changeset 14 04becd199f91
child 18 9ac0a0a7da70
equal deleted inserted replaced
13:f5050f1da672 14:04becd199f91
     1 #
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 #
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description: 
    15 #
    16 ##################################################################
    17 ##  Tool used to managing the security policies and the set of  ##
    18 ##  X.509 certificates used as trust anchors in verifying the   ##
    19 ##  authenticity of signing certificates used for signing       ##
    20 ##  java applications                                           ##
    21 ##                                                              ##
    22 ##  This tool can be used at two different phases:              ##
    23 ##  1) at ROM image creation time (used by variant engineers)   ##
    24 ##     before generating the variant ROM image and before       ##
    25 ##     using S60 Configuration tool.                            ##
    26 ##     When used at this phase,                                 ##
    27 ##     the tool instructs the ROM image creation process on     ##
    28 ##     which policies and certificates to include into the ROM  ##
    29 ##     image                                                    ##
    30 ##  2) after ROM image creation time. When used at this phase   ##
    31 ##     the tool generates deployment packages (SIS) to be       ##
    32 ##     installed into "already flashed ROM images"              ##
    33 ##                                                              ##
    34 ##  This tool assumes the existence of a S60 environment,       ##
    35 ##  therefore it must be used from within a S60 environment     ##
    36 ##################################################################
    38 #use strict;
    39 use Getopt::Std;
    40 use XML::Simple;
    41 use File::Spec;
    42 use File::Copy;
    44 # s60 specific paths
    45 my $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1                             = "/epoc32/data/z/private/200211dc/security/trustroots/device/certificates/";
    46 my $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2                             = "/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/z/private/200211dc/security/trustroots/device/certificates/";
    47 my $POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_1                          = "/epoc32/data/z/resource/java/security/policies/";
    48 my $POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_2                          = "/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/z/resource/java/security/policies/";
    49 my $IBY_DIR                                       = "/epoc32/rom/include/core/app/";
    50 my $IBY_TEST_DIR                                  = "/epoc32/rom/include/core/tools/";
    51 my $CONFML_DATA_DIR                               = "/epoc32/rom/config/confml_data/s60/";
    52 # global variables
    53 my $config_file;
    54 my $cert_to_remove;
    55 my $policy_to_remove;
    56 my $deployment_destination;
    57 my $signing_cert;
    58 my $signing_key;
    59 my $add_header                                     = 0;
    60 my $deploy                                         = 1;
    61 my $iby_file_name;
    62 my $iby_name;
    63 my $sis_file_name;
    64 my $pkg_file_name;
    65 my $pkg_name;
    66 my $package_type;
    67 my $signed_sis                                     = "false";
    68 my $ROM                                            = "rom";
    69 my $SIS                                            = "sis";
    70 my $openssl                                        = "openssl.exe";
    71 my $METADATA_EXT                                   = ".metadata";
    72 my $STATE_EXT                                      = ".state";
    73 my $JAVA_IBY_FILENAME                              = "java.iby";
    74 my $JAVA_TEST_IBY_FILENAME                         = "javatest.iby";
    75 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME                = "java_variant_certs.iby";
    76 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_PKG_FILENAME                = "java_variant_certs.pkg";
    77 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_SIS_FILENAME                = "java_variant_certs.sis";
    78 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_IBY_FILENAME   = "java_variant_certs_policies.iby";
    79 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_PKG_FILENAME   = "java_variant_certs_policies.pkg";
    80 my $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_SIS_FILENAME   = "java_variant_certs_policies.sis";
    81 my $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY_FILENAME               = "java_variant_policy.iby";
    82 my $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_PKG_FILENAME               = "java_variant_policy.pkg";
    83 my $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_SIS_FILENAME               = "java_variant_policy.sis";
    84 my $JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME              = "java_custom_security.pkg";
    85 my $JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME              = "java_custom_security.sis";
    86 my $NON_REMOVABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE                     = ",(0x2001FD68), 1,0,0, TYPE=PU,RU\n%{\"Nokia\"}\n:\"Nokia\"\n[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60ProductID\"}\n";
    87 my $REMOVABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE                         = ",(0x2001FD68), 1,0,0, TYPE=SP,RU\n%{\"Nokia\"}\n:\"Nokia\"\n[0x1028315F], 0, 0, 0, {\"Series60ProductID\"}\n";
    88 # IBY and PKG data
    89 my $CERTS_DATACAGE                                 = "\\private\\200211dc\\security\\trustroots\\device\\certificates\\";
    90 my $CERTS_STATE_DATACAGE                           = "\\private\\200211dc\\security\\trustroots\\device\\state\\";
    91 my $POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC                          = "\\resource\\java\\security\\policies\\";
    92 my $POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC_5_0                      = "\\private\\102033E6\\resource\\security\\policies\\";
    93 my $POLICIES_DATACAGE_DEST                         = "RESOURCE_FILES_DIR\\java\\security\\policies\\";
    95 ##############################################################
    96 ##  Displays the usage help                                 ##
    97 ##############################################################
    98 sub usage
    99 {
   100   system("cls");
   101   print "\nUsage:\n\ listcerts | addcerts | deploycerts | removecert <cert_name> | listpolicies | addpolicy | deploypolicy | removepolicy <policy_name> | addall | deployall | setpolicy | setwarningsmode \n";
   102   print "\nWhere:\n";
   103   print "listcerts       Lists all the X.509 certificates used as trust anchors in\n";
   104   print "                verifying the authenticity of signed java applications and\n";
   105   print "                also used in binding java applications to protection domains\n";
   106   print "addcerts        Adds new X.509 certificates into the existing collection\n";
   107   print "                of X.509 certificates used as trust anchors in verifying the\n";
   108   print "                authenticity of signed java applications and also used in\n";
   109   print "                binding java applications to protection domains\n";
   110   print "                The properties of the certificates to be added are specified\n";
   111   print "                by the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   112   print "deploycerts     Creates a SIS package, containing new X.509 certificates,\n";
   113   print "                to be installed into a device having java security system in \n";
   114   print "                place. These new certificates are used as trust anchors in\n";
   115   print "                verifying the authenticity of signed java applications and\n";
   116   print "                also used in binding java applications to protection domains\n";
   117   print "                The properties of the certificates to be deployed are specified\n";
