/** Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: IMPS Protocol implementation for Presence Framework**/#ifndef __CIMPSPLUGINSUBSCRIBEPRESENTITYGROUPLISTREQUEST_H__#define __CIMPSPLUGINSUBSCRIBEPRESENTITYGROUPLISTREQUEST_H__// INCLUDES#include <e32base.h>#include <ximpbase.h>#include "impsdebugprint.h"// FORWARD DECLARATIONSclass MImpsPrtPluginConnectionManager;class MPEngXMLParser;class MPEngXmlSerializer;/** * CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest * * Issue Subscribe Presentity Group List Request to Network Server * * @lib ?library * @since S60 v4.0 */class CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest: public CActive { public: static CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest* NewL( MImpsPrtPluginConnectionManager& aConnMan, TXIMPRequestId aRequestId ); static CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest* NewLC( MImpsPrtPluginConnectionManager& aConnMan, TXIMPRequestId aRequestId ); virtual ~CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest(); private: CSubscribePresentityGroupListRequest( MImpsPrtPluginConnectionManager& aConnMan, TXIMPRequestId aRequestId ); void ConstructL(); private: // from CActive void DoCancel(); void RunL(); TInt RunError( TInt aError ); public: void SubscribePresentityGroupListRequestL(); private: // data /** * Request Id from PrFw */ TXIMPRequestId iRequestId; /** * Send data request to pure data handler generates the id */ TInt iSendId; HBufC8* iResponse; HBufC16* iListId; /** * ?description_of_pointer_member * Own. *** Write "Own" if this class owns the object pointed to; in other words, if this class is responsible for deleting it. */ MPEngXMLParser* iParser; /** * Imps Protocol Plugin Connection Manager * Not own. *** Write "Not own" if some other class owns this object. */ MImpsPrtPluginConnectionManager& iConnMan; };#endif // __CIMPSPLUGINSUBSCRIBEPRESENTITYGROUPLISTREQUEST_H__