changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    19 //  INCLUDE FILES
    20 #include <charconv.h>
    21 #include <secdlg.h>
    23 #include "cstsapduexchanger.h"
    24 #include "cstsaccesscontrol.h"
    25 #include "cstspinmanager.h"
    26 #include "cstsauthtype.h"
    27 #include "cstspinattributes.h"
    28 #include "stsapduconstants.h"
    29 #include "cstspinapdu.h"
    30 #include "cstspinapduresp.h"
    31 #include "cstsresphandler.h"
    32 #include "cstspinconverter.h"
    33 #include "logger.h"
    36 using namespace java::util;
    38 namespace java
    39 {
    40 namespace satsa
    41 {
    43 //  CONSTANTS
    44 const TInt KSTSMaxPinAttempts = 3;
    45 const TInt KSTSPinHeaderLength = 4;
    47 CSTSPinManager::CSTSPinManager(CSTSApduExchanger* aApduExchanger,
    48                                CSTSAccessControl* aAccessControl, MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler) :
    49         CActive(EPriorityNormal)
    50 {
    52     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
    53     iApduExchanger = aApduExchanger;
    54     iAccessControl = aAccessControl;
    55     iRespHandler = aRespHandler;
    57 }
    59 void CSTSPinManager::ConstructL()
    60 {
    61     // create pinUI
    62     iSecurityDialog = SecurityDialogFactory::CreateL();
    64     iAuthTypeFirstPin = CSTSAuthType::NewL();
    65     iAuthTypeSecondPin = CSTSAuthType::NewL();
    67 }
    69 CSTSPinManager* CSTSPinManager::NewL(JNIEnv* aJni, jobject aPeer,
    70                                      CSTSApduExchanger* aApduExchanger, CSTSAccessControl* aAccessControl,
    71                                      MSTSRespHandler* aRespHandler)
    72 {
    73     CSTSPinManager
    74     * self =
    75         new(ELeave) CSTSPinManager(aApduExchanger, aAccessControl, aRespHandler);
    77     self->mJni = aJni;
    78     self->mPeer = aPeer;
    79     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    80     self->ConstructL();
    82     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    83     return self;
    84 }
    86 // Destructor
    87 CSTSPinManager::~CSTSPinManager()
    88 {
    89     Cancel();
    90     delete iAuthTypeSecondPin;
    91     delete iAuthTypeFirstPin;
    92     if (iSecurityDialog)
    93     {
    94         iSecurityDialog->Release(); // Release deletes the object
    95     }
    96     delete iPinApdu;
    97     delete iPinApduResp;
    98     delete iResponseBuf;
    99     delete mJni;
   100 }
   102 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   103 // CSTSPinManager::DisablePinL
   104 // Calls proper private methods.
   105 // (other items were commented in a header).
   106 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 //
   108 void CSTSPinManager::DisablePinL(TInt aPinID)
   109 {
   110     PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSDisablePin, aPinID);
   111     ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSDisablePin);
   112 }
   114 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   115 // CSTSPinManager::ChangePinL
   116 // Calls proper private methods.
   117 // (other items were commented in a header).
   118 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   119 //
   120 void CSTSPinManager::ChangePinL(TInt aPinID)
   121 {
   123     PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSChangePin, aPinID);
   124     ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSChangePin);
   126 }
   128 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   129 // CSTSPinManager::EnablePinL
   130 // Calls proper private methods.
   131 // (other items were commented in a header).
   132 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   133 //
   134 void CSTSPinManager::EnablePinL(TInt aPinID)
   135 {
   137     PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSEnablePin, aPinID);
   138     ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSEnablePin);
   140 }
   142 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   143 // CSTSPinManager::EnterPinL
   144 // Calls proper private methods.
   145 // (other items were commented in a header).
   146 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   147 //
   148 void CSTSPinManager::EnterPinL(TInt aPinID)
   149 {
   150     PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSVerifyPin, aPinID);
   151     ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSVerifyPin);
   152 }
   154 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   155 // CSTSPinManager::UnblockPinL
   156 // Calls proper private methods.
   157 // (other items were commented in a header).
   158 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   159 //
   160 void CSTSPinManager::UnblockPinL(TInt aBlockedPinID, TInt aUnblockedPinID)
   161 {
   162     PreparePinMethodL(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSUnblockPin, aBlockedPinID,
   163                       aUnblockedPinID);
   164     ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::ESTSUnblockPin);
   165 }
   167 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   168 // CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation
   169 // Cancels any pending operation
   170 // (other items were commented in a header).
