changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 17 0fd27995241b
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Common JNI implementations
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #include "lapijnicommon.h"
    21 #include "clapilandmark.h"
    22 #include "cleanupresetanddestroy.h"
    23 #include "lapipanics.h"
    24 #include "jstringutils.h"
    25 #include "s60commonutils.h"
    26 #include "logger.h"
    29 #include <lbsposition.h>
    32 namespace
    33 {
    34 // Size of the coordinates array (latitude and longitude)
    35 const TInt KLAPINumCoordinates = 2;
    36 // Size of the coordinate information array (altitude, horizontal
    37 // accuracy and vertical accuracy
    38 const TInt KLAPINumCoordinateInfos = 3;
    39 }
    41 /**
    42  * Sets an error code to an error array
    43  * @param aJniEnv Pointer to the JNI environment
    44  * @param aTo The array to which the error is to be added
    45  * @param aFrom The value which will be added to the array
    46  */
    47 void SetJavaErrorCode(JNIEnv& aJniEnv, jintArray aTo, TInt aFrom)
    48 {
    49     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
    50     jint javaError[1] =
    51         { aFrom };
    52     aJniEnv.SetIntArrayRegion(aTo, 0, 1, javaError);
    53 }
    55 /**
    56  * Creates a position from the passed coordinate information
    57  * @param aJniEnv A reference to the JNI environment
    58  * @param aCoordinates Latitude and longitude values
    59  * @param aCoordinateInfo Altitude, horizontal accuracy and vertical accurazy
    60  */
    61 TLocality CreatePosition(JNIEnv& aJniEnv, jdoubleArray aCoordinates,
    62                          jfloatArray aCoordinateInfo)
    63 {
    64     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
    65     __ASSERT_DEBUG(aCoordinates && aCoordinateInfo, LAPIError::Panic(
    66                        ELAPIPanicNullArgument));
    68     jdouble dArray[KLAPINumCoordinates];
    69     jfloat fArray[KLAPINumCoordinateInfos];
    71     // Get latitude and longitude
    72     aJniEnv.GetDoubleArrayRegion(aCoordinates, 0, KLAPINumCoordinates, dArray);
    73     // Get altitude, horizontal accuracy and vertical accuracy
    74     aJniEnv.GetFloatArrayRegion(aCoordinateInfo, 0, KLAPINumCoordinateInfos,
    75                                 fArray);
    77     TCoordinate coordinates(dArray[0], dArray[1], fArray[0]);
    78     TLocality position(coordinates, fArray[1], fArray[2]);
    79     return position;
    80 }
    82 /**
    83  * Creates a position information from the passed position
    84  * @param aJniEnv A reference to the JNI environment
    85  * @param aCoordinates Latitude and longitude values
    86  * @param aCoordinateInfo Altitude, horizontal accuracy and vertical accurazy
    87  */
    88 void CreateCoordinateInfos(JNIEnv& aJniEnv, const TLocality& aPosition,
    89                            jdoubleArray aCoordinates, jfloatArray aCoordinateInfo)
    90 {
    91     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
    92     __ASSERT_DEBUG(
    93         (aJniEnv.GetArrayLength(aCoordinates) >= KLAPINumCoordinates),
    94         LAPIError::Panic(ELAPIPanicJniIncorrectArrayLength));
    95     __ASSERT_DEBUG((aJniEnv.GetArrayLength(aCoordinateInfo)
    96                     >= KLAPINumCoordinateInfos), LAPIError::Panic(
    97                        ELAPIPanicJniIncorrectArrayLength));
    99     jdouble coordinates[KLAPINumCoordinates] =
   100         { aPosition.Latitude(), aPosition.Longitude() };
   102     jfloat coordinateInfo[KLAPINumCoordinateInfos] =
   103         { aPosition.Altitude(), aPosition.HorizontalAccuracy(),
   104           aPosition.VerticalAccuracy()
   105         };
   107     // Set coordinate values to the java array
   108     aJniEnv.SetDoubleArrayRegion(aCoordinates, 0, KLAPINumCoordinates,
   109                                  coordinates);
   110     // Set coordinate information to the java array
   111     aJniEnv.SetFloatArrayRegion(aCoordinateInfo, 0, KLAPINumCoordinateInfos,
   112                                 coordinateInfo);
   113 }
   115 /**
   116  * Creates a new native string array from java string array
   117  * @param aJniEnv A reference to the JNI environment
   118  * @param aJavaArray The Java string array from which the new array is created
   119  */
   120 RPointerArray<HBufC> CreateNativeStringArrayL(JNIEnv& aJniEnv,
   121         jobjectArray aJavaArray)
   122 {
   123     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
   124     TInt count = 0;
   125     if (aJavaArray)
   126     {
   127         count = aJniEnv.GetArrayLength(aJavaArray);
   128     }
   129     // Create pointer array holding HBufCs so that null java elements
   130     // can be represented as NULL pointers in the array
   131     RPointerArray<HBufC> nativeArray(10);
   132     CleanupResetAndDestroyPushL(nativeArray);
   134     for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   135     {
   136         // Creates a new local reference
   137         jobject joe = aJniEnv.GetObjectArrayElement(aJavaArray, i);
   138         jstring javaString = static_cast<jstring>(joe);
   139         if (!javaString)
   140         {
   141             nativeArray.AppendL(NULL);
   142         }
   143         else
   144         {
   145             // The value returned by GetObjectArrayElement is not really
   146             // a pointer to the object, but it is a "local reference".
