changeset 21 f742655b05bf
parent 20 65a3ef1d5bd0
child 22 d38647835c2e
equal deleted inserted replaced
20:65a3ef1d5bd0 21:f742655b05bf
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Holds default values for VoIP XML Processor.
    15 *
    16 */
    22 #include <e32base.h>
    24 // ==============================
    25 // XML constants
    26 // ==============================
    27 //
    28 // Node names.
    29 _LIT( KNodeNokiaConfDoc,                  "nokia-confdoc" );
    30 _LIT( KNodeConfDescription,               "confdescription" );
    31 _LIT( KNodeConfBrandUrl,                  "confbrandurl" );
    32 _LIT( KNodeSettings,                      "settings" );
    33 _LIT( KNodeParam,                         "param" );
    34 // Node attributes.
    35 _LIT( KAttributeType,                     "type" );
    36 _LIT( KAttributeName,                     "name" );
    37 _LIT( KAttributeValue,                    "value" );
    38 // Setting types (i.e. supported values for 'type' attribute).
    39 _LIT( KSettingsTypeVoip,                  "voip" );
    40 _LIT( KSettingsTypeSip,                   "sip" );
    41 _LIT( KSettingsTypePresence,              "presence" );
    42 _LIT( KSettingsTypeXdm,                   "xdm" );
    43 _LIT( KSettingsTypeNatFw,                 "natfw" );
    44 _LIT( KSettingsTypeWlan,                  "wlan" );
    45 _LIT( KSettingsTypeCodec,                 "codec" );
    46 _LIT( KSettingsTypeVmbx,                  "voicemailbox" );
    47 _LIT( KSettingsTypeProxy,                 "proxy" );
    48 _LIT( KSettingsTypeRegistrar,             "registrar" );
    49 _LIT( KSettingsTypeAdditionalStun,        "additionalstun" );
    50 _LIT( KSettingsTypeWepKey,                "wepkey" );
    51 _LIT( KSettingsTypeDestination,           "destination" );
    52 _LIT( KSettingsTypeEap,                   "eap" );
    53 // Parameter names (i.e. supported values for 'value' attribute).
    54 // Generic.
    55 _LIT( KParamValueName,                    "name" );
    56 _LIT( KParamValueUri,                     "uri" );
    57 _LIT( KParamValueTransport,               "transport" );
    58 _LIT( KParamValuePort,                    "port" );
    59 _LIT( KParamValueUsername,                "username" );
    60 _LIT( KParamValuePassword,                "password" );
    61 _LIT( KParamValueType,                    "type" );
    62 _LIT( KParamValueDomain,                  "domain" );
    63 _LIT( KParamValueStartPort,               "startport" );
    64 _LIT( KParamValueEndPort,                 "endport" );
    65 // VoIP specific.
    66 _LIT( KParamValueMediaQos,                "mediaqos" );
    67 _LIT( KParamValueDtmfInband,              "dtmfinband" );
    68 _LIT( KParamValueDtmfOutband,             "dtmfoutband" );
    69 _LIT( KParamValueSecureCallPref,          "securecallpreference" );
    70 _LIT( KParamValueVoipOverWcdma,           "allowvoipoverwcdma" );
    71 _LIT( KParamValueRtcp,                    "rtcp" );
    72 _LIT( KParamValueUserAgentTerminalType,   "useragentterminaltype" );
    73 _LIT( KParamValueUserAgentWlanMac,        "useragentwlanmac" );
    74 _LIT( KParamValueUserAgentFreeString,     "useragentfreestring" );
    75 _LIT( KParamValueCallerIdDigits,          "calleriddigits" );
    76 _LIT( KParamValueIgnoreDomainPart,        "ignoredomainpart" );
    77 _LIT( KParamValueAutoAcceptBuddyRequests, "autoacceptbuddyrequests" );
    78 _LIT( KParamValueAddUserPhone,            "adduserphone" );
    79 _LIT( KParamValueProviderUrl,             "providerurl" );
    80 _LIT( KParamValueMinSessionInterval,      "minsessioninterval" );
    81 _LIT( KParamValueSessionInterval,         "sessioninterval" );
    82 _LIT( KParamValueBrandingUri,             "brandinguri" );
    83 _LIT( KParamValueAutoEnable,              "autoenable" );
    84 _LIT( KParamValueEnableSipIm,             "enablesipim" );
    85 _LIT( KParamValueBrandId,                 "brandid" );
    86 _LIT( KParamValueDefault,                 "default" );
    87 // Voice mailbox specific.
