--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuiave/AppSrc/CCASmileyUtil.cpp Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: Utility for selecting smile icon and converting
+* between smile id and smile string.
+#include "CCASmileyUtil.h"
+#include "CCAPicture.h"
+#include "ChatDefinitions.h"
+#include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
+#include "IMUtils.h"
+#include "ccasmileyinformation.h"
+// The Settings have been moved to Cenrep (also retained in the Resource file),
+// so the enums for keys and central repository header is added here
+#include "VariantKeys.h"
+#include <PUAcodes.hrh>
+#include <gulicon.h>
+#include <txtrich.h>
+#include <gdi.h>
+#include <eikrted.h>
+#include <frmtlay.h>
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::NewL
+// Two-phased constructor.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCASmileyUtil* CCASmileyUtil::NewL( MCASkinVariant& aSkinVariant,
+ MCAAppUi& aAppUi, TMessageExtensionTypes aType )
+ {
+ CCASmileyUtil* self = new ( ELeave ) CCASmileyUtil( aType );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL( aSkinVariant, aAppUi );
+ CleanupStack::Pop();
+ return self;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::~CCASmileyUtil
+// Destructor
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ {
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ delete iSmileUtil;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::CCASmileyUtil
+// C++ constructor can NOT contain any code, that
+// might leave.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+CCASmileyUtil::CCASmileyUtil( TMessageExtensionTypes aType )
+ : MCAMessageExtension( aType )
+ {
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ConstructL
+// ConstructL
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ConstructL( MCASkinVariant& aSkinVariant,
+ MCAAppUi& aAppUi )
+ {
+ iSmileUtil = CCASmileIconUtility::NewL( aSkinVariant, aAppUi );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::InsertExtensionL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::InsertExtensionL( CEikRichTextEditor& aEditor,
+ TBool& aCancelled )
+ {
+ TPictureHeader picHeader;
+ TInt bitmapId( KErrNone );
+ TInt retVal = iSmileUtil->LaunchSmileIconDialogL( bitmapId );
+ if ( retVal )
+ {
+ // check if there is room for icon, if not return
+ if ( ( aEditor.MaxLength() - aEditor.TextLength() ) < KChatSmileyLength )
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ //we don't own this
+ CGulIcon* icon = const_cast<CGulIcon*>(
+ iSmileUtil->GetSmileIcon( bitmapId ) );
+ //create CCAPicture from selected icon
+ CCAPicture* smileIcon = new ( ELeave ) CCAPicture(
+ *CCoeEnv::Static()->SystemGc().Device(),
+ icon,
+ bitmapId );
+ picHeader.iPicture = TSwizzle<CPicture>( smileIcon );
+ TInt cursorPos = aEditor.CursorPos();
+ // insert smiley to editor
+ aEditor.RichText()->InsertL( cursorPos, picHeader );
+ // icon is inserted, and it should be converted to text
+ // before sending, so it needs extra chars according to smiley string length
+ TInt textLimit = aEditor.MaxLength() -
+ iSmileUtil->GetSmileString( bitmapId ).Length() + 1; // 1 to take icon
+ // length into count
+ aEditor.SetTextLimit( textLimit );
+ // apply formatting
+ TCharFormat charFormat;
+ TCharFormatMask charFormatMask;
+ charFormat.iFontPresentation.iPictureAlignment =
+ TFontPresentation::EAlignCentered;
+ charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontPictureAlignment );
+ aEditor.RichText()->ApplyCharFormatL( charFormat, charFormatMask, 0,
+ aEditor.TextLength() );
+ if ( &aEditor != iEditor )
+ {
+ iEditor = &aEditor;
+ iCurrentCount = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++iCurrentCount;
+ }
+ aCancelled = EFalse;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ aCancelled = ETrue;
+ }
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ExtensionToStringL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ExtensionToStringL( CEikRichTextEditor& anEditor, TDes& aDes )
+ {
+ RArray<TInt> iconIndArray;
+ CleanupClosePushL( iconIndArray );
+ CPicture* editorPic;
+ TInt i;
+ TInt limit( 0 );
+ // for loop gets icon positions to array
+ TInt length = aDes.Length();
+ for ( i = 0; i < length; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( aDes[ i ] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter )
