changeset 14 04becd199f91
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description:  MidletPackageInfo Factory implementation
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <caf/caf.h>                         // ContentAccess::CContent
    21 #include "appmngr2midletpckginfofactory.h"   // CAppMngr2MidletPakageInfoFactory
    22 #include "appmngr2midletpackageinfo.h"       // CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo
    23 #include "appmngr2recognizedfile.h"          // CAppMngr2RecognizedFile
    24 #include "appmngr2midletresourcehandler.h" // CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler
    26 #include "logger.h"                          // LOG
    29 // ======== MEMBER FUNCTIONS ========
    31 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 // CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo::NewL()
    33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    34 //
    35 CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory* CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::NewL(
    36     CAppMngr2Runtime& aRuntime, RFs& aFs, CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler)
    37 {
    38     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "+ CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::NewL ");
    39     CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory* self
    40     = new(ELeave) CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory(aRuntime, aFs, aResourceHandler);
    41     CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    42     self->ConstructL();
    43     CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    44     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "- CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::NewL ");
    45     return self;
    46 }
    48 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::~CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory()
    50 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 //
    52 CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::~CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory()
    53 {
    54     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::~CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory ");
    55     Cancel();
    56     delete iMatcher;
    57     iMatcher = NULL;
    58 }
    60 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    61 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFilesL()
    62 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    63 //
    64 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFilesL(
    65     RPointerArray<CAppMngr2PackageInfo>& aPackageInfos,
    66     const RPointerArray<CAppMngr2RecognizedFile>& aFileList,
    67     TRequestStatus& aStatus)
    68 {
    69     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "+ CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFilesL ");
    71     if (IsActive())
    72     {
    73         User::Leave(KErrInUse);
    74     }
    76     iCounter = 0;
    77     iState = ENextPckg;
    78     iPackageInfos = &aPackageInfos;
    79     iFileList = &aFileList;
    80     iExtStatus = &aStatus;
    81     *iExtStatus = KRequestPending;
    82     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFilesL:SetActive()");
    83     SetActive();
    84     CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
    86     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "- CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFilesL ");
    87 }
    89 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    90 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL()
    91 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 //
    93 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL()
    94 {
    95     LOG1(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "+ CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL, iState: %d ", iState);
    97     CAppMngr2PackageInfo* packageInfo = NULL;
    99     switch (iState)
   100     {
   101     case ENextPckg :
   102     {
   103         if (iCounter < iFileList->Count())
   104         {
   105             LOG1(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL:ENextPckg: iCounter = %d", iCounter);
   107             // skip processing if this files was already matched
   108             TBool found(EFalse);
   109             CAppMngr2RecognizedFile* recognized = (*iFileList)[iCounter]; // not owned
   110             for (TInt i(0); i < iPackageInfos->Count(); i++)
   111             {
   112                 CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo* package
   113                 = static_cast<CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo*>((*iPackageInfos)[i]); // not owned
   115                 if ((recognized->FileName() == package->JadFileName())
   116                         || (recognized->FileName() == package->JarFileName()))
   117                 {
   118                     found = ETrue;
   119                     break;
   120                 }
   121             }
   123             if (found)
   124             {
   125                 // Continue with next file
   126                 iCounter++;
   127                 iState = ENextPckg;
   128                 CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   129             }
   130             else
   131             {
   132                 // Get installation file
   133                 // Counter must be incremented before leave
   134                 TInt index = iCounter;
   135                 iCounter++;
   136                 GetInstallationFileL((*iFileList)[index]->FileName(),
   137                                      (*iFileList)[index]->DataType());
   138                 // GetInstallationFileL() changes iState
   139             }
   141             LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL:ENextPckg:SetActive()");
   142             SetActive();
   143         }
   144         else
   145         {
   146             // File name list has been processed
   147             // Let's complete GetInstallationFilesL
   148             User::RequestComplete(iExtStatus, KErrNone);
   149         }
   150         break;
   151     }
   152     case EMatchedJar :
   153     {
   154         if (iJadFile.Length() == 0)
   155         {
   156             // Standalone JAR
   157             iJadFile = KNullDesC;
   158         }
   159         iState = EAppendPckg; // Next state
   160         LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL:EMatchedJar:SetActive()");
   161         SetActive();
   162         CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   163         break;
   164     }
   165     case EMatchedJad :
   166     {
   167         if (iJarFile.Length() == 0)
   168         {
   169             // Standalone JAD
   170             iJarFile = KNullDesC;
   171         }
   172         iState = EAppendPckg; // Next state
   173         LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL:EMatchedJad:SetActive()");
   174         SetActive();
   175         CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   176         break;
   177     }
   178     case EAppendPckg :
   179     {
   180         packageInfo = CAppMngr2MidletPackageInfo::NewL(
   181                           iRuntime, iJadFile, iJarFile, iFs, iResourceHandler);
   182         CleanupStack::PushL(packageInfo);
   183         iPackageInfos->AppendL(packageInfo);
   185         CleanupStack::Pop(packageInfo);
   186         iState = ENextPckg; // Next state
   187         LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL:EAppendPckg:SetActive()");
   188         SetActive();
   189         CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   190         break;
   191     }
   192     default :
   193     {
   194         LOG1(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " Incorrect state, iCounter = %d", iCounter);
