changeset 0 094583676ce7
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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation for PC Search Interface
    15 *
    16 */
    23 // INCLUDES
    24 #include	"MCASearchInterfacePC.h"
    25 #include    "MCABackgroundObserver.h"
    29 class MCASearchBackgroundObserverPC;
    30 class MCASearchInterface;
    31 class MCASearchObserverInterfacePC;
    32 class MCAGroupManagerInterface;
    33 class MCAStoredGroups;
    36 //class declaration
    37 /**
    38  *  Implementation class for Search Interface for the UI.
    39  *
    40  *  @lib wvuiprocessng.lib
    41  *  @since 3.2
    42  */
    43 class CCASearchInterfacePC: public CBase,
    44             public MCASearchInterfacePC,
    45             public MCABackgroundObserver
    47     {
    49     public:
    51         /**
    52         * Symbian Two Phase Constructor
    53         * @param aSearchInterface : a reference to search interface in the chat engine
    54         * @param aBackgroundInterface : a ref. to background interface in the chat engine
    55         * @param groupMgrInterface : a ref. to group manager interface in the chat engine
    56         */
    57         static CCASearchInterfacePC* NewL( MCASearchInterface* aSearchInterface ,
    58                                            MCABackgroundInterface& aBackgroundInterface,
    59                                            MCAGroupManagerInterface& groupMgrInterface );
    62         /**
    63          * virtual destructor
    64          */
    65         virtual ~CCASearchInterfacePC();
    67     private:
    68         /**
    69         * default constructor
    70         * @param aSearchInterface : a reference to search interface in the chat engine
    71         * @param aBackgroundInterface : a ref. to background interface in the chat engine
    72         */
    75         CCASearchInterfacePC( MCASearchInterface* aSearchInterface,
    76                               MCABackgroundInterface& aBackgroundInterface,
    77                               MCAGroupManagerInterface& groupMgrInterface );
    79         /**
    80         * constructor
    81         * @since 3.2
    82         */
    83         void ConstructL();
    85     public:
    87         /**
    88          * Find any contact which id is aContactId
    89          * @param aContactId Contactid to recognize contact.
    90          * @return ETrue if contact found else EFalse
    91          */
    92         TBool FindAnyContactL( const TDesC& aContactId );
    94         /**
    95         * To convert the engine side TCABackgroundTasks enum to PC side TEnumsPC
    96         * @param aEventSource: enum type in engine MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundTasks
    97         * @return TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundTasks
    98         */
    99         TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundTasks ConvertTCABackgroundTasksToTEnumsPC
   100         ( MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundTasks aEventSource );
   102         /**
   103         * To convert the engine side TCABackgroundStatus enum to PC side TEnumsPC
   104         * @param aEventSource: enum type in engine MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundStatus
   105         * @return TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundStatus
   106         */
   107         TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundStatus ConvertTCABackgroundStatus
   108         ( MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundStatus aStatus );
   110         /**
   111         * To convert the PC Side TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundTasks enum to Engine side TCABackgroundStatus
   112         * @param aSource: enum type in process TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundStatus
   113         * @return enum type in engine MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundStatus
   114         */
   115         MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundTasks ConvertToTCABackgroundTasks
   116         ( TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundTasks aSource );
   118         /**
   119         * To convert the PC Side TSearchCriteria enum to IMEngine side TImpsSearchElement
   120         * @param aElement: enum type in process TEnumsPC::TSearchCriteria
   121         * @return enum type in IMEngine TImpsSearchElement
   122         */
   123         TImpsSearchElement CCASearchInterfacePC::
   124         ConvertToTImpsSearchElement( TEnumsPC::TSearchCriteria aElement );
   126         /**
   127          * @return a CSearchPairs pointer
   128          */
   129         CSearchPairs* SearchPairs();
   131         /**
   132          * set search pairs
   133          * @param aCount: specifies the number of elements
   134          * in the array iSearchPairs that has to be constructed
   135          */
   136         void SetSearchPairsL( TInt aCount );
   138         /**
   139          * @return ETrue if iSearchPairs is not null
   140          */
   141         TBool IsSearchPairsSet();
   143         /**
   144          * @return SearchString -string to be searched
   145          */
   146         HBufC*  GetSearchStringLC();
   148         /**
   149         * Builds the search pairs and sets the search requestSet values.
   150         * This allocates memory and copies aValue to its internal data storage.
