changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Presence handling interface for clients.
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef MCAPRESENCE_H
    20 #define MCAPRESENCE_H
    22 // INCLUDES
    23 #include <e32std.h>
    24 #include <badesca.h>
    25 #include "impsbuilddefinitions.h"
    28 class MCAPresenceObserver;
    29 class MCAWatcherObserver;
    30 class MCAContactLists;
    31 class CCAPresenceErrors;
    32 class CPEngNWSessionSlotID2;
    33 class MCAStoredContact;
    34 class MCAReactiveAuthObserver;
    36 struct SServerPrefers;
    40 /**
    41 *  Presence handling interface for UI.
    42 *
    43 *  @lib CAPresence.lib
    44 *  @since 1.2
    45 */
    46 class MCAPresence
    47     {
    48     public:
    50         enum TSubscribeMode
    51             {
    52             ESubscribe,		// Subscribe
    53             EUnSubscribe	// Unsubscribe
    54             };
    56         enum TAuthorizationMode
    57             {
    58             EAuthorizedToAll,	  // Everybody can see your presence
    59             EAuthorizedToFriends, // Only friends can see your presence
    60             EAuthorizedToNone	  // Nobody can see your presence
    61             };
    63         enum TNetworkStatus
    64             {
    65             ELoggedIn,		// Client is logged in
    66             ELoggedOut,		// Client is logged out
    67             ELoggingOut,    // Client is about to log out
    68             EUpdateBrand    // Brand status of client is changed
    69             };
    71         enum TPresenceStatus
    72             {
    73             EUnknown = -1,
    74             EOffline,
    75             EOnline,
    76             EAway,
    77             EBusy
    78             };
    80         enum TDynamicAttributes
    81             {
    82             EAliasAttr = 0
    83             // add more here
    84             };
    86     public:
    88         /**
    89         * If network state changes, module state should be updated by calling
    90         * this method.
    91         * @param aState New state.
    92         * @param aServerPreferences Server preferences structure
    93         */
    94         virtual void HandleNetworkStateL( TNetworkStatus aState,
    95                                           const SServerPrefers& aServerPreferences,
    96                                           CPEngNWSessionSlotID2* aSessionSlotID = NULL ) = 0;
    98         /**
    99         * If some setting value changes, this must be called for presence
   100         * module to have correct behaviour
   101         * @param aState New state.
   102         */
   103         virtual void HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum ) = 0;
   105         /**
   106         * Registers observer for presence data changes in friends-list.
   107         * Unregister can be by passing NULL pointer.
   108         * @param aObserver Pointer to observer
   109         */
   110         virtual void SetPresenceObserver( MCAPresenceObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   112         /**
   113         * Retrieves the observer.
   114         * @return Pointer to the observer.
   115         */
   116         virtual MCAPresenceObserver* PresenceObserver() const = 0;
   118         /**
   119         * Registers observer for presence data changes in friends-list.
   120         * Unregister can be by passing NULL pointer.
   121         * @param aObserver Pointer to observer.
   122         */
   123         virtual void SetWatcherObserver( MCAWatcherObserver* aObserver ) = 0;
   125         /**
   126         * Adds a contact, whose presence status is monitored and if
   127         * it changes, then client receives an event through.
   128         * MCAWatcherObserver-interface. Given contact must be in friends-list!
   129         * @param aWatchList Contact, that gets added.
   130         */
   131         virtual void AddWatcherL( const TDesC& aWVId ) = 0;
   133         /**
   134         * Removes a contact from observed contacts list.
   135         * Given contact must be in observed list.
   136         * @param aWatchList Contact, that is to be removed.
   137         */
   138         virtual void RemoveWatcherL( const TDesC& aWVId ) = 0;
   140         /**
   141         * Refreshes friends-storage presence data.
   142         */
   143         virtual void RefreshFriendsL() = 0;
   145         /**
   146         * Places all friends (from aUserList) that are online to aOnlineList
   147         * and users that are offline to aOfflineList.
   148         * @param aUserList List of users, whose presence data is to be fetched.
   149         * @param aOnlineList List of users, that are online, can be NULL.
   150         * @param aOfflineList List of users, that are offline, can be NULL.
   151         * @param aUpdateStorage If ETrue, contact storage flags are updated
   152         */
   153         virtual void GetOnlineUsersL(
   154             const CDesCArray& aUserList,
   155             CDesCArray* aOnlineList,
   156             CDesCArray* aOfflineList,
   157             TBool aUpdateStorage = EFalse ) = 0;
   159         /**
   160         * Fills aOnlineList with the user id's from friends-list that are
   161         * online.
   162         * @param aOnlineList List that will be populated with online friends.
   163         * @param aFetchFromNetwork Fetch presence information from network
   164         */
   165         virtual void GetOnlineFriendsL( CDesCArray& aOnlineList,
   166                                         TBool aFetchFromNetwork = EFalse ) = 0;
   168         /**
   169         * Subscribes/Unsubscribes friends-list
   170         * @param aMode Request type
   171         * @param aForced Force operation even if application settings state
   172         * that application is in manual-mode
   173         */
   174         virtual void SubscribeFriendsL( const TSubscribeMode aMode ) = 0;
   176         /**
   177         * Returns list-handling interface
   178         * @return List-handling interface
   179         */
   180         virtual MCAContactLists* ContactLists() = 0;
   182         /**
   183         * Returns a reference to error container, that was filled by the last
   184         * operation response.