   118   print "                by the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   119   print "removecert      Removes a single X.509 certificate from the existing collection\n";
   120   print "                of X.509 certificates used as trust anchors in verifying the\n";
   121   print "                authenticity of signed java applications and also used in\n";
   122   print "                binding java applications to protection domains\n";
   123   print "listpolicies    Lists all the policies used for granting permissions to java\n";
   124   print "                applications\n";
   125   print "addpolicy       Adds a new policy into the existing collection of policies\n";
   126   print "                used for granting permissions to java applications\n";
   127   print "                The properties of the policy to be added are specified\n";
   128   print "                by the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   129   print "deploypolicy    Creates a SIS package, containing a new policy, to be\n";
   130   print "                installed into a device having java security system in place\n";
   131   print "                The properties of the policy to be deployed are specified by\n";
   132   print "                the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   133   print "removepolicy    Removes a single policy from the collection of policies\n";
   134   print "                used for granting permissions to java applications\n";
   135   print "addall          Adds new X.509 certificates and a new policy into the existing\n";
   136   print "                collection of certificates/policies used for\n";
   137   print "                authentication/authorization of java applications. This is the\n";
   138   print "                equivalent of the combined command line arguments 'addcerts'\n";
   139   print "                and 'addpolicy'\n";
   140   print "deployall       Creates a SIS package, containing new X.509 certificates and a\n";
   141   print "                new policy, to be installed into a device having java security\n";
   142   print "                system in place. This is a the equivalent of the combined\n";
   143   print "                command line arguments 'deploycerts' and 'deploypolicy'\n";
   144   print "                The properties of the certificates and policy to be deployed\n";
   145   print "                are specified by the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   146   print "setpolicy       Creates a SIS package, which selects the policy to be used for\n";
   147   print "                granting permissions to java applications. This SIS is to be\n";
   148   print "                installed into a device having java security system in place\n";
   149   print "                The name of the selected policy is specified by the file\n";
   150   print "                'configdata.xml'\n";
   151   print "setwarningsmode Creates a SIS package, which selects the mode used for handling\n";
   152   print "                security warnings. This SIS is to be installed into a device\n";
   153   print "                having java security system in place\n";
   154   print "                The warnings mode is specified by the file 'configdata.xml'\n";
   155   print "\n\nThis tool can be used at two different phases:\n";
   156   print "  1) at ROM image creation time (used by variant engineers) before generating\n";
   157   print "     the variant ROM image and before using S60 Configuration tool. Used at\n";
   158   print "     this phase the tool produces configuration data for the ROM image creation\n";
   159   print "     process. The command line arguments to be used at this phase are:\n";
   160   print "     'listcerts', 'addcerts', 'removecert', 'listpolicies', 'addpolicy',\n";
   161   print "     'removepolicy', and 'addall'\n";
   162   print "  2) after ROM image creation time. Used at this phase the tool generates\n";
   163   print "     deployment packages (SIS) to be installed into 'already flashed ROM\n";
   164   print "     images'. The command line arguments to be used at this phase are:\n"; 
   165   print "     'deploycerts', 'deploypolicy', 'setpolicy', 'setwarningsmode' and\n"; 
   166   print "     'deployall'\n";
   167   print "\nThis tool assumes the existence of a S60 environment, therefore it must be used\n";
   168   print "from within a S60 environment\n";
   169   exit;
   170 }
   172 ##############################################################
   173 ##  Lists all the certificates                              ##
   174 ##############################################################
   175 sub list_certs()
   176 {
   177   @files = <$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1*>;
   178   @certs;
   179   @domains;
   180   @paths;
   181   foreach $file (@files) {
   182     if (rindex($file, $METADATA_EXT) < 0)
   183     {
   184       $ext = rindex($file, ".");
   185       my $file_without_ext = substr($file, 0, $ext);
   186       $cert_name = substr($file, length("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1"));
   187       if (! grep {$_ eq $cert_name} @certs) {
   188         push(@certs, $cert_name);
   189         push(@paths, $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1);
   190         open (METADATA_FILE, "$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") or die "Cannot open $file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT\n";
   191         my @metadata = <METADATA_FILE>;
   192         close(METADATA_FILE);
   193         my $domain;
   194         foreach $metadata_item (@metadata) {
   195             $metadata_item_key = substr($metadata_item, 0, rindex($metadata_item, "="));
   196 	          if ($metadata_item_key eq "name")
   197 	          {
   198 	              $domain = substr($metadata_item, rindex($metadata_item, "=") + 1);
   199                 push(@domains, $domain);
   200 	              break;
   201 	          }
   202         }
   203       }
   204     }
   205   }
   207   @files = <$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2*>;
   208   foreach $file (@files) {
   209     if (rindex($file, $METADATA_EXT) < 0)
   210     {
   211       $ext = rindex($file, ".");
   212       my $file_without_ext = substr($file, 0, $ext);
   213       $cert_name = substr($file, length("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2"));
   214       if (! grep {$_ eq $cert_name} @certs) {
   215         push(@certs, $cert_name);
   216         push(@paths, $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2);
   217         open (METADATA_FILE, "$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") or die "Cannot open $file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT\n";
   218         my @metadata = <METADATA_FILE>;
   219         close(METADATA_FILE);
   220         my $domain;
   221         foreach $metadata_item (@metadata) {
   222             $metadata_item_key = substr($metadata_item, 0, rindex($metadata_item, "="));
   223 	          if ($metadata_item_key eq "name")
   224 	          {
   225 	              $domain = substr($metadata_item, rindex($metadata_item, "=") + 1);
   226                 push(@domains, $domain);
   227 	              break;
   228 	          }
   229         }
   230       }
   231     }
   232   }
   234   # display only the files which are found inside java.iby or javatest.iby
   236   my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
   237   close(JAVA_IBY);
   238   my @java_test_iby_lines;
   240   {
   242       @java_test_iby_lines = <JAVA_TEST_IBY>;
   243       close(JAVA_TEST_IBY);
   244   }
   245   my @java_variant_certs_iby_lines;
   247   {
   249       @java_variant_certs_iby_lines = <JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY>;
   250       close(JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY);
   251   }
   252   my @java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines;
   254   {
   256       @java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines = <JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_POLICIES_IBY>;
   258   }
   259   $index = 0;
   260   my $found = 0;
   261   foreach $cert (@certs) {
