changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 18 9ac0a0a7da70
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  The executable that enables launching OMJ Java
    15 *                applications in S60
    16 *
    17 */
    19 #include <apacmdln.h>
    20 #include <bacline.h>
    21 #include <e32cmn.h>
    22 #include <s32mem.h>
    23 #include <unistd.h>
    25 #include "commsmessage.h"
    26 #include "commsclientendpoint.h"
    27 #include "exceptionbase.h"
    28 #include "javainifileutils.h"
    29 #include "javaoslayer.h"
    30 #include "javastorage.h"
    31 #include "javastorageentry.h"
    32 #include "javastoragenames.h"
    33 #include "javasymbianoslayer.h"
    34 #include "javauids.h"
    35 #include "logger.h"
    36 #include "rtcmessages.h"
    37 #include "runtimeexception.h"
    40 using namespace java::captain;
    41 using namespace java::storage;
    42 using namespace java::util;
    45 _LIT(KSemiColon, ";");
    47 const TInt KExtraLenForLoggingAndPrompting = 22;
    48 const TInt KArgumentValueMaxLen = 1568;  // Support worst case % encoded args of 512 chars
    50 // The Uid of the Web Browser process
    51 #define KBrowserUid 0x10008D39
    54 /**
    55  * Return the Uid of the application aMidletName in package aPackageId.
    56  * If aMidletName is empty, return the Uid of the first application in
    57  * package aPackageId.
    58  *
    59  * @param aJs           JavaStorage connection, must be open
    60  * @param aPackageId    the id of the package
    61  * @param aMidletName   the name of the desired application in the package, can be empty
    62  * @param aUid          the Uid the found application is returned in this param
    63  * @return  KErrNone if Uid was found, otherwise one of the Symbian error codes
    64  * @throws  JavaStorageException if accessing Java Storage fails
    65  */
    66 static TInt getOneApplicationFromPackage(
    67     JavaStorage& aJs,
    68     const std::wstring& aPackageId,
    69     const std::wstring& aMidletName,
    70     TInt32 &aUid)
    71 {
    72     JavaStorageEntry attribute;
    73     JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t findPattern;
    74     JavaStorageApplicationList_t  foundEntries;
    76     // Get ID from APPLICATION_TABLE based on PACKAGE_ID and NAME
    77     attribute.setEntry(PACKAGE_ID, aPackageId);
    78     findPattern.insert(attribute);
    79     if (aMidletName.length() > 0)
    80     {
    81         attribute.setEntry(NAME, aMidletName);
    82         findPattern.insert(attribute);
    83     }
    84     attribute.setEntry(ID, L"");
    85     findPattern.insert(attribute);
    87, findPattern, foundEntries);
    89     if (foundEntries.size() < 1)
    90     {
    91         return KErrNotFound;
    92     }
    94     std::wstring applicationId = foundEntries.front().begin()->entryValue();
    95     TUid tmp;
    96     TInt err = uidToTUid(applicationId, tmp);
    97     if (KErrNone == err)
    98     {
    99         aUid = tmp.iUid;
   100     }
   102     return err;
   103 }
   106 /**
   107  * Decode %XX encoded UTF-8 characters embedded to UCS-2
   108  *
   109  * @param aCmdLineBuf  The command line to be decoded.
