changeset 14 04becd199f91
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     2 This file contains test cases for javacertstoreplugin.
     3 Following classes are tested in these tests:
     4 CJavaCertStoreImpl, CJavaCertStoreToken and CJavaCertStoreTokenType
     6 Test environment:
     7 This unit test set uses actual java captain to retrieve certificate information
     8 from the javacertstore which extension plugin of the java captain.
     9 Purpose of the Extensionplugin (part of the test code) is stop javacertstore extension plugin 
    10 from the java captain. This is needed because javacertstore caches its data and otherwise we
    11 would not have been able to change certificate data in the file system.
    14 /**
    15  * TEST CASE 1:
    16  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, readingCerts
    17  * Purpose:
    18  * Verifies that all except deleted certificates can be read.
    19  * This test case verifies that use cases 1 and 2 works properly.
    20  * Precondition:
    21  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
    22  * Steps:
    23  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
    24  *    - enabled, can not be removed, can be disabled
    25  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
    26  *    - disabled, can be removed, can be disabled
    27  *    - deleted, can be removed, can be disabled
    28  * 2. - Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    29  *    - Read content of returned certificates by MCTWritableCertStore::Retrieve()
    30  *      operation.
    31  * 3. - Call again MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    32  *    - Call again MCTWritableCertStore::Retrieve()operation for each certificate.
    33  * 4. - Stop javacertstore extension plugin and delete all certs from javacert folder.
    34  *    - Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    35  * Result:
    36  * 1. Certificates was stored successfully.
    37  * 2. - All certificates except deleted was returned by MCTWritableCertStore::List() 
    38  *      operation.
    39  *    - All three certificates content was read successfully.
    40  * 3. - Certificates was returned properly.
    41  *    - Certificates was read successfully.
    42  * 4. - Certs was removed and extension plugin was stopped successfully.
    43  *    - Error was not occurred and length of the returned list was 0.
    44  * Postcondition:
    45  * All resources are freed.
    46  */
    48 /**
    49  * TEST CASE 2:
    50  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testDisablingCert
    51  * Purpose:
    52  * Verifies that certificate can be disabled.
    53  * This test case verifies that use case 3 works properly.
    54  * Precondition:
    55  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
    56  * Steps:
    57  * 1. Store certificate with following data to the javacert folder:
    58  *      - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
    59  * 2. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    60  * 3. Get "active" application associated to the cert by
    61  *    MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation.
    62  * 4. Provide empty list to MCTWritableCertStore::SetApplicability()
    63  *    operation. This illustrates that cert does not has any active application.
    64  * 5. Disable cert by MCTWritableCertStore::SetTrust() operation.
    65  * 6. Get "active" application associated to the cert by
    66  *    MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation.
    67  * 7. Create a new CJavaCertStoreImpl object and call
    68  *    MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    69  * 8. Call MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation via CJavaCertStoreImpl
    70  *    object created in step 7.
    71  * Result:
    72  * 1. Cert was stored successfully.
    73  * 2. Cert was read successfully.
    74  * 3. Applications() operation returns uid 0x101F9B28.
    75  * 4. SetApplicability() was called successfully.
    76  * 5. Cert was set to disabled state.
    77  * 6. Applications() operation returns empty list.
    78  * 7. List() operation returns disabled cert.
    79  * 8. Applications() operation returns empty list.
    80  * Postcondition:
    81  * All resources are freed.
    82  */
    84 /**
    85  * TEST CASE 3:
    86  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testEnablingCert
    87  * Purpose:
    88  * Verifies that disabled certificate can be enabled.
    89  * This test case verifies that use case 3 works properly.
    90  * Precondition:
    91  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
    92  * Steps:
    93  * 1. Store certificate with following data to the javacert folder:
    94  *      - disabled, can be removed, can be disabled
    95  * 2. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
    96  * 3. Get "active" application associated to the cert by
    97  *    MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation.
    98  * 4. Provide 0x101F9B28 uid as argument to MCTWritableCertStore::SetApplicability()
    99  *    operation. This illustrates that cert does one active application.
   100  * 5. Get "active" application associated to the cert by
   101  *    MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation.
   102  * 6. Create a new CJavaCertStoreImpl object and call
   103  *    MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   104  * 7. Call MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation via CJavaCertStoreImpl
   105  *    object created in step 7.
   106  * Result:
   107  * 1. Cert was stored successfully.
