* Copyright (c) 2004 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: This is a localisation file for Presence application and
* other PEC UI components.
* ConnectionUI:
* - Login data query
* - Notes
* - Queries
* - Error notes
* qtn_dyc_note_logged_in_ok
// LOC strings implemented in PresenceConnectionUI
// ***********************************************
// Originally from PEC specification
//d:Following confirmation query is asked when exiting from
//d:presence application and the active network connection
//d:was opened manually.
#define qtn_dyc_query_exit_conn_close "Close connection to the network?"
// LOC strings implemented in IM Application (chatclient.loc)
// **********************************************************
// d:Softkey label, when scrolling of messages is stopped
// l:control_pane_t1/opt7
#define qtn_chat_sk_continue "Continue"
// Pure connection UI ones.
//d:Username prompt text for login data query.
#define qtn_chat_login_data_prompt "Enter user ID"
//d:Password prompt text for login data query.
#define qtn_chat_login_code_prompt "Enter password"
//d:If login failed due wrong username or password,
//d:following errornote is shown.
#define qtn_chat_login_passer_note "Please check your username and password and try again."
//d:Waitnote text shown when doing logout.
#define qtn_chat_wait_disconnect "Disconnecting from service"
//d:Error note shown when selected network server doesn't
//d:support required Presence / Chat features.
#define qtn_chat_info_not_sup_con "Unable to login. Not enough functions supported by the service provider"
//d:Error note shown when the network server settings are missing
//d:some compulsory settings and thus login can't be done.
#define qtn_chat_sett_comp_miss "Unable to login. Compulsory settings are missing"
//d:Error note shown when the user account from the network
//d:server is closed after too many unsuccesfull connection
#define qtn_chat_login_account_lost "Username and password incorrect. Contact your service provider."
//d:Information note shown when the connection to presence / chat service
//d:is succesfully done.
#define qtn_chat_login_ok "Logged in succesfully."
//d:Following confirmation query is asked to drop the existing Chat
//d:connection. Query is asked when there is already a Chat
//d:connection and user want's login with Presence to different
//d:%U is the name of server to connect.
#define qtn_chat_setting_con_to_pec "Log out from current Chat service and connect Presence to %U"
//d:Waitnote with following text is shown
//d:when reconnecting Chat back to previously
//d:dropped connection.
//d:%U is the name of server to connect.
#define qtn_chat_setting_con_to_pec2 "Reconnecting Chat application to %U"
//d:Following confirmation query is asked to drop the existing Presence
//d:connection. Query is asked when there is already a Presence
//d:connection and user want's login with chat to different
//d:%U is the name of server to connect.
#define qtn_chat_setting_con_to_chat "Log out from current Presence service and connect Chat to %U"
//d:Waitnote with following text is shown
//d:when reconnecting Presence back to previously
//d:dropped connection.
//d:%U is the name of server to connect.
#define qtn_chat_setting_con_to_chat2 "Reconnecting Presence application to %U"
//d:Prompt text for list query for selecting
//d:the network server to login.
#define qtn_chat_log_selectservice "Select service:"
//d:Confirmation note shown after the presence is
//d:succesfully disconnected from the service.
#define qtn_dyc_disconnected_conf "Presence disconnected."
//d:Confirmation note shown after the Instant Messaging
//d:is succesfully disconnected from the service.
#define qtn_chat_disconnected_conf "Chat disconnected."
//d:Information note shown when the server
//d:disconnects the client.
#define qtn_chat_server_disconnected_client "Server has disconnected the client."
//d:Information note shown when there is already a login operation
//d:ongoing to certain server and user tries start another login operation.
//d:%U is the server name to where the login is already going on.
#define qtn_chat_login_ongoing_note "Login to %U is ongoing."
//d:Confirmation note shown when user cancels
//d:the login operation.
#define qtn_chat_loging_canceled "Login canceled."
//d:Waitnote shown when connecting to presence service.
//d:%U is the server name where to login is tried.
#define qtn_pec_con_to_server "Connecting Presence to service %U"
//d:Waitnote shown when connecting the Instant
//d:Messaging application to the IM service.
//d:%U is the server name where to login is tried.
#define qtn_chat_con_to_server "Connecting Chat to service %U"
//d:Error note for Always Online connection errors.
//d:User can see more detailed error note by selecting
//d:%U is the server name where connection closed.
#define qtn_chat_autom_con_failed "Connection to service %U disconnected."
//d:Information note shown after user performs a manual
//d:logout from always online connection.
#define qtn_chat_automatic_conn_on "Disconnected. Application will be automatically connected according loging type setting."
