changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuieng/EngSrc/CCAGroupWrapper.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Network operations for one chat group handling.
+#include "MCAGroupOperations.h"
+#include "PublicEngineDefinitions.h"
+#include "PrivateEngineDefinitions.h"
+#include "ImpsGroupCli.h"
+#include <e32base.h>
+class MCAExtendedStoredGroup;
+class MCAImpsGroupClient;
+class MCASettings;
+class MCAGroupEventObserver;
+class MDesCArray;
+class CCARequest;
+class CCARequestMapper;
+class CCoeEnv;
+ *  Network operations for one chat group handling.
+ *
+ *  @lib CAEngine.lib
+ *  @since 2.1
+ */
+class CCAGroupWrapper : public CBase,
+            public MCAGroupOperations,
+            public MImpsGroupHandler2
+    {
+    public:  // Constructors and destructor
+        /**
+         * Two-phased constructor.
+         * @param aSettingsAPI is the API to the settings side.
+         * @param aGroup is group that network operations wrapper handles
+         * @param aRequestMapper is the API to the request mapper.
+         *        Used to provide synchronous waiting.
+         * @param aClient is IMPS engine interface for network operations
+         */
+        static CCAGroupWrapper* NewL(
+            MCASettings& aSettingsAPI,
+            MCAExtendedStoredGroup& aGroup,
+            CCARequestMapper& aRequestMapper,
+            MCAImpsGroupClient* aClient );
+        /**
+        * Destructor.
+        */
+        virtual ~CCAGroupWrapper();
+    public:	// New Methods
+        /**
+         * Returns handled group
+         * @return Handled group
+         */
+        MCAStoredGroup& Group();
+        /**
+         * Adds event observer for group events
+         * @param aObserver is group events observer
+         */
+        void RegisterEventObserver( MCAGroupEventObserver* aObserver );
+        /**
+         * Gets group properties
+         * @param aCommonProps is group common properties
+         * @param aPrivateProps is group private properties
+         */
+        void LocalProperties( CImpsCommonGroupProps*& aCommonProps,
+                              CImpsPrivateGroupProps*& aPrivateProps );
+        /**
+         * Sets group properties
+         * @param aCommonProps is group common properties
+         * @param aPrivateProps is group private properties
+         */
+        void SetLocalProperties( CImpsCommonGroupProps* aCommonProps,
+                                 CImpsPrivateGroupProps* aPrivateProps );
+        /**
+         * Gets network operations as request
+         * @return current request
+         * @see CCARequest
+         */
+        CCARequest* Request();
+        /**
+         * Propagates IMPS error code.
+         * @param aError last IMPS error.
+         */
+        void LastImpsError( TInt aError );
+        /**
+         * Set is new topic shown or not.
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         * @param aIsShown Is topic shown or not.
+         */
+        void SetTopicShown( TBool aIsShown );
+        /**
+         * Is new topic shown or not.
+         * @since S60 v3.1
+         * @return ETrue if topic already shown, EFalse if not.
+         */
+        TBool IsTopicShown() const;
+    public: // From MCAGroupOperations
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::OperationId
+         */
+        TInt	OperationId();
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::JoinL
+         */
+        TInt JoinL( const TDesC& aScreenName, TBool aUsers,
+                    TBool aIsFavourite );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::CreateGroupL
+         */
+        TInt CreateGroupL( const TDesC& aScreenName, TBool aJoinGroup );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::LeaveL
+         */
+        TInt LeaveL();
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::DeleteFromNetworkL
+         */
+        TInt DeleteFromNetworkL();
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::UpdatePropertiesL
+         */
+        TInt UpdatePropertiesL( CImpsCommonGroupProps* aCommonProps,
+                                CImpsPrivateGroupProps* aPrivateProps );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::AddMembersL
+         */
+        TInt AddMembersL( const CDesCArray& aUserList,
+                          const CDesCArray& aScreenNameList );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::RemoveMembersL
+         */
+        TInt RemoveMembersL( const CDesCArray& aUserList );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::ModifyMembersL
+         */
+        TInt ModifyMembersL( const CDesCArray* aAdminList,
+                             const CDesCArray* aModerList,
+                             const CDesCArray* aOrdinaryList );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::GetPropertiesL
+         */
+        TInt GetPropertiesL( CImpsCommonGroupProps*& aCommonProps,
+                             CImpsPrivateGroupProps*& aPrivateProps );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::GetMembersL
+         */
+        TInt GetMembersL( CDesCArray& aUserList,
+                          CDesCArray& aScreenNames,
+                          CDesCArray& aModers,
+                          CDesCArray& aAdmins );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::GetRejectListL
+         */
+        TInt GetRejectListL( CDesCArray& aRejectList );
+        /**
+         * From MCAGroupOperations
+         * @see MCAGroupOperations::SetRejectListL
+         */