   262         $found = 0;
   263         foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
   264             if (rindex($java_iby_line, $cert) >= 0) {
   265                 $found = 1;
   266                 last;
   267             }
   268         }
   269         if ($found == 0)
   270         {
   271             foreach $java_variant_certs_iby_line (@java_variant_certs_iby_lines) {
   272                 if (rindex($java_variant_certs_iby_line, $cert) >= 0) {
   273                     $found = 1;
   274                     last;
   275                 }
   276             }
   277         }
   278         if ($found == 0)
   279         {
   280             foreach $java_variant_certs_policies_iby_line (@java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines) {
   281                 if (rindex($java_variant_certs_policies_iby_line, $cert) >= 0) {
   282                     $found = 1;
   283                     last;
   284                 }
   285             }
   286         }
   287         #if ($found == 0)
   288         #{
   289             #foreach $java_test_iby_line (@java_test_iby_lines) {
   290                 #if (rindex($java_test_iby_line, $cert) >= 0) {
   291                     #$found = 1;
   292                     #last;
   293                 #}
   294             #}
   295         #}
   296         if ($found == 1)
   297         {
   298             print "Certificate:\n";
   299             print "  Name: ", $cert , "\n";
   300             print "  Domain: ", $domains[$index];
   301             print "  Path: ", $paths[$index], "\n\n";
   302         }
   303         $index = $index + 1;
   304     }
   305 }
   307 ##############################################################
   308 ##  Removes a certain certificate                           ##
   309 ##############################################################
   310 sub remove_cert()
   311 {
   312     if (! -f "$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1$cert_to_remove")
   313     {
   314         print "\n\nERROR: ", $cert_to_remove, " not found.\n";
   315         exit;
   316     } else
   317     {
   319         $ext = rindex($cert_to_remove, ".");
   320         $file_without_ext = substr($cert_to_remove, 0, $ext);
   322         # modify java.iby
   323        	mkdir "tmp";
   324         open (JAVA_IBY, "$IBY_DIR$JAVA_IBY_FILENAME");
   325         open (JAVA_NEW_IBY, "+>tmp/$JAVA_IBY_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_IBY_FILENAME)\n";
   326         my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
   327         my $found = 0;
   328         foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
   329             if (rindex($java_iby_line, $cert_to_remove) < 0 && rindex($java_iby_line, "$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") < 0)
   330             {
   331                 print JAVA_NEW_IBY $java_iby_line;
   332             }
   333             else
   334             {
   335                 $found = 1;
   336             }
   337         }
   338         close(JAVA_IBY);
   339         close(JAVA_NEW_IBY);
   340         move("tmp/$JAVA_IBY_FILENAME", "$IBY_DIR");
   341         if ($found == 0)
   342         {
   343             if (-f "$IBY_DIR$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME")
   344             {
   345                 open (JAVA_IBY, "$IBY_DIR$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME");
   346                 open (JAVA_NEW_IBY, "+>tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME)\n";
   347                 my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
   348                 my $found = 0;
   349                 foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
   350                     if (rindex($java_iby_line, $cert_to_remove) < 0 && rindex($java_iby_line, "$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") < 0)
   351                     {
   352                         print JAVA_NEW_IBY $java_iby_line;
   353                     }
   354                 }
   355                 close(JAVA_IBY);
   356                 close(JAVA_NEW_IBY);
   357                 move("tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME", "$IBY_DIR");
   358             }         
   359             # check the combined iby file as well
   361             {
   363                 open (JAVA_NEW_IBY, "+>tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_IBY_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_IBY_FILENAME)\n";
   364                 my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
   365                 my $found = 0;
   366                 foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
   367                     if (rindex($java_iby_line, $cert_to_remove) < 0 && rindex($java_iby_line, "$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") < 0)
   368                     {
   369                         print JAVA_NEW_IBY $java_iby_line;
   370                     }
   371                 }
   372                 close(JAVA_IBY);
   373                 close(JAVA_NEW_IBY);
   374                 move("tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_IBY_FILENAME", "$IBY_DIR");
   375             }
   377         }
   379       	unlink("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1$cert_to_remove");
   380       	unlink("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT");
   382       	unlink("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2$cert_to_remove");
   383       	unlink("$CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2$file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT");
   385         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   386     }
   387 }
   389 ##############################################################
   390 ##  Adds new certificates                                   ##
   391 ##############################################################
   392 sub add_certs()
   393 {
   394   $config_file = "./configdata.xml";
   396   my $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => '');
   397   my $xmldata = $xml->XMLin($config_file, forcearray => 1);
   399   my $root_file;
   400   my $root_domain;
   401   my $root_canDelete;
   402   my $root_canDisable;
   403   my $root_file_without_ext;
   404   my $root_file_with_ext;
   405   my $root_state;
   407  	mkdir "tmp";
   408  	mkdir "tmp/certs/";
   409  	if ($deployment_destination eq $ROM)
   410  	{
   411     open (IBY_FILE, "+>tmp/$iby_file_name") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$iby_file_name)\n";
   412     print IBY_FILE   "#ifndef __" . "$iby_name" ."__\n#define __" . "$iby_name" ."__\n\n#include <data_caging_paths_for_iby.hrh>\n\n";
   413   }
   414   else
   415   {
   416     open (PKG_FILE, "+>tmp/$pkg_file_name") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$pkg_file_name)\n";
   417     print PKG_FILE   "&EN\n#{\"$pkg_name\"}" ."$package_type";
   418     open (POLICY_FILE, "+>tmp/update_certs") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/update_certs)\n";
   419     close POLICY_FILE;
   420   }
   422   foreach my $root (@{$xmldata->{root}}) {
   424       # read the xml node
   425       $root_file = $root->{file}->[0];
   426       $root_domain = $root->{domain}->[0];
   427       $root_canDelete = $root->{canDelete}->[0];
   428       $root_canDisable = $root->{canDisable}->[0];
   430      	if ($deployment_destination eq $SIS)
   431  	    {
   432           $root_state = $root->{state}->[0];
   433           if (($root_state ne "") && ($root_state ne "enabled") && ($root_state ne "disabled") && ($root_state ne "removed")) {
   434           	print "ERROR: The values for \"state\" can be either \"enabled\" or \"disabled\" or \"removed\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   435             close IBY_FILE;
   436             close PKG_FILE;
   437             system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   438       	    exit;
   439         }
   440  	    }
   442       # validate the root file
   443      	if (! -f $root_file) {
   444         print "\nERROR: root file $root_file doesn't exist. Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   445         close IBY_FILE;
