changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    18 #include "cstsconnection.h"
    19 //  INCLUDE FILES
    20 #include "s60commonutils.h"
    21 #include "cstsconnection.h"
    22 #include "cstschannelmanager.h"
    23 #include "cstsslotmanager.h"
    24 #include "cstspinmanager.h"
    25 #include "cstsapduexchanger.h"
    26 #include "cstsaccesscontrol.h"
    27 #include "cstscardoperationsfacade.h"
    28 #include "cstscardappmanager.h"
    29 #include "cstsenvelope.h"
    30 #include "cstsresphandler.h"
    31 #include "cstsselectfile.h"
    32 #include "cstsrespapdu.h"
    33 #include "cstsmidletinfo.h"
    34 #include "cstsuri.h"
    35 #include "cstsbtsaplistener.h"
    36 #include "cstscardstatelistener.h"
    37 #include "fs_methodcall.h"
    38 #include "logger.h"
    39 #include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
    41 namespace java
    42 {
    43 namespace satsa
    44 {
    46 // CONSTANTS
    47 const TInt KSTSBasicChannel = 0;
    48 const TInt KATRMaxLength = 0xFF;
    50 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    52 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 // CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection
    54 // C++ default constructor can NOT contain any code, that
    55 // might leave.
    56 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    57 //
    58 CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection(MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler,
    59                                CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo) :
    60         java::util::FunctionServer("MyAPDUServer"), iChannel(0)
    61 {
    62     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "+ CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection");
    63     createServerToNewThread();
    64     iState = EClosed;
    65     iRespHandler = aRespHandler;
    66     iMidletInfo = aMidletInfo;
    68     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "-- Returning from CSTSConnection::CSTSConnection ");
    69 }
    71 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    72 // CSTSConnection::ConstructL
    73 // Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.
    74 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    75 //
    76 void CSTSConnection::ConstructL()
    77 {
    78     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "+ CSTSConnection::ConstructL ");
    80     iCOFacade = CSTSCardOperationsFacade::NewL();
    81     iApduExchanger = CSTSApduExchanger::NewL(mJniEnv, mJavaPeerObject,
    82                      iCOFacade);
    83     iAccessControl = CSTSAccessControl::NewL(iMidletInfo);
    84     iPinManager = CSTSPinManager::NewL(mJniEnv, mJavaPeerObject,
    85                                        iApduExchanger, iAccessControl, iRespHandler);
    86     iSlotManager = CSTSSlotManager::NewL(iCOFacade);
    87     iChannelManager = CSTSChannelManager::NewL(iApduExchanger);
    88     iATR = HBufC8::NewL(KATRMaxLength);
    89     iBTSapListener = CSTSBTSapListener::NewL(this);
    90     iCardStateListener = CSTSCardStateListener::NewL(this);
    92     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "-- CSTSConnection::ConstructL ");
    93 }
    95 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    96 // CSTSConnection::NewL
    97 // Two-phased constructor.
    98 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    99 //
   100 CSTSConnection* CSTSConnection::NewL(JNIEnv& aJni, jobject aPeer,
   101                                      MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler, CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo)
   102 {
   103     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "+ CSTSConnection::NewL ");
   104     CSTSConnection* self =
   105         new(ELeave) CSTSConnection(aRespHandler, aMidletInfo);
   107     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   108     self->attachToVm(aJni, aPeer);
   109     CallMethodL(self, &CSTSConnection::ConstructL, self);
   110     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   111     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "-- CSTSConnection::NewL ");
   112     return self;
   113 }
   115 void CSTSConnection::vmAttached()
   116 {
   119 }
   121 // Destructor
   122 CSTSConnection::~CSTSConnection()
   123 {
   124     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "+ CSTSConnection::~CSTSConnection ");
   125     // for safety, close is called here
   126     Close();
   128     delete iCardStateListener;
   129     delete iBTSapListener;
   130     delete iATR;
   131     delete iChannelManager;
   132     delete iSlotManager;
   133     delete iPinManager;
   134     delete iAccessControl;
   135     delete iApduExchanger;
   136     delete iCOFacade;
   138     delete iCardAppManager;
   139     delete iRespHandler;
   140     delete iMidletInfo;
   141     delete iCmdApdu;
   142     delete iURI;
   144 }
   146 void CSTSConnection::WrapOpenL(CSTSConnection* connection)
   147 {
   149     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::OpenL, connection);
   150 }
   151 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   152 // CSTSConnection::OpenL
   153 // Checks does URI exist, checks is it AID or SAT connection, in AID
   154 // case checks Access Control related issues, opens connection to gived card
   155 // application or opens SAT connection
   156 // (other items were commented in a header).