   185         * @return Reference to error container
   186         */
   187         virtual const CCAPresenceErrors& LastOperationResult() const = 0;
   189         /**
   190          * Cancel pending requests to network
   191          * @since 2.5
   192          */
   193         virtual void CancelPendingRequests() = 0;
   195         /**
   196          * Synchronizes our presence-related settings to the server
   197          * (subcriptions to the friends, presence authorization).
   198          * aServerPreferences The resource branded flags for this server,
   199                               in a struct
   200          * @since 2.5
   201          */
   202         virtual void SynchronizePresenceSettingsL(
   203             const SServerPrefers& aServerPreferences ) = 0;
   205         /**
   206          * Changes client own presence status, and sets status message
   207          * @param aStatus Presence status
   208          * @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
   209          * @return Error code.
   210          */
   211         virtual TInt ChangeStatusL( TPresenceStatus aStatus,
   212                                     const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) = 0;
   214         /**
   215          * Changes presence status message
   216          * @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
   217          * @return Operation error.
   218          */
   219         virtual TInt ChangeStatusMessageL( const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) = 0;
   221         /**
   222          * Gets client own current presence status
   223          * @return current presence status
   224          */
   225         virtual TPresenceStatus StatusL()  = 0;
   226         /**
   227          * Get alias for given user.
   228          * Use this only for one-shot rare operations.
   229          * @param aUserId The user id for which to fetch alias attribute
   230          * @return The alias, ownership is transferred.
   231          * Leaves with KErrNotFound if the alias cannot be found,
   232          * otherwise some other KErr-code (e.g. KErrNoMemory)
   233          */
   234         virtual HBufC* AliasL( const TDesC& aUserId ) = 0;
   236         /**
   237          * Get alias for given user.
   238          * Use this only for one-shot rare operations.
   239          * @param aContact The user for which to fetch alias attribute
   240          * @return The alias, ownership is transferred.
   241          * Leaves with KErrNotFound if the alias cannot be found,
   242          * otherwise some other KErr-code (e.g. KErrNoMemory)
   243          */
   244         virtual HBufC* AliasL( MCAStoredContact* aContact ) = 0;
   246         /**
   247          * Adds own presence status observer.
   248          * Leaves with KErrNotReady if not logged in.
   249          */
   250         virtual void AddOwnPresenceStatusObserverL(
   251             MCAPresenceObserver* aObserver )  = 0;
   253         /**
   254          * Initializes presence engine interface
   255          */
   256         virtual void InitializePresenceAPIL(
   257             CPEngNWSessionSlotID2& aSessionSlotID )  = 0;
   259         /**
   260          * Add given attribute to the list of attributes.
   261          * After this the new attributesd will be
   262          * subscribed to.
   263          * @param aAttribute The attribute to add
   264          */
   265         virtual void AddAttributeL( TInt aAttribute ) = 0;
   267         /**
   268          * Remove given attribute from the list of attributes
   269          * After this the new attributesd will be
   270          * subscribed to.
   271          * @param aAttribute The attribute to remove
   272          */
   273         virtual void RemoveAttributeL( TInt aAttribute ) = 0;
   275         /**
   276          * Reset the attributes to defaults.
   277          * @param aNotifyListManager Notify the list manager about the
   278          * resetting (ETrue), or not (EFalse)
   279          */
   280         virtual void ResetAttributesL( TBool aNotifyListManager = ETrue ) = 0;
   282         /**
   283          * Update the alias data to network server, if supported
   284          */
   285         virtual void UpdateAliasAttributeL() = 0;
   287         /**
   288          * Set the observer for reactive authorization
   289          */
   290         virtual void SetReactiveAuthObserver(
   291             MCAReactiveAuthObserver* aRAObserver ) = 0;
   293         /**
   294          * Send reactive authorization response
   295          * @param aId The id number given through observer
   296          * @param aResponse The response, ETrue if authorizing,
   297                             EFalse if denying
   298          */
   299         virtual void SendReactiveAuthResponseL( TInt aId, TBool aResponse ) = 0;
   301         /**
   302          * @return The number of pending requests
   303          */
   304         virtual TInt PendingRARequestCount() = 0;
   306         /**
   307          * Get the information from the next reactive authorization request for
   308          * processing
   309          * @param aId Will contain the id for the request
   310          * @param aUserId Will contain the user id
   311          * @param aLastPos Position of previous found request in queue
   312          * @return ETrue if there is another request in the queue
   313          */
   314         virtual TBool GetNextPendingRARequestL( TInt& aId, TDes& aUserId,
   315                                                 TInt& aLastPos ) = 0;
   317         /**
   318          * @return The number of new status messages
   319          */
   320         virtual TInt RAStatusCount() = 0;
   322         /**
   323          * Get the information from the next reactive authorization status
   324          * request for processing
   325          * @param aId Will contain the id for the request
   326          * @param aStatus ETrue if accepted, EFalse if denied
   327          * @param aUserId Will contain the user id
   328          * @param aLastPos Position of previous found request in queue
   329          * @return ETrue if there is another request in the queue
   330          */
   331         virtual TBool GetNextRAStatusL( TInt& aId, TBool& aStatus,
   332                                         TDes& aUserId, TInt& aLastPos ) = 0;
   334         /**
   335          * Called after the login is fully done, this method will notify the
   336          * observers of any RA messages received during the login phase.
   337          */
   338         virtual void PostLoginRAFlushL() = 0;
   340     protected:
   342         /**
   343         * Destructor.
   344         */
   345         virtual ~MCAPresence() {};
   346     };
   348 #endif      // MCAPRESENCE_H
   350 // End of File