changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #include  "cstscmdapdu.h"
    21 #include "stsapduconstants.h"
    22 #include "logger.h"
    24 namespace java
    25 {
    26 namespace satsa
    27 {
    29 // CONSTANTS
    31 //Apdu instructions
    32 const TUint8 KSTSINSManageChannel = 0x70;
    33 const TUint8 KSTSINSSelectFile = 0xA4;
    34 const TUint8 KSTSINSDeactivateFile = 0x04;
    35 const TUint8 KSTSINSActivateFile = 0x44;
    37 const TUint8 KSTSP1SelectAID = 0x04;
    39 const TUint8 KSTSP1SelectByFileId = 0x00;
    40 const TUint8 KSTSP1SelectByPathFromMF = 0x08;
    41 const TUint8 KSTSP1SelectByPathFromCurrentDF = 0x09;
    43 const TInt KFileIdLength = 2;
    45 //Lc byte length is one (it is not part of the mandatory header and is not
    46 //part of the real data
    47 const TInt KSTSHeaderAndLcLength = KSTSApduMandatoryHeaderLen + 1;
    49 //Phone application's File Ids on the UICC card
    50 //according to ETSI TS 102 221
    51 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFTelecom, "\x7F\x10");
    52 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFGSM, "\x7F\x20");
    54 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFDCS1800, "\x7F\x21");
    55 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFIS_41, "\x7F\x22");
    56 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFFP_CTS, "\x7F\x23");
    57 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFTIA_EIA_136, "\x7F\x24");
    58 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFTIA_EIA_95, "\x7F\x25");
    59 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU1, "\x7F\x26"); //Reserved For Future Use
    60 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU2, "\x7F\x27");
    61 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU3, "\x7F\x28");
    62 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU4, "\x7F\x29");
    63 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU5, "\x7F\x2A");
    64 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU6, "\x7F\x2B");
    65 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU7, "\x7F\x2C");
    66 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU8, "\x7F\x2D");
    67 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU9, "\x7F\x2E");
    68 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFRFU10, "\x7F\x2F");
    70 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFPDC, "\x7F\x80");
    71 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFTETRA, "\x7F\x90");
    72 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFIDEN, "\x7F\x31");
    74 //PKCS#15 DF files
    75 //should read from EF(DIR) file (hardcoded at the moment)
    76 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFPKCS15Gemplus, "\x7F\x50");
    77 _LIT8(KSTSFileIdDFPKCS15Orga, "\x50\x15");
    79 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    81 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    82 // CSTSCmdApdu::CSTSCmdApdu
    83 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    84 // might leave.
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 //
    87 CSTSCmdApdu::CSTSCmdApdu()
    88 {
    89 }
    91 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 // CSTSCmdApdu::NewLC
    93 // Two-phased constructor.
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 //
    96 CSTSCmdApdu* CSTSCmdApdu::NewLC(TDesC8& aApduBytes,
    97                                 CSTSApdu::TSTSApduStandard aStandard)
    98 {
    99     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::NewLC");
   100     CSTSCmdApdu* self = new(ELeave) CSTSCmdApdu();
   101     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   102     self->ConstructL(aApduBytes, aStandard);
   103     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSCmdApdu::NewLC");
   104     return self;
   105 }
   107 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   108 // CSTSCmdApdu::NewL
   109 // Two-phased constructor.
   110 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   111 //
   112 CSTSCmdApdu* CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(TDesC8& aApduBytes,
   113                                CSTSApdu::TSTSApduStandard aStandard)
   114 {
   115     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::NewL() called");
   116     CSTSCmdApdu* self = CSTSCmdApdu::NewLC(aApduBytes, aStandard);
   117     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   118     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSCmdApdu::NewL ");
   119     return self;
   120 }
   122 // Destructor
   123 CSTSCmdApdu::~CSTSCmdApdu()
   124 {
   125     delete iApduData;
   126 }
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CSTSCmdApdu::ConstructL
   130 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
   131 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   132 //
   133 void CSTSCmdApdu::ConstructL(TDesC8& aApduBytes,
   134                              CSTSApdu::TSTSApduStandard aStandard)
   135 {
   136     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::ConstructL");
   137     iApduData = NULL;
   138     iApduData = CSTSApdu::NewL(aApduBytes, aStandard);
   139     if (!iApduData)
   140     {
   141         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::ConstructL: failed to create iApduData");
   142     }
   143     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSCmdApdu::ConstructL");
   144 }
   146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL
   148 // Checks apdu data and leaves with proper error code
   149 // Checking is done according to JSR177 design document.