   147             // In practice, it is a pointer to a pointer which points to the
   148             // object. If the object is null, we get a pointer which points
   149             // to a pointer which points to null.
   150             TAny** objPointer = reinterpret_cast<TAny**>(joe);
   151             TAny* obj = *objPointer;
   152             if (!obj)
   153             {
   154                 nativeArray.AppendL(NULL);
   155             }
   156             else
   157             {
   158                 JStringUtils nativeElem(aJniEnv, javaString);
   159                 HBufC* element = nativeElem.AllocLC();
   160                 nativeArray.AppendL(element);
   161                 CleanupStack::Pop(element);
   162             }
   163         }
   164         // The VM runs out of temporary local references, unless the
   165         // elements are not released here
   166         aJniEnv.DeleteLocalRef(joe);
   167     }
   169     CleanupStack::Pop(&nativeArray);
   170     return nativeArray;
   171 }
   173 /**
   174  * Creates a new java string array from a native string array
   175  * @param aJniEnv A reference to the JNI environment
   176  * @param aNativeArray The native string array from which the new array is created
   177  */
   178 jobjectArray CreateJavaStringArray(JNIEnv& aJniEnv,
   179                                    RPointerArray<HBufC>& aNativeArray)
   180 {
   181     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
   182     return java::util::S60CommonUtils::NativeToJavaStringArray(aJniEnv,
   183             aNativeArray);
   184 }
   186 jobjectArray CopyToNewJavaStringArrayL(JNIEnv& aJni,
   187                                        const CDesCArray& aNativeArray)
   188 {
   189     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
   190     jclass stringClass = aJni.FindClass("java/lang/String");
   191     User::LeaveIfNull(stringClass);
   192     //
   193     jobjectArray result = aJni.NewObjectArray(aNativeArray.Count(),
   194                           stringClass, NULL);
   195     if (result != NULL)
   196     {
   197         TPtrC item;
   198         for (int i = 0; i < aNativeArray.Count(); ++i)
   199         {
   200             item.Set(aNativeArray[i]);
   201             jstring javaString =
   202                 java::util::S60CommonUtils::NativeToJavaString(aJni, item);
   203             User::LeaveIfNull(javaString);
   204             //
   205             aJni.SetObjectArrayElement(result, i, javaString);
   206             aJni.DeleteLocalRef(javaString);
   207         }
   208     }
   209     return result;
   210 }
   212 /**
   213  * Creates an item handle array from the paased landmarks
   214  * @param aJniEnv A reference to the JNI environment
   215  * @param aLandmarks The landmarks from which the handles are created
   216  * @return Java integer array. Ownership is transferred to the caller
   217  */
   218 jintArray CreateHandleArray(JNIEnv& aJniEnv,
   219                             const CArrayPtr<CLAPILandmark>& aLandmarks)
   220 {
   221     JELOG2(EJavaLocation);
   222     TInt count = aLandmarks.Count();
   223     jintArray handles = aJniEnv.NewIntArray(count);
   225     if (handles && count > 0)
   226     {
   227         jint* elems = aJniEnv.GetIntArrayElements(handles, NULL);
   228         if (!elems)
   229         {
   230             return NULL; // Error
   231         }
   232         // Make handles from the native side peer objects
   233         for (TInt i = 0; i < count; i++)
   234         {
   235             elems[i] = reinterpret_cast<jint>(aLandmarks[i]);
   236         }
   237         // Elemenet must be released since it is local
   238         aJniEnv.ReleaseIntArrayElements(handles, elems, 0);
   239     }
   241     return handles;
   242 }
   244 // End of file