changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  JNI Layer for FileStreamHandler
    15  *
    16 */
    18 #include <errno.h>
    20 #include "logger.h"
    21 #include "jniarrayutils.h"
    22 #include "javajniutils.h"
    23 #include "javacommonutils.h"
    25 #include "fileextendedcommon.h"
    26 #include "nativefileiohandler.h"
    27 #include "com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler.h"
    29 using namespace std;
    30 using namespace java::util;
    31 using namespace java::fileutils;
    32 using namespace java::fileutility;
    34 /*
    35  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
    36  * Method:    _available
    37  * Signature: (I)J
    38  */
    39 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1available
    40 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle)
    41 {
    42     try
    43     {
    44         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
    45             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
    46         return handler->available();
    47     }
    48     catch (...)
    49     {
    50         return 0;
    51     }
    52 }
    54 /*
    55  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
    56  * Method:    _skip
    57  * Signature: (IJ)J
    58  */
    59 JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1skip
    60 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle, jlong aOffset)
    61 {
    62     try
    63     {
    64         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
    65             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
    66         return handler->skip(aOffset);
    67     }
    68     catch (...)
    69     {
    70         return 0;
    71     }
    72 }
    74 /*
    75  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
    76  * Method:    _stopReading
    77  * Signature: (I)V
    78  */
    79 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1stopReading
    80 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle)
    81 {
    82     NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
    83         reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
    84     handler->stopReading();
    85 }
    87 /*
    88  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
    89  * Method:    _stopWriting
    90  * Signature: (I)V
    91  */
    92 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1stopWriting
    93 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle)
    94 {
    95     NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
    96         reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
    97     handler->stopWriting();
    98 }
   100 /*
   101  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   102  * Method:    _createNativePeer
   103  * Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;)I
   104  */
   105 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1createNativePeer
   106 (JNIEnv *aJni, jobject, jstring aName)
   107 {
   108     std::wstring name = FileUtil::jstringToWstring(aJni, aName);
   109     NativeFileIOHandler* handler = new NativeFileIOHandler(name);
   110     return reinterpret_cast<jint>(handler);
   111 }
   113 /*
   114  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   115  * Method:    _readdata
   116  * Signature: ([BII)I
   117  */
   118 JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1readData
   119 (JNIEnv *aJni, jobject, jint aHandle, jbyteArray aJavaBuffer, jint aOffset, jint aLength)
   120 {
   121     char* buffer = new char[aLength + 1];
   122     try
   123     {
   124         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   125             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   126         int bytesRead = handler->readBytes(buffer, aLength);
   128         if (bytesRead > 0)
   129         {
   130             JNIArrayUtils::CopyToJava(*aJni, buffer, bytesRead, aJavaBuffer,
   131                                       aOffset, bytesRead);
   132         }
   133         delete[] buffer;
   134         return bytesRead;
   135     }
   136     catch (int error)
   137     {
   138         WLOG1(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: readData error : Error: %d",
   139               error);
   140         delete[] buffer;
   141         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException", "Read failed.");
   142         return 0;
   143     }
   144     catch (...)
   145     {
   146         ELOG(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: readData: Unknown error.");
   147         delete[] buffer;
   148         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException", "Read failed.");
   149         return 0;
   150     }
   151 }
   153 /*
   154  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   155  * Method:    _writeData
   156  * Signature: (I[BII)V
   157  */
   158 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1writeData
   159 (JNIEnv *aJni, jobject, jint aHandle, jbyteArray aJavaBuffer, jint aOffset, jint aLength)
   160 {
   161     char* writeBuffer = new char[aLength + 1];
   162     try
   163     {
   164         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   165             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   166         JNIArrayUtils::CopyToNative(*aJni, aJavaBuffer, aOffset, aLength,
   167                                     writeBuffer);
   168         handler->writeBytes(writeBuffer, aLength);
   169         delete[] writeBuffer;
   170     }
   171     catch (int error)
   172     {
   173         WLOG1(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: writeData error : Error: %d",
   174               error);
   175         delete[] writeBuffer;
   176         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   177                                     "Write failed.");
   178     }
   179     catch (...)
   180     {
   181         ELOG(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: writeData: Unknown error.");
   182         delete[] writeBuffer;
   183         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   184                                     "Write failed.");
   185     }
   186 }
   188 /*
   189  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   190  * Method:    _closeFileStream
   191  * Signature: (I)V
   192  */
   193 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1closeFileStream
   194 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle)
   195 {
   196     try
   197     {
   198         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   199             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   200         handler->closeFileToReopen();
   201     }
   202     catch (...)
   203     {
   204         ELOG(EJavaFile, "FileUtility: JNI: closeFileStream threw exception.");
   205         //Nothing to do
   206     }
   207 }
   209 /*
   210  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   211  * Method:    _openFileForReading
   212  * Signature: (I)V
   213  */
   214 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1openFileForReading
   215 (JNIEnv *aJni, jobject, jint aHandle)
   216 {
   217     try
   218     {
   219         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   220             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   221         handler->openForReading();
   222     }
   223     catch (int error)
   224     {
   225         WLOG1(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: openForReading Error: %d",
   226               error);
   227         if ((EACCES == errno) || (EPERM == errno))
   228         {
   229             JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/lang/SecurityException",
   230                                         "Permission denied");
   231             return;
   232         }
   233         else
   234         {
   235             JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   236                                         "Unable to open file for reading");
   237         }
   238     }
   239     catch (...)
   240     {
   241         ELOG(EJavaFile,
   242              "FileStreamHandler: JNI: openForReading: Unknown error caught");
   243         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   244                                     "Unable to open file for reading");
   245     }
   246 }
   248 /*
   249  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   250  * Method:    _openFileForWriting
   251  * Signature: (IJ)V
   252  */
   253 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1openFileForWriting
   254 (JNIEnv *aJni, jobject, jint aHandle, jlong aOffset)
   255 {
   256     try
   257     {
   258         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   259             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   260         handler->openForWriting(aOffset);
   261     }
   262     catch (int error)
   263     {
   264         WLOG1(EJavaFile, "FileStreamHandler: JNI: openForWriting Error: %d",
   265               error);
   266         if ((EACCES == errno) || (EPERM == errno))
   267         {
   268             JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/lang/SecurityException",
   269                                         "Permission denied");
   270             return;
   271         }
   272         else
   273         {
   274             JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   275                                         "Unable to open file for writing");
   276         }
   277     }
   278     catch (...)
   279     {
   280         ELOG(EJavaFile,
   281              "FileStreamHandler: JNI: openForWriting: Unknown error caught");
   282         JniUtils::throwNewException(aJni, "java/io/IOException",
   283                                     "Unable to open file for Writing");
   284     }
   285 }
   287 /*
   288  * Class:     com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler
   289  * Method:    _dispose
   290  * Signature: (I)V
   291  */
   292 JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_nokia_mj_impl_fileutils_FileStreamHandler__1dispose
   293 (JNIEnv *, jobject, jint aHandle)
   294 {
   295     try
   296     {
   297         NativeFileIOHandler* handler =
   298             reinterpret_cast<NativeFileIOHandler*>(aHandle);
   299         delete handler;
   300     }
   301     catch (...)
   302     {
   303         ELOG(EJavaFile,
   304              "FileUtility: JNI: dispose. Error deleting NativeFileUtils");
   305         //Nothing to do
   306     }
   307 }