   171 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   172 //
   173 void CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation()
   174 {
   175     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::CancelOperation called!");
   176     Cancel();
   177 }
   179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 // CSTSPinManager::RunL
   181 // If PIN value is got from UI, converts user gived PIN values in proper form
   182 // and sends PIN apdu to card. If user has selected cancel option, informs it
   183 // to java side. When apdu sending has returned, checks was user gived value
   184 // correct one and if was not, shows proper PIN ui again. If no retries is left
   185 // shows blocked PIN UI. Supplies response apdus to java side and in error
   186 // conditions supplies proper error code.
   187 // (other items were commented in a header).
   188 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   189 //
   190 void CSTSPinManager::RunL()
   191 {
   192     LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL called!:%d", iStatus.Int());
   194     if (iStatus == KErrCancel)
   195     {
   196         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, Cancel selected");
   197         // if the user selected cancel option. we return null
   198         iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, KSTSErrCancel);
   200     }
   201     else if (iStatus != KErrNone)
   202     {
   203         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, Error Occurred!!");
   204         // in other error conditions supply error code
   205         iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, iStatus.Int());
   206     }
   207     else // no problems
   208     {
   209         switch (iState)
   210         {
   211         case ESendingPINApdu:
   212         {
   213             LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case ESendingPINApdu");
   214             DoAfterSendApduL();
   215             break;
   216         }
   217         case EShowingPinBlockedUI:
   218         {
   219             LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowingPinBlockedUI");
   220             //return PIN method blocked value to java side
   221             //that value is already got from card
   222             DeliverResponseL();
   223             break;
   224         }
   225         case EShowing1ValuePinUI:
   226         {
   227             LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowing1ValuePinUI");
   228             DoAfter1ValuePinUIL();
   229             break;
   230         }
   231         case EShowing2ValuePinUI:
   232         {
   233             LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunL, case EShowing2ValuePinUI");
   234             DoAfter2ValuePinUIL();
   235             break;
   236         }
   237         default:
   238         {
   239             break;
   240         }
   241         }
   242     }
   243 }
   244 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   245 // CSTSPinManager::DoCancel
   246 // Cancels all possible active actions like PIN UIs or apdu exchange
   247 // (other items were commented in a header).
   248 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   249 //
   250 void CSTSPinManager::DoCancel()
   251 {
   252     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::DoCancel, called");
   253     iSecurityDialog->Cancel();
   254     iApduExchanger->CancelExchange();
   255 }
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // CSTSPinManager::RunError
   259 // If leave occures in RunL,this method is called. Notifies java side with
   260 // leave code.
   261 // (other items were commented in a header).
   262 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   263 //
   264 TInt CSTSPinManager::RunError(TInt aError)
   265 {
   266     LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::RunError, called: %d", aError);
   267     iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, NULL, aError);
   268     // must return KErrNone
   269     return KErrNone;
   270 }
   272 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   273 // CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL Converts PIN to correct form for presenting it
   274 // to card. Implementation done according to document "PKCS #15 v1.1:
   275 // Cryptographic Token Information Syntax Standard" chapter "
   276 // Transforming a supplied PIN".
   277 //
   278 // EXAMPLE (ascii-) Numeric PIN ‘1234’(10), stored length 8 bytes, and padding
   279 //  character ‘FF’(16) gives that the value presented to the card will be
   280 //  ‘31323334FFFFFFFF’(16)
   281 //
   282 // Returns: aConvertedPIN: PIN converted to needed format.