   157 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   158 //
   159 void CSTSConnection::OpenL()
   160 {
   161     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "+ CSTSConnection::OpenL");
   163     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Checking if BT SAP is ON");
   164     //if BT Sap is in use, connection cannot be established
   165     if (iBTSapListener->IsInUse())
   166     {
   167         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL:BT SAP is ON");
   168         User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTBtSapInUse);
   170     }
   171     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Checking if Card is available");
   172     //if card is not available, connection cannot be established
   173     if (!iCardStateListener->CardIsAvailable())
   174     {
   175         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Card is NOT available");
   176         User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoCard);
   177     }
   179     //start listening BTSap events
   180     if (!iBTSapListener->IsActive())
   181     {
   182         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: start bt sap listener");
   183         iBTSapListener->Start();
   184     }
   185     //is slot one of existing slots
   186     if (!iSlotManager->DoesExistL(iURI->Slot()))
   187     {
   188         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Slot does not exist!! ");
   189         //ConnectionNotFoundException
   190         User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoSlot);
   191     }
   193     iApduExchanger->SetReader(iURI->Slot());
   194     iURITarget = iURI->Type();
   195     iApduExchanger->SetConnectionType(iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT);
   197     // if SAT we try to check if card GSM or UICC card
   198     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT)
   199     {
   200         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: connection type is SAT");
   201         // check is phone running in GSM mode
   202         if (iCOFacade->IsGSMNetwork())
   203         {
   204             iNetwork = ESTSTypeGSM;
   205         }
   206         else
   207         {
   208             iNetwork = ESTSTypeUMTS;
   209         }
   210     }
   212     // if AID then parse ACF and check domain.
   213     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
   214     {
   215         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: connection type is AID");
   216         CSTSCardAppManager* tmpAppManager = CSTSCardAppManager::NewL(
   217                                                 iApduExchanger, iURI->AID());
   218         delete iCardAppManager;
   219         iCardAppManager = tmpAppManager;
   220         // try to select card application to determine does it exist or not
   221         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to select card application");
   222         DoSelectApplicationL();
   223         // close channel(closes also application) so that access control can
   224         // use it for reading access control files from card
   225         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: closing channel");
   226         iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
   227         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: setting basic channel");
   228         iApduExchanger->SetChannel(0); //basic channel
   229         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo,  "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to set AID");
   230         iAccessControl->SetAIDL(iURI->AID());
   231         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: going to read files");
   232         iAccessControl->ReadFilesL();
   233         if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedDomain())
   234         {
   235             ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Domain is not allowed");
   236             // SecurityException
   237             User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECAccessNotAllowed);
   238         }
   240         // if access control rights were ok we can select card application again
   241         // and leave it open
   242         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::OpenL: Select App if access is allowed");
   243         DoSelectApplicationL();
   244     }
   246     // if all was ok
   247     iState = EOpened;
   248     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::OpenL");
   249 }
   251 void CSTSConnection::WrapCloseL(CSTSConnection* connection)
   252 {
   253     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::CloseL, connection);
   254 }
   255 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   256 // CSTSConnection::CloseL
   257 // Cancels any pending operation, deselects card application if needed and
   258 // closes opened channel if needed.
   259 // (other items were commented in a header).