   151         * @param aSearchCriteriaArray specifies list of search criterias (search keys)
   152         * @param aSearchStringArray specifies array of strings to be searched(search values)
   153         */
   155         void SetRequestL(  RArray<TEnumsPC::TSearchCriteria>&  aSearchCriteriaArray,
   156                            CDesCArray& aSearchStringArray );
   157     public://From MCABackgroundObserver
   159         /**
   160         * Call if an event happend that match registered task and event mask.
   161         * @param aEventSource is the source of event
   162         * @param aStatus is the status of the background task
   163         * @param aSubTaskNumber is the number of subtask
   164         * @param aLeaveCode is the leave code of the task/subtask
   165         */
   166         void HandleBackgroundEvent(
   167             MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundTasks aEventSource,
   168             MCABackgroundInterface::TCABackgroundStatus aStatus,
   169             TInt aSubTaskNumber,
   170             TInt aLeaveCode
   171         );
   173     public://From MCASearchInterfacePC
   175         /**
   176         * @see MCASearchInterfacePC
   177         * To add the UI side observer for MCASearchObserverInterfacePC
   178         * events from the engine.
   179         */
   180         void AddObserver( MCASearchObserverInterfacePC* aObserver );
   182         /**
   183         * @see MCASearchInterfacePC
   184         * To remove the UI side observer for MCASearchObserverInterfacePC
   185         * events from the engine.
   186         */
   187         void RemoveObserver();
   189         /**
   190         * Registers observer for background task
   191         * @param aBackgaBackgroundObserver pointer of instance of UI component
   192         * @param aTaskMask is an AND mask for task requested,
   193         * @param aEventMask is an AND mask for events requested,
   194         * @return KErrNone on success, system wide error code otherwise
   195         */
   196         TInt RegisterBackgroundObserver(
   197             MCASearchBackgroundObserverPC* aBackgroundObserver,
   198             TInt aTaskMask,
   199             TInt aEventMask );
   201         /**
   202         * Removes observer from the queue
   203         * @param aBackgroundObserver pointer of instance to remove
   204         */
   205         void UnRegisterBackgroundObserver(
   206             MCASearchBackgroundObserverPC* aBackgroundObserver );
   208         /**
   209         * @param aTaskID is an id of a background task
   210         * @retrun status of the background task or KErrNotFound
   211         */
   212         TInt BackgroundTaskStatus( TEnumsPC::TCABackgroundTasks aTaskID );
   214     public:
   216         /**
   217         * @see MCASearchObserverInterface::HandleSearchError
   218         */
   219         void HandleSearchError( TInt aErrorCode );
   220         /**
   221         * @see MCASearchObserverInterface::HandleSearchFinished
   222         */
   223         void HandleSearchFinished( );
   226     public:
   228         /**
   229          * @see MCASearchInterfacePC
   230          * Start the search.
   231          * @param aSearchLimit defines how many results you want.
   232          * @param aObserver The observer for this search operation
   233          * @param aSearchPairs Pairs to be searched
   234          * @return Error code.
   235          * Leaves
   236          *   ESearchNotSupported
   237          */
   238         TInt StartSearchL( TInt aSearchLimit,
   239                            MCASearchObserverInterfacePC* aObserver,
   240                            CSearchPairs* aSearchPairs = NULL ) ;
   242         /**
   243           * @see MCASearchInterfacePC
   244           * Stops the current search. Must be called before starting new search.
   245          * @return Error code.
   246          * Leaves
   247          *   ESearchNotSupported
   248          */
   249         TInt EndSearchL() ;
   251         /**
   252          * @see MCASearchInterfacePC
   253          * Continues search. This function must only be called when more results
   254          * are wanted.
   255          * @param aIndex specifies the next index where to start search.
   256          * @param aObserver The observer for this search operation
   257          * @return Error code.
