author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Thu, 17 Dec 2009 08:41:52 +0200
changeset 0 094583676ce7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 200949 Kit: 200951

* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Container for message containers

#include "CCAChatContainer.h"
#include "CCAMessageContainer.h"
#include "PublicEngineDefinitions.h"
#include "MCAChatObserver.h"
#include "MCASettings.h"
#include "mcamessage.h"

#include "ChatDebugAssert.h"
#include "ChatDebugPrint.h"
#include <hal.h>

const TInt KMinAvailableMemory = 0x32000; // 200kb

// CCAChatContainer::CCAChatContainer
// ( Other items commented in header )
CCAChatContainer::CCAChatContainer( MCASettings& aSettingsInterface )
        : iSettingsInterface( aSettingsInterface )

// CCAChatContainer::CCAChatContainer
// ( Other items commented in header )

// CCAChatContainer::NewL
// ( Other items commented in header )
CCAChatContainer* CCAChatContainer::NewL( MCASettings& aSettingsInterface )
    CCAChatContainer* self =
        new ( ELeave ) CCAChatContainer( aSettingsInterface );

    return self;

// CCAChatContainer::MessageReadInterfaceL
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesReadInterface& CCAChatContainer::MessageReadInterfaceL(
    const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aUserId,
    const TDesC& aTargetId,
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType aType )
    return *ChatL( ChatL( aServerAddress, aUserId, aTargetId, aType ) );

// CCAChatContainer::MessageWriteInterfaceL
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesWriteInterface& CCAChatContainer::MessageWriteInterfaceL(
    const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aUserId,
    const TDesC& aTargetId,
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType aType )
    return *ChatL( ChatL( aServerAddress, aUserId, aTargetId, aType ) );

// CCAChatContainer::DeleteChatL
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::DeleteChatL( const TDesC& aServerAddress,
                                    const TDesC& aUserId,
                                    const TDesC& aTargetId )
    // Find out if chat exist or not. ChatExists() not used,
    // because we need index.
    CCAMessageContainer* tempChat = CreateContainerLC(
                                        MCAMessagesReadInterface::ENoneContainer );
    TInt index( FindChat( *tempChat ) );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempChat );

    // If index is positive  value, Chat exists and we can remove it.
    if ( index >= 0 )
        CCAMessageContainer* target = ChatL( index, EFalse );

        // Get count of pending messages before removing chat
        TInt ignore;
        TInt pendignMsgs = MessagesPendingCount( ignore );

        RemoveChat( index );

        // Check if removed chat had unread messages
        if ( pendignMsgs != MessagesPendingCount( ignore ) )
            // Notify about changed unread count
            HandleChatEvent( EUnreadCountChanged );

        // Observers are notified, delete target.
        delete target;
    else if ( index != KErrNotFound )
        // some other error than not found occurred. Inform caller.
        User::Leave( index );

// CCAChatContainer::CloseAllContainers
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::CloseAllContainers()
    HandleChatEvent( EChatListChanged );
    HandleChatEvent( EGroupListChanged );

// CCAChatContainer::ChatExistsL
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesReadInterface* CCAChatContainer::ChatExistsL(
    const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aUserId,
    const TDesC& aTargetId )
    CCAMessageContainer* tempChat = CreateContainerLC(
                                        MCAMessagesReadInterface::ENoneContainer );

    TInt index( FindChat( *tempChat ) );
    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempChat );
    if ( index < 0 )
        return NULL;
    return ChatL( index );

// CCAChatContainer::ChangeChatIdL
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesReadInterface& CCAChatContainer::ChangeChatIdL(
    const TDesC& aOldServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aOldUserId,
    const TDesC& aOldTargetId,
    const TDesC& aNewServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aNewUserId,
    const TDesC& aNewTargetId,
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType aType )
    // If old does not exists. ChatL creates it.
    TInt index = ChatL(  aOldServerAddress, aOldUserId, aOldTargetId  );
    CCAMessageContainer* target = ChatL( index, EFalse );

    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType oldType = target->ContainerType();

    // Update chat to new type.
    target->ChangeIdL(  aNewServerAddress, aNewUserId, aNewTargetId, aType  );

    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType newType = target->ContainerType();

    // If type is changed, container must be changed.
    if ( oldType != newType )
        // Remove chat from current container.
        RemoveChat( index );
        CleanupStack::PushL( target );

