   827     return iMessageContainer.Count();
   828     }
   830 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   831 // CCABufferManager::NotifyContactForPending
   832 // ( Other items commented in header )
   833 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   834 //
   835 MCAMessage& CCAMessageContainer::MessageFromAll( TInt aIndex ) const
   836     {
   837     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < AllMessagesCount() );
   838     return *iMessageContainer[ aIndex ];
   839     }
   841 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   842 // CCAMessageContainer::DeleteMessageFromAll
   843 // ( Other items commented in header )
   844 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   845 //
   846 void CCAMessageContainer::DeleteMessageFromAll( TInt aIndex )
   847     {
   848     MCAMessage* target = &MessageFromAll( aIndex );
   849     iMessageContainer.Remove( aIndex );
   850     iContainerSizeInBytes -= target->SizeInBytes();
   851     if ( iUnreadOffset > aIndex )
   852         {
   853         --iUnreadOffset;
   854         }
   856     if ( iObserver )
   857         {
   858         iObserver->HandleMessageEvent( MCAMessageObserver::EMessageDeleted,
   859                                        aIndex );
   860         }
   862     if ( target->DecreaseOwnerCount() )
   863         {
   864         delete target;
   865         }
   866     }
   868 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   869 // CCAMessageContainer::IsLocked
   870 // ( Other items commented in header )
   871 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   872 //
   873 TBool CCAMessageContainer::IsLocked() const
   874     {
   875     return iLocked || iMemoryHandlingLocked;
   876     }
   878 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   879 // CCAMessageContainer::ContainerSizeInBytes
   880 // ( Other items commented in header )
   881 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   882 //
   883 TInt CCAMessageContainer::ContainerSizeInBytes() const
   884     {
   885     return iContainerSizeInBytes;
   886     }
   888 //fix - refer Ui Spec Approved Version 1.0 (Instant Messaging NG 001 151006.pdf)
   889 //Section 10.2.10 Pg 131 -
   890 //"In case user has saved the image already or sent it by himself,
   891 // this option(save) is not available."
   892 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   893 // CCAMessageContainer::ReLoggingL
   894 // ( Other items commented in header )
   895 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   896 //
   897 void CCAMessageContainer::ReLoggingL( MCALoggerMessageHeader& aFile )
   898     {
   899     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "ReLoggingL" );
   900     __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( iLogger );
   902     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   903         {
   904         User::Leave( KErrInUse );
   905         }
   907     //Start logging. The ownership of the file is transferred
   908     iLogger->ReLoggingL( aFile );
   910     // Flush already got messages to logfile.
   911     if ( iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   912         {
   913         // Write the contents of message buffer to log
   914         TInt count( iMessageContainer.Count() );
   915         for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
   916             {
   917             iLogger->MakeLogL( iMessageContainer[ a ]->LoggerMessage() );
   918             }
   919         }
   920     }
   922 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   923 // CCAMessageContainer::EndReLoggingL
   924 // ( Other items commented in header )
   925 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   926 void CCAMessageContainer::EndReLoggingL()
   927     {
   928     CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "EndReLoggingL" );
   930     //If logging is not on. we do not call endlogging.
   931     //Endlogging will leave with KErrNotReady if we call it without
   932     //logging on.
   933     if ( !iLogger->IsLoggingOn() )
   934         {
   935         CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "EndReLoggingL" );
   936         return;
   937         }
   939     //End logging.
   940     iLogger->EndReLogging();
   941     CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "EndReLoggingL" );
   942     }
   945 // end of file