   260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 void CSTSConnection::CloseL()
   263 {
   264     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::CloseL");
   265     iPinManager->CancelOperation();
   266     iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
   268     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
   269     {
   270         if (iState == EOpened)
   271         {
   272             TInt appErr = iCardAppManager->DeselectApplication();
   273             TInt channelErr = iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
   275             if (channelErr == KErrNone)
   276             {
   277                 iState = EClosed;
   278             }
   279             // if application deselection or channel closing fails
   280             // we can throw IOException in java side
   281             if (appErr != KErrNone || channelErr != KErrNone)
   282             {
   283                 User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOErrorIO);
   284             }
   285         }
   286         else
   287         {
   288             // for safety, close access control also
   289             iAccessControl->Close();
   290             iApduExchanger->SetChannel(KSTSBasicChannel);
   291         }
   292     }
   293     iState = EClosed;
   294     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::CloseL");
   295 }
   297 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   298 // CSTSConnection::Close
   299 // WILL NOT LEAVE. For destructor use. Cancels any pending operation, deselects
   300 // card application if needed and closes opened channel if needed.
   301 // (other items were commented in a header).
   302 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 //
   304 inline void CSTSConnection::Close()
   305 {
   306     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::Close");
   307     // Close is called in desctructor, so have to check in case
   308     // that contructor has leaved
   309     if (iPinManager)
   310     {
   311         iPinManager->CancelOperation();
   312     }
   313     if (iApduExchanger)
   314     {
   315         iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
   316     }
   317     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID && iState == EOpened)
   318     {
   319         if (iCardAppManager)
   320         {
   321             iCardAppManager->DeselectApplication();
   322         }
   323         if (iChannelManager)
   324         {
   325             iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
   326         }
   327     }
   328     iState = EClosed;
   329     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::Close");
   330 }
   332 void CSTSConnection::WrapChangePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
   333 {
   334     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::ChangePinL, aPinID, connection);
   335 }
   336 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   337 // CSTSConnection::ChangePinL
   338 // Delivers change pin call to pinmanager
   339 // (other items were commented in a header).
   340 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   341 //
   342 void CSTSConnection::ChangePinL(TInt aPinID)
   343 {
   344     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::ChangePinL");
   345     CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
   346     iPinManager->ChangePinL(aPinID);
   347     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::ChangePinL");
   348 }
   350 void CSTSConnection::WrapDisablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
   351 {
   352     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::DisablePinL, aPinID, connection);
   353 }
   354 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   355 // CSTSConnection::DisablePinL
   356 // Delivers DisablePin call to pinmanager
   357 // (other items were commented in a header).
   358 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 void CSTSConnection::DisablePinL(TInt aPinID)
   361 {
   362     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::DisablePinL");
   363     CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
   364     iPinManager->DisablePinL(aPinID);
   365     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::DisablePinL");
   366 }
   368 void CSTSConnection::WrapEnablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
   369 {
   370     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::EnablePinL, aPinID, connection);
   371 }
   372 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 // CSTSConnection::EnablePinL
   374 // Delivers EnablePin call to pinmanager
   375 // (other items were commented in a header).
   376 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   377 //
   378 void CSTSConnection::EnablePinL(TInt aPinID)
   379 {
   380     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::EnablePinL");
   381     CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
   382     iPinManager->EnablePinL(aPinID);
   383     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::EnablePinL");
   384 }
   386 void CSTSConnection::WrapEnterPinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID)
   387 {
   388     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::EnterPinL, aPinID, connection);
   389 }
   390 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   391 // CSTSConnection::EnterPinL
   392 // Delivers EnterPin call to pinmanager
   393 // (other items were commented in a header).
   394 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   395 //
   396 void CSTSConnection::EnterPinL(TInt aPinID)
   397 {
   398     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::EnterPinL");
   399     CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
   400     iPinManager->EnterPinL(aPinID);
   401     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::EnterPinL");
   402 }
   404 void CSTSConnection::WrapUnblockPinL(CSTSConnection* connection,
   405                                      TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID)
   406 {
   407     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL, aBlockedPinID,
   408                 aUnblockingPinID, connection);
   409 }
   410 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   411 // CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL
   412 // Delivers UnblockPin call to pinmanager
   413 // (other items were commented in a header).
   414 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   415 //
   416 void CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL(TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID)
   417 {
   418     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL");
   419     CheckStateL(ETrue); //In SAT connection PIN method is not allowed
   420     iPinManager->UnblockPinL(aBlockedPinID, aUnblockingPinID);
   421     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::UnblockPinL");
   422 }
   424 void CSTSConnection::WrapExchangeAPDUL(CSTSConnection* connection,
   425                                        TPtrC8 aCommandDes)
   426 {
   427     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL, aCommandDes,
   428                 connection);
   429 }
   430 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   431 // CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL
   432 // Checks is apdu allowed and sends it to smart card.
