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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    19 #ifndef CSTSCONNECTION_H
    20 #define CSTSCONNECTION_H
    22 //  INCLUDES
    23 #include "functionserver.h"
    24 #include <e32base.h>
    25 #include "stsapduconstants.h"   // for TSTSNetworkType
    26 #include "cstsuri.h"            // for turitype
    27 #include "mstscloseobserver.h"
    29 using namespace java::util;
    31 namespace java
    32 {
    33 namespace satsa
    34 {
    37 class CSTSChannelManager;
    38 class CSTSSlotManager;
    39 class CSTSPinManager;
    40 class CSTSApduExchanger;
    41 class CSTSAccessControl;
    42 class CSTSCardOperationsFacade;
    43 class CSTSCardAppManager;
    44 class MSTSRespHandler;
    45 class CSTSCmdApdu;
    46 class CSTSMidletInfo;
    47 class CSTSBTSapListener;
    48 class CSTSCardStateListener;
    51 /**
    52  *  SATSA-APDUs native side implementation's interface to JNI side.
    53  *  Handels communication with smart card.
    54  *
    55  *  @since 3.0
    56  */
    57 NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CSTSConnection) : public CBase, public MSTSCloseObserver, public FunctionServer
    58 {
    60 private: // Type definition
    61     enum TAidParserState
    62     {
    63         EFirstDigit,
    64         ESecondDigit,
    65         EDot,
    66         EERROR
    67     };
    69 public:
    70     enum TConnectionState
    71     {
    72         EOpened,
    73         EClosed,
    74         ECardRemoved,
    75         EBTSapInUse
    76     };
    78 public: // Constructors and destructor
    80     /**
    81      * Two-phased constructor.
    82      * @param aRespHandler When asynchronous exchange is ready, response will
    83      * be delivered to response handler. Ownership transferred.
    84      * @param aMidletInfo Information about midlet
    85      */
    86     static CSTSConnection* NewL(JNIEnv& aJni,
    87                                 jobject aPeer,MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler,
    88                                 CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo);
    90     /**
    91      * Destructor.
    92      */
    93     virtual ~CSTSConnection();
    95 public: // New functions
    97     /**
    98      * Opens a connection to smart card application. URI must be set before
    99      * this method is called.
   100      * @since 3.0
   101      */
   102     void OpenL();
   104     /**
   105      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   106      */
   107     static void WrapOpenL(CSTSConnection* connection);
   109     /**
   110      * Closes a connection to smart card. Cancels all pending apdu sending.
   111      * @since 3.0
   112      */
   113     void CloseL();
   115     /**
   116      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   117      */
   118     static void WrapCloseL(CSTSConnection* connection);
   120     /**
   121      * Pops up a UI that requests the user for an old or existing PIN value
   122      * and the new PIN value to change the value of the PIN.
   123      * @since 3.0
   124      * @param aPinID The type of PIN which is supposed to prompt the user
   125      * to change.
   126      * @param aResponseAPDU On return contains status word received from
   127      * the smart card in byte array. Null if the user cancels the request.
   128      */
   129     void ChangePinL(TInt aPinID);
   131     /**
   132      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   133      */
   134     static void WrapChangePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID);
   136     /**
   137      * Pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the PIN
   138      * that is to be disabled.
   139      * @since 3.0
   140      * @param aPinID The type of PIN which is required to prompt the user
   141      * to enter.
   142      */
   143     void DisablePinL(TInt aPinID);
   144     /**
   145      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   146      */
   147     static void WrapDisablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID);
   149     /**
   150      * Pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the PIN
   151      * that is to be enabled.
   152      * @since 3.0
   153      * @param aPinID The type of PIN which is required to prompt the user
   154      * to enter.
   155      */
   156     void EnablePinL(TInt aPinID);
   157     /**
   158      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   159      */
   160     static void WrapEnablePinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID);
   162     /**
   163      * Asks from the user PIN value for PIN verification purposes and sends
   164      * it to the card.
   165      * @since 3.0
   166      * @param aPinID The type of PIN which is supposed to prompt the user
   167      * to enter.
   168      */
   169     void EnterPinL(TInt aPinID);
   170     /**
   171      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   172      */
   173     static void WrapEnterPinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aPinID);
   175     /**
   176      * Pops up a UI that requests the user to enter the value for the
   177      * unblocking PIN and the new value for the blocked PIN.
   178      * @since 3.0
   179      * @param aBlockedPinID The ID of PIN that is to be unblocked.