   446         close PKG_FILE;
   447         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   448         exit;
   449       }
   450       # validate start date of the root
   451       ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
   452       $current_year = $year + 1900;
   453       system("openssl x509 -inform DER -in $root_file -noout -startdate > tmp/startdate.txt");
   454       open(start_date_file, "tmp/startdate.txt"); 
   455       my @start_date = <start_date_file>;
   456       close(start_date_file);
   457       unlink("tmp/startdate.txt");
   458       @start_date_details = split(/ /, $start_date[0]);
   459       my $start_date_year = $start_date_details[3];
   460       if ($start_date_year > $current_year) {
   461         print "\nERROR: root $root_file not yet valid.\n";
   462         close IBY_FILE;
   463         close PKG_FILE;
   464         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   465         exit;
   466       }
   467       # validate end date of the root
   468       system("openssl x509 -inform DER -in $root_file -noout -enddate > tmp/enddate.txt");
   469       open(end_date_file, "tmp/enddate.txt"); 
   470       my @end_date = <end_date_file>;
   471       close(end_date_file);
   472       unlink("tmp/enddate.txt");
   473       @end_date_details = split(/ /, $end_date[0]);
   474       $year_index = 0;
   475       $found_items = 0;
   476       foreach $end_date_detail (@end_date_details) {
   477         if ($found_items == 3)
   478         {
   479             last;   
   480         }
   481         if ($end_date_detail ne "")
   482         {
   483            $found_items = $found_items + 1; 
   484         }
   485         $year_index = $year_index + 1;
   486       }
   487       my $end_date_year = $end_date_details[$year_index];
   488       if ($end_date_year < $current_year) {
   489         print "\nERROR: root $root_file is expired.\n";
   490         close IBY_FILE;
   491         close PKG_FILE;
   492         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   493         exit;
   494       }
   495       #validate the domain
   496       if (($root_domain ne "Manufacturer") && ($root_domain ne "Operator") && ($root_domain ne "OperatorExtra") && ($root_domain ne "IdentifiedThirdParty")) {
   497       	print "\nERROR: the values for \"domain\" can be either \"Manufacturer\" or \"Operator\" or \"OperatorExtra\" or \"IdentifiedThirdParty\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   498         close IBY_FILE;
   499         close PKG_FILE;
   500         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   501       	exit;
   502       }
   503       #validate the canDelete element
   504       if (($root_canDelete ne "") && ($root_canDelete ne "true") && ($root_canDelete ne "false")) {
   505       	print "\nERROR: the values for \"canDelete\" can be either \"true\" or \"false\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   506         close IBY_FILE;
   507         close PKG_FILE;
   508         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   509       	exit;
   510       }
   511       #validate the canDisable element
   512       if (($root_canDisable ne "") && ($root_canDisable ne "true") && ($root_canDisable ne "false")) {
   513       	print "ERROR: The values for \"canDisable\" can be either \"true\" or \"false\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   514         close IBY_FILE;
   515         close PKG_FILE;
   516         system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   517       	exit;
   518       }
   519       # generate the cert metadata and copy the cert & metadata to a tmp folder
   520       system("openssl x509 -inform DER -in $root_file -noout -issuer_hash > tmp/hash.txt");
   521       open(hash_file, "tmp/hash.txt"); 
   522       my @lines = <hash_file>;
   523       close(hash_file);
   524       unlink("tmp/hash.txt");
   525       $start_index = rindex($root_file, "/");
   526       $end_index = rindex($root_file, ".");
   527       if ($start_index >= 0)
   528       {
   529         $root_file_without_ext = substr($root_file, $start_index + 1, $end_index - $start_index - 1);
   530         $root_file_with_ext = substr($root_file, $start_index + 1);
   531       }
   532       else
   533       {
   534         $root_file_without_ext = substr($root_file, 0, $end_index);
   535         $root_file_with_ext = $root_file;
   536       }
   537       open (EXT_FILE, "+>tmp/certs/$root_file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT") or die "Cannot create temp file (tmp/certs/$root_file_without_ext$METADATA_EXT)\n";
   538       print EXT_FILE "name=$root_domain\n";
   539       if ($root_domain eq "Manufacturer")
   540       {
   541           print EXT_FILE "category=MFD\n";
   542       }
   543       if ($root_domain eq "Operator")
   544       {
   545           print EXT_FILE "category=OPD\n";
   546       }
   547       if ($root_domain eq "OperatorExtra")
   548       {
   549           print EXT_FILE "category=OPD\n";
   550       }
   551       if ($root_domain eq "IdentifiedThirdParty")
   552       {
   553           print EXT_FILE "category=ITPD\n";
   554       }
   555       if ($root_canDelete eq "" || $root_canDelete eq "false") {
   556           print EXT_FILE "removable=0\n";
   557       }
   558       else
   559       {
   560           print EXT_FILE "removable=1\n";
   561       }
   562       if ($root_canDisable eq "" || $root_canDisable eq "false") {
   563           print EXT_FILE "disablable=0\n";
   564       }
   565       else
   566       {
   567           print EXT_FILE "disablable=1\n";
   568       }
   569       print EXT_FILE "hash=$lines[0]\n";
   570       close EXT_FILE;
   571       copy($root_file, "tmp/certs/") or die "File $root_file cannot be copied to tmp/";
   572       # strip off the path
   573      	if ($deployment_destination eq $ROM)
   574  	    {
   575           print IBY_FILE "data=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   576           print IBY_FILE $root_file_with_ext;
   577           print IBY_FILE " " ."$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   578           print IBY_FILE $root_file_with_ext;
   579           print IBY_FILE "\ndata=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   580           print IBY_FILE $root_file_without_ext;
   581           print IBY_FILE "$METADATA_EXT " ."$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   582           print IBY_FILE $root_file_without_ext;
   583           print IBY_FILE "$METADATA_EXT\n";
   584       }
   585       else
   586       {
   587           print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/certs/";
   588           print PKG_FILE   $root_file_with_ext;
   589           print PKG_FILE   "\"-\"c:" . "$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   590           print PKG_FILE   $root_file_with_ext;
   591           print PKG_FILE   "\"\n\"./tmp/certs/";
   592           print PKG_FILE   $root_file_without_ext;
   593           print PKG_FILE   "$METADATA_EXT\"-\"c:" ."$CERTS_DATACAGE";
   594           print PKG_FILE   $root_file_without_ext;
   595           print PKG_FILE   "$METADATA_EXT\"\n";
   596           if ($root_state ne "")
   597           {
   598               open (STATE_FILE, "+>tmp/certs/$root_file_without_ext$STATE_EXT") or die "Cannot create temp file (tmp/certs/$root_file_without_ext$STATE_EXT)\n";
   599               binmode STATE_FILE;
   600               my $state;
   601               if ($root_state eq "enabled")
   602               {
   603                 $state = pack("h8", "3000");
   604               }
   605               else
   606               {
   607                   if ($root_state eq "disabled")
   608                   {
   609                     $state = pack("h8", "2000");
   610                   }
   611                   else
   612                   {
   613                      if ($root_state eq "removed")
   614                      {
   615                         $state = pack("h8", "1000");
   616                      }
   617                   }
   618               }
   619               print STATE_FILE $state;