//d:Confirmation note shown if the automatic login fails because of
//d:incorrect server settings or password.
//d:%U is the server name where to login is tried.
#define qtn_chat_incor_usernames_nocon "Username and password are incorrect of missing. Connection to server %U cannot be established. Check server settings."
// d: Confirmation query shown when the active connection should be
// d: automaticly closed by scheduling in 30 seconds. If user accepts
// d: the query or doesn't react in 30 seconds, connection is closed.
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_scheduled_to_be_closed "Connection will be disconnected automatically in 30 seconds. OK?"
// d: Confirmation query shown when the active connection is about to close in
// d: 30 seconds because a connection to a different server is scheduled.
// d: If user accepts the query or doesn't react in 30 seconds to it, connection is closed.
// d: %U is the server name where to new connection should be established.
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_discon_other_because_scheduling "Automatic connection to server %U is set to be established. Disconnect the current connection?"
// d: Label for wait note
// d: Note is displayed when system is fetching contact lists and contacts from server
// l: popup_note_wait_window
// r: 3.0
#define qtn_chat_fetching_contact_lists "Fetching contact lists"
// LOC strings implemented in ServiceSettingsUI
// ***********************************************
// d: Settings item title
// d: Title for Chat setting link-item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_preferences "Preferences"
// d: Settings item title
// d: Title for IM servers-list link-item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_editserver "Servers"
// d: Settings item title
// d: Title for current server link-item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_serverinuse "Server in use"
// d: Setting item title
// d: Title for presence login type link-item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_peclogin "Presence login type"
// d: Setting item title
// d: Title for chat login type link-item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_chatlogin "Chat login type"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for save chats item in multiple drive support
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_settings_memory "Save chats to"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for memory drive not availble in multidrive case
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_saved_not_available "Selected memory drive not available"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for save chats type field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_showlist "Manual connection"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for application launch-login type field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_dyc_set_log_manu "Application launch"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for always online in home network-login type field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_dyc_set_log_auto_home "Always in home network"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for always online-login type field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_dyc_set_log_auto "Always online"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command is used to change currently focused setting item value
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_set_serv_change "Change"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command is used to open currently focused server detail-view
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_set_serv_open "Open"
// d: Empty listbox text
// d: Text is showd in listbox if there is no data available
// l: main_list_empty_pane
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_noserv "no Chat servers defined"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Used when user initiated some action that requires at least 1 IM server -> asks if new one should be defined
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_sett_new_server "No Chat server defined. Define new server?"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Default value for new IM-server name field
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_conf_server "Server name"
// d: Setting item label
// d: Setting item label for "Service access point" item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_conf_sap "Service access point"
// d: Information note label.
// d: Used when trying to change protected server settings
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_brand_server_info "Protected setting cannot be changed."
// d: Information note label.
// d: Used when trying to delete protected server
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_brand_server_delnote "Protected server settings cannot be deleted."
// d: Setting item label
// d: Setting item label for "URL" item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_conf_url "URL"
// d: Setting item label
// d: Setting item label for "user's WV ID" item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_conf_wvuid "WV user ID"
// d: Setting item label
// d: Setting item label for "user's password" item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_setting_conf_pw "Password"
// d: Title of "Settings" view
// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_chat_setting_title "Settings"
// d: Title of "Server list" view
// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_title "Chat servers"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command is used to edit currently focused server
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_om_edit "Edit"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command is used to open create new server view
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_om_new "Define new server"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command is used to ask the deletion of currently focused server
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_del "Delete"
// d: Command in Options Menu
// d: Command name for "Change"
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
#define qtn_chat_def_server_change "Change"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Used when user tries to save server without giving all needed data
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_sett_compul_query "The service doesn't work because all compulsory settings aren't filled. Delete it?"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Default value for new IM-server name field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_def_server_na "New chat server"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Used when user tries to delete currently used server
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_quest_d "Server is in use. Are you sure to delete it?"
// d: Title for radio button query
// d: Query is a list of servers that user must choose one
// l: heading_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_prtx_sel "Server in use:"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Used when user tries to delete the only server that system has
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_serverlist_quest_del "Chat server is the only one. Are you sure to delete it?"
// d: Error note label.
// d: Used when user id or password is missing from a server and Always automatic or always in home network login type is selected
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_setting_fillserver "Fill in the username and password of the server in use to be able to select automatic connection."
// d: Error note label.
// d: Used when Always automatic or always in home network login type is selected and user tries to remove user id or password
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_consetnotfilled "Username and password needed for 'Always online' and 'Always in home network' connections. Change Login type setting first."
// d: Error note label.
