changeset 0 094583676ce7
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wvuing/wvuiprocess/Inc/CCAMainViewArrayPC.h	Thu Dec 17 08:41:52 2009 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Implementation class for MCAMainViewArrayPC, to decide how to fill the
+*				 single view array decorator
+#include <e32base.h>
+//Forward Declaration
+class MCAContactListModel;
+class MCAArrayItemPC;
+class CCAEngine;
+class MCAInvite;
+class MCAInvitation;
+class MCAServerContactsArrayPC;
+class MCAStoredGroup;
+class CCAGroupListArrayPC;
+class MCASingleListViewCB;
+class MCAStoredGroups;
+#include "MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC.h"
+#include "MCAMainViewObserverPC.h"
+#include "MCAStoredContactsObserver.h"
+#include "MCAMainViewArrayPC.h"
+#include "MCAWatcherObserver.h"
+#include "MCAStoredContacts.h"
+#include "MCAChatInterface.h"
+#include "ChatDefinitions.h"
+#include "MCASettingsObserver.h"
+#include "MCAInviteObserver.h"
+#include "MCASettingsPC.h"
+#include "MCAChatObserver.h"
+#include "MWVSettingsObserverng.h"
+#include "MCAStoredGroupsObserver.h"
+#include "MCASyncObserverPC.h"
+#include <MIMPSSAPObserver.h>
+#include <CIMPSSAPSettingsStore.h>
+#include <cimpspresenceconnectionuing.h>
+#include "MCAListInitObserver.h"
+class CCAMainViewArrayPC:   public CBase,
+            public MCAMainViewArrayPC,  // this class own interface.
+            public MCASettingsObserver,	// events from engine.
+            public MCAStoredGroupsObserver, // events from engine.
+            public MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC,
+            public MCAWatcherObserver,
+            public MCAInviteObserver,
+            public MCAChatObserver,
+            // This callback is required when ever the server is added or deleted
+            // we get a callback and update the singlelist
+            public MIMPSSAPObserver,
+            public MCAListInitObserver,
+            public MCAStoredContactsObserver
+    {
+    public:
+        struct TArrayPairs // Struct to hold identification and buffer
+            {
+            TBuf<KMaxWVIDLength> iIdentification;
+            MCAMessagesReadInterface* iReadInterface;
+            };
+        struct TInvitationArray // Struct to hold identification and buffer
+            {
+            TDesC* iUserID;
+            TDesC* iMessage;
+            };
+    public: //Constructor and Destructors
+        /**
+        * construction
+        */
+        void ConstructL();
+        /**
+        * construction
+        * @param aContactListModel : a reference to the contact list model object at the chat engine
+        */
+        static CCAMainViewArrayPC* NewL( CCAEngine& aEngine,
+                                         MCAContactListModel& aContactListModel,
+                                         MCAChatInterface& aChatInterface );
+    private:
+        /**
+        * default constructor
+        * @param aContactListModel : a reference to the contact
+        * list model object at the chat engine
+        */
+        CCAMainViewArrayPC( CCAEngine& aEngine,
+                            MCAContactListModel& aContactListModel,
+                            MCAChatInterface& aChatInterface );
+    public:
+        /**
+         * virtual destructor
+         */
+        virtual ~CCAMainViewArrayPC();
+    public: // From MCAMainViewArrayPC
+        /**
+         * Gets the details of the given index
+         * like aItemId, aListId,aItemType.
+         * @return the structure filled with tha above details.
+         */
+        TCAItemDetails GetArrayItemIdDetails( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * Gets the Index, given item details
+         * like aItemId, aListId,aItemType.
+         * @return the index
+         */
+        TInt GetArrayItemIdIndexL( const TCAItemDetails& aItemDetails );
+        /**
+         * @return returns ETrue if any contact is found in contactlists
+         * else returns EFalse if no contact is found
+         */
+        TBool IsAnyContactFound();
+        /**
+         * Populate the group array iGroupArray with groups
+         */
+        void  PopulateGroupsListL();
+        /**
+        * SetSkipStorageEvents: Called by UI component to set flag for skipping storage events
+        * @param aSkip : A flag to check whether to skip strage events or not
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void SetSkipStorageEvents( TBool aSkip );
+        /**
+        * GetSkipStorageEvents: Called by UI component to get the flag for skipping storage events
+        * @return boolean
+        */
+        virtual TBool GetSkipStorageEvents();
+        /**
+        * Count: Called by UI components to get total count of array
+        * @return integer: Count of array
+        */
+        virtual TInt Count() const;
+        /**
+        * GetType: Function to get the type of list item
+        * @param aIndex: index of the list item
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TItem: type of the list item as EContactItem, EOwnStatusItem etc
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TItem GetType( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+        * IsCollapsed: To find if the list box item is collapsed
+        * @param aIndex: index of the list item
+        * @return bool: True if the list item is collapsed else false.
