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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef PUSHREGISTRY_H
    20 #define PUSHREGISTRY_H
    22 #include <string>
    23 #include <list>
    25 namespace java
    26 {
    27 namespace util
    28 {
    29 class Uid;
    30 }
    31 namespace push
    32 {
    33 /**
    34  * This interface provides native side functionality for PushRegistry java class.
    35  */
    37 class PushRegistry
    38 {
    39 public:
    41     virtual ~PushRegistry() {}
    43     /**
    44      * This operation creates ServerConnection object to the Server Connection Plugin
    45      * and stores new dynamic push connection to the push registry db.
    46      * @param aUri     Push connection URI. Cannot be empty. Syntax validation of this argument
    47      *                 is done in the java side by PushValidator interface.
    48      * @param aMidlet  Class name of the MIDlet. Cannot be empty.
    49      *                 Note: This operation does not validate whether value of this
    50      *                       argument match to the class name of the MIDlet.
    51      * @param aFilter  Connection URL indicating which senders are allowed to cause
    52      *                 the MIDlet to be launched. Cannot be empty. Syntax validation of this
    53      *                 argument is done in the java side by PushValidator interface.
    54      * @param aUid     UID of the application.
    55      * @param aIsUidOfThisMidlet indicates whether uid belongs to MIDlet where this
    56      *                           operation was called.
    57      * @throws         PushException with following error codes:
    58      *                 GENERAL_COMMS_ERROR:
    59      *                 sending a comms message failed.
    60      *                 INCORRECT_COMMS_MSG:
    61      *                 reading/writing to comms msg failed.
    62      *                 DB_ERROR:
    63      *                 storing dynamic push registration fails to the db.
    64      *                 COMMON_SRV_CONN_PLUGIN_ERROR:
    65     *                 creation of ServerConnection object failed.
    66     *                 PUSH_CONNECTION_ALREADY_EXISTS:
    67     *                 other push connection with same URI already exists.
    68     *                 note: this does not concern normal server connection.
    69      *                 LibraryLoaderException with following error codes:
    70      *                 OPENING_LIBRARY_FAILED if opening a Server Connection Plugin failed.
    71      *                                        E.g. in the situation where certain protocol
    72      *                                        is not supported.
    73      *                 CANNOT_FIND_FUNCTION_FAILURE if function function by "getServerConnectionFactory"
    74      *                                        name is not found from ServerConnection Plugin.
    75      */
    76     virtual void registerDynamicPushConn(const std::wstring& aUri,
    77                                          const std::wstring& aMidlet,
    78                                          const std::wstring& aFilter,
    79                                          const java::util::Uid& aUid,
    80                                          bool aIsUidOfThisMidlet) = 0;
    82     /**
    83      * This operation returns all static and dynamic push connections of the MIDlet.
    84      * @param aAvailable 'true' means that only active push URIs is returned.
    85      *                   I.e. URIs where message has arrived.
    86      *                   'false' means that all static and dynamic push registrations
    87      *                   of the MIDlet is returned.
    88      * @param aUid       UID of the MIDlet Suite.
    89      * @param aUriList   Output parameter. List of URIs.
    90      * @throws           This operation does not throw exceptions.
    91      *
    92      */
    93     virtual void listConnections(bool aAvailable,const java::util::Uid& aUid,
    94                                  std::list<std::wstring>& aUriList) = 0;
    96     /**
    97      * This operation returns filter of the push registration.
    98      * @param aUri push connection URI.
    99      * @param aSuiteUid UID of the MIDlet suite.
   100      * @return filter of the push registration.
   101      * @throws  PushException with following error codes:
   102      *          SRV_CONN_NOT_FOUND:
   103      *          Push registration does not exists.
   104      */
   105     virtual std::wstring getFilter(const std::wstring& aUri,
   106                                    const java::util::Uid& aSuiteUid) = 0;
   108     /**
   109      * This operation returns filter of the push registration.
   110      * @param aUri push connection URI.
   111      * @param aSuiteUid UID of the MIDlet suite.
   112      * @return filter of the push registration.
   113      * @throws  PushException with following error codes:
   114      *          SRV_CONN_NOT_FOUND:
   115      *          Push registration does not exists.
   116      */
   117     virtual std::wstring getClassNameOfMidlet(const std::wstring& aUri,
   118             const java::util::Uid& aSuiteUid) = 0;
   120     /**
   121      * This operation is used in the implementation of PushRegistry.getMIDlet() operation.
   122      * This operation checks whether this MIdlet has push registrations.
   123      * This operation does not thrown exception.
   124      * @param aUri push connection URI.
   125      * @param aUid UID of the application.
   126      * @return 'true' if aUri matches to the push connection.
   127      */
   128     virtual bool isPushConnection(const std::wstring& aUri,
   129                                   const java::util::Uid& aUid) = 0;
   131     /**
   132      * This operation deletes dynamic push registration from the db and changes
   133      * existing (if exists) type of the ServerConection to normal server connection.
   134      * @param   aUri push connection URI.
   135      * @param   aUid UID of the application.
   136      * @param aIsUidOfThisMidlet indicates whether uid belongs to MIDlet where this
   137            *                           operation was called.
   138      * @throws  PushException with following error codes:
   139      *          GENERAL_COMMS_ERROR:
   140            *          sending a comms message failed.
   141            *          INCORRECT_COMMS_MSG:
   142            *          reading/writing to comms msg failed.
   143            *          NOT_DYNAMIC_PUSH_URI:
   144      *          URI is static push URI.
   145            *          URI_BELONGS_TO_OTHER_MIDLET:
   146            *          Push registration has been reserved for other MIDlet.
   147            *          SRV_CONN_NOT_FOUND:
   148            *          Server connection is not found from the push registry db.
   149            *          DB_ERROR:
   150            *          Database error occurred.
   151      */
   152     virtual void unregisterDynamicPushConn(const std::wstring& aUri,
   153                                            const java::util::Uid& aUid,
   154                                            bool aIsUidOfThisMidlet) = 0;
   156     /**
   157      * This operation register a alarm time to launch a MIDlet.
   158      * @param aAlarmTimeInMillSecs MIDlet's launch time in milliseconds.
   159      * @param aSuiteUid UID of the MIDlet suite.
   160      * @param aClassNameOfMidlet class name of the MIDlet.
   161      * @param aIsUidOfThisMidlet indicates whether uid belongs to MIDlet where this
   162            *                           operation was called.
   163      * @throws  PushException with following error codes:
   164      *          GENERAL_COMMS_ERROR:
   165      *          sending a comms message failed.
   166      *          INCORRECT_COMMS_MSG:
   167      *          Incorrect comms message.
   168      *          INVALID_ALARM_TIME:
   169      *          alarm time is less than current time.
   170      *          DB_ERROR:
   171      *          Database error occurred during storing alarm time.
   172      */
   173     virtual long long registerAlarm(const long long& aAlarmTimeInMilliSecs,
   174                                     const java::util::Uid& aSuiteUid,
   175                                     const std::wstring& aClassNameOfMidlet,
   176                                     bool aIsUidOfThisMidlet) = 0;
   177 };
   179 }//end namespace push
   180 }//end namespace java
   182 #endif // PUSHREGISTRY_H