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     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #include "cstsuserauth.h"
    22 namespace java
    23 {
    24 namespace satsa
    25 {
    27 // CONSTANTS
    28 const TInt KSTSMinNumberOfSubModules = 2;
    30 const TInt KSTSDefaultGranularity = 1;
    31 const TTagType KSTSAPDUPinEntryTag = 0;
    33 // ============================ MEMBER FUNCTIONS ===============================
    36 CSTSUserAuth::CSTSUserAuth()
    37 {
    38     iType = ENotInitialized;
    39 }
    41 void CSTSUserAuth::ConstructL()
    42 {
    43     // creating with empty values
    44     iAuthId = KNullDesC8().AllocL();
    46     iApduPinHeaders = new(ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(KSTSDefaultGranularity);
    47 }
    49 CSTSUserAuth* CSTSUserAuth::NewLC()
    50 {
    51     CSTSUserAuth* self = new(ELeave) CSTSUserAuth();
    52     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    53     self->ConstructL();
    54     return self;
    55 }
    57 CSTSUserAuth::~CSTSUserAuth()
    58 {
    59     delete iAuthId;
    60     delete iApduPinHeaders;
    61 }
    63 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    64 // CSTSUserAuth::DecodeL
    65 // Decrypts raw data to this instance
    66 // (other items were commented in a header).
    67 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    68 void CSTSUserAuth::DecodeL(const TDesC8& aRawData)
    69 {
    70     CArrayPtr<TASN1DecGeneric>* itemsData = DecodeSequenceLC(ETrue, // must be sequence
    71                                             aRawData, KSTSMinNumberOfSubModules);
    73     // we would not get this far if there was atleast two element
    74     TInt pos = 0;
    75     // decoding authentication id (octet string)
    76     TASN1DecOctetString authId;
    77     HBufC8* tmp = authId.DecodeDERL(*itemsData->At(pos++));
    78     delete iAuthId;
    79     iAuthId = tmp;
    81     // decoding user authentication method (choice)
    82     // we need: apduPinEntry [0]APDUPinEntry
    83     TASN1DecGeneric taggedEntryDec(*itemsData->At(pos++));
    84     taggedEntryDec.InitL();
    85     if (taggedEntryDec.Tag() == KSTSAPDUPinEntryTag)
    86     {
    87         // set information that apduHeaders used
    88         iType = EAPDUPinEntry;
    89         // decoding apduPinEntry
    90         TASN1DecGeneric decGen(taggedEntryDec.GetContentDER());
    91         TRAPD(err, decGen.InitL());
    92         // it there is some optional headers inside APDUPINEntry
    93         if (!err)
    94         {
    95             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemsData);
    96             itemsData = DecodeSequenceLC(EFalse, taggedEntryDec.Encoding());
    97             TInt numOfHeaders = itemsData->Count();
    99             if (numOfHeaders)
   100             {
   101                 CDesC8ArrayFlat* tmpArray =
   102                     new(ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(numOfHeaders);
   103                 CleanupStack::PushL(tmpArray);
   105                 TUint currentTag = 0;
   106                 TInt itemsLeft = numOfHeaders;
   107                 // decode all pinheaders(octet string) in loop
   108                 for (TInt i = 0; i < numOfHeaders; i++)
   109                 {
   110                     TBool ready = EFalse;
   111                     TASN1DecGeneric decGenApduHeader(*itemsData->At(i));
   112                     // we must check tags in order 0 to ...
   113                     while (!ready && (currentTag <= (TUint)(itemsLeft
   114                                                             + currentTag)))
   115                     {
   116                         // add found header to correct place in buffer
   117                         if (decGenApduHeader.Tag() == currentTag)
   118                         {
   119                             TASN1DecGeneric decGenApduHeaderDER(
   120                                 itemsData->At(i)->Encoding());
   121                             decGenApduHeaderDER.InitL();
   122                             TASN1DecOctetString apduHeader;
   123                             HBufC8* headerBuf = apduHeader.DecodeDERL(
   124                                                     decGenApduHeaderDER);
   125                             CleanupStack::PushL(headerBuf);
   127                             tmpArray->AppendL(headerBuf->Des());
   128                             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(headerBuf);
   129                             ready = ETrue;
   130                             itemsLeft--;
   131                         }
   132                         // there was no header for this tag, so add empty
   133                         else
   134                         {
   135                             tmpArray->AppendL(KNullDesC8());
   136                         }
   137                         currentTag++;
   138                     }
   139                 }
   140                 delete iApduPinHeaders;
   141                 iApduPinHeaders = tmpArray;
   142                 // compress to get rid of possible unneccessary slots
   143                 iApduPinHeaders->Compress();
   144                 CleanupStack::Pop(tmpArray);
   145             }
   146         }
   147     }
   148     else
   149     {
   150         iType = EOther;
   151         // we won't need others at all
   152     }
   153     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(itemsData);
   154 }
   155 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   156 // CSTSUserAuth::Type
   157 // Getter for type
   158 // (other items were commented in a header).
   159 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   160 CSTSUserAuth::TType CSTSUserAuth::Type() const
   161 {
   162     return iType;
   163 }
   165 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   166 // CSTSUserAuth::AuthId
   167 // Getter for authentication id
   168 // (other items were commented in a header).
   169 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 const TDesC8& CSTSUserAuth::AuthId() const
   171 {
   172     return *iAuthId;
   173 }
   175 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   176 // CSTSUserAuth::ApduPinHeaders
   177 // Getter for PIN headers
   178 // (other items were commented in a header).
   179 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   180 const CDesC8ArrayFlat& CSTSUserAuth::ApduPinHeaders() const
   181 {
   182     return *iApduPinHeaders;
   183 }
   185 } // namespace satsa
   186 } // namespace java
   187 //  End of File