changeset 14 04becd199f91
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13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #include "cstsuri.h"
    21 #include "stsapduconstants.h"
    22 #include "logger.h"
    24 namespace java
    25 {
    26 namespace satsa
    27 {
    29 // CONSTANTS
    30 const TInt KSTSAIDMaxLength = 16;
    31 const TInt KSTSAIDMinLength = 5;
    33 const TInt KSTSMinURILength = 15;//(SAT uri without slot number)
    34 const TInt KSTSMaxURILength = 61;//(AID uri with slot and maximum AID)
    36 const TUint8 KSTSErrNotAHexNumber = 255;
    38 const TInt KSTSApduUriPrefixLength = 5; // "apdu:" takes 5 characters
    40 const TUint8 KSTSApduUriSlotTargetSeparator = ';';
    41 const TUint8 KSTSApduUriAIDSeparator = '.';
    42 const TUint8 KSTSSmallA = 'a';
    43 const TUint8 KSTSBigA = 'A';
    44 const TInt KSTSValueOfHexA = 0x0A;
    45 const TInt KSTSMaxHexValue = 0x0F;
    46 const TInt KSTSLengthOfSingleHexDigitInBits = 4;
    48 _LIT(KSTSUriTargetPrefix, "target=");
    49 _LIT(KSTSUriTargetSAT, "SAT");
    51 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    55 {
    56 }
    58 void CSTSURI::ConstructL(const TDesC& aURIString)
    59 {
    60     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::ConstructL++");
    61     // does URI conform to the BNF syntax
    62     if (!CheckURIL(aURIString))
    63     {
    64         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSURI::ConstructL: URI does not conform to BNF sntax");
    65         // IllegalArgumentException
    66         User::Leave(KSTSErrIllegalArgument + KSTSErrIAInvalidParam);
    67     }
    68 }
    70 CSTSURI* CSTSURI::NewLC(const TDesC& aURIString)
    71 {
    72     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::NewLC++");
    73     CSTSURI* self = new(ELeave) CSTSURI();
    74     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    75     self->ConstructL(aURIString);
    76     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::NewLC---");
    77     return self;
    78 }
    81 {
    82     delete iAID;
    83 }
    85 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    86 // CSTSURI::AID
    87 // Getter for AID value
    88 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    89 const TDesC8& CSTSURI::AID() const
    90 {
    91     return *iAID;
    92 }
    94 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    95 // CSTSURI::Slot
    96 // Getter for Slot
    97 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    98 TUint8 CSTSURI::Slot() const
    99 {
   100     return iSlot;
   101 }
   103 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   104 // CSTSURI::Type
   105 // Getter for URI type
   106 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   107 CSTSURI::TURIType CSTSURI::Type() const
   108 {
   109     return iURIType;
   110 }
   112 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   113 // CSTSURI::CheckURIL
   114 // Checks uri and saves needed information to member variables
   115 //
   116 /*
   117  URI can be for example: "apdu:0;target=A0."
   118  or                     "apdu:0;target=SAT"
   120  <APDU_connection_string>::= "apdu:"<targetAddress>
   121  <targetAddress>            ::= [slot];target
   122  <slot>                 ::= smart card slot number. (optional. Hexadecimal
   123  number identifying the smart card slot. Default
   124  slot assumed if left empty)
   125  <target>               ::= "target="<AID>|"SAT"
   126  <AID>                  ::= < 5 - 16 bytes >
   127  An AID (Application Identifier) uniquely
   128  identifies a smart card application. It is
   129  represented by 5 to 16 hexadecimal bytes where
   130  each byte value is seperated by a ".".
   131  */
   132 // (other items were commented in a header).
   133 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   134 //
   135 TBool CSTSURI::CheckURIL(const TDesC& aURI)
   136 {
   137     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::CheckURIL");
   138     const TInt uriLength = aURI.Length();
   139     LOG1(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::CheckURIL:The lenghth of URI is %d", uriLength);
   140     // check length
   141     if ((uriLength > KSTSMaxURILength) || (uriLength < KSTSMinURILength))
   142     {
   143         ELOG(ESATSA, "CSTSURI::CheckURIL:wrong length of the URI");
   144         return EFalse;
   145     }
   146     // uri is now between 15 and 61 characters
   147     // Connector has already parsed the scheme part of the uri,
   148     // so we don't need to
   150     // "apdu:" takes 5 first characters
   151     TInt pos = KSTSApduUriPrefixLength;
   153     // parse slot number
   154     TChar slotChar = aURI[pos++];
   155     TUint8 slotInt = 0;
   156     //if slot number is gived
   157     if (slotChar != KSTSApduUriSlotTargetSeparator)
   158     {
   159         //create ptr which starts from slot number position
   160         TPtrC16 slotAndRest(aURI.Ptr() + KSTSApduUriPrefixLength, uriLength
   161                             - KSTSApduUriPrefixLength);
   162         TLex slotLex(slotAndRest);
   163         TInt slotNumber;
   164         //parse slot number
   165         TInt err = slotLex.Val(slotNumber);
   166         if (err != KErrNone)
   167         {
   168             return EFalse;
   169         }
   171         slotInt = static_cast<TUint8>(slotNumber);
   173         //calculate amount of slot number digits
   174         HBufC8* slotBuf = HBufC8::NewL(KSTSMaxURILength);
   175         slotBuf->Des().AppendNum(slotNumber);
   176         TInt slotNumberLength = slotBuf->Des().Length();
   177         delete slotBuf;
   179         //if digits of slotnumber are more that one
   180         slotChar = aURI[pos + (slotNumberLength - 1)];
   181         pos += slotNumberLength;
   182     }
   184     if (slotChar != KSTSApduUriSlotTargetSeparator)
