* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Class for imps oprhan manage.
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32base.h>
#include "ImpsOrphans.h"
#include "impsfields.h"
#include "impsdataaccessor.h"
#include "impssdatautils.h"
#include "impskey.h"
#ifndef _DEBUG
// constant
_LIT( KDefaultApplicationID, "Default" );
static const TInt KDefaultQueueCapacity = 10; //The capacity of the orphan queue
static const TInt KDefaultOrphanValidity = 3600;
// CImpsOrphans
CImpsOrphans::CImpsOrphans( )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::ConstructL
// 2nd phase constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::ConstructL()
iOrphanQueue = new( ELeave ) COrphanQueue( KDefaultQueueCapacity );
iLauncherProxy = CImpsAppLauncherProxy::NewL( this );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CImpsOrphans* CImpsOrphans::NewL()
// Perform the construction.
CImpsOrphans* self = new ( ELeave ) CImpsOrphans( );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iLauncherProxy;
delete iOrphanQueue;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::NewOrphanL
// Creates a new oprhan message and tries to launch the receiving application
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::NewOrphanL( CImpsFields* aMsg, TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
// Handle only NewMessage & Invitation
if ( ( aMsg->MessageType() != EImpsNewMessage ) &&
( aMsg->MessageType() != EImpsInviteUserReq ) )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Orphan filtered out %d" ), aMsg->MessageType() );
// Do not delete aMsg immediately but leave. This is because of
// CImpsCSPSession::CreateSapResponse still has references
// to CImpsFields entity used after this method call.
User::Leave( KErrNotSupported );
TImpsEventType eventType( ServiceType( ( TImpsMessageType )aMsg->MessageType() ) );
COrphan* orphan = AddOrphanL( aMsg, eventType, aCspId ); // the ownership is in the iOrphanList
// Call application launcher
TInt err( iLauncherProxy->LaunchApplicationL( orphan->ApplicationId(), *( orphan->iSap ), *( orphan->iUserId ) ) );
if ( err != KErrNone )
// Application starting failed
// Orphaned message is kept in the queue until it expires or it is overwritten
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Starting failed %d." ), err );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::NextOrphanLC
// Transfers the next orphan message from the queue for handling
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CImpsFields* CImpsOrphans::NextOrphanLC( const TDesC& aCID,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
if ( ( aServiceType == EImpsEventMessage ) ||
( aServiceType == EImpsEventCommon ) )
return iOrphanQueue->OrphanMessageLC( aCID, aServiceType, aCspId );
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::CheckExpiryL
// Deletes the expired orphan messages
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::CheckExpiryL( )
TTime myExpiry;
iOrphanQueue->DiscardExpired( myExpiry );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::Stop
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::Stop( )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::HandleAppLaunchL
// Handles the application launch
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::HandleAppLaunch( const TDesC& /*aApplicationId*/, TInt aStatus )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: HandleAppLaunchL status %d" ), aStatus );
// removing the warning
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::AddOrphanL
// Creates and adds an orphan message to queue
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COrphan* CImpsOrphans::AddOrphanL( CImpsFields *aFields,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
// Get the ClientID, SessionID
TPtrC sessionID = aFields->SessionIdL();
TPtrC applicationID;
TImpsDataAccessor myAc( aFields );
TImpsSDataUtils::GetApplicationIDL( &myAc, applicationID );
// Get the Validity time from message: relative time
TTimeIntervalSeconds validity;
GetValidityFromMessageL( myAc, validity );
if ( applicationID.Length() == 0 )
applicationID.Set( KDefaultApplicationID );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NewOrphan(appID: %S, servType: %u, SAP: %S, user: %S)" ), &applicationID, aServiceType, &aCspId.SAP(), &aCspId.UserId() );
// Set the validity as absolute time
TTime myTime;
myTime += validity;
_LIT( KDateString5, "%-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%:3%+B" );
TBuf<30> dateString;
myTime.FormatL( dateString, KDateString5 );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NewOrphan valid till %S" ), &dateString );
COrphan* orphan = COrphan::NewL( applicationID,
aFields );
iOrphanQueue->Add( *orphan );
return orphan;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CImpsOrphans::GetValidityFromMessage
// Retrieves the message validity from the instant message. The validity is in
// seconds. If the message did not contain the validity then the default
// validity is returned.
// (other items were commented in a header).
