author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Tue, 26 Jan 2010 11:50:09 +0200
changeset 2 7b3b89e6be20
parent 0 094583676ce7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201001 Kit: 201004

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Various tools for List Library


#include <e32base.h>
#include "PEngContactIdsTools.h"
#include "PEngWVCspVersion.h"
#include "CPEngContactListModBase.h"
#include "CPEngContactListModItemContainer.h"

class CPEngSessionSlotId;
class MPEngXMLSerializer;
class MPEngXMLParser;
class CPEngContactListModBase;
class CPEngContactListModItemContainer;
class CPEngContactListSettings;
class CPEngTransactionStatus;
class MPEngContactListTransactionManager;


 * Contaclist view wrapper.
 * Maps contact items contact ID to MDesCArray.
NONSHARABLE_CLASS( TPEngContactlistDesViewWraper ) :
        public MDesCArray

     * C++ constructor.
    inline TPEngContactlistDesViewWraper(
        CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList )
            : iContactList( aContactList )

public: // from MDesC16Array

     * Gets count of the wrapped array.
     * @return The count of array elements.
    inline TInt MdcaCount() const
        return iContactList.Count();

     * Gets the element from the wrapped array.
     * @param aIndex The element index.
     * @return The array element.
    inline TPtrC16 MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const
        return iContactList.ContactItem( aIndex ).Id();

private: // data

    //OWN: The wrapped contact list
    CPEngContactListModBase&    iContactList;


 * Namespace encapsulating a collection of
 * List Library utility functions.
namespace NListLibTools
     * Leave if there is error except, KErrAlreadyExists.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aError The errorcode which to handle
    void LeaveIfMajorErrorL( TInt aError );

     * Parses contacts in the nick list response.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aResponse buffer with response to parse
     * @param aParsedContacts array to store parsed contacts
     * @param aContactList contact list model to look for contacts
     * @param aXMLparser1 XML parser1
     * @param aXMLparser2 XML parser2
     * @param aUpdateNickname
     * @param aNewContactCount count is goint to be increased for each new contact
    TBool ParseContactListNickListL(
        const TDesC8& aResponse,
        RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aParsedContacts,
        CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
        MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
        MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser2,
        TBool aUpdateNickname,
        TInt* aNewContactCount = NULL );

     * Parses plain contact IDs from the list response.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aResponse buffer with response to parse
     * @param aParsedContacts array to store parsed contacts
     * @param aContactList contact list model to look for contacts
     * @param aXMLparser1 XML parser1
     * @param aXMLparser2 XML parser2
     * @param aUpdateNickname
     * @param aNewContactCount count is goint to be increased for each new contact
    TBool ParseContactListIDsL(
        const TDesC8& aResponse,
        RPointerArray<CPEngContactListModItemContainer>& aParsedContacts,
        CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList,
        MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
        TBool aUpdateNickname,
        TInt* aNewContactCount = NULL );

     * Parse Contact list properties
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aResponse buffer with response to parse
     * @param aSettings contact list settings, to store parsed data
     * @param aXMLparser1 XML parser1
     * @param aXMLparser2 XML parser2
    TBool ParseContactListPropertiesL(
        const TDesC8& aResponse,
        CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings,
        MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser1,
        MPEngXMLParser& aXMLparser2 );

     * Remove bad contact from the contact list(local, network view)
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aTransactionStatus transaction status with the bad contact ids
     * @param aContactList contact list
    void RemoveBadContactsL(
        const CPEngTransactionStatus& aTransactionStatus,
        CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList );

     * Remove bad contact Ids from the local view, so they will be removed
     * from the server at next transaction.
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aTransactionStatus transaction status with the bad contact ids
     * @param aContactList contact list
    void MarkForRemoveBadContactsL(
        const CPEngTransactionStatus& aTransactionStatus,
        CPEngContactListModBase& aContactList );

     * Harmonizes default contact list settings
     * Function is called after properties of the contact list
     * have been updated. Harmonizes the default contact list settings
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aCntListSettings The contact list.
     * @param aManager The contact list manager.
    void HarmonizeDefaultContactListSettingsL(
        CPEngContactListSettings& aCntListSettings,
        MPEngContactListTransactionManager& aManager );

     * Register Presence attributes of the contacts from passed array
     * to be accepter by the presence engine
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aContacts array of contact ids
     * @param aSessionSlotId Session slot Id
    void ActivatePresenceAttributesL(
        const MDesCArray& aContacts,
        const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId );

     * Unregister Presence attributes of the contacts from passed array
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aContacts array of contact ids
     * @param aSessionSlotId Session slot Id
    void DeactivatePresenceAttributesL(
        const MDesCArray& aContacts,
        const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId );

     * Append transaction content to the start of the buffer
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aXMLSerializer XML serializer
     * @param aCSPVersion CPS Version
    void AppendTransactionContentTagXmlL(
        MPEngXMLSerializer& aXMLSerializer,
        TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion );

     * Append contact list name to the XML buffer
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aXMLSerializer XML serializer
     * @param aSettings contact list settings
    void AppendContactListNameXmlL(
        MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
        const CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings );

     * Append Presence Attributes for subscription to the XML buffer
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aAttributes
     * @param aXMLSerializer XML serializer
     * @param aSessionSlotId Session slot Id
     * @param aCSPVersion CSP Version
    void AppendAttributesForSubscriptionXmlL(
        const RArray<TUint32> aAttributes,
        MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
        const CPEngSessionSlotId& aSessionSlotId,
        TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion );

     * Append Contact list properties into the XML buffer
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aXMLSerializer XML serializer
     * @param aSettings contact list settings
    void AppendContactListPropertiesXmlL(
        MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
        const CPEngContactListSettings& aSettings );

     * Append Contact list "ReceiveList" tag for the
     * "ListManage-Request" request, if it is supported
     * @since 3.0
     * @param aXMLSerializer XML serializer
     * @param aCSPVersion version of the CSP
     * @param aValue value of the ReceiveList tag
    void ApppendReceiveListTagL(
        MPEngXMLSerializer& aXmlSerializer,
        TPEngWVCspVersion& aCSPVersion,
        TBool aValue );

    } //namespace NListLibTools


//  End of File