   108  * 2. Cert was read successfully.
   109  * 3. Applications() operation returns empty list.
   110  * 4. SetApplicability() was called successfully.
   111  * 5. Applications() operation returns uid 0x101F9B28.
   112  * 6. List() operation returns enabled cert.
   113  * 7. Applications() operation returns uid 0x101F9B28.
   114  * Postcondition:
   115  * All resources are freed.
   116  */
   118 /**
   119  * TEST CASE 4:
   120  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testDeletingCert
   121  * Purpose:
   122  * Verifies that cert can be deleted.
   123  * This test case verifies that use case 4 works properly.
   124  * Precondition:
   125  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
   126  * Steps:
   127  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   128  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   129  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   130  *    - disabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   131  * 2. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   132  * 3. Remove one cert by MCTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation.
   133  * 4. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   134  * 5. Remove one cert by MCTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation.
   135  * 6. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   136  * 7. Remove last cert by MCTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation.
   137  * 8. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   138  * Result:
   139  * 1. Certs was stored successfully.
   140  * 2. Three certs was returned successfully.
   141  * 3. Cert was removed successfully.
   142  * 4. Two certs was returned successfully.
   143  * 5. Cert was removed successfully.
   144  * 6. One certs was returned successfully.
   145  * 7. Cert was removed successfully.
   146  * 8. Empty list was returned.
   147  * Postcondition:
   148  * All resources are freed.
   149  */
   151 /**
   152  * TEST CASE 5:
   153  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testsForValidateCertAttrFilter
   154  * Purpose:
   155  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation validates
   156  * content of the CCertAttributeFilter object properly.
   157  * Precondition:
   158  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
   159  * Steps:
   160  * 1 - 6. Check that all relevant values of the CCertAttributeFilter object
   161  *        is checked properly. More details information in the actual test case.
   162  * Result:
   163  * 1 - 6. Checks was done properly.
   164  * Postcondition:
   165  * All resources are freed.
   166  */
   168 /**
   169  * TEST CASE 6:
   170  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForList
   171  * Purpose:
   172  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation works properly in the
   173  * error cases.
   174  * Precondition:
   175  * All existing certificates has been deleted.
   176  * Steps:
   177  * 1. Call MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation twice.
   178  * 2. Call MCTWritableCertStore::CancelList() operation immediately after
   179  *    MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   180  * Result:
   181  * 1. Second call of List() operation fails to KErrInUse error.
   182  * 2. CancelList() operation cancels List() operation with KErrCancel error code.
   183  * Postcondition:
   184  * All resources are freed.
   185  */
   187 /**
   188  * TEST CASE 7:
   189  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForAdd
   190  * Purpose:
   191  * Verifies that non-supported MCTWritableCertStore::Add() operation returns 
   192  * KErrNotSupported all times when it is called.
   193  * Steps:
   194  * 1. Call MCTWritableCertStore::Add() operation.
   195  * Result:
   196  * 1. Add() operation returns KErrNotSupported.
   197  * Postcondition:
   198  * All resources are freed.
   199  */
   201 /**
   202  * TEST CASE 8:
   203  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForRemove
   204  * Purpose:
   205  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation manages error situations
   206  * properly.
   207  * Steps:
   208  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   209  *    - enabled, can not be removed, can be disabled
   210  * 2. Read certificates using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   211  * 3. Pass CCTCertInfo object, which does not match to any cert, as argument to
   212  *    CTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation.
   213  * 4. Pass CCTCertInfo object, returned by List() operation, as argument to
   214  *    CTWritableCertStore::Remove() operation. I.e. CCTCertInfo object points to
   215  *    non-removable cert.
   216  * Result:
   217  * 1. Cert was stored succesfully.
   218  * 2. Cert was read succcessfully.
   219  * 3. Remove() operation returns KErrArgument.
   220  * 4. Remove() operation returns KErrArgument.
   221  * Postcondition:
   222  * All resources are freed.
   223  */
   225 /**
   226  * TEST CASE 9:
   227  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testsForSetTrust
   228  * Purpose:
   229  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::SetTrust() operation works properly in
   230  * all situations.
   231  * Steps:
   232  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   233  *    - enabled, can not be removed, can not be disabled
   234  * 2. Pass CCTCertInfo object, which does not match to any cert, as argument to
   235  *    CTWritableCertStore::SetTrust() operation.