   433 // (other items were commented in a header).
   434 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   435 //
   436 void CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL(TPtrC8 aCommandAPDU)
   437 {
   438     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL");
   439     CheckStateL();
   441     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL:After the conversion");
   442     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
   443     {
   444         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: Type is AID");
   445         CSTSCmdApdu* cmdApdu = NULL;
   446         cmdApdu = CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(aCommandAPDU, CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
   447         if (!cmdApdu)
   448         {
   449             ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: failed to create CSTSCmdApdu object!!");
   450         }
   451         delete iCmdApdu;
   452         //must be saved to member variable for later use in asynchronous call
   453         iCmdApdu = cmdApdu;
   454         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: check the channel");
   455         iCmdApdu->CheckL(iChannel);
   456     }
   457     else
   458     {
   459         CSTSApdu::TSTSApduStandard standard = CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC;
   460         if (iNetwork == ESTSTypeGSM)
   461         {
   462             standard = CSTSApdu::ESTSGSM;
   463         }
   464         CSTSEnvelope* envelopeApdu = CSTSEnvelope::NewL(aCommandAPDU, standard);
   465         CleanupStack::PushL(envelopeApdu);
   466         envelopeApdu->CheckL();
   467         envelopeApdu->SetClassByte();
   468         delete iCmdApdu;
   469         //must be saved to member variable for later use in asynchronous call
   470         iCmdApdu = envelopeApdu;
   471         CleanupStack::Pop(envelopeApdu);
   472     }
   474     //only check in AID case
   475     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::EAID)
   476     {
   477         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL:only check in AID case");
   478         if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedApduL(iCmdApdu->Header()))
   479         {
   480             //SecurityException
   481             User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalApdu);
   482         }
   483     }
   484     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL: Going to call ExchangeApduAsync ");
   485     iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(*iCmdApdu, iRespHandler);
   486     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::ExchangeAPDUL");
   487 }
   489 std::wstring CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL(CSTSConnection* connection)
   490 {
   491     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL");
   492     std::wstring atrData;
   493     CallMethodL(atrData, connection, &CSTSConnection::GetATRL, connection);
   494     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::WrapGetATRL");
   495     return atrData;
   496 }
   497 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   498 // CSTSConnection::GetATRL
   499 // Delivers GetATRL call to card operations facade
   500 // (other items were commented in a header).
   501 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   502 //
   503 std::wstring CSTSConnection::GetATRL()
   504 {
   505     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::GetATRL");
   506     CheckStateL();
   508     TPtr8 atrData(iATR->Des());
   509     //aATR->Set( iATR->Des() );
   510     iCOFacade->GetATR(atrData, iURI->Slot());
   512     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::GetATRL: After iCOFacade->GetATR call ");
   514     HBufC16* tmp = HBufC16::NewL(KATRMaxLength);
   515     TPtr16 aTr(tmp->Des());// = NULL; // = (TPtr16*)(&atrData);//( NULL, 0 );
   516     aTr.Copy(atrData);
   518     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::GetATRL: convert to wstring");
   519     std::wstring atrResp = desToWstring(aTr);
   520     delete tmp;
   521     return atrResp;
   522 }
   524 std::wstring CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL(CSTSConnection* connection)
   525 {
   526     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL");
   527     std::wstring slotStr;
   528     CallMethodL(slotStr, connection, &CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL, connection);
   529     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- return CSTSConnection::WrapGetSlotsL");
   530     return slotStr;
   532 }
   533 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   534 // CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL
   535 // Delivers GetSlots call to slot manager
   536 // (other items were commented in a header).