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsCollapsed( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+        * IsMsgPending: To find if there are any pending messages to
+        *				decide the icons for display
+        * @param aIndex: index of the list item
+        * @return bool: True if there are pending messages else false.
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsMsgPending( TInt aIndex ) ;
+        /**
+        * IsBlocked: To find if the list item is a blocked contact
+        * @param aIndex: index of the list item
+        * @return bool: True if the list item is a blocked contact else false
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsBlocked( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+        * ForceExpanded: To expand or collapse all the list items
+        * @param aAllExpanded: True if all items have to be expanded else false
+        * @return bool: True if there are pending messages else false.
+        */
+        virtual void ForceExpanded( TBool aAllExpanded );
+        /**
+        * IsForceExpanded: To find if all the list items have been force expanded
+        * @return bool: True if all the list items are force expanded else false
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsForceExpanded() const;
+        /**
+        * GetOnlineStatus: To get the online status of the list item as Online, Away, Busy etc
+        * @param aIndex: Index of the list item
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOnlineStatus( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * SetCollapsed: To set the list item to a collapsed or expanded state
+        * @param aStatus: The collapsed or expanded state to be set for the list item
+        * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose state has to be set
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void SetCollapsed( TBool aStatus, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * SetSelected:
+        * @param aSelected: selected or not
+        * @return aIndex ,given index
+        */
+        virtual void SetSelected( TBool aSelected, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * GetSelectedL: get the selcetd
+        * @param aSelectedContact: selected conatct
+        * @param aSelectedIdentifications
+        * @return aFilter
+        */
+        virtual void GetSelectedL( CDesCArray& aSelectedContact,
+                                   CDesCArray* aSelectedIdentifications,
+                                   TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter );
+        /**
+         * Sets the selectionmode
+         * @param aSelectionMode to be set
+         * @param aSelectedListIndex - selected contactlist index - used for
+         * group creation using existing contact list to get all the contacts in that
+         * contact list
+         */
+        void SetContactSelectionL( TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType aSelectionMode,
+                                   TInt aSelectedListIndex );
+        /**
+         * Resets the selectionmode
+         */
+        void ResetContactSelectionL();
+        /**
+         * Returns index for given invitation
+         * @param aIndex
+         * @return index of invitation
+         */
+        TInt GetItemEngineIndex( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+         * Sets the focus to the owndata on logout.
+         */
+        virtual void SetCurrentItemIndexL( TBool aFreshLogin = EFalse  );
+        /**
+        * Find any contact which id is aContactId
+        * @param aContactId Contactid to recognize contact.
+        * @return ETrue if contact found else EFalse
+        */
+        TBool FindAnyContactL( const TDesC& aContactId );
+        /**
+         * Appends the received invitation to the top of the array
+         * @param aInvitation
+         */
+        void AddInvitation( const MCAInvitation* aInvitation );
+        /**
+         * Returns index of invitation for given wvid and
+         * Deletes item from array.
+         * @since 3.2
+         * @param Index of invitation
+         * @return index at which the invite has been deleted.
