author Dremov Kirill (Nokia-D-MSW/Tampere) <kirill.dremov@nokia.com>
Fri, 19 Feb 2010 22:44:11 +0200
changeset 6 d96c135bc497
parent 0 094583676ce7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Revision: 201002 Kit: 201007

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). 
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:  Array wrapper for recorded chats view


#include <e32base.h>
#include "BAMDESCA.H"
#include "MCARecordedChatProvider.h"

class MCALoggerMessageHeader;
class RWriteStream;
class MCARecordedChatsArrayPC;
class MCARecordedChatsPC;


*  Recorded chats header array wrapper
*  Wraps real array handling to MDesCArray protocol
*  @chatng.exe
*  @since 3.2
class CCARecordedChatsArray :   public CBase,
            public MDesCArray,
            public MCARecordedChatProvider
    public:  // Constructors and destructor

        * Two-phased constructor.
        * @param aRecordedChatsPC Reference to Recorded Chats process component
        * @param aRecordedChatsArrayPC Reference to Recorded Chats Array process component
        static CCARecordedChatsArray* NewL( MCARecordedChatsPC& aRecordedChatsPC,
                                            MCARecordedChatsArrayPC& aRecordedChatsArrayPC );

        * Destructor.
        virtual ~CCARecordedChatsArray();

    public: // New Methods

        * Recorded chat index by name.
        * @since S60 v3.2
        * @param aName Name of recorded chat.
        * @return Index of chat or KErrNotFound if
        *         it was not found.
        TInt Index( const TDesC& aName ) const;

         * Returns the logger message header from given index
         * @param aIndex Item index
         * @return Logger message header
        MCALoggerMessageHeader& LoggerMessageHeader( TInt aIndex ) const;

         *	Return name for history file found from index
         *  @param aIndex index to search
        const TDesC& Name( TInt aIndex ) const;

         *	Delete history files. If there is marked items those are deleted.
         *	Otherwise item which index is given is deleted.
         *  @param aIndex Item index
         *  @return ETrue, if deletion is ok to start, EFalse if not.
        TBool DeleteHistoryFilesL( TInt aIndex );

         *	Delete history file from local delete index
         *  @return ETrue, there is items to delete,
         *          EFalse if deletion is ready.
        TBool DeleteHistoryFileL();

         *	Is current chat ordered to be deleted
         *  @return ETrue, if is, EFalse if not.
        TBool CurrentChatDeleteStatus();

         *	Set curren item index. This must be set before messages are opened
         *  to Recorded Chats view.
         *  @param aIndex Item index
        void SetCurrentItemIndex( TInt aIndex );

         *	Method is used to launch MTM editor with given targetUid
         *  @param aTargetUid id for MTM editor to be launched.
         *  @param aIndex Message index which to send.
        //Code Scanner warning to be ignored
        TInt SendMTML( TInt aIndex, TUid aTargetUid = KNullUid );

         *	Progress count for progress of deletion.
         *  @return const reference to marked count for progress of deletion.
        TInt ProgressCount() const;

         * Prepares array for sending MTMs.
        void PrepareArrayForSendingMtmL();

         *	Return current item index
         *  @return current item index
        TInt CurrentItemIndex() const;

         *  Initialize/unitialize selected items array pointer
         *  @param aArray Pointer to selected items array.
        void SetSelectedItems( const CArrayFix< TInt >* aArray );

    public: // Functions from base classes (MDesCArray)

         *  Count of items in array.
         *  @return the number of descriptor elements in
         *  a descriptor array.
        TInt MdcaCount() const;

         * Indexes into a descriptor array.
         * @param aIndex The position of the descriptor element within a
         * descriptor array
         * @return A 16 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing
         * the descriptor element located at position aIndex within a
         * descriptor array.
        TPtrC16 MdcaPoint( TInt aIndex ) const;

    public: //Methods from MCARecordedChatProvider

         *  Recorded chat name.
         *  @return name of recorded chat.
        const TDesC& RecordedChatName() const;

         *  End time of recorded chat.
         *	@return end time of recorded chat.
        TTime RecordedEndDate() const;

         *  Set current chat to be deleted.
         *  @return ETrue if deletion is ok to continue, EFalse if not.
        TBool DeleteChatL();

         *	Send current chat via MTM
         *  @param aTargetUid id of MTM to use for sending.
        void SendChatViaMTML( TUid aTargetUid = KNullUid );

         * @see MCARecordedChatProvider
        void DynInitSendMenuL( CEikMenuPane& aMenuPane );

         * @see MCARecordedChatProvider
        void DeleteRecordedChatContainerL();


         * Show confirmation note for deletion
         * @param aIndex Index of current chat to be deleted
         * @return ETrue if deletion is ok, EFalse if not.
        TBool ShowConfirmationNoteL( TInt aIndex );

         * Check filename for MTM messages and correct
         * it to unique if it is not.
         * @param aFilename Proposed filename and corrected after checking.
         * @param aArray Array of already existing filenames.
        void CheckAndCorrectMtmFilename( TFileName& aFilename,
                                         MDesCArray& aArray );

         *  Initialize array for deletion. Sort is from back to start.
        void InitDeleteArrayL();


         * C++ default constructor.
         * @param aRecordedChatsPC Reference to Recorded Chats process component
         * @param aRecordedChatsArrayPC Reference to Recorded Chats Array process component

        CCARecordedChatsArray( MCARecordedChatsPC& aRecordedChatsPC,
                               MCARecordedChatsArrayPC& aRecordedChatsArrayPC );

         * By default Symbian OS constructor is private.
        void ConstructL();

    private:    // Data

        // Current chat deletion or not
        TBool iDeleteCurrentChat;

        // Read access to recorded chats PC.
        MCARecordedChatsPC& iRecordedChatsPC;

        // Read access to recorded chats array PC.
        MCARecordedChatsArrayPC& iRecordedChatsArrayPC;


// End of File