   620               close STATE_FILE;
   621               print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/certs/";
   622               print PKG_FILE   $root_file_without_ext;
   623               print PKG_FILE   "$STATE_EXT\"-\"c:" ."$CERTS_STATE_DATACAGE";
   624               print PKG_FILE   $root_file_without_ext;
   625               print PKG_FILE   "$STATE_EXT\"\n";
   626           }
   627       }
   628   }
   629  	if ($deployment_destination eq $SIS)
   630  	{
   631     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/update_certs\"-\"c:\\private\\102033E6\\security\\tmp\\update_certs\"\n";
   632   }
   633   if ($deploy == 1)
   634   {
   635     print PKG_FILE   "\"\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\"-\"c:\\sys\\bin\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\", FR, RB, RW\n";
   636   }
   638   # copy all the certificates and coresponding metadatas to right locations
   639   @files = <tmp/certs/*>;
   640   foreach $file (@files) {
   641     if ($deployment_destination eq $ROM)
   642     {
   643         copy($file, $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_2);
   644         copy($file, $CERTS_BUILD_DIR_1);
   645     }
   646   }
   647  	if ($deployment_destination eq $ROM)
   648   {
   649       if ($deploy == 1)
   650       {
   651         print IBY_FILE "\n\n#endif\n";
   652       }
   653       close IBY_FILE;
   654   }
   655   else
   656   {
   657       close PKG_FILE;
   658   }
   660   if ($deploy == 1)
   661   {
   662       # generate the iby file and copy it to right location
   663      	if ($deployment_destination eq $ROM)
   664       {
   665           move("tmp/$iby_file_name", "$IBY_DIR");
   666       }
   667       else
   668       {
   669           system("makesis ./tmp/$pkg_file_name ./tmp/tmp.sis");
   670           if (-f $signing_cert && -f $signing_key)
   671           {
   672               $ret = system("signsis ./tmp/tmp.sis $sis_file_name $signing_cert $signing_key");
   673               if ($ret != 0)
   674               {
   675                 $signed_sis = false;
   676               }
   677               else
   678               {
   679                 $signed_sis = true;
   680               }
   681             	unlink("./tmp/tmp.sis");
   682           }
   683           else
   684           {
   685               move("./tmp/tmp.sis", "./$sis_file_name");  
   686           }
   687         	unlink("./tmp/$pkg_file_name");
   688       }
   689     	system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   690   }
   691 }
   693 ##############################################################
   694 ##  Adds a new policy                                       ##
   695 ##############################################################
   696 sub add_policy()
   697 {
   698   $config_file = "./configdata.xml";
   700   my $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => '');
   701   my $xmldata = $xml->XMLin($config_file);
   703   my $policy_name;
   704   my $utp_policy_path;
   705   my $ttp_policy_path;
   706   my $operator_policy_path;
   707   my $manufacturer_policy_path;
   709   # create tmp directory  
   710  	mkdir "tmp";
   711  	mkdir "tmp/policies/";
   712  	mkdir "tmp/policies/external/";
   713  	mkdir "tmp/policies/internal/";
   715   # read the xml node
   716   $policy_name = $xmldata->{policy}->{name};
   717   $s60_version = $xmldata->{s60_version};
   718   $utp_policy_path = $xmldata->{policy}->{unidentifiedthirdparty};
   719   $ttp_policy_path = $xmldata->{policy}->{identifiedthirdparty};
   720   $operator_policy_path = $xmldata->{policy}->{operator};
   721   $manufacturer_policy_path = $xmldata->{policy}->{manufacturer};
   723   # validate the policy name
   724   $tmp_str = lc $policy_name;
   725   if (($policy_name eq "") || ($tmp_str eq "s60") || ($tmp_str eq "msa") || ($tmp_str eq "att")) 
   726   {
   727     if ($policy_name eq "")
   728     {
   729       	print "\nERROR: the name of the policy is mandatory. Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   730     }
   731     else
   732     {
   733       	print "\nERROR: the names \"s60\", \"msa\" and \"att\" are reserved therefore the new policy can not use any of these names. Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   734     }
   735     close IBY_FILE;
   736     system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   737     exit;
   738   }
   740   # validate the policy files
   741  	if (! -f $utp_policy_path || ! -f $ttp_policy_path || ! -f $operator_policy_path || ! -f $manufacturer_policy_path) 
   742  	{
   743     print "\nERROR: the new policy must contain specifications for all the four protection domains. Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   744     system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   745     exit;
   746   }
   748   # prepare the data for the securitypolicyeditor tool
   749   copy($utp_policy_path, "tmp/policies/external/" . "$policy_name" . "_untrusted.txt") or die "File $utp_policy_path cannot be copied to tmp/policies/external/";
   750   copy($ttp_policy_path, "tmp/policies/external/" . "$policy_name" . "_trustedthirdparty.txt") or die "File $ttp_policy_path cannot be copied to tmp/policies/external/";
   751   copy($operator_policy_path, "tmp/policies/external/" . "$policy_name" . "_operator.txt") or die "File $operator_policy_path cannot be copied to tmp/policies/external/";
   752   copy($manufacturer_policy_path, "tmp/policies/external/" . "$policy_name" . "_manufacturer.txt") or die "File $manufacturer_policy_path cannot be copied tmp/policies/external/";
   754   # delegate the securitypolicytool to generate the internal policies
   755   $ret = system("java -cp ./policyeditor/bin/securitypolicyeditor.jar;./policyeditor/lib/engine.jar tmp/policies/external/ tmp/policies/internal/");
   756   if ($ret != 0)
   757   {
   758     system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   759     exit;
   760   }
   762  	if ($deployment_destination eq $SIS)
   763   {
   764     open (POLICY_FILE, "+>tmp/policies/new_policy.txt") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/policies/new_policy.txt)\n";
   765     print POLICY_FILE "$policy_name";
   766     close POLICY_FILE;
   767     $policies_dest = "c:" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC";
   768     if ($s60_version eq "5.0")
   769     {
   770         $policies_dest = "c:" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC_5_0";
   771     }
   773     if ($add_header == 1)
   774     {
   775         open (PKG_FILE, "+>tmp/$pkg_file_name") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$pkg_file_name)\n";
   776         print PKG_FILE   "&EN\n#{\"$pkg_name\"}" ."$package_type";
   777     }
   778     else
   779     {
   780         open (PKG_FILE, ">>tmp/$pkg_file_name") or die "Cannot open tmp file (tmp/$pkg_file_name)\n";
   781     }
   782     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/policies/internal/" . "$policy_name" . "_untrusted.ser\"-\"$policies_dest" .  "$policy_name" . "_untrusted.ser\"\n";
   783     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/policies/internal/" . "$policy_name" . "_trustedthirdparty.ser\"-\"$policies_dest" .  "$policy_name" . "_trustedthirdparty.ser\"\n";
   784     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/policies/internal/" . "$policy_name" . "_operator.ser\"-\"$policies_dest" .  "$policy_name" . "_operator.ser\"\n";
   785     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/policies/internal/" . "$policy_name" . "_manufacturer.ser\"-\"$policies_dest" .  "$policy_name" . "_manufacturer.ser\"\n";
   786     print PKG_FILE   "\"./tmp/policies/new_policy.txt\"-\"c:\\private\\102033E6\\security\\tmp\\new_policy.txt\"\n";
   787     print PKG_FILE   "\"\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\"-\"c:\\sys\\bin\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\", FR, RB, RW\n";
   788     close PKG_FILE;
   789   }
   790   else
   791   {
   792     if ($add_header == 1)
   793     {
   794         open (IBY_FILE, "+>tmp/$iby_file_name") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$iby_file_name)\n";
