author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <>
Fri, 19 Feb 2010 22:44:11 +0200
changeset 6 d96c135bc497
parent 0 094583676ce7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201002 Kit: 201007

* Copyright (c) 2002 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Presence Server sub-session handler implementation
*				 All clients sub-session related request are handler here


#include	<e32base.h>
#include	<badesca.h>

#include	"MPEngSubSession.h"

#include	"TPEngServerMessages.h"

class	MPEngServer;
class	RPEngMessage;
class	CPEngCSPSessManager;

 *  Presence Server sub-session handler implementation
 *  All clients sub-session related request are handler here,
 *  @lib PEngServer2
 *  @since 3.0
        public CObject,
        public MPEngSubSession
public:  // Constructors and destructor

     *  Two-phased constructor.
     *  @param aServer server instance
     *  @param aMessage create sub-session message
     *  @param aSessionId Id of the main session
     *  @return sub-session instance
    static CPEngSubSession* NewL( MPEngServer& aServer,
    const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
    TInt32 aSessionId );

    static CPEngSubSession* NewLC( MPEngServer& aServer,
                                   const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
                                   TInt32 aSessionId );

    * Destructor.
    virtual ~CPEngSubSession();

public: // New functions of the MPengSubSession
     *	Store request response
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    void StoreRequestResponse( HBufC8* aResponse );

     *  Application Id of the sub-session
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    TDesC& AppId();

     *  Handler successful application Id login
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    void HandleLogInL();

     *  Handler successful application Id logOut
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    void HandleLogOut();

     *  Disconnect Application Id
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    void DisconnectAppId( const TDesC& aAppId );

     *  Handle CSP closing
     *  @see <MPengSubSession.h>
     *	@since 3.0
    void CSPSessionClosed();

public: // Function for handling of the clients requests

      * Dispatch message from the Sub Session
      *	@since 3.0
      *	@param aMessage message with the request details
      *  @param aRequest request enumeration to handle
      *	@return ETrue if message should be completed
    TBool DispatchMessageL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
                            TInt aRequest );

      * Set Sub-session handle Id for the Session
      *	@since 3.0
      *	@param aHandle Sub-session handle
    void SetSubSesionHandle( TInt aHandle );

private:  // Functions from base classes

     *	Panic client
     *	@since 3.0
     *	@param	aMessage clients message
     *	@param	aPanic panic reason
    void PanicClient( const RPEngMessage& aMessage,
                      const TInt aPanic ) const;

     *  Fetch result of last asynchronous request
     *  @since 3.0
     *  @param aMessage with request details
    void FetchRequestresultL( const RPEngMessage& aMessage );


    * C++ default constructor.
    CPEngSubSession( TInt32 aSessionId  );

    * Symbian 2nd phase constructor
    void ConstructL( MPEngServer& aServer,
                     const RPEngMessage& aMessage );

private:    // Data

    /// OWN: Sub-session type
    TInt								iType;

    /// OWN: Sub Session Handle
    TInt								iHandle;

    /// OWN: Session Id of this sub-session
    TInt32								iSessionId;

    /// REF: CSP Session holder
    CPEngCSPSessManager*				iSessionManager;

    /// OWN: Application Id of the sub-session
    HBufC16*							iAppId;

    /// OWN: Application Id was attached to Session Holder
    TBool								iAppIdAttached;

    /// OWN: Sub-session last async request result
    HBufC8*								iRequestResult;


#endif      // __CPENGSUBSESSION_H__

// End of File