   196         User::RequestComplete(iExtStatus, KErrGeneral);
   197         break;
   198     }
   199     }
   201     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "- CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunL ");
   202 }
   204 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   205 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::DoCancel()
   206 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   207 //
   208 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::DoCancel()
   209 {
   210     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::DoCancel ");
   211     CancelMatching();
   212     if (iExtStatus->Int() == KRequestPending)
   213     {
   214         User::RequestComplete(iExtStatus, KErrCancel);
   215     }
   216 }
   218 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   219 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunError()
   220 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   221 //
   222 TInt CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunError(TInt /*aError*/)
   223 {
   224     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunError ");
   225     // Creation of pckg info fails continue with next one
   226     iState = ENextPckg; // Next state
   227     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::RunError:SetActive()");
   228     SetActive();
   229     CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrGeneral);
   230     return KErrNone;
   231 }
   233 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   234 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFileL()
   235 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236 //
   237 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory
   238 ::GetInstallationFileL(const TDesC& aFileName, const TDataType& aDataType)
   240 {
   241     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "+ CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFileL ");
   243     TInt err(KErrNone);
   244     iJadFile.Zero();
   245     iJarFile.Zero();
   247     // Check MIME type
   248     TPtrC8 mimePtr8(aDataType.Des8());
   249     if (mimePtr8 == SwiUI::KJarMIMEType)
   250     {
   251         // JAR
   252         iJarFile = aFileName;
   253         // Matching JAR's JAD. MatchL is internally asynchronous
   254         TRAP(err, MatchL(iJarFile, SwiUI::KJarMIMEType, iJadFile, iStatus));
   256         if (err != KErrNone)
   257         {
   258             // Corrupted JAR, allow to create standalone package
   259             CancelMatching();
   260             iState = EAppendPckg; // Next state
   261             CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   262         }
   263         iState = EMatchedJar; // Next state
   264     }
   265     else if (mimePtr8 == SwiUI::KJadMIMEType)
   266     {
   267         // JAD
   268         iJadFile = aFileName;
   269         // Matching JAD's JAR. MatchL is internally asynchronous
   270         TRAP(err, MatchL(iJadFile, SwiUI::KJadMIMEType, iJarFile, iStatus));
   272         if (err != KErrNone)
   273         {
   274             // Corrupted JAD, allow to create standalone package
   275             CancelMatching();
   276             iState = EAppendPckg; // Next state
   277             CompleteRequest(iStatus, KErrNone);
   278         }
   279         iState = EMatchedJad; // Next state
   280     }
   281     else
   282     {
   283         // File name is not recognized
   284         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   285     }
   287     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "- CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::GetInstallationFileL ");
   288 }
   290 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   291 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory()
   292 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   293 //
   294 CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory
   295 ::CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory(CAppMngr2Runtime& aRuntime, RFs& aFs, CAppMngr2MidletResourceHandler& aResourceHandler) :
   296         CActive(CActive::EPriorityStandard), iFs(aFs), iRuntime(aRuntime), iResourceHandler(aResourceHandler)
   297 {
   298     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory ");
   299     CActiveScheduler::Add(this);
   300 }
   302 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   303 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::ConstructL()
   304 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   305 //
   306 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::ConstructL()
   307 {
   308     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::ConstructL ");
   309 }
   311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   312 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CompleteRequest()
   313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   314 //
   315 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CompleteRequest(TRequestStatus& aRequestStatus,
   316         TInt aStatus)
   317 {
   318     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, "CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CompleteRequest ");
   319     TRequestStatus* status = &aRequestStatus;
   320     User::RequestComplete(status, aStatus);
   321 }
   323 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   324 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::MatchL()
   325 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   326 //
   327 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::MatchL(const TDesC& aMatchingFileName,
   328         const TDesC8& aMatchingMimeType,
   329         TDes& aMatchedFileName,
   330         TRequestStatus &aStatus)
   331 {
   332     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " + CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::MatchL ");
   333     TParse parser;
   334     User::LeaveIfError(parser.Set(aMatchingFileName, NULL, NULL));
   336     if (!iMatcher)
   337     {
   338         iMatcher = CJcfJadJarMatcher::NewL(this, iFs);
   339     }
   341     if (aMatchingMimeType == SwiUI::KJarMIMEType)
   342     {
   343         iMatcher->MatchJadL(
   344             aMatchingFileName, parser.DriveAndPath(), &aMatchedFileName);
   345     }
   346     else if (aMatchingMimeType == SwiUI::KJadMIMEType)
   347     {
   348         iMatcher->MatchJarL(
   349             aMatchingFileName, parser.DriveAndPath(), &aMatchedFileName);
   350     }
   351     else
   352     {
   353         User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   354     }
   356     aStatus = KRequestPending;
   357     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " - CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::MatchL ");
   358 }
   360 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   361 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CancelMathing()
   362 // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   363 //
   364 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CancelMatching()
   365 {
   366     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " + CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CancelMatching ");
   367     delete iMatcher;
   368     iMatcher = NULL;
   369     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " - CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::CancelMatching ");
   370 }
   372 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   373 // CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::Update()
   374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
   375 //
   376 void CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::Update(TInt aArg1)
   377 {
   378     LOG(EJavaAppMngrPlugin, EInfo, " CAppMngr2MidletPckgInfoFactory::UpdateL ");
   379     CompleteRequest(iStatus, aArg1);
   380 }