   110  */
   111 static void decodeCommandLineL(TPtr &aCmdLineBuf)
   112 {
   113     _LIT(KPercentage, "%");
   114     TInt ind = aCmdLineBuf.Find(KPercentage);
   115     if (KErrNotFound == ind)
   116     {
   117         // nothing to decode
   118         return;
   119     }
   121     LOG(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   122         "JavaLauncher:decodeCommandLineL convert percent encoded UTF-8 sequences to UTF-16 ");
   124     try
   125     {
   126         std::wstring cmdLine = desToWstring(aCmdLineBuf);
   127         std::wstring res = JavaCommonUtils::percentDecode(cmdLine);
   129         LOG1WSTR(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   130                  "JavaLauncher:decodeCommandLineL: decoded command line is %s", res.c_str());
   132         aCmdLineBuf = (const TUint16 *)res.c_str();
   133     }
   134     catch (std::exception& e)
   135     {
   136         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   137               "JavaLauncher:decodeCommandLineL: cannot decode command line: %s", e.what());
   138         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   139     }
   140 }
   143 /**
   144  * Return the value of the argument specified by aArgName
   145  *
   146  * @param aMidletCmdLine command line to be parsed
   147  * @param aArgName the name of the argument
   148  * @return the value of the argument or empty wstring if no such argument
   149  */
   150 static std::wstring getArgValue(const TPtrC &aMidletCmdLine, const TDesC &aArgName)
   151 {
   152     TBuf<KArgumentValueMaxLen> valueBuf;
   153     TInt argPos = aMidletCmdLine.FindF(aArgName);
   154     if (argPos >= 0)
   155     {
   156         TInt semicolonPos = aMidletCmdLine.Mid(argPos).Find(KSemiColon);
   157         if (KErrNotFound == semicolonPos)
   158         {
   159             semicolonPos = aMidletCmdLine.Mid(argPos).Length();
   160         }
   161         TInt argLen = semicolonPos - aArgName.Length();
   162         if (argLen >= KArgumentValueMaxLen)
   163         {
   164             // Protect from buffer overflow.
   165             WLOG2(EJavaCaptain,
   166                   "javalauncher: argument value len too long (%d), cutting it to %d",
   167                   argLen, (KArgumentValueMaxLen - 1));
   168             argLen = KArgumentValueMaxLen - 1;
   169         }
   171         valueBuf = aMidletCmdLine.Mid(argPos + aArgName.Length(),  argLen);
   172     }
   173     valueBuf.Append('\0');
   175     std::wstring value = (wchar_t *)&(valueBuf[0]);
   176     return value;
   177 }
   180 /**
   181  * Parse the names of the MIDlet suite and MIDlet vendor from aMidletCmdLine
   182  * parameter and use them to find the MIDlet suite from Java Storage.
   183  * Then return Uid of the named MIDlet or if 'midlet-n' argument is not given
   184  * in command line, the Uid of the first MIDlet in the suite.
   185  * Return the uid of the MIDlet in aUid.
   186  *
   187  * @param aMidletCmdLine the command line that contains at least midlet-name
   188  *  and midlet-vendor arguments
   189  * @param aUid if the MIDlet is found from Java Storage, contains the Uid after return.
   190  * @return KErrNone if MIDlet was found. KErrPathNotFound if MIDlet is not found.
   191  *  Standard Symbian error codes in other cases.
   192  */
   193 static TInt getUidByNames(const TPtrC &aMidletCmdLine, TInt32 &aUid)
   194 {
   195     _LIT(KMidletNameArg, "midlet-name=");
   196     _LIT(KMidletVendorArg, "midlet-vendor=");
   197     _LIT(KMidletNArg, "midlet-n=");
   199     TInt err = aMidletCmdLine.FindF(KMidletNameArg);
   200     if (KErrNotFound == err)
   201     {
   202         return KErrArgument;
   203     }
   204     err = aMidletCmdLine.FindF(KMidletVendorArg);
   205     if (KErrNotFound == err)
   206     {
   207         return KErrArgument;
   208     }
   210     std::wstring suiteName = getArgValue(aMidletCmdLine, KMidletNameArg);
   211     std::wstring vendorName = getArgValue(aMidletCmdLine, KMidletVendorArg);
   212     std::wstring midletName = getArgValue(aMidletCmdLine, KMidletNArg);
   214     if (suiteName.empty() || vendorName.empty())
   215     {
   216         return KErrArgument;
   217     }
   219     // Find application uid based on names from Java Storage
   220     JavaStorage *js = JavaStorage::createInstance();
   222     try
   223     {