+         */
+        virtual TInt FindInvitationAndDelete( const TDesC& aInviteID /*TInt aIndex*/ );
+        virtual TInt FindInvitationAndDelete( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * SetMsgPending: To set the pending messages for a list item
+         * @param aPendingMsgs: The no. of pending messages to be set for the list item
+         * @param aIndex: Index of the list item
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void SetMsgPending( TInt aPendingMsgs, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * SetBlocked: To set the blocked status of a list item of type contact
+         * @param aStatus: The blocked status  to be set for the list item
+         * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose status has to be set
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void SetBlocked( TBool aStatus, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * SetOnlineStatus: To set the online status of a list item
+         * @param aStatus: The online status to be set for the list item
+         * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose status has to be set
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void SetOnlineStatus( TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aStatus, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * GetItemNameText: To get item name of each list item
+         * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose name is to be returned
+         * @return TPtrC: Name of the list item
+         */
+        virtual TPtrC GetItemNameText( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * GetFormattedItemNameTextL: To set/rename item name of each list item
+         * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose name is to be changed/set
+         * @return TPtr: Error code to check if the name has been set
+         */
+        virtual TPtr GetFormattedItemNameTextL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * ClearArray: clear everything in the array
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void ClearArray( TBool aClearOpenChatsArray );
+        /** ResetArray: reset the array,clear and fill with the new data in the array
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void ResetArray( TBool aClearOpenChatsArray );
+        /**
+         * SetDefaultFilter: To set the default filters of each item
+         * @param aMyFilter: TEnumsPC::TFilterType to be set
+         * @return void
+         */
+        virtual void SetDefaultFilter( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aMyFilter );
+        /**
+        * ResetDefaultFilter: To reset the default filters of each item
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void ResetDefaultFilter();
+        /**
+         * GetDefaultFilter: To get the default filters of list item
+         * @return TEnumsPC::TFilterType: type of filter
+         */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType GetDefaultFilter() const;
+        /**
+         * Should the model show "All" item in beginning
+         * of each contact list.
+         * @param aShow If ETrue, first item in every contact list is "All"
+         */
+        void ShowAll( TBool aShow );
+        /**
+        * ClientType: To get the client type of list item at given index
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TClientType: type of client
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TClientType ClientType( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Selected: To know if the list item at given index is selected currently
+        * @param aIndex: index of list item
+        * @return bool: true if the list item at given index is selected currently else false
+        */
+        virtual TBool Selected( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * IsWatched: To get the status on whether the list item at given index is
+        * being watched for notifications on that contacts online status changes
+        * @param aIndex: index of list item
+        * @return bool: true if the contact is being watched else false
+        */
+        virtual TBool IsWatched( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * AddWatcher: To add watcher to presence
+           */
+        virtual void AddWatcherL( TPtrC contact/*wvid*/ );
+        /**
+        * RemoveWatcher: To remove watcher from presence
+        *
+        */
+        virtual void RemoveWatcherL( TPtrC contact/*wvid*/ );
+        /**
+        * Refreshes friends-storage presence data.
+        */
+        virtual void RefreshFriendsL();
+        /**
+         * Clears all selected-flags
+         */
+        virtual void ClearSelectedL( );
+        /**
+        * Places all friends to aUsers array
+        */
+        /* Places all friends (from aUserList) that are online to aOnlineList
+        * and users that are offline to aOfflineList.
+        * @param aUserList List of users, whose presence data is to be fetched.
+        * @param aOnlineList List of users, that are online, can be NULL.
+        * @param aOfflineList List of users, that are offline, can be NULL.
+        * @param aUpdateStorage If ETrue, contact storage flags are updated
+        */
+        virtual void GetOnlineUsersL(
+            const CDesCArray *aUsers,
+            CDesCArray* aOnlineList,
+            CDesCArray* aOfflineList,
+            TBool aUpdateStorage = EFalse ) ;
+        /**
+        * Synchronised: To get the synchronised status for the list item
+        * @param aIndex: index of list item
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus: the synchronization status of the list item
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus Synchronised( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * IsAllSynchronised: To get the synchronised status of all the list items
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus: the synchronization status of all the items
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TSyncStatus IsAllSynchronised();
+        /**
+         * Changes client own presence status, and sets status message
+         * @param aStatus Presence status -online,oflline etc
+         * @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
+         * @return Error code.
+         */
+        TInt ChangeStatusL( TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus aStatus,
+                            const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) ;
+        /**
+         * Changes presence status message
+         * @param aStatusMessage Presence status message
+         * @return Operation error.
+         */
+        TInt ChangeStatusMessageL( const TDesC& aStatusMessage ) ;
+        /**
+        * StatusL: To get the own status like Online, Away, Busy etc
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus StatusL();
+        /**
+        * GetOwnStatusConverter: To get TEnumsPC:TOnlineStatus type of enum from
+        * the presence side MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus enums for own status
+        * @param aPresenceStatus: presence side MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus enums
+        * @return TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOwnStatusConverter(
+            MCAPresence::TPresenceStatus  aPresenceStatus );
+        /**
+         * Fills aOnlineList with the user id's from friends-list that are
+         * online.
