changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuiave/AppSrc/CCAContactSelectionDialog.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Multi/single contact selection dialog
+#include "MCAMainViewObserverPC.h"
+#include "MCAMainViewArrayPC.h"
+#include "TEnumsPC.h"
+#include "CCAAppUi.h"
+#include <akndialog.h>
+#include <eiklbo.h>
+class CAknSingle2GraphicStyleListBox;
+class CAknSearchField;
+class MCASkinVariant;
+class CAknNavigationControlContainer;
+class CCAStatusPaneHandler;
+class CAknNavigationDecorator;
+class CCAContactListBox;
+class MCASettingsPC;
+ *  Multi/single contact selection dialog
+ *  Used for selecting contact(s)
+ *
+ *  @lib chat.exe
+ *  @since Series 60 3.0
+ */
+class CCAContactSelectionDialog : public CAknDialog,
+            public MEikListBoxObserver,
+            public MCAMainViewObserverPC
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+          * static method for displaying the dialog
+          * @param Array to be filled by on pcside and returned
+          * with selectedcontacts,
+          * @param aSelectMultiple ETrue if multiplecontacts
+          *                        need to be selected(selection
+          *                        list to be displayed)
+          *                        else EFalse
+          * @param aFilter If defined it is used, otherwise
+          *                filtering is based on variation
+          *                and settings.
+          * @param aDisplayFilter If not defined display
+          *                filtering is based on iFilter.
+         */
+        static TBool ShowDialogL(
+            CDesCArray& aSelectedContacts,
+            MCAMainViewArrayPC& aMainViewArrayPC,
+            MCASkinVariant& aSkinVariant,
+            MCASettingsPC& aSettings,
+            TDesC& aMbmPath,
+            TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelectMultiple,
+            TInt aResourceId,
+            CCAStatusPaneHandler& aStatusPaneHandler,
+            CDesCArray* aSelectedIdentifications,
+            TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter
+            = TEnumsPC::EFilterNotDefined,
+            TEnumsPC::TFilterType aDisplayFilter
+            = TEnumsPC::EFilterNotDefined,
+            TBool aBlockingSelection = EFalse,
+            TInt aSelectedListIndex = 0,
+            TBool* aShutDialogFromFSW = NULL );
+    protected:  // Functions from MCAMainViewObserverPC
+        /**
+          * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is deleted.
+          * @since 2.1
+          * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+          */
+        virtual void HandleDelete( const TDesC& aContactId ,
+                                   TEnumsPC::TItem aType );
+        /**
+         * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is added.
+         * @since 2.1
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+         */
+        virtual void HandleAddition( TEnumsPC::TItem aType, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is changed.
+         * @since 2.1
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+         */
+        virtual void HandleChange( TEnumsPC::TItem aType, TInt aIndex,
+                                   TEnumsPC::TChange changeType );
+        /**
+         * Handles setting changes.
+         * @param aChangedSettingEnum specifies the changed setting.
+         */
+        virtual void HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum );
+        /**
+         * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a contact is changed.
+         * @since 2.1
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+         */
+        virtual void HandleWatcherEvent( const TDesC &  aString , TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aOnlineStatus );
+        /**
+         * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a invitation is received.
+         * @since 2.1
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+         */
+        virtual void HandleInvitationEventL( TEnumsPC::TInviteType /* aInviteType */,
+                                             const TDesC& aUserID,
+                                             const TDesC& aMessage );
+        /**
+         * From MCAMainViewObserverPC, called when a invitation is received.
+         * @since 2.1
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverPC
+         */
+        virtual void HandleInvitationResponse( TBool /*aAcceptance*/,
+                                               const TDesC& /*aUserId*/,
+                                               const TDesC&  /*aGroupName*/,
+                                               const TDesC& /*aResponse*/ );
+    protected:	// Functions from MEikListBoxObserver
+        /**
+         * Handles list box event
+         */
+        void HandleListBoxEventL( CEikListBox* aListBox,
+                                  TListBoxEvent aEventType );
+    protected:  // Functions from MCoeControlObserver
+        /**
+         * Handles events from findpane
+         */
+        void HandleControlEventL( CCoeControl* aControl, TCoeEvent aEventType );
+    protected:  // Functions from CAknDialog
+        /**
+         * @see CCoeControl
+         */
+        TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL( const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+                                     TEventCode aType );
+        /**
+        * @see CCoeControl
+        */
+        TInt CountComponentControls() const;
+        /**
+        * @see CCoeControl
+        */
+        CCoeControl* ComponentControl( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+         * @see MEikMenuObserver
+         */
+        void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId,
+                               CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+        /**
+         * @see CEikDialog
+         */
+        void PreLayoutDynInitL();
+        /**
+           * @see CEikDialog
+         */
+        void PostLayoutDynInitL();
+        /**
+         * @see CEikDialog
+         */
+        TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
+        /**
+         * @see CAknDialog
+         */
+        void ProcessCommandL( TInt aCommandId );
+        /**
+         * @see CAknDialog
+         */
+        void Draw( const TRect &aRect ) const;
+        /**
+         * @see CAknDialog
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         */
+        void SetSizeAndPosition( const TSize& aSize );
+        /**
+         * Creates custom controls for dialog:
+         *      - Search field
+         *      - List box, CCAContactListBox
+         * @see CAknDialog
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         */
+        SEikControlInfo CreateCustomControlL( TInt aControlType );
+        /**
+         * @see CEikDialog
+         */
+        void HandleDialogPageEventL( TInt aEventID );
+    private:    // new functions
+        /**
+         * Current index
+         * @return current index
+         */
+        TInt CurrentIndex();
+        /**
+         * Set new navi label for current situation.