   224         js->open(JAVA_DATABASE_NAME);
   226         JavaStorageEntry attribute;
   227         JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t findPattern;
   228         JavaStorageApplicationList_t  foundEntries;
   230         // Search for package ID by PACKAGE_NAME and VENDOR from APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE
   231         attribute.setEntry(PACKAGE_NAME, suiteName);
   232         findPattern.insert(attribute);
   233         attribute.setEntry(VENDOR, vendorName);
   234         findPattern.insert(attribute);
   235         attribute.setEntry(ID, L"");
   236         findPattern.insert(attribute);
   238         js->search(APPLICATION_PACKAGE_TABLE , findPattern, foundEntries);
   240         // Is anything found
   241         if (foundEntries.size() > 0)
   242         {
   243             // The application package has been found, get the ID of the package
   244             std::wstring value = foundEntries.front().begin()->entryValue();
   245             LOG1WSTR(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   246                      "JavaLauncher: getUidByNamesL: Found suite uid by name. Uid is %s",
   247                      value.c_str());
   249             // Now find the Uid of the first or specified application in the package
   250             err = getOneApplicationFromPackage(*js, value, midletName, aUid);
   251         }
   252         else
   253         {
   254             err = KErrPathNotFound;
   255         }
   256     }
   257     catch (JavaStorageException& e)
   258     {
   259         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain, "Java Storage exception %s", e.what());
   260         err = KErrGeneral;
   261     }
   263     try
   264     {
   265         js->close();
   266     }
   267     catch (JavaStorageException& e2)
   268     {
   269         WLOG1(EJavaCaptain, "Java Storage exception when closing storage %s", e2.what());
   270     }
   272     delete js;
   274     return err;
   275 }
   278 /**
   279  * Check whether the MIDlet has been installed to device.
   280  *
   281  * @param aUid the Uid of the MIDlet to be checked
   282  * @return KErrNone if the MIDlet has been installed,
   283  *         KErrNotFound if the MIDlet has not been installed,
   284  *         general Symbian error codes in case of error
   285  */
   286 static TInt verifyAppExists(TInt32 aUid)
   287 {
   288     TInt err = KErrNone;
   290     if (aUid == 0)
   291     {
   292         return KErrNotFound;
   293     }
   295     // Find application uid based on names from Java Storage
   296     JavaStorage *js = JavaStorage::createInstance();
   298     try
   299     {
   300         js->open(JAVA_DATABASE_NAME);
   302         JavaStorageEntry attribute;
   303         JavaStorageApplicationEntry_t findPattern;
   304         JavaStorageApplicationList_t  foundEntries;
   306         // Search for application NAME by ID from APPLICATION_TABLE
   307         Uid uid;
   308         TUid tuid;
   309         tuid.iUid = aUid;
   310         TUidToUid(tuid, uid);
   311         attribute.setEntry(ID, uid.toString());
   312         findPattern.insert(attribute);
   313         attribute.setEntry(NAME, L"");
   314         findPattern.insert(attribute);
   316         js->search(APPLICATION_TABLE , findPattern, foundEntries);
   318         // Is anything found
   319         if (foundEntries.size() > 0)
   320         {
   321             err = KErrNone;
   322         }
   323         else
   324         {
   325             err = KErrNotFound;
   326         }
   327     }
   328     catch (JavaStorageException& e)
   329     {
   330         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain, "Java Storage exception %s", e.what());
   331         err = KErrGeneral;
   332     }
   334     try
   335     {
   336         js->close();
   337     }
   338     catch (JavaStorageException& e2)
   339     {
   340         WLOG1(EJavaCaptain, "Java Storage exception when closing storage %s", e2.what());
   341     }
   343     delete js;
   345     return err;
   346 }
   349 /**
   350  * Either parse the Uid from the value of 'midlet-uid' parameter in
   351  * command line given in aMidletCmdLine or find the midlet
   352  * based on the 'midlet-name' and 'midlet-vendor' from
   353  * Java Storage / AppArc and return the Uid of the midlet.