   185     {
   186         return EFalse;
   187     }
   189     // next should be "target="
   190     if (aURI.Find(KSTSUriTargetPrefix()) != pos)
   191     {
   192         return EFalse;
   193     }
   194     pos += KSTSUriTargetPrefix().Length();
   196     TURIType uriType = EAID;
   197     TBufC8<KSTSAIDMaxLength> aid;
   199     if (aURI.Find(KSTSUriTargetSAT()) == pos)
   200     {
   201         if (uriLength != (pos + KSTSUriTargetSAT().Length()))
   202         {
   203             return EFalse;
   204         }
   205         uriType = ESAT;
   206     }
   207     else
   208     {
   209         TPtr8 aidDes = aid.Des();
   210         if (!ParseAID(aURI, pos, aidDes))
   211         {
   212             return EFalse;
   213         }
   214     }
   216     iSlot = slotInt;
   217     iURIType = uriType;
   219     //copies data to the member buffer
   220     iAID = aid.AllocL();
   221     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "CSTSURI::CheckURIL---");
   222     return ETrue;
   223 }
   225 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   226 // CSTSURI::GetHexValue
   227 // returns an integer value of given hex character
   228 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   229 //
   230 TUint8 CSTSURI::GetHexValue(const TChar& aDigit)
   231 {
   232     // if aDigit is 0-9, we can use TChar::GetNumericValue directly
   233     if (aDigit.IsDigit())
   234     {
   235         return static_cast<TUint8>(aDigit.GetNumericValue());
   236     }
   238     // if aDigit is not a hexadecimal digit, it is an error
   239     if (!(aDigit.IsHexDigit()))
   240     {
   241         return KSTSErrNotAHexNumber;
   242     }
   244     // otherwise, aDigit is a-f or A-F
   245     TChar charA = KSTSSmallA;
   246     if (aDigit.IsUpper())
   247     {
   248         charA = KSTSBigA;
   249     }
   251     // we can get the value by calculating the difference of the character
   252     // and character 'a', and adding the value of hex digit 'a'.
   253     TUint8 retVal = static_cast<TUint8>((aDigit - charA) + KSTSValueOfHexA);
   254     return retVal;
   255 }
   257 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   258 // CSTSURI::ParseAID
   259 // parses AID from URI
   260 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   261 //
   262 TBool CSTSURI::ParseAID(const TDesC& aURI, TInt aPos, TDes8& aAID)
   263 {
   264     TInt aidLength = aAID.Length();
   265     TInt aidMaxLength = aAID.MaxLength();
   266     TInt uriLength = aURI.Length();
   267     TInt pos = aPos;
   268     TAidParserState aidState = EFirstDigit;
   269     TUint8 aidDigit = 0;
   270     while (pos < uriLength)
   271     {
   272         TChar digit = aURI[pos++];
   273         ParseAIDCharacter(digit, aidState, aidDigit);
   274         switch (aidState)
   275         {
   276         case EFirstDigit:
   277         {
   278             if (++aidLength > aidMaxLength)
   279             {
   280                 return EFalse;
   281             }
   282             aAID.Append(aidDigit);
   283             break;
   284         }
   285         case EERROR:
   286         {
   287             return EFalse;
   288         }
   289         default:
   290         {
   291             // other states don't require action
   292         }
   293         }
   294     }
   295     if (aidState == ESecondDigit)
   296     {
   297         // the uri ended after first digit, which is not yet added
   298         if (++aidLength > aidMaxLength)
   299         {
   300             return EFalse;
   301         }
   302         aAID.Append(aidDigit);
   303     }
   304     if (aidState == EFirstDigit)
   305     {
   306         // AID ended with a dot
   307         return EFalse;
   308     }
   310     if (aidState == EDot)
   311     {
   312         // Append also last digit
   313         aAID.Append(aidDigit);
   314     }
   316     if (aidLength < KSTSAIDMinLength)
   317     {
   318         return EFalse;
   319     }
   320     return ETrue;
   321 }
   323 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 // CSTSURI::ParseAIDCharacter
   325 // Implements AID parsing state machine
   326 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   327 void CSTSURI::ParseAIDCharacter(const TChar& aDigit, TAidParserState& aState,
   328                                 TUint8& aAIDDigit)
   329 {
   330     switch (aState)
   331     {
   332     case EFirstDigit:
   333     {
   334         aAIDDigit = GetHexValue(aDigit);
   335         if (aAIDDigit > KSTSMaxHexValue)
   336         {
   337             aState = EERROR;
   338         }
   339         else
   340         {
   341             aState = ESecondDigit;
   342         }
   343         break;
   344     }
   345     case ESecondDigit:
   346     {
   347         if (aDigit != KSTSApduUriAIDSeparator)
   348         {
   349             TUint8 secondDigit = GetHexValue(aDigit);
   350             if (secondDigit > KSTSMaxHexValue)
   351             {
   352                 aState = EERROR;
   353             }
   354             else
   355             {
   356                 aAIDDigit <<= KSTSLengthOfSingleHexDigitInBits;
   357                 aAIDDigit |= secondDigit;
   358                 aState = EDot;
   359             }
   360         }
   361         else
   362         {
   363             aState = EFirstDigit;
   364         }
   365         break;
   366     }
   367     case EDot:
   368     {
   369         if (aDigit != KSTSApduUriAIDSeparator)
   370         {
   371             aState = EERROR;
   372         }
   373         else
   374         {
   375             aState = EFirstDigit;
   376         }
   377         break;
   378     }
   379     default:
   380     {
   382     }
   383     }
   384 }
   386 } // namespace satsa
   387 } // namespace java
   388 //  End of File