   283 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   284 //
   285 void CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL(const CSTSPinAttributes& aPinAttributes,
   286                                  const TDes& aPinValue, HBufC8*& aConvertedPIN)
   287 {
   288     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL called ");
   290     TPtr8 convertedPtr(aConvertedPIN->Des());
   292     CSTSPinAttributes::TPinType pinType = aPinAttributes.PinType();
   293     LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ConvertPINL, pintype: %d", pinType);
   295     if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EUTF8)
   296     {
   297         // if case-sensitive bit is off, convert to uppercase
   298         TBool upperCase = !aPinAttributes.IsPinFlagSet(
   299                               CSTSPinAttributes::ECaseSensitive);
   300         CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToUTF8L(aPinValue, convertedPtr, upperCase);
   301     }
   302     else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EBCD)
   303     {
   304         CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToBCDL(aPinValue, convertedPtr, EFalse); // not half BCD
   305     }
   306     else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EAsciiNumeric || pinType
   307              == CSTSPinAttributes::EISO9564_1)
   308     {
   309         CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToASCIIL(aPinValue, convertedPtr);
   311     }
   312     else if (pinType == CSTSPinAttributes::EHalfNibbleBCD)
   313     {
   314         CSTSPinConverter::ConvertToBCDL(aPinValue, convertedPtr, ETrue); // Half BCD
   315     }
   316     else
   317     {
   318         User::Leave(KErrCorrupt);
   319     }
   321     // If indicated in the pinFlags field, pad to the right with the
   322     // padding character, to stored length
   325     // must be popped from cleanupstack before padding
   326     CleanupStack::Pop(aConvertedPIN);
   327     TInt err = CSTSPinConverter::DoBadding(aPinValue, aConvertedPIN,
   328                                            aPinAttributes.StoredLength(), aPinAttributes.PadChar()[0]);
   329     CleanupStack::PushL(aConvertedPIN);
   330     User::LeaveIfError(err);
   332 }
   334 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   335 // CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL Makes preparation common for all PIN
   336 // methods. Checks, is PIN method allowed to use. Gets PIN headers from the
   337 // card and if there was not any, generates it. Sets needed PIN UI parameters.
   338 // Returns:
   339 //      iPinApdu: Saves APDU into this member variable
   340 //      iPinApduResp: Saves response APDU into this member variable
   341 //      iAuthTypeFirstPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
   342 //      iAuthTypeSecondPin: Saves PIN attributes into this member variable
   343 //      iPINParamsFirstPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
   344 //      iPINParamsSecondPin: Saves PIN UI parameters into this member variable
   345 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   346 //
   347 void CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL(
   348     CSTSPinApdu::TSTSPinApduType aPinApduType, TInt aFirstPinID,
   349     TInt aUnblockedPinID)
   350 {
   351     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL called");
   353     iPinApduType = aPinApduType;
   355     // is pinmethods supported to use with card application
   356     if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedPinMethod())
   357     {
   358         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not supported");
   359         User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECNoRightsPin);
   360     }
   362     // gets the pin apdu header part from the card, if there is any
   363     TPtrC8 headerPtr(iAccessControl->GetPinHeaderL(aFirstPinID,
   364                      (TPinApduType) aPinApduType));
   366     iAuthTypeFirstPin->CopyL(iAccessControl->GetPinAttributesL(aFirstPinID));
   368     // leaves if PIN flags does not allow this PIN apdu
   369     iAccessControl->CheckPinFlagsL((TPinApduType) aPinApduType);
   371     // if pin headers are not found,
   372     if (headerPtr == KNullDesC8())
   373     {
   374         // Pin reference is used if the APDU headers are not specified in the ACL
   375         CSTSPinApdu* pinApdu = CSTSPinApdu::NewL(aPinApduType,
   376                                iAuthTypeFirstPin->PinAttributes().PinReference(),
   377                                CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
   378         delete iPinApdu;
   379         iPinApdu = pinApdu;
   380     }
   381     else
   382     {
   383         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, specified header used");
   384         CSTSCmdApdu* tmp = CSTSCmdApdu::NewL(headerPtr, CSTSApdu::ESTSUICC);
   385         delete iPinApdu;
   386         iPinApdu = tmp;
   387     }
   389     // check is the J2ME application allowed to use this apdu
   390     if (!iAccessControl->IsAllowedApduL(iPinApdu->Header()))
   391     {
   392         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL, Not allowed");
   393         // if not allowed
   394         User::Leave(KSTSErrSecurity + KSTSErrSECIllegalApdu);
   395     }
   397     SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeFirstPin, iPINParamsFirstPin);
   399     // In unblockPIN case we need to initialize parameters of unblocked PIN
   400     if (aPinApduType == EUnblockPinAPDU)
   401     {
   402         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "unblock parameters");
   403         iAuthTypeSecondPin->CopyL(iAccessControl->GetPinAttributesL(
   404                                       aUnblockedPinID));
   405         SetPINUIParametersL(iAuthTypeSecondPin, iPINParamsSecondPin);
   406     }
   408     iRetries = EFirstTime;
   409     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "-- CSTSPinManager::PreparePinMethodL");
   410 }
   412 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   413 // CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI Shows PIN UI for getting PIN value or values.
