changeset 2 7b872347d83b
child 8 7117cbf1600a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/voipplugins/voipadapters/voipxmlprovisioning/voipxmlprocessor/inc/voipxmlprocessordefaults.h	Tue Feb 02 00:05:57 2010 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:  Holds default values for VoIP XML Processor.
+#include <e32base.h>
+// ==============================
+// XML constants
+// ==============================
+// Node names.
+_LIT( KNodeNokiaConfDoc,                  "nokia-confdoc" );
+_LIT( KNodeConfDescription,               "confdescription" );
+_LIT( KNodeConfBrandUrl,                  "confbrandurl" );
+_LIT( KNodeSettings,                      "settings" );
+_LIT( KNodeParam,                         "param" );
+// Node attributes.
+_LIT( KAttributeType,                     "type" );
+_LIT( KAttributeName,                     "name" );
+_LIT( KAttributeValue,                    "value" );
+// Setting types (i.e. supported values for 'type' attribute).
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeVoip,                  "voip" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeSip,                   "sip" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypePresence,              "presence" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeXdm,                   "xdm" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeNatFw,                 "natfw" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeWlan,                  "wlan" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeCodec,                 "codec" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeVmbx,                  "voicemailbox" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeProxy,                 "proxy" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeRegistrar,             "registrar" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeAdditionalStun,        "additionalstun" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeWepKey,                "wepkey" );
+_LIT( KSettingsTypeDestination,           "destination" );
+// Parameter names (i.e. supported values for 'value' attribute).
+// Generic.
+_LIT( KParamValueName,                    "name" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUri,                     "uri" );
+_LIT( KParamValueTransport,               "transport" );
+_LIT( KParamValuePort,                    "port" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUsername,                "username" );
+_LIT( KParamValuePassword,                "password" );
+_LIT( KParamValueType,                    "type" );
+_LIT( KParamValueDomain,                  "domain" );
+_LIT( KParamValueStartPort,               "startport" );
+_LIT( KParamValueEndPort,                 "endport" );
+// VoIP specific.
+_LIT( KParamValueMediaQos,                "mediaqos" );
+_LIT( KParamValueDtmfInband,              "dtmfinband" );
+_LIT( KParamValueDtmfOutband,             "dtmfoutband" );
+_LIT( KParamValueSecureCallPref,          "securecallpreference" );
+_LIT( KParamValueVoipOverWcdma,           "allowvoipoverwcdma" );
+_LIT( KParamValueRtcp,                    "rtcp" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUserAgentTerminalType,   "useragentterminaltype" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUserAgentWlanMac,        "useragentwlanmac" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUserAgentFreeString,     "useragentfreestring" );
+_LIT( KParamValueCallerIdDigits,          "calleriddigits" );
+_LIT( KParamValueIgnoreDomainPart,        "ignoredomainpart" );
+_LIT( KParamValueAutoAcceptBuddyRequests, "autoacceptbuddyrequests" );
+_LIT( KParamValueAddUserPhone,            "adduserphone" );
+_LIT( KParamValueProviderUrl,             "providerurl" );
+_LIT( KParamValueMinSessionInterval,      "minsessioninterval" );
+_LIT( KParamValueSessionInterval,         "sessioninterval" );
+_LIT( KParamValueBrandingUri,             "brandinguri" );
+_LIT( KParamValueAutoEnable,              "autoenable" );
+_LIT( KParamValueEnableSipIm,             "enablesipim" );
+_LIT( KParamValueBrandId,                 "brandid" );
+// Voice mailbox specific.