   537 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   538 //
   539 std::wstring CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL()
   540 {
   542     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL");
   543     //TPtr* respAPDU = reinterpret_cast<TPtr*>( aResponseAPDU );
   544     std::wstring slotString = iSlotManager->GetSlotsL();
   545     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::GetSlotsL");
   546     return slotString;
   548 }
   550 void CSTSConnection::WrapSetURI(CSTSConnection* connection, CSTSURI* aURI)
   551 {
   552     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::WrapSetURI");
   553     TInt connectionHandle = reinterpret_cast<TInt>(aURI);
   554     CallMethodL(connection, &CSTSConnection::SetURI, connectionHandle,
   555                 connection);
   556 }
   557 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   558 // CSTSConnection::SetURIL
   559 // Sets URI member variable. Ownership transferred.
   560 // (other items were commented in a header).
   561 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   562 //
   563 void CSTSConnection::SetURI(TInt /* CSTSURI& */aURI)
   564 {
   565     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::SetURI");
   566     CSTSURI* aUri = reinterpret_cast<CSTSURI *>(aURI);
   567     delete iURI;
   568     iURI = aUri;
   569     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "--CSTSConnection::SetURI");
   570 }
   572 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   573 // CSTSConnection::CheckStateL
   574 // Leaves with correct leave code if state is not corret one
   575 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   576 //
   577 void CSTSConnection::CheckStateL(TBool aSATNotAllowed)
   578 {
   579     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::CheckStateL");
   580     if (iURITarget == CSTSURI::ESAT && aSATNotAllowed)
   581     {
   582         ELOG(ESATSA, "+ CSTSConnection::CheckStateL:SAT not allowed");
   583         User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity);
   584     }
   586     //connection was closed before
   587     if (iState == EClosed)
   588     {
   589         User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOConnClosedBefore);
   590     }
   591     //card was removed
   592     else if (iState == ECardRemoved)
   593     {
   594         User::Leave(KSTSErrInterruptedIO + KSTSErrIICardRemoved);
   595     }
   596     //BT SAP was taken in use
   597     else if (iState == EBTSapInUse)
   598     {
   599         User::Leave(KSTSErrInterruptedIO + KSTSErrIIBTSapInUse);
   600     }
   601     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::CheckStateL");
   602 }
   604 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   605 // CSTSConnection::NotifyClose
   606 // Resets apdumanager and pinmanager and saves state.
   607 // (other items were commented in a header).
   608 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   609 //
   610 void CSTSConnection::NotifyClose(TInt aReason)
   611 {
   612     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::NotifyClose");
   613     iPinManager->CancelOperation();
   614     iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
   616     //card was removed
   617     if (aReason == MSTSCloseObserver::ESTSCardNotAvailable)
   618     {
   619         iState = ECardRemoved;
   620     }
   621     //BT SAP was taken in use
   622     else
   623     {
   624         iState = EBTSapInUse;
   625     }
   626 }
   628 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   629 // CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL
   630 // Opens channel and selects card application. If application selection fails
   631 // closes the channel and leaves with proper error code.
   632 // (other items were commented in a header).
   633 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 //
   635 void CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL()
   636 {
   637     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "+ CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL");
   638     //in AID case we can try to open own channel
   639     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: open own channel");
   640     iApduExchanger->SetChannel(0); //basic channel
   641     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: request channel");
   642     iChannel = iChannelManager->RequestChannel();
   644     // if there is no logical channel available, throw IOException
   645     if (iChannel < 0)
   646     {
   647         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL:no logical channel available, throw IOException ");
   648         User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIONoFreeChannels);
   649     }
   651     iApduExchanger->SetChannel(iChannel);
   652     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: going to select app ");
   653     TInt err = iCardAppManager->SelectApplication();
   655     // if selection was not ok Close opened channel
   656     if (err != KErrNone)
   657     {
   658         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL: app selection was not ok Close opened channel");
   659         // close channel error code not used because we will leave anyway
   660         iChannelManager->CloseChannel(iChannel);
   661         if (err == KErrNoMemory)
   662         {
   663             User::Leave(KErrNoMemory);
   664         }
   665         else
   666         {
   667             User::Leave(KSTSErrConnectionNotFound + KSTSErrCNTNoApplication);
   668         }
   669     }
   670     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSConnection::DoSelectApplicationL");
   671 }
   673 void CSTSConnection::doServerSideInit()
   674 {
   676     FunctionServer::doServerSideInit();
   678 }
   680 } // namespace satsa
   681 } // namespace java
   682 //  End of File