   795         print IBY_FILE   "#ifndef __" ."$iby_name" ."__\n#define __" . "$iby_name" ."__\n\n#include <data_caging_paths_for_iby.hrh>\n\n";
   796     }
   797     else
   798     {
   799         open (IBY_FILE, ">>tmp/$iby_file_name") or die "Cannot open tmp file (tmp/$iby_file_name)\n";
   800     }
   801     print IBY_FILE "data=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC" . "$policy_name" . "_untrusted.ser " ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_DEST" . "$policy_name" . "_untrusted.ser\n";
   802     print IBY_FILE "data=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC" . "$policy_name" . "_trustedthirdparty.ser ". "$POLICIES_DATACAGE_DEST" . "$policy_name" . "_trustedthirdparty.ser\n";
   803     print IBY_FILE "data=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC" . "$policy_name" . "_operator.ser " ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_DEST" . "$policy_name" . "_operator.ser\n";
   804     print IBY_FILE "data=ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR\\z" ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_SRC" . "$policy_name" . "_manufacturer.ser " ."$POLICIES_DATACAGE_DEST" . "$policy_name" . "_manufacturer.ser\n";
   805     print IBY_FILE "\n\n#endif\n";
   806     close IBY_FILE;
   807   }
   809   # deploy the policy  
   810   if ($deploy == 1)
   811   {
   812      	if ($deployment_destination eq $SIS)
   813       {
   814         system("makesis ./tmp/$pkg_file_name ./tmp/tmp.sis");
   815         if (-f $signing_cert && -f $signing_key)
   816         {
   817             $ret = system("signsis ./tmp/tmp.sis $sis_file_name $signing_cert $signing_key");
   818             if ($ret != 0)
   819             {
   820               $signed_sis = false;
   821             }
   822             else
   823             {
   824               $signed_sis = true;
   825             }
   826         }
   827         else
   828         {
   829             move("./tmp/tmp.sis", "./$sis_file_name");  
   830         }
   831       }
   832       else
   833       {
   834         move("tmp/$iby_file_name", "$IBY_DIR");
   835         # copy all the policies to right locations
   836         @files = <tmp/policies/internal/*>;
   837         foreach $file (@files) {
   838             copy($file, $POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_2);
   839             copy($file, $POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_1);
   840         }
   841         # update the S60 configuration tool conf data
   842         my $xs = new XML::Simple(rootname   => 'configuration', searchpath => ".", suppressempty => '', forcearray => 1);
   843         my $input_confml = $xs->XMLin("$CONFML_DATA_DIR" ."javasecurity.confml");
   844         $input_confml->{feature}->{'Java Security Configuration'}->{setting}->{Policy}->{option}->{"" . "$policy_name"} = {value => "" . "$policy_name"};
   845         my $output_confml = $xs->XMLout($input_confml);
   846         open (OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE, "+>tmp/javasecurity.confml") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/javasecurity.confml)\n";
   847         print OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE   "$output_confml";
   848         close OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE;
   849         move("tmp/javasecurity.confml", "$CONFML_DATA_DIR") or die "Can not move tmp/javasecurity.confml to $CONFML_DATA_DIR";
   850       }
   852       # remove tmp directory
   853     	system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   854   }
   855 }
   857 ##############################################################
   858 ##  Selects a certain policy                                ##
   859 ##############################################################
   860 sub set_policy()
   861 {
   862   $config_file = "./configdata.xml";
   864   my $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => '');
   865   my $xmldata = $xml->XMLin($config_file);
   867   my $policy_name;
   869   # create tmp directory  
   870  	mkdir "tmp";
   872   # read the xml node
   873   $policy_name = $xmldata->{policy}->{name};
   875   # validate the policy name
   876   $tmp_str = lc $policy_name;
   877   if (($tmp_str ne "s60") && ($tmp_str ne "msa") && ($tmp_str ne "att"))
   878   {
   879    	print "\nERROR: the name of the policy is mandatory and it can be either \"s60\", \"msa\" or \"att\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   880     system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   881     exit;
   882   }
   884   open (POLICY_FILE, "+>tmp/new_policy.txt") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/new_policy.txt)\n";
   885   print POLICY_FILE "$policy_name";
   886   close POLICY_FILE;
   887   open (PKG_FILE, "+>tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME)\n";
   888   print PKG_FILE   "&EN\n#{\"JavaSecurityPolicySelector\"}" ."$package_type";
   889   print PKG_FILE   "\".\\tmp\\new_policy.txt\"-\"c:\\private\\102033E6\\security\\tmp\\new_policy.txt\"\n";
   890   print PKG_FILE   "\"\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\"-\"c:\\sys\\bin\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\", FR, RB, RW\n";
   891   close PKG_FILE;
   892   system("makesis ./tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME ./tmp/tmp.sis");
   893   if (-f $signing_cert && -f $signing_key)
   894   {
   895       $ret = system("signsis ./tmp/tmp.sis $JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME $signing_cert $signing_key");
   896       if ($ret != 0)
   897       {
   898         $signed_sis = false;
   899       }
   900       else
   901       {
   902         $signed_sis = true;
   903       }
   904   }
   905   else
   906   {
   907       move("./tmp/tmp.sis", "./$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME");  
   908   }
   910   # remove tmp directory
   911 	system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   912 }
   914 ##############################################################
   915 ##  Selects the security warnings mode                      ##
   916 ##############################################################
   917 sub set_warnings_mode()
   918 {
   919   $config_file = "./configdata.xml";
   921   my $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => '');
   922   my $xmldata = $xml->XMLin($config_file);
   924   my $policy_name;
   926   # create tmp directory  
   927  	mkdir "tmp";
   929   # read the xml node
   930   $warnings_mode = $xmldata->{warningsmode};
   932   # validate the policy name
   933   if (($warnings_mode ne "user") && ($warnings_mode ne "default"))
   934   {
   935    	print "\nERROR: the warnings mode is mandatory and it can be either \"user\" or \"default\". Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
   936     system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   937     exit;
   938   }
   940   open (WARNINGS_MODE_FILE, "+>tmp/new_warnings_mode.txt") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/new_warnings_mode.txt)\n";
   941   if ($warnings_mode eq "user")
   942   {
   943     print WARNINGS_MODE_FILE "1";
   944   }
   945   else
   946   {
   947     print WARNINGS_MODE_FILE "2";
   948   }
   949   close WARNINGS_MODE_FILE;
   950   open (PKG_FILE, "+>tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME)\n";
   951   print PKG_FILE   "&EN\n#{\"JavaSecurityWarningsModeSelector\"}" ."$package_type";
   952   print PKG_FILE   "\".\\tmp\\new_warnings_mode.txt\"-\"c:\\private\\102033E6\\security\\tmp\\new_warnings_mode.txt\"\n";
   953   print PKG_FILE   "\"\\epoc32\\release\\armv5\\urel\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\"-\"c:\\sys\\bin\\javasecuritycustomization.exe\", FR, RB, RW\n";
   954   close PKG_FILE;
   955   system("makesis ./tmp/$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_PKG_FILENAME ./tmp/tmp.sis");
   956   if (-f $signing_cert && -f $signing_key)
   957   {
   958       $ret = system("signsis ./tmp/tmp.sis $JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME $signing_cert $signing_key");
   959       if ($ret != 0)
   960       {
   961         $signed_sis = false;
   962       }
   963       else
   964       {
   965         $signed_sis = true;