+_LIT( KParamValueMwiUri,                  "mwiuri" );
+_LIT( KParamValueListeningUri,            "listeninguri" );
+_LIT( KParamValueReSubscribeInterval,     "resubscribeinterval" );
+// Codec specific
+_LIT( KParamValueJitterBuffer,            "jitterbuffer" );
+_LIT( KParamValueOctetAlign,              "octetalign" );
+_LIT( KParamValuePTime,                   "ptime" );
+_LIT( KParamValueMaxPTime,                "maxptime" );
+_LIT( KParamValueModeSet,                 "modeset" );
+_LIT( KParamValueModeChangePeriod,        "modechangeperiod" );
+_LIT( KParamValueModeChangeNeighbor,      "modechangeneighbor" );
+_LIT( KParamValueMaxRed,                  "maxred" );
+_LIT( KParamValueVad,                     "vad" );
+_LIT( KParamValueAnnexB,                  "annexb" );
+// SIP specific
+_LIT( KParamValueSignalingQos,            "signalingqos" );
+_LIT( KParamValuePublicUserId,            "publicuserid" );
+_LIT( KParamValueSignalCompression,       "signalcompression" );
+_LIT( KParamValueSecurityNegotiation,     "securitynegotiation" );
+_LIT( KParamValueProfileLock,             "profilelock" );
+_LIT( KParamValueAutoRegistration,        "autoregistration" );
+// Proxy
+_LIT( KParamValueLooseRouting,            "looserouting" );
+// Presence specific
+_LIT( KParamValueMaxObjectSize,           "maxobjectsize" );
+_LIT( KParamValuePublishInterval,         "publishinterval" );
+_LIT( KParamValueMaxSubscriptions,        "maxsubscriptions" );
+_LIT( KParamValueMaxContacts,             "maxcontacts" );
+_LIT( KParamValueDomainSyntax,            "domainsyntax" );
+// NAT/FW sepcific
+_LIT( KParamValueTcpRefreshInterval,      "tcprefreshinterval" );
+_LIT( KParamValueUdpRefreshInterval,      "udprefreshinterval" );
+_LIT( KParamValueCrlfRefresh,             "crlfrefresh" );
+_LIT( KParamValueStunSharedSecret,        "stunsharedsecret" );
+// Access point specific
+_LIT( KParamSsid,                         "ssid" );
+_LIT( KParamHidden,                       "hidden" );
+_LIT( KParamNetworkMode,                  "networkmode" );
+_LIT( KParamPreSharedKey,                 "presharedkey" );
+_LIT( KParamWepAuthMode,                  "wepauthmode" );
+// WEP
+_LIT( KParamLength,                       "length" );
+_LIT( KParamData,                         "data" );
+// Other.
+const TInt KMaxNodeNameLength          = 32;
+const TInt KMaxNodeValueLength         = 256;
+const TInt KMaxProfileNameAppendLength = 4; // e.g. (10) as in Provider(10)
+const TInt KMaxProfileNames            = 99;
+_LIT( KOpenParenthesis,   "(" );
+_LIT( KClosedParenthesis, ")" );
+const TUint KComma = ',';
+// ==============================
+// VoIP constants
+// ==============================
+_LIT( KILbc, "ILBC" );
+// ==============================
+// SIP constants
+// ==============================
+_LIT8( KIetf,               "IETF" );
+_LIT8( KIms,                "IMS" );
+_LIT8( KOpenParenthesis8,   "(" );
+_LIT8( KClosedParenthesis8, ")" );
+_LIT8( KSip,                "sip:" );
+_LIT8( KSips,               "sips:" );
+_LIT8( KTransport,          ";transport=" );
+_LIT8( KLr,                 ";lr" );
+_LIT8( KEscaped,            "%" );
+_LIT8( KColon,              ":" );
+_LIT8( KTcp,                "TCP" );
+_LIT8( KUdp,                "UDP" );
+_LIT8( KUserAgent,          "User-Agent" );
+_LIT8( KSpace,              " " );
+const TInt KMaxTerminalTypeLength            = 64;
+const TInt KMaxWlanMacAddressLength          = 20;
+const TInt KMaxUserAgentHeaderLength         = 200;
+const TInt KUserAgentHeaderDataArrayInitSize = 4;
+const TInt KDefaultSigQos                    = 40;
+// ==============================
+// XDM and Presence constants
+// ==============================
+const TInt KMaxObjectSize     = 5120;
+const TInt KPublishInterval   = 60;
+_LIT( KDefaultXdmUri,          "http://localhost" );
+_LIT( KDefaultXdmAuthType,     "HTTP-DIGEST" );
+// ==============================
+// NAT/Firewall constants
+// ==============================
+const TInt KDefaultStunServerPort     = 3478;
+const TInt KDefaultTcpRefreshInterval = 1200;
+const TInt KDefaultUdpRefreshInterval = 28;
+const TInt KDefaultStartPortRange     = 49152;
+const TInt KDefaultEndPortRange       = 49200;
+_LIT( KDefaultNatProtocol,             "nokia.stun" );
+// ==============================
+// WLAN access point constants.
