/** Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Open IM API errors**/#ifndef OPENAPI_IM_ERRORS_H#define OPENAPI_IM_ERRORS_Hconst TInt KImErrorBase = -30130;enum TImErrors // SDK API errors { /** * General Error */ KImApiGeneralError = KImErrorBase - 1, /** * Error not registered */ KImApiErrNotRegistered = KImErrorBase - 2, /** * Error already registered */ KImApiErrAlreadyRegistered = KImErrorBase - 3, /** * Error not logged */ KImApiErrNotLogged = KImErrorBase - 4, /** * Login is already ongoing */ KImApiErrLoginInProgress = KImErrorBase - 5, /** * The contact ID provided in SendPToPMessage is invalid */ KImApiErrInvalidContactId = KImErrorBase - 6, /** * The user ID provided in SendPToPMessage is invalid */ KImApiErrInvalidUserId = KImErrorBase - 7, /** * Not all the users have a valid User ID when sending message */ KImApiErrPartialSuccess = KImErrorBase - 8, /** * Special IM error code: the sender is blocked by the recipient */ KImApiErrSenderBlocked = KImErrorBase - 9, /** * Special IM error code: the recipient is not logged in */ KImApiErrRecipientNotLogged = KImErrorBase - 10, /** * Logout is already in progress */ KImApiErrLogoutInProgress = KImErrorBase - 11, /** * CancelLogin is already in progress */ KImApiErrCancelLoginInProgress = KImErrorBase - 12, /** * Already logged in */ KImApiErrAlreadyLoggedIn = KImErrorBase - 13, /** * Wrong Password */ KImApiErrWrongPassword = KImErrorBase - 14 };#endif // OPENAPI_IM_ERRORS_H// End of File