   150 // (other items were commented in a header).
   151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL(TInt aUsedChannel) const
   153 {
   154     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL");
   155     CheckApduLengthL();
   157     TInt8 cla = ApduByte(ESTSCLA);
   158     TInt8 ins = ApduByte(ESTSINS);
   160     //contains a card selection APDU
   161     if ((ins == (TInt8) KSTSINSSelectFile) && (iApduData->ApduPtr()[ESTSP1]
   162             == KSTSP1SelectAID))
   163     {
   164         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL:  Select AID: IllegalArgument");
   165         User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIASelectApp);
   166     }
   168     //contains a MANAGE CHANNEL command APDU
   169     if (((cla >= 0x00) || (cla <= 0x0F)) //b1 can be "anything", b2 must be 0
   170             && (ins == KSTSINSManageChannel))
   171     {
   172         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL: Manage Channel: IllegalArgument");
   173         User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAManageChannel);
   174     }
   176     //if the channel associated with the connection object is non-zero
   177     //and the CLA byte has a value other than 0x0X, 0x8X, 0x9X or 0xAX
   178     if (aUsedChannel != 0)
   179     {
   180         TUint8 claMask = 0xF0; //11110000
   181         TUint8 claLeft = (TUint8)(cla & claMask);  //ignore low order bits
   182         if ((claLeft != 0x00) && //The coding is according to ISO7816-4
   183                 (claLeft != 0x90) && (claLeft != 0xA0) && //Coded as ISO7816-4 unless stated otherwise
   184                 (claLeft != 0x80)) //Structured as ISO/IEC 7816-4 [12], coding
   185             //and meaning is defined in ETSI TS 102 221
   186         {
   187             ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL: aUsedChannel: IllegalArgument");
   188             User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAOtherCLA);
   189         }
   190     }
   191     CheckPhoneAppSelectionL();
   192     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSCmdApdu::CheckL");
   193 }
   195 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   196 // CSTSCmdApdu::ApduBytes
   197 //
   198 // (other items were commented in a header).
   199 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200 TPtr8& CSTSCmdApdu::ApduBytes() const
   201 {
   202     return iApduData->ApduPtr();
   203 }
   205 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   206 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckApduLengthL
   207 // Leaves if apdu length is not atleast same than standard apdu header length
   208 // (other items were commented in a header).
   209 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   210 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckApduLengthL() const
   211 {
   212     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::CheckApduLengthL");
   213     //too short apdu
   214     TInt apduLength = iApduData->ApduPtr().Length();
   215     if (apduLength < KSTSApduMandatoryHeaderLen)
   216     {
   217         ELOG1(ESATSA, "Too short: KSTSErrIllegalArgument. apdulength is %d",
   218               apduLength);
   219         User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAMalformedAPDU);
   220     }
   222     //if data length is not same than Lc
   223     //note: if there is no data, P3 means Le
   224     if (apduLength > KSTSHeaderAndLcLength + 1) // must be data or Le
   225     {
   226         TInt lengthAfterHeaderAndLc = apduLength - KSTSHeaderAndLcLength;
   227         TInt lc = ApduByte(ESTSLc);
   228         ILOG2(ESATSA, "Data length = %d, lc = %d",
   229               lengthAfterHeaderAndLc, lc);
   230         if ((lengthAfterHeaderAndLc != lc)
   231                 && (lengthAfterHeaderAndLc - lc != 1)) //there can be one Le byte
   232         {
   233             ELOG(ESATSA, "Incorrect data length: KSTSErrIllegalArgument");
   234             User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAMalformedAPDU);
   235         }
   236     }
   237     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSCmdApdu::CheckApduLengthL");
   238 }
   240 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   241 // CSTSCmdApdu::SetChannel
   242 // Adds gived channel to command APDU message's CLA byte
   243 // (other items were commented in a header).
   244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 void CSTSCmdApdu::SetChannel(TInt aChannel)
   246 {
   248     // mask for getting cla bytes six first bits
   249     TUint8 claMask = 0xFC; //11111100
   250     TUint8 channel = (TUint8) aChannel;
   251     TUint8 cla = ApduByte(ESTSCLA);
   253     // take cla byte's six first bits
   254     cla = (TUint8)(cla & claMask);
   255     // add channel to cla byte's two last bits
   256     cla = (TUint8)(cla | channel);
   258     SetApduByte(cla, ESTSCLA);
   259 }
   261 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   262 // CSTSCmdApdu::SetHeader
   263 //
   264 // (other items were commented in a header).
