changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  Implementation of STSSymmetricCipher
    15  *
    16 */
    20 #include "stssymmetriccipher.h"
    21 #include <openssl/rand.h>
    22 #include <msymmetriccipher.h>
    23 #include <bufferedtransformation.h>
    24 #include <cbcmode.h>
    25 #include <padding.h>
    26 #include <random.h>
    27 #include "javajniutils.h"
    28 #include "stsconstants.h"
    29 #include "logger.h"
    31 namespace java
    32 {
    33 namespace satsa
    34 {
    37 STSSymmetricCipher::STSSymmetricCipher()
    38 {
    39     mCipher = NULL;
    40     mCipherCtx = NULL;
    41     mCipherType = NULL;
    43 }
    46 STSSymmetricCipher::~STSSymmetricCipher()
    47 {
    48     // cleanup the cipher context
    49     if (mCipherCtx != NULL)
    50     {
    51         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(mCipherCtx);
    52         mCipherCtx = NULL;
    53     }
    54     else
    55     {
    56         // do nothing
    57     }
    58 }
    60 STSSymmetricCipher* STSSymmetricCipher::Create(
    61     STSTransformation* aTransformation, int* errCode)
    62 {
    63     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::Create+");
    64     STSSymmetricCipher* self = new STSSymmetricCipher;
    65     if (self == NULL)
    66     {
    67         *errCode = KSTSErrNoMemory;
    68         return NULL;
    69     }
    70     int retVal = self->Construct(aTransformation);
    71     if (0 == retVal)
    72     {
    73         *errCode = retVal;
    74         return self;
    75     }
    76     else
    77     {
    78         ELOG(ESATSA, "STSSymmetricCipher::Create failed");
    79         *errCode = retVal;
    80         delete self;
    81         self = 0;
    82         return NULL;
    83     }
    85 }
    87 int STSSymmetricCipher::Construct(STSTransformation* aTransformation)
    88 {
    89     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::Construct+");
    90     // load ciphers that are needed for lookup by openc apis
    91     OpenSSL_add_all_ciphers();
    93     // Check transformation validity.
    95     // Check mode
    96     if (aTransformation->Mode() != STSModeCBC && aTransformation->Mode()
    97             != STSModeECB && aTransformation->Mode() != STSModeNONE)
    98     {
    99         ELOG(ESATSA, "STSSymmetricCipher::Construct: mode is not supported");
   100         // Mode is not supported
   101         return (KSTSErrNoSuchAlgorithm);
   103     }
   105     // Check padding
   106     if (aTransformation->Padding() != STSPaddingNone
   107             && aTransformation->Padding() != STSPaddingPKCS7
   108             && aTransformation->Padding() != STSPaddingPKCS5)
   109     {
   110         ELOG(ESATSA, "Construct: padding not supported");
   111         // Padding is not supported
   112         return (KSTSErrNoSuchPadding);
   114     }
   116     // No errors, object constructed successfully
   117     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::Construct--");
   118     return 0;
   120 }
   122 jint STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit(JNIEnv* aJni, const TCipherMode aMode,
   123                                 const jstring aKeyAlgorithm, const jstring aKeyFormat,
   124                                 const jbyteArray aKeyEncoded, const jbyteArray aParams)
   125 {
   126     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit+");
   127     //Function return value
   128     jint retVal = 0;
   130     // clear the old iv as the cipher is now being initialized/re-initialized
   131     if (mIV != NULL)
   132     {
   133         delete mIV;
   134         mIV = NULL;
   135     }
   136     miv_length = 0;
   138     //clear the old mKey
   139     if (mKey != NULL)
   140     {
   141         delete mKey;
   142         mKey = NULL;
   143     }
   144     mKey_length = 0;
   146     // Format: Only raw keys are supported
   147     std::wstring key_format;
   148     try
   149     {
   150         key_format = java::util::JniUtils::jstringToWstring(aJni, aKeyFormat);
   151     }
   152     catch (...)
   153     {
   154         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit: caught exception. Return error code");
   155         return (KSTSErrInvalidKey);
   156     }
   157     if (key_format != STSKeyFormatRAW)
   158     {
   159         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:Not raw keys");
   160         return (KSTSErrInvalidKey);
   161     }
   163     // Key must be created for used algorithm
   164     std::wstring key_algorithm;
   165     try
   166     {
   167         key_algorithm = java::util::JniUtils::jstringToWstring(aJni,
   168                         aKeyAlgorithm);
   169     }
   170     catch (...)