        // Append to right container.
        TLinearOrder< CCAMessageContainer > order(
            CCAMessageContainer::OrderUid );
        switch ( newType )
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer:
                // User::LeaveIfError returns value if value is positive.
                index = User::LeaveIfError( iGroupContainer.InsertInOrder(
                                                target, order ) );
                HandleChatEvent( EGroupListChanged );
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer:
                index = User::LeaveIfError( iChatContainer.InsertInOrder(
                                                target, order ) );
                HandleChatEvent( EChatListChanged );
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::ESendContainer:
                index = User::LeaveIfError(
                            iSendContainer.InsertInOrder( target, order ) );
                User::Leave( KErrArgument );
        CleanupStack::Pop( target );
        switch ( newType )
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer:
                HandleChatEvent( EGroupListChanged );
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer:
                HandleChatEvent( EChatListChanged );
                User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    iLatestType = newType;
    return *target;

// CCAChatContainer::GroupCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::GroupCount() const
    return iGroupContainer.Count();

// CCAChatContainer::ChatCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::ChatCount() const
    return iChatContainer.Count();

// CCAChatContainer::GroupAt
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesReadInterface& CCAChatContainer::GroupAt( TInt aIndex ) const
    __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < GroupCount() );
    return *iGroupContainer[ aIndex ];

// CCAChatContainer::ChatAt
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessagesReadInterface& CCAChatContainer::ChatAt( TInt aIndex ) const
    __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( aIndex >= 0 && aIndex < ChatCount() )
    return *iChatContainer[ aIndex ];

// CCAChatContainer::RegisterChatObserver
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::RegisterChatObserver( MCAChatObserver* aObserver )
    TInt index = iObservers.Find( aObserver );
    if ( index == KErrNotFound )
        return iObservers.Append( aObserver );
    return KErrAlreadyExists;

// CCAChatContainer::RegisterChatObserver
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::UnregisterChatObserver( MCAChatObserver* aObserver )
    TInt index = iObservers.Find( aObserver );
    if ( index >= 0 )
        iObservers.Remove( index );
        return KErrNone;
    return index;

// CCAChatContainer::ResetPendingCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::ResetPendingCount()
    TInt count( ChatCount() );
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        ChatAt( a ).Read( MCAMessagesReadInterface::EReadAll );

// CCAChatContainer::PendingMessagesCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::MessagesPendingCount( TInt& aCountOfChats,
                                             MCAMessagesReadInterface::TUnreadFilter aUnreadFilter
                                             /*= MCAMessagesReadInterface::EUnreadAll*/ ) const
    TInt count( ChatCount() );
    TInt pendingCount( 0 );
    aCountOfChats = 0;
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        TInt unreadCount = ChatAt( a ).UnreadCount( aUnreadFilter );
        if ( unreadCount > 0 )
            pendingCount += unreadCount;
    return pendingCount;

// CCAChatContainer::PendingMessagesCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessageContainerInfo* CCAChatContainer::PendingMessageInfo() const
    TInt count( ChatCount() );
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        if ( ChatAt( a ).UnreadCount( MCAMessagesReadInterface::EUnreadReceived ) > 0 )
            return iChatContainer[ a ];
    return NULL;

// CCAChatContainer::ChatGroupMessagesPendingCount
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::ChatGroupMessagesPendingCount( TInt& aCountOfChats ) const
    TInt count = GroupCount();
    TInt pendingCount = 0;
    aCountOfChats = 0;

    for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
        TInt unreadCount = GroupAt( i ).UnreadCount(
                               MCAMessagesReadInterface::EUnreadReceived );
        if ( unreadCount > 0 )
            pendingCount += unreadCount;

    return pendingCount;

// CCAChatContainer::ChatGroupPendingMessageInfo
// ( Other items commented in header )
MCAMessageContainerInfo* CCAChatContainer::ChatGroupPendingMessageInfo() const
    TInt count( GroupCount() );
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        if ( GroupAt( a ).UnreadCount( MCAMessagesReadInterface::EUnreadReceived ) > 0 )
            return iGroupContainer[ a ];
    return NULL;


// CCAChatContainer::MessageInterface
// ( Other items commented in header )
TBool CCAChatContainer::FreeMemoryIfNeededL( TInt aSize )
    CHAT_DP_FUNC_ENTER( "CCAChatContainer::FreeMemoryIfNeededL" );

    TInt halSize;
    TInt biggestBlock;

    HAL::Get( HALData::EMemoryRAMFree, halSize );
    TInt maxHeap = Min( User::Heap().MaxLength(), halSize );
    TInt available = maxHeap - ( User::Heap().Size() - User::Heap().Available( biggestBlock ) );
    TInt memoryNeed = KMinAvailableMemory + aSize;