+ {
+ User::LeaveIfError( iconIndArray.Append( i ) );
+ }
+ }
+ // real count of pictures
+ TInt count = anEditor.RichText()->PictureCount();
+ TInt indCount = iconIndArray.Count();
+ if ( &anEditor != iEditor )
+ {
+ Reset();
+ }
+ // whisper message
+ if ( indCount > iCurrentCount )
+ {
+ limit = indCount - iCurrentCount;
+ }
+ if ( indCount > 0 )
+ {
+ for ( i = count; i > limit; --i )
+ {
+ editorPic = anEditor.RichText()->PictureHandleL(
+ iconIndArray[ i - 1 ], MLayDoc::EForceLoadTrue );
+ if ( !editorPic )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
+ }
+ CCAPicture* icon = static_cast<CCAPicture*> ( editorPic );
+ TInt oldLen = aDes.Length();
+ TInt iconIndex = icon->Index();
+ if ( iconIndex >= 0 && iconIndex < iSmileUtil->SmileIconCount() )
+ {
+ //delete padding char
+ aDes.Delete( iconIndArray[ i - 1 ], 1 ); // 1 = one char
+ //insert string smiley
+ aDes.Insert( iconIndArray[ i - 1 ],
+ iSmileUtil->GetSmileString( icon->Index() ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); // iconIndArray.Close()
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL
+// Convert selection smileys to icons.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL( CEikRichTextEditor& aEditor )
+ {
+ TInt selectAdd( 0 );
+ // for loop gets icon positions to array
+ TInt start = aEditor.Selection().LowerPos();
+ TInt end = aEditor.Selection().HigherPos();
+ // Clear convert array, it has something, but its not correct
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ HBufC* des = HBufC::NewLC( IMUtils::MaxMsgLength() );
+ TPtr desText( des->Des() );
+ aEditor.GetText( desText );
+ TInt txtLen = desText.Length();
+ if ( txtLen < end )
+ {
+ end = txtLen;
+ }
+ desText.Delete( end, txtLen - end );
+ desText.Delete( 0, start );
+ iSmileUtil->SearchSmilesL( desText, iConvertArray, NULL, start );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ TPtrC myDebug( aEditor.Text()->Read( 0 ) );
+ CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL 3- %S" ), &myDebug );
+ for ( TInt a( iConvertArray.Count() - 1 ); a >= 0; --a )
+ {
+ if ( iConvertArray[ a ]->Position() >= start && iConvertArray[ a ]->Position() < end ) // do we convert or not
+ {
+ TPictureHeader picHeader;
+ // Insert icon in place
+ //we don't own this
+ CGulIcon* icon = const_cast<CGulIcon*>(
+ iSmileUtil->GetSmileIcon( iConvertArray[ a ]->Index() ) );
+ //create CCAPicture from selected icon
+ CCAPicture* smileIcon = new ( ELeave ) CCAPicture(
+ *CCoeEnv::Static()->SystemGc().Device(),
+ icon,
+ iConvertArray[ a ]->Index() );
+ picHeader.iPicture = TSwizzle<CPicture>( smileIcon );
+ aEditor.Text()->DeleteL( iConvertArray[ a ]->Position(), iConvertArray[ a ]->SmileyString().Length() );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ myDebug.Set( aEditor.Text()->Read( 0 ) );
+ CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL 3b %S %d" )
+ , &myDebug, iConvertArray[ a ]->Position() );
+ aEditor.RichText()->InsertL( iConvertArray[ a ]->Position(), picHeader );
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+ myDebug.Set( aEditor.Text()->Read( 0 ) );
+ CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL 3c %S" ), &myDebug );
+ selectAdd -= iConvertArray[ a ]->SmileyString().Length() - 1;
+ // icon is inserted, and it should be converted to text
+ // before sending, so it needs extra chars according to smiley string length
+ TInt textLimit =
+ aEditor.MaxLength() - iConvertArray[ a ]->SmileyString().Length();
+ TInt currentlength = aEditor.Text()->DocumentLength();
+ aEditor.SetTextLimit( Max( textLimit, currentlength ) );
+ if ( &aEditor != iEditor )
+ {
+ iEditor = &aEditor;
+ iCurrentCount = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ++iCurrentCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Apply formatting
+ TInt selectionLen = end + selectAdd - start;
+ TCharFormat charFormat;
+ TCharFormatMask charFormatMask;
+ charFormat.iFontPresentation.iPictureAlignment =
+ TFontPresentation::EAlignCentered;
+ charFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontPictureAlignment );
+ aEditor.RichText()->ApplyCharFormatL( charFormat, charFormatMask,
+ start, selectionLen );
+ // Handle changes in editor
+ aEditor.TextView()->HandleGlobalChangeL();
+ // Set selection to correct after adding images