   171     {
   172         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit: caught exception. Return error code");
   173         return (KSTSErrInvalidKey);
   174     }
   175     if (mTransformation->Algorithm() != key_algorithm)
   176     {
   177         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:Not proper algorithm");
   178         return (KSTSErrInvalidKey);
   179     }
   181     // read the Key
   182     //Create the native array from jbytearray
   183     mKey_length = aJni->GetArrayLength(aKeyEncoded);
   184     mKey = new unsigned char[mKey_length];
   185     aJni->GetByteArrayRegion(aKeyEncoded, 0, mKey_length, (signed char*) mKey);
   187     // Set the cipher type and Mode
   188     if (mTransformation->Algorithm() == STSAlgorithmDES)
   189     {
   190         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit: DES algorithm");
   191         if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   192         {
   193             mCipherType = EVP_des_cbc();
   194         }
   195         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   196         {
   197             mCipherType = EVP_des_ecb();
   198         }
   199         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   200         {
   201             mCipherType = EVP_des_cbc();
   202         }
   204     }
   205     else if (mTransformation->Algorithm() == STSAlgorithm3DES)
   206     {
   207         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit: 3DES algorithm");
   208         if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   209         {
   210             mCipherType = EVP_des_ede3_cbc();
   211         }
   212         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   213         {
   214             mCipherType = EVP_des_ede3_ecb();
   215         }
   216         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   217         {
   218             mCipherType = EVP_des_ede3_cbc();
   219         }
   221     }
   222     else if (mTransformation->Algorithm() == STSAlgorithmRC2)
   223     {
   224         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit: RC2 algorothm");
   225         if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   226         {
   227             mCipherType = EVP_rc2_cbc();
   228         }
   229         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   230         {
   231             mCipherType = EVP_rc2_ecb();
   232         }
   233         else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   234         {
   235             mCipherType = EVP_rc2_cbc();
   236         }
   238     }
   239     else if (mTransformation->Algorithm() == STSAlgorithmAES)
   240     {
   241         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit: AES algorithm");
   242         // AES algorithms based on key size
   243         switch (mKey_length)
   244         {
   245         case 16:
   246             if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   247             {
   248                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_128_cbc();
   249             }
   250             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   251             {
   252                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_128_ecb();
   253             }
   254             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   255             {
   256                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_128_cbc();
   257             }
   258             break;
   259         case 24:
   260             if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   261             {
   262                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_192_cbc();
   263             }
   264             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   265             {
   266                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_192_ecb();
   267             }
   268             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   269             {
   270                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_192_cbc();
   271             }
   272             break;
   273         case 32:
   274             if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeCBC)
   275             {
   276                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_256_cbc();
   277             }
   278             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   279             {
   280                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_256_ecb();
   281             }
   282             else if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeNONE)
   283             {
   284                 mCipherType = EVP_aes_256_cbc();
   285             }
   286             break;
   287         default:
   288             // Invalid Key Size
   289             ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:Invalid Key Size");
   290             return (KSTSErrInvalidKey);
   292         };
   293     }
   295     // cipher type could not be determined
   296     if (mCipherType == NULL)
   297     {
   298         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:cipher type could not be determined");
   299         return (KSTSErrNoSuchAlgorithm);
   300     }
   301     // determined cipher type,  determine and validate the parameters
   302     // Block size is needed for padding and iv
   303     int blocksize = EVP_CIPHER_block_size(mCipherType);
   305     // Check parameters, create IV for algorithm.
   306     if (mTransformation->Mode() == STSModeECB)
   307     {
   308         // ECB mode may not have IV
   309         if (aParams)
   310         {
   311             ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:ECB mode may not have IV");
   312             return (KSTSErrArgument);
   313         }
   314     }
   315     else
   316     {
   317         // CBC mode must have IV
   318         if (aParams)
   319         {
   320             // IV was given as a parameter
   321             // Create the native array from jbytearray
   322             miv_length = aJni->GetArrayLength(aParams);
   323             mIV = new unsigned char[miv_length];
   324             aJni->GetByteArrayRegion(aParams, 0, miv_length, (signed char*) mIV);
   326             // IV's size must be same as block size.
   327             if (blocksize != miv_length)
   328             {
   329                 ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:blocksize mismatch");
   330                 return (KSTSErrArgument);
   331             }
   333         }
   334         else
   335         {
   336             if (aMode == EDecryptMode)
   337             {
   338                 ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit: In decrypt mode IV is needed.");
   339                 // In encrypt mode IV is needed.