+         * @param aOnlineList List that will be populated with online friends.
+         * @param aFetchFromNetwork Fetch presence information from network
+         */
+        void GetOnlineContactsL( CDesCArray& aOnlineList,
+                                 TBool aFetchFromNetwork = EFalse );
+        /**
+         * RegisterObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
+         * event from the MainViewArrayPC
+         * @see MCAListInitObserver
+         * @return void
+         */
+        void RegisterObserverL( MCAListInitObserver* aObserver ) ;
+        /**
+        * UnRegisterObserverL: To remove form the listener
+        * @see MCAListInitObserver
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void UnRegisterObserverL() ;
+        /**
+        * AIsListInitializationCompleteL:
+        * @return Bool value
+        */
+        TBool IsListInitializationCompletedL() ;
+        /**
+         * Refresh the conversation item in openchats to
+         * reflect the changes upon addation/chang/deletion of a contact
+         * @param aContactId: userId whose nickname is changed.
+         */
+        void RefreshConversationItemText( const TDesC& aContactId );
+        /**
+         * Refresh the Invitation item in openchats to
+         * reflect the changes upon addation/chang/deletion of a contact
+         * @param aContactId: userId whose nickname is changed.
+         */
+        void RefreshInvitationItemTextL( const TDesC& aContactId );
+    public: // From MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
+        /**
+        * AddObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
+        *               event from the MainViewArrayPC
+        * @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void AddObserverL( MCAMainViewObserverPC* aObserver );
+        /**
+        * RemoveObserver: To remove the UI component as an observer to the
+        *               events from the MainViewArrayPC
+        * @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void RemoveObserver( MCAMainViewObserverPC* aObserver );
+        /**
+         * AddObserverL: To add the UI component as an observer to listen to the
+         *               event from the MainViewArrayPC
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
+         * @return void
+         */
+        void AddObserver( MCASyncObserverPC* aObserver );
+        /**
+         * RemoveObserver: To remove the UI component as an observer to the
+         *               events from the MainViewArrayPC
+         * @see MCAMainViewObserverManagerPC
+         * @return void
+         */
+        void RemoveObserver( );
+    public: //MCAChatObserver
+        /**
+        * Handle events.
+        * @param aEvent Event to handle.
+        * @param aMessage, Event occurred because of message
+        */
+        virtual void HandleChatEvent( TChatEventType aEvent,
+                                      MCAMessage* aMessage = NULL );
+    public: //MCAsyncObserverPC
+        virtual void NotifySyncCompleted();
+    public: //From MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        /**
+        * HandleContactDelete: To handle the contact delete event from the MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @param aContactId: contact whihc has been deleted
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void HandleContactDelete( const TDesC& aContactId );
+        /**
+        * HandleAddition: To handle the contact addition event from the MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @param aList: reference to the list to which the contact has been added
+        * @param aContact:  reference to the contact which has been added
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void HandleAddition( MCAContactList& aList, MCAStoredContact& aContact );
+        /**
+        * HandleChange: To handle the Chnage event from the MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @see MCAStoredContactsObserver
+        * @param aList: reference to the list at which a change has occured
+        * @param aContact:  reference to the contact at which a change has occured
+        * @param aEventType: TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType :
+        * type of change event that has occured
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void HandleChange( MCAContactList* aList,
+                                   MCAStoredContact* aContact,
+                                   TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType,
+                                   TBool aUserIdChanged );
+    public: //From MCASettingsObserver
+        /**
+        * HandleSettingsChangeL: To handle the change events in settings
+        * @see MCASettingsObserver
+        * @param aChangedSettingEnum: enumeration of the type of settings change
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void HandleSettingsChangeL( TInt aChangedSettingEnum );
+    public: //From MCAWatcherObserver
+        /**
+        * HandleWatcherEvent: To handle the watch events for a contact
+        * @see MCAWatcherObserver
+        * @param aContact:  reference to the contact at which a watch event has occured
+        */
+        void HandleWatcherEvent( const MCAStoredContact* aContact );
+    public: // From MCAInviteObserver
+        /**
+         * @see MCAInviteObserver
+         */
+        void HandleInvitationEventL( TInviteEventType aEvent,
+                                     const MCAInvitation* aInvitation );
+        /**
+         * @see MCAInviteObserver
+         */
+        void HandleInvitationResponse( TBool aAcceptance,
+                                       const TDesC& aUserId,
+                                       const TDesC& aGroupName,
+                                       const TDesC& aResponse );
+    public://for CallBacks.