+ aEditor.SetSelectionL( start, end + selectAdd );
+ // Clear convert array
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( des );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL
+// Convert selection smileys to icons.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToExtensionL( CRichText& aRichText, TCursorSelection& aSelection )
+ {
+ TInt start( aSelection.LowerPos() );
+ TInt length( aSelection.Length() );
+ // Clear convert array and fetch the text
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ HBufC* text = HBufC::NewMaxLC( aRichText.DocumentLength() );
+ TPtr desText( text->Des() );
+ aRichText.Extract( desText, start, length );
+ iSmileUtil->SearchSmilesL( desText, iConvertArray );
+ for ( TInt a( iConvertArray.Count() - 1 ); a >= 0; --a )
+ {
+ TPictureHeader picHeader;
+ // Insert icon in place
+ //we don't own this
+ CGulIcon* icon = const_cast<CGulIcon*>(
+ iSmileUtil->GetSmileIcon( iConvertArray[ a ]->Index() ) );
+ //create CCAPicture from selected icon
+ CCAPicture* smileIcon = new ( ELeave ) CCAPicture(
+ *CCoeEnv::Static()->SystemGc().Device(),
+ icon,
+ iConvertArray[ a ]->Index() );
+ picHeader.iPicture = TSwizzle<CPicture>( smileIcon );
+ aRichText.DeleteL( iConvertArray[ a ]->Position() + start,
+ iConvertArray[ a ]->SmileyString().Length() );
+ aRichText.InsertL( iConvertArray[ a ]->Position() + start, picHeader );
+ }
+ // clean up
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL
+// Convert selection smileys to strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL( CEikRichTextEditor& aEditor, TBool aPreserve )
+ {
+ // Clear convert array
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ HBufC* text = HBufC::NewMaxLC( IMUtils::MaxMsgLength() );
+ TPtr textCopy( text->Des() );
+ aEditor.GetText( textCopy );
+ // for loop gets icon positions to array
+ TInt start = aEditor.Selection().LowerPos();
+ TInt end = aEditor.Selection().HigherPos();
+ TInt i;
+ for ( i = start; i < end; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( textCopy[ i ] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter )
+ {
+ CCASmileyInformation* smileInfo = CCASmileyInformation::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( smileInfo );
+ smileInfo->SetPosition( i );
+ smileInfo->SetIcon( ETrue );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iConvertArray.Append( smileInfo ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( smileInfo );
+ }
+ }
+ TInt count = iConvertArray.Count();
+ for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+ {
+ CPicture* editorPic = aEditor.RichText()->PictureHandleL(
+ iConvertArray[ i ]->Position(), MLayDoc::EForceLoadTrue );
+ if ( !editorPic )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
+ }
+ CCAPicture* icon = static_cast<CCAPicture*> ( editorPic );
+ const TDesC& iconString = iSmileUtil->GetSmileString( icon->Index() );
+ iConvertArray[ i ]->SetSmileyStringL( iconString );
+ iConvertArray[ i ]->SetIndex( icon->Index() );
+ }
+ textCopy.Delete( end, textCopy.Length() - end );
+ textCopy.Delete( 0, start );
+ iSmileUtil->SearchSmilesL( textCopy, iConvertArray, NULL, start );
+ // Change icons to strings
+ TPtrC myDebug( aEditor.Text()->Read( 0 ) );
+ CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL %S" ), &myDebug );
+ TInt selectAdd( 0 );
+ count = iConvertArray.Count();
+ for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+ {
+ if ( iConvertArray[ i ]->IsIcon() ) // Icon
+ {
+ TCursorSelection deleteSel( iConvertArray[ i ]->Position(),
+ iConvertArray[ i ]->Position() + 1 );
+ aEditor.InsertDeleteCharsL( iConvertArray[ i ]->Position(),
+ iConvertArray[ i ]->SmileyString(),
+ deleteSel );
+ selectAdd += iConvertArray[ i ]->SmileyString().Length() - 1;
+ aEditor.SetMaxLength( aEditor.MaxLength() + selectAdd );
+ }
+ }
+ myDebug.Set( aEditor.Text()->Read( 0 ) );
+ CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL %S" ), &myDebug );
+ aEditor.SetSelectionL( start, end + selectAdd );
+ aEditor.TextView()->HandleGlobalChangeL();
+ if ( !aPreserve )
+ {
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::DeleteExtensionL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::DeleteExtensionL( CEikRichTextEditor& aEditor, TInt aPos )
+ {
+ // Set cursor position before deletion.