   265 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 void CSTSCmdApdu::SetHeader(TUint8 aCla, TUint8 aIns, TUint8 aP1, TUint8 aP2)
   267 {
   269     SetApduByte(aCla, ESTSCLA);
   270     SetApduByte(aIns, ESTSINS);
   271     SetApduByte(aP1, ESTSP1);
   272     SetApduByte(aP2, ESTSP2);
   273 }
   275 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   276 // CSTSCmdApdu::Header
   277 //
   278 // (other items were commented in a header).
   279 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   280 const TDesC8& CSTSCmdApdu::Header()
   281 {
   282     iHeaderPtr.Set(iApduData->ApduPtr().Mid(0, KSTSApduMandatoryHeaderLen));
   283     return iHeaderPtr;
   284 }
   286 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   287 // CSTSCmdApdu::AppendDatabytesL
   288 //
   289 // (other items were commented in a header).
   290 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 void CSTSCmdApdu::AppendDatabytesL(const TDesC8& aDataBytes)
   292 {
   293     TInt dataLength = aDataBytes.Length();
   295     //headerlength + Lc + Data
   296     TInt maxLength = KSTSApduMandatoryHeaderLen + 1 + dataLength;
   297     iApduData->ReAllocL(maxLength);
   298     iApduData->ApduPtr().Append((TUint8) dataLength); //Le
   299     iApduData->ApduPtr().Append(aDataBytes); //data
   300 }
   302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CSTSCmdApdu::SetLe
   304 //
   305 // (other items were commented in a header).
   306 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   307 void CSTSCmdApdu::SetLe(TUint8 aLe)
   308 {
   309     TInt lenght = iApduData->ApduPtr().Length();
   311     //last byte is Le
   312     iApduData->ApduPtr()[lenght - 1] = aLe;
   313 }
   315 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   316 // CSTSCmdApdu::ApduByte
   317 //
   318 // (other items were commented in a header).
   319 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   320 TUint8 CSTSCmdApdu::ApduByte(TSTSApduByteType aByteType) const
   321 {
   323     return iApduData->ApduPtr()[aByteType];
   324 }
   326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 // CSTSCmdApdu::SetApduByte
   328 //
   329 // (other items were commented in a header).
   330 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   331 void CSTSCmdApdu::SetApduByte(TUint8 aByte, TSTSApduByteType aByteType)
   332 {
   333     iApduData->ApduPtr()[aByteType] = aByte;
   334 }
   336 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPhoneAppSelectionL
   338 // Checks if used apdu leads to selection of application/file or
   339 // other restricted file which is not allowed to be selected. Leaves with
   340 // security leave if it is true.
   341 // (other items were commented in a header).
   342 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   343 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPhoneAppSelectionL() const
   344 {
   345     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPhoneAppSelectionL, called");
   346     TInt dataLength = iApduData->ApduPtr().Length() - KSTSHeaderAndLcLength;
   347     LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPhoneAppSelectionL, dataLength: %d", dataLength);
   349     //Checks does apdu lead to file selection
   350     if (IsProperFileSelectionApdu(dataLength))
   351     {
   352         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "is file selection apdu");
   353         //take data part from the apdu
   354         const TPtrC8 data(iApduData->ApduPtr().Ptr() + KSTSHeaderAndLcLength,
   355                           dataLength);
   357         //check that possible file id does not contain forbidden file id
   358         CheckFileIdL(data);
   359         //check that possible path does not contain forbidden file ids
   360         CheckPathL(data);
   361     }
   362 }
   364 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   365 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckIllegalFileIdL
   366 // Checks is file id forbidden or not. Leaves if it is forbidden.
   367 // (other items were commented in a header).
   368 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   369 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckIllegalFileIdL(const TDesC8& aFileId) const
   370 {
   371     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckIllegalFileIdL, called");
   372     //file id length should be 2
   375     if ((aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFTelecom()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFGSM())
   376             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFDCS1800()) || (aFileId
   377                     == KSTSFileIdDFIS_41()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFFP_CTS())
   378             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFTIA_EIA_136()) || (aFileId
   379                     == KSTSFileIdDFTIA_EIA_95()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU1())
   380             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU2()) || (aFileId
   381                                                    == KSTSFileIdDFRFU3()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU4())
   382             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU5()) || (aFileId
   383                                                    == KSTSFileIdDFRFU6()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU7())
   384             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU8()) || (aFileId
   385                                                    == KSTSFileIdDFRFU9()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFRFU10())
   386             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFPDC()) || (aFileId
   387                                                   == KSTSFileIdDFTETRA()) || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFIDEN())
   388             || (aFileId == KSTSFileIdDFPKCS15Gemplus()) || (aFileId
   389                     == KSTSFileIdDFPKCS15Orga()))
   390     {
   391         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckIllegalFileIdL, Is illegal!");
   392         User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalFileID);
   393     }
   394 }
   396 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   397 // CSTSCmdApdu::IsProperFileSelectionApdu
   398 // Checks does apdu lead to file selection. SELECT FILE, DEACTIVATE FILE and
   399 // ACTIVATE FILE apdu will lead to file selection in case of successful
   400 // execution of the command,
   401 // (other items were commented in a header).