// d: Used when user tries to edit settings of a server to which we are logged in to
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_cannot_edit_active_settings "Disconnect the connection to be able to edit settings?"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for scheduled connection time field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_allhours "All day"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for scheduled connection time field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_alldays "All"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for scheduled connection time field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_between2 "%0U - %1U"
// d: Setting item value
// d: Value for scheduled connection time field
// l: list_set_graphic_pane_t1
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_seldays "Selected days"
// d: Label in data query
// d: Used to ask online times from user in scheduled connections
// l: popup_query_data_window
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_to "To:"
// d: Label in data query
// d: Used to ask online times from user in scheduled connections
// l: popup_query_data_window
#define qtn_mce_settings_always_from "From:"
// d: Settings item title
// d: Title for Connection days setting item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_settings_always_days "Connection days"
// d: Settings item title
// d: Title for Connection hours setting item
// l: list_setting_pane_t1
#define qtn_chat_settings_always_hours "Connection hours"
// d: Information note about manual login type activation
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_manual_activated "Manual login type activated"
// d: Confirmation query when changing login type automatic to a server to which user has not logged in before
// d: %U is replaced by the name of the server
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_cannot_activate_query "You need to login first before activating this login type to %U. Login now?"
// WV ID search
// Notify Services **** errors
//d:Error note shown if the terminal tries to request something
//d:that is not supported by the server.
#define qtn_chat_error_service_err "Error in service"
//d:Error note shown when the server is unable to handle request
//d:due to temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
#define qtn_chat_error_serv_busy "Temporary server error."
//d:Error note shown when the server doesn’t support
//d:the requested version. The user can’t do anything.
#define qtn_chat_error_gen_error "Server error."
//d:Error note shown when the server kicks user
//d:out from the server for some reason.
//d:Shown also when the connection can't be
//d:established in certain time.
#define qtn_chat_login_conerror_note "No connection to service. Try again later."
// Notify Services **** information notes
//d:Information note shown when user is unknown or the
//d:entered user id is not valid.
//d:%U stands for the entered or saved wv user id.
#define qtn_chat_error_wrong_wvid "Incorrect wv user ID:%U.\n Check user id and try again."
// Notify Services **** wait notes
// Always online plugin global notes
//d:Global confirmation query for reconnecting continuation
#define qtn_chat_reconnect_failed "No connection to server %U for long time. Continue connecting?"
// Domain selection query
// d: Heading for list query
// d: Heading for domain selection query
// l: heading_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_select_domain "Select domain:"
// d:
// d: List query item
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_select_domain_other "Other"
// Terms of Use
// d: Title of Terms of use -dialog
// l: title_pane_t2/opt12
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_tou_title "Terms of use"
// d: Body text for a dialog
// d: Content of Terms of use -dialog
// l: popup_note_window
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_tou_message "This is the Terms of use message."
// d: Heading of a list query
// d: For accepting or declining the Terms of use
// l: heading_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_tou_query "Terms of use"
// d: List query item
// d: For declining Terms of use
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_tou_decline "I decline"
// d: List query item
// d: For accepting Terms of use
// l: list_single_pane_t1_cp2
// w:
// r: 3.1u
#define qtn_chat_login_tou_accept "I accept"
// d: Label for confirmation note
// d: Confirmation is shown when user cancels the Terms of use -query
// l: popup_note_window
#define qtn_chat_cancel_termsofuse "Cannot connect the service without accepting Terms of use. Cancel anyway?"
// ---[ UI ]---
// d: Message query
// d: Dialog body text, shown when user saves password
// d: By default this is empty
// l: popup_info_list_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 3.1
#define qtn_chat_save_pw_warning ""
// d: Note heading for qtn_chat_save_pw_warning
// l: heading_pane_t1
// w:
// r: 3.1
#define qtn_chat_save_pw_warning_heading "Warning"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Is asked when user is connected to one community and
// d: another community is scheduled
// d: %0u is replaced by cureeently connected community
// d: %1u is replaced by Scheduled community name
// l: popup_note_window
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_chat_discon_other_because_scheduling_new "Automatic connection to %0U is set to be established.Disconnect %1U?"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: asked when, according to the scheduling setting, the connection should
// d: be closed automatically after 30 seconds
// d: %u is replaced by cureeently connected community
// l: popup_note_window
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_chat_scheduled_to_be_closed_new "According settings connection to %U should be disconnected now. Disconnect?"
// d: Label in confirmation note
// d: Is asked when user deletes a community
// d: %u is replaced by community name
// l: popup_note_window
// r: 3.2
#define qtn_chat_delete_community "All your contacts, conversations and groups are deleted. Delete %U anyway?"
// End of File