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CImpsOrphans::GetValidityFromMessageL( MImpsDataAccessor& aAc,
TTimeIntervalSeconds& aValidity )
TInt validity;
CImpsKey* myKey = CImpsKey::NewLC();
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeySession, 0 ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTransaction, 0 ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyTransactionContent, 0 ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyNewMessage, 0 ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyMessageInfo, 0 ) );
myKey->AddL( CREATEKEY( EImpsKeyValidity, 0 ) );
if ( aAc.RestoreIntegerL( myKey, validity ) )
aValidity = validity;
aValidity = KDefaultOrphanValidity;
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( ); //myKey
TImpsEventType CImpsOrphans::ServiceType( TImpsMessageType aMessageType )
TImpsEventType event( EImpsEventNone );
switch ( aMessageType )
// IM
case EImpsNewMessage:
event = EImpsEventMessage;
// Fundamental
case EImpsInviteUserReq:
event = EImpsEventCommon;
event = EImpsEventNone;
return event;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::COrphanQueue
// Constructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COrphanQueue::COrphanQueue( TInt aCapacity ):
iOrphanList( _FOFF( COrphan, iLink ) ), //lint !e413
iCapacity( aCapacity ),
iSize( 0 )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::~COrphanQueue
// Destructor
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
while ( iter )
COrphan* orphan = iter;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::SetLength
// Sets the new capacity of the queue
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphanQueue::SetLength( TInt aNewCapacity )
iCapacity = aNewCapacity;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::Add
// Adds a new orphan message to the queue
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphanQueue::Add( COrphan& aOrphan )
// Check the capacity
__ASSERT_DEBUG( iCapacity, User::Panic( KImpsPanicCategory, EImpsCorrupted ) );
if ( iSize < iCapacity )
// Simply add to the end
iOrphanList.AddLast( aOrphan );
// Remove the 1st and add to the last
COrphan* orphan = iOrphanList.First();
iOrphanList.AddLast( aOrphan );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::OrphanMessage
// Returns the orphan message with the given client ID and removes it from the
// queue. NULL is returned if not found.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CImpsFields* COrphanQueue::OrphanMessageLC( const TDesC& aApplicationId,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TImpsSessIdent aCspId )
TPtrC applicationId;
aApplicationId.Length() ? applicationId.Set( aApplicationId ) : applicationId.Set( KDefaultApplicationID );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC(appID: %S, servType: %u, SAP: %S, user: %S)" ), &applicationId, aServiceType, &aCspId.SAP(), &aCspId.UserId() );
TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
while ( iter )
COrphan* orphan = iter;
// Find the given ClientID, Service Type, SAP and UserId
if ( ( !applicationId.Compare( orphan->ApplicationId() ) ) &&
( aServiceType == orphan->iServiceType ) &&
( !orphan->iSap->CompareF( aCspId.SAP() ) ) &&
( !orphan->iUserId->CompareF( aCspId.UserId() ) ) )
// found
// transfer the ownership to the caller
CImpsFields* impsFields = orphan->Message();
CleanupStack::PushL( impsFields );
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC(): Found! " ) );
return impsFields;
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: NextOrphanLC() Not found!" ) );
return NULL;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::DestroyOrphans
// Deletes all orphan messages which have the give ClientID
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphanQueue::DestroyOrphans( TDesC& aApplicationId )
TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
while ( iter )
COrphan* orphan = iter;
if ( !aApplicationId.Compare( orphan->ApplicationId() ) )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphanQueue::DiscardExpired
// Deletes all orphan messages which are expired
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphanQueue::DiscardExpired( TTime aExpiry )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Check expired" ) );
TDblQueIter<COrphan> iter ( iOrphanList );
while ( iter )
COrphan* orphan = iter;
// Check the validity
if ( orphan->Expiry() < aExpiry )
CImpsClientLogger::Log( _L( "CImpsOrphans: Expired discarded" ) );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::COrphan
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
const TDesC& aApplicationID,
const TDesC& aSessionId,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
TTime aValidity,
CImpsFields* aFields ) :
iServiceType( aServiceType ),
iFields ( aFields ),
iExpiry( aValidity )
iCID = aApplicationID;
iSessionId = aSessionId;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::ConstructL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphan::ConstructL(
const TDesC& aSap,
const TDesC& aUserId )
iSap = aSap.AllocL();
iUserId = aUserId.AllocL();
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::NewL
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
COrphan* COrphan::NewL(
const TDesC& aCID,
const TDesC& aSessionId,
TImpsEventType aServiceType,
const TDesC& aSap,
const TDesC& aUserId,
TTime aValidity,
CImpsFields* aFields )
COrphan* self = new ( ELeave ) COrphan( aCID, aSessionId, aServiceType, aValidity, aFields );
CleanupStack::PushL( self );
self->ConstructL( aSap, aUserId );
return self;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::~COrphan
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
delete iSap;
delete iUserId;
} //lint !e1540 iFields freed in Destroy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::Destroy
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphan::Destroy()
delete iFields;
iFields = NULL;
delete this;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::ClientId
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TDesC& COrphan::ApplicationId()
return iCID;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::Message
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
CImpsFields* COrphan::Message()
return iFields;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::Expiry
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
TTime COrphan::Expiry()
return iExpiry;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// COrphan::RemoveOwnership
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void COrphan::RemoveOwnership()
iFields = NULL;
// End of File