+         */
+        void SetNaviLabelL();
+        /**
+         * Reset the search box.
+         * @since 3.0
+         */
+        void ResetFindBoxL();
+        /**
+         * Update the filter when collapsing the list.
+         * @since 3.0
+         */
+        void UpdateFilterL();
+        /**
+         * Return search field from dialog.
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         * @return CAknSearchField
+         */
+        CAknSearchField* FindBox() const;
+        /**
+         * Return list box from dialog.
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         * @return CEikListBox, can be casted to CCAContactListBox
+         */
+        CEikListBox* ListBox() const;
+        /**
+         * Updates CBA.
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         */
+        void UpdateCbaL();
+    private:
+        /**
+          * C++ default constructor.
+           */
+        CCAContactSelectionDialog(
+            CDesCArray& aSelectedContacts,
+            MCAMainViewArrayPC& aMainViewArrayPC,
+            MCASettingsPC& aSettings,
+            MCASkinVariant& aSkinVariant,
+            TDesC& aMbmPath,
+            TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelectMultiple,
+            CCAStatusPaneHandler& aStatusPaneHandler,
+            CDesCArray* aSelectedIdentifications,
+            TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter,
+            TEnumsPC::TFilterType aDisplayFilter,
+            TBool* iShutDialogFromFSW,
+            TBool aBlockingSelection );
+        /**
+         * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
+          */
+        TBool ConstructL( TInt aSelectedListIndex = 0 );
+        /**
+        * Layouts current components according to AVKON LAF
+        */
+        void SetLayout();
+        /**
+         * Destructor.
+          */
+        virtual ~CCAContactSelectionDialog();
+    private:    // Data
+        // Doesn't own.
+        CDesCArray& iSelectedContacts;
+        // Doesn't own.interface to MainViewArrayPC
+        MCAMainViewArrayPC& iMainViewArrayPC;
+        // Doesn't own. interface to SettingsPC
+        MCASettingsPC& iSettings;
+        // Doesn't own. interface to skinvariant for loading bitmaps
+        MCASkinVariant& iSkinVariant;
+        // Doesn't own. path to bitmap file
+        TDesC& iMbmPath;
+        // Can we select multiple contacts
+        TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType iSelectMultiple;
+        // Doesn't own, interface to navipane
+        CAknNavigationControlContainer* iNaviPane;
+        // Owns. Navi pane text.
+        CAknNavigationDecorator* iNaviPaneText;
+        // Do we have pushed navipane in stack
+        TBool iNaviPanePushed;
+        // Do we need to remove the cleared navepane from stack
+        TBool iNaviPaneCleared;
+        // Owns. old titlepane text
+        HBufC* iOldTitle;
+        // selection counter
+        TInt iSelectionCount;
+        // set this to ETrue before calling TryExitL
+        TBool iExiting;
+        // filter that should be used with contact list model
+        TEnumsPC::TFilterType iFilter;
+        // filter that was previously used
+        TEnumsPC::TFilterType iDisplayFilter;
+        // status pane handler
+        CCAStatusPaneHandler& iStatusPaneHandler;
+        // Doesn't own.
+        CDesCArray* iSelectedIdentifications;
+        TBool iBlockingSelection;
+        CCAAppUi* iAppUi;
+        // if success remove from cleanupstack in destructor
+        TBool iDialogCreationSuccess;
+        // ETrue if user try to exit IM from FSW (Fast Swap Window), else always is EFalse.
+        TBool* iShutDialogFromFSW;
+    };
+// End of File