+        void RegisterCallBack( MCASingleListViewCB* aSingleViewCB );
+        void UnRegisterCallBack( );
+    public:
+        /*
+        * gets the alias of the specified contact at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact
+        * @return the alias
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactAlias( TInt aIndex );
+        /*
+        * gets the nickname of the specified contact at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact
+        * @return the nickname
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactNickname( TInt aIndex );
+        /*
+        * gets the user id of the specified contact at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact
+        * @return the user id
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactUserId( TInt aIndex );
+        /*
+        * gets the identification of the specified contact at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact
+        * @return the identification
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedContactIdentification( TInt aIndex );
+        /*
+        * Gets the MCAStoredContact type for the specified contact at aIndex
+        * This method is for use by the CCAContactEditor class and is not exposed
+        * via the MCAMainViewArrayPC interface
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact
+        * @return the alias
+        */
+        MCAStoredContact* GetContactForContactEditor( TInt aIndex );
+        // See the comment @MCAMainViewArrayPC
+        virtual void MapContactListPositions( RArray<TInt>& aPositionArray );
+        /*
+        * gets the displayname of the specified List at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of list
+        * @return the displayname
+        */
+        virtual TPtrC DisplayName( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * SetDisplayName: To set/rename item name of each list item
+        * @param aIndex: Index of the list item whose name is to be changed/set
+        * @param aItemName: name to be set for the list item at specified index
+        * @return TInt: Error code to check if the name has been set
+        */
+        virtual TInt SetDisplayNameL( TInt aIndex, const TPtrC aItemName );
+        /*
+         * gets the FilteredCount
+         * @param aFilter: type of filetr
+         * @param aIndex: index of list
+         * @return the count
+         */
+        virtual TInt GetFilteredCount( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter, TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Set a separate filter for the single list view array items
+        * @param aFilter: filter to be set
+        */
+        virtual void SetSingleListArrayFilter( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter );
+        /**
+        * Get a separate filter for the single list view array items
+        * @return filter
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType GetSingleListArrayFilter( );
+    public:
+        /**
+        * Find a contact from the store by wv User ID
+        * @param aContactListId List which contains contact.
+        * @param aId the User ID of the contact to find
+        * @return The contact
+        */
+        virtual TInt FindContactL( const TDesC& aContactListId,
+                                   const TDesC& aId );
+        /**
+        * Find a contact list from the store by wv User ID
+        * @param aContactListId List which contains contact list id.
+        * @return The contact list index
+        */
+        virtual TInt FindContactListIndexL( const TDesC& aListId );
+        /* gets the list id of the specified list at aIndex
+        * @param aIndex: index of list
+        * @return the list id
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& GetSelectedListId( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Checks status of aContact and shows needed notes accordign to variation.
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact to be checked.
+        * @return Integer value, negative if offline status is not ignored or
+        *              allowed by variation, positive if contact is online
+        *              or user decides to ignore offline status. See possible
+        *              return values from IMUtils::TIgnoreOfflineStatus enum.
+        */
+        virtual TInt IgnoreOfflineStatusL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * SetMessageReadInterfaceL: Calls the MessageReadInterface() of engine component
+        * to set the read interface
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact for whom the read interface (conversation) has
+        * to be set
+        * @return void
+        */
+        virtual void SetMessageReadInterfaceL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * ChatExistsL: Checks if there is an existing chat for the contact
+        * at index
+        * @param aIndex: index of contact for which the existing
+        * conversation has to be checked
+        * @return bool: If chat exists for contact at aIndex return true
+        * else return false
+        */
+        virtual TBool ChatExistsL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * Get index for list
+         * @param aIndex: index of Contact item to be found.
+         * @param aIgnoreOwnItem. If ETrue own item is not taken into account
+         *                        when resolving index.
+         * @param aIgnoreEmptyLists If ETrue, empty lists are ignored.