+// ==============================
+const TInt KMaxWepKeyDataLength = 26;
+const TInt KMaxWepKeyCount      = 4;
+// Enumeration for WEP key lengths.
+enum TWepKeyLengths
+    {
+    // Length of WEP encryption
+    EWepEncryption64  = 64,
+    EWepEncryption128 = 128,
+    // Length of WEP key data
+    EWepKey64Hex      = 10,
+    EWepKey64Ascii    = 5,
+    EWepKey128Hex     = KMaxWepKeyDataLength,
+    EWepKey128Ascii   = 13
+    };
+_LIT( KNetworkModeInfra,     "infra" );
+_LIT( KNetworkModeAdhoc,     "adhoc" );
+_LIT( KSecurityTypeWep,      "WEP" );
+_LIT( KSecurityTypeWpa,      "WPA" );
+_LIT( KSecurityTypeWpa2,     "WPA2" );
+_LIT( KSecurityType8021x,    "801X" );
+_LIT( KWepAuthModeOpen,      "open" );
+_LIT( KWepAuthModeShared,    "shared" );
+// ==============================
+// General constants
+// ==============================
+// Enumeration for type of settings being deployed.
+enum TSettingsType
+    {
+    EUnknown = KErrNotSupported,
+    EVoip = 0,
+    ESip,
+    EPresence,
+    EXdm,
+    ENatFw,
+    EDestination,
+    EWlan,
+    ECodec,
+    EVmbx,
+    EProxy,
+    ERegistrar,
+    EAdditionalStun,
+    EWepKey
+    };
+// Enumeration for parameters.
+enum TParameters
+    {
+    EUnSupported = KErrNotSupported,
+    // Generic parameters
+    EName = 0,
+    EUri,
+    ETransport,
+    EPort,
+    EUsername,
+    EPassword,
+    EType,
+    EDomain,
+    EStartPort,
+    EEndPort,
+    // VoIP parameters
+    EMediaQos,
+    EDtmfInband,
+    EDtmfOutband,
+    ESecureCallPreference,
+    EAllowVoipOverWcdma,
+    ERtcp,
+    EUserAgentHeaderTerminalType,
+    EUserAgentHeaderWlanMac,
+    EUserAgentHeaderFreeString,
+    ECallerIdDigits,
+    EIgnoreDomainPart,
+    EAutoAcceptBuddyRequests,
+    EAddUserPhone,
+    EProviderUrl,
+    EMinSessionInterval,
+    ESessionInterval,
+    EBrandingUri,
+    EAutoEnable,
+    EEnableSipIm,
+    EBrandId,
+    // Voice mailbox parameters
+    EMwiUri,
+    EListeningUri,
+    EReSubscribeInterval,
+    // Codec parameters
+    EJitterBuffer,
+    EOctetAlign,
+    EPTime,
+    EMaxPTime,
+    EModeSet,
+    EModeChangePeriod,
+    EModeChangeNeighbor,
+    EMaxRed,
+    EVad,
+    EAnnexb,
+    // SIP parameters
+    ESignalingQos,
+    EPublicUserId,
+    ESignalCompression,
+    ESecurityNegotiation,
+    EProfileLock,
+    EAutoRegistration,
+    // Proxy parameters
+    ELooseRouting,
+    // Presence parameters
+    EMaxObjectSize,
+    EPublishInterval,
+    EMaxSubscriptions,
+    EMaxContacts,
+    EDomainSyntax,
+    // NAT/Firewall parameters
+    ETcpRefreshInterval,
+    EUdpRefreshInterval,
+    ECrlfRefresh,
+    EStunSharedSecret,
+    // WLAN access point parameters
+    ESsid,
+    EHidden,
+    ENetworkMode,
+    EPreSharedKey,
+    EWepAuthMode,
+    // WEP key parameters
+    ELength,
+    EData
+    };
+// End of file