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     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 #
    16 #!/usr/bin/python
    18 import datetime, os, os.path, sys, traceback
    19 from optparse import OptionParser
    21 """This script sets up S60 distribution policy files."""
    23 class PolicyData:
    24     def __init__(self):
    25         self.root_policy = None
    26         self.policies = []
    27         self.created_policies = 0
    28         self.existing_policies = 0
    29         self.warning_count = 0
    30         self.start_time =
    31         self.stop_time = None
    32     def __str__(self):
    33         if self.stop_time is None:
    34             self.stop_time =
    35         msg = "Distribution policies generation time " + str(self.stop_time - self.start_time)
    36         msg += "\nCreated policies: " + str(self.created_policies)
    37         msg += "\nExisting policies: " + str(self.existing_policies)
    38         if self.warning_count > 0:
    39             msg += "\nWarnings: " + str(self.warning_count)
    40         return msg
    42 policy_data = PolicyData()
    44 def main():
    45     parser = OptionParser(usage = "python -u %prog [options] <path>")
    46     (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
    47     root_path = args[0]
    48     if not os.path.isdir(root_path):
    49         print "ERROR: %s is not a directory" % root_path
    50         sys.exit(1);
    52     try:
    53         global policy_data
    54         print "Started " + str(policy_data.start_time)
    55         parseConfigurationFile(policy_data)
    56         print "Generating S60 distribution policies to", root_path
    57         print "Policy config:", str(policy_data.policies)
    58         print "Policy for root dir:", str(policy_data.root_policy)
    59         writePolicies(root_path, policy_data)
    60         policy_data.stop_time =
    61         print "Finished " + str(policy_data.stop_time)
    62         print str(policy_data)
    63     except:
    64         print "ERROR: Unexpected exception"
    65         traceback.print_exc()
    66         print str(policy_data)
    67         sys.exit(1)
    69 def parseConfigurationFile(policy_data):
    70     config_file = "distribution.policy.s60.configuration.txt"
    71     f = open(config_file)
    72     try:
    73         default_policy = None
    74         line_count = 0;
    75         for line in f.readlines():
    76             line_count += 1
    77             line = line.strip()
    78             if len(line) == 0 or line.find("#") == 0:
    79                 continue
    80             tokens = line.split(':')
    81             if len(tokens) != 2:
    82                 print "ERROR: Invalid line", line_count, "at file", config_file
    83                 sys.exit(1)
    84             dir = tokens[0].strip()
    85             dir = dir.replace("/", os.sep)
    86             policy = tokens[1].strip()
    87             if dir == "DEFAULT_POLICY":
    88                 default_policy = policy
    89             elif dir == "ROOT_POLICY":
    90                 policy_data.root_policy = policy
    91             else:
    92                 policy_data.policies += [(dir, policy)]
    93         if default_policy is None:
    94             print "ERROR: Default policy not defined at", config_file
    95             sys.exit(1)
    96         policy_data.policies += [("", default_policy)]
    97     finally:
    98         f.close()
   100 def writePolicies(root_path, policy_data):
   101     # Write policy for the root directory.
   102     if (not policy_data.root_policy is None) and \
   103             (policy_data.root_policy != "IGNORE"):
   104         writePolicy(root_path, policy_data.root_policy)
   105     # Write policies for the subdirectories.
   106     for root, dirs, files in os.walk(root_path):
   107         for dir in dirs:
   108             path = os.path.join(root, dir)
   109             policy = getPolicyForPath(path.replace(root_path, ""), policy_data)
   110             if policy != "IGNORE":
   111                 writePolicy(path, policy)
   113 def writePolicy(path, policy):
   114     global policy_data
   115     policy_file = os.path.join(path, 'distribution.policy.s60')
   117     if os.path.exists(policy_file):
   118         existing_policy = readPolicy(policy_file)
   119         if policy == existing_policy:
   120             print "Policy %s already exists in %s" % (existing_policy, policy_file)
   121         else:
   122             print "WARNING: Policy %s (should be %s) already exists in %s"  % (existing_policy, policy, policy_file)
   123             policy_data.warning_count += 1
   124         policy_data.existing_policies += 1
   125         return
   127     f = open(policy_file, "w+")
   128     try:
   129         print "Writing policy", policy, "to", policy_file
   130         f.write(policy)
   131         policy_data.created_policies += 1
   132     except IOError:
   133         print "ERROR: Writing policy to", policy_file, "failed"
   134         sys.exit(1)
   135     finally:
   136         f.close
   138 def readPolicy(policy_file):
   139     policy = None
   140     f = open(policy_file)
   141     try:
   142         for line in f.readlines():
   143             # Take the last line from the policy.
   144             policy = line.strip()
   145     finally:
   146         f.close
   147     return policy
   149 def getPolicyForPath(target_path, policy_data):
   150     for path, policy in policy_data.policies:
   151         match_path = target_path
   152         if path.find("ROOT" + os.sep) == 0:
   153             # Add keyword ROOT to target_path so that only
   154             # paths in root directory will match.
   155             match_path = "ROOT" + target_path
   156         if match_path.find(path + os.sep) != -1 or \
   157                 match_path.find(path, -len(path)) != -1:
   158             return policy
   159     return None
   161 if __name__ == "__main__":
   162     main()