   354  *
   355  * @param aMidletCmdLine  command line to be parsed, the format is
   356  *  [midlet-name=XXX;midlet-vendor=XXX;|midlet-uid=YYY;]midlet-args=XXX
   357  * @param aUid will contain the Uid parsed from command line
   358  * @return KErrNone if the command line specified Uid
   359  */
   360 static TInt getUidFromCommandLine(const TPtrC &aMidletCmdLine, TInt32 &aUid)
   361 {
   362     _LIT(KMidletUidArg, "midlet-uid=");
   363     _LIT(KHexValueStart, "0x");
   364     TInt err(KErrNone);
   365     TInt argPos = aMidletCmdLine.FindF(KMidletUidArg);
   366     if (KErrNotFound != argPos)
   367     {
   368         TPtrC uidToParse = aMidletCmdLine.Mid(argPos + KMidletUidArg.iTypeLength);
   369         TLex parseUid(uidToParse);
   370         if (uidToParse.FindF(KHexValueStart) == 0)
   371         {
   372             parseUid.Inc(2); // skip hex prefix
   373             TUint32 tmpValue;
   374             err = parseUid.Val(tmpValue, EHex);
   375             aUid = tmpValue;
   376         }
   377         else
   378         {
   379             err = parseUid.Val(aUid);
   380         }
   382         if (KErrNone != err)
   383         {
   384             ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   385                   "javalauncher failed parsing app Uid from cmdline midlet-uid param. Error %d",
   386                   err);
   387         }
   389         err = verifyAppExists(aUid);
   390     }
   391     else
   392     {
   393         err = getUidByNames(aMidletCmdLine, aUid);
   394         if (KErrNone != err)
   395         {
   396             if (KErrArgument == err)
   397             {
   398                 // In this case the Uid is not in opaque data and there are
   399                 // no midlet-uid or midlet-name + midlet-vendor parameters in the command line
   400                 ELOG(EJavaCaptain,
   401                      "javalauncher cannot launch app because there is no info to determine Uid.");
   402             }
   403             else
   404             {
   405                 ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   406                       "javalauncher failed getting app Uid based on cmdline midlet-name and "
   407                       "midlet-vendor params. Error %d",
   408                       err);
   409             }
   410         }
   411     }
   413     return err;
   414 }
   417 /**
   418  * Parse CApaCommandLine and optional normal process command line.
   419  * Determine the uid of the Java application to be started
   420  *
   421  * @param aCmdLine returns value of midlet-args
   422  * @param aUid returns Uid of the Java application to be started
   423  * @param aBackGroundLaunch returns info whether back ground launch is needed
   424  * @return KErrNone or error code
   425  */
   426 TInt getCmdLineAndUidL(HBufC **aCmdLine, TInt *aUid, TBool *aBackGroundLaunch)
   427 {
   428     CApaCommandLine* commandLine;
   430     // CApaCommandLine command line is used when AppArc is launching Java application.
   431     // Uid is in opaque data and possible document name is in document name field.
   432     TInt err = CApaCommandLine::GetCommandLineFromProcessEnvironment(commandLine);
   433     if (KErrNone != err)
   434     {
   435         return err;
   436     }
   437     CleanupStack::PushL(commandLine);
   439     // The following feature is not supported yet.
   440     // It needs changes also to Java Installer and to
   441     // Symbian Settings UI
   442     TInt maxExtraSpaceForDocumentArg = 0;
   444     _LIT(KDocumentOnlyCmdLine, "midlet-args=document=");
   445     TFullName documentName;
   446     documentName = commandLine->DocumentName();
   447     if (documentName.Length() > 0)
   448     {
   449         maxExtraSpaceForDocumentArg =
   450             documentName.Length() + KDocumentOnlyCmdLine.iTypeLength +
   451             KSemiColon.iTypeLength;
   453         LOG1WSTR(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   454                  "JavaLauncher: document to handle is %s",
   455                  (wchar_t *)(documentName.PtrZ()));
   456     }
   457 #endif
   459     // User::CommandLine command line is used when Java application is launched
   460     // from native application or from javaapp: or localapp:/jam/launch/ scheme
   461     // handler plugin.