   414 // Shows correct UI depending on which PIN method is used.
   415 //
   416 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   417 //
   418 void CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI(CSTSPinApdu::TSTSPinApduType aPinApduType)
   419 {
   420     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::ShowPinUI+");
   421     TBool retrying = iRetries == ERetrying;
   422     TPinManagerState state = EShowing1ValuePinUI;
   423     // get PIN from the user with UI
   424     if (aPinApduType == EVerifyPinAPDU)
   425     {
   426         iSecurityDialog->EnterPIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
   427                                   iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
   428     }
   429     else if (aPinApduType == EEnablePinAPDU)
   430     {
   431         iSecurityDialog->EnablePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
   432                                    iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
   434     }
   435     else if (aPinApduType == EDisablePinAPDU)
   436     {
   437         iSecurityDialog->DisablePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
   438                                     iPinValueForFirstPin, iStatus);
   439     }
   440     else if (aPinApduType == EChangePinAPDU)
   441     {
   442         state = EShowing2ValuePinUI;
   443         iSecurityDialog->ChangePIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, retrying,
   444                                    iPinValueForFirstPin, iPinValueForSecondPin, iStatus);
   445     }
   446     else if (aPinApduType == EUnblockPinAPDU)
   447     {
   448         state = EShowing2ValuePinUI;
   449         iSecurityDialog->UnblockPIN(iPINParamsFirstPin, iPINParamsSecondPin,
   450                                     retrying, iPinValueForFirstPin, iPinValueForSecondPin, iStatus);
   451     }
   452     else
   453     {
   455     }
   457     SetActive();
   458     iState = state;
   460 }
   462 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   463 // CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL
   464 // Saves responsebytes to member variable and delivers them to java side with
   465 // help of response handler.
   466 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   467 //
   468 void CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL()
   469 {
   470     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSPinManager::DeliverResponseL, called");
   471     HBufC8* tmp = iPinApduResp->ResponseBytes().AllocL();
   472     delete iResponseBuf;
   473     iResponseBuf = tmp;
   475     iRespHandler->OperationComplete(mJni, mPeer, iResponseBuf, KErrNone);
   477 }
   479 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   480 // CSTSPinManager::SetPINUIParametersL
   481 // Uses authtype parameter to get needed values and sets them to gived PINParams
   482 // variable.
   483 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   484 //
   485 void CSTSPinManager::SetPINUIParametersL(const CSTSAuthType* aAuthType,
   486         TPINParams& aPINParams)
   487 {
   488     // maximum length is optional in card, so we need to set something for
   489     // PIN UI needs
   490     TInt maxLength = PINMaxLength(aAuthType);
   491     TInt minLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().MinLength();
   493     // create TPINParams
   495     // label that identifies the PIN
   496     aPINParams.iPINLabel = aAuthType->Label();
   497     aPINParams.iTokenLabel = iAccessControl->TokenLabelL();
   498     aPINParams.iMinLength = minLength;
   499     aPINParams.iMaxLength = maxLength;
   501 }
   503 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   504 // CSTSPinManager::DoAfterSendApduL
   505 // Checks response adpu and depending on response delivers response bytes
   506 // to response handler, shows PIN Blocked UI or shows previous PIN UI again.
   507 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   508 //
   509 void CSTSPinManager::DoAfterSendApduL()
   510 {
   511     //check response apdu, and show UI again if wrong pin value
   512     CSTSPinApduResp* resp = CSTSPinApduResp::NewL();
   513     delete iPinApduResp;
   514     iPinApduResp = resp;
   515     iApduExchanger->GetResponseBytes(*iPinApduResp);
   517     TInt retriesLeft = iPinApduResp->RetriesLeft();
   519     //if response not indicate retresleft value
   520     if (retriesLeft == KErrNotFound)
   521     {
   522         // return response bytes to java side
   523         DeliverResponseL();
   524     }
   526     //if pin is blocked, call iSecurityDialog::PINBlocked method
   527     else if (iPinApduResp->IsBlocked())
   528     {
   529         // save state to member variable that we can return asynchronous
   530         // after SetActive call
   531         iRetries = EPINBlocked;
   533         iSecurityDialog->PINBlocked(iPINParamsFirstPin, iStatus);
   534         iState = EShowingPinBlockedUI;
   535         SetActive();
   536     }
   537     // if user gived pin value was incorrect
   538     else if (retriesLeft < KSTSMaxPinAttempts && retriesLeft > 0)
   539     {
   540         iRetries = ERetrying;
   541         // "initialize" header
   542         iPinApdu->ApduBytes().SetLength(KSTSPinHeaderLength);
   543         // show UI again, because PIN value was wrong
   544         ShowPinUI(iPinApduType);
   545     }
   546     // if max pin attemps is left, user gived pin value was correct
   547     // one and we can supply response bytes to java side
   548     else if (retriesLeft == KSTSMaxPinAttempts)
   549     {
   550         // return response bytes to java side
   551         DeliverResponseL();
   552     }
   553     else
   554     {
   555         User::Leave(KSTSErrIO + KSTSErrIOCommProblems);
   556     }
   557 }
   559 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   560 // CSTSPinManager::DoAfter1ValuePinUIL
   561 // Convers PIN value gor from UI to proper form and sends proper PIN apdu to
   562 // smart card.