   236  * 3. - Read cert using MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   237  * 4. - Mark cert to "disable" by MCTWritableCertStore::SetApplicability() operation.
   238  * 5. - Try to disable cert by CTWritableCertStore::SetTrust() operation. Cert is not allowed
   239  *      to disable.
   240  * Result:
   241  * 1. Cert was stored succesfully.
   242  * 2. SetTrust() operation returns KErrArgument.
   243  * 3. - Cert was read successfully.
   244  * 4. - Cert was marked successfully.
   245  * 5. - SetTrust() operation returns KErrArgument.
   246  * Postcondition:
   247  * All resources are freed.
   248  */
   250 /**
   251  * TEST CASE 10:
   252  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testsForGetCert
   253  * Purpose:
   254  * Verifies that non-supported MCTWritableCertStore::GetCert() operation returns proper
   255  * error.
   256  * Steps:
   257  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   258  *    - enabled, can not be removed, can be disabled
   259  * 2. Try to retrieve CCTCertInfo using non-existing handle.
   260  * 3. Retrieve CCTCertInfo object by valid TCTTokenObjectHandle.
   261  * Result:
   262  * 1. Cert was stored succesfully.
   263  * 2. GetCert() operation returns KErrArgument.
   264  * 3. GetCert() operation returns KErrNone and returns CCTCertInfo object.
   265  * Postcondition:
   266  * All resources are freed.
   267  */
   269 /**
   270  * TEST CASE 11:
   271  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForApplications
   272  * Purpose:
   273  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation manages properly
   274  * error situations.
   275  * Steps:
   276  * 1. Pass CCTCertInfo object, which does not match to any cert, as argument to
   277  *    CTWritableCertStore::Applications() operation.
   278  * Steps:
   279  * 1. Applications() operation returns KErrArgument.
   280  * Postcondition:
   281  * All resources are freed.
   282  */
   284 /**
   285  * TEST CASE 12:
   286  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testCasesForIsApplicable
   287  * Purpose:
   288  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation works properly.
   289  * Steps:
   290  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   291  *    - disabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   292  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   293  * 2. Passing incorrect Uid as argument to MCTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation.
   294  * 3. Pass CCTCertInfo object, which does not match to any cert, as argument to
   295  *    CTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation.
   296  * 4. - Read certs by MCTWritableCertStore::List() operation.
   297  *    - Pass CCTCertInfo object, associated to disabled cert, as argument to 
   298  *      MCTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation.
   299  * 5. - Delete disabled cert read in the step 4.
   300  * 6. Pass CCTCertInfo object, associated to deleted cert, as argument to
   301  *    MCTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation.
   302  * 7. Pass CCTCertInfo object, associated to enabled cert, as argument to
   303  *    MCTWritableCertStore::IsApplicable() operation.
   304  * Result:
   305  * 1. Certs was stored successfully.
   306  * 2. IsApplicable() operation returns KErrNone. Value of the 'aIsApplicable' out
   307  *    argument is EFalse.
   308  * 3. IsApplicable() operation returns KErrNone. Value of the 'aIsApplicable' out
   309  *    argument is EFalse.
   310  * 4. - Cert was read successfully.
   311  *    - IsApplicable() operation returns KErrNone. Value of the 'aIsApplicable' out
   312  *      argument is EFalse.
   313  * 5. - Cert was deleted successfully.
   314  * 6. IsApplicable() operation returns KErrNone. Value of the 'aIsApplicable' out
   315  *    argument is EFalse.
   316  * 7. IsApplicable() operation returns KErrNone. Value of the 'aIsApplicable' out
   317  *    argument is ETrue.
   318  * Postcondition:
   319  * All resources are freed.
   320  */
   322 /**
   323  * TEST CASE 13:
   324  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, testCasesForTrusted
   325  * Purpose:
   326  * Verifies that non-supported MCTWritableCertStore::Trusted() operation does not crash.
   327  * Steps:
   328  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   329  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   330  * 2. Passing CCTCertInfo object, which does not point to any cert,
   331  *    as argument to Trusted() operation.
   332  * 3. Passing valid CCTCertInfo object as argument to Trusted() operation.
   333  * 4. Deleting cert.
   334  * 5. Call Trusted() operation to deleted cert.
   335  * Result:
   336  * 1. Cert was stored successfully.