   462     HBufC *pBufCmdLine =
   463         HBufC::NewLC(User::CommandLineLength() +
   464                      maxExtraSpaceForDocumentArg +
   465                      KExtraLenForLoggingAndPrompting);
   466     TPtr cmdLineBuf = pBufCmdLine->Des();
   467     User::CommandLine(cmdLineBuf);
   469     if (pBufCmdLine->Length() > 0)
   470     {
   471         LOG1WSTR(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   472                  "JavaLauncher: command line of this process is %s",
   473                  (wchar_t *)(cmdLineBuf.PtrZ()));
   475         // If the commandline contains hex encoded UTF-8 characters %XX decode them to UCS-2 (UTF-16)
   476         // For example "%C3%80%C3%80nes%C3%80.txt"
   477         decodeCommandLineL(cmdLineBuf);
   478     }
   480     TPtrC8 data = commandLine->OpaqueData();
   481     TInt32 uid = 0;  // application uid
   482     // New OMJ Java applications have 4 bytes of opaque data.
   483     TBool uidInOpaqueData = (data.Length() == 4);
   484     TBool backGroundLaunch =
   485         (EApaCommandBackground == commandLine->Command()) ||
   486         (EApaCommandBackgroundAndWithoutViews == commandLine->Command());
   488     if (uidInOpaqueData)
   489     {
   490         RDesReadStream stream(data);
   491         // OMJ java application, read the application uid
   492         TRAP(err, uid = stream.ReadInt32L());
   493         stream.Close();
   494         if (KErrNone != err)
   495         {
   496             ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   497                   "javalauncher failed reading app Uid from cmdline opaque data. Error %d",
   498                   err);
   500             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pBufCmdLine);
   501             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(commandLine);
   502             return err;
   503         }
   504     }
   505     else
   506     {
   507         // Can the midlet uid be determined using info in the commandline?
   508         err = getUidFromCommandLine(cmdLineBuf, uid);
   509         if (KErrNone != err)
   510         {
   511             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(pBufCmdLine);
   512             CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(commandLine);
   513             return err;
   514         }
   515     }
   518     // Add possible document name to Java application command line.
   520     // javalauncher.exe can be started with CApaCommandLine coming from AppArc
   521     // that may specify document name but no other arguments for Java application.
   522     // In this case the current command line is empty and we must create a command
   523     // line that contains the document name.
   524     if (pBufCmdLine->Length() == 0)
   525     {
   526         if (documentName.Length() > 0)
   527         {
   528             cmdLineBuf.Append(KDocumentOnlyCmdLine);
   529             cmdLineBuf.Append(documentName);
   530             cmdLineBuf.Append(KSemiColon);
   531         }
   532     }
   533 #endif
   535     if (cmdLineBuf.Length() > 0)
   536     {
   537         LOG1WSTR(EJavaCaptain, EInfo,
   538                  "JavaLauncher: full java application cmd line is : %s",
   539                  (wchar_t *)(cmdLineBuf.PtrZ()));
   540     }
   542     // Uid has already been determined, the whole command line is not needed
   543     // anymore, only the arguments for the Java application
   544     _LIT(KMidletArgs, "midlet-args=");
   545     TInt  argsPos = cmdLineBuf.FindF(KMidletArgs);
   546     TBool cmdLineIsNotEmpty = EFalse;
   547     if (argsPos >= 0)
   548     {
   549         // Pass everything that follows "midlet-args="
   550         cmdLineBuf.Delete(0, argsPos + KMidletArgs.iTypeLength);
   551         cmdLineIsNotEmpty = ETrue;
   552     }
   553     else
   554     {
   555         // No arguments for the Java application
   556         cmdLineBuf.Zero();
   557     }
   559     // If Browser starts Java application with
   560     // command line parameters, the user must be asked for a confirmation
   561     // before the application is started.
   562     // This prevents automatic starting of Java applications from a web
   563     // page using 'javaapp:' url and java script.