+         * @return Index of list. If list not found returns KErrNotFound
+         */
+        virtual TInt IndexOfList( TInt aIndex,
+                                  TBool aIgnoreOwnItem = EFalse,
+                                  TBool aIgnoreEmptyLists = ETrue ) const;
+        /**
+         * Check if synchronization of contact lists is done
+         * @return ETrue if done
+         */
+        virtual TBool IsSyncDoneL();
+        /**
+        * To create a contact list with given name
+        * @param aDisplayName: name of the list to be created
+        * @return KErrNone if list is created else retrun KErrAlreadyExists
+        */
+        virtual TInt CreateContactListL( const TDesC& aDisplayName , TInt& aIndex ) ;
+        /**
+        * To sort the contact list in alphbetical order
+        * @param alistId: list id of renamed contact list
+        */
+        virtual TInt SortContactListAfterRenameL( const TDesC& alistId ) ;
+        /**
+        * Find if there is a list with given name already
+        * @param aNamePtr: name of the list to be searched
+        * @return KErrNone if theres no list with the name aNamePtr else return KErrAlreadyExists
+        */
+        virtual TInt ListAlreadyExistsL( const TPtr aNamePtr );
+        /**
+        * Check if there are any contact list in the contact lists
+        * @return KErrGeneral if no contact list is available else return KErrNone
+        */
+        virtual TInt ContactListsExistL();
+        /**
+         * Find the no. of contact items in the contact list
+         * @param aIndex: the index of contact list
+         * @return TInt: the no. of contact items in the list at aIndex
+         */
+        virtual TInt CountOfContactsInList( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+         * Count of lists.
+         * @return Count of lists.
+         */
+        virtual TInt ListCountL() const;
+        /**
+         * Delete the contact list
+         * @param aIndex:    ID of the list
+         * @return Error code
+         */
+        virtual TInt DeleteContactListL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Deletes one contact from server side contact list
+        * @param aIndex: Index of list to be updated
+        * @return Error code
+        */
+        virtual TInt DeleteServerContactL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * Get the status text for the contact
+        * @param aIndex: Index of contact item
+        * @return Error code
+        */
+        virtual const TDesC& StatusText( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        /**
+        * Invoke the fetch contacts method from presence component
+        */
+        virtual void FetchContactsL();
+        /**
+         * to convert engine enum value to PC enum values
+         * @param aStatus: value of engine value
+         */
+        TEnumsPC::TCASettingValues ConvertToEnumsPC( TInt aStatus );
+    public:
+        const RPointerArray<MCAArrayItemPC>& GetOpenChatsArray() const ;
+        /**
+        * @returns the index of the given item W.R.T singlelistview.
+        */
+        TInt FindIndexOfOpenChatsItem( TEnumsPC::TItem aItemType,
+                                       const TDesC& aId );
+        TInt GetOpenChatsActiveIndex()const;
+    private:
+        /**
+        * FillArray: fill up the complete array
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void FillArrayL( TBool aFillOpenChatsArray );
+        /**
+        * FillOwnDataL: fill up fill the owndata item
+        * @return void
+        */
+        TBool  FillOwnDataL();
+        /**
+        * FillOpenChatsL: then fill the conversations..or open chats....
+        * @return void
+        */
+        //
+        void FillOpenChatsL();
+        /**
+        * FillContactListsL: then fill the contacts lists/contacts..etc..
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void FillContactListsL();
+        void FillSelectedContactListL( );
+        /**
+        * FillItemL: fill up the individual item in the array
+        * @param aIndex: index of the list item for which the array has to be filled
+        * @return void
+        */
+        void FillItemL( TInt aIndex );
+        /**
+        * GetResourceValueL: To get the integer equivalent of resource string
+        * @param aResourceID: id of the resource string
+        * @return TInt: integer equivalent of resource string
+        */
+        TInt GetResourceValueL( TInt aResourceID );
+        /**
+        * GetOnlineStatusConverter: To get TEnumsPC:TOnlineStatus type of enum from
+        * the engine /storage side TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus enums
+        * @param aEngOnlineStatus: engine /storage side TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus enums
+        * @return TInt: TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TOnlineStatus GetOnlineStatusConverter(
+            TStorageManagerGlobals::TPresenceStatus aEngOnlineStatus );
+        /**
+        * GetTypeConverter: To get TEnumsPC:TItem type of enum from
+        * the engine side MCAContactListModel::TItemType enums
+        * @param aItemType: engine side MCAContactListModel::TItemType enums
+        * @return TInt: EnumsPC::TItem
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TItem GetTypeConverter( MCAContactListModel::TItemType aItemType ) const;
+        /**
+        * ToUpdatePresence: To get the information on whether presence has to be updated
+        * by anding the two filters
+        * @parm aFilter1: TEnumsPC::TFilterType
+        * @parm aFilter2: TEnumsPC::TFilterType
+        */
+        virtual TBool ToUpdatePresence( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter1,
+                                        TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter2 );
+        /**
+        * To set the filter type for engine
+        */
+        virtual void SetFilter( TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter );
+        /**
+        * To get the filter type for engine
+        */
+        virtual TEnumsPC::TFilterType Filter();
+        /**
+        * To set the group count down flag, for each logout. For the first time login
+        * it is set in the constructor to EFalse. This flag ensures that the
+        * initial deletion of groups from iGroupArray and the subsequent additions
+        * of user created groups are not reflected on the UI
+        */
+        virtual void ResetGroupCountDownOnLogout();
+        virtual const TDesC& GetInviteItemID( TInt aIndex );
+        // This callback is required when ever the server is added or deleted
+        // we get a callback and update the singlelist
+        /**
+         * From MIMPSSAPObserver
+         * @see MIMPSSAPObserver for more information
+         */
+        void HandleSAPEvent( TSAPEvent aEvent );
+    public: // From MCAStoredGroupsObserver
+        /**
+         * Called when a group is deleted.