   563 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   564 //
   565 void CSTSPinManager::DoAfter1ValuePinUIL()
   566 {
   567     HBufC8* convertedBuf =
   568         HBufC8::NewLC(PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeFirstPin, ETrue));
   570     ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeFirstPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForFirstPin,
   571                 convertedBuf);
   572     TPtr8 convertedPin(convertedBuf->Des());
   574     iPinApdu->AppendDatabytesL(convertedPin);
   576     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(convertedBuf);
   578     iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(iStatus, *iPinApdu);
   579     iState = ESendingPINApdu;
   580     SetActive();
   582 }
   584 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   585 // CSTSPinManager::DoAfter2ValuePinUIL
   586 // Convers PIN values gor from UI to proper form and sends proper PIN apdu to
   587 // smart card.
   588 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   589 //
   590 void CSTSPinManager::DoAfter2ValuePinUIL()
   591 {
   593     // in changePIN case we use same pin parameters for both pins
   594     if (iPinApduType == EChangePinAPDU)
   595     {
   596         iAuthTypeSecondPin->CopyL(*iAuthTypeFirstPin);
   597     }
   599     // finds maximum length to create large enough buffer
   600     TInt pinValue2MaxLength = PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeSecondPin, ETrue);
   602     HBufC8* convertedBuf1 = HBufC8::NewLC((PINMaxLength(iAuthTypeFirstPin,
   603                                            ETrue)) +pinValue2MaxLength);
   605     ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeFirstPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForFirstPin,
   606                 convertedBuf1);
   608     HBufC8* convertedBuf2 = HBufC8::NewLC(pinValue2MaxLength);
   609     ConvertPINL(iAuthTypeSecondPin->PinAttributes(), iPinValueForSecondPin,
   610                 convertedBuf2);
   612     TPtr8 convertedPins(convertedBuf1->Des());
   613     convertedPins.Append(convertedBuf2->Des());
   615     iPinApdu->AppendDatabytesL(convertedPins);
   617     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(convertedBuf2);
   618     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(convertedBuf1);
   620     iApduExchanger->ExchangeApduAsync(iStatus, *iPinApdu);
   621     iState = ESendingPINApdu;
   622     SetActive();
   624 }
   626 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   627 // CSTSPinManager::PINMaxLength
   628 // Is used to find PIN value max length for UI and for buffer creation. For UI
   629 // needs aReturnBiggest parameter is not used and method will return proper
   630 // maxLength of PIN. If is used for creating buffer for converted PIN
   631 // aReturnBiggest parameter must be set to ETrue. Then method will return either
   632 // maxlength or stored length value depending on which one is bigger.
   633 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   634 //
   635 TInt CSTSPinManager::PINMaxLength(const CSTSAuthType* aAuthType,
   636                                   TBool aReturnBiggest) const
   637 {
   638     TInt returnValue;
   639     TInt maxLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().MaxLength();
   640     TInt storedLength = aAuthType->PinAttributes().StoredLength();
   642     // maximum length is optional in card, so we need to set something for
   643     // PIN UI needs
   644     if (maxLength == KErrNotFound)
   645     {
   646         // if optional maxLength is not found, we use mandatory stored length
   647         maxLength = storedLength;
   648     }
   649     returnValue = maxLength;
   651     // compares maxlength and stored length
   652     if (aReturnBiggest)
   653     {
   654         if (storedLength > maxLength)
   655         {
   656             returnValue = storedLength;
   657         }
   658     }
   660     return returnValue;
   661 }
   663 } // namespace satsa
   664 } // namespace java
   665 //  End of File