* Copyright (c) 2003 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: Service Settings UI definitions
#include "CWVSettingsUI.hrh"
#include "WVSettingsSharedDataNG.h"
#include <ApEngineConsts.h>
// KEmptyDesC is needed in listboxes as empty value
// KNullDesC cannot be used instead, because it messes
// up the layout
_LIT( KEmptyDesC, " " );
_LIT( KCompulsoryChar, "*" );
_LIT( KResourceName, "CWVSettingsUING.RSC" );
// The Variation resource file which contains the CommonUi's Feature/Variation flags
_LIT( KIMCUVariationResourceName, "IMConnectionUIVariationNG.RSC" );
_LIT( KBitmapFile, "apsettings.mbm" );
_LIT( KServerNameFormatTrailer, "\t" );
_LIT( KFirstIconFormat, "\t0" );
_LIT( KAt, "@" );
_LIT( KDot, "." );
_LIT( KTwoDots, ".." );
_LIT( KWV, "wv:" );
_LIT( KSlash, "/" );
_LIT( KPlus, "+" );
_LIT( KTabulator, "\t" );
_LIT( KAtEnc, "%40" );
_LIT( KSlashEnc, "%2F" );
_LIT( KPlusEnc, "%2B" );
_LIT( KTabulatorEnc, "%09" );
_LIT( KEmptyDesCEnc, "%20" );
_LIT( KWVSettingsDefaultConnStart, "12:00" );
_LIT( KWVSettingsDefaultConnEnd, "12:00" );
_LIT( KWVSettingsDefaultMemoryDrive, "C:\\" );
_LIT( KTimeFormat, "%02d:%02d" );
_LIT( KIMPSIconIndex, "\t\t0" );
_LIT( KModuleId, "IMApp" );
_LIT( KDirSeparator, "\\" );
_LIT( KRelativeBrandPath, "\\system\\data\\branding\\" );
_LIT( KBitmapFileServerList, "logo.mbm" );
const TInt KDefaultStartHour = 12;
const TInt KDefaultEndHour = 12;
const TInt KDefaultMinute = 0;
const TInt KTimeValueLength = 2;
const TInt KWVSettingsBitmapFileNameLength = 30;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerNameGeneratedPartMaxLength = 4;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerNameMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerSAPMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerUserNameMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerWVUserIdMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerPasswordMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerHttpProxyMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsServerURLMaxlength = 255;
const TInt KWVSettingsConnDaysTextMaxLength = 50;
const TInt KWVSettingsConnHoursTextMaxLength = 50;
// when all day bits are on then the integer value is 127
const TInt KWVSettingsConnDaysAllSelected = 127;
const TInt KWVSettingsDefaultIMLoginType = EWVSettingsChatLoginManual;
// Server memory size estimate for low disk handling
const TInt KWVSettingsServerSizeEstimate =
KWVSettingsServerNameMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerSAPMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerUserNameMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerWVUserIdMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerPasswordMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerHttpProxyMaxLength +
KWVSettingsServerURLMaxlength +
KWVSettingsConnDaysTextMaxLength +
KWVSettingsConnHoursTextMaxLength +
50; // Add some buffer
const TInt KWVSettingsLeaveBase = -19000;
enum TWVSettingsViewLeaveCodes
EFriendsArrayMissingContactInterface = KWVSettingsLeaveBase - 1,
EServersArrayMissingServerList = KWVSettingsLeaveBase - 2,
EServersArrayReplacelingModelWithNULL = KWVSettingsLeaveBase - 3,
EServerDialogUnknownItemType = KWVSettingsLeaveBase - 4,
EIncorrectListBoxItemIndex = KWVSettingsLeaveBase - 5
enum TWVSettingsDialogLoginSettings
_LIT( KWVSettingsViewServerNameTrailerDecorationStart, "(" );
_LIT( KWVSettingsViewServerNameTrailerDecorationEnd, ")" );
const TUint KWVSettingsViewServerNameTrailerMinNumber = 1; //start number --> (01)
const TUint KWVSettingsViewServerNameTrailerMaxNumber = 99; //end number --> (99)
const TInt KWVSettingsViewServerNameTrailerNumberWidth = 2; //how many numbers places is reserved
//for trailer number
//NOTE!! This must be big enough to hold
// Backslash unicode
const TUint KBackSlash = 0x005C;
//WLAN APN can not be used from IM Application
//const TInt KWVSettingsViewBearerTypes = EApBearerTypeAllBearers;
const TInt KWVSettingsViewBearerTypes = EApBearerTypeCSD | EApBearerTypeGPRS | EApBearerTypeHSCSD | EApBearerTypeCDMA | EApBearerTypeLAN | EApBearerTypeLANModem;
// End of File