+         * @param aId The ID of the deleted group
+         */
+        void HandleDelete( const TDesC& aId );
+        /**
+         * Called when a group is added.
+         * @param aId The ID of the added group
+         */
+        void HandleAddition( const TDesC& aId );
+        /**
+         * Called when a group is changed.
+         * @param aId The ID of the changed group
+         */
+        void HandleChange( const TDesC& aId );
+        /**
+         * Called when backup/restore starts/stops.
+         * There is no distinction between backup/restore (Symbian limitation).
+         * However, the called party should fetch new list(s) as they
+         * may have changed if the operation was restore operation.
+         * @param aEventType Type of backup/restore event
+         */
+        void HandleBackupRestoreEvent(
+            const TStorageManagerGlobals::TCAObserverEventType aEventType );
+    public: //Added methods for sorting of openchats
+        //To Insert a newly arrived Invite on top of openchats list
+        void InsertInviteItemL( const MCAInvitation* aInvitation );
+        void InsertGroupItemL( MCAStoredGroup* aGroup );
+        void InsertConversationItemL( const TDesC& aUserId,
+                                      const TDesC& aIdentification );
+        void MoveGroupItem( MCAStoredGroup* aGroup, TInt aFoundIndex );
+        void RemoveConversationItem( const TDesC& aUserId );
+        TBool IsOpenChatsMsgPending(
+            const TEnumsPC::TItem aType,
+            const TDesC& aId );
+    public:       //from MCAMainViewArrayPC.h
+        /**
+        * See MCAMainViewArrayPC.h
+        */
+        const TDesC& PendingMessageInfo();
+        /**
+        * See MCAMainViewArrayPC.h
+        */
+        const TDesC& ChatGroupPendingMessageInfo( TDesC& aGroupName );
+        /**
+        * See MCAMainViewArrayPC.h
+        */
+        TInt GetIndexOfTopPendingMessage();
+    public:        // MCAListInitObserver
+        /**
+         * Callback HandleListInitChange from presence list manager
+         * after the list init complete
+         */
+        void HandleListInitChange( TBool aCompleted );
+    private:
+        TStorageManagerGlobals::TFilterType GetFilterConverterUITOEngine(
+            TEnumsPC::TFilterType aFilter );
+        void HandleError( TInt );
+        void HandleItemRemovalL( const TDesC& aContactId );
+        void HandleItemAdditionL( MCAStoredContact & aContact );
+    private://Added methods for sorting of openchats
+        TInt ChatGroupMessagesPendingCount() const;
+        void ResetOpenChatsArrayL( TEnumsPC::TItem aItem );
+        void InsertIntoInactiveOpenChats( TBool aEnd );
+        void SetContactListIndex();
+        TEnumsPC::TItem GetOpenChatType( TInt aIndex ) const;
+        TInt RemoveGroupItem( const TDesC& aGroupId );
+        //method to get bool equivalent for selction mode. Added to make code readable
+        //Returns true if single list view selection mode else false.