+        TInt SetRejectListL( const CDesCArray& aRejectedList,
+                             const CDesCArray& aEnabledList );
+    public:	// From MImpsGroupHandler
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleCompleteL( TInt aOpId,
+                              TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleJoinL( TInt aOpId,
+                          const MDesCArray& aUserList,
+                          const MDesCArray& aScreenNames,
+                          const TDesC& aWelcomeText,
+                          TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleGroupMembersL( TInt aOpId,
+                                  const MDesCArray& aUserList,
+                                  const MDesCArray& aScreenNames,
+                                  const MDesCArray& aModers,
+                                  const MDesCArray& aAdmins,
+                                  TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleGroupPropertiesL( TInt aOpId,
+                                     const TDesC& aGroupId,
+                                     const CImpsCommonGroupProps& aGroupProps,
+                                     const CImpsPrivateGroupProps& aOwnProps,
+                                     TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleRejectListL( TInt aOpId,
+                                const MDesCArray& aUserList,
+                                TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleSubscriptionL( TInt aOpId,
+                                  TBool aIsSubscribed,
+                                  TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleNewUsersL(
+            const TDesC& aGroupId,
+            const MDesCArray& aUserList,
+            const MDesCArray& aScreenNames,
+            TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleLeftUsersL(
+            const TDesC& aGroupId,
+            const MDesCArray& aUserList,
+            const MDesCArray& aScreenNames,
+            TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+        /**
+         * From MImpsGroupHandler
+         */
+        void HandleLeaveL(
+            TInt aOpId,
+            const TDesC& aGroupId,
+            const TDesC& aDescription,
+            TImpsCspIdentifier& aCspId );
+    private:
+        /**
+         * Copies array to another array
+         * @param aSource is source array
+         * @param aDest is destination array
+         */
+        void CopyArrayL( const MDesCArray& aSource, CDesCArray* aDest );
+        /**
+        * C++ default constructor.
+        * @see CCAGroupWrapper::NewL.
+        */
+        CCAGroupWrapper( MCASettings& aSettingsAPI,
+                         MCAExtendedStoredGroup& aGroup,
+                         CCARequestMapper& aRequestMapper,
+                         MCAImpsGroupClient* aClient );
+        /**
+         * Helper method that fills CCARequest and executes request to server
+         * and after waits network operation return.
+         * Error code of network operation returned.
+         * @param aOperationId operation which ImpsGroupClient has given
+         *        for operation
+         * @param aRequestType executed operation type
+         * @param aAdditionalData that is added to CCARequest
+         * @return Error code of server response
+         */
+        TInt ExecuteRequestL( TInt aOperationId,
+                              TOperationRequests aRequestType,
+                              MDesCArray* aAdditionalData = NULL );
+        /**
+         * Copy the properties from one set of CImps*GroupProps
+         * to another.
+         * @param aFromCommonProps Source common properties
+         * @param aToCommonProps Target common properties
+         * @param aFromPrivateProps Source private properties
+         * @param aToPrivateProps Target private properties
+         */
+        void CopyPropertiesL(
+            const CImpsCommonGroupProps* aFromCommonProps,
+            CImpsCommonGroupProps* aToCommonProps,
+            const CImpsPrivateGroupProps* aFromPrivateProps,
+            CImpsPrivateGroupProps* aToPrivateProps );
+    private: // Data
+        // Pointer to observer of this group
+        MCAGroupEventObserver* iObserver;
+        // group common properties
+        CImpsCommonGroupProps* iCommonProperties; // owned
+        // group private properties
+        CImpsPrivateGroupProps* iPrivateProperties; // owned
+        // API to the settings side
+        MCASettings& iSettingsAPI;
+        // handled group
+        MCAExtendedStoredGroup&	iGroup; // not owned
+        CCoeEnv* iConeEnv;  // not owned
+        // is the API to the request mapper
+        CCARequestMapper& iRequestMapper;   // not owned
+        // IMPS engine interface for network operations
+        MCAImpsGroupClient* iImpsGroupClient;   // not owned
+        // group id
+        TInt iGroupIdOrdinal;
+        // operation error
+        TInt iOperationError;
+        // current operation id
+        TInt iOperationId;
+        // doesn't own. filled upon request completion
+        CCARequest* iRequest;
+        CDesCArray* iMembers;
+        CDesCArray* iScreenNames;
+        CDesCArray* iModers;
+        CDesCArray* iAdmins;
+        CDesCArray* iRejectedList;
+        // last IMPS error from CCAEngine
+        TInt iLastImpsError;
+        // Is new topic shown or not
+        TBool iTopicShown;
+        // last topic
+        HBufC* iOldTopic;
+    };
+#endif      // CCAGGROUPWRAPPER_H
+// End of File