    88 _LIT( KParamValueMwiUri,                  "mwiuri" );
    89 _LIT( KParamValueListeningUri,            "listeninguri" );
    90 _LIT( KParamValueReSubscribeInterval,     "resubscribeinterval" );
    91 // Codec specific
    92 _LIT( KParamValueJitterBuffer,            "jitterbuffer" );
    93 _LIT( KParamValueOctetAlign,              "octetalign" );
    94 _LIT( KParamValuePTime,                   "ptime" );
    95 _LIT( KParamValueMaxPTime,                "maxptime" );
    96 _LIT( KParamValueModeSet,                 "modeset" );
    97 _LIT( KParamValueModeChangePeriod,        "modechangeperiod" );
    98 _LIT( KParamValueModeChangeNeighbor,      "modechangeneighbor" );
    99 _LIT( KParamValueMaxRed,                  "maxred" );
   100 _LIT( KParamValueVad,                     "vad" );
   101 _LIT( KParamValueAnnexB,                  "annexb" );
   102 // SIP specific
   103 _LIT( KParamValueSignalingQos,            "signalingqos" );
   104 _LIT( KParamValuePublicUserId,            "publicuserid" );
   105 _LIT( KParamValueSignalCompression,       "signalcompression" );
   106 _LIT( KParamValueSecurityNegotiation,     "securitynegotiation" );
   107 _LIT( KParamValueProfileLock,             "profilelock" );
   108 _LIT( KParamValueAutoRegistration,        "autoregistration" );
   109 // Proxy
   110 _LIT( KParamValueLooseRouting,            "looserouting" );
   111 // Presence specific
   112 _LIT( KParamValueMaxObjectSize,           "maxobjectsize" );
   113 _LIT( KParamValuePublishInterval,         "publishinterval" );
   114 _LIT( KParamValueMaxSubscriptions,        "maxsubscriptions" );
   115 _LIT( KParamValueMaxContacts,             "maxcontacts" );
   116 _LIT( KParamValueDomainSyntax,            "domainsyntax" );
   117 // NAT/FW sepcific
   118 _LIT( KParamValueTcpRefreshInterval,      "tcprefreshinterval" );
   119 _LIT( KParamValueUdpRefreshInterval,      "udprefreshinterval" );
   120 _LIT( KParamValueCrlfRefresh,             "crlfrefresh" );
   121 _LIT( KParamValueStunSharedSecret,        "stunsharedsecret" );
   122 // Access point specific
   123 _LIT( KParamSsid,                         "ssid" );
   124 _LIT( KParamHidden,                       "hidden" );
   125 _LIT( KParamNetworkMode,                  "networkmode" );
   126 _LIT( KParamPreSharedKey,                 "presharedkey" );
   127 _LIT( KParamWepAuthMode,                  "wepauthmode" );
   128 // WEP
   129 _LIT( KParamLength,                       "length" );
   130 _LIT( KParamData,                         "data" );
   132 // Other.
   133 const TInt KMaxNodeNameLength          = 32;
   134 const TInt KMaxDestinationNameLength   = 32;
   135 const TInt KSpaceForParenthesis        = 4;
   136 const TInt KMaxNodeValueLength         = 256;
   137 const TInt KMaxProfileNameAppendLength = 4; // e.g. (10) as in Provider(10)
   138 const TInt KMaxProfileNames            = 99;
   139 _LIT( KOpenParenthesis,   "(" );
   140 _LIT( KClosedParenthesis, ")" );
   141 const TUint KComma = ',';
   143 // ==============================
   144 // VoIP constants
   145 // ==============================
   146 //
   147 _LIT( KILbc, "ILBC" );
   148 const TInt KDefaultResubscribe = 600;
   150 // ==============================
   151 // SIP constants
   152 // ==============================
   153 //
   154 _LIT8( KIetf,               "IETF" );
   155 _LIT8( KIms,                "IMS" );
   156 _LIT8( KOpenParenthesis8,   "(" );
   157 _LIT8( KClosedParenthesis8, ")" );
   158 _LIT8( KSip,                "sip:" );
   159 _LIT8( KSips,               "sips:" );
   160 _LIT8( KTransport,          ";transport=" );
   161 _LIT8( KLr,                 ";lr" );
   162 _LIT8( KEscaped,            "%" );
   163 _LIT8( KColon,              ":" );
   164 _LIT8( KTcp,                "TCP" );
   165 _LIT8( KUdp,                "UDP" );
   166 _LIT8( KTls,                "TLS" );
   167 _LIT8( KUserAgent,          "User-Agent" );
   168 _LIT8( KSpace,              " " );
   169 const TInt KMaxTerminalTypeLength            = 64;
   170 const TInt KMaxWlanMacAddressLength          = 20;
   171 const TInt KMaxUserAgentHeaderLength         = 200;
   172 const TInt KUserAgentHeaderDataArrayInitSize = 4;
   173 const TInt KDefaultSigQos                    = 40;
   175 // ==============================
   176 // XDM and Presence constants
   177 // ==============================
   178 //
   179 const TInt KMaxObjectSize     = 5120;
   180 const TInt KPublishInterval   = 60;
   181 _LIT( KDefaultXdmUri,          "http://localhost" );
   182 _LIT( KDefaultXdmAuthType,     "HTTP-DIGEST" );
   184 // ==============================
   185 // NAT/Firewall constants
   186 // ==============================
   187 //
   188 const TInt KDefaultStunServerPort     = 3478;
   189 const TInt KDefaultTcpRefreshInterval = 1200;
   190 const TInt KDefaultUdpRefreshInterval = 28;
   191 const TInt KDefaultStartPortRange     = 49152;
   192 const TInt KDefaultEndPortRange       = 49200;
   193 _LIT( KDefaultNatProtocol,             "nokia.stun" );
   195 // ==============================
   196 // WLAN access point constants.