+        TBool SingleListViewSelectMode() const;
+        void RefreshOpenChatsListItemL();
+        void RefreshGroupItem( MCAStoredGroup* aGroup, TInt aFoundIndex );
+    private:
+        //Refenence to engine
+        CCAEngine& iEngine;
+        TBool iSkipStorageEvents;
+        /**
+        * list of items here
+        */
+        RPointerArray<MCAArrayItemPC> iMainViewListItemArray;
+        // we need to maintain the list of observers here.whenever any event is
+        // happening then we need call back the UI
+        /*
+        * Observers : replace this array with pointer variable and overload = operator.
+        */
+        RPointerArray< MCAMainViewObserverPC > iMainViewObservers;
+        /*
+        * reference to the contact list model
+        */
+        MCAContactListModel& iContactListModel;
+        /*
+        * Reference to chat interface
+        */
+        MCAChatInterface& iChatInterface;
+        /**
+         * Reference to Invite Interface
+         */
+        MCAInvite& iInviteInterface;
+        //Owns. Array of active invitations
+        RPointerArray<MCAInvitation> iInvitationsArray;
+        /*
+        * reference to the contact list interface
+        */
+        MCAStoredContacts* iContactInterface;
+        // is "all" item displayed in beginning of each list
+        //used in displaying blockinglist
+        TBool iShowAll;
+        // Owns
+        HBufC* iRejectReason;
+        /*
+        * starting index of Owndata	, it's 0 as per ui spec
+        */
+        int iOwnDataIndex;
+        /*
+        * starting index of OpenChats	, it's 1 as per ui spec
+        */
+        int iOpenChatsIndex;
+        /*
+        * starting index of all the contactlists
+        * it's iOpenChatsIndex+iOwnDataIndex+NoofConversations, if anything is exists
+        */
+        int	iContactListIndex;
+        /*
+        * flag to check whether openchats folder expanded or collapsed
+        */
+        TBool iOpenChatListItemExpanded;
+        /*
+        * Flag to check whether own data added or not
+        */
+        TBool iOwnDataAdded;
+        /*
+        * Flag if mainviewarraypc is used in selectoin mode from contact selection dialog
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TListSelectionType iSelectionMode;
+        TInt iSelectedListIndex;
+        TBool iSetListCollapsedFlag;
+        TBool iForceExpandDone;
+        /*
+        * Flag if user or findbox is expanded the array pc
+        */
+        TBool iExpandAll;
+        /*
+         * reference to the settings interface
+         */
+        MCASettings* iSettings;
+        /*
+           * Owns. Buffer that hold's information about fetched item
+           */
+        HBufC* iData;
+        TInt iMaxLengthOfIcons;
+        /**
+        * Current filter applied to the engine contact list model
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TFilterType iFilter;
+        /**
+        * Default filter applied to the engine
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TFilterType iDefaultFilter;
+        /**
+        * Current filter applied to the single list view array
+        */
+        TEnumsPC::TFilterType iSingleListArrayFilter;
+        // This callback is required when ever the server is added or deleted
+        // we get a callback and update the singlelist
+        // We own this pointer
+        CIMPSSAPSettingsStore* iSAPSettingsStore;
+        TInt iPToPChatCount;
+        MCASingleListViewCB* iSingleViewCB;
+        TCAItemDetails iItemDetails;
+        // Owns. Array of group data
+        CCAGroupListArrayPC* iGroupArray;
+        // Does not own. Pointer to Stored Groups Interface
+        MCAStoredGroups* iChatGroups;
+        //To track the deletion of stored groups and then the subsequent
+        //addition of groups after logging in each time.
+        TBool iGroupCountDown;
+        // we own this pointer
+        //holds the last logged in user id
+        HBufC* iLastloggedinUserId;
+        //Count of all the save Groups to track the Open Count count on login
+        TInt iOnlySavedGroups;
+        /**
+        * list of open chats items here
+        */
+        RPointerArray<MCAArrayItemPC> iOpenChatsArray;
+        //Beginning index of Non-Joined groups in iOpenChatsArray
+        TInt iOpenChatsInActiveIndex;
+        MCASyncObserverPC* iSyncObserver;
+        // Own this Pointer, as constrution of which fires an event to PEC engine
+        CIMPSPresenceConnectionUi *iConnectionUI;
+        // store the Contact's userId which need to refresh after contact list fetching complete.
+        RPointerArray<HBufC> iRefreshConvArray;
+    };
+#endif   //CCAMainViewArrayPC_H
+// End of File
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