    TTime oldestUnread;
    TInt unreadIndex;

    CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "CCAChatContainer::FreeMemoryIfNeededL, heapSize = %d" ), maxHeap );
    CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "****heapSize, available, need = %d, %d, %d" ),
             maxHeap, available, memoryNeed );

    TBool ready = EFalse;
    TBool memLowNotified = EFalse;
    while ( !ready )
        TBool freeMemoryNeeded( EFalse );
        if ( iExternalMemoryHandler )
            freeMemoryNeeded = !iExternalMemoryHandler->FreeMemoryIfNeededL( aSize );
        if ( freeMemoryNeeded || memoryNeed > available )
            // we have to react.
            TInt count = GroupCount();

            // Check how much memory can be made free
            TInt freeableBytes = 0;
            for ( TInt i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                TBool locked = iGroupContainer[i]->IsLocked();
                if ( iGroupContainer[i]->AllMessagesCount() && !locked )
                    freeableBytes += iGroupContainer[i]->ContainerSizeInBytes();

            if ( ( ( available + freeableBytes ) < memoryNeed )
                 && !memLowNotified )
                // Can't free enough memory
                return EFalse;

            unreadIndex = KErrNotFound;

            for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
                MCAMessagesReadInterface& chat = GroupAt( a );
                TBool locked = iGroupContainer[ a ]->IsLocked();
                if ( iGroupContainer[ a ]->AllMessagesCount() && !locked )
                    MCAMessage& message = iGroupContainer[ a ]->MessageFromAll( 0 );
                    if ( oldestUnread > message.TimeStamp() )
                        oldestUnread = message.TimeStamp();
                        unreadIndex = a;

            if ( unreadIndex == KErrNotFound )
                return EFalse;
                // Inform observers about memory handling
                if ( !memLowNotified )
                    HandleChatEvent( EMemoryLow );
                    memLowNotified = ETrue;
                iGroupContainer[ unreadIndex ]->DeleteMessageFromAll( 0 );
            available = maxHeap - ( User::Heap().Size() - User::Heap().Available( biggestBlock ) );
            CHAT_DP( D_CHAT_LIT( "****heapSize, available, need = %d, %d, %d" ),
                     maxHeap, available, memoryNeed );
            ready = ETrue;
    CHAT_DP_FUNC_DONE( "CCAChatContainer::FreeMemoryIfNeededL" );
    return ETrue;

// CCAChatContainer::SetAccessInterface
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::SetAccessInterface( MCAChatInterface* /*aAccess*/ )
    // Not need to use in here. We have access already.

// CCAChatContainer::HandleChatEvent
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::HandleChatEvent( TChatEventType aEvent,
                                        MCAMessage* aMessage )
    // Inform all observer about chat event.
    TInt count( iObservers.Count() );
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        iObservers[ a ]->HandleChatEvent( aEvent, aMessage );

// CCAChatContainer::MessageRecipient
// ( Other items commented in header )
const TDesC& CCAChatContainer::MessageRecipient( TInt aOperationCode,
                                                 TInt& aStatus ) const
    TInt count( ChatCount() );
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        const TDesC& res = iChatContainer[ a ]->MessageRecipient(
                               aOperationCode, aStatus );
        if ( aStatus == KErrNone )
            return res;

    count = GroupCount();
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        const TDesC& res = iGroupContainer[ a ]->MessageRecipient(
                               aOperationCode, aStatus );
        if ( aStatus == KErrNone )
            return res;

    count = iSendContainer.Count();
    for ( TInt a( 0 ); a < count; ++a )
        const TDesC& res = iSendContainer[ a ]->MessageRecipient(
                               aOperationCode, aStatus );
        if ( aStatus == KErrNone )
            return res;

    aStatus = KErrNotFound;
    return KNullDesC;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CCAChatContainer::SetExternalMemoryHandler
// ( Other items commented in header )
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CCAChatContainer::SetExternalMemoryHandler(
    MCABufferMemoryHandler* aMemoryHandler )
    iExternalMemoryHandler = aMemoryHandler;

// CCAChatContainer::ChatL
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::ChatL(
    const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aUserId,
    const TDesC& aTargetId,
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType aType
    /*= MCAMessagesReadInterface::ENoneContainer*/ )
    CCAMessageContainer* tempChat =
        CreateContainerLC( aServerAddress, aUserId, aTargetId, *this, aType );