   402 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   403 TBool CSTSCmdApdu::IsProperFileSelectionApdu(TInt aDataLength) const
   404 {
   405     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSCmdApdu::IsProperFileSelectionApdu, called");
   407     TBool returnValue = EFalse;
   408     //Check is it SELECT FILE apdu and contains data field
   409     if (ApduByte(ESTSINS) == KSTSINSSelectFile && aDataLength > 0)
   410     {
   411         returnValue = ETrue;
   412     }
   413     //Check is it DEACTIVATE FILE apdu and contains data field
   414     else if (ApduByte(ESTSINS) == KSTSINSDeactivateFile && aDataLength > 0)
   415     {
   416         returnValue = ETrue;
   417     }
   418     //Check is it ACTIVATE apdu and contains data field
   419     else if (ApduByte(ESTSINS) == KSTSINSActivateFile && aDataLength > 0)
   420     {
   421         returnValue = ETrue;
   422     }
   424     return returnValue;
   425 }
   427 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   428 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPathL
   429 // Checks is there proper path and does it contain illegal file ids.
   430 // Leaves if there is illegal file ids.
   431 // Note that apdu must be SELECT FILE, DEACTIVATE FILE or ACTIVATE FILE apdu.
   432 // That can be checked with IsProperFileSelectionApdu method. P1 byte of those
   433 // apdus are the same in select by path from MF and select by path from current
   434 // DF case.
   435 // (other items were commented in a header).
   436 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   437 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPathL(const TDesC8& aData) const
   438 {
   439     TUint8 p1 = ApduByte(ESTSP1);
   440     TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
   442     //check that path does not contain forbidden ids
   443     if ((p1 == KSTSP1SelectByPathFromMF) || (p1
   444             == KSTSP1SelectByPathFromCurrentDF))
   445     {
   446         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPathL, is Path");
   447         TInt remainder;
   448         TInt tmpDataLength = dataLength;
   449         I64DIVMOD(tmpDataLength, KFileIdLength, remainder);
   450         //if data field does not contain concatenation of file ids
   451         if (remainder != 0)
   452         {
   453             ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPathL, Leave!!");
   454             User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAMalformedAPDU);
   455         }
   456         else
   457         {
   458             LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckPathL, go through in loop");
   459             //go through in loop all file ids in path
   460             for (TInt i = 0; i < dataLength; i += KFileIdLength)
   461             {
   462                 TPtrC8 currentFid(aData.Ptr() + i, KFileIdLength);
   463                 CheckIllegalFileIdL(currentFid);
   464             }
   465         }
   466     }
   467     //else no actions
   468 }
   470 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 // CSTSCmdApdu::CheckFileIdL
   472 // Checks is there proper file id and is it illegal. Leaves if there is illegal
   473 // file id.
   474 // Note that apdu must be SELECT FILE, DEACTIVATE FILE or ACTIVATE FILE apdu.
   475 // That can be checked with IsProperFileSelectionApdu method. INS byte of those
   476 // apdus are the same in select by file id case.
   477 // (other items were commented in a header).
   478 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   479 void CSTSCmdApdu::CheckFileIdL(const TDesC8& aData) const
   480 {
   481     TUint8 p1 = ApduByte(ESTSP1);
   482     TInt dataLength = aData.Length();
   484     //Check is file id used
   485     if (p1 == KSTSP1SelectByFileId)
   486     {
   487         //if data field does not contain file id, leave
   488         if (dataLength != KFileIdLength)
   489         {
   490             ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSCmdApdu::CheckFileIdL, Leave !!");
   491             User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAMalformedAPDU);
   492         }
   493         else
   494         {
   495             //check that file id is not forbidden
   496             CheckIllegalFileIdL(aData);
   497         }
   498     }
   499     //else no actions
   500 }
   502 } // namespace satsa
   503 } // namespace java
   504 //  End of File