   966       }
   967   }
   968   else
   969   {
   970       move("./tmp/tmp.sis", "./$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME");  
   971   }
   973   # remove tmp directory
   974 	system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
   975 }
   977 ##############################################################
   978 ##  Lists all the policies                                  ##
   979 ##############################################################
   980 sub list_policies()
   981 {
   982   @files = <$POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_1*_*.ser>;
   983   @policies;
   984   foreach $file (@files) {
   985     $start_index = rindex($file, "/");
   986     $end_index = rindex($file, "_");
   987     $file_without_ext = substr($file, $start_index + 1, $end_index - $start_index - 1);
   988     if (! grep {$_ eq $file_without_ext} @policies) {
   989         push(@policies, $file_without_ext);
   990     }
   991   }
   992   @files = <$POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_2*_*.ser>;
   993   foreach $file (@files) {
   994     $start_index = rindex($file, "/");
   995     $end_index = rindex($file, "_");
   996     $file_without_ext = substr($file, $start_index + 1, $end_index - $start_index - 1);
   997     if (! grep {$_ eq $file_without_ext} @policies) {
   998         push(@policies, $file_without_ext);
   999     }
  1000   }
  1001   # display only the policies which are found inside java.iby or javatest.iby
  1003   my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
  1004   close(JAVA_IBY);
  1005   my @java_test_iby_lines;
  1007   {
  1009       @java_test_iby_lines = <JAVA_TEST_IBY>;
  1010       close(JAVA_TEST_IBY);
  1011   }
  1012   my @java_variant_policy_iby_lines;
  1014   {
  1016       @java_variant_policy_iby_lines = <JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY>;
  1017       close(JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY);
  1018   }
  1019   my @java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines;
  1021   {
  1023       @java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines = <JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_POLICIES_IBY>;
  1025   }
  1026   my $found = 0;
  1027   foreach $policy (@policies) {
  1028       $found = 0;
  1029       foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
  1030           if (rindex($java_iby_line, "$policy" . "_") >= 0) {
  1031             $found = 1;
  1032             last;
  1033           }
  1034       }
  1035       if ($found == 0)
  1036       {
  1037           foreach $java_variant_policy_iby_line (@java_variant_policy_iby_lines) {
  1038               if (rindex($java_variant_policy_iby_line, "$policy" . "_") >= 0) {
  1039                   $found = 1;
  1040                   last;
  1041               }
  1042           }
  1043       }
  1044       if ($found == 0)
  1045       {
  1046           foreach $java_variant_certs_policies_iby_line (@java_variant_certs_policies_iby_lines) {
  1047               if (rindex($java_variant_certs_policies_iby_line, "$policy" . "_") >= 0) {
  1048                   $found = 1;
  1049                   last;
  1050               }
  1051           }
  1052       }
  1053       #if ($found == 0)
  1054       #{
  1055           #foreach $java_test_iby_line (@java_test_iby_lines) {
  1056               #if (rindex($java_test_iby_line, "$policy" . "_") >= 0) {
  1057                   #$found = 1;
  1058                   #last;
  1059               #}
  1060           #}
  1061       #}
  1062       if ($found == 1)
  1063       {
  1064         print "Policy:\n";
  1065         print "  Name: ", $policy , "\n";
  1066       }
  1067   }
  1068 }
  1070 ##############################################################
  1071 ##  Removes a certain policy                               ##
  1072 ##############################################################
  1073 sub remove_policy()
  1074 {
  1075   $tmp_str = lc $policy_to_remove;
  1076   if (($tmp_str eq "s60") || ($tmp_str eq "msa") || ($tmp_str eq "att"))
  1077   {
  1078       print "\n\nERROR: 's60', 'msa' and 'att' are build in policies and can not be removed.\n";
  1079       exit;
  1080   } 
  1081   $policy_found = 0;
  1082   @files = <$POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_1*_*.ser>;
  1083   foreach $file (@files) {
  1084     $index = rindex($file, $policy_to_remove);
  1085     if ($index >= 0)
  1086     {
  1087       	unlink("$file");
  1088         $policy_found = 1;
  1089     }
  1090   }
  1091   @files = <$POLICIES_BUILD_DIR_2*_*.ser>;
  1092   foreach $file (@files) {
  1093       $index = rindex($file, $policy_to_remove);
  1094       if ($index >= 0)
  1095       {
  1096           $policy_found = 1;
  1097         	unlink("$file");
  1098       }
  1099   }
  1100   if ($policy_found == 0)
  1101   {
  1102       print "\n\nERROR: The policy $policy_to_remove was not found.\n";
  1103       exit;
  1104   }
  1105  # modify java_variant_policy.iby
  1106  mkdir "tmp";
  1108  {
  1110      open (JAVA_NEW_IBY, "+>tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY_FILENAME") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY_FILENAME)\n";
  1111      my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
  1112      my $found = 0;
  1113      foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
  1114         if (rindex($java_iby_line, $policy_to_remove) < 0 || rindex($java_iby_line, ".ser") < 0)
  1115         {
  1116             print JAVA_NEW_IBY $java_iby_line;
  1117         }
  1118         else
  1119         {
  1120             $found = 1;
  1121         }
  1122      }
  1123      close(JAVA_IBY);
  1124      close(JAVA_NEW_IBY);
  1125      move("tmp/$JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY_FILENAME", "$IBY_DIR");
  1126  }
  1127  # same for the combined iby file
  1129  {
  1132      my @java_iby_lines = <JAVA_IBY>;
  1133      my $found = 0;
  1134      foreach $java_iby_line (@java_iby_lines) {
  1135         if (rindex($java_iby_line, $policy_to_remove) < 0 || rindex($java_iby_line, ".ser") < 0)
  1136         {
  1137             print JAVA_NEW_IBY $java_iby_line;
  1138         }
  1139         else
  1140         {
  1141             $found = 1;
  1142         }
  1143      }
  1144      close(JAVA_IBY);
  1145      close(JAVA_NEW_IBY);
  1147  }
  1149  # update the S60 configuration tool conf data
  1150  my $xs = new XML::Simple(rootname   => 'configuration', searchpath => ".", suppressempty => '', forcearray => 1);
  1151  my $input_confml = $xs->XMLin("$CONFML_DATA_DIR" ."javasecurity.confml");
  1152  $input_confml->{data}->[0]->{KJavaSecurity}->[0]->{KPolicy}->[0] = 's60';
  1153  delete $input_confml->{feature}->{'Java Security Configuration'}->{setting}->{Policy}->{option}->{"" . "$policy_to_remove"};
  1154  my $output_confml = $xs->XMLout($input_confml);
  1155  open (OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE, "+>tmp/javasecurity.confml") or die "Cannot create tmp file (tmp/javasecurity.confml)\n";
  1156  print OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE   "$output_confml";
  1157  close OUTPUT_CONFML_FILE;
  1158  move("tmp/javasecurity.confml", "$CONFML_DATA_DIR") or die "Can not move tmp/javasecurity.confml to $CONFML_DATA_DIR";
  1160  system("rmdir tmp /s /q");
  1161 }
  1163 sub init
  1164 {
  1165     $config_file = "./configdata.xml";
  1167     my $xml = new XML::Simple(suppressempty => '');
  1168     my $xmldata = $xml->XMLin($config_file);
  1170     $signing_cert = $xmldata->{signing}->{cert};
  1171     $signing_key = $xmldata->{signing}->{key};
  1173     $package_type = $xmldata->{deploytype};
  1174     if (($package_type ne "") && ($package_type ne "removable") && ($package_type ne "non-removable"))
  1175     {
  1176         print "\nERROR: when specified, the type of the deployment package can have one of the two values: 'removable' or 'non-removable'. Please check the configuration file $config_file\n";
  1177         exit;
  1178     }
  1179     if (($package_type eq "") || ($package_type eq "non-removable"))
  1180     {
  1181         $package_type = $NON_REMOVABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE;