+ // Deletion may cause editor size to change and if
+ // cursor pos is not updated before that ETEXT 12 panic
+ // is raised.
+ aEditor.SetCursorPosL( aPos, EFalse );
+ aEditor.RichText()->DeleteL( aPos, 1 );
+ aEditor.HandleTextChangedL();
+ // Needed to keep alignment of
+ // cursor correct.
+ aEditor.SetCursorPosL( aPos, EFalse );
+ // update editors length, it grows by 2 when icon is deleted
+ TInt textLimit = aEditor.MaxLength() + 2;
+ aEditor.SetTextLimit( textLimit );
+ --iCurrentCount;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::Reset
+// Reset extension
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::Reset()
+ {
+ iCurrentCount = 0;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::SizeChanged
+// Reset extension
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::SizeChanged( TSize& aSize )
+ {
+ iSmileUtil->ResizeIcons( aSize );
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL
+// Convert selection smileys to strings
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+void CCASmileyUtil::ConvertSelectionToStringL(
+ CEikRichTextEditor& aEditor,
+ TDes& aResultString,
+ TCursorSelection& aSelectionAfterConversion,
+ TBool aPreserve )
+ {
+ // Clear convert array
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ // Get text from editor
+ HBufC* text = HBufC::NewMaxLC( IMUtils::MaxMsgLength() );
+ TPtr textCopy( text->Des() );
+ aEditor.GetText( textCopy );
+ // For loop gets icon positions to array
+ TInt start = aEditor.Selection().LowerPos();
+ TInt end = aEditor.Selection().HigherPos();
+ // Copy text to result string
+ aResultString.Append( textCopy );
+ TInt i = 0;
+ for ( i = start; i < end; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( textCopy[i] == CEditableText::EPictureCharacter )
+ {
+ CCASmileyInformation* smileInfo = CCASmileyInformation::NewL();
+ CleanupStack::PushL( smileInfo );
+ smileInfo->SetPosition( i );
+ smileInfo->SetIcon( ETrue );
+ User::LeaveIfError( iConvertArray.Append( smileInfo ) );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( smileInfo );
+ }
+ }
+ TInt count = iConvertArray.Count();
+ for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+ {
+ CPicture* editorPic = NULL;
+ editorPic = aEditor.RichText()->PictureHandleL(
+ iConvertArray[i]->Position(), MLayDoc::EForceLoadTrue );
+ if ( !editorPic )
+ {
+ User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
+ }
+ CCAPicture* icon = static_cast<CCAPicture*> ( editorPic );
+ const TDesC& iconString = iSmileUtil->GetSmileString( icon->Index() );
+ iConvertArray[i]->SetSmileyStringL( iconString );
+ iConvertArray[i]->SetIndex( icon->Index() );
+ }
+ textCopy.Delete( end, textCopy.Length() - end );
+ textCopy.Delete( 0, start );
+ iSmileUtil->SearchSmilesL( textCopy, iConvertArray, NULL, start );
+ // Change icons to strings
+ TInt selectAdd = 0;
+ count = iConvertArray.Count();
+ for ( i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i )
+ {
+ if ( iConvertArray[ i ]->IsIcon() ) // Icon
+ {
+ // Append smiley string to result
+ aResultString.Delete( iConvertArray[i]->Position(), 1 );
+ aResultString.Insert( iConvertArray[i]->Position(), iConvertArray[i]->SmileyString() );
+ selectAdd += iConvertArray[ i ]->SmileyString().Length() - 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !aPreserve )
+ {
+ iConvertArray.ResetAndDestroy();
+ }
+ // Set correct selection
+ aSelectionAfterConversion.SetSelection( end + selectAdd, start );
+ CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( text );
+ }
+// End of File