   197 // ==============================
   198 //
   199 const TInt KMaxWepKeyDataLength = 26;
   200 const TInt KMaxWepKeyCount      = 4;
   201 // Enumeration for WEP key lengths.
   202 enum TWepKeyLengths
   203     {
   204     // Length of WEP encryption
   205     EWepEncryption64  = 64,
   206     EWepEncryption128 = 128,
   207     // Length of WEP key data
   208     EWepKey64Hex      = 10,
   209     EWepKey64Ascii    = 5,
   210     EWepKey128Hex     = KMaxWepKeyDataLength,
   211     EWepKey128Ascii   = 13
   212     };
   213 _LIT( KNetworkModeInfra,     "infra" );
   214 _LIT( KNetworkModeAdhoc,     "adhoc" );
   215 _LIT( KSecurityTypeWep,      "WEP" );
   216 _LIT( KSecurityTypeWpa,      "WPA" );
   217 _LIT( KSecurityTypeWpa2,     "WPA2" );
   218 _LIT( KSecurityType8021x,    "8021X" );
   219 _LIT( KEapTypeLeap,          "LEAP" );
   220 _LIT( KWepAuthModeOpen,      "open" );
   221 _LIT( KWepAuthModeShared,    "shared" );
   223 // ==============================
   224 // General constants
   225 // ==============================
   226 //
   227 // Enumeration for type of settings being deployed.
   228 enum TSettingsType
   229     {
   230     EUnknown = KErrNotSupported,
   231     EVoip = 0,
   232     ESip,
   233     EPresence,
   234     EXdm,
   235     ENatFw,
   236     EDestination,
   237     EWlan,
   238     ECodec,
   239     EVmbx,
   240     EProxy,
   241     ERegistrar,
   242     EAdditionalStun,
   243     EWepKey,
   244     EEap
   245     };
   247 // Enumeration for parameters.
   248 enum TParameters
   249     {
   250     EUnSupported = KErrNotSupported,
   251     // Generic parameters
   252     EName = 0,
   253     EUri,
   254     ETransport,
   255     EPort,
   256     EUsername,
   257     EPassword,
   258     EType,
   259     EDomain,
   260     EStartPort,
   261     EEndPort,
   262     // VoIP parameters
   263     EMediaQos,
   264     EDtmfInband,
   265     EDtmfOutband,
   266     ESecureCallPreference,
   267     EAllowVoipOverWcdma,
   268     ERtcp,
   269     EUserAgentHeaderTerminalType,
   270     EUserAgentHeaderWlanMac,
   271     EUserAgentHeaderFreeString,
   272     ECallerIdDigits,
   273     EIgnoreDomainPart,
   274     EAutoAcceptBuddyRequests,
   275     EAddUserPhone,
   276     EProviderUrl,
   277     EMinSessionInterval,
   278     ESessionInterval,
   279     EBrandingUri,
   280     EAutoEnable,
   281     EEnableSipIm,
   282     EBrandId,
   283     EDefault,
   284     // Voice mailbox parameters
   285     EMwiUri,
   286     EListeningUri,
   287     EReSubscribeInterval,
   288     // Codec parameters
   289     EJitterBuffer,
   290     EOctetAlign,
   291     EPTime,
   292     EMaxPTime,
   293     EModeSet,
   294     EModeChangePeriod,
   295     EModeChangeNeighbor,
   296     EMaxRed,
   297     EVad,
   298     EAnnexb,
   299     // SIP parameters
   300     ESignalingQos,
   301     EPublicUserId,
   302     ESignalCompression,
   303     ESecurityNegotiation,
   304     EProfileLock,
   305     EAutoRegistration,
   306     // Proxy parameters
   307     ELooseRouting,
   308     // Presence parameters
   309     EMaxObjectSize,
   310     EPublishInterval,
   311     EMaxSubscriptions,
   312     EMaxContacts,
   313     EDomainSyntax,
   314     // NAT/Firewall parameters
   315     ETcpRefreshInterval,
   316     EUdpRefreshInterval,
   317     ECrlfRefresh,
   318     EStunSharedSecret,
   319     // WLAN access point parameters
   320     ESsid,
   321     EHidden,
   322     ENetworkMode,
   323     EPreSharedKey,
   324     EWepAuthMode,
   325     // WEP key parameters
   326     ELength,
   327     EData
   328     };
   332 // End of file