   340                 return (KSTSErrArgument);
   341             }
   343             // IV was not given, generate new random iv same as blocksize
   344             miv_length = blocksize;
   345             mIV = new unsigned char[miv_length];
   346             if (mIV)
   347             {
   348                 RAND_pseudo_bytes(mIV, miv_length);
   349             }
   350             else
   351             {
   352                 mIV = NULL;
   353                 miv_length = 0;
   354                 ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:IV is not proper");
   355                 return KSTSErrNoMemory;
   356             }
   358         }
   360     }
   362     // Initialize the cipher context
   363     mCipherCtx = new EVP_CIPHER_CTX;
   364     if (mCipherCtx == NULL)
   365     {
   366         ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:cipher context is null");
   367         // cipher context could not be allocated
   368         return (KSTSErrNoMemory);
   369     }
   370     // Initialize the cipher context
   371     EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(mCipherCtx);
   373     // Create decryptor or encryptor according to mode
   374     mMode = aMode;
   375     int ret;
   376     if (mMode == EEncryptMode)
   377     {
   378         ret = EVP_CipherInit_ex(mCipherCtx, mCipherType, NULL, mKey, mIV, 1);
   379         if (0 == ret)
   380         {
   381             ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:cipher:encrypt:cipher could not be initialized");
   382             retVal = KSTSErrNoMemory;
   383         }
   384     }
   385     else
   386     {
   387         // Otherwise EDecryptMode
   388         ret = EVP_CipherInit_ex(mCipherCtx, mCipherType, NULL, mKey, mIV, 0);
   389         if (0 == ret)
   390         {
   391             ELOG(ESATSA, "DoInit:cipher:decrypt:cipher could not be initialized");
   392             retVal = KSTSErrNoMemory;
   393         }
   394     }
   396     // Set the padding
   397     if (mTransformation->Padding() == STSPaddingPKCS7
   398             || mTransformation->Padding() == STSPaddingPKCS5)
   399     {
   400         LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "Padding for pkcs7 or pkcs5");
   401         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(mCipherCtx, 1); // always returns 1 (Success)
   402     }
   403     else
   404     {
   405         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(mCipherCtx, 0); // always returns 1 (Success)
   406     }
   408     // reset state.
   409     mBytesProcessed = 0;
   410     //return
   411     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoInit--");
   412     return retVal;
   413 }
   415 jint STSSymmetricCipher::DoFinal(JNIEnv* aJni, jbyteArray aInput,
   416                                  jint aInputOffset, jint aInputLength, jbyteArray aOutput,
   417                                  jint aOutputOffset)
   418 {
   419     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoFinal+");
   420     // Variable to hold the error code
   421     int retVal = 0;
   423     if (mCipherCtx == NULL || mCipherType == NULL)
   424     {
   425         ELOG(ESATSA, "Cipher context/type not ready");
   426         // Init was not called successfully.
   427         return (KSTSErrIllegalState);
   428     }
   430     int blocksize = EVP_CIPHER_block_size(mCipherType);
   431     int bytesProcessed = aInputLength + mBytesProcessed;
   432     // reset state.
   433     mBytesProcessed = 0;
   434     if ((bytesProcessed % blocksize != 0) && ((mMode == EDecryptMode)
   435             || (mTransformation->Padding() == STSPaddingNone)))
   436     {
   437         ELOG(ESATSA, "Processing failed");
   438         return (KSTSErrIllegalBlockSize);
   439     }
   441     // read the input data
   442     unsigned char* inputBuf = new unsigned char[aInputLength];
   443     aJni->GetByteArrayRegion(aInput, aInputOffset, aInputLength,
   444                              (signed char *) inputBuf);
   446     // create the output native array to hold the output
   447     int max_output_length = aInputLength + blocksize - 1;
   448     unsigned char* outputBuf = new unsigned char[max_output_length];
   449     int outputLength = 0;
   451     // if inputlength is  > 0 then there is some input data to update
   452     if (aInputLength > 0)
   453     {
   454         // call update
   455         retVal = EVP_CipherUpdate(mCipherCtx, outputBuf, &outputLength,
   456                                   inputBuf, aInputLength);
   457         if (0 == retVal)
   458         {
   459             ELOG(ESATSA, "Update OpenC API failed");
   460             // openc api returned failure
   461             return KSTSErrBadPadding;
   462         }
   463     }
   465     // finalize the output