   564     TUid parentUid = User::CreatorIdentity();
   565     LOG1(EJavaCaptain, EInfo, "JavaLauncher: Parent process uid is %x", parentUid.iUid);
   566     if (parentUid.iUid == KBrowserUid)
   567     {
   568         // Pass information that the application start up must be prompted
   569         // in the java application command line
   570         if (cmdLineIsNotEmpty)
   571         {
   572             cmdLineBuf.Append(KSemiColon);
   573         }
   574         _LIT(KPromptStart, "PromptAppStartup");
   575         cmdLineBuf.Append(KPromptStart);
   576     }
   578     // Return command line, uid and info whether this is back ground launch
   579     *aBackGroundLaunch = backGroundLaunch;
   580     *aUid = uid;
   581     CleanupStack::Pop(pBufCmdLine);
   582     *aCmdLine = pBufCmdLine;
   583     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(commandLine);
   585     return KErrNone;
   586 }
   589 /**
   590  *  Start Java Captain process
   591  */
   592 TInt startJavaCaptain()
   593 {
   594     // Start 'systemams.exe' in S60 5.0 (it will start javacaptain) and
   595     // 'javacaptain.exe' in 9.2 and later
   597 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   598     _LIT(KJavaCaptainExe, "systemams.exe");
   599 #else
   600     _LIT(KJavaCaptainExe, "javacaptain.exe");
   601 #endif
   602     _LIT(KJavaCaptainArg, "");
   603     RProcess proc;
   604     int err = proc.Create(KJavaCaptainExe, KJavaCaptainArg);
   605     if (err == KErrNone)
   606     {
   607         proc.Resume();
   608 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   609         LOG(EJavaCaptain, EInfo, "javalauncher: startJavaCaptain systemams.exe was started ok");
   610 #else
   611         LOG(EJavaCaptain, EInfo, "javalauncher: startJavaCaptain javacaptain.exe was started ok");
   612 #endif
   614         // Wait 3 seconds so that Java Captain has time to start
   615         User::After(3000000);
   616     }
   617     else
   618     {
   619 #ifdef RD_JAVA_S60_RELEASE_5_0_IAD
   620         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain, "javalauncher: startJavaCaptain start systemams.exe failed: %d", err);
   621 #else
   622         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain, "javalauncher: startJavaCaptain start javacaptain.exe failed: %d", err);
   623 #endif
   624     }
   625     proc.Close();
   627     return err;
   628 }
   631 /**
   632  * Determine the uid of the Java application to be started and
   633  * ask Java Captain to launch the application.
   634  * Pass parsed arguments for the application in the Comms message
   635  * that is sent to Java Captain to start the applciation.
   636  *
   637  * @return KErrNone or error code
   638  */
   639 TInt handleLaunchL(void)
   640 {
   641     HBufC *pBufCmdLine = NULL;
   642     TInt   uid;
   643     TBool  backGroundLaunch = EFalse;
   644     TInt err = getCmdLineAndUidL(&pBufCmdLine, &uid, &backGroundLaunch);
   645     if (KErrNone != err)
   646     {
   647         return err;
   648     }
   649     TPtr cmdLineBuf = pBufCmdLine->Des();
   651     LOG1(
   652         EJavaCaptain,
   653         EInfo,
   654         "javalauncher launching app uid %d", uid);
   656     try
   657     {
   658         JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("JavaLauncher: starting Comms", -1, -1);
   659         CommsMessage message;
   660         message.setModuleId(PLUGIN_ID_RTC_C);
   661         message.setReceiver(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   662         message.setSender(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   663         TUid tuid = TUid::Uid(uid);
   664         Uid uuid;
   665         std::wstring applicationArguments(desToWstring(cmdLineBuf));
   667         setLaunchApplicationReqParams(message, TUidToUid(tuid, uuid),
   668                                       (backGroundLaunch ? RTC_LAUNCH_TYPE_BACKGROUND_C : RTC_LAUNCH_TYPE_NORMAL_C),
   669                                       RTC_LAUNCH_OPTIONS_NONE_C,
   670                                       RTC_LAUNCH_RUNTIME_MIDP_C,
   671                                       applicationArguments);
   673         CommsClientEndpoint comms;
   674         err = comms.connect(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   675         if (KErrNotFound == err)
   676         {
   677             ELOG(EJavaCaptain,
   678                  "javalauncher: Java Captain was not running. Trying to restart it.");
   680             // Java Captain is not running, try to start it
   681             err = startJavaCaptain();
   682             if (KErrNone == err)
   683             {
   684                 err = comms.connect(IPC_ADDRESS_JAVA_CAPTAIN_C);
   685             }
   686         }
   688         if (KErrNone == err)
   689         {
   690             err = comms.send(message);
   691         }
   693         if (KErrNone != err)
   694         {
   695             ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   696                   "javalauncher: OMJ app launch: Comms connect/send failed. Error %d ",
   697                   err);
   698         }
   700         // Ignore possible errors in disconnect
   701         (void)comms.disconnect();
   702     }
   703     catch (ExceptionBase& e)
   704     {
   705         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   706               "javalauncher: OMJ app launch: ExceptionBase caught: %s ",
   707               e.toString().c_str());
   708     }
   709     catch (std::exception& e)
   710     {
   711         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain,
   712               "javalauncher: OMJ app launch: Exception %s caught", e.what());
   713     }
   715     return err;
   716 }
   719 /**
   720  * Main function of executable javalauncher.exe.