   337  * 2. Trusted() operation returns KErrArgument.
   338  * 3. Trusted() operation returns KErrNone and sets ETrue to 'aTrusted' argument.
   339  * 4. Cert was deleted succesfully.
   340  * 5. Trusted() operation returns KErrArgument.
   341  * Postcondition:
   342  * All resources are freed.
   343  */
   345 /**
   346  * TEST CASE 14:
   347  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForRetrieve
   348  * Purpose:
   349  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::Retrieve() operation handles properly
   350  * error situations.
   351  * Steps:
   352  * 1. Store following certificates to the javacert folder:
   353  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   354  *    - enabled, can be removed, can be disabled
   355  * 2. Call twice Retrieve() operation in the row.
   356  * 3. Pass CCTCertInfo object, which does not match to any cert, as argument to
   357  *    Retrieve() operation.
   358  * Result:
   359  * 1. Certs was stored successfully.
   360  * 2. Second call of Retrieve() operation returns KErrInUse.
   361  * 3. Retrieve() operation returns KErrArgument.
   362  * Postcondition:
   363  * All resources are freed.
   364  */
   366 /**
   367  * TEST CASE 15:
   368  * Name of the test: ReadCerts, errorCasesForSetApplicability
   369  * Purpose:
   370  * Verifies that MCTWritableCertStore::SetApplicability() operation handles properly
   371  * in error situations.
   372  * Steps:
   373  * 1. Store following certificate to the javacert folder:
   374  *    - enabled, can be removed, can not be disabled
   375  * 2. Pass CertInfo object, as argument to SetApplicability() operation, 
   376  *    which does not match to any cert.
   377  * 3. Try to disable cert which cannot be disabled.
   378  * Result:
   379  * 1. Cert was stored successfully.
   380  * 2. SetApplicability() operation returns KErrArgument.
   381  * 3. SetApplicability() operation returns KErrArgument.
   382  * Postcondition:
   383  * All resources are freed.
   384  */
   386 /**
   387  * TEST CASE 30:
   388  * Name of the test: TokenTests, testsForList
   389  * Purpose:
   390  * Verifies that CJavaCertStoreTokenType::List() operation works properly.
   391  * Steps:
   392  * 1. Call CJavaCertStoreTokenType::List() operation.
   393  * Result:
   394  * 1. - Check that one item is in the 'aTokens' list.
   395  *    - Check that value of the item is "MIDP2 Trust Roots".
   396  * Postcondition:
   397  * All resources are freed.
   398  */
   400 /**
   401  * TEST CASE 31:
   402  * Name of the test: TokenTests, testsForOpenToken
   403  * Purpose:
   404  * Verifies that both CJavaCertStoreTokenType::OpenToken() operation works properly.
   405  * Steps:
   406  * 1. Call CJavaCertStoreTokenType::OpenToken() operation with valid token info
   407  *    descriptor.
   408  * 2. Call CJavaCertStoreTokenType::OpenToken() operation with unsupported token info
   409  *    descriptor.
   410  * 3. Call unsupported CJavaCertStoreTokenType::OpenToken() operation(TCTTokenHandle version).
   411  * Result:
   412  * 1. OpenToken() operation returns MCTToken object properly.
   413  * 2. OpenToken() operation returns KErrNotSupported error code.
   414  * 3. OpenToken() operation returns KErrNotSupported error code.
   415  * Postcondition:
   416  * All resources are freed.
   417  */
   419 /**
   420  * TEST CASE 32:
   421  * Name of the test: TokenTests, testsForDoGetInterface
   422  * Purpose:
   423  * Verifies that both CJavaCertStoreToken::DoGetInterface() operation works properly.
   424  * Steps:
   425  * 1. Call CJavaCertStoreToken::DoGetInterface() operation with KInterfaceCertStore uid.
   426  * 2. Call CJavaCertStoreToken::DoGetInterface() operation with 
   427  *    KInterfaceWritableCertStore uid.
   428  * 3. Call CJavaCertStoreToken::DoGetInterface() operation with unsupported uid.
   429  * Result:
   430  * 1. DoGetInterface() operation returns CJavaCertStoreImpl object.
   431  * 2. DoGetInterface() operation returns CJavaCertStoreImpl object.
   432  * 3. DoGetInterface() operation returns KErrNotSupported error code.
   433  * Postcondition:
   434  * All resources are freed.
   435  */