   258          * Leaves
   259          *   ERequestedResultsButNotAvailable
   260          *   ESearchNotSupported
   261          */
   262         TInt SearchNextL( TInt aIndex, MCASearchObserverInterfacePC* aObserver ) ;
   264         /**
   265          * Gets the properties of group
   266          * @param The group id
   267          * @param aCommonProps Common group properties
   268          * @param aPrivateProps Private group properties
   269          * @return CSP error code
   270          */
   271         virtual TEnumsPC::TImpsCSPAllErrors GetPropertiesL( const TDesC& aGroupId,
   272                                                             CImpsCommonGroupProps*& aCommonProps,
   273                                                             CImpsPrivateGroupProps*& aPrivateProps
   274                                                           );
   276         /**
   277         * To set the groupname of the group whose id is aGroupId
   278         * @param aGroupId: id of the group whose name has to be set
   279         * @param aGroupName: name of the group to be set
   280         */
   281         virtual void SetGroupNameL( const TDesC& aGroupId, const TDesC& aGroupName );
   283         /**
   284         * To create a group with group id aGroupId
   285         * @param aGroupId: id of the group to be created
   286         */
   287         virtual void CreateGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   289         /**
   290         * To save the changes made to a groups properties and make it persistent. Once this is done
   291         * the isFavorite property of the group will always return true.
   292         * @param aGroupId: id of the group which has to be saved
   293         */
   294         virtual void SaveChangesL( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   296         /**
   297         * To populate the two arrays of group names and goup ids
   298         * @param aGroupNames: array of the current group names
   299         * @param aGroupIds: array of the current group IDs
   300         */
   301         virtual MCAServerContactsArrayPC* GetPairArrayForServerContactsArrayLC() ;
   303         /**
   304         * To set the groupname of the group whose id is aGroupId
   305         * @param aGroupId: id of the group which has to be searched for
   306         * @param bool : returns true if the group with aGroupId is found else returns false
   307         */
   308         virtual TBool FindGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId );
   310         /**
   311          * Delete the given group
   312          * @param aGroupId The group id of the group to delete
   313          * @param aDeleteFromNetwork Defines whether the group should
   314          *        be deleted also from network server or not
   315          * @return The errorcode
   316          */
   317         virtual TInt DeleteGroupL( const TDesC& aGroupId, TBool aDeleteFromNetwork );
   319         /**
   320         * To get the groupname of the group whose id is aGroupId
   321         * @param aGroupId: of the group whose name has to be set
   322         * @param aHasCommonProps: Returned by reference. True if the group has common group properties
   323         * else return false
   324         * @param aImpsError: return by reference. Return the error code if any.
   325         */
   326         virtual TPtrC GetGroupNameL( const TDesC& aGroupId, TBool& aHasCommonProps,
   327                                      TEnumsPC::TImpsCSPAllErrors& aImpsError );
   328         /*
   329          * Get the storage type of this group and check if it is a persistent grp.
   330          * If the group is marked as favourite, then it will be persistent
   331          * @return ETrue if favourite else EFalse
   332          */
   333         virtual TBool IsFavouriteChatGroup( const TDesC& aGroupId ) const;
   336         /*
   337          * Get the total no. of groups the user has joined too'.
   338          */
   339         virtual TInt JoinedGroups();
   341     private:
   343         /*
   344          * To convert the imps error code to the TEnumsPC type to pass in to the UI.
   345          * @param integer imps error code
   346          * @return TImpsCSPAllErrors specified in TEnumsPC
   347          */
   348         TEnumsPC::TImpsCSPAllErrors ConvertImpsErrorToUiEnums( TInt aImpsError );
   350     private:
   352         /**
   353         * iDataInterface: a reference to searchdata interface in the chat engine
   354         */
   355         MCASearchInterface* iSearchInterface;
   357         /**
   358         * Does not own, do not delete
   359         * iSearchObserverPC: a reference to the observer for events
   360         * from MCASearchInterfacePC. MCASearchInterfacePC inturn receives
   361         * the actual engine events from MCASearchObserverInterface.
   362         */
   363         MCASearchObserverInterfacePC* iSearchObserverPC;
   365         /**
   366         * Pointer to BackgroundObserverPC that has to be given to UI
   367         */
   368         MCASearchBackgroundObserverPC* iBackgroundObserver;
   370         /**
   371         * Reference to the engine's contactlist model
   372         */
   373         MCABackgroundInterface& iBackgroundInterface;
   375         // SearchPairs, Owns.
   376         CSearchPairs* iSearchPairs;
   378         //Reference to the group manager interface in the engine component. Doesnt own
   379         MCAGroupManagerInterface& iGroupMgrInterface;
   381         //Pointer to stored groups interface in the storage component. Doesnt own
   382         MCAStoredGroups* iStoredGroupsInterface;
   383     };
   385 #endif      // CCASEARCHINTERFACEPC_H
   387 // End of File