  1182     }
  1183     else
  1184     {
  1185         $package_type = $REMOVABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE;
  1186     }
  1187 }
  1190 ##############################################################
  1191 ##  Main function                                           ##
  1192 ##############################################################
  1193 sub main
  1194 {
  1195     # do initializations
  1196     init();
  1198     # parse arguments
  1199     $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
  1200     foreach $argnum (0 .. $#ARGV) 
  1201     {
  1202         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "addcerts")
  1203         {
  1204             $deployment_destination = $ROM;
  1205             $deploy = 1;
  1206             $iby_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY_FILENAME;
  1207             $iby_name = "JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_IBY";
  1208             add_certs();
  1209             print "\n\nAdding of certificates was succesfull.\n";
  1210             exit;
  1211         }
  1212         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "listcerts")
  1213         {
  1214             list_certs();
  1215             exit;
  1216         }
  1217         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "removecert")
  1218         {
  1219             if ($ARGV[$argnum + 1] eq "")
  1220             {
  1221                 next;
  1222             }
  1223             $cert_to_remove = $ARGV[$argnum + 1];
  1224             remove_cert();
  1225             print "\n\nThe certificate $cert_to_remove was succesfully removed.\n";
  1226             exit;
  1227         }
  1228         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "deploycerts")
  1229         {
  1230             $deployment_destination = $SIS;
  1231             $deploy = 1;
  1232             $pkg_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_PKG_FILENAME;
  1233             $pkg_name = "JavaCustomCertificates";
  1234             $sis_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_SIS_FILENAME;
  1235             add_certs();
  1236             if ($signed_sis eq "true")
  1237             {
  1238                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created and it can be installed into a device which has the signing certificate '$signing_cert' in place.\n";
  1239             }
  1240             else
  1241             {
  1242                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created. In order to be succesfully deployed into a device the deployment package needs to be signed by Nokia.\n";
  1243             }
  1244             exit;
  1245         }
  1246         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "listpolicies")
  1247         {
  1248             list_policies();
  1249             exit;
  1250         }
  1251         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "addpolicy")
  1252         {
  1253             $deployment_destination = $ROM;
  1254             $add_header = 1;
  1255             $deploy = 1;
  1256             $iby_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY_FILENAME;
  1257             $iby_name = "JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_IBY";
  1258             add_policy();
  1259             print "\n\nAdding of the new policy was succesfull.\n";
  1260             exit;
  1261         }
  1262         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "removepolicy")
  1263         {
  1264             if ($ARGV[$argnum + 1] eq "")
  1265             {
  1266                 next;
  1267             }
  1268             $policy_to_remove = $ARGV[$argnum + 1];
  1269             remove_policy();
  1270             print "\n\nThe policy $policy_to_remove was succesfully removed.\n";
  1271             exit;
  1272         }
  1273         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "deploypolicy")
  1274         {
  1275             $deployment_destination = $SIS;
  1276             $deploy = 1;
  1277             $add_header = 1;
  1278             $pkg_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_PKG_FILENAME;
  1279             $pkg_name = "JavaCustomSecurityPolicy";
  1280             $sis_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_SIS_FILENAME;
  1281             add_policy();
  1282             if ($signed_sis eq "true")
  1283             {
  1284                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created and it can be installed into a device which has the signing certificate '$signing_cert' in place.\n";
  1285             }
  1286             else
  1287             {
  1288                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_POLICY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created. In order to be succesfully deployed into a device the deployment package needs to be signed by Nokia.\n";
  1289             }
  1290             exit;
  1291         }
  1292         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "deployall")
  1293         {
  1294             $deployment_destination = $SIS;
  1295             $deploy = 0;
  1296             $pkg_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_PKG_FILENAME;
  1297             $pkg_name = "JavaCustomSecurityCertsAndPolicy";
  1298             $sis_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_SIS_FILENAME;
  1299             add_certs();
  1300             $add_header = 0;
  1301             $deploy = 1;
  1302             add_policy();
  1303             if ($signed_sis eq "true")
  1304             {
  1305                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created and it can be installed into a device which has the signing certificate '$signing_cert' in place.\n";
  1306             }
  1307             else
  1308             {
  1309                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created. In order to be succesfully deployed into a device the deployment package needs to be signed by Nokia.\n";
  1310             }
  1311             exit;
  1312         }
  1313         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "addall")
  1314         {
  1315             $deployment_destination = $ROM;
  1316             $deploy = 0;
  1317             $iby_file_name = $JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_AND_POLICIES_IBY_FILENAME;
  1318             $iby_name = "JAVA_VARIANT_CERTS_POLICIES_IBY";
  1319             add_certs();
  1320             $add_header = 0;
  1321             $deploy = 1;
  1322             add_policy();
  1323             print "\n\nAdding of the new certificates and policy was succesfull.\n";
  1324             exit;
  1325         }
  1326         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "setpolicy")
  1327         {
  1328             set_policy();
  1329             if ($signed_sis eq "true")
  1330             {
  1331                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created and it can be installed into a device which has the signing certificate '$signing_cert' in place.\n";
  1332             }
  1333             else
  1334             {
  1335                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created. In order to be succesfully deployed into a device the deployment package needs to be signed by Nokia.\n";
  1336             }
  1337             exit;
  1338         }
  1339         if ($ARGV[$argnum] eq "setwarningsmode")
  1340         {
  1341             set_warnings_mode();
  1342             if ($signed_sis eq "true")
  1343             {
  1344                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created and it can be installed into a device which has the signing certificate '$signing_cert' in place.\n";
  1345             }
  1346             else
  1347             {
  1348                 print "\n\nThe deployment package '$JAVA_CUSTOM_SECURITY_SIS_FILENAME' was succesfully created. In order to be succesfully deployed into a device the deployment package needs to be signed by Nokia.\n";
  1349             }
  1350             exit;
  1351         }
  1352     }
  1353     usage();
  1354 }
  1356 &main();