   466     int final_length = 0;
   467     retVal = EVP_CipherFinal_ex(mCipherCtx, outputBuf + outputLength,
   468                                 &final_length);
   469     if (0 == retVal)
   470     {
   471         ELOG(ESATSA, "Final OpenC API failed");
   472         // openc api returned failure
   473         return KSTSErrBadPadding;
   474     }
   476     // Re-initialize the cipher back to its init state
   477     int ret = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(mCipherCtx);
   478     if (0 == ret)
   479     {
   480         ELOG(ESATSA, "Cleanup OpenC API failed");
   481         retVal = KSTSErrIllegalState;
   482     }
   483     // Initialize the cipher context
   484     EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(mCipherCtx);
   486     // Create decryptor or encryptor according to mode
   487     if (mMode == EEncryptMode)
   488     {
   489         int ret = EVP_CipherInit_ex(mCipherCtx, mCipherType, NULL, mKey, mIV, 1);
   490         if (0 == ret)
   491         {
   492             ELOG(ESATSA, "encrypt mode:cipher init failed");
   493             retVal = KSTSErrNoMemory;
   494         }
   495     }
   496     else
   497     {
   498         // Otherwise EDecryptMode
   499         int ret = EVP_CipherInit_ex(mCipherCtx, mCipherType, NULL, mKey, mIV, 0);
   500         if (0 == ret)
   501         {
   502             retVal = KSTSErrNoMemory;
   503         }
   504     }
   506     // Set the padding
   507     if (mTransformation->Padding() == STSPaddingPKCS7
   508             || mTransformation->Padding() == STSPaddingPKCS5)
   509     {
   510         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(mCipherCtx, 1); // always returns 1(Success)
   511     }
   512     else
   513     {
   514         EVP_CIPHER_CTX_set_padding(mCipherCtx, 0); // always returns 1(Success)
   515     }
   517     if ((outputLength + final_length) > (aJni->GetArrayLength(aOutput)
   518                                          - aOutputOffset))
   519     {
   520         // Output buffer cannot hold the output of the cipher
   521         return (KSTSErrShortBuffer);
   522     }
   524     aJni->SetByteArrayRegion(aOutput, aOutputOffset, (outputLength
   525                              + final_length), (signed char *) outputBuf);
   526     retVal = outputLength + final_length;
   528     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::DoFinal--");
   529     return retVal;
   531 }
   533 jint STSSymmetricCipher::Update(JNIEnv* aJni, jbyteArray aInput,
   534                                 jint aInputOffset, jint aInputLength, jbyteArray aOutput,
   535                                 jint aOutputOffset)
   536 {
   537     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::Update+");
   538     // Variable to hold the error code
   539     int retVal = 0;
   541     if (mCipherCtx == NULL || mCipherType == NULL)
   542     {
   543         ELOG(ESATSA, "Init was not called successfully");
   544         // Init was not called successfully.
   545         return (KSTSErrIllegalState);
   546     }
   547     else if (0 == aInputLength)
   548     {
   549         // if inputlength is 0 then there is nothing to update
   550         ELOG(ESATSA, "Inputlength 0, nothing to update");
   551         // return 0
   552         return retVal;
   553     }
   555     // read the input data
   556     unsigned char* inputBuf = new unsigned char[aInputLength];
   557     aJni->GetByteArrayRegion(aInput, aInputOffset, aInputLength,
   558                              (signed char *) inputBuf);
   560     // create the output native array to hold the output
   561     int blocksize = EVP_CIPHER_block_size(mCipherType);
   562     int max_output_length = aInputLength + blocksize - 1;
   563     unsigned char* outputBuf = new unsigned char[max_output_length];
   564     int outputLength = 0;
   566     // call the update function
   567     retVal = EVP_CipherUpdate(mCipherCtx, outputBuf, &outputLength, inputBuf,
   568                               aInputLength);
   569     if (0 == retVal)
   570     {
   571         ELOG(ESATSA, "Update OpenC API failed");
   572         // openc api returned failure
   573         return KSTSErrBadPadding;
   574     }
   575     else if ((outputLength) > (aJni->GetArrayLength(aOutput) - aOutputOffset))
   576     {
   577         ELOG(ESATSA, "Update: Short buffer");
   578         return (KSTSErrShortBuffer);
   579     }
   581     aJni->SetByteArrayRegion(aOutput, aOutputOffset, outputLength,
   582                              (signed char *) outputBuf);
   584     mBytesProcessed += aInputLength;
   586     // return the number of bytes processed.
   587     retVal = outputLength;
   588     LOG(ESATSA, EInfo, "STSSymmetricCipher::Update--");
   589     return retVal;
   591 }
   592 } // namespace satsa
   593 } // namespace java