/** Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: Local variation flags for Instant Messaging**/#ifndef IMVARIANT_HRH#define IMVARIANT_HRH// DATA TYPES/** * Local variation flags for Instant Messaging */enum KIMLocalVariantFlags { // Simplified UI texts enabled or disabled. // When this is enabled, all empty listboxes should have some descriptive // text like "You can add contacts by selecting create new from options menu". // When this is disabled, default listbox empty texts ("no data") should be used. // EIMFeatSimplifiedUI = 0x00000001, // New options and context menu for Recorded Chats View // Includes automatic highlight options etc. EIMFeatRecordedChatOptions = 0x00000002, // New help id for Invitation view EIMFeatInvitationHelpIdChange = 0x00000004, // "Opening group needs to be faster" EIMFeatBackgroundGroupOpening = 0x00000008, // "Show warning note when memory ends // and application starts to delete messages automatically" EIMFeatMemLowWarningNote = 0x00000010, // "Server selection query with settings facelift enabled" // Defined also in IMPSCommonUI EIMFeatHighlightLoggedInServer = 0x00000020, // UI"Adding blocked contact to IM contacts" EIMFeatAddBlockedContactQuery = 0x00000040, // UI"Operators should be able to define // the available tones in Filelist dialog" EIMFeatBrandableTones = 0x00000080, // UI "IM: When image scaling is not possible, // note should be shown." EIMFeatSendNotScalable = 0x00000100, // UI "Send key in message list" EIMFeatSendkeyInMsgList = 0x00000200 };#endif //IMVARIANT_HRH// End of File