   180      * @param aUnblockingPinID The ID of unblocking PIN.
   181      */
   182     void UnblockPinL(TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID);
   183     /**
   184      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   185      */
   186     static void WrapUnblockPinL(CSTSConnection* connection, TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockingPinID);
   187     /**
   188      * Exchanges an APDU command with a smart card application.
   189      * @since 3.0
   190      * @param aCommandAPDU A byte encoded command for the smart card
   191      * application
   192      */
   193     void ExchangeAPDUL(TPtrC8 aCommandAPDU);
   194     /**
   195      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   196      */
   197     static void WrapExchangeAPDUL(CSTSConnection* connection, TPtrC8 aCommandDes);
   199     /**
   200      * Returns the Answer To Reset (ATR) message sent by the smart card
   201      * in response to the reset operation.
   202      * @since 3.0
   203      * @param aATR On return contains the ATR message if the card
   204      * is inserted, or null if the card has been removed or the connection
   205      * has been closed.
   206      */
   207     std::wstring GetATRL();
   208     /**
   209      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   210      */
   211     static std::wstring WrapGetATRL(CSTSConnection* connection);
   213     /**
   214      * Gets information of smart card slots.
   215      * @since 3.0
   216      * @param aResponseAPDU Return a information of smart cards slots in
   217      * string format.
   218      */
   220     std::wstring GetSlotsL();
   221     /**
   222      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   223      */
   224     static std::wstring WrapGetSlotsL(CSTSConnection* connection);
   226     /**
   227      * Sets URI. Ownership transferred.
   228      * @since 3.0
   229      * @param aURI URI object.
   230      */
   231     void SetURI(TInt /*CSTSURI& */aURI);
   232     /**
   233      * To wrap the CallMethodL()
   234      */
   235     static void WrapSetURI(CSTSConnection* connection, CSTSURI* aURI);
   237 public: // Functions from base classes
   239     void NotifyClose(TInt aReason);
   241 private:
   243     // From FunctionServer
   244     virtual void vmAttached();
   245     virtual void doServerSideInit();
   246     void AddToScheduler();
   248     /**
   249      * C++ default constructor.
   250      */
   251     CSTSConnection(MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler,
   252                    CSTSMidletInfo* aMidletInfo);
   254     /**
   255      * By default Symbian 2nd phase constructor is private.
   256      */
   257     void ConstructL();
   259     /**
   260      * Closes a connection to smart card. Cancels all pending apdu sending.
   261      * For destructor use.
   262      * @since 3.0
   263      */
   264     void Close();
   266     /**
   267      * Checks iState member variable and leaves if connetion is
   268      * closed or card is removed. Checks also iTarget member variable
   269      * and leaves if SAT connection is used and it is not allowed.
   270      */
   271     void CheckStateL(TBool aSATNotAllowed = EFalse);
   273     /**
   274      * Opens channel and selects card application. If selection fails
   275      * closes the channel and leaves with proper leave code.
   276      */
   277     void DoSelectApplicationL();
   279 private: // Data
   281     CSTSChannelManager* iChannelManager;//owned
   282     CSTSSlotManager* iSlotManager;//owned
   283     CSTSPinManager* iPinManager; //owned
   284     CSTSApduExchanger* iApduExchanger; //owned
   285     CSTSAccessControl* iAccessControl; //owned
   286     CSTSCardOperationsFacade* iCOFacade; //owned
   287     CSTSCardAppManager* iCardAppManager; //owned
   289     TInt iChannel;
   290     //Uri, owned
   291     CSTSURI* iURI;
   293     //SAT or AID connection
   294     CSTSURI::TURIType iURITarget;
   295     //is connection opened succesfully or not
   296     TConnectionState iState;
   297     //whether the phone is running in GSM or UMTS
   298     TSTSNetworkType iNetwork;
   300     //command apdu, owned
   301     CSTSCmdApdu* iCmdApdu;
   302     MSTSRespHandler* iRespHandler; //owned
   304     CSTSMidletInfo* iMidletInfo; //owned
   306     HBufC8* iATR; //owned
   308     //Bluetooth remote Sim Access Profile Listener
   309     CSTSBTSapListener* iBTSapListener; //owned
   311     //For listening is card available or not
   312     CSTSCardStateListener* iCardStateListener; //owned
   313     //JNIEnv* mJni;
   314     //jobject mPeer;
   316 };
   318 } // namespace satsa
   319 } // namespace java
   320 #endif // CSTSCONNECTION_H
   321 // End of File