    TInt index( FindChat( *tempChat ) );
    if ( index == KErrNotFound )
        TLinearOrder< CCAMessageContainer > order(
            CCAMessageContainer::OrderUid );
        // User::LeaveIfError returns value if value is positive.
        iLatestType = tempChat->ContainerType();
        switch ( iLatestType )
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer:
                User::LeaveIfError( iGroupContainer.InsertInOrder( tempChat,
                                                                   order ) );
                index = FindChat( *tempChat );
                iGroupContainer[ index ]->SetChatObserver( this );
                HandleChatEvent( EGroupListChanged );
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer:
                User::LeaveIfError( iChatContainer.InsertInOrder( tempChat,
                                                                  order ) );
                index = FindChat( *tempChat );
                iChatContainer[ index ]->SetChatObserver( this );
                HandleChatEvent( EChatListChanged );
            case MCAMessagesReadInterface::ESendContainer:
                User::LeaveIfError( iSendContainer.InsertInOrder( tempChat,
                                                                  order ) );
                index = FindChat( *tempChat );
                User::Leave( KErrArgument );
        CleanupStack::Pop( tempChat );
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( tempChat );

    return User::LeaveIfError( index );

// CCAChatContainer::ChatL
// ( Other items commented in header )
CCAMessageContainer* CCAChatContainer::ChatL( TInt aIndex,
                                              TBool aResetLatest /* = ETrue*/ )
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType type = iLatestType;

    if ( aResetLatest )
        iLatestType = MCAMessagesReadInterface::ENoneContainer;

    switch ( type )
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer:
            return iGroupContainer[ aIndex ];
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer:
            return iChatContainer[ aIndex ];
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::ESendContainer:
            return iSendContainer[ aIndex ];
            User::Leave( KErrArgument );
    // Can never get this far
    __CHAT_ASSERT_DEBUG( EFalse );
    return NULL;

// CCAChatContainer::RemoveChatL
// ( Other items commented in header )
void CCAChatContainer::RemoveChat( TInt aIndex,
                                   TBool aResetLatest /* = ETrue */ )
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType type = iLatestType;

    if ( aResetLatest )
        iLatestType = MCAMessagesReadInterface::ENoneContainer;

    switch ( type )
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer:
            iGroupContainer.Remove( aIndex );
            HandleChatEvent( EGroupListChanged );
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer:
            iChatContainer.Remove( aIndex );
            HandleChatEvent( EChatListChanged );
        case MCAMessagesReadInterface::ESendContainer:
            iSendContainer.Remove( aIndex );

// CCAChatContainer::FindChat
// ( Other items commented in header )
TInt CCAChatContainer::FindChat( const CCAMessageContainer& aChat )
    TInt index( 0 );
    TLinearOrder< CCAMessageContainer > order( CCAMessageContainer::OrderUid );
    TInt status = iChatContainer.FindInOrder( &aChat, index, order );
    if ( status == KErrNone )
        iLatestType = MCAMessagesReadInterface::EChatContainer;
        return index;
    status = iGroupContainer.FindInOrder( &aChat, index, order );
    if ( status == KErrNone )
        iLatestType = MCAMessagesReadInterface::EGroupContainer;
        return index;
    iLatestType = MCAMessagesReadInterface::ESendContainer;
    status = iSendContainer.FindInOrder( &aChat, index, order );
    return ( status == KErrNone ? index : status );

// CCAChatContainer::CreateContainerLC
// ( Other items commented in header )
CCAMessageContainer* CCAChatContainer::CreateContainerLC(
    const TDesC& aServerAddress,
    const TDesC& aUserId,
    const TDesC& aTargetId,
    MCABufferMemoryHandler& aMemoryHandler,
    MCAMessagesReadInterface::TContainerType aType )
    HBufC* accesspoint = NULL;
    HBufC* userid = NULL;

    if ( aServerAddress == KNullDesC )
        accesspoint = iSettingsInterface.ValueL( MCASettings::EServiceAddress );
        CleanupStack::PushL( accesspoint );
    if ( aUserId == KNullDesC )
        userid = iSettingsInterface.ValueL( MCASettings::EOwnWVUserID );
        CleanupStack::PushL( userid );

    const TDesC& accessDes = ( accesspoint ? *accesspoint : aServerAddress );
    const TDesC& userDes = ( userid ? *userid : aUserId );

    CCAMessageContainer* messageContainer = CCAMessageContainer::NewL(
                                                aType );
    if ( userid )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( userid );
    if ( accesspoint )
        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( accesspoint );
    CleanupStack::PushL( messageContainer );
    return messageContainer;

// end of file