   721  * Symbian AppArc starts this executable when AppArc APIs are used to
   722  * start a Java application that has been registered to AppArc.
   723  * (Because this application has been registered to AppArc as the starter
   724  * application for all OMJ Java applications.)
   725  *
   726  * Reads the opaque data of the CApaCommandLine command line and
   727  * if the opaque data contains valid OMJ Java application Uid
   728  * sends a COMMS message to Java Captain asking that Captain starts
   729  * the application specified by the Uid.
   730  *
   731  * The document field of the CApaCommandline command line may contain the full path
   732  * name of the document that the java application should handle. It will be passed
   733  * to the Java application as an argument.
   734  *
   735  * This executable can be started also directly from other native processes
   736  * to start a Java application with arguments specified in normal process
   737  * command line.
   738  *
   739  * The command line format is
   740  * [midlet-name=XXX;midlet-vendor=XXX;[midlet-n=XXX;]|midlet-uid=YYY;]midlet-args=XXX
   741  * for example
   742  * midlet-name=Chess;midlet-vendor=Nokia;midlet-args=startMode=playChessDemo;sound=off;
   743  * 'midlet-args' specifies the arguments passed to Java application.
   744  * 'midlet-uid' or 'midlet-name'+'midlet-vendor' specify the Java application to be started
   745  *
   746  * Sample code for starting MIDlet from native code
   747  * @code
   748     RProcess rProcess;
   749     TInt err = rProcess.Create(_L("javalauncher.exe"),
   750         _L("midlet-uid=0x10137c4d;midlet-args=startMode=startFromCmdLine;sound=ON;landscapeMode=true;"));
   751     if (KErrNone == err)
   752     {
   753         TRequestStatus status;
   754         rProcess.Logon(status);
   755         rProcess.Resume();
   757         // now wait until javalauncher exits
   758         User::WaitForRequest(status);
   759         if (status.Int() != KErrNone)
   760         {
   761             // Launching midlet failed
   762             ...
   763         }
   764     }
   765     else
   766     {
   767         // Cannot start javalauncher.exe
   768         ...
   769     }
   770     rProcess.Close();
   771  * @endcode
   772  *
   773  */
   774 TInt E32Main(void)
   775 {
   776     JavaOsLayer::startUpTrace("JavaLauncher: Start", -1, -1);
   778     CTrapCleanup *pCleanupStack = CTrapCleanup::New();
   779     if (NULL == pCleanupStack)
   780     {
   781         ELOG(EJavaCaptain, "Cannot create CleanupStack in javalauncher main()");
   782         return KErrNoMemory;
   783     }
   785     TInt ret = KErrNone;
   786     TRAPD(err, ret = handleLaunchL());
   787     if (KErrNone != err)
   788     {
   789         ELOG1(EJavaCaptain, "javalauncher.exe: handleLaunchL leaved with err %d", err);
   790         delete pCleanupStack;
   791         return err;
   792     }
   